Gay Erotic Stories

Major Buck's Odyssey Part 4

by Aussie Slick

Chapter Four Buck was told by Professor Peterson to rest up for a whole day and return the following morning, relaxed and ready for his new adventure. Buck tried to extract where he was going next time, but Peterson wasn't too forthcoming with information. He would only repeat his same line over and over again. He said that Buck would cease testing the equipment and start to go place and perform duties which would be vital to the security of his country. And when Buck asked what were the sheets and charts he had collected from the year 1993, Peterson just smiled and said, he would learn, in time, since everything he brought back on that first trip into time, were actually placed there by himself, after many successful trips back and forth through the historic pages. And then added the comforting thought - that those papers could not have been there, if Buck was to meet some fatal or disastrous consequence, before the project was over. For his last assignment had always been, to take all his collected knowledge, to 1993, where he would collect them, so as to begin the journey - time paradox meant, all his future expeditions must have been successful. Even Buck could see the method of coming to that conclusion, if in fact, it was he who deposited those archival papers into the old project centre around 1993, prior to the collection hour. Walking back to his barracks block, Buck realised he had been returned at around the same time at night. At least he could get a good night's sleep, rest up the next day and be fully prepared for whatever interesting adventure Peterson had decided he should meet, next time. He went straight to his room and decided sleep was his best bet. He had been bathed many times in the last few hours, back in Rome, so he could skip that. Glancing along the hall, he hoped he might see Greg, just to let him know he was off duty for a full day and 2 nights, but also to explain to him, that he was far too tired to consider any love-making tonight. But the hall was empty and in a way, he was thankful he didn't have to try and go through the explanations with Greg right now. Once inside his room, he didn't even bother turning on a light. There was plenty shining through the window from the outside base lighting and the moon very bright as well. He dropped his marine gear in a pile on the floor and crawled under the sheets, snuggling down into it. His last thoughts, as he drifted into sleep, was the humorous reality, that he was hardly wearing his marine uniform these days - only to walk to and from the project centre. But it was his last thought. The sun replaced the moonlight and streamed into his eyes, as they flicked open. Turning his head to the clock on the table next to his bunk, it neared midday. He had slept almost 12 hours. The mess hall would be open soon and he was hungry. Buck slowly raised himself from the bunk and sat on the side of it for a moment or two, trying to solidify thoughts - shower first ? Wear uniform or civilian clothes ? Maybe he needn't even shave today. What time was he told the mess hall stayed open for lunch ? Maybe he should shave and dress in uniform - discipline and all that. But then he realised, all this mind play was only an excuse for inaction. He quickly got up, grabbed his towel and bathing bag, then headed for the showers, just down the hallway. He could hear a shower going, and hoped it might be Greg, so he could arrange something for later that day, or at least tonight. He sauntered into the shower block and noisily made his presence known. He flipped the curtain back in a sweep, heavily put his toiletry bag onto the shower rack and whistled all the time as he dropped his khaki green shorts to the floor. He let his curtain remain slightly ajar and slowly eased himself under the torrent of hot water. "You must be Buck Wright." A strange voice boomed across the corridor between shower booths. Buck peeked through a soapy veil to see a man in his mid 40's peering back at him. "Yeah. How'd yu' know ?" The man smiled and looked down at Buck's well known equipment. "Word gets around. Besides, yu' the only new officer here in the last fortnight." The man stepped from his booth, toweling his torso but letting Buck see the rest of him, from waist down. He wasn't shy and had no reason to be. A thick cock slung heavily between his thighs, hiding whatever balls he had. "But no one seems to be able to find out what that Peterson guy's been doing here these past 2 years and what yu' doing with him. Want to share ?" "Can't. Loose lips and all that stuff." Buck rinsed the soap from his hair and face then looked the stranger in the eye. "So, yu' got me at an advantage." "Sorry. I'm used to everyone knowing me. Major Glen Harris." He extended a moist hand and Buck reached through his curtain to take it firmly. "Security." "Then - that question about what Peterson was doing ? A test ?" "Not really. Just curious. Its the only project going on here that I know nothing about." He gave one of those cheeky smiles again. "And I know practically everything that goes on here." "Offering yourself as a source of information or trying to tell me something about myself ?" Buck smiled, as he moved back under the shower head and soaped up his body. "Can't learn much about you. Your file's with Peterson. Why ? What did yu' need to know ?" "Oh - where to go. What to do, around this place. That sort of thing." Buck lathered his crotch. "Well, you sure won't need the address to the red light district with that. All the gals hereabouts will claw at each other to win you over." His eyes remained locked on Buck as he wiped himself down. "Not my experience Glen. It frightens more than it attracts." He finished rinsing himself, turned the shower off, took his towel and stepped out to dry himself, near to Harris. "You'd best be careful. There's a couple of guys on the base who'll give you a run for your money. Can't prove much, otherwise they'd be kicked out quick smart." Glen frowned his disapproval. "Yeah ! Any hints ?" "There's a few in the ranks, which I doubt you'll come in contact with, but I can't really say too much about the officers we suspect. They close ranks around themselves. Bloody hard to prove. We've got to wait for some of them to hit on the wrong person. So, keep m informed if someone makes a strike." "Sure. Sure. No one's gunna try anything on me I don't want a part of, Major." Buck felt he covered himself well - he hated to lie. "So, where do we regular guys go for some juice dumping ?" "Well there's a couple of bars where some girls hang out, but its never free. And I know a woman and her 2 daughters who work together as a team. They're good because its like visiting a private home." "Good set up ?" Buck finished drying himself and gathered his gear together. "Real friendly folk. Make yu' comfy-cosy, they do. Have drinks, snacks, the lot." "Well, yu' must slip their address under me door." Buck gave him a nod and walked out. What a first class fart. Sees no harm in using a family in that way, yet 2 guys privately sharing companionship are a danger, in his eyes. Another thing Buck hated was hypocrisy. As he opened his door to the room, he glanced back to find Harris standing in the hall, hands on hips. Maybe Buck underestimated him. Maybe he knew more than he was letting on. Those security hounds always did. The mess hall was near to full when Buck arrived around 12.45 and made his way to a spare chair at a table of 4. 3 other officers sat eating, but not speaking at all. Buck sat down, introducing himself and was pleased in a small way, to only receive nods from the others. Right now, he didn't care for too much friendliness, until he knew who he could trust - who he couldn't. The Steward saw him taking a seat and came by offering advice, as to what was on the menu for today. Buck settled on the roast beef and sat back, scanning the room. He couldn't see Greg anywhere, nor Peterson, although he knew the Professor would rate eating in the Officer's Mess. The only face he recognised was Harris, who sat on a far distant table with 3 others. They all strangely glanced his way from time to time, but never with a welcoming smile. Buck was now certain he was under scrutiny. He had always been very careful to pick guys who were showing their eagerness to bed him and he felt his past was secure, as the military men he had engaged casual dalliances with, were all equally willing to maintain silence. Especially the General. No, it must be that Harris was naturally suspicious of him, especially since Buck was working on a project he couldn't get any information on. That must have been like the proverbial red flag to a bull, for the Security Officer. "Dessert sir ?" Buck looked up but found Greg standing beside him, rather than the Steward he was expecting. "I hear they've got a nice tart, covered with thick cream, on today." The innuendo didn't go unnoticed. 2 of the men at Buck's table gave a similar nod to Glen Kelly, as they had given Buck, then finishing their coffee, stood and walked from the table. Glen slipped into one of the empty seats. "We can talk. Danny here is one of us." Buck looked at Danny, who looked right back at him and for the first time, gave a full, wide smile, showing 2 rows of perfect teeth. "You must have got in late last night. I checked you out at eleven then heard you still snoring at nine this morning." "I don't snore." Buck objected lightly. "Well, if you don't, someone else was snoring next to yu'." Glen smiled "I had a big day. Guess I was dead beat." "Got some energy now I hope." "Yeah. But I think I've got a shadow, somehow. Don't look, but you know Major Harris ?" "Security Officer ?" Buck nodded. "Yeah we know him. Biggest shit pusher on the base." "He don't give me that impression. Seems he's out to get me for being queer." "He'd be out to get yu' that's for certain. I've done him heaps of times. So's Danny here. Right Danny ?" Danny nodded and put 2 fingers down his throat to indicate h wanted to vomit. "Yeah, not the best sex you'll ever have." Greg turned in his chair and gave Harris a wave. "He'd know about yu'." "How ?" Buck was a little surprised. "Well, yu' with me for starters. But like I suggested yesterday buddy, your reputation preceded yu'. If I knew about the famous Buck Wright, he did." "Oh shit ! You sure ?" "Sure he knows ? Or sure you got a history ?" "Both !" Greg smiled again and have Buck a slow nod. I hear it told you made Major for battles with a General." Buck showed signs of embarrassment. "And some crew member on the flight back to State-side ? Hear yu' had a great time in the bomb bay." Greg laughed. "How the fuck did yu' hear that ?" Buck was now becoming more than embarrassed. "Hank's an old buddy of mine." Greg nudged Buck with an elbow. "Got a real nice piece of meat on him that guy. He called to tell me about his new - lover ? Said he was a Major and his name was Buck. When you arrived, the pieces fitted too well. Someone must have been on the line, because within 24 hours I heard the story coming back at me from others, who knew Hank too." "Bloody big mouth." "Don't blame Hank. He didn't give yu' up. I just guessed and I suppose others did too." "Well, where do we go from here ?" "My room if yu' like. Danny wants to tag along, if you don't mind ?" "No, I meant, where do we go from here with Harris ?" "Forget it. He and his buddies just want a piece of the action." Greg stood. "Finished ?" "Guess so." Danny and Buck stood as well and the 3 men walked from the mess hall and out into the sunshine. Glancing back, Buck was glad to see Harris and his friends didn't follow. "We're both back on duty in 30 minutes." Greg hobbled toward Buck, who sat on Greg's bunk. Greg had his shirt and singlet off and his pants were down around his ankles, restricting his movements. Danny sat on the bunk next to Buck, fully clothed, except for his dick, sticking out through the fly, which he slowly massaged into a full erection. Buck watched both men working their dicks up. Danny had a nice slab, slightly smaller than Greg but a very tasty look about it. Danny reached over with a free hand and undid the buttons on Buck's fly. Without any bother, he dragged that long, thick piece out through the unbuttoned fly. His lips showed he was pleased with what he was grabbing hold of, but didn't show the usual signs of shock, when Buck's cock was revealed to someone for the first time. As Buck watched Danny working on both cocks, Greg thrust his prick against Buck's lips and pushed as the lips parted to let him inside. Once Buck found the taste and hardening meat slide across his tongue, he went to work on it with glee. Greg took Buck by the back of his neck and commenced to fuck the mouth slowly, increasing with each stroke. Buck let his head fall back slightly and made a passageway into his throat for the tool to drill into deeper. Danny never let his eyes lift from Buck's excited snake. And when it become too much for him to stand any longer, he dropped his face lower and devoured it, until it lodged against the back of his throat. He tried to force more inside and succeeded until Buck grew more intense, swelling in both thickness and length, inside his hot mouth. The task become more difficult, but nothing a trained Marine couldn't handle. His jaws spread, throat loosened and the might slug slipped further inside his throat and down into his gullet. "Enjoy it demon dick, because we're both pulling double duty tonight, so its all yu' gunna get until tomorrow." Greg hissed as he pumped Buck's mouth at a steady and pounding pace. Buck gagged, as his throat constricted, when he wondered what he'd do for the night. Tomorrow, he would be off to who knows where, so Greg was more right than he knew - he had better enjoy it, as he mightn't get more meat, potatoes and gravy for a day or two ! "Come on Buck. Use yu' teeth. Eat me ! I gotta blow and go." Greg urged him on and increased his hip fucking into Buck's mouth and throat. Buck obeyed, clamping his throat tightly around the invading organ. His teeth pressed into service too and Greg lunged and jerked, telling Buck it hurt, but not slowing his ride at full speed, to also tell Buck - keep it up ! Buck knew his ass was still open nice and wide from the night before with those enormous dicks he took from Horrendus and Equinus. He was very tempted to ask Greg to fuck him. What the hell ! "Fuck me Greg !" Buck spat Greg's dick from his mouth and worked around Danny's mouth and hands, as he undid his belt buckle and pulled his pants down past his knees. As he lay back on the buck with his head on the wall and threw his legs into the air, Danny went with him, never uncoupling from that massive organ. And within seconds of his request, his ass was presented to Greg, who moved in between those lovely thighs and nested his dick against the slightly hairy hole. Danny tossed a leg over Buck's body so that he positioned himself into a 69'er with himself above. Greg fell into the anal cavern and was a little surprised to find his very ample dick slip inside without any restrictions. The ring just expanded to his thickness and welcomed him inside. Finding the way so comfortable, Greg waited no time at all to climb all the way inside, until his hairy nuts were pounding with each stroke, against Buck's backside. Even Buck could tell his ass was still a little too loose and clamped his muscled ring tighter, for his and Greg's pleasure. He tried to watch that gorgeous dick slide inside his butt, however, Danny's tool blocked his view, as he now had replaced Greg inside Buck's mouth. Danny fucked his hips, probing the mouth as quickly as he rose and fell over Buck's mountainous beef stick. All 3 men were screwing away at one another now and working to a swift conclusion. Time was passing and they had other things to pass - before then. None fought to retain their balls from performing their assigned duty. All relaxed their senses to maintaining strength against the wall of fire building in each of them. The faster they toiled and sweat inside one another, the more excited this very action elevated them toward their mutual goal. They also helped each in his own way. Both Danny and Buck clamped their mouths, lips and teeth tighter, while Buck also anchored his whole body to that spear inside his bowel, riding it ever faster, narrowing the gap between its extraction from his ass, to being completely sunk inside again. Both Buck and Greg let their nuts discharge almost as one, forcing their dicks to blaze red hot and eject their precious fluids into the one working so hard to take possession of the spewing salty, white broth. Greg turned animalistic as he punched his throbbing verge, harder and harder into Buck's tender hole. The custard singed the walls of Buck's bowel and felt as if he was being injected with boiling water. Poor Danny slaved to retain the flood, gushing out of Buck and into his mouth. Slurping, moaning anxiously and gripping the shaft protruding from his lips all the more tightly, he lost control and began to service up that promise dessert into Buck's mouth as well. None of the men slowed their pace, until all 6 spunking spheres had expelled their joyous loads. Only then, did they uniformly slow, stop and finally pulled away from the collecting receptacles they had deposited their priceless treasure into, with such a combust heat and passion. And like a jigsaw puzzle dismantled, they fell apart to become single souls once more. "Don't want to smell like a shitty dick all night." Greg used a face washer to clean his cock, before pulling his pants back up, from his ankles. Buck watched the 2 men dressing and wished they might have another session before he had to leave on another tour of time in the morning. But he knew they couldn't. "Geez yu' cum's thick Buck." Danny was still licking his lips as he gather his clothes around his firm, young body. "Pity we can't meet up again tonight guys, because I gotta go away tomorrow and not sure how long I'll be." He sat up and continued to watch his men dress. "Sorry buddy. Duty comes first." Greg finished dressing and turned to the others. "All tidy ?" Both Buck and Danny gave him the OK and he headed for the door. "Come on Danny, we're due on in a few minutes. We'll have to double pace it over there." Both gave Buck a salute. "Sleep there if you like so I got your stink to keep me warm in the morning." Greg smiled and they were gone. Buck returned to his room once dressed and gathered his shower things together again. He felt he had better wash down, as Greg had been screwing him so hard, he felt some of his body fluids splattering onto his buttocks and knew the hot cum was leaking out of him a little too. The shower block was empty and he was happy for that, as he needed some quiet time to ponder the last 30 minutes. He enjoyed mentally going over a fuck session afterwards, while it was still fresh in his mind. It was almost like reliving it - almost. The water was lovely and hot as always and he washed himself well between the legs to clean off any shit and spunk that might have been there. His fingers easily worked inside his butt ring and rinsed his bowel out as well. And after the shower, he dressed in clean clothes and went for his first proper walk around the base. He took in as much as he could. He found the recreation hall and gym, the Sergeant's Mess hall and the larger mess hall for all the troops. The parade ground and a playing field were close by as well. As he went, he watched many hunky soldiers working or training, sometimes with little on their young fit bodies. His blood surged and the hefty cock in his pants often grew down and along the leg of his pants. When it did, he would have to find somewhere to sit, so it wasn't too obvious to others. And after seeing much of the base, he returned to the gym. There was a platoon drilling with poles, balls and pins, dressed only in shorts, socks and singlets. Buck found a seat and sat watching them for a long while. He had to, because his cock had quickly gone to full erection and he was forced to stay put. It took a full 10 minutes for him to settle down, once the soldiers had moved off to do a few laps of the nearby oval. Buck tried to find things to do but ended up back in his room, where he stripped naked and lay on his bunk. His fingers fondled his nuts and cock until he was as hard as a rock again. Then, he slowly jerked himself for well over an hour before bringing himself closer to shooting. He walked his feet up the wall until his back was arched on the bunk, then allowed his legs to drop back toward the floor. As always, his dick automatically dove between his lips and sunk a good 5" into his mouth. He rocked his hips and fucked his own mouth in a steady but not slow speed. His nuts climbed inside his body and he felt the rush surge along the length of his giant cock. Raising his legs just a little, he captured the head of his slug between his teeth, bit and massaged the head with his tongue. It was quickly coated with his hot, sticky spunk. Laying there bent, quivering and jerking, he tossed a plentiful load into the back of his throat and savoured the flavour on his taste buds. He waited until his sucking lips and fisting hand could bring no more cum to the tunnel entrance, then threw his legs back against the wall and slithered down, onto the bunk. He lay there tasting the strings he had just shot into his mouth. He loved his own cum as much as from the balls of any guy he was able to suck. Then, sleep came and he woke with darkness around him. His clock showed 8 p.m. and he knew he could just make the mess hall if he hurried. It was due to close at 8.30 but was close, handy. But by that hour, he was only one of a few left at the tables. He ate a small meal and after another walk around some of the more well lit areas of the base, as well as the gym, he returned to his room at 10 p.m. Alone with his thoughts, he went through the many wonderful experiences he had recently, from Hank to Greg, Danny and that amazing trip to Rome. His cock stirred as it always did when he pondered his escapades. This reminded him of later that afternoon, and with an ever tightening grip on his dick, he worked himself back to a rock hard state once more. Never one for waste, he regained his position against the wall and returned to giving himself the longest, slowest sucking he had ever done. In fact, it was just on midnight when his cloudy mind swum in the sensual delights, as his balls ejected yet another load into his mouth. He lay back and urged sleep along, while playfully toying with the last remaining strings of spunk across his tongue and teeth. And when he woke to the alarm, in the morning, the strong flavour was still there. "Morning Professor." Buck walked into the room. "Where do we go today ?" Peterson didn't answer. He pointed toward the changing area and carried on with his in depth reading of some papers or charts. Buck walked on over to the wardrobe and found a buckskin outfit hanging separately. Nearby, on a chair, was a leather belt, a large knife, old musket and moccasins. "Am I going to meet Daniel Boone or something ?" The Professor didn't even raise his head. He just told Buck to get dressed. So Buck did as he was told and then moved over to where the Professor was sitting. The buckskins were not a loose fit and hugged his hips, shoulders and arms tightly. The legs were so tight, it restricted his dick a little and certainly made it show for all the world to see. Even the Professor did, this time. "Goodness." His eyes were more disciplined than most. They glanced at Buck then quickly looked elsewhere, never again examining him. "I'll make sure our tailor takes that into account for you from now on." But that was all he said on the matter. "Now, as you might have guessed, you are going to return to colonial days Major Wright. Here are some maps and charts, aged to look as they might have in those times. You are to find our Father of the Nation and give him some friendly advice, so he can win the day at Valley Forge and a few other locations. You will pretend to be a scout, returning with this news." "But Washington won many battles without our help. Why do we need...." "How do you know that Major ! How do you know that Washington didn't win all those battles against extreme odds, without some - well - help ?" "Are you trying to tell me that the history I grew up hearing, was due in part to my having gone back to that time and place and helped create ?" Buck scoffed, showed he didn't fully agree. "Its very possible. As you said yourself, he won many of his battles in extraordinary ways. The odds were always stacked up against the revolutionary forces, yet they won convincingly. It is most likely, this happened because of intervention in some way. Now, those charts are ones we know he had anyway, so its not as if we are giving him something new. Its just possible he had such maps to help him fight his battles, because we gave them to him !" Peterson waved for Buck to move toward the transporter plate, while he headed off, to the control panels. "Don't I get any briefing or such ?" Buck stepped onto the plate and checked his watch. Time was 8.35 a.m. He wouldn't need his translator this time, as they spoke the same language. He hoped. "You were picked because of your common sense, daring and ability to think for yourself. Besides, just what can I tell you about the 1700's you don't already know ?" He turned away from Buck and commenced to twist, turn and flick dials, in ways, only he knew, to activate the machine. He turned back to Buck and gave him a wave - goodbye - just as the room started to fade out in the usual manner. Around him, Buck suddenly caught sight of thick scrub, tall trees and as it all become more clear, he heard birds whistling. Then, he was there. Looking about him, he knew he was in for a tough job finding this spot again. The forest was like any other forest. There were no special landmarks nearby to give him a reminding hint, when searching for it in a few hours time. He stood looking for something he might lock onto. Only trees - and more trees. He thought he smelt smoke and looking to his right, he made out a whisper of smoke drifting up through the woods. Taking out his knife, he bent down and dug into the earth and grass. Then, turning to the nearest tree, some 4 steps away, he cut markings into the trunk. If he could find this tree again, he would only have to walk the 4 paces to find his dug hole. Once he was as confident as he could be, of finding his returning spot again, he headed for the smoke, drifting up from the forest. He made sure he walked directly for that fire and marked a few trees along the way, to aid him in his return. But in a short distance, he came out into a clearing. Ahead, he saw a small log cottage, surrounded by roughly cut fencing. He marked the last tree with broad, deep slashes and moved immediately ahead to the fencing, where he made further marks. Far more confident now, Buck headed for the cottage. As he approached, he saw some life stock milling around nearby. He couldn't see a sign of people, although clothing hung on a make shift line and of course, a fire burned inside the house. As he drew closer, he saw a wooden shutter being drawn closed, to cover a window and then the barrel of a rifle emerged through the slot in the shutters, made for just this purpose. He knew he had to make himself appear - friendly - or he might end up on the end of a musket shot. He slung his own musket over his shoulder, carrying it very leisurely, while he gave a wide sweeping wave to whomever was behind those shutters. He tried to make himself be the most non threatening sight, this person will have seen all day. "Hello !" "Who be you ?" A masculine voice called back. "My name is Buck Wright. I've come a long way." "You speak strangely, unlike to British or Colonist. Where would you be coming from ?" "South. Texas." Buck tried to think fast. "That belong to France, be it not ?" "Er - it changes hands like a local tavern !" Buck honestly couldn't recall now - or - then. "Leave your musket there if you wish to draw closer Mister Wright." The shutters closed again and soon after the cabin door came open, just a fraction. Buck put his rifle down against a fence post and slowly walked toward the door. "You be for Washington ?" The voice had a ring of hope to it. "Yes." Buck wished he'd not said that. He shouldn't be showing a side in this war, not knowing who might be with - or against whom. "Then, come forward. Quickly. And bring the musket." The door opened wider as Buck returned to the post and picked up his musket before heading back to the door. Standing in his way was a young boy, who might not be more than 16, wearing clothing not unlike his own. Although he seemed very young, his voice was mature. "Welcome. I be Thomas Stokes, son of Matthew and born in Virginia itself." He extended a hand which Buck took, shook and released as the youth stepped aside to allow him in. "I be seeing aboriginals in the forest this morn and they wears the tricorne of the British. Spies or scouts they be." The boy said with excitement. "You mean Indians ?" Buck had not heard native Americans called aboriginals before. "Be either, they frighten me no less." The youth closed the door. He moved to the shuttered window, peering through, then turned back to Buck. "What be you seek alone, in the middle ground ?" "Sorry, I don't understand." "Here ! Between both armies. I am trapped by circumstance but you must be here by need." "Yes, I have maps for President Washington." Buck drew them from inside his shirt. "President Washington ?" The boy was puzzled by that one. "I mean General Washington. Do you know where he's camped ?" "Yes. Not more than a short march. Maybe one pipe away." "One pipe ?" "You certainly are a stranger. A pipe's distance ! About one hour." Then Buck realised the boy meant - the time it would take to smoke a filled pipe. "But there be the British between us." "I must get these to him. Can you show me which way ?" The youth went back to the door and swung it open. Both jumped back with a start, when they found a tall Indian barring the way, who gave an almighty blood curdling cry. He rushed into the cabin, quickly followed by 3 others, all pointing their muskets at Buck and Thomas. They were quickly disarmed and restrained. The 4 young warriors wore the three sided British caps, as Thomas had seen them wear, earlier that day. But aside from this, they had little else on. A leather strap went from one shoulder to the opposite hip, on which hung gunpowder horns. Around their waists were thin straps of leather, over which hung a lap lap of tanned hide. These were decorated with an individual design. All wore a feather, tied into another strip of leather, around their left biceps but 2 also had something similar around both calves. All were barefoot. Knives were tucked into waistbands and pouches hung from their belts, which Buck guessed, contained the shot for their rifles. The Indian who led the charge, gripped Thomas by the crotch, feeling his strength. "Only boy." He didn't need to grab Buck, as everyone could see the outline of his huge penis trailing down the inside of his left leg. "You Father ?" Buck nodded a "yes" then looked to Thomas. "Then you be Matthew Stokes, enemy of Father George." The Indian thrust the butt of his rifle into Buck's midriff. The wind rushed from his lungs and he fell to his knees heavily. The butt repeated on him at the back of his neck. Buck's mind slipped into darkness. When he woke, the world seemed even more strange. Then, his eyes made more sense of what they saw and he realised he was upside down. His legs were stretched apart and roped to the ceiling above, while his wrists were also bound. He faced the back wall and could see nothing. He tried to screw his body around and looked behind, to the door. The room was empty. Then, he noticed he was also naked. His dick hung down along his belly, well beyond his navel and his heavy balls rested on it and his padded ass cheeks. Every muscle ached and the dimness of sunset outside, announced he had gone well past his allotted 4 hours. There was silence and he wondered what might have become of Thomas. He tried to focus on his body pains, to gauge if any of them were serious wounds, or were they just muscle strain from the awkward position he had been in ? As he centred his thoughts on every part of his body, he came to realise a number of things. His ass was very sore. Even more than after his sessions in Rome with those gigantic, monstrous dicks inside him. His cock was also a little sensitive and when he bent his neck to take a closer look, he could see traces of dried cum on the shaft, over the helmet and specks of tangled knots were in his matted hairs. His mouth had the distinct flavour of man juice, which told him, without a doubt, he had been force- fed spunk, not too long ago. The silence was suddenly broken by a whimpering. "Thomas ?" The cries stopped. "Thomas !" "Yes ?" A very weak and sorrowful reply told Buck the boy was very much afraid. "Have they gone ?" He waited a moment and when Thomas didn't answer, he spoke again. "Come and cut me down !" He heard scuffling noises, then felt a hand grab his bound wrists and try to undo the knots. His hands freed, Buck arched up and gripped his own knees before working his way up to take a hold of his bare ankles. He was working on the knots around them. One foot at a time. Then, he was hanging right way up and jumped to the floor. Thomas cringed in a corner. Knees sucked up into his body and arms wrapped around himself, hugging securely to himself. Now, Buck could really see just how young the boy was. Little muscle yet, all boyish flesh over undeveloped bones. Hairless - almost puny. He swept the young boy into his arms and carried him to a rough bunk across the room. Taking a torn blanket, he draped it over the quivering body and run a hand through his long locks. Looking around the room, Buck hoped to see his clothes somewhere - and those important maps and charts. "Don't leave me." "I won't." Well, not yet anyway, he thought. He saw a bundle over near the door and sure enough, it turned out to be his clothing. It had all been cut or torn but at least it was better than nothing. One sleeve was completely ripped from the shirt, showing off his strong biceps. The front was also torn to reveal part of his faint sprigs of chest mane. But he couldn't forgive those savages for having tattered the pants so badly that more of his hefty thighs and broad calves showed than were covered. A slit had been made in the left thigh, exposing his cockhead, no matter how he reshaped the trouser leg. It was obvious why the cut had been made - and those aches and pains drifting in and out of his brain, reminded him of other obvious things which must have taken place while he was unconscious. He searched the cabin from top to bottom but couldn't find the papers he had brought for Washington. "They took them." Thomas spoke up. Only his face could be seen outside the blanket. "They must be important ?" Buck nodded, they were. "They hurt us both and were about to kill us when they found them - there." He pointed to the floor. "Then, they left in haste." "Thomas, my boy !" Buck swung around to see a figure standing in the doorway. "Father !" Thomas threw himself out of the bunk and hobbled toward the man and they fell into each other's arms. "It was terrible Father. Terrible." "Yes. Yes. But its all over now." The man hugged Thomas and patted him calmly on the back. He looked to Buck and smiled. "Thank you." Buck had no heart to tell him, he had nothing to do with either of them being alive. The man was just so happy to find his son alive, it didn't matter. "You be the courier they spoke of ?" "Pardon ?" "We caught those animals. They begged for their miserable lives and gave us some British plans they said they had stolen from a British courier. You he ?" "I'm the courier, but not British. I was bringing them to General Washington." "Be that true or nay, the General now has them. But for you, he will decide." "But he is for Washington, Father. Look to his suffering too. Hounds do not attack the master." Only now, did Matthew Stokes take notice of the tatters Buck wore and his tormented state. "He suffered more than I." The pains told Buck, Thomas spoke the truth. "Then you come with us and fight ?" "No, I have to go back. I'm needed elsewhere." Buck stepped up to Thomas and ruffled his hair once more, extended a hand to Matthew and turned for the door. But outside, he saw many men, all in the uniform of frontier men. He looked to Matthew. "May I leave ?" "Let him pass !" Matthew called out and gave them a sweeping wave. Buck smiled and walked out toward the track, looking back as he followed the fence palings. The gathering were moving into the cabin, one by one. He found the marked post and swung back to find the tree at the edge of the clearing. Hopefully, he would soon be safe, back in war torn 1943. He left glad he didn't live in this day and age. The men were too rough for him. Although he never really knew what those Indians had done to him and Thomas while he was out to it all, he did know they had taken great advantage of him - and possibly Thomas as well. Since it was close to dusk, they must have enjoyed themselves with his body for many hours. And his ass announced they must have used more than any dick they possessed. He imagined them fisting him. Maybe using something as a toy on him. Whatever they did, it boiled down to - rape. He now came away knowing he would never again take any bed partner for granted. For too long, he had been happy to slam into sex, not really caring if he hurt or harmed his lover and had accepted similar treatment from others. They had all been engaging in little more than rape as well. He had even dared to consider it - love making. But there was no love in his past affairs, save a few occasions, mostly with Hank. Those warriors of the New World had unknowingly taught him that he must never approach sex in that way again. He found his line of marked trees and eventually the main tree he had branded especially well. Taking the few steps forward, he found the dug earth and sat down - exhausted. He didn't know how long he must wait for the hour to return, because his watch wasn't one of the things he got back. Hooking his knees up, arms wrapped around them, he dropped his head down and tried to find some peaceful sleep. He was fighting thoughts he disliked. The nation he battled to protect, now seemed to have been born out of something very close to evil events. Or so was his experience. Maybe the small patch of time he visited, gave him wrong impressions. The country seemed worth fighting for. The cause was noble. Some of the people were human - and like in his own time - some were little more than beasts, preying on weaker breeds. The outcome would see a great new birth with positives for those who sort them. But his ass told him that in every Garden of Eden lurked a snake. All he knew now was, he would make sure he would never again become a snake in his own time - or any other, for that matter. "Well, ain't you in a mess !" Looking up, Peterson was walking quickly toward him. "Thank god !" Buck fought back tears. He was back home.


8 Gay Erotic Stories from Aussie Slick

Bodyguards, Part 1

Bodyguards Part I As Corporal Groves brought his heels together, they clicked loudly. He stood erect and unmoving in his US Marine - Old Guard uniform. He was proud to be one of the White House Guards and took great pride in himself, his duty and his attitude toward performing with precision and style. His powerfully developed thighs locked together making him stand

Family Prophet

Family Prophet by Aussie Slick I’d heard so much about Grant from letters back home, that I was more than intrigued to finally see this guy, at his wedding. My young sister had met him at a wrestling tournament and had fallen head over heels for this - "muscular, handsome, gorgeous hunk of flesh". Not only were her letters to me always filled with what

Forgotten Sailors

Hans had always had a deep love for Erik. And working with him in the Engine Room, where it was hot, didn't help him control those passions very well. Erik would parade the steel cathedral, surrounded by all the mechanics and machinery, wearing only a pair of shorts, sailor's cap, heavy work boots and socks - maybe a navy blue singlet, when it was cooler. Hans was an Able Seaman

Major Buck's Odyssey Part 1

Major Buck's Odyssey Part I Chapter One Major Buckley Wright climbed out of his jeep, saluting the Corporal who drove him up to the base. He'd been posted many times to secret and top secret establishments, working directly under Generals often, so this new posting - which he was told would be - exciting to say the least - held no great expectations. He'd come

Major Buck's Odyssey Part 2

Major Buck's Odyssey Part II Chapter Two Buck held the cylinders in his arms, shaking with fear, as he watched the Professor twist the knobs and adjust the various dials. He prayed the man made no mistakes and it all worked out, just like that test run he witnessed a few minutes ago. The Professor turned at the hips and gave Buck a wave, before throwing that

Major Buck's Odyssey Part 3

Major Buck's Odyssey Part III Chapter Three Buck watched the Professor walk quickly to his operating panels and turn all the necessary dials. The room once again become dimly lit but then, faded completely away. Within a matter of seconds, he found himself standing in a busy plaza. Well honed stones under foot, blue sky above and lush greenery and trees all around

Major Buck's Odyssey Part 4

Chapter Four Buck was told by Professor Peterson to rest up for a whole day and return the following morning, relaxed and ready for his new adventure. Buck tried to extract where he was going next time, but Peterson wasn't too forthcoming with information. He would only repeat his same line over and over again. He said that Buck would cease testing the equipment and start to

Tasmanian Tiger

The birthing sun was hardly visible. Simply golden and pink tinges across the rim of the ocean, far from shore. Scattered amid the early sunrise were drifting clouds, now discernible, as they become emphasised by the morning rays. The warm night began to take upon itself the cooler breeze that always sweeps in with dawn. A chill that can be embracing to some; annoying to others. It

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