Gay Erotic Stories

Medical Log

by Steve Fox

From: Summer camp started in three weeks and I couldn't wait. My parents picked a camp, I finished eighth grade, and my Dad bought me shorts, T-shirts, and a pair of Speedos. Camp required a check-up and I visited our family doctor. Now that I was entering high school I went to the appointment without my Mom or Dad. The doctor's office is the back part of a "rancher" with its own entrance on the side. I wasn't in the waiting room long because I was the last appointment for the day. The doctor said he only had the early evening slot available for my exam. Dr. Harris greeted me with his two-handed hand shake. My doctor has been like a second father to me and he always tells me that he remembers when I was "just a kid". Since he's 6'2" I still have to look up at him. Dr. Harris led me into the compact exam room that smelled like pine cleaner. He gave the paper covered exam table a slap with his over-sized hand and asked me to hop up. Routine health questions were asked of me while he felt the glands in my neck and looked into my ears, nose and throat. After I pulled off my T-shirt Dr. Harris checked my lungs and blood pressure. Dr. Harris commented on my "muscle tone" while his palms brushed the stethoscope across my chest. Dr. Harris had a way of relaxing me by rubbing the back of my neck or shoulders. "Bobby, you turned 14 several months ago didn't you? " Dr. Harris asked this just as his palm rested on my right nipple. "Yeah, my birthday was in February." I felt my nipple puff up and harden under his warm palm. Before I had a chance to think about this reaction, Dr. Harris instructed, "Bobby, now you can strip down to your underpants." I hopped off the table, kicked off my sneaks and took down my new shorts Dad bought me for camp. Dr. Harris' looked me up and down and said, "It's been a year since I've seen you. You've grown a lot I see. It is hard to believe your starting high school already Billy." In the past I was always at ease around the doctor but hearing this made me turn red. "Don't be embarrassed Billy. All boys your age go through many changes…its all part of becoming a man." Dr. Harris had me lie back down on the exam table. He continued listening to my pulse in parts that were now easier to get to. The short length of the stethoscope required his head to be so close to my jockey shorts that I could feel heat coming from his weather worn face. The paper under me made crinkle noises as I moved around on the table for the doctor. Dr. Harris continued, "You must have questions for me that you might be to embarrassed to ask your Dad." All I could think of was my need to jack-off all the time. "I'm…(I hesitated not knowing how to bring up my question so I asked a different one) getting hair all over. Laughing for a moment Dr. Harris said, "Yes. That's to be expected for a boy your age." His relaxed manor with my exploratory question put me back at ease. "O.K. Billy hop off the table and lower you jockey shorts. I never needed to do that for him before. I guessed this was something new because of my age. The doctor looked disinterested and didn't wait for a response as he pulled up an old wooden chair and sat down with a clipboard on his lap. The tight polyester pants he always wore stretched even tighter around his thick thighs. I felt funny being bare-assed in front of someone but I thought since I'm going to camp I might as well get used to it. As I pulled down my briefs Dr. Harris asked me to step up to him. I stood between his legs before but his was the first time I did it with a, "loaded gun" as my Dad calls my new manhood. "Cough. Again. Again." My balls rested on his hand and bounced slightly each time I coughed. "Do you ever feel any pain in this area Billy?" The doctor asked this question with a concerned tone while looking directly at my cock. His touching me was having a definite effect on me and I had to come out of a daze to respond. I could feel my cock start to harden despite my best efforts to keep it under control. While still naked I was weighed and measured, and I was trying not to get a full bone-on. "Summer camp may put some physical stress upon you and we need to do a few endurance tests. I think you are old enough for a complete male examination." ‘Tests', what kind of tests I thought. "Sure whatever you think is best." "You will be performing sit-ups, push-ups, and jumping jacks, just like the drills you do in gym." "O.K., sounds good, I'll put my shorts on." I was glad I would be able to cover-up before I embarrassed myself. I had just grabbed my jockeys when Dr. Harris stated firmly, "No need. Patients must not be constricted during these tests and its just us guys here. You will need to clean off before you leave the office anyway. " I was dumbfounded. Does everyone have to go through this kind of test? Uneasily I agreed to his instructions and stayed naked. He's the Doctor. Not knowing what he'd think of my semi-hard cock made me nervous. Just then Doctor Harris playfully slapped my butt. "Get up on the exam table for sit-ups. Give me thirty." My half hard cock jiggled through the air with each sit-up. After the sit-ups the doctor seemed like he was almost as out of breath as I was. "OK sport, spin around on the table and do push-ups for me. Give me fifty." Doctor Harris watched as my now fully hard 6-inch cock pressed into the paper with each push-up. The last few push-ups were a little slower and the doctor said he wanted to make the exercise, "a little harder for me". He pressed a warm hand right over my tailbone forcing my angry erection into the padded table. My cock spasmed. "Give your favorite doctor five more Billy." By the fifth push-up I was in danger of spewing right in front of the doctor. "Stop know sport." After a few moments of catching my breath the doctor jotted some scribble on his clipboard and announced it was time for jumping jacks. "Come on Billy, let's get to it." I didn't move very quickly. "What's the matter guy, let's get a move on!" "Um doc, I can't get up yet, I…" "What? Why not?" As I turned around onto my back in shame my cock answered for me. It was throbbing and spasming through the air and sticking straight up from my body at a 45-degree angle. My erection was on full display to Dr. Harris. "I see. Well, this type of thing can happen to boys your age. Even without any apparent sexual stimulus a young man can become fully erect as you are. Don't worry about it Billy. Perhaps it was caused by the physical exertion. Just ignore the erect penis." He tasseled my hair as I reluctantly got off the exam table. "Come over here and make up for lost time, ten minutes of jumping jacks should be sufficient." I started the drill and with each jump my erect cock bounced shamelessly up and down. I couldn't blame the doctor for gawking directly at my cock. "You are in prime condition Billy", the doctor said with a grin. As the jumping jacks continued I felt a stirring in my balls. The doctor was seated just four feet away and his eyes were melting into me. What I feared most happened next. I actually started to leek pre-cum. My bobbing cock spasmed and the lips to my cock hole spread apart and forced out a strand of pre-cum. The pre-cum dangled for a second before breaking off and making a small puddle on the linoleum. As the jumping continued another strand oozed out barely missing the doctor's pant leg and adding to the puddle on the floor. A third strand wrapped itself around the shaft. How could Doctor Harris explain this away? With a confused look on his face Doctor Harris coached me on. "You're doing fine Billy. Keep them coming." After a few more minutes of jumping jacks he said that was good and asked me to stop. The doctor pulled up his chair even closer to where I stood out of breath. He listened to my heart and lungs while I wondered what to do about the pre-cum pumping out of my cock head and dripping between his legs. Doctor Harris laid his stethoscope down and starred directly at my gaping cock hole. A big gob of lubricant glistened at my red slit. "I see you have some discharge there." The doctor grabbed my cock in his fist and pulled the slit even wider to peer inside. More of the clear liquid came out wetting his hand. I stifled groans and whispered to the doctor, "What is happening to me?" "You are in the later stages of sexual arousal, I'd say. This response is unusual, nothing to be concerned about though." "Tell me Billy, do you generally react in this manner from general contact with other men and boys during sports?" "Uh… sometimes, yeah." "Boys your age can be quite rammy and ‘tense-up' easily." Doctor Harris glanced down at the slick puddle I made while his hand was still on my hard cock. "Your reproductive organs are especially active. Billy, we need to have a man-to-man talk." The doctor let go of my cock and moved both hands to squeeze my thighs as if he was providing support for me. My balls were aching. "In light of your condition there is a certain precaution I recommend you take. You are an avid swimmer and I need to know what type of swim trunks you plan to use for camp. " "My Dad bought me a pair of Speedos." "Speedos are a good suit and they offer support with a front liner, but, because you are prone to frequent erection and ample discharge I would suggest you instead wear a cotton boxer type of suit over your athletic supporter. Shall I explain the matter to your Father?" "No." I said right away. "I'll get another pair of trunks." Doctor Harris chuckled, squeezed my side and said, "Glad to hear it." Wheels seemed to be turning in the doctor's head. "I'm afraid any contact between the tight spandex of a Speedo and your frenulum would quickly cause you to develop into the state of arousal you are in now." Cock still throbbing and spasming I asked, "What's the frenulum?" The doctor leaned forward from his chair to get a closer look at my cock. He pressed it upward against my stomach with one hand while firmly rubbing the sensitive fibers just under my gaping cock hole. "This is the frenulum. These folds just under a man's penis head. Some men call it a ‘G-spot'. As you can feel, this area is very sensitive. This tube just below on the underside of your cock is where your urine and semen flow through. Do you feel any sensation when I squeeze?" Seconds after the doctor started squeezing my cock in his hands I lost the last bit of control I had left. "Oh God Doc, I'm gonna shoot!" Contractions in my cock knocked me against a table of medical instruments as I shot thick wads of spew onto the doctor's nose mouth and neck. His lab coat was drenched in my cum. I regained consciousness and looked down at the doctor still seated. At first startled, he wiped cum from his chin and quipped, "You got me real good stud!" I apologized and tore off a section of paper from the exam table offering it to the doctor. "Thanks sport! Don't worry about the mess. I'll just have to be more careful the next time I give you an anatomy lesson." -The End-


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Steve Fox

Medical Log

From: Summer camp started in three weeks and I couldn't wait. My parents picked a camp, I finished eighth grade, and my Dad bought me shorts, T-shirts, and a pair of Speedos. Camp required a check-up and I visited our family doctor. Now that I was entering high school I went to the appointment without my Mom or Dad. The doctor's office is the back


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