Gay Erotic Stories

Muscular Mike

by Derek Flex

The doorbell rang. I sighed, knowing the dishwasher fixit man was finally here. I opened the front door. Standing before me was the largest, most muscular and handsome man I had ever seen--in person or pictures. He was at least 6’5” with short flat-top black hair. His eyes sparkled and his white teeth smiled a perfect smile. His neck was like a linebacker’s, and his traps bulged out from his shoulders. From the look of his face, I could tell he was extremely lean. “Hi. My name’s Mike. I’m here to fix your dishwasher,” he said. I just stared. He was wearing a dark blue work jacket. His shoulders were wider than I thought was possible on a man. They looked like they were the size of bowling balls. And even with his clothes on, I could see the definition between his shoulders and his triceps. His arms were huge. This guy’s guns bulged out from his side like two watermelons. Under his unzipped jacket he wore a tight, dark blue T-shirt. It showed every necessary detail. His Pecs pushed against his jacket and made it stick out and hang probably two inches over his tight abs. His torso narrowed unbelievably to his tiny waist. His waist had to be only 29 or 30 inches! Beneath his waist his massive quads pushed against his blue jeans, filling them with muscle. “Did you need your dishwasher fixed?” he asked with a cute inquisitive look. “Oh, yeah,” I stammered. “Come on in.” We entered and I shut the door. “I’m sorry, I just went brain-dead there for a minute.” I tried to regain my composure, but I’m sure I was falling all over myself. “That’s O.K.,” he smiled. “I’m used to people looking at me funny. It kinda goes with the territory of being a bodybuilder,” he said. “Oh, I didn’t mean to look at you funny,” I said. “I was just kinda caught off-guard by how huge and massive you are. Oh– the kitchen’s back here.” We walked back to the kitchen. As we walked, Mike said “Well, I know some people kinda get turned off by my big muscles.” I was quick to interject, “Well I hope you didn’t think I was turned off by your bodybuilding. Actually, I admire a man who can discipline himself to build his muscles. But you obviously have some incredible genetics, too. You look amazing!” “Thanks,” he said. “I guess I was a little blessed to begin with. My waist is only 29 inches.” “Man!” I exclaimed. “How tall are you?” “Six foot five,” he said. “I weigh 315 pounds. My body fat is 4.6 percent.” “That is amazing!” I said. “You must have won every bodybuilding contest you have ever entered!” “Well, actually that’s true,” he said. “But I have only entered one. I won Mr. Teen Idaho three years ago.” “You were a teenager three years ago?” I gasped. “You are so huge!” “I just turned 22 last month,” he smiled. His smile could render anyone helpless. I melted every time he looked at me and smiled. He was so massive, and yet he had a young healthy look to him. Lots of the huge professionals have skin that is old or drug-worn looking. But not this guy. He was the biggest man I could imagine, and yet he was lean and handsome. I explained the dishwasher problem and Mike set his toolbox down. “Mind if I watch?” I asked as I lifted myself to sit up on the counter on the other side of the kitchen. “Not at all,” Mike said. “Mind if I take off this jacket while I work?” “Go right ahead,” I choked a little as the words came out. My penis was already hard in my pants. My heart started pounding. Mike slowly started to pull at his jacket. He seemed to be teasing me. He kept his eyes right on me as I stared at him. He slowly pulled the jacket off. I couldn’t hide my amazement at his beautiful body. It was perfect in every way. Total symmetry. Total musculature. Total development. Unbelievable broad shoulders, narrow waist. Thick legs. His dark blue T-shirt hugged every muscle, as if not wanting to let go. His arm muscles danced as he placed his jacket on a chair. His triceps bulged as he moved his hands. Then his biceps pumped and bulged in response. His short shirt-sleeves overflowed with muscles. His blood vessels bulged everywhere. His pecs pulsed as they hung way out over his abs. His skin was so lean! He smiled that killer smile again, as I sat on the counter, about five feet away from him, with my mouth open. I’m not sure, but I think he purposely danced his pecs for me, just for a split second. “Would you like me to put it back on?” he grinned. “NO. Not at all,” I stammered. “You are incredible!” “Thanks,” he replied. “It kinda nice to find someone who appreciates the work I do on my physique. Most people try not to show their reaction, but I appreciate seeing your vote of confidence.” “I’m sorry,” I said. “I didn’t mean to gawk.” He laughed. “Gawking is O.K. It just makes me feel good.” “How big are your arms?” I asked. “Twenty-three inches, cold. I can pump them up to twenty-five,” he smiled. “Wow. Geez!” I said. Mike bent down and began working on the dishwasher. His glutes and quads gave quite a good show as he worked. His lats hung over the floor like a hovering flying saucer. “Why did you only enter one contest?” I asked. He kept adjusting and working and said, “Oh, I don’t know. I guess I realized that I didn’t like getting up in front of a bunch of people like that. I’m not into big crowds. I do a lot of posing though. In fact, I pose for a few hours every day.” He reached for another tool and continued working. “It’s a great aerobic workout if you do it right. I usually do that at home in the mornings. Sometimes I pose for people, but only in private situations. I guess I’m not into the crowds, only one-on-one gawking,” he laughed. I chuckled. “How about you?” he said. “Have you ever been to a bodybuilding contest?” “No,” I answered. “I think it would be cool to see one, but I guess I’m only into one-on-one gawking too.” I smiled. I hoped my reference to what I wanted wasn’t too obvious. “Well,” he said. “Since we both feel the same way about a man displaying his muscles for someone, would you ever be interested in watching my posing routine?” I couldn’t believe my ears. My heart raced. My mouth dried, and I couldn’t answer. “I mean,” he added, “You just seem to be interested in bodybuilding and muscular development.” I finally found a breath and said “Oh man! That would be totally awesome. Are you serious?” “Sure!” he said. “I am done here. Your dishwasher is fixed. You’re my last stop today. Do you have time now?” “Now would be fantastic,” I said. Mike stood up and set his tools in his box. He gently flexed his pecs again and said “Well, great. Is there somewhere you’d like to go?” “Yeah, let’s go up to my bedroom,” I said. “Ah, the bedroom,” he smiled. “I do some of my best posing in bedrooms.” I led him up the stairs, which was disappointing, because I would have enjoyed the view had he led. We went into my bedroom and he closed the door behind us. “Now before I start taking my clothes off, how about checking these arms out a little closer,” he said. He brought both arms up and flexed them right in front of me. “Go ahead. They aren’t painful, just powerful,” he smiled. His massive arms bulged. They were so huge. Blood veins crisscrossed them. He looked at me and could tell they were too much for me, so he put one arm down and smiled “Maybe just one at a time would be easier to handle at first.” His tricep hung down and his bicep came to a softball sized peak. He twisted his huge forearm and made his bicep dance. He brought his other hand up and gently pulled the T-shirt back to expose more. He squeezed his arm with his other hand and smiled. “Pretty hard,” he said. I thought to myself “Not as hard as my penis is right now.” I brought both hands up and placed them on his 23 inch arm. He smiled and slowly flexed and pulsed the muscles. His skin was warm and soft. But underneath was rock-hard muscle. I ran my hands around the top, back, bottom and front, trying to encircle the mass. I couldn’t. Mike laughed a little. “Yeah, you would need bigger hands,” he said. Then he straightened out his arm and flexed his tricep for me. I squeezed his horsehoe as he flexed for me. “Man,” I said. “This is amazing.” Mike brought his forearm up again and flexed his bicep for another minute, while I squeezed and felt his beautiful arm. “I have always admired men with big arms,” Mike said. “So I wanted to build mine up to let others admire mine,” he smiled. “Well, I do,” I said. “Yeah, and I kinda like it,” he said. Mike put his arm down to his side and said “Now check out these traps.” He squeezed into a most muscular pose. His neck and his traps grew. They bulged up higher and higher. He waited for me to touch them. I brought my hands up and placed them on each trap and gently squeezed. Muscular Mike smiled. I could tell he liked the physical touching. I moved my hands up and felt his tree-trunk neck. Mike slowly dropped his head back and his neck bulged even more. “Your neck is so strong,” I said. Mike closed his eyes as I massaged his neck and traps. They were warm, and hard as rocks. “Oh, man that feels good,” he sighed. “I didn’t know I was so tight. You have a really nice touch.” I massaged and felt his neck and traps for another minute, and then slowly moved my hands out to his delts. His shoulders should have required a special highway trip permit, they were so wide. Mike brought his head forward and opened his eyes. He smiled at and watched my hands as I felt his shoulders through his T-shirt. “The nice thing about one-on-one is that you can inspect things more closely,” he said. “Yeah,” I agreed. “It would be pretty hard to do this with other people around.” I moved my little hands over and around his broad shoulders as he stood there. Then I brought them down and felt his arms as they hung at his side. His triceps bulged out and I smiled as I caressed them with my fingers. My hard-on grew. I was fully erect in my pants, and I was afraid I was going to cum any minute. And he still was fully clothed! Mike started to move his pec muscles slowly. His chest rippled. It was so massive. I wanted to touch it so bad, but I was afraid to take this next step. A man’s chest is a very sexual thing to me, and I was afraid of being too obviously attracted to his muscular pecs. I didn’t want him to know. But he had to know, didn’t he? I could see his nipples through the fabric. He danced his pecs again, teasing me. “I always think that is so cool, when bodybuilders make their chest do that,” I said. “Yeah,” he answered. “It feels pretty cool, too– to feel the pecs flex and bulge.” He took my hands and brought them up to his chest, then he slowly flexed them for me. My penis was probably sticking up above my belt, but I didn’t want to check. “See?” he said. “Oh, that is awesome. Do that again,” I said. Mike moved his pecs again. He flexed and I felt them. I moved my hands in to the center and then out to the edge where they hung in all their glory. I gently squeezed them. He danced them again and again, in rhythm. For a few minutes he flexed and pumped his chest, and I squeezed and touched them. They were massive and warm. “You know, maybe you could get a better feel if you put your hands under my shirt,” he said. “That way you can really check out my development.” Mike lifted his T-shirt from the front of his pants, and invited me in. I moved my hands slowly up his torso. “Your abs!” I gasped. “They’re so defined and deep!” My fingers moved slowly over the ridges. I took my time and felt his warm tight skin as it covered his muscular torso. Mike just smiled as I continued my little journey up his chest. My fingers touched his nipples and Mike grinned. He slowly flexed his pecs again and again. My pre-cum was getting my shorts wet. His massive chest was so big and warm and muscular. Suddenly– orgasm. It came very quickly. As my hands rested on Mikes pecs, I gave two little jerks with my body. There were more jerks inside my pants, and my hands jerked a little as I finished, but the first two were the only ones that made my whole body move. I didn’t know what to do. Fortunately my penis was still totally enclosed, but my shorts were wet. Mike grinned. “I don’t think I’ve ever had that happen before,” he said, smiling. “At least not this early in the program.” “Oops,” I said. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t control it.” “Don’t worry about it,” Mike smiled. I brought my hands out from under his shirt. “Do you need to clean up?” he asked. “No. I’m O.K., as long as you aren’t bothered,” I said. “Not at all,” he said. “I kinda like it. I guess my hard work has paid off.” Then he brought his face close to mine and gently kissed me. It was a quick kiss, but it got my heart racing again. “If I take my shirt off now,” he said, “will you be having another problem with a mess in your pants?” he grinned. “I can’t make any guarantees,” I smiled. Muscular Mike slowly started pulling his T-shirt out. I couldn’t believe it, but my penis started growing again. He lifted the shirt up and over his head and threw it on the floor. He just stood there. There was no hair on his lean, powerful, huge, muscular body. He was incredible. His broad shoulders dominated. His chest was bulging and taut. His arms looked like watermelons. His six-pack was deep and muscular. His tiny waist narrowed into his jeans and then bulged out to his massive quads. “You are the most incredibly built man I have ever seen,” I said. “Well, it’s nice that you think so,” he said. He took his massive hand and moved it onto my crotch and gently squeezed my erect penis through my pants. “I’m glad you feel that way,” he said. “But I really do think we should clean this up a little. –Here.” He lightly pulled my pants out and down just an inch or two to expose the head of my wet penis. It was covered with milky cum. Then he bent over and stuck his warm tongue down the side of my penis and began to lick up the cum inside my underwear. Once he finished one side, he brought his tongue up and then shoved it down the other side. His tongue must have gone 3 or 4 inches down the side of my shaft! I ran my hands over his big shoulders and lats as he drank up the milk. Uncontrollably, I started to ejaculate once again. Mike let out a cute little groan and started sucking. He placed his lips firmly around my penis head and sucked gently as each squirt filled his mouth. He swallowed it all. His lips felt so good on the tip of my penis. When I was done, Muscular Mike looked up at me and said “All done? I was still a little thirsty.” “Well, I’m sure there’s more where that came from,” I said. He stood up and said “I bet I can get a few more teaspoonfuls later on.” “I have no doubt,” I smiled. Mike began unbuckling his pants. He unzipped his zipper and slowly pulled his jeans down to the floor. He took off his socks. He stood before me wearing only a thong strap. His waist was so small and his quads were so huge! His strap covered his genitals, but nothing else. His soccer-ball sized glutes were totally exposed. Inside the strap I could see he was growing. His penis was thick and long. Longer than I expected. “Would you be able to massage my quads?” he asked. I didn’t answer. I just moved closer and put my hands on his shoulders. I slowly moved my hands over his traps and shoulders, arms and chest. I said “I’d be glad to, but it might take me a minute to find them.” Mike grinned. “Take your time.” He flexed as I moved my hands over his bulging arms and dancing chest. Then I got real close and brought my hands around to his back and squeezed his lats. Our faces were real close. Mike leaned forward and kissed me again. This time it was slow and passionate. He opened my mouth with his tongue and gently slipped his tongue inside. I moved my hands down to his glutes. He slowly flexed one, then the other. They sat high. I could almost rest my hands on the shelf that his glutes formed as they stuck out from his back. I squeezed more, and moved my fingers into his crack, working to separate his powerful glutes. He was so strong. I couldn’t have gotten my finger to his hole if he hadn’t relaxed his butt muscles to let me in. Mike explored each corner of my mouth with his tongue. I could tell he was enjoying himself. I teased him a little with my finger. I went into his asshole an inch or two and then came back out. Muscular Mike liked it. I did it again. We must have kissed for 3 or 4 minutes as I played with his glutes and hole. Finally we separated. I looked at Mike’s posing strap. “Wow,” I said. “For someone who kisses so passionately, I would think you’d be a little more excited than that.” “I have a lot of control,” he smiled. “I just want this to last awhile.” I slipped my fingers under the sides of his posing strap. His waist was so small! I moved my fingers around to the front and then slipped them out and moved them over the fabric covering his genitals. I squeezed gently. “I wonder how much self control you really have,” I grinned. “Now that would be fun to find out,” he smiled. I moved my hand up and down over his fabric-covered penis and balls. They were huge, and growing more and more. I squeezed. I took my other hand and started feeling his powerful arm. He flexed. I moved my hand over his chest. He flexed. With my other hand I squeezed his posing strap. His genitals jumped as he flexed them. “Now there’s a muscle I would like to check out,” I said as he flexed his genitals. “Go right ahead,” Mike said. “It’s my favorite muscle.” I slipped my fingers inside and slid his posing strap down. His huge dick sprang forward. It was at least 9 inches, and only half erect. His balls were lightly covered with jet black hair. It took a little work to get his posing strap down over his quads, but it was kinda fun. I took the opportunity to massage the huge masses of leg muscle. They flexed and pulsed as I ran my hands all around them. What huge muscle! Mike’s penis was almost fully erect now. It was over 10 inches of thick meat. I took my right hand and placed the tips of my fingers under his balls and touched him lightly on the sex spot. His erection grew even more. “Lots of self control?” I smiled. Mike didn’t answer. He just stood still as I caressed his balls. “Well,” he finally said. “I don’t think I’ve ever had anyone touch me the way you do.” I took my other hand and placed it around the base of his shaft and squeezed gently. Then I loosened my grip and ran the tips of my fingers up the outer ridge of his penis. About two-thirds of the way up, I met his pre-cum. I swirled his pre-cum into the skin of his penis and moved up as I went, stopping on his other sex spot, just under his penis head. Mike’s eyes were closed and he had tipped his head back in ecstasy. His neck bulged. But then everything on him bulged, especially those arms. Pre-cum dripped down Mike’s penis. Pre-cum dripped down my now exposed and totally erect penis. I took some of my pre-cum and placed it on the head of his penis. I massaged our joint pre-cum into his penis head. “Do you think we could lay down?” Mike asked. “Sure,” I replied. I stripped off the rest of my clothes and laid down first. Then Mike slowly took his 315 pound body and smothered me in passionate muscle. He propped himself on his elbows and slipped his tongue into my mouth once again. I treated my hands to a feel of his arms, shoulders, lats and glutes. He was so much bigger than me that his penis hit me low– between the legs. I squeezed my legs around his penis a little. He liked that. Suddenly, I started to jerk again. Mike quickly moved down my body and started licking up what I had spurted. As he licked, it stimulated me all the more and I kept cumming. He placed his lips on my penis head and sucked. His warm lips were firm. It felt so good. Then he opened his mouth farther and started to swallow my penis. Soon he had the whole throbbing thing inside his mouth cavity! He opened wider and mouthed my balls with his lips. He took his fingers and pushed my balls into his mouth. I couldn’t control myself. It was as if I started cumming all over again from the beginning! This was so HOT! Muscular Mike had my whole genitals inside his mouth, and it felt soooo good. His tongue massaged my shaft as he sucked in the squirting cum. Finally, exhausted, I finished. Mike removed his mouth from my genitals and laid on his back. I could tell he was going to be ready very soon. His semi limp dick rested on his mountainous abs. I caressed it. It grew. It became huge in just a matter of seconds. I brought my mouth to his dick and gently started licking it. It was now fully erect. I took his dick and placed it inside my lips. I just put my lips over his penis head and started sucking. I moved my mouth farther down. Mike started groaning. I took one hand and moved it up and down his legs. With the other, I felt his abs and chest. My fingers stopped at his nipples. I rubbed lightly. Mike groaned more. Suddenly I felt his muscles tighten. He groaned more. He started jerking, and cum started pouring into my mouth. I swallowed the first few squirts. Then it was as if his penis hole opened wider. Suddenly, his cum started flowing fast and hard. I kept swallowing and sucking. Mike flexed his muscles and groaned. This was big. He kept cumming. The cum was beginning to be too much for me. I couldn’t keep up. There was so much. It was lasting so long. Finally I removed my mouth from Mike’s penis. It almost made a little pop as I released it and more cum squirted up onto his abs. Then more came and squirted his chest. I rubbed and squeezed his penis. He took his hand and enveloped mine around his penis and squeezed. His whole body was throbbing. His face was twisted and straining. He kept groaning. His hand started to hurt mine, but I couldn’t get it out. His throbbing penis was as hard as a baseball bat as he squeezed my hand around it. As we masturbated him, his chest pulsed with each jerk of squirting cum. His arms grew even bigger and bulged and flexed. Cum had filled the ridges between his abs like little rivers of milk. It dribbled down from his chest and filled his abs, then spilled down his side and onto the bed. Finally he released my hand. Then he grabbed himself and continued. I shook my hand a little and moved up to kiss him. He was still going. He shoved his tongue inside my mouth and grabbed me with his other arm. He was so strong, but I could tell he was careful not to hurt me. We kissed and he kept masturbating himself for what seemed like a few minutes. I started swirling his cum around on his abs and chest. Eventually, Mike completed his mega-orgasm. It was the most incredible thing I had ever witnessed, to that point. Mike came over a lot after that. We got to know each other pretty well. We both enjoyed lots of one-on-one gawking for years to cum.


8 Gay Erotic Stories from Derek Flex

Cousin Tim

My cousin’s husband was the stud to beat all studs. He was in his early 20’s. He stood about 6’ 3.” He was lean and muscular. Not too big, but big in all the right places. His long body was just beautiful. His defined abs were the hottest. Tim had very nicely developed arms. They were probably 19 inches. They bulged out from his broad, thick shoulders. Tim’s chest was full and

Flex Wheeler in a Bottle

Flex Wheeler Fantasy by Derek Flex I rubbed the lamp lightly, trying not to get my hopes up too much. Of course those stories about genies in bottles were hogwash. But deep inside, like most people, I wanted to believe the fables were true. This dark cave, deep in the desert of Africa, held many treasures. Our tour guide had allowed me to stray from the rest of

Jeff The Muscleman

I sat the barbell down and stood up. I was just at the end of my workout, pretty tired. I sat down on the bench to rest. Just then, HE walked in. I had masturbated over this guy from the first day I laid eyes on him. He was the biggest, most gorgeous hunk I had ever seen. I had first seen him about four months ago. He joined the club and began working out in the early

MuscleMan Meets His Match, and Then Some

The Ultimate Superhero– MuscleMan Episode Two – MuscleMan Meets His Match, and Then Some MuscleMan (a.k.a. Brock Garrett) entered the dark chamber. He stepped into the blinding beam of light. Suddenly, two powerful arms grabbed MuscleMan’s wrists from behind, and held them behind his back. MuscleMan resisted and tried to break free. But he realized that the man holding him was much

Muscular Mike

The doorbell rang. I sighed, knowing the dishwasher fixit man was finally here. I opened the front door. Standing before me was the largest, most muscular and handsome man I had ever seen--in person or pictures. He was at least 6’5” with short flat-top black hair. His eyes sparkled and his white teeth smiled a perfect smile. His neck was like a linebacker’s, and his traps

Muscular Mike Meets Jason

Mike and I had been seeing each other for about two months. He would cum over to my house and I would touch his massive muscles and jerk off. He would suck, ever-so-gently on my penis while I pet him. I would cum. He would cum. His orgasms were usually recordable on the Richter scale. I once timed one of his orgasms. It lasted– the climax and the squirting– lasted

Superhero MuscleMan rapes Doug

Episode One – Raping Doug Brock Garrett (a.k.a. MuscleMan) drove through town with a slight smirk on his face. He had just learned the identity of the stud at the gym whom he had earlier muscled into whimpering submission. The guy’s name was Doug. He had just moved into an apartment on the south side of town. The gym owner said Doug was usually a nice guy. Kinda quiet. The

The Ultimate Superhero - MuscleMan (intro)

The Ultimate Superhero – MuscleMan An Introduction By Derek Flex Brock Garrett was celebrating his 20th birthday alone. It’s not that he didn’t have any friends. Quite the contrary, he had people flocking to him whenever he wanted. But today, Brock had come to a new realization. He had “discovered” himself. Now, as he was just about to enter adulthood, he


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