Gay Erotic Stories

Making The Choice

by Daniel Burke

"We're losing him" I heard a nurse say, and the next sound I heard was the high-pitched whine of the machine over my head that had been making irregular beeps for the last minute or so. "Start CPR" the surgeon said, but it was too late for that. Just like in the movies, I sort of floated up out of my body and hovered above the scene, watching them do everything they could to bring me back to life. I turned away, unable to watch any longer and knew even before I turned that I would see the tunnel of brilliant white light. Everyone who's had a near-death experience describes that tunnel and I was fully prepared for it. I felt myself being pulled toward the light and walked willingly down the corridor, totally unafraid of what was in there. Now here's the odd part though, the part that I don't recall anyone else ever describing. About halfway down the tunnel it split in two, one side a brilliant orange-bronze color and the other more of a cool blue-green. A man stood just inside the entrance to each of them and I stopped dead in my tracks. "What the hell!?" I said without thinking, and the guy at the opening to the orange tunnel sort of grinned for an instant, then returned to his gruff straight-faced look. The man in the blue tunnel spoke first. "We're here to help you make your choice" he said, and I gave him a blank stare. "Huh?" I managed to grunt out, and he explained that both of them would have the opportunity to convince me to go with them. He reminded me of Fabio in that he was fantastically good-looking, very muscular and had fairly long blond hair. His silky white shirt was open to the navel and it billowed in the breeze that came from his tunnel. The man just inside the other tunnel was attractive as well, but not in the same way. His wardrobe was a pair of torn jeans, a black leather vest and some chains around his neck. The chains hung down into a mat of hair as dark and thick as any I'd ever seen, and his arms both had two tattoos on them, one on the top and one on the bottom of each arm. He looked like he needed a shave but I couldn't imagine that being needed in this "afterlife" situation. His white-toothed grin presented a stark contrast to the heavy beard on his face. I noticed he had a silver belt buckle with the name S TAN on it. The space between the last three letters was uniform, but the space between the first two letters was odd. The Fabio-like guy looked like what I would expect here. "C'mon let's get this started" the dark guy said, and I said "Huh, what's going on here?" "You have to make a choice" Fabio-man said, "You get to decide which of us you'll go with....though I can't imagine this being a difficult decision" "Shut up ass-hole, you know the rules! No coaching or prodding!" Stan said, and the blond said that his name was Pierre, not "ass-hole". S tan took a cigarette from his pocket and lit it. Damn, it was just the thing to draw me to him. I'd quit a couple of years ago (I did the patch thing when they first came out) but there's not a day go by that I don't want to light up when another guy does. "Want one?" he asked, and he offered me the one he'd already taken a big drag from. They were the same brand I smoked since I was in 7th grade and I couldn't resist. "C'mon let's go" he said, turning and walking down the orange corridor. I followed him and heard Pierre warning Stan that he would get equal time. "No problem Pete, if there's one thing we've got here it's plenty of time". I turned back and saw that a door had closed behind us and all of a sudden the tunnel looked more like the hallway of a rooming house I'd once lived in San Francisco back in my wild days. Stan opened a door and held it while I went into the room, and all of a sudden I felt like I was back in 1983, just flunked out of college and ready to raise hell. Once inside the room Stan offered me another cigarette (I took it, of course....hell, I was already dead right?) and then he poured each of us a drink. Maybe I wasn't used to the best booze (at least not recently) but this stuff seemed exceptionally good to me. After one drink he poured me another, and then another and then opened a cabinet with every drug you could imagine in it. "What's your pleasure?" he asked, and I was tempted to indulge myself in some of what I knew would be highest quality cocaine. Instead, I put my drink down and told Stan that my real pleasures usually came from sex rather than from drugs or booze. "Want me to get you a woman?" he asked, and I answered by reaching out and running my hand across his broad excessively hairy chest. "No, I think you'll do just fine!" I told him. Almost immediately our mouths touched and I felt his tongue invade me. I tasted the cigarettes and booze and sucked his tongue and the flavors in, all the while loving the feel of his coarse hairiness against me. I pulled the leather vest off and found that his back and shoulders were damned near as hairy as his front. Jesus, this guy was like a fucking grizzly bear! We continued kissing and I reached down and put my hand on his crotch, felt a huge mass of manhood within the jeans and rubbed against it in the hopes that it would become harder and bigger than it was already. "Oh yeah, that's nice!" I said, and he said I could suck his cock if I wanted to. "Oh yeah, I really want to!" I said, dropping to my knees and tugging at the buttons and zipper on the jeans as I made my way down his hairy belly with my mouth and lips and tongue. He wore no underwear (why doesn't that surprise me??) and I took the first six or seven inches of his big cock into my mouth immediately, felt it expand inside and realized that nothing in life ever came close to this. He fucked my face for what seemed like hours (though it could have been only a few minutes) and finally his guttural, primitive sounds indicated to me that he was about to explode inside my mouth. I tried my best to swallow it, but somehow this man's eruption felt like a fire-hose going off in me. I felt a good deal of his spew jettison down my gullet but more of it dribbled out and shot onto my face and arms and shoulders and chest and ---- all of a sudden I realized I was naked, just as I'd been on the gurney in the emergency room at the hospital. Stan didn't diminish in size at all after I sucked him off. In fact, I think he got even bigger and I begged him to fuck me. "You sure you can take it?" he asked, and I joked with him saying that I'd eagerly die to have the big thing up my ass-hole. "You already have!" he said, laughing an evil laugh that sort of scared me but excited me no end. Back in life I'd been fucked by plenty of guys, but none of them came close to the pounding that Stan gave me there in that San Francisco type room in the left corridor of the tunnel-of-light. With the rest of his clothing off he showed himself to be completely blanketed, head to toe with the heaviest coat of hair I'd ever imagined anyone having. We went at it for a long time, and I came at least a dozen times while he fucked me. Each time he blasted a load up my butt he started right back up again, and each time he started up again I was ready to go. At one point he stood up over me and I thought maybe he'd do me the pleasure of sitting his hairy ass down on my cock. Instead though, he took his huge cock in his hand and aimed it directly at my face, letting fly with a stream of rank-smelling, foul tasting piss that totally covered me. I resisted at first, then opened my mouth and drank in every drop of the stuff that I could swallow, though a good deal splashed down onto the upper part of my body and all over my hair and the floor beneath me. "Who are you?" I asked later as we lay there with my face buried in the thick muff of his arm-pit hair while my hands roamed his nearly grotesque front "How long have you been here?" "I've been here forever, or so it seems" he said, and I asked if I could stay as well. "Yeah you can, but not until you go see Pete -- or Pierre as he's calling himself this time" S tan said, and I told him I had no need to go see the muscular blond to make my decision. "I want to stay here for eternity, with you fucking my ass day and night and giving me a piss-bath and maybe spanking me and whipping me when I'm bad. Oh shit, I've already made up my mind! "I love you Stan!" I said, and he told me his name was Buck, Buck Stewart and that he'd been here since his execution back in the mid 70's. I assumed there'd been some mistake and that he'd been wrongly executed, but he told me he wiped out an entire family of Minnesota farmers without a single regret. "No wait, my only regret was that I didn't fuck that little girl like I did her parents and that hot college brother of hers. Suddenly it dawned on me that the missing letter of the belt buckle was another "a" and that Buck was serving as an emissary for Satan. It almost didn't matter to me if I could really spend the rest of eternity there with him fucking me. "C'mon, you gotta' go" he explained and somehow, without me even knowing how it happened I was back in the corridor where it split off into the two sections. Pierre was there and I told him I'd already made up my mind. "No, that's against the rules" he explained and I told him I didn't give a damn about the rules. "I'm staying here with Buck" I said, turning around to join the man who'd just given me the best few hours of my life (or death as the case may be). But Buck was gone. "Come with me" Pierre said, and I followed him down the blue- green hallway. He opened a door and (just as it had been with Buck) there was a scene I hardly expected. This one was a tropical paradise, with palm trees and sunshine and fresh air and the sound of the surf in the distance. A waiter appeared and handed us each a drink similar to what I'd expect on a Hawaiian island visit. If the waiter or Pierre noticed I was naked they didn't say anything, and somehow I was cleaned up from the cum and piss that Buck had splattered all over me. It was as if I'd just arrived here and hadn't spent any time at all with the hairy guy who told me he'd been a mass-murderer. "What can I get you?" Pierre asked and I told him I was a little self-conscious about not having any clothes. "Could you get me something to wear?" I asked, and he laughed and told me that wouldn't be necessary. "I'll take my clothes off, if that will make you more comfortable" he said, and the next time I looked at him he was as naked as me. Holy shit! My earlier comparison to him and Fabio wasn't quite accurate. This guy was built much better than the romance-novel cover- boy. And the best part was that he had a cock that hung nearly all the way to his knees. It must've been a good fourteen inches long and damned near as big as my arm. I've truly never even imagined anything quite so big on anything less than a pure-bred stallion, but here it was right in front of me. "Would you like to make love?" he asked, and I couldn't even speak the answer to him, merely nodded my head. As much as I'd loved being brutally fucked by Buck I couldn't believe how I liked being with Pierre. He was gentle and loving as he stretched my ass farther than it's ever been stretched. We kissed and stroked one another and I have to say that I was as turned on by his muscular smoothness as I was by Buck's rugged hairiness. Just as it had been earlier, the measure of time seemed to be endless as we made love. With Pierre, I got a chance to fuck him as well, and found his ass-hole surprisingly tight but receptive to my aching dick. I'd already come with Buck a dozen times, but somehow each eruption I had (either on the giving or receiving end of a fuck with Pierre) wwas just a violent and just as big as the earlier ones. Suddenly as I lay next to him on an ocean-side cabana there was a sound of chimes which woke us from a deep sleep brought on by the exertion of our physical coupling. "What's that?" I asked, and suddenly we were zapped back to the corridor of light where I'd first met both Buck and Pierre. Only then did I recall that Pierre had been called "Pete" by Buck, and only then did it dawn on me that Peter was the messenger from the "Good" side, just as Buck had been Satan's tool. I stood there at the fork, looking at Pierre's huge foot-plus cock and at Buck's incredibly hairy body and heard both of them say that I had to make a choice. "Which of us do you want to spend eternity with?" they said simultaneously, and I heard myself ask if I couldn't divide my time between them. Of course I knew that wasn't an option even before they confirmed it. "You have to choose!" said Buck, running his hand through the dense mat of hair on his chest. "You have to choose!" said Pierre, wrapping both hands around his enormous cock and still having several inches of it protrude beyond. "I can't! I can't decide!" I shouted out, and suddenly I felt myself catapulted back into my body on the table in the emergency room at the hospital. The paddles of the defibrillator touched my chest and I felt a jolt of electricity run through my body. "I've got a pulse Doctor, it's weak, but it's there" I heard a nurse to my left say. The whining sound I'd heard from the monitor earlier was replaced by a steady blip....blip....blip and I heard the doctor ask how long I was gone. "Less than a minute" someone replied, and I couldn't believe what I was hearing. No.....I'd been with Buck for several hours, and with Pierre for at least as long. What were these people thinking? Okay, perhaps you've figured out that the only way I'm around to relate this story is that I managed to pull through. Yeah, I'm alive, thanks to the miracles of modern medicine. Apparently, had I made the choice to go with either of the two guardians of the portals I would not be alive any longer. In groups that I've been to and talked with since my near-death experience I've met people who say that they made a conscious choice of life rather than death. They all assume I made that choice too. No, for me it was that I couldn't make the choice as to which of the incredibly sexy men I would chose to spend eternity with. Given the same choice, what would you do?


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Daniel Burke

Making The Choice

"We're losing him" I heard a nurse say, and the next sound I heard was the high-pitched whine of the machine over my head that had been making irregular beeps for the last minute or so. "Start CPR" the surgeon said, but it was too late for that. Just like in the movies, I sort of floated up out of my body and hovered above the scene, watching them do everything they could to


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