Gay Erotic Stories

Martin's Boy, Part 3


Martin approached the cot and savored the sight of this naked youth lying face down on the blanket. A thin sheen of sweat coated Dave's entire backside, and his ass positively glowed with the results of a thorough warm-up spanking. He looked so at peace lying there, as if this were what he had been seeking all his life. Martin coated his palms with some lotion and knelt down next to the cot. Dave gave a start as the cool liquid was applied to his red, punished ass. He turned his head to look at Martin and said, "Oh yes, please. That feels so nice." Martin moved his hands all over the boy's ass in slow, circular motions, soothing, stroking and patting the smarting cheeks. "You like this, boy?" Martin asked. "Oh yes, sir. You were right, sir. Sometimes a good spanking needs to be rubbed in. Your hands feel great on my ass." Martin smiled as he coated his palms with more lotion and began to concentrate on the lower portion of the boy's ass cheeks, continuing to soothe and stroke the pain away. Dave's small, firm ass responded beautifully to this attention, and he instinctively parted his legs a bit, opening himself more fully to Martin's caress. Martin couldn't help but pause a moment to take in the full effect of Dave's muscular back and sexy, long legs. All of it was putty in his hands. "Now Dave, I want you to lift that ass for me. That's right, just raise it up a little so we can reach all of you and take the sting away. We don't want to miss a spot." Dave obeyed instantly, lifting his punished ass and spreading his legs as far as the narrow cot would allow. "That's a good boy. Come on, now. Raise that pretty ass a little higher now. I need to be able to see all of you. That's right. Such a good boy." Martin continued to massage and soothe Dave's bottom, gradually applying more and more pressure. Dave slowly flexed his ass cheeks in response, even rotating his hips slightly. "Yeah, boy. That ass knows what it likes." Martin gently separated the cheeks with one hand and squeezed some lotion directly onto the boy's opening. Dave shivered and gasped quietly. "Oh, sir. That's so cold." "Steady, boy. We just need to spread it around a little. That hot hole of yours will take care of the problem." Martin smoothed the creamy liquid all over the boy's ass lips, teasing him with a firm, steady pressure right against the opening. A soft moan escaped Dave's lips. "Oh, please, sir. Please. I need you inside me. Train my ass for me, please, sir." Martin knew that it was time. He steadied the boy's ass with one hand and flicked at the opening with the fingers of the other. Dave just swooned. "Oh, yes, sir." Martin flicked a little harder this time, taking careful aim right at the center of the boy's ass crack. "Yeah. Oh, please. Please, sir." Dave was rocking his ass back and forth now, unable to remain still. Martin kept up a steady rhythm, flicking at the opening harder and harder while increasing the pace. "That's a good boy, now. Are you really ready for me to probe inside you? Ready for me to take control of this ass?" "Oh, yes, sir. I want your fingers up my ass. Please, sir. Give it to me now." "Steady, boy. Hold that butt up high for me. We've got to keep this ass under control." Martin slicked his fingers with a huge glob of lotion and pressed his fingers right against the crack. "Here we go, boy. This is it, what you've been waiting for." With that, Martin shoved two fingers full length into the tender opening. With a start, Dave rose up onto his hands and knees and let out a shriek. "Oh, God. Oh, sir. It hurts! It hurts, sir. Oh God, please!" "Shush, boy. Just learn to take it for me. We're just getting started now. Got a long way to go yet, boy. We're just beginning to train this ass." Dave was gasping for breath now, straining to accept the pain. Sweat broke out all across his back and shoulders, and he squeezed his eyes shut against the discomfort of the invading fingers. Martin just held his hand in place, waiting for the boy to get accustomed to the stretching. Martin enjoyed watching his boy struggle, all his muscles tensed and flexed against the pain. But he held up to it, trying his best to obey his new-found master. Gradually his breathing returned to normal, and he placed his upper body back down on the cot. "I'm sorry, sir. Please forgive me." His ass remained upraised, offering Martin the full access he demanded. Martin began to move his fingers ever so slightly, pushing in about a half inch or so, then stopping to rest, letting the boy grow accustomed to the idea of having his ass fully stretched. "That's it boy. Try to relax that sweet ass for me." Martin began to twist his fingers now, rotating his wrist in slow, steady circles. He could hear the boy's heart pounding noisily, but Dave was concentrating on staying in place. Martin just chuckled to himself. His boy was a natural for ass training! "Time for your next lesson, boy." With that, Martin reached under the cot and placed a mysterious object on the blanket next to the boy. Dave sensed the movement but couldn't make out the shape of the object. He didn't focus on it, because just then Martin reached around and gripped Dave's cock in a firm, slick caress. "Oh, yeah. Yes, sir. I love it when you stroke my cock." Instinctively, Dave began to make small pumping motions into his master's fist. Martin squeezed the boy cock even tighter. Then, with his other hand, Martin inserted some more lotion farther up Dave's bottom. He probed him deeply and sensuously, dragging it out for a long time. Dave's soft moans told him he was liking it, and Dave ground his hips hard into Martin's tightly gripping hand. But Martin wasn't through. Dave was about to be introduced to the pleasures of a dildo! This one was just for training, though, as it was barely six inches long and no thicker than a broom handle. Martin probed the boy butt a little longer before he removed his fingers and placed the tip of the dildo right up against Dave's squirming butt. Dave's whole body stiffened at the sudden realization of what was about to happen. "Lie still, boy. Time we train this ass to its full potential." Dave put his complete trust in Martin and tried to accept the inevitability of the hard shaft pressing against his ass. His breathing was still ragged, but there was no longer any fear in his attitude. "That's it, boy. Learn to take it for your man. Your ass has been needing this for so long. That's right. Make an effort for me now." Martin continued to probe at the boy's ass, moving the tip of the dildo just inside the ass opening. His other hand kept up a steady pressure against the boy's throbbing cock. As Dave's cock grew even harder, Martin began to press a little more firmly. Watching Dave's beautiful, naked body contort and writhe over the cot, Martin realized he had to take it slow with this boy, gradually introducing him to progressively larger implements so that he would be thoroughly trained to take cock. With proper instruction, Dave would come to crave this kind of treatment. Martin pressed about a third of the length into the boy's lubricated opening. It slid right in. Dave's bare buns clenched and flexed, giving Martin a nice show as he struggled against the stiff rubber shaft. His young ass was moving seductively, and his legs flailed all over while he kept his head pressed to the cot. Dave's cock was rock hard and pumping steadily into Martin's fist. Nothing could have been better than watching this boy naked and writhing on the thin line between discomfort and pleasure. The shaft totally controlled Dave's bare bottom. Martin knew that, even though this shaft was smaller than most cocks, Dave was still having to cope with some pain. In spite of the uncomfortable sensations, Dave continued to pump his cock into Martin's hand in a steady, urgent rhythm. Soon, all shyness left him and he began to fuck against Martin's fist. Martin held steady, but he wasn't about to let this boy shoot. Dave knew he was in trouble, too. It was so hard not to cum when he was being stimulated in such an intense, unfamiliar way. Even though his cock had been hard since the time he entered Martin's cabin, there was no easing off. He just couldn't get enough of this. His youthful horniness just took over, and he could feel a tingling in his balls. But he knew Martin didn't want him to cum without permission! Dave needed to redeem himself fast! He glanced back at Martin and raised his chest off the cot. "Please, sir. I beg you." "What is it boy? Can't get enough of this thing up your ass?" "Oh, no sir. I need to take a piss." Dave tried to stall Martin by asking permission to get up so that he could relieve himself. Martin just chuckled and ignored Dave's plea. "Nice try, boy. But I think you'd better just lie still and continue to get better acquainted with your new friend." Martin pressed harder now, stretching and twisting the dildo deeper into Dave's guts. Worse, Martin tightened his grip on the boy's cock, causing Dave to sob and gasp. "Oh please, sir. Don't! You're going to make me cum again." Martin ignored him, just watching as he struggled beautifully, whimpering softly while he rocked back and forth against the cot's soft surface. Martin was mesmerized by the movements, fully savoring Dave's predicament. Then he thought that the boy might really need to piss, and he didn't want to be cruel. He'd wait a few more minutes and then let the boy up to relieve himself. This was all about control, really, learning to be controlled by cock. He continued to pump the shaft in and out of the boy's ass, twisting and probing in steady strokes. Dave was sweating profusely now, jerking back and forth against the stiff artificial cock shoved up his ass. His cock was on fire, and he was really worried now that he might shoot off without permission. "Sir! Oh please. I beg you. I really need to piss. I'm about to burst." But Martin took his time. After several more minutes of this slow torture, he finally decided to pull the dildo out. With a swift swat to the boy's butt, he allowed Dave to get up and make a quick trip to the bathroom. Martin stood up and stretched his muscles, which were a little sore from the kneeling position. He realized that he would have to move on to spanking this boy's cute butt. Otherwise he would cum for sure. Martin cleaned the lotion off his hands and put the dildo back into its box. When Dave didn't return after a few more minutes, Martin impatiently walked to the bathroom. As he opened the door to the toilet, his suspicions were confirmed. He was looking right at Dave, who was furiously stroking his cock while staring into the bathroom mirror, a glazed look etched upon his face. Dave was completely out of control, a real mess. He was sweating and breathing in deep gasps. "Please, sir," he quaked. "Don't be angry with me, sir. Please let me cum. I've just got to cum. It drives me crazy when you play with my cock and ass like that. O please, sir." He started whimpering and begging for release. He realized there was only one thing to do. He stared right into Dave's lust-filled eyes. Martin had this boy just where he wanted him, crazed with desire and out of control, and he was going to exploit this boy's need. Dave knew Martin would be angry at him for stroking his cock, but he just could not help himself. Dave looked away from Martin's glaring eyes and continued to stroke his young boy cock. Just then Martin slapped Dave's face hard with his open hand. Dave jumped and gave a startled look. A look of real fear spread across his face, and he finally dropped his hands from his cock. "You can cum only when I'm finished with your ass. And I'm not nearly finished working on that boy butt of yours. Right now I want your ass back on that cot. So get going, boy!" Martin marched him back to the bedroom and shoved him onto the cot as he sobbed, explaining that he couldn't take the frustration anymore! He pleaded for Martin to allow him to cum. No way! Dave positioned the boy on the cot as before, ass up and head and chest down. He straddled the boy's body, facing his feet. With his weight on Dave's back keeping him as still as he could, Martin again greased Dave's ass with his fingers, slowly, deliberately and thoroughly. Dave was writhing more now, quickly losing control, but Martin had no intention of letting him cum too soon. He'd have to earn it. It had to be on Martin's terms, not his. God, how Martin liked this! Martin shoved more lotion up Dave's ass while Dave just groaned with pleasure. Despite Dave's pleading and struggling, Martin plunged all four fingers right up his ass in one swift motion! "Jesus! Oh, God! Please, sir. Oh, please." Martin held steady, listening to Dave's ragged breathing. "Calm down, boy. Calm down now, because you're not going to cum until I'm ready for you to!" Martin slowly fed the boy all of his fingers, twisting and probing further up inside him. Dave was sobbing, but trying to make an effort to control himself, Martin could tell. Martin just held it there, watching him struggle. "Calm down now. Time to take a little more." It took Dave a long while, but finally he settled down. Then Martin began to pump Dave's ass in slow, twisting motions. Martin grabbed Dave's stiff, leaking cock and felt it extending. Martin was squeezing Dave's cock with one hand and pumping his fingers up his ass with the other. Martin pushed his fingers all the way up to the knuckles this time. Dave began to groan, then to grind sensually against Martin's fist. Both men knew what Dave wanted. Grabbing Dave's cock, Martin allowed him to pump harder into his hand. Martin took his time, observing how Dave's leg muscles tensed and jerked against the blanket as he probed even deeper. Dave started to pump into Martin's fist with increasing urgency, and Martin noticed that Dave's entire backside was twisting and straining in passion. Then Martin pulled his hand almost all the way out and teased Dave's greased opening with just his fingertips. Dave's cock pumped into Martin's greasy hand with stronger thrusts now, and the muscles in his legs strained and stretched. Beautiful! Just the way Martin wanted him. "Okay, boy. You can go for it this time. I'm not going to stop until I make you cum. Think you can cum for me when I say so, boy?" "Oh, yes sir. Just give me the word sir, and I'll cum for you. Please, I need this so bad." Suddenly, Martin plunged all four fingers right up Dave's helpless ass. Dave spasmed and his whole body flailed uncontrollably. Martin couldn't torture the boy any longer. "Now, boy. Let's have it right now. Shoot that boy cum for me." Almost immediately Dave started to ejaculate with a violent burst against the cot. His come flew everywhere, soaking the pillows and the blanket. He pumped harder into Martin's closed fist, muffling a scream as he banged his hands hard on the thin cot. "Oh God, Oh God, Oh God. Oh please, sir. Thank you. Oh thank you, sir." He was completely lost in his orgasm, flailing and twisting uncontrollably. Martin pulled his hands away and just watched Dave flex and strain. His entire body was becoming a finely tuned sex machine, fueled by his need to be controlled. Dave just flung his body down hard against the cot, trying to catch his breath. "Man. That was incredible! You really know how to work my ass. Please train me harder, sir. I just can't get enough of this." Gradually Dave was beginning to calm down a bit, completely drained. His breathing steadied, and the glistening layer of sweat began to cool his body. He wanted no more than to drift off into an exhausted sleep, but there was still the matter of all that grease in his ass. He suddenly felt very uncomfortable. "Please, sir. I need to get rid of all that lotion still up my ass." Martin patted Dave's buns and let him up. He staggered to his feet and headed for the toilet. He was gone for a long time. This time Martin knew he didn't have to worry about his misbehaving. Martin heard the shower start up and just stretched out, waiting for him to return. Dave was a willing student, eager to learn all the secrets of submissive sex. He already craved having his ass smacked, and Martin was the perfect man to do the job. Martin was committed to taking all the time necessary to train him properly. Martin had him just where he wanted him, crazed with desire and uncontrolled need. Coming back into the room stark naked, Dave approached the cot with his spent cock bobbing about freely. His cocky smile and sexy, carefree style had returned. "Feel better now?" Martin asked. "Oh yeah, sir, I really do," he said. "I've never felt anything so intense and wild, but I feel great now! The way you used your fingers in my ass and that dildo! It just wrecks me, sir, so much that I can't control myself!" "You really like this treatment, boy? Even when I smack your ass hard and use the dildo?" "Yes, sir. Oh yes, sir. I'm not afraid to take it rough. I really need it sometimes. I want everything you'll give me. Oh, please don't stop. I just can't get enough of this. Work me extra hard, please." Martin just chuckled. The boy was making all this too easy. "Dave, with proper training your body will become hungrier and hungrier for this kind of treatment. You'll need your ass slapped more and more, so I'll spank it for you. Always on the bare, and always until you shed a few of those sexy tears for me. But you've got so much to learn about self control." Just taking in these words made Dave's cock thicken a little. It seemed his boy cock was always stimulated! "Thanks, sir. I'll never let you down, ever. I need you and all the discipline you'll give me. Make my ass burn. Give it to me hard! Swat my ass for me. Stretch my hole wide open with that dildo. Make me learn! Please, sir!" "That's the way, boy. I know you'll do your best for me." Then Martin pulled him down on top of him to hug him close. He realized that Dave smelled so fresh, just brimming with youth. "But now it's time to spank your ass, really spank it. All the color we've worked so hard to achieve and maintain is starting to fade. Time to get back to work on that ass. Real thorough this time, though. Believe me, boy, you'll beg me to stop before it's over." Martin wrapped his arms around Dave and hugged him tighter. Martin could feel Dave's hardness pressing against his body. Dave responded to Martin by holding him passionately, writhing against him, still overcome with need. He was excited beyond belief. Dave was about to experience his first real spanking! To be continued... Comments? E-mail me (Terry) at


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Caught By My Sargent

When I was a twenty year old Army Recruit, I got caught giving myself an enema by my Tech Sargent. after I had been assigned the duty of cleaning the bathrooms and showers before inspection. I had confiscated an enema bag from the clinic after I had to go in for a physical. When the medic left I grabbed it and tucked in away. Well now, I had been waiting for the right moment to

Martin's Boy, Part 1

Dave was bent over with his ass up in the air. He was looking for the lighter he had dropped last night as he was out sneaking a smoke. It was against the resort rules for any of the guests to smoke, of course, but so long as no one found out... "Looks like I'm going to have to whip that ass, boy!" Dave gave a start and turned around to see Martin glaring at him.

Martin's Boy, Part 2

"Come on now, boy. We've still got to work on your ass, got to warm it up a little, bring the color up. It's a pity that sexy boy butt of yours has been so neglected all these years. We'll just have to make up for lost time. Now grab that chair by the window and bring it over here next to the desk." Dave pulled away from Martin's embrace and turned to fetch the chair.

Martin's Boy, Part 3

Martin approached the cot and savored the sight of this naked youth lying face down on the blanket. A thin sheen of sweat coated Dave's entire backside, and his ass positively glowed with the results of a thorough warm-up spanking. He looked so at peace lying there, as if this were what he had been seeking all his life. Martin coated his palms with some lotion and knelt

Martin's Boy, Part 4

Dave pulled away from Martin's embrace and slowly stood up next to the cot. Martin noticed that Dave's hard cock continued to twitch as it leaked a steady flow of pre- cum. "Sir?" Dave looked expectantly at Martin, who had taken his own cock in his hand and began to stroke himself with slow, slick motions. "What is it, boy?" "Sir, can I ask you something?" Dave's

Martin's Boy, Part 5

Martin was enjoying himself for sure. Spread before him were the smarting cheeks of the sexiest boy butt he had ever seen. Dave was bent over, holding his ankles while experiencing his first real spanking. Martin had already landed a half dozen hard swats, but Dave had no clue how far Martin intended to take this. No matter how long and hard this spanking would have to

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