Gay Erotic Stories

Lord Byron's School Days

by John Courtney


Coming out! If you are just interested in the sex scenes, please scroll down to the next section of the story as there is very little in this section. Lord Byron, as he later came to be known, was born George Byron Lord in Trinidad on July the fourth, 1964. He stood five foot and six inches tall with a slim thirty inch waist and a lithe muscular body. He had ebony coloured skin and a tight cropped head of heavy black curls. Apart from that, his two most notable features were his right arm and his dick. Both of these were too big for the rest of his small body, in fact they were just plain overdeveloped! George’s parents moved to England in late 1969 when he was just five years old so he never regarded himself as fully Trinidadian. However, race relations in the part of Manchester where they lived at that time were not the best and so he never felt that he was British either. The attitudes of his classmates in the local comprehensive school were quite bad so his parents moved him into the local boys’ grammar school. Life there was even worse. There were only a handful of boys from ethnic minorities in that school and George was very much more an outsider there than he was in the comprehensive. In his attempt to carve out a life and an identity for himself he learnt what he could of his people and his homeland from the excellent history section of the school library. The stories about the slave trade and the role of the English in it made George particularly angry. He read Uncle Tom’s Cabin and saw the serialised version of Roots on television and he began to wish that he could get some revenge on the whites for what they had done to his ancestors. By the time that he was fourteen years of age George knew that he was queer. He was quite agile and good at sports and so he snatched plenty of glimpses of the milky white arses of his classmates in the changing rooms after gym class. By the time he was sixteen he was playing midfield on the school soccer team and he was on the swimming team. That year (1980) he was due to sit his O-levels and he hoped to get out of school immediately after that. Most of the other boys would be staying on to do their A-levels at eighteen but George didn’t think that he could stick another two years in that school. Being the only black student in his class and probably the only queer one as well made him a natural outcast. And the reward of myriad glimpses of cute white arses in the changing rooms was no compensation for the loneliness he felt in being at school. Around that time the gym teacher brought George’s class out to play rugby and that experience ignited a moment of liberation for the fettered ambitions that were growing inside George’s handsome head. The raw physical contact of the young black athlete with the lightly covered arses of his white classmates on the rugby pitch gave George an idea of how he would take his revenge on the descendants of the slavers – he would dedicate the rest of his lives to whipping and fucking every white English arse that ever would come his way just as these boys’ ancestors had done to his! As he walked to the changing rooms he fantasised about dominating and punishing his classmates, he would be the master, the lord of the house and his white companions would be his slaves. But, by the time that he arrived to the door of the changing room he knew that this idea was likely to be a fantasy that he would probably never realise. That same afternoon George was introduced to the works of Lord George Byron by Mister Venables, the English teacher. Poetry wasn’t his first interest but the poet’s name was remarkable similar to his own and he liked the idea of using a masterful title like Lord for himself. Mr. Venables began to read the opening lines of Don Juan in his usual monotonous voice. As Venables droned on George sat at his desk he thought of the new name – George Byron Lord could easily change his name to Lord George Byron. The powerful resonance of this new name excited him and his sizable black dick began to push against the flies of his grey school trousers. It wasn’t long before his eight inch dick was rock solid and straining against the underside of his wooden desk. “Lord! Stand!” George panicked when he heard Mr. Venables’ voice. “I said stand!” the teacher reiterated firmly. George looked around nervously as all twenty five sets of eyes in the room turned in his direction. He blushed but the dark skin didn’t show that as clearly as it would have on any of his classmates. His horn was refusing to subside and he knew that if he stood out as instructed that the bulge would be highly noticeable to the entire class. “I will not tell you again!” Mr. Venables said in a menacing voice as he walked towards George’s desk. George, fearing the teacher’s ire, stood slowly as the man approached. When Venables noticed that George was complying with his instructions, he stopped and stared at the black youth who was embarrassed by his predicament. “What has got into you today?” the teacher asked impatiently as the class began to snigger. Venables looked around in a rage at the boys and glared at them, “and what do you lot find so amusing?” he snapped. As he turned he noticed the standing flies of George’s trousers and realised immediately what the source of the mirth was. “Sit down Lord!” he instructed quietly and turned to return to his desk at the top of the class – “teenagers!” he muttered. “now boys read the first two pages of the poem to yourselves!” “Hey black boy!” George froze as he heard the whispered voice of John Keegan, the boy who sat behind him. John was the class bully. He was a handsome and stocky youth with wavy black hair. He was a little bit taller than George was but not as athletic. “Is it the poetry or Venables that’s getting you all horny?” Byron clenched his teeth and looked straight ahead. “Well which is it?” “Neither!” muttered George. “Well who is it then?” Keegan sang. “It’s certainly not fucking you!” George snarled through his teeth. “Maybe not! I suppose it’s me fucking you that’s getting you going!” George looked down at his book and tried his best to ignore the taunts from behind him. “We know your type!” Keegan continued, “I saw you today on the rugby field. Copping a feel here, a quick grope there. A quick peep at the boys’ mickeys in the showers … you’re just a little black faggot!” “Keegan!” Venables hollered, “Yes sir!” “What are you talking about?” “Was I talking sir? Sorry sir! I must have been reading the poem under my breath!” Venables sighed, “read it quietly will you!” “Yes sir! Sorry sir!” Venables moved to the window and stared out over the playing fields. Mr. Chadwick, the gym teacher, had the seniors out playing rugby. “Hey fag boy!” Keegan whispered, “I bet you’d just love to feel my big white dick sliding in and out of your greasy black arse, wouldn’t you? Is that making you horny black-fag?” “Keegan!” Venables roared. “Sorry sir!” The bell rang. As the class tumbled out Keegan walked behind George and grabbed his arse. “Hey fag-boy! Would you like me to …” Before Keegan had a chance to finish, George had swung a right hook and landed a punch firmly onto Keegan’s nose. The bully fell backwards but a few of his mates prevented him from falling down. “That’s it faggot! You’re mine after soccer practice this evening!” Venables was in the secretary’s office at the back of the building after school finished when he heard the commotion beneath the window. He looked down at the group gathered in the gardener’s tool-yard by the playing fields. From his vantage point Venables could see only the tops of the boys’ heads but he recognised Keegan and George quite easily. He opened the window to hear what was going on. What he heard shocked him! “Okay nigger!” he heard Keegan say, “down on your fucking knees and suck my dick or I’ll fucking beat you to a fucking black pulp!” The English teacher knew that he had to stop this, this was by far the most explicit piece of bullying he had ever encountered in twenty years of teaching. He tried to open the window but it wouldn’t move. He knocked on the glass and roared, but the boys below couldn’t hear him. Just as he turned to leave the room he heard the caretaker lock the office door from outside. He ran to the door and began to pound on it and call the caretaker. But old Charlie Jones the caretaker was a bit deaf and didn’t hear Venables through the heavy wooden door. The door had leather silencing pads on it from the time that it was the dean of discipline’s office in earlier days. He ran to the desk and called the staff room to get somebody up to release him, but there were no teachers on the premises and Venables got no answer. By now the two boys that were holding George had forced him to the ground and Keegan was rubbing his flaccid dick around the restrained boy’s mouth. “Suck it nigger!” Keegan ordered. “Fuck off pervert!” George replied through gritted teeth. “If you don’t suck it I’ll fuck your worthless black arse you fucking faggot! Suck!” George continued in his refusal. Venables rang the sports hall hoping that Chadwick would still be there. It took a few moments before he got an answer. “Michael!” he panted, “get over to the gardener’s compound quickly, some of the boys are acting up over there, quick it’s urgent!” “Peter? Is that you? Where are you ringing from? What’s going on?” “I’m locked into the secretary’s office. Don’t mind me, George Lord is in danger, quick go and help him!” Chadwick dropped the phone and ran towards the compound. “Okay boys!” Keegan ordered the other two, “stand him up and turn him around!” George struggled against the boys’ efforts but they managed to get him up and bent him over an oil drum. Keegan moved behind and yanked down George’s football shorts in a single jerk. He took his dick and ran it along the dark crevice of George’s arse. “Okay nigger boy! Beg me to fuck you!” Just as Keegan spoke Chadwick burst through the gates of the compound. He marched the four boys over to his office in the sports’ hall and sat them outside it. He left to find old Charlie Jones and got Peter Venables released from the secretary’s office. The four boys waited in silence for ten minutes before Chadwick and Venables returned. Keegan was crying – he knew that he was in big trouble. “Mr. Venables and I are both witnesses to what happened out there. This is a most serious matter, give me your parents’ phone numbers immediately!” Chadwick ordered the boys to shower and dress and then to return to the office immediately. He and Venables went into the office and called Mr. Bromley, the school principal. Bromley went to George’s house to tell his parents personally what he had heard. Chadwick called the other boys’ parents and they arrived at the school to an urgent meeting with the principal. The outcome of the meeting was predictable. The three boys’ parents offered to withdraw their respective sons from the school immediately. George’s parents were upset but they made it clear that they didn’t want to press charges against the other boys. The other boys’ parents thanked the Lords for their generosity and understanding. “Boys will be boys!” said Mr. Lord sadly as he put his arm around his son and with his wife holding the boy’s hand they led him from the room.” The following day Mr Venables looked at the depleted class. Rumours and stories were flying in all directions. He took a deep breath and explained the previous evening’s events to his class. They listened in silence as Venables explained that this was not a story for repeating in gossip. “This was a sad and serious matter,” he said, “it’s not the kind of story you should tell anybody lightly. If anything good can come of this it would be that you would all learn to treat people in a polite and special way. I hope boys that you can let this sad incident die a dignified death and learn from it. In later life remember that you should never do anything with another person without their consent!” “Will Lord be coming back to school?” one of the students asked. “I don’t know Richard!” Venables replied, “I just don’t know!” When Carlyle and Chrissie Lord got their son home they were still very upset. “Do you want a doctor son?” Carlyle asked. “No Dad! I’m fine!” “Are you sure?” Chrissie asked as she dried her eyes. “Yeah! I’m sure!” “How did this happen?” Carlyle asked. “Well Dad, the boys in school slag me off all the time because I’m queer!” “No! now listen son!” Carlyle jutted in immediately, “the boys slag you because they think you’re queer, not because you are! There’s a big difference!” George knew that the moment had come when he had to tell his parents how he felt. “I’m sorry Dad, what I said is what I wanted to say!” “What do you mean?” Chrissie asked as she looked at her son with a huge sadness in her eyes – she knew what was coming. “Dad, Mum, I am queer!” Chrissie began to sob. “Shut up woman!” Carlyle snapped as he looked tenderly at his only child. “Please son! You’re only sixteen, you cannot be sure of what you are so early!” ”But I am Dad! You met mum when you were fifteen, how were you so sure of what you wanted at that stage?” “It’s different son …” his father began but George cut him dead. “No it’s not!” he said confidently, “I’m big enough, old enough and bright enough to know who I am and what I feel!” Carlyle stared at his son intently. “maybe we should talk about this later!” “No Dad! We’ve started now and I want to finish! Please?” “Go on son!” George stood and hugged his parents. “Mom, Dad! I’m queer, I’ve always been queer and I don’t really mind being queer but I’m still George and I love you two very much and I hope you will still love me always!” Carlyle joined his wife as the two of them cried quietly. “Is there anything we can do for you son?” Carlyle asked wiping his eyes. “Like what?” George asked. “Do you want to move to another school?” “No!” George replied with a sobbed confidence in his voice, “I’m in a grammar school and that’s the best kind of school to be in. If I leave now I will only be running away and I don’t want to do that!” “Please son!” Chrissie begged, “you know you’ve never been happy there!” “Please mum, don’t start on that! I am black and I am queer, I live in a country that is racist and homophobic. I have to learn to stand my ground or I won’t survive at all!” “Your mum is right,” Carlyle added, “you have been very unhappy in that school for nearly three years now!” “I wasn’t unhappy in school!” George stated, “I was unhappy because I felt my life wasn’t worth shit and that nobody would love me if I was queer and I was. Now that you both know who I am I think I can be happy again!” Carlyle and Chrissie hugged their son. “Maybe that bastard Keegan did me a good turn after all!” George said as he returned his parents’ loving hugs with gusto. The School Holidays. Two days after the incident in the gardener’s compound, George returned to school. He walked into the classroom and was met by an uncomfortable silence. The other boys in his class looked down, nobody was quite sure how they should react to George’s return. By the end of his second week back at school George had changed. He withdrew from the soccer team and other extra-curricular activities. This upset Mr. Chadwick but he couldn’t force the boy’s hand. George still attended standard gym classes and excelled but he never took an active role in sports activities right up to the day of his O-levels. George did very well in his examinations. He secured three grade A’s in English Literature, History and French. He also manages a B grade in Mathematics, Science, Geography and German. His teachers persuaded him to stay on and complete his A-levels with the hope of him attending Oxbridge. After much thought, George returned to school in September 1980 to study for the A-levels. But during that summer George had changed. Away from the regular life of the school, and free in his sexuality, George changed his name to Lord Byron and like any decent aristocrat he set off hunting for prey. He bought a studded leather belt, a cane and a ping-pong bat and set out to find a nice white arse to whip. The fantasy born on the rugby field that day was soon to become a reality! On Tuesday, the fifteenth of July, Byron set off into the city in search of a nice white arse to whip and maybe even to fuck. By lunchtime he still hadn’t thought of a way of getting somebody to come home with him. He went into McDonald’s for lunch. He folded up his newspaper to leave after he had eaten but stopped by for a quick piss before he resumed his quest. He entered the toilet. There was a youngish man in a suit standing at one of the urinals. He was about thirty years of age, slim and just short of six foot. He had thick fair hair that fell in a heavy fringe over his forehead. Byron thought that the man was quite cute but he did not expect what would happen next to happen! Byron approached the only other urinal in the room and slowly released his substantial dick. Byron peeked over at the young man in the suit and saw that the man was watching him. He pulled the long tube of flesh out and gave it a quick shake. The man was still watching him but he hadn’t noticed that Byron was watching back out of the corner of his eye. Bingo! Byron had found a queer! As Byron began to piss the man in the suit finished. He shook his own dick to release the last few drops and then hurried off to wash his hands. Byron began to think that this chap might slip away so he finished in mid-stream and walked up behind the man at the hand-dryer. He clasped a hand on the man’s left cheek and the man turned to look at Byron in terror. “I saw you looking at my dick!” Byron stated. “I’m sorry!” the man stuttered in reply, “I just couldn’t help noticing how, well, how big you are for such a young man!” “So, do you like my dick?” Byron asked as he pointed down to where his dick was still hanging out of his jeans. The man in the suit looked down and nodded, his jaw still dropped as he admired Byron’s big black dick. “Would you like to find yourself sitting on the end of it?” Byron asked. The man nodded again. “Good!” said Byron, “but there’s a small problem!” “There always is!” the suit muttered as he began to walk away. “Stop!” Byron instructed, “it’s a problem that could be rectified!” “If it’s money you want forget it!” the man said. Byron removed his hand from the man’s arse and the man began to move away. As he moved Byron pulled back his hand and landed a sharp spank on the man’s thigh. “How dare you think that I am some sort of rent-boy!” Byron growled, “you now have two problems! First of all you looked at the sacred Black Cobra without permission and secondly you insulted me! For that you must be punished.” The man looked at the black teenager in mild bemusement. “And how must I be punished?” he asked in a whisper. “Call me sir!” Byron snarled. “Oops! Sorry lad! And how should I be punished sir?” the man asked with a smile. “You won’t be smiling like that when I pull you across my knee and whip your lily-white arse until it glows in the dark!” Byron snarled. “Sounds like fun to me!” the man said. “What’s your name?” Byron snapped. “Brian Harrison,” the man replied. “Well Brian Harrison – none of my slaves has fun when they’re across my knee! Where do you work?” “In Lloyds Bank,” Brian replied, “I’m an assistant manager with them!” “Impressive!” Byron said just as the door opened and another man entered. Byron motioned Brian to leave and the two of them returned to the restaurant. “Ring the bank and tell them you’ll be late back from lunch!” “I can’t do that I have an appointment at three thirty!” Brian said. “Ring them and tell them that you have a dental appointment you forgot about and you’ll be back to work in time for your appointment!” Brian looked at the wily youth and smiled. “And what is this appointment for?” he asked. “Corrective action!” Byron suggested with a smile. Brian entered a call-box and rang the bank. When he returned he looked at Byron – “okay then sir! My place or yours?” “Where do you live?” Byron asked. “About ten minutes on the bus from here, sir!” Brian replied. Byron looked at his watch, it was just gone half-past-one. “That’s closer than where I live. Let’s go!” he said. Byron and Brian caught the bus and travelled in silence to Brian’s flat. Byron was a bit shaky with this, Brian was cute but Byron was a raw virgin. As soon as they walked through the door, Byron cast his reservations aside and swung Brian around by the shoulder. He raised his right arm and landed a hard slap on Brian’s arse. “Fuck it!” Brian exclaimed, “you don’t waste any time do you?” “Shut up and get your fucking clothes off!” Byron snapped he could feel the raw excitement making his voice quiver a bit. Brian stumbled across the room trying to undress. Byron placed his quivering hands on his hips and watched. He hoped that he struck a decent masterful pose for Brian. When Brian was stripped Byron walked over and retrieved the belt form the trousers on the floor. “Bend boy!” Byron said as he approached the man slapping the belt lightly against his own leg. Brian obeyed. Byron walked up beside the man and looked down. His dick was already rock hard and pushing against the waist of his jeans in its attempt to get out. Brian could feel the blood rushing to his face when the first of stroke landed – WHACK! “One sir!” Brian roared. WHACK! “Two sir!” WHACK! “Three sir!” “Don’t forget to thank me!” Byron snapped . WHACK! “Four sir, thank you sir!” WHACK! “Five sir, thank you sir!” WHACK! “Six sir, thank you sir!” WHACK! “Seven sir, thank you sir!” WHACK! “Eight sir, thank you sir!” Byron was beginning to get really excited by this. WHACK! “Nine sir, thank you sir!” He had never imagined how much fun it would be to make a white arse red. WHACK! “Ten sir, thank you sir!” WHACK! “Now go stand by the armchair and I’ll join you in a minute!” WHACK! Brian scurried over to the chair and stood by it. He placed his hands against his sore arse in a futile effort to sooth it. Byron followed him and sat in the chair. He roughly pulled Brian over his thigh and caressed the hot arse, Brian raised his arse a bit in response to the young black hand that was massaging his sore bum. "That's it white-boy!” said Byron, “Lift your arse just a little bit higher so I can do this properly. Lift your arse up good and high for me so your master can do this properly." Brian complied, raising his stinging buttocks as high as he could. Brian thrust his hips back and proffered his arse. SMACK! Brian hollered. Byron was stronger than he had looked initially to Brian. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! "Stop sir,. Please Byron, stop!" Byron kept striking the sore arse. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! "You don't really want me to stop, do you?" he shouted without stopping SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! Brian’s arse was starting to really sting. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! He could feel his dick stiffen against Byron's thigh, SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! The pressure in his nuts became intense. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! Brian was beginning to shoot. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! His dick shuddered and just as the last SMACK hit his arse he shot all over Byron's thigh! Byron felt the warm liquid through his jeans, Byron smiled. He had never seen a man eager for a spanking. "Look at that mess on my jeans!" he shouted, "Bend down now and clean it up!" Brian bent down and started to suck his own cum off Byron’s jeans. "Your arse will be worked until it sizzles." Brian closed his eyes "Oh yes, sir. I'm sorry, sir. I just need a spanking from you so bad." When he had cleaned the mess up, Byron ordered him to stand again. "Now, and grab your ankles." Brian adjusted his position as instructed. Byron stared at the tightly stretched arse on display before him. SMACK! Brian jumped at the sting of the slap. Byron watched as Brian tried to steady himself for the strokes he knew were still to come. SMACK! SMACK! Two sharp swats. Brian gripped his ankles. "Oh yeah, Master Byron. Please give it to me." SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! "Ah! Oh, Master Byron. Please, Master Byron!" Yes! "OK, Brian, it's real punishment time!" said Byron, "Just so you remember why you are being punished. I am punishing you because you looked at the Black Cobra without permission and you called me a slut!" Byron took the belt, raised it over Brian's buttocks and brought it down with a loud crack. Slowly he repeated the action and the again and again – Byron whipped Brian for a solid twenty minutes. At half past two Byron stopped. Brian was whimpering on the floor with his arse looking rather the worst for wear. Byron silently complimented himself on a job well done. “I won’t have time to fuck you now – get dressed and go back to work! I’ll wait here for you and fuck your white arse when you get home!” Brian looked up at the dominating teenager and smiled. “Is it safe leaving you here on your own?” Byron wasn’t offended by the man’s caution. “The contents of your home are perfectly safe. You have nothing to worry about!” “Great! I’ll be home just after six.” “I’ll be waiting white-boy!” Brian dressed and left for work. He did his work as best as he could but his mind was reeling with excitement at the thought of what was waiting for him when he got home. His sore arse was a continual reminder of a promising evening with a big black dick buried up his hole. It was good that he spent most of the afternoon sitting at his desk, it afforded some cover for his constant erection! When Brian left Byron explored the flat. It was a comfortable place with two bedrooms. Byron noted that Brian had quite expensive tastes. He had a video recorder and a top-quality stereo. He had an excellent collection of classical music. Byron didn’t know much about classical music, he liked Reggae and the sort of stuff that most teenagers liked in 1980. He took a video from the selection in the cabinet under the television. Byron took about five minutes to get the video to play and was amazed by what he saw. The video showed Brian on his knees with another bloke shafting him doggy-style. This was a god-send for Byron. He had never fucked anybody or anything before and he knew he might learn something by watching how it was done. He didn’t want to appear inexperienced before Brian. The fucker lined up his dick at Brian’s arsehole. Byron noticed that the man’s dick looked greasy. He wished he could see the man’s face but the video camera was obviously on a tripod and the man’s head wasn’t in the frame. Just then the man reached forward and his head moved into the picture. Byron couldn’t make out what the man looked like because the man’s arm covered the side of his head. The man had black hair and was very thin. He saw what looked like a jar of Vaseline in the man’s hand as he moved back into his upright kneeling position. He placed the jar on Brian’s upturned arse and Byron knew now that it was Vaseline. The man dipped his fingers into the jar and then reached between Brian’s buttocks and started sliding his fingers in and out. Byron guessed that the man must have been sticking his fingers into Brian’s hole because there was nowhere else they could have been going. Brian was moaning. Byron started pulling his own dick through the fabric of his jeans. The man wiped his hands on Brian’s arse and lined his dick against Brian’s greased hole. He slid forward and he was in. At that same moment Byron shot a load inside his underpants! His legs went wobbly and his knees began to shake. He sat back into the armchair feeling dizzy! “Ready to take this all the way up your fucking arse?” the man in the video asked. Byron’s heart skipped a beat – “I know that voice!” he thought to himself. Who could it be? Byron had never seen the man’s body before. “I suppose it’s just that he sounds like the rest of the blokes in this city!” he thought, “I certainly think I know his voice!” “Yeah Johnny!” Brian sighed, “give it to me!” “Johnny?” Byron thought, he knew plenty of Johns and Johnnies but none of them looked like the man in the video. He moved closer to the screen to look for a clue but he couldn’t find one! He watched intently as the fucker’s dick slammed in and out of Brian’s hole. Byron grabbed his dick again. It felt cold and sticky inside his messed underpants. “Take my fucking dick uncle Brian you faggot!” the fucker snarled. Byron was shocked – “fuck this!” he said out loudly, “this bloke has sex with his own family!” He was disgusted and began to think about leaving right then. There was no way that Byron could stomach being with some kind of pervert that was into incest. He stopped as he walked to the door and browsed Brian’s well stocked bookshelf. He took down one of the photo-albums and opened it. It was full of holiday snaps of Brian with various male friends. There were several photographs of Brian with other cute blokes on holiday in sunny places. They were wearing Speedos in quite a few of them. Byron felt his dick rising as he looked at the photos, these blokes were sexy and not one of them was ugly. He wondered which one of them was Johnny. Johnny Harrison, Byron didn’t know anybody of that name. Maybe he wasn’t his nephew at all and it was some kind of role play fantasy – Byron decided that Johnny wasn’t related to Brian and put the matter to the back of his mind. He turned a few more pages and wished that Brian would have had a few nude photographs of these blokes but there weren’t any. He took down a second album, but these were snaps of Brian’s family and childhood so Byron put back the album after flicking through the first five or six pages – there was nobody that looked like Johnny in the photographs, all the Harrison family had fair hair. He moved on to explore the rest of the flat. The kitchen was well equipped and spotless, the bathroom gleamed – Brian was a very clean and organised man. He had an excellent selection of expensive after-shaves and toiletries in the bathroom. Byron looked into the smaller bedroom. It looked comfortable and then he continued into Brian’s own room. He opened the wardrobe and gasped when he saw the array of good clothing that hung neatly there. The cum in his underpants was dried up now and he wanted to change clothes, he felt a bit dirty. He stripped off and tried on some of Brian’s stuff but it was all too big for him. He opened one of the drawers and whistled at the selection of silk and rubber underwear that lay there. He picked up a pair of navy silk boxers and pulled them on. The silk felt good against his skin. Byron had never worn silk before. He walked over to the bed and pulled back the covers. There were black satin sheets on the bed. Byron hopped in and pulled the covers up. This was wonderful! He opened the bedside locker and found, much to his delight, Brian’s copies of old Zipper and Vulcan magazines and a jar of Vaseline. What Byron missed in the photo albums was available here – lots of pictures of cute young blokes wearing nothing but smiles. But his attention was caught by a comic strip book written by a man called Tom of Finland. Byron flicked through the pages of erotic drawings. It was a picture adventure of a white man in the jungle who got captured by an African tribe while having a piss. The tribe tied him up and started to have sex with him but the man got rescued by a Tarzan look-alike whom he later fucks. Byron stared at these pictures with special interest. The men in the drawings all had huge dicks. Byron was conscious of his own size and thought he was a bit of a freak. He didn’t object to having a big one because all the lads in school used to boast about their sizes. He had seen plenty of dicks in school but they were all smaller than his. These pictures proved to the then naïve Byron that there were many other men in the world with similar dicks and even bigger dicks than his own. He lay back into the satin covered pillows and began to pull his plum. The cartoon men were really exciting him and he pounded furiously on his steel-hard dick. Up and down he pulled his dick, jerking and sliding with rapid strokes. He could feel a load bubbling in the tubes and he arched his back up as he coated his hand with think white semen. He collapsed back down on the bed and the covers flopped over him. “I’ll make Brian suck the stain off later!” he thought to himself as he closed his eyes to rest after his second coming. Byron woke to find Brian between his legs, sucking and slurping on his big black dick as it poked through the opening of the silk boxers. Byron lay there, kept his eyes closed, and enjoyed the sensation of what was happening. He moaned – “Oh yeah white-boy! Stop sucking now and grease me up to go inside!” Brian stopped sucking and took the jar of Vaseline. He scooped a bit onto his fingers and then began to oil the hard black rod that was jutting straight up from Byron’s groin. He was extra careful not to get any Vaseline on the boxers. When he had oiled the full length of the thick black shaft he placed a glob of Vaseline on his hole and moved into a standing position above the black beauty below him. Brian lowered his arse until Byron’s dark shaft entered him from below. He slid slowly down the long dick until Byron was buried inside a man’s arse for the first time. "Oh Byron," Brian said, "I just love your dick, I love your dick in my arse." He started to slide up and down the shaft, fucking himself on Byron’s tool. Brian moved his body up and down, impaling himself with each downward thrust on Byron’s rock hard horn. "You can have my dick up your arse whenever you want," said Byron "as long as I get to whip your arse first!" "You can fuck me anytime you want to Byron," Brian cried. "Fuck me! Fuck me harder sir!" Byron arched his lower back and pushed his dick further up into Brian's arse, watching as Brian's eyes glazed over. Brian continued to impale himself on Byron’ tool, trying to pull ever last bit of it up his arse as his dick spewed its juices onto Byron' stomach. "Get off my dick!" asked Byron, "I want to try this from a different angle!” Brian complied with the instruction immediately and Byron’s long dick slid slowly from his hole like a big lump of shite. Byron sensed that Brian's arse was loose now and ready to be fucked, "I think I‘ll enjoy this better if I play rough with you!" Brian went down on all fours and Byron moved behind him. He was comfortable with this position because it was the same as the one he had seen on the video. He placed his greasy prong at the lubricated hole – Brian’s arse was still quite red from the earlier spanking – he thrust forward and his dick slid in quickly. Next Byron pulled back and then slammed his dick forward in one forceful thrust. Brian fell forward on the bed. Byron's dick slipped out of his hole but the black youth jumped forward and entered his victim with ease. Brian howled as Byron pulled back out again and then rammed back in. Brian tried to pull away, he was well experienced at taking it up the arse but Byron’s endowment was considerably more than he had ever taken before. The myths about black men being bigger were obviously true! Byron was now withdrawing by several inches and driving it back in with brutal force with each lunge. He thrust his dick in and out of Brian's arse and Brian was getting off on the feel of the big dick up his hole and the softness of the navy silk caressing his cheeks each time Byron drove home. By now Byron couldn't hold back any more and he began to shag Brian with long rough thrusts that pulled Brian's sphincter back with them. After twenty minutes of rough fucking, Byron's arsehole clenched and a wad of hot sperm splashed the insides of Brian's hole. As Brian felt the hot juices filling him, he knew that his shafting was over. What would happen next? Would Byron whip him or fuck him? Brian was open to either possibility. "Well Brian?" Byron began, "that was good wasn’t it?" "Yes sir! You’re one great fucker sir!" Byron kissed Brian’s shoulder – he was pleased that Brian had not detected his inexperience, fucking a man’s arse had been a great experience and fucking a man who didn’t notice that he was being shafted by a virgin was a greater compliment than any words could have conveyed. “I’m a natural at this!” Byron thought to himself as he swelled with pride. "We must do this again … on a regular basis!" Brian suggested. “White-boy! You are going to be my little white slave from now on. I’m going to whip your arse and you’re going to spend your days serving my big black dick!” “You’re a bit young aren’t you?” Brian asked. “I’m old enough to fuck you!” Byron retorted. “What about your parents?” “Hey relax! My parents know I’m queer!” “Do they think that they’d approve of you going with a twenty-eight year old?” “I suppose they wouldn’t! Now fuck them it’s none of their fucking business anyway! It’s my dick and I’ll do what I want to do with it! And to prove that I'm going to shag my little twenty-eight year old slave again!" said Byron. And he lined up for re-entry! "Okay then slave! I want to try a few different positions!" said Byron. He lay back with his big black horn sticking up in the air, "Sit on it!" he commanded. Brian did and Byron held his thighs as the man slid up and down his young master’s shaft. Byron lay there and allowed Brian's arse to slowly milk his dick by sliding up and down. After about ten minutes Brian's thigh muscles were beginning to strain. Byron sensed this and finished off by stopping Brian and thrusting violently from underneath until he shot his second load up Brian's dick-hungry hole. Byron pushed the man off his dick, rolled over and then stood by the bed. He began to stuff his dick into the boxers. “I have to go home now white-boy! Thanks for the ride!” “Will I ever see you again?” Brian asked. “Probably!” “Do you want to keep the boxers as a souvenir?” Byron was touched by the man’s generosity. “Thanks! I will!” he said. He turned to retrieve his clothes from where they lay on the ground. He picked up his underpants and thought of something. He walked over to the where Brian was sitting on the edge of the bed. “Turn around and raise your arse!” he instructed. Brian obeyed and Byron wiped the mess in Brian’s crack with the garment. “Here!” he said, “wrap this around your dick and pull yourself off! I’m going to spank you until you cum!” Brian began to beat his meat furiously as Byron landed quick sharp smacks to his arse. It took almost five minutes of continual pulling and spanking before Brian shot a load into the cotton y-fronts. “Now put them on!” Byron instructed. Brian did so. He had quite a struggle to get them on fully as Byron was a smaller size than he was. As he struggled, Byron dressed in his own clothes. “If you want to see me again you will have to wear these all the time. As your master I have the right to inspect you at any time and if I find you without them you will never ever see me again. Do you understand?” Byron was tying his shoes. “Yes sir! I understand!” “See you around white-boy!” Byron said as he left. On the following Thursday, Byron entered Lloyds Bank and asked the receptionist if he could see Mr. Harrison for a minute. “He’s at a meeting,” she replied. “Can he be disturbed, this is a matter of the utmost importance and I must see him immediately.” The receptionist led him to a small waiting room and invited him to sit. “And who may I tell him is waiting for him?” “Byron Lord.” “He may be a few minutes Mr. Lord,” she said. “That’s okay, I can wait!” A few minutes later a very flustered Brian Harrison entered the room. “What are you doing here?” he asked nervously. “I told you I have the right to inspect white-boy! Drop your trousers!” Brian looked around nervously. When he was sure that nobody could see him he slowly opened his trousers and lowered them to his knees. Byron walked behind him and lifted the flaps of his shirt. He smiled. Brian was wearing the underpants as instructed. “Good boy Brian! I’m glad to see that you’re obedient!” Byron said softly and he squeezed Brian’s left arse-cheek tightly. Byron walked straight out the door leaving Brian standing there with his trousers still around his knees. He left the door open as he walked and Brian dived quickly to where he couldn’t be seen by the other staff. He managed to get behind the door and push it closed. As he closed the door over he looked up by chance and was dismayed – there was a security camera trained on the room! He scurried from the room over to the security office to see if there was anybody there. He rapped on the door. “Come in Mr. Harrison!” a voice called out. Brian opened the door nervously. Joshua Maputo was sitting there. Brian blushed. “Relax Mr. Harrison,” the big black man said with a smile, “I won’t tell your uncle what I saw!” “Thanks Joshua!” “Hey Mr. Harrison, is that black boy your boyfriend?” Brian nodded. “I’d have never guessed that you liked black boys!” Joshua exclaimed. “He’s the first one I’ve ever been with.” “Really?” Joshua exclaimed loudly, “well if you like black boys you can do me a big favour to keep me quiet!” “What’s that?” Joshua pointed repeatedly down at his bulge. “You can get down on your knees right now and kiss the black god that’s going to save your arse!” Brian looked around nervously – “What? Right now!” Joshua nodded slowly, “Yeah boy!” he drawled in an American accent, “right now! You get down on them wobbly white knees of yours and get those pretty lips right around my big black tent pole!” Brian knew that he had no alternative so he knelt between the security guard’s legs and began to suck the large black truncheon. He was sucking for a good ten minutes before Joshua began to moan. Brian felt the dick twitch in his mouth as Joshua began to spill his load. “Swallow it white-boy! Swallow it all!” Slowly Joshua’s spunk seeped though his shaft and spilt into Brian’s mouth. He gulped and swallowed the lot. When he finished Brian didn’t wait to be told and just started to clean the guard’s knob with his tongue. “You know something Mr Harrison?” Joshua said softly, “you suck real good! If that black boy ever gets tired of you remember that you can come in here anytime and I’ll take care of your arse as well!” “Thanks for the offer!” Brian replied cattily. “Hey no problem!” “And you won’t say anything to anybody?” “You have my word!” “Thanks Joshua!” “You’re welcome!” As Brian opened the door Joshua called him again – “Mr Harrison?” “Yeah?” “Nice underpants!” “Fuck off!” Brian replied with a smile. “Arsehole!” Joshua muttered as the assistant manager disappeared. Alone in his security office, Joshua rewound the video cassette and watched the scene between Byron and the boss’s nephew over and over again. When he got tired of doing this he popped the cassette into his holdall and brought it home that evening. Brian had expected Byron to call over that evening but he didn’t. Byron met him as he left the bank the following day. Joshua was closing the shutters and he waved to the two of them as they went to McDonalds for an inspection. Brian showed Byron that he was wearing the underpants and so Byron went home and stayed the night with him. Byron also spent most of Saturday whipping and fucking his new friend. As August rolled by Byron spent more and more time with Brian. In early August Brian brought a few of his friends over to meet Byron. These were the men that he had seen in the photographs – in real life they looked even better. Byron spent the time before his return to school fucking and beating Brian’s friends’ arses. In all he had been with ten different friends before school reopened. Byron attended all sorts of parties with these men. He really enjoyed the gay-scene, dancing to Abba, the Village People and Boney M. He became a bit limp-wristed and camp. His father objected but to no avail. Byron was having fun and nothing was going to stop him now. The fantasy of beating white arses that had begun on a rugby field last term had already become a reality and he had whipped eleven white men and fucked them all by the time that his school holidays were over – his own arse was never penetrated! Back to school. When Byron returned to school he made no secret of his sexuality. He oozed new confidence and returned to sports. Mr Chadwick was delighted to have his midfielder back on the team. Mr. Venables didn’t have class with Byron but continually tried to counsel him on his sexuality every time he met him. Byron played the queen for the class and the rest of the boys really enjoyed his humour. He had a black chess queen on his desk as a mascot. While his sexuality and his overt camping offended solid characters like Mr. Venables, most of the school just enjoyed his hyperactivity. A few parents complained and the principal asked Byron to tone his act down. He did, for a while anyway! At weekends he continued to spend a lot of time with Brian and his friends. The act in school was easy to control as his libido was more than satisfied by his weekend activities. Byron rejoined the school soccer team and continued to play midfield. The dressing rooms were still a source of major interest for him but he didn’t want to lose the principal’s respect so he behaved in an absolutely perfect way when he was there. Every Friday he stayed with Brian and his friends. There were four in particular that used to visit most weekends – Andrew, Graham, Michael and Peter. They developed a game that they would play on a Friday evening. They called it “Confessions with Byron.” The game was simple, Byron would lie naked on Brian’s bed with his dick sticking into the air. The five men would line up naked facing the wall. Byron called each one by name and as his name was called the man would approach the bed and slide onto Byron’s hard dick. Once the man was impaled on the big black dick the following conversation would take place; Man: Great Master, I have been bad! Byron: And what do you seek? Man: I seek your judgement sir! Byron: Speak and I will decide your fate! At this point the man would have to tell Byron what he fantasised about while jacking-off during the week. He would also have to confess any other sexual thought that had crossed his mind. At random Byron would condemn the man to so many stokes before ordering him off his dick. When the man rose he would have to lick Byron’s dick clean and ready for the next man. Byron issued severe punishments for these crimes. A jack-off without Byron as the main star earned ten strokes. If Byron was the star then it was only five and they were for daring to fantasise about him without his express consent. Participating in sex during the week earned a further fifty and anybody who topped got seventy-five or a hundred depending on Byron’s mood. By the end of the confession most of the men would have received a sentence of between three and six hundred spanks. To ensure their honesty, Byron would regularly grant a pardon to the man with the most strokes earned. If you received an amnesty you would be invited to help out in the punishment of the others. The pardon depended on whether the combined number of spanks exceeded two thousand and the availability of the five men over the weekend. Byron always left Brian until last and never granted him a pardon if he earned the most spanks. Each of the men gave Byron some money each week. This allowed him to tell his parents that he was working part-time as a night-porter in a small hotel. His parents never realised that Byron was spending his weekends fucking and flogging – he had fifty pounds each Sunday evening when he arrived home and they had no evidence to doubt his story. Byron joined a soccer team that Brian, Andrew and Graham played with at weekends. He was by far the youngest on the team. It was Saturday, the tenth of October when the event with Billy took place. Billy Ross was a twenty-one year old defender on the team and was a big-mouthed slob. He wasn’t very fit but he was built like a brick shithouse so he defended well. (If you don’t follow soccer, the main purpose of a defender is to defend – he has to stop the forward who tries to get goals!) Billy was a homophobe! The Saturday in question, after the game – which they lost 2 nil as usual – Byron, Brian, Andrew and Graham dallied on in the changing rooms. Brian had received an inordinate punishment at confession time and Byron had agreed that he could half his punishment if he took one hundred strokes in the changing rooms after the showers. When the rest of the team was gone, Brian bent over to take his first public punishment. Brian and Graham counted and laughed as Byron landed each slap on Brian’s naked arse. “One!” they chimed as the first landed. Brian howled, Byron smiled. “Two!” the called in unison as Brian’s flesh began to redden. “Three!” they called out as the door opened and Billy walked in. “Four!” the called as Billy stood there and gasped – “What the fuck is going on?” Byron froze and the others looked in Billy’s direction. “You lot are fucking sick!” Billy screamed as he collected his forgotten shoe and stormed out. “That’s blown the cover!” Graham said desolately. “Don’t worry about him,” said Byron trying to make the best of an embarrassing situation, “nobody likes him and he won’t be believed!” The other three were wary so Byron agreed that Brian’s punishment would be reduced by eighty blows and the other seven hundred and twenty would be administered at home. But Billy Ross was to be worried about! When Byron turned up for school on Monday morning he was summoned by the principal, Mr. Bromley wanted Byron to become a junior prefect. This meant that Byron would be rewarded for toning down the camp act that had upset the principal who secretly enjoyed Byron’s camp humour. Byron was delighted with the honour and gladly accepted the responsibility. His duties as junior prefect were to supervise the canteen on Tuesdays and Thursdays and to supervise first form study on a Monday evening. These were duties that the senior prefects normally undertook and Byron knew that. The junior prefects were generally asked to supervise chess and sports clubs – but Mr. Bromley knew better than to leave Byron supervising the under fourteen soccer team in after school matches. As Byron left the principal’s office with his new prefect badge on his blazer he met Craig Ross and Peter Hamilton. It was then that he realised the danger of Billy Ross – Billy was Craig’s older brother. “Hey nigger!” Craig taunted, “my brother says you’re into kinky stuff and that you’re nothing but a fucking black pervert!” Byron tired to walk past them and ignore the remarks. Peter turned and thrust his arse back at him, pushing Byron backwards with the thrust. “Would you get off spanking me faggy?” he sneered. Byron blushed and suddenly Craig grabbed him by the throat. He thrust him back against the wall and snarled at him. “So old Bromley made you a fucking prefect, did he?” he said through gritted teeth, “so what job did he get the big, black, fucking fairy to do? Sucking the little juniors off after they piss is it?” “Fuck off Ross!” Byron snarled. “Maybe he made you dean of discipline for the little boys then did he? Let you fucking spank the nice little boys is it?” “I bet he’d love to suck your fucking hole more than he’d love to spank it!” Peter added. “Yeah faggy! Would you like to lick me out?” Craig asked. “Fuck off!” Byron shouted. “No faggy! I won’t fuck off! My brother told me what you do at weekends and I’ll tell the whole school and Bromley will have to sack you, you sad, sick, fucking bastard!” “Fuck you!” Byron snapped, “you’re fucking brother just wants to take it up his own fucking arse, that’s his problem!” Craig went red with rage when he heard this. His temples bulged and his veins stood in stark relief against his white neck. “That’s it fag! You’re fucking claimed! I’ll fucking see you behind the outfield changing rooms after school.” He released his painful grasp on Byron’s throat and headed off with Peter up the corridor. Byron spent the rest of the day in fear and panic. Billy Ross may have been a slob but his little brother was agile, fast and strong. Byron knew that he couldn’t win this fight but he also knew that he had to face it. After school he headed over to the back of the changing rooms as instructed to face his fate. He watched through the class window as the two boys walked across the playing fields. Venables came up behind him. “Stop daydreaming boy, get your bag and go home!” he said. As he spoke he looked out and saw the two boys crossing the field. “Where are those two boys going?” he asked. “That’s Ross and Hamilton, they’re taking a short cut home!” Byron replied. Venables left and when he was gone from sight Byron followed the others to face his fate. When he got there he was relieved to find that only Peter and Craig were waiting for him. Byron wasn’t surprised, neither of these two blokes was liked by anybody else in the school. “Well if it isn’t the sugar plum fucking fairy!” Peter exclaimed when he saw Byron come around the corner of the changing rooms. “Oh hi Byron!” Craig lisped in a mocking tone as he rubbed his dick through his grey flannel trousers, “it must be a whole new scene for you to be meeting the boys behind the shed for something other than a blow job!” Byron was filled with a mixture of fear, rage and total hatred. “Let’s get this over with!” he said as he removed his dark blazer. “Oh he’s stripping off for action!” Peter cooed as he pulled his flies up and down. Then he changed tactic, leaving his flies closed he snarled, “I think you got the wrong fucking idea here faggy! We’re hear to beat you to a fucking pulp not to make fucking love to your thick nigger arse!” The two boys lunged at Byron, but Byron was ready for them and landed his fist straight into Peter’s balls as the youth charged into him. Peter fell back squealing in agony and rolled on the ground clasping his groin. “I’ll fucking get you for that!” he roared as Craig landed a hard thump into Byron’s belly that winded him. Byron relied with a well-aimed thump in the jaw but Craig hit back into Byron’s stomach again, with more force this time. Byron bent double and Craig grabbed him by the ears. His physical strength was more than Byron could resist as Craig threw him roughly to the ground and then hopped on top of him. He pinned him to the ground and began to pummel him with hard thumps. Byron was in agony but wouldn’t give in. Peter, seeing that Byron was restrained, got up and walked behind where Craig had the boy pinned and landed a sharp kick into Byron’s groin. Byron screamed, he knew he was beaten and as the second kick landed he howled; “Okay I submit!” “So fucking soon?” Craig sneered, “I’m not fucking finished with you yet!” “I submitted, you won, that’s it!” Byron protested. But his protests were of no avail. “I think we should take him inside and finish this off!” Peter said retrieving the key of the changing rooms from his blazer pocket. “Where the fuck did you get that key from?” Craig asked. “It was on the bench in Charlie Brown’s workshop!” Peter said with a smile. Craig grinned as he pulled Byron into a standing position by the collar of his white school shirt. A few of the buttons popped off as the hapless youth was dragged into the changing rooms. “Okay nigger, we’re going to fucking punish you for what you said about my brother!” Craig grinned as they entered. “Yeah!” Peter added brandishing a cricket bat, “we’re going to fucking pound your arse with this!” “Bend over black-boy!” Byron wanted to cry but he covered his tears as best he could. He knew that he had no way out of this situation and that he would have to take the punishment. He bent over the wooden table that stood in the middle of the floor. Peter landed a heavy stroke of the bat across his flannel-covered arse. WHACK! Byron howled. WHACK! Another hard slap landed. “I think we should get him bare-arsed for this!” Craig suggested. Peter held the bat aloft as Craig moved behind the bent-over Byron. He stood directly behind him and reached around his waist to open Byron’s school trousers. As he opened his flies Craig grabbed a hold of Byron’s dick through his underpants – it was soft, unlike his own which was starting to get hard and leak a bit inside his own trousers. He took the opened trousers at the hips and roughly yanked them, and the underpants, down to Byron’s knees in a single jerk. He admired the shiny black globes in front of his face but quickly stood again behind his captive. Craig was straight. He had never had a fantasy about being with another bloke and the stiffening dick caused him to blush a bit. He didn’t want Peter to see his predicament so he leaned forward and pressed his groin against Byron’s naked arse. Peter looked at his friend in total bemusement as Craig froze with his hardening dick pressing through his trousers and into the cleft of Byron’s arse. Byron was aware of the growth in his valley but was unsure of what was happening. Nobody spoke! “Are you fucking that nigger’s arse Craig or are you waiting to take the slaps on his behalf?” Peter asked impatiently. Craig blushed and Peter read the response with horror. “Aw fuck off Craig!” he pleaded with his only friend, “you’re not fucking bent as well! Please Craig, get away from his fucking arse! Please mate don’t do this, please!” Byron grinned inwardly. Craig’s dick was at full mast in his crack and he was too embarrassed to move back and let Peter see the tent in his trousers. “Of course I’m not fucking bent!” he snapped unconvincingly at his friend, “but I think I’d like to shaft this nigger to show him who’s the boss!” “You’re fucking sick!” Peter snapped, dropping the cricket bat and grabbing his blazer. “Find yourself another fucking friend you fucking bender you!” And he stormed out of the changing room. “No Peter! Wait!” Craig called as his friend stormed off. Byron was enjoying himself now but his enjoyment was short lived. “I’m going to finish what John Keegan started last year!” he snapped as he thrust his hips back and fumbled to open his flies. He held Byron’s neck tightly against the table with his strong arm and Byron couldn’t move. After an unusual amount of fumbling, Craig Ross released his six inch erection over the elastic of his underpants. The waistband pressed uncomfortably against the base of his dick as he tried to point the knob at Byron’s clenched virgin hole. He was beginning to regret that he hadn’t dropped his bags completely, the waistband kept pushing his erection higher than Byron’s hole and he was having difficulty keeping the struggling youth in place beneath him. Craig leaned forward to imprison Byron beneath his bulk. He was much bigger than Byron except in the dick department, and easily held the struggling youth in place beneath his weight. “Beg me to fuck you black-boy!” Craig ordered as he pulled his hips back and struggled to open his own trousers at the same time. “No fucking way!” Byron screamed as he struggled against Craig’s mass, “I don’t take it up the arse!” “All you benders take it up the fucking arse!” Craig panted as he managed to slide his own trousers down over his hips and release the painful hold that his underpants had on his dick. “I never take it up the arse!” Byron whined and panted as he continued to struggle. “Well, in that case, I am fucking privileged to be the man to change that situation!” Craig replied as he slid down Byron’s back a bit and managed to jab his dick at the clenched hole. “A man is it?” Byron sneered, “a man with a puny fucking dick is a boy!” Craig blushed and his face reddened with a mixture of blush and anger again as it had earlier. He knew down deep that Byron outranked him in the size department. He had felt his dick only a few minutes earlier and was impressed by the size. In fact it was the size and the feel of Byron’s dick that had started his own erection. “Man enough to fuck your stupid fucking arse!” he snarled and jabbed again at the tight hole. Craig pushed the head of his dick at Byron's rump again and, with a sharp jab, buried two inches inside him. Byron screamed in pain as the dry rod forced its way into his resisting hole. "Use some grease!" Byron pleaded. "No fucking way! This isn’t for your pleasure faggy! Now beg me to fuck you!" instructed Craig. Craig pulled out completely. The tight hole had pulled his foreskin back painfully and his dick was sore. He had never fucked an arse before and now he understood the jokes about Vaseline that the other boys made in class. Byron thought that Craig had given up – he sighed, let out a deep breath and closed his eyes. But his eyes shot open again when Craig plunged inside him for a second time. "Only resting!" said Craig as he plunged back in. “I don’t mind the shit if you don’t mind the pain!” Byron howled as Craig’s dick rammed straight through his dry sphincter and caused a painful burning sensation in his arse. Craig began to thrust in and out of Byron's sore arse with short rough thrusts. Byron continued to howl as the rough fucking continued. Craig was thrusting with relentless speed and power now. Byron was still grimacing in pain. In and out the dry dick slid pulling Byron’s ring painfully with each withdrawal. He clenched his eyes closed and felt a tear well up in the corner. He hated this. He hated Craig Ross, he hated taking it up the arse – Byron felt humiliated. After about ten minutes of relentless fucking Craig shuddered and shot his seed into Byron’s tortured arse, then he pulled out with a plop and wiped his dick clean on Byron’s buttock. He pulled on his trousers back up and as he stuffed his dick in he noticed it was bleeding a little under the knob, "You hurt my dick!" he said to Byron with a tone of disgust in his voice. "Your dick!" cried Byron, "what about my arse?" “What about your fucking arse? I couldn’t give a shite about your fucking arse!” Craig said as he walked to the door, “See you around fairy!” Byron slumped on the table and began to cry. He felt humiliated, used and angry. He had lost his virginity to the biggest prick in the school – metaphorically as Craig wasn’t that well endowed at all – he decided to go over and stay with Brian that evening. Standing slowly he felt pain in his arse, he reached back with a finger and touched the sore flesh. When he brought his finger around to look at it he nearly got sick, a mixture of blood and spunk! He wiped his fingers in disgust on the table – then he saw the key! Peter, in his haste had never taken the key with him. Byron picked it up and smiled, this would be a valuable asset for the future. Comfort with Brian. When Byron was on the way to Brian’s house he stopped off to copy the key. He was still sore but his injured pride was hurting him even more. He got to Brian’s and called his mother on the telephone to say he was going to do a night shift in the hotel. His mother wasn’t happy with that but Byron explained that the hotel was quiet and he could study during the night. Just after seven o’clock Brian came home. He was surprised to find Byron there sewing the buttons back onto his school shirt. “What are you doing here?” he asked. “You’re late!” Byron snapped in reply. “That’s your fucking fault!” Brian replied. “How is it my fault?” “I had to give Joshua Maputo a suck after work!” “And how’s that my fault?” “Ever since the day you came into the bank to inspect me last July he has regularly bribed me into staying back after work and suck his dick!” “Well!” said Byron with a tone on irritation in his voice, “when you were happily chewing on Joshua’s dick I was being raped by Billy Ross’s brother!” “I never said I was happily chewing anything!” Brian snapped in reply, then he stopped “Raped?” he exclaimed realising that there was something wrong. Byron began to cry. Brian moved over to him and taking the teenager in his arms hugged him. “What happened?” “Billy’s brother is in my form in school,” Byron whinged, “Billy told him everything and then his friend and him beat me up behind the changing rooms and then Craig buggered me!” Brian rocked the sobbing youth in his arms, “it’s okay Byron!” he said in a soothing voice, “we’ll get Billy back for what he did after practice on Wednesday!” Byron looked up at him and sort of smiled, “really?” “Yes! Really!” “How?” “Never mind that just now, drop your pants and let’s see if the fucking bastard did any damage back there.” Byron rose and opened his trousers, he turned around and Brian examined the hole. “Am I okay?” Byron asked nervously. Brian laughed, “yeah you’re fine! It’ll be sore in the morning but you’ll live!” “It’s fucking sore now you daft bollocks!” Byron snapped. “Listen to the voice of experience,” Brian continued, “it stings now, it will be sore in the morning!” Brian went to the kitchen and returned with a towel and some warm water. He dabbed the sore flesh with the corner of the towel and cleaned the area up. “The only damage will be to your pride!” he remarked. “What does that mean?” “Well, we are what we eat!” Brian continued. Byron looked back at him with a confused look on his face. “Don’t look at me in that tone of voice Byron Ross!” Brian chided. Byron stood – “what the fuck are you on about, my name isn’t fucking Ross!” “It is now!” said Brian with a smile playing on the sides of his mouth, “you see, we are what we eat and we ingest food through the colon as well!” “I don’t know what you’re getting at here Brian!” “Simple, you have just assimilated some of Craig Ross’s sperm into your body, that means part of you is made by Craig’s sperm and if part of you is made by Craig’s sperm then Craig is your father and you are his son, so your name is Byron Ross!” “You talk such shite sometimes Brian!” Byron said realising that Brian was trying to goad him, “let’s go to bed!” “No way!” Brian relied, “I’m much too tired for that!” “Beds are also for sleeping in,” Byron remarked as he dragged Brian’s arm. The two walked to the bedroom with their arms around each other. They stripped off and then dressed in the silk boxers that they both liked to wear when they were together. Once they were in the bed Byron turned to Brian and asked – “what are you going to do to Billy Ross?” “I’ll tell you about it tomorrow!” They lay together in silence for a while. Byron rested his head on Brian’s chest and the two lay still, comfortable in each others assuring presence. “Brian?” Byron asked, “do you feel like this when I fuck you?” “Sometimes!” Brian muttered in reply. “Oh God! I never knew it could have this effect!” “Relax Byron!” Brian said softly, “when I feel the pain then I just think of you and that makes me happy!” “Do I hurt you?” “Not as much as in the beginning!” “Would you like me to go easier on you?” Byron asked with some concern in his voice. “Well my young master, may I have permission to speak please?” “Granted!” “Forgive me my impertinence sir, but, although I know that I thoroughly deserve my spankings, I wish that you would use your hand more and the implements less!” “I wasn’t talking about the spanking!” Byron retorted quickly, “I was asking for about how you feel when I fuck you!” “I’m sorry master, you may disregard my last request!” “Well, I won’t do that,” Byron replied, “just answer the question please!” “Well master, your are rather large down there and it can hurt a bit. But as you get more experience at fucking you have become less of a pain in the arse than you were. By now I am used to what you give and I enjoy it immensely.” “Would you like me to slip you a length now?” “Yes please!” “I thought you said you were too tired?” “I’m not that tired anymore!” Byron laughed as they untangled and knelt on the bed. Brian slid his boxers off completely and Byron pulled his massive dick though the slit of his own. Brian adopted to the usual routine and bent forward to lick and suck Byron to full hardness. When Byron was standing straight, Brian lay flat on his back and looked up at his young lover. “Please fuck me!" he whimpered. "Keep begging!" "Please Byron, please stick your dick into me and treat me like I should be treated! I want to be fucked by you …" "Okay then!" said Byron laughing, “but remember, you asked for it!” “I don’t mind the pain if you don’t mind the shit!” “That’s what Craig said!” Byron remarked as he greased Brian’s hole. “It’s a cliché!” Byron got up and stood by the bed. He pulled Brian to the edge and lifted his legs into the air. Byron bent forward so that his dick prodded Brian’s hole. With a slow, long push, Byron began to insert his dick into Brian’s greasy arse. Brian felt the wide, black club slowly sliding up his rectum. Each inch seemed to split him open even more. the Black Cobra was about half way in. He smiled as he watched Brian endure the obvious pain. Then, with one thrust, he shoved all the way in. Brian and Byron screamed at the same time. “Fuck me that hurts!” Byron exclaimed with a pained grimace on his face. “What do you mean it hurts? It’s not you that’s just had a telegraph pole stuck up your arse!” “My fucking arse hurts! My hole stings!” Byron protested, “as soon as I thrust forward I felt the pain of this afternoon again!” Byron stayed still, his dick held tightly by Brian’s hole. He didn't move. He couldn’t move. Byron moved his hand down to Brian’s horn. He gently fondled the stiff rod. Brian began to moan loudly. Byron wrapped his fingers around the stiff organ and squeezed it. “You white boys have small dicks but they sure hurt!” he remarked as his hand slid along Brian’s pole. “Some black boys have huge dicks but you don’t hear us moaning!” Brian replied. “That’s because you white boys have big arseholes!” “And you black boys are big arseholes!” Byron pulled roughly and pounded Brian’s rod, Brian put his knees in the air and enjoyed the sensation of Byron’s hand wanking him off. Byron pulled and jerked and after a few minutes Brian began to shoot. Squirts of cum shot up onto his chest and face. Brian’s hard rod flexed in Byron's hand as a surge of cum dribbled down over his fist. Brian moaned. Byron continued to pump gently. After ten minutes of wanking, Brian was done. “How’s your hole?” Brian asked. “Better!” said Byron as he returned his attention to fucking Brian’s butt. He grabbed his calves, raised his legs high into the air, and splayed him. He pushed his dick against the familiar arse in front of him. Brian’s hole pulsed as Byron began to slide around inside. Brian began to moan loudly. His hole closed tightly around the invading knob. He arched his back and Byron's muscles tightened as he forced his way higher up and into Brian’s hole. Brian groaned as Byron slowly poked him. His recently emptied balls dangled loosely just above Byron's invading tool. Byron humped his rod against the dangling balls. Brian’s rectum tightened as Byron pushed in. Eventually, Byron's balls were pressed against Brian’s arse. He grimaced as Byron grinned. And then the two of them moaned with pleasure. “Does this make me your Daddy now?” Byron asked. “What?” Brian replied in surprise. “Am I your Daddy?” “No! You’re my pilot!” “Your pilot?” “Yeah – I’m your cockpit!” Byron laughed as he lay on top of his lover and began to slowly slide his big black dick in and out of Brian’s hole. “You are what you eat!” Byron remarked. “And that makes you my Daddy!” “And good daddies spank their boys when they’re bad!” “And you spank me …” “… so I’m your Daddy! I like that! Call me Daddy Brian!” “You’re too young to be my Daddy!” “But you’re made with my sperm!” “Yeah! Gallons of the stuff have gone into me since we met!” “So call me Daddy!” “Okay then!” Brian said with a smile from ear to ear, “fuck my arse then Daddy!” “It will be my pleasure son!” Byron continued his gentle sliding in and out of Brian’s arse. It was the most gentle sex they had ever had and Brian was in second heaven with the gentle feeling that Byron’s familiar dick was causing in his rectum. It took forty minutes before Byron came inside his lover. The two men were sweating as they pressed together and kissed. “Who is Joshua?” Byron asked. “I told you before he’s the security man at the bank Daddy!” “And are you having sex with him?” “I have to suck him off because he’s blackmailing me!” “That’s a double spanking for you son!” “Why?” Brian protested. Brian nuzzled up to his lover’s chest and said softly, “one spanking for having sex with another man other than me. And the other spanking, for referring to an African as a black-male. I won’t have my son use racist language!” “Please Daddy! That’s not fair!” “It’s okay – I’ll only use my hand as you requested earlier!” Byron said as he slid out and moved to sit on the bed. Brian moved into position and lay across his new Daddy’s lap. The spanking began. As Brian lay there counting the spanks for his racist remark he noticed that the spanking wasn’t as aggressive as it was to date. Byron had moved from fetish to erotic in his method. Nevertheless, he was landing stinging slaps onto the poor man’s well used arse with the usual speed. At fifty Byron stopped. “Now the second part, I want you to confess to me about all the different men you’ve let fuck you! Begin!” SLAP! “Where do you want me to begin?” SLAP! ‘Ouch!” “Start with Johnny!” SLAP! ‘Ouch!” “How do you know SLAP! ‘Ouch!” about Johnny?” “I saw him on the video SLAP! ‘Ouch!” that you made the first day SLAP! ‘Ouch!” I stayed here!” “Well, Johnny is my nephew. SLAP! ‘Ow!” He’s a bit of a troublemaker SLAP! ‘Ouch!” and last year he got expelled from SLAP! ‘Ooh!” school. His old man was disgusted with him SLAP! ‘Ow!” so he wouldn’t let him stay SLAP! ‘Uuf!” in the house. SLAP! ‘Ouch!” So Johnny ended up on the streets SLAP! ‘Ouch!” and often stayed over here SLAP! ‘Ouch!” He knew I was queer SLAP! ‘Ouch!” and often fucked me SLAP! ‘Ouch!” to get some money SLAP! ‘Ooh!” out of me for drugs. SLAP! ‘Ouch!” He was on heroin SLAP! ‘Ouch!” and in a few short months SLAP! ‘Ouch!” he changed from a SLAP! ‘Ow!” fine looking bloke into a real SLAP! ‘Ooh!” junkie.” “You let your own nephew fuck you? SLAP! ‘Ouch!” That’s disgusting!” SLAP! ‘Ow!” “I had no SLAP! ‘Ooh!” choice in the matter!” SLAP! ‘Ow!” “Incest SLAP! ‘Ouch!” is wrong!” “If you’re my Daddy SLAP! ‘Ow!” and incest is wrong then you shouldn’t be fucking me!” “Don’t be cheeky!” SLAP! SLAP! “Hey that fucking hurts!” “ Now get on with the story!” SLAP! ‘Ooh!” “Johnny was a nice lad once SLAP! ‘Ouch!” but a bit cocky. SLAP! ‘Ouch!” He got on well with me SLAP! ‘Ooh!” and I didn’t have the heart SLAP! ‘Ooh!” to put him out of here. SLAP! ‘Ouch!” I work for his old man, SLAP! ‘Uuf!” he’s the manager of my branch, SLAP! ‘Ow!” and Johnny always threatened to tell his old man SLAP! ‘Uuf!” that he was staying with me. SLAP! ‘Ooh!” To buy his silence I let him have my arse SLAP! ‘Ooh!” and access to my wallet. SLAP! ‘Ow!” But I haven’t seen him since August, SLAP! ‘Ooh!” he’s probably off with some junkies but I don’t know!” SLAP! ‘Ooh!” Byron stopped and they lay side by side in the bed. “Did you enjoy that spanking?” “Yes Daddy, thank you for disciplining me!” “Turn away, I want to stick the Black Cobra up your arse again!” Brian complied and Byron slid his dick back up his lover’s behind. “Hey hairy hole!” Byron whispered as he nuzzled against Brian’s shoulder, “on your way home from work tomorrow get some depilatory cream – if you’re going to be my son, you’re too young to have body hair so it’s all coming off tomorrow evening!” “But Byron, what about the football team?” “Fuck the football team!” “And how many spankings would I get if I fucked the entire team?” Byron laughed, “Go to sleep boy!” Next morning. Byron woke early and dressed for school. He had none of his homework done so he left Brian sleeping and went straight to school. His first stop was the changing rooms where he placed the caretaker’s key on the table and closed the door behind him. He went straight from there to the main building. “Honest Mr. Bromley,” he heard Charlie the caretaker explain to the principal, “it was right there on the bench in my place yesterday afternoon and then it just disappeared!” “A key cannot simply disappear,” Bromley said with a touch of irritation in his voice, “was there anybody in the room?” “I can’t remember Mr Bromley,” the old man replied. Byron seized the opportunity. He walked up to the principal and smiled. “Mr. Bromley sir!” “Yes Byron what is it? Can’t you see I’m busy?” “Yes Mr. Bromley, but I think I can help, I saw Peter Hamilton coming out of Mr. Brown’s room yesterday!” Mr Bromley smiled, “Thank you Byron! I knew it was a good idea to make you prefect. Well done boy!” After assembly, Bromley called Peter Hamilton and asked him about the key. Peter denied any knowledge at first but Bromley wasn’t easy to give the slip to. Eventually Peter admitted that he might have picked up the key by mistake. “And where is the key now?” Bromley asked. “It might be in my blazer pocket sir!” “Go get it!” Peter left the principal’s office and went straight to the cloakroom where he had hung his blazer. He knew that the key wasn’t there. He met Byron on the corridor. “Hey Byron!” he called out trying to be friendly, but Byron walked away. “Byron please!” he begged, “I’m sorry about what happened yesterday!” Byron turned, “I don’t fucking care if you’re sorry or not, I hate you, you’re a fucking pig, you’ve no friends because you’re a total fucking arsehole and I do not wish to speak to you!” “Byron, please! Have you the key of the changing rooms?” “No!” “Please Byron, I’m in big shit with Bromley, he knows I took the key and now he wants it back. Did you see where I put it?” Byron put his face against Peter’s and snarled viciously – “of course I saw where you fucking put it! How could I not see it when my face is pressed to the table with your fucking mate buggering me!” “Where is it then?” Peter asked enthusiastically hoping that Byron had it in his pocket. “On the same fucking table that you left it on!” Peter’s heart sank. He returned to the principal’s office where Bromley was talking to three of the teachers – among them was Mr. Venables. “I’m sorry sir!” Peter began, “I can’t find it just now but I’ll try again at break time!” “Fine!” Bromley replied without looking at the lad. “Hold on a moment there young Hamilton!” Venables interjected as the boy was walking away, “what were you and the Ross boy doing over at the playing fields after school yesterday?” Peter froze in his tracks as the principal folded his big arms. “Hamilton! Where is the key?” Peter Hamilton was a bright enough chap to invent a story, now more than ever he needed to come up with a good one. “Sorry sir, me and Craig…” “Craig and I!” Venables corrected. “Yes sir, Craig and I had a small falling out yesterday so we fought it out in the changing room. The key is on the table there still, I left it there by mistake.” “Where is Craig Ross now?” Bromley asked. “He’s not in sir!” “Is that because you injured him?” “No sir! He won the scrap!” “Go to class boy, I will contact your parents later. Fighting in school brings instant suspension for both participants regardless of who started it, and the matter of stealing the key could turn out to be quite serious as well!” “Yes sir!” Peter bowed his head. “Hamilton!” the boy turned, “it’s just as well that you eventually told the truth about what happened. You might have found yourself looking for a new school otherwise!” “Yes sir, thank you sir!” Word spread rapidly about Peter Hamilton and Craig Ross getting three weeks suspension. Byron smiled, he had accomplished the first stage of his revenge. When he got home that evening he rang Brian and told him what had happened. Brian laughed. “The gods smile on Byron again!” Brian said. “Yeah! I am a lucky little bastard!” “Are you coming over this evening?” “No, I’ll see you tomorrow at football.” “And the depilatory?” “Tomorrow – perhaps!” “See you Dad!” “Daddy!” Byron corrected him. “See you tomorrow Daddy!” “See you tomorrow son!” Revenge at last! After the bank closed on Wednesday, Byron met up with Brian to go to football. Brian had a bag with him other than the normal one. He explained the plan to Byron as they waited for Andrew and Graham. At first he objected to the plan but Brian pressed him and he agreed just as Andrew drove up. Just before practice Andrew prevailed on the coach to make Byron and Billy put up the posts and nets. “They have always got out of doing it!” he insisted. The coach agreed that every member of the team had to pull his weight and sent the two off to assemble the posts. As Byron and Billy walked across the field to set up the first post Billy began to snarl at the young man. “Hey nigger!” he said through clenched teeth, “you got my brother suspended from school!” Byron ignored the remarks. “I’ll get you for this!” Billy continued, “your fucking black arse is mine boy and I’ll make you cry. Craig tells me you cry when you’re taking it up the arse, is that true?” Byron said nothing. “Well, the good news for me is that we have to take these down after the game so it will be just you and me in the changing rooms honey when the others hit the pub!” Practice and training were fine. There was no visible sign of animosity from Billy towards Byron. Brian cried off training claiming he had pulled a hamstring. After training was ended the others went off to change and Billy started to tease Byron as they dissembled the posts. “Very soon now nigger boy and you’re going to be getting this big salami riding up your cute little arse!” he sneered. They had to work at Billy’s pace which was slow, and Byron had no way of speeding up the work. He knew that Billy was taking his time so that the others would be out of the dressing rooms when they arrived in to change. It worked! When Billy and Byron reached the dressing rooms there were only two of the team still there and they were almost dressed. The coach asked Billy to make sure that he pulled the door tightly when they were finished and he left. Billy watched as the coach drove off and noticed that Andrew’s car was gone as well. As soon as the two were gone Byron reached into his gym-bag and fiddled with something. He looked up and Billy was standing naked before him. “Okay black boy get that fucking arse of yours over here now!” Billy ordered. “Please Billy!” Byron pleaded, “please don’t do this to me, I’m still only seventeen!” “I don’t give a fuck what age you are you owe me and I’m going to fuck your fat black arse you limp-wristed black bollocks!” “Please just let me shower and go home, I don’t want to do this!” Byron whinged. “Okay!” said Billy, “go shower!” As Byron walked towards the showers Billy grabbed him by the arm, spun him around and slammed him down onto the low bench in the middle of the room. Byron continued to cry and protest as the slob mounted him from behind and began jabbing at his hole with his dick. It took a few minutes before Billy finally managed to get his dick inside the black youth’s bum. Byron was crying and objecting but Billy just kept on shouting abuse at him. When Billy started to slide in and out Brian crept back into the room and grabbed Byron’s gym bag. He withdrew the large black object that was hidden in it – his video camera. “What the fuck is going on here?” Billy roared as he disengaged from Byron’s arse. But by the time he had reached where Brian was standing, Andrew had taken the camera, Graham had blocked Billy’s escape with Brian and the slob was left standing naked as Andrew drove off with the camera. “Oi! Billy boy!” Byron called out, “looks like you’ve got some restitution problem to deal with here!” Billy looked around with a rage and fear building in his heavy face. “Come over here and sit on my dick!” Byron said invitingly as he beckoned to the slob to join him. Billy charged at him with his fists but Byron jumped out of his way and Billy went crashing into the shower partition. “What do you think that the Greater Manchester Police will think of the video?” Brian asked Byron. “I suppose they’ll find it interesting, after all it’s not everyday that a paedophile is caught having sex with an unwilling minor on video!” Billy froze, they had him by the short and curlies! “Bend over Billy!” Byron taunted, “this is going to be a rough ride!” Billy knew he had no option, he tried to beg but Byron wasn’t having any of it. Finally they all prevailed on him, with a few slaps and minor force, to bend over. Byron greased the Black Cobra and then mercilessly rammed in it to the hilt in a single violent stroke. Billy almost passed out with the shock. His arms buckled and he landed with a thud on the bench. Byron’s dick slipped out of his arse as he fell forward but the wily black youth was straight back in on target in seconds and Billy was howling as Byron fucked him roughly. As he pounded the slob’s arse Byron looked up at Brian and smiled. “You haven’t by any chance got any depilatory with you have you Brian?” he asked with a smile. “Coincidentally I do!” Brian said as he handed Byron the two large tubes of Immac that he had brought with him. “Why don’t you and Graham spread it on him now?” “That sounds like a good idea!” Graham and Brian approached the slob and began to spread the foul smelling substance on his groin, in his armpits and over his legs and arms. Byron pulled out to allow them access to the hairy arse – Billy was crying, he hadn’t expected this at all. When ample amounts of the cream were deposited on all hairy regions of the slob’s body, Graham and Brian removed their belts and began to whip Billy’s arse. Billy howled in degradation and pain as blow after blow landed on his tender flesh. Byron moved in front and presented his filthy dick for licking. “It’s your shit on it!” he said, “now you clean it up!” Billy pursed his lips, closed his eyes and resolutely refused to comply with the instruction. Byron took the Immac and spread some on his finger, he reached over towards Billy’s left eyebrow and Billy immediately apologised. “I’m sorry Byron, I will lick your dick if you want me to!” Byron smiled and presented his dick to Billy’s tongue. Billy gingerly flicked the head of the long black shaft with the tip of his tongue. Immediately he recoiled in disgust. The two others were hammering him now and the pain in his arse was unbearable, it was stinging like he had just sat on a bed of thistles. Billy wanted to get sick, he was in agony and his tongue tasted of a mixture of his arse residue and Byron’s sweat and cum. “Please ask them to stop!” he begged. Byron held his hand up and the whipping stopped. “Now suck!” Byron ordered as he pressed his knob against Billy’s lips. Bill’s mouth opened and the top three inches went in. It was then that Billy made a fatal mistake. He bit down on the invading organ and Byron howled. Byron’s roar was echoed by a worse roar from Billy as Brian’s belt landed smack on the back of his balls. As he roared Byron escaped and stumbled back onto a seat to examine his shaft. It was bleeding! “Okay, that’s it!” Byron snapped, “lads fuck his brains out!” Billy was writhing in agony from the strike at his balls too much to resist Brian moving behind him. Brian picked up Billy’s shirt and wiped the crack of his arse clean with it. The depilatory had done its job and every hair in Bill’s crack was deposited in a glob of smelly cream on his shirt. Brian ran his finger along the smooth valley. “Nice!” he said as he slammed his dick into the slob. Billy cried like a baby as Brian fucked him, then Graham fucked him, then Brian, then Graham again. During this time Byron dressed and when the two boys were finished Byron flogged Billy with the belt as the others dressed. When they were all dressed Byron ordered Billy into the showers. As he washed away the cream and the feelings of degradation that they had heaped on him, he noticed that all his body hair was gathering around the plughole. When he left the shower there wasn’t a single hair left on his body below the neck. Brian took a photograph and they left the naked slob sitting blubbering on the bench. Billy never returned to the team and the lads never saw him again after that day! The rest of the term. For the rest of the term, Byron remained aloof a bit in school. When Craig and Peter returned to the class after their suspension, they avoided Byron at all costs. They made friends again but were never as close as they had been. These bullies were bereft of their leader John Keegan – they would never becoming a domineering force in the school again. The photography of Billy Ross became the front piece on the opening page of a new photo-album in Brian’s flat. He had the words ‘The Complete Works of Lord Byron’ written on the spine and placed it on the shelf by the other collections. The rest of the album was a collection of Byron with Brian and his different friends. One of Brian’s friends was a professional photographer – James Cody was his name – and he took some magnificent portrait shots of Byron with his different tricks. Most of the pictures were shots of Byron in action with Brian, Graham, Andrew of another man. James included one photo-shoot of Byron like you would find in a magazine. These were dedicated to Brian and he looked through them regularly. By Christmas volume two was in preparation. Byron introduced Brian to his parents at New Year. At first Carlyle and Chrissie were not too happy as they thought that Brian was too old for their son. When Byron told them that he thought that Brian made an excellent wife they changed their stance a little. Somehow or other they accepted that Byron was not being made a victim of the older man when they heard this comment. They understood that Byron was calling the shots in this relationship, so, although they weren’t totally happy, they accepted Brian. At school, Byron heard many whispered remarks as he walked past the boys on the corridor. Rumours and stories about his sexual activities were spread throughout the juniors who whispered and giggled when they saw him. Sometimes this annoyed Byron, but he got as far as the Summer holidays without losing his temper or doing anything sexual in school. Sixth Form. When Byron returned after a Summer of highly charged sexual activity, he found himself chosen as assistant head-boy. Bromley would have gladly made him head-boy but Venables and other members of the staff objected too strongly to the proposition. Byron continued to show an active interest in soccer and regularly went with Mr. Chadwick on sporting outings. There were tow boys on the soccer team that particularly liked to tease Byron, one of them was a strong fair haired lad who played in defence, his name was Chris Watts. The other, Simon McLeod, was a tall wiry youth with dark hair and at six foot two was a superb forward. After every match they would goad Byron about the mistakes they had made. “Hey Byron! Did you see the way I missed that shot just before half-time? I suppose I should be spanked for that!” The two would break into laughter, occasionally they would thrust their young bottoms back at Byron as they walked into the changing rooms. The team thought it was hilarious, Byron thought it was inviting but, he knew better than to do anything. That is, until the day in November when Byron caught Simon and Chris smoking in the senior toilets. Byron was on toilet supervision. This was a duty that all the prefects hated, Byron included! He walked into the senior toilets and was greeted by howls of derision. “Hey queeny!” one of the seniors at the urinal shouted as he turned and exposed his dripping dick to Byron, “want to suck this baby?” “You couldn’t use ‘that’ as a toothpick!” Byron answered quickly. The other boys in the toilet laughed as the flasher blushed. He joined in the laughter but it was obvious that his pride was hurt and he found Byron’s comment a bit hurtful. He quickly closed his flies and left the toilets with the others. As Byron turned to leave he smelt fresh smoke. He walked over to the cubicle door and pounded on it. “You know the rules, put the cigarette out and get out of there!” He was greeted with silence other than a shuffling. Byron knew that there was more than one person in the cubicle and the silence told him they were juniors. The juniors normally smoked in the senior toilets because they were less likely to get caught there. “Okay boys!” Byron sighed, “I know you’re in there so quench the cigarettes and get out, I’ll close my eyes and count to ten so you can escape without me seeing who you are!” Byron began to count slowly, when he reached eight he realised that the boys inside were not going to come out. He went into the adjoining cubicle and stood on the bowl to look over the partition. When he saw who was there he realised why they wouldn’t come out. It was Simon and Chris and both of them were looking at the closed door and never saw Byron looking in at them from behind. “Well, well, well!” said Byron and the two boys turned with a start and looked up at him. “If it isn’t the two greatest sportsmen in the school!” “Please Byron,” Simon stuttered, “please don’t tell Chadwick!” “Mister Chadwick!” Byron corrected. “Sorry! Mister Chadwick!” Simon said immediately. “Mister Chadwick won’t be your problem!” Byron pointed out, “old Bromley takes a very fucking dim view on smoking!” “Mister Bromley!” Chris corrected with a cheeky grin. “Don’t you get fresh with me lad!” Byron snarled, “you’re in enough trouble as it is!” “I suppose you’ll take care of our punishment yourself!” Chris chirped cheekily as he rubbed his palm over his own arse. “What? Spank you?” Byron asked with a smile. “Fuck off Chris!” Simon protested, “there’s no way I’m letting him spank me!” “Would you prefer an expulsion or a suspension?” Chris replied. Simon realised that a suspension would have meant a hiding at home as well, he quickly weighed up the balance and shut up his protestations. “So then Byron,” Chris asked, “are you going to take care of this yourself?” “Much as I know you’d love me to whip your arse Chris,” Byron replied calmly, “it’s sadly not an option! Off we go to Mr. Bromley now boys and no slacking!” Chris looked at Byron, without the smirk on his face now. “Please Byron!” he begged, “can you not take care of this yourself?” Byron realised that the fear in the boy’s voice was prompted by fear of his parents’ reaction to a suspension. He smiled, and his better judgement gave way; “Okay then!” he agreed, “meet me at the changing rooms in the outer fields after study this evening!” He was glad that he had copied the key last year – at last it was going to serve some purpose. When study ended at six o’clock, the English November sky was already as dark as if it had been midnight. Under the cover of darkness Byron was certain that none of the teachers would see the boys going over to the changing rooms. He was right, they didn’t! When he got there he found the two third formers waiting for him. Chris was bright and cheerful, Simon was a bit apprehensive. “Okay! Let’s get this over with!” Byron said feigning authority as he unlocked the door. Simon reached to turn on the lights but Byron quickly pulled his hand down before he reached the switch. “Don’t be fucking daft!” he snapped, “do you want everybody over here to find out what’s happening?” “But it’s dark in here!” Simon protested. “And damp!” Chris added as he sniffed the musty smell of old sweat and cold air that the room exuded. “Shut up the whining!” Byron ordered and bend over the bench, “which of you is going first?” “He is!” they replied in unison. “Okay Simon it is then!” Byron declared as he dragged the youth by the arm and bent him over the table. Byron rubbed his hand over the grey flannel of Simon’s school trousers. “That’s a nice hard bum for spanking!” he remarked, “what is it to be ten on the bare or twenty with the trousers?” Simon was mortified by the impending punishment. Years ago, his father had often put him across his knee, but the last time he got spanked was when he was about nine years of age. He couldn’t believe that six years on he was facing this again! “Twenty with the trousers!” he declared nervously, being quite sure that he wasn’t dropping them in the cold of the changing room. Byron was disappointed. He had hoped to flay the naked flesh of this young man’s arse, but he was to be denied that pleasure. He raised the table tennis bat that he had brought with him and landed it with a loud slap on the seat of the boy’s trousers. WHACK! Simon flinched and roared. “Keep quiet you silly twat!” Byron snapped, “if you scream, shout or flinch the spank doesn’t count!” WHACK! “Now take it like a man! WHACK! Simon closed his eyes tightly and gritted his teeth as the next slap landed – WHACK! – he began to wish he had asked for the ten – WHACK! – there were sixteen more to go. WHACK! – he could feel the tears welling in his eyes, WHACK! The heat was rising in his tortured arse – WHACK! Byron was certainly experienced at addling arses – WHACK! Byron looked over at where Chris was standing in the dark room – WHACK! He could see that the boy was rubbing his shaft inside his trousers – WHACK! “How many WHACK! is that?” Byron asked Simon WHACK! “That was WHACK! thirteen!” Simon replied. “Unlucky WHACK! for some!” Byron said. “Only six, WHACK! To go!” WHACK! Byron was growingly aware of the reactions that Chris had to his friend’s spanking – ‘Maybe, WHACK! young Chris had asked WHACK! for this spanking WHACK! WHACK! because he was into it?’ Byron thought as he finished Simon’s spanking. Simon stood and Byron offered him his hand. They shook hands politely. “I’m sorry for smoking sir!” Simon said bravely holding back his tears. His arse was sore in a way that he wasn’t familiar with. He was embarrassed by his punishment and decided he would have serious words with his friend for suggesting that Byron would do this to him. He wiped his nose on his sleeve as Byron called Chris over and ordered him to assume the position. “Now young Chris!” he remarked, “what is it to be ten on the bare or twenty with the trousers?” “Ten on the bare!” Chris replied immediately. Byron was impressed by the speed of his reply, “okay then! Drop the trousers and bend over!” As Chris opened his trousers Byron noticed from the shadows that the young man had a major erection. Byron smiled inwardly, he knew that Chris was sure that his predicament wouldn’t have been noticeable in the dark room – but Byron had good eyesight and was looking out for the horn anyway! As Simon stood back, Byron leaned over Chris and whispered in his ear, “I see you’re enjoying this!” and he grabbed a furtive squeeze of the youth’s dick. Chris blushed, but even Byron couldn’t see this in the dark room. WHACK! The first slap landed on the quivering young buttocks. Chris took a quick intake of breath through his gritted teeth – WHACK! Byron was disappointed that he couldn’t see the reddening flesh WHACK! Chris was much taller than him, WHACK! and his arse was higher in the air, WHACK! than Byron would have wished, WHACK! Simon was beginning to sob behind him, WHACK! Chris was breathing heavily, WHACK! Byron could feel a slight amount of heat rising from the paddled buttocks WHACK! in the cold of the dark room WHACK! When he had finished receiving his ten strokes, Chris stood and pulled his trousers up quickly. He had difficulty masking his erection as he fumbled to stuff it inside his trousers. He shook hands with Byron, apologised for smoking and left the shed with his friend. A saga beginning with Chris. The next afternoon, Chris approached Byron on the corridor and asked him if he might speak with him. Byron agreed and the two went into the senior common room for a chat. “Byron,” Chris blurted, “I’m queer!” “I know!” Byron replied. “What?” Chris exclaimed in shock, “what do you mean that you know?” “I noticed you were getting off on the spanking yesterday!” “It was a bit noticeable,” Chris admitted with a blush. Byron reached over and put his hand on Chris’ shoulder, “how old are you?” “I’m still fifteen!” Chris said softly. “Well Chris,” there are laws in this country and you have to wait another six years before you will be allowed to do anything!” “But, you’re not …” Byron cut him off – “Listen Chris, the law is clear that you have to be twenty-one before you can get involved in queer sex. That’s because that ugly old man in London, Margaret Thatcher, doesn’t like faggots!” “But Byron, you’re only eighteen aren’t you?” “Yes, but I am extra careful that anything I do is out of the sight of the law! A word of advice Chris, if you’re going to do anything, do it very, very, very privately!” “I’d like to do a repeat performance of yesterday!” Chris suggested. Byron smiled, he knew that he was getting into a risky area here, he stopped for a minute but then threw caution to the wind – “I’ll see you, same time, same place, after school!” Chris smiled. “So what are you into then?” Byron asked as the two boys wandered slowly over towards the changing rooms. “What do you mean?” Chris asked innocently. “Well, when your tossing yourself off, what do you think about?” “Simon mostly!” “He is kind of cute isn’t he?” “Cute? He’s fucking beautiful!” Chris said as he thought about his friend. He could feel his dick hardening at the thought of the lad as they walked. “And what do you do together in your fantasies?” Byron asked. Strangely enough, the normally shy Chris, wasn’t at all embarrassed as he spoke. He felt that he was safe telling his dirty secrets to Byron. “My favourite fantasy is set in Simon’s bedroom. He’s lying on the bed stroking his dick!” “Have you ever seen his dick?” Byron asked. “A few times, he’s circumcised!” “Really?” Byron asked, “that’s a bit unusual!” “It looks great,” Chris continued. By now they had reached the door of the dressing room and Chris could feel his knees quivering a bit, he continued his story as Byron opened the door. “He’s lying on the bed with his legs bent and spread, I’m standing at the end of the bed…” They walked inside and Byron closed the door. “… he snaps his fingers and order me over to lick his shaft but he doesn’t get me to suck it…” “Why not?” Byron said as he reached towards the boy’s belt and began to open it. “I don’t know!” Chris admitted, “I suppose I think that licking a dick is better than sucking it!” “You have a lot to learn!” said Byron as he slid the trousers off Chris’ hips and turned the boy around. “Does he ever spank you?” he asked as he gently caressed Chris’ arse with his hand. “Never! But last night when I was wanking I thought about spanking him!” Brian answered. Byron took Chris’ stiff dick in his hand and led him over to one of the benches. “You’ve got a nice dick for a white boy!” he remarked, “most of your lot have only a little pork sausage down there!” Chris blushed. “Thanks!” he muttered as Byron pulled him over his knee and rubbed his arse. Chris was still a bit sore from the paddling the day before. “Tell me more!” “After the licking I sit on his dick and he fucks me all night!” “That’s a disgusting fantasy to have about a friend!” SLAP! Byron landed a firm whack on the boy’s arse. Chris moaned as the palm of Byron’s experienced hand punished his tender slim arse. SLAP! He could feel his dick straining and leaking against Byron’s thigh. SLAP! He was beginning to realise that he was enjoying the spanking, SLAP! But the slaps were beginning to sting now! SLAP! As Byron continued to spank Chris’ arse, the boy raised his hips to meet each slap as it landed. Each time Byron spanked him he was forced down and his dick rubbed against the slightly rough grey fabric of Byron’s school trousers. Byron spanked and slapped as the boy thrust his hips back and forth over Byron’s thigh, until suddenly, he shot a load all over Byron’s trouser leg. Byron felt the warn liquid through the fabric and stopped spanking. “On your knees and clean up your mess!” he ordered sharply. Chris stumbled to the floor and looked up at Byron for clarification of what the assistant head-boy was asking for. “Come on lad, suck up that mess you made now!” Byron could see that Chris was a bit disgusted at the prospect of eating his own sperm. “Please Byron? Can’t I just wipe it up with a cloth?” “No!” Chris knelt down and moved his face towards the white glob on Byron’s thigh. He reached out quickly with his tongue and decided that scooping it up and swallowing in one go would be easier. It was and he survived without gagging. When Byron’s trousers were clean, Chris stood and Byron smiled at him. In the darkness of the room Chris couldn’t see this, in fact, he didn’t know what might happen next. “Kneel down Chris!” Byron instructed, “you have to learn the truth about licking and sucking!” Chris obeyed as Byron opened his own trousers and released the Black Cobra. Chris couldn’t see the shaft in the darkness of the room, but Byron took his hand and rubbed it against the monster. Chris gasped, he had heard that Byron was well endowed, there were plenty of stories about his size going in the school, but he didn’t realise that it could be as big as it felt. He moved his head forward and gingerly licked the tip of the shaft. Chris had just tasted his first dick ever and his sloppy bloated dick began to stretch again with excitement. He placed one fist around the base of Byron’s hard rod and began to lick at the crown, sticking his tongue in and out of the ridge below the knob. Byron leaned his head back and moaned. “Now suck it!” Byron instructed. Chris hesitated but Byron pulled his head over his shaft and the boy gulped and gagged as the long lance entered his mouth. He began to suck frantically. “Watch for the teeth!” Byron said as Chris did his best to suck the monster without chewing it. Needless to say, Chris’ first efforts weren’t great, but on the many subsequent visits that he made to the changing rooms with Byron, he learned how to suck dick better than any whore. For the next three months Byron and Chris engaged in regular sessions in the changing rooms, nobody ever suspected anything and they were never discovered. Each session involved a spanking for Chris, a blowjob for Byron and, if the blowjob was good, Byron would pull the lad off as a reward. After the fourth or fifth session Chris asked Byron to fuck him. “Have you ever been fucked before?” Byron asked. Chris shook his head. Byron looked at him. Chris was still very young and he didn’t really want to fuck him. “No! I won’t do that to you!” Byron stated flatly. “Is it because you think I’m too young? I’m nearly sixteen!” Chris blurted. “It’s nothing to do with your age!” “Do you think I’m ugly or too skinny?” Byron laughed, “of course you’re ugly, you’re white!” Chris didn’t see the humour in this and began to sob. Byron immediately reacted to his own stupidity. “Look I’m sorry Chris, it isn’t that at all, you’re not ugly! In fact you’re a fine looking chap and I’m very honoured by your invitation, but…” “… but you don’t like me and I’m only good for …!” “Shut up Chris!” Byron snapped, “you could at least let me finish!” “Why should I? You don’t like me!” Chris whined. “Listen to me Chris! The reason I’m not going to fuck you is because first shot at your arse belongs to Simon McLeod!” Chris looked at him quizzically, “then I’ll never get shafted!” he protested. “I wouldn’t bet on that!” Byron replied. “Simon isn’t into that sort of thing!” “Every bloke is into it! At least we are all willing to give it, not everybody likes to take it!” “But Simon…” “Trust me!” said Byron, patting Chris’ arm. “Trust me!” and he walked away. Byron found Simon McLeod sitting in the study hall. He pulled up a chair and sat beside the fair haired youth. Although Byron hadn’t paid that much attention to the boy before now he realised that Chris had picked an incredible fantasy for himself. Simon was quite muscular for his age and apart from his fair hair, straight white teeth and perfect complexion – he was just plain beautiful. “Simon?” he asked, “how much would you do to help a buddy out of a situation?” Simon didn’t look up, he was still embarrassed when he met Byron, the spanking was a huge dent to his ego. “If it’s you, not very much!” “If it’s not me?” “It depends on who it is!” “What about Chris Watts?” “I’d do anything for Chris Watts, he’s my mate!” “Anything?” “Well within reason!” “Do you know that we’ve been seeing each other since the day we were in the changing rooms?” Simon looked up in disgust. “Fuck off pervert!” he snapped. Byron looked down – “well I’m sorry to interfere but Chris would love you to ….” Simon stood up and began to walk away, “it’s none of your fucking business!” he said as he moved towards the door. “All I ask is that you talk to him!” Byron said simply as Simon looked back and glared. Byron didn’t know what happened next between the two lads, but about a week later Chris sat beside him in the canteen just as lunch ended with a smile from ear to ear. “We’ve done it!” he cooed, “I’m not a virgin anymore!” “How was it for you?” “Fuck Byron! I’m no expert, yet, but it was great!” “Will you be seeing each other again?” “Simon says it was a once off, but …” “Yeah, Simon says! You think it will happen again?” Chris nodded like a child. “Does that mean our sessions in the changing rooms are over?” Chris looked down, “if Simon and me work out together I should really stop seeing you!” They walked towards the canteen door and Byron went into the toilets for a piss. Simon was at the urinal. “Congratulations!” Byron started. “I told you before to mind your own fucking business!” Simon relied quietly. “Fine!” said Byron as Chris walked in. He pulled up his flies and began for the door, “Just don’t let me ever catch you two smoking again, look at the trouble you got into last time!” As Byron closed the door, Simon reached into his pocket and offered his friend a cigarette. Chris laughed and took one – “are you coming over to my place to study after school?” he asked. “Why not!” Trouble Brewing. Simon never really took to the spanking side of the relationship with Chris. As a result Chris continued to have occasional meetings with Byron. Simon McLeod became a good lover and quite expert at attempting new ways of pleasuring Chris in bed. Chris started to get quite effeminate and even started scribbling his name as Chris McLeod – he liked to think of Simon as his husband. The English Spring didn’t provide the same cover of darkness as the Winter had for late evening romps in the outfield so Byron brought Chris over to Brian’s place after school a few times. They never left together but met up near the apartment. The first time they were there Chris was amazed at how developed Byron’s set-up with Brian was. “I wish me and Simon had a place of our own!” he said. “One day you will!” Byron muttered as he pulled the boy towards him for a pre-spanking kiss. “I doubt it!” Chris said sadly. “Why?” “I don’t know!” Chris said, “it’s just, you know, Simon enjoys fucking me, but I don’t think he’ll spend the rest of his life with me!” “Do you think he’s getting tired of you already?” Byron asked. Chris nodded slowly in reply. Byron noticed a sadness in the young man’s eyes. He decided that it would be inappropriate to spank the youth that day! “Let’s just go to bed!” Byron suggested and he led Chris into Brian’s bedroom. As they lay in the bed together, Byron explained that relationships were complicated and often went through good and bad periods – Chris understood this because he compared the situation between himself and Simon as to between his parents. Chris had never understood that queer people had relationships and that these were largely similar to heterosexual ones. The two of them fell into a light sleep together and didn’t hear Brian coming in. When Brian came through the door, the first thing he noticed was Byron’s schoolbag. He smiled to himself wondering what the evening had in store for him, but stopped dead when he saw a second, unfamiliar schoolbag, beside Byron’s. He crept up to the bedroom door and peeked in, Byron was sleeping soundly with Chris draped across his slim black chest. Brian smiled, they looked the picture of peaceful innocence – then he realised how dangerous the situation might be! Looking at Chris Watts, Brian could clearly see that the lad was far too young to be where he was. “He’s no more than fifteen or sixteen!” Brian said to himself, “fuck it, does that Byron chap have any cop on at all?” Brian walked across the room and pulled Byron’s shoulder. “Wake up!” he called. Byron opened his eyes, they felt heavy after the mid-afternoon snooze. “Hi Brian! What’s with you?” “What the fuck is he doing here?” Brian snapped irately as he pointed at Chris. “He’s sleeping!” was Byron’s cocky reply. “He’s too fucking young to be sleeping here! Now get up and get him out of here fast!” Brian turned to leave the room, there was to be no negotiation on the issue of Chris staying or leaving. Byron woke the youth and Chris understood, he kissed Byron goodbye and slipped out quietly through the door without saying as much as a word to Brian. “What’s the problem?” Byron asked as Brian read his newspaper – The Guardian – on the sofa. “Do you understand anything about laws governing homosexuality in this country?” Brian asked as he lowered his paper. “Not really!” “Well, it’s time that you realised that gay-rights are backward here. At present, only consenting males over the age of twenty-one are entitled to enter sexual relationships with each other!” “I thought it was eighteen!” Byron protested. “And what age was that bloke with you?” “Chris is nearly eighteen!” Byron lied. “What does ‘nearly’ mean?” “He’s sixteen!” Byron admitted. Brian put his paper aside and stood to embrace his lover. “Byron!” he began, with a paternal tone to his voice, “what you’re doing is very high risk. You can’t just fuck anything you want out there and your pal counts as a minor in sex so you could find yourself in trouble!” “But I’m only eighteen and you could find yourself in trouble as well!” “That’s true,” Brian admitted, “if you were a girl there would be no problem, but we are both male so, my relationship with you could send me to Wormwood Scrubs!” “So why do you risk it?” “Because I love you!” “Do you want me to fuck you?” “Does a duck with one leg swim in a circle?” Brian lay on the bed with his knees in the air, he knew that he was about to get just what he wanted from Byron, a rough, cruel fuck. And he got it! Byron spread some of Vaseline on Brian’s hole and slowly pried open the lips with the head of his dick. Brian moaned loudly as the head popped in. “Shut up bitch” Byron growled, “your hole is so loose you probably can’t even feel it, but I’ll make sure you feel my big black dick fucking you!” Once inside, he grabbed hold of Brian’s hips tightly and fucked him, slamming in and out roughly, growling and slapping Brian’s smooth round arse. Brian grunted and groaned, “Oh yeah, go for it, FUCK ME BYRON!” he roared. “Yeah, you like when I’m rough don’t you? you little faggot! huh?” “Oh, yes, daddy, give it to me. Your dick feels so good up there!” “I’ll show you what your arse is for Brian boy, for taking the Black Cobra, take it, boy, yeah!” “Oh Byron, daddy, use my hole, sir, fuck me!” Byron paused, he looked down into Brian’s face and asked. “Can you explain why being with Chris is so dangerous?” Brian smiled – “I have a foot of dick up my butt and you think I should give you a lecture on British law! Sometimes I just don’t understand you Byron!” “Tell me Brian, what’s the big problem? If I am a minor still and Chris is a minor then how can there be a problem?” “There is a problem Byron – now could you finish fucking me and then we’ll talk!” “Tell me first and then I’ll finish the job!” Brian knew that there was no point of in arguing with his lover so he resigned to explain the situation as best as he could, “the problem is quite simple, neither of you has reached the age of consent for gay sex – that’s true, but you are over eighteen and therefore can be tried in a crown court for the offence, Chris would be sent to a children’s court and get sympathy as the raped victim of a predatory adult.” “Are you calling me a predatory adult?” Byron was offended by the remark. “I am calling you what the papers and the court staff would call you if you ever got caught with him. The bottom line is you would be treated as a sexual offender and a pervert, you would go to jail, be treated for your sexual depravity and never allowed to forget that you are a pervert. Chris on the other hand would be given a psychiatrist and a social worker, he would be taught to hate you and resent what you made him do…” “Would he go to prison?” “Probably not, you see, he’s too young to be considered anything other than a victim…” “But I haven’t reached the legal age of consent either so why am I am not a victim?” “Because you’re over eighteen!” “This isn’t fair!” Byron protested. “Maybe not, but that’s the way things are and Mrs. Thatcher has no intention of addressing the issue, so you’ll just have to put up with things as they are.” “And it would be okay if I was a girl?” “No – with Chris and you it wouldn’t matter! If you were a girl things with me it would be okay because we’re both over eighteen!” Brian explained. “Hang on a minute,” said Byron with a smile, “what do you mean if I was a girl? It’s YOU that has a big fat willy up his bum which makes you the little girl here!” “That’s a valid point, but I wouldn’t describe myself as a little girl either!” “So it’s okay for a young man of eighteen to shaft an old doll like you?” “Less of the ‘old doll’ bit please!” Brian protested. Byron reached down and spread Brian’s legs wider, “Okay then old doll, time to get back to the fucking!” – and he lunged in and out, occasionally slowing down to keep from cumming, so he could shaft his old doll for as long as possible. “If I’m going to be an abuser I want to abuse my favourite old doll’s hole!” All Brian could do is whine, moan, and sometimes beg for it, as his back door was abused by his lover. The sweat dripped off of them both until the bed was drenched with sweat and the slops that dribbled out of Brian’s arse from every withdrawal of Byron’s pounding rod. Finally, Brian could no longer take the relentless assault on his prostate, and without touching his dick, he shot huge gobs of cream all over the bed. “Oh, I’m cumming, Byron, AAGH!” he panted as his now hole twitched and gripped Byron’s dick, than after a few sharp jabs into him, Brian felt Byron’s cum filling him up in spurts that dribbled out his hole and ran down his legs. Byron pulled his softening dick out of Brian’s hole, and pulled him over his knee, he gave him a hard spank that stung. “Okay, bitch, I’m done with the fucking. Now, get your faggot arse up in the air, I owe you a spanking for calling me a pervert!” Brian crawled into the desired position and Byron began his familiar assault on Brian’s bum. At lunchtime next day Peter Hamilton called Craig Ross in the canteen. As Craig approached his one-time friend he had no idea of how close the information he was about to receive would bring him to getting full revenge on Byron. “Did you hear the latest about our nigger friend?” Peter asked with a caustic smile on his lips. “Nope!” Craig chirped as he pulled up a chair to sit down. “I didn’t call you to sit with me shit-for-brains!” Peter snapped, he still couldn’t forgive Craig for his momentary lapse into homosexuality, “I called you over to give you some information and that’s all.” Craig began to stand and move slowly away. Since he had lost Peter’s friendship he hadn’t managed to find anybody else who was willing to pal with him. Before Peter, his only other friend was John Keegan – and he was history! “It appears,” Peter continued, “that Boy George has got himself a little Culture Club!” This went straight over Craig’s head – he had no idea that Peter was referring to Byron and the third formers. “Culture Club? That’s a pop-group isn’t it?” Peter sighed – “a culture can also be a group of bacteria, lowlife, faggots!” “What are you getting at Peter?” “Patience Craig, be patient and you will discover what you need to know!” Craig was glad that he wasn’t friends with this plonker anymore. “George Lord has gathered a little culture of third form faggots around himself…” “Really?” Craig was both amazed and delighted by this information, he pulled the chair up again so that he could sit but Peter gave him a disdainful look that stopped him in his tracks. “Sorry, I forgot!” “You didn’t hear this from me,” Peter continued, “but Simon McLeod and Chris Watts are doing tricks for George Lord.” With that Peter stood and without as much as looking at Craig, he walked away. Craig Ross didn’t need any more information – he had enough to go on as it stood. Byron Shopped. Craig Ross followed Simon McLeod for the next few days. He noticed nothing. He began to think that Peter Hamilton was setting him up when he saw Byron talking to Chris Watts outside the science room. He watched as the two chatted and then went their separate ways to class. Craig now took to following Chris – this led to some idea of a friendship developing between Chris and Byron, but there was an air of discretion about their meetings that left Craig with no firm evidence. The relationship between Byron and Chris preoccupied Craig’s thoughts for a full fortnight. He wondered what was behind their regular chats – being a hormone pumped teenager – his imagination worked overtime on the different possibilities. As he walked home he imagined tall young Chris bent double with Byron poking his arse with his huge black dick – Craig’s own dong began to stiffen at this – he imagined the howls of pain as the big black pudding slid in through the tight gap that would be between Chris’ narrow hips – his grey trousers were like a big top for a flea circus by now – he imagined how cute young Chris would ride up and down on the pole – he snapped! “That’s disgusting!” he thought to himself, he pushed his erection downwards, revolted by the fact that it had responded to the thoughts he was having. “Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just glad to see me?” Craig was startled back to reality at the sound of Andrew Taylor’s voice. Andrew was in fifth form. “Sorry, I was just thinking!” “I can see that!” said Andrew, “after all, it’s not everyday that you see a chap walking along with a boner jutting out like that! Couldn’t you cover it with your schoolbag like any normal chap would?” “Fuck off!” Craig snapped, and Andrew did just that – he fucked off! Craig was disgusted with himself for getting a stiffie whilst thinking of Chris and Byron. He realised that he had homosexual leanings, he knew that nobody liked him and he supposed it was because they knew he had these leanings, he didn’t like himself for having these leanings – faggots were dirty filthy perverts, and he wasn’t one of them. But, later on in bed, as Craig pulled his plum, thoughts of Chris and Byron occupied his mind and drove his fantasy. Somehow the blankets covered his shame and he enjoyed the idea of Chris bouncing up and down on Byron’s shaft. The more he thought about it the harder he got, the harder he got the quicker he pulled, the quicker he pulled the more he thought about having a go at Chris’ arse himself – just as he imagined sliding his own dick into Chris Watt’s arse, he shot a sticky load all over his fist. And his shame returned! As assembly began the next morning Craig looked over at the line of fifth formers beside him, they were sniggering and laughing. He knew they were slagging him off. “Hey Craig! What’s the lightest thing in the world?” one of them called. Craig ignored him. “Oi Craig!” the voice repeated, “what’s the lightest thing in the world?” Craig still refused to acknowledge. “Your dick!” the voice called as his mates laughed and sniggered – “even your imagination can lift it!” The fifth formers laughed hysterically at this as Mr. Bromley called their attention to the prayers that began assembly. After assembly finished, Craig approached Mr. Bromley. “Mister Bromley, sir, may I have a private word with you sir?” “Later Ross, later!” “Please sir, it’s very important!” “Can’t it wait?” “Not really sir!” “This better be important Mr. Ross or there will be hell to pay! I’m very busy these days!” “It is important sir!” Craig replied as he followed the man to his office. “Well, what is it Mr. Ross?” “It’s about George Lord sir!” Craig began. Bromley sat down, “I thought that that matter was over.” “It is sir, this is different!” “Go on boy!” “Well sir – I’m not making any allegations – but I don’t want my name dragged into what’s going on in the third form.” “What are you talking about boy?” “There are stories and rumours all over the school that me and George Lord are molesting the third formers and I just want to clear my name now!” “I haven’t heard any of these stories!” Bromley remarked as he fidgeted uneasily at his desk, he really couldn’t face another sexual dilemma based on George Lord’s sexuality. “I’m not sure if the ones with George Lord are true or not sir, but I know that the ones about me and the boys are all false.” “What boys?” “Simon McLeod and Christopher Watts sir!” “Anybody else?” “No sir!” “Find Simon McLeod and send him to me immediately!” “Me sir?” “yes, you sir!” “But sir, my name is attached to the stories as well!” Craig protested, Bromley sent him away without any duty to send Simon to him and went himself to find either boy. He found Chris sitting in the study hall. He brought him to his office and asked him about the rumours. “What rumours?” Chris asked nervously. “There are rumours about you and George Lord going in the school,” the head said firmly. “Rumours that we talk to each other?” Chris sounded agitated, he had heard no rumours. “No!” Bromley said looking down at his desk with his face beginning to redden (Chris saw anger but it was actually embarrassment) “Sexual rumours boy, I hear you are having a relationship with George Lord!” Chris laughed, “Don’t be daft sir! Me and Byron is friends that’s all!” “And you’re not going out with him?” Bromley asked with some relief in his voice. “Course not sir! Who told you I was? I bet it was Craig Ross or Peter Hamilton?” “Who are you going out with?” Bromley asked quietly. “With, eh, nobody sir!” Chris answered as he began to blush. “Mister Watts – are you telling me the truth?” “Eh, well, eh, yes sir!” “I don’t believe you!” Chris knew that the head was on to him. He couldn’t see his way out of this predicament, “I am going out with someone sir but it isn’t George Lord, it’s someone else!” “Who to be precise?” “Sir that’s private, I promise you that it isn’t who you heard it was and I’m telling you the truth in that, now please sir, may I go?” “Yes you may go!” Chris stood and walked towards the door. “This someone wouldn’t be Simon McLeod either I suppose?” Chris froze. He stood stock still facing the door afraid to turn and face the principal. His stance, his shock and his silence confirmed what Bromley had asked. “So Mister Watts, you are involved in a relationship with Simon McLeod?” Chris turned and faced Bromley, a tear ran from his eye. “Take a seat boy!” Bromley said gently, “come on, sit down!” Chris sat and Bromley moved from behind his desk. He sat on the edge of the desk and addressed the youth in paternal tones. “You do realise I will have to inform your parents about this?” he said, “but I will do it sensitively. You are far too young to be involved in this kind of stuff and I think it better that you get out of it sooner than later. Now, for the last time, had George Lord any involvement in this?” “He encouraged us, that’s all sir!” “A matchmaker?” “I don’t understand sir!” “Did George suggest that the two of you should become a couple?” “No sir! It was me who suggested it to George!” “Why to George?” “I wanted somebody to encourage and advise me sir!” “Okay boy, stop crying and go back to the study hall. If you see Simon McLeod would you send him to me discreetly please?” The fallout was predictable. When Simon McLeod’s parents heard what he was involved in they sent him to a Catholic boarding school in Yorkshire. His mother’s brother was a convert to Catholicism and had become a monk there so he kept an eye on his nephew, (although Simon and all his cousins knew that the roads on the moors were not the only bent things in Yorkshire.) Chris was moved to a comprehensive about seven miles north of where he lived. Their parents scheme succeeded in separating the boys but, they met up during school holidays and the relationship continued. Rumour has it that they moved to London together in 1985 and are still together today! Venables was quick to point to Byron’s involvement in the departure of a further two good students from the school. He played havoc at a staff meeting and insisted that Byron be removed from the school forthwith. Faced with a growing hostility towards Byron among the staff, Bromley called Carlyle and Chrissie Lord to a meeting. He explained to them that their son’s sexuality was causing a malaise in the school and that he would prefer if Byron would complete his studies at home. There were less than two months to go to the A-levels and Byron was capable of preparing for the examinations at home. Carlyle objected quite strongly, but after Mr. Bromley explained the problems with Craig Ross and the later situation with Chris Watts and Simon McLeod, Carlyle backed off and promised to keep Byron home from there on. The gentlemanly approach that Carlyle Lord had used in Mister Bromley’s office changed as like Jeykell and Hyde when he got home. He punched his son in the stomach and kicked him when he fell, he screamed abuse and told Byron that he was not his son, that he was a lazy good-for-nothing shirt-lifting, faggot and that he hated him with every bone in his body. When he was finished, he left his son, a quivering wreck on the floor, sobbing and crying. When Byron looked up he saw his parents sobbing in a supportive embrace of each other. He knew that his mother was supporting his father – he had lost them both. He crawled up to his room, packed his belongings in a holdall, opened the window and climbed out onto the garage roof. He jumped off, and set off for Brian’s house. Out of the pan … Byron moved in with Brian on a permanent basis that day. Brian thought it better that Byron use the guest room until everything returned to normal. Byron objected but accepted the decision on condition that he could still sleep overnight in Brian’s room whenever he wanted. He was to keep his stuff in his own room. Byron returned to his own home the next morning, he knew that his parents would be working. He packed his remaining belongings, including (at Brian’s insistence) his schoolbooks, then he struggled to the bus stop and set off for Brian’s place. When Carlyle came home that evening he changed the lock on the front door so as to debar his son’s entry into his home – he hated Byron. He hadn’t a problem with his son’s sexuality, he had tried to be open minded and liberal in his approach, but to think that his son was matching kids off with each other – it disgusted him! His disgust turned to rage when he went upstairs and found that Byron had removed all his belongings from the house. Carlyle had thought that Byron would have been back within a day or two, but he was wrong. Carlyle and Chrissie waited a week. There was no word from Byron. “You shouldn’t have hit him so hard!” Chrissie wailed. “You were far too unforgiving! You lost my boy on me!” Chrissie’s continued moaning and blaming infuriated her husband – “and what did you think I should do?” he roared, but she had no answers either. A second week passed and still, there was no word from Byron, Carlyle knew there was no way the boy intended to come home without some encouragement. Without saying anything to Chrissie he took a few days off work and set off in search of his son and Brian Harrison. He found a sympathetic worker for British Telecom who discreetly ‘leaked’ details of calls made from the Lord household over the previous two months. He ran home with the list and went through the numbers hoping to find the one that would connect him with his son. Carlyle’s finger trembled as he reached for the telephone to dial the number he presumed to be Brian’s. It was almost seven o’clock, he had waited until Chrissie left for her weekly visit to her sister – the two of them weren’t talking much anyway. Byron looked at Brian as the phone rang noisily in the sitting room. “You get it!” Byron suggested as he rolled over and let his dick flop from his boyfriend’s arse as he turned. Byron admired Brian’s arse as he walked out of the room, the cheeks moving regularly and steadily as he walked. Brian picked up the telephone. “Hello!” he said, then silence. “Yes, hello Mr. Lord!” he said loudly so that Byron could hear. Byron pulled a dressing gown about himself and scurried into the room after Brian, he made frantic gestures to Brian not to say that he was there. “No Mister Lord, he’s not here right now,” Brian was smiling as he stared at the frantic Byron. Byron made quite a comical act, he was waving his arms in a frenzy, his now flaccid lad was hanging out below the hem of the gown and swinging from side to side, he was scrunching up his face, shaking his head and almost doing ballet – in his efforts to communicate with Brian without saying a word. “Yeah he was here last week one evening, he left a load of stuff here and the next day when I came home from work there was more stuff in my guest room and a note from George saying that he’d call me in the next day or two, but he hasn’t done so yet!” Byron was running his index finger across his throat and cocking his arse backwards and pretending to spank it, threatening Brian not to say any more. Brian was amused by Byron’s antics but the smile suddenly disappeared from his face, he turned his back to Byron and listened intently to what Carlyle was saying. “Yes!” silence “I will!” more silence, Byron was dying to find out what his father was saying but Brian’s silence gave no clues. Brian hung up. “What was that about?” “He apologised!” “Fuck him!” Byron screamed, “he beat me up and now he’s sorry, well I don’t fucking care if he’s fucking sorry or not! He can fuck off, he’s a bastard, nothing but a violent, aggressive, stupid, fucking bastard!” Brian called Carlyle from work the next day, he explained to him that Byron was with him and that he was staying in the guestroom. Carlyle was grateful to Brian for his call, he understood that Byron was angry, but he wanted to meet up with him. Brian explained that this was inadvisable at the moment and suggested that they wait a while until Byron had calmed down. Carlyle agreed and the call ended. Carlyle’s mood changed after a few pints with his friends after work that day. It wasn’t his custom to go drinking after a day’s work, but since Byron stormed out Carlyle drank three or four pints each evening before returning to the silence of his wife. “I’d get the coppers on to that Brian bloke if I was you!” Fred Coldridge, a workmate suggested. Carlyle had confided in Fred over the last few days, “that fucking pervert has your son in his house and he’s keeping him – call the filth, he’s no right to keep your son!” Carlyle took Fred’s advice and rang 999 from a public phone box on his way home. “Hello emergency which service do you require?” the operator chimed. “Police!” Carlyle snapped and he was connected automatically. “This is the police, can I help you!” “Yes!” Carlyle slurred, “my son is being held captive by a pervert – hiccup – a queer one at that!” “Have you been drinking sir?” the operator asked politely. “Yeah I have!” Carlyle said with a bravado, “if your son was in danger wouldn’t you do the same?” “No sir, I wouldn’t! Is there any way I can verify this call sir?” “Verify?” Carlyle slurred in disbelief, “the pervert’s name is Brian Harrison, he works in a bank and he’s got my eighteen year old son!” “Are you near home at the moment sir?” “yes” “Well, could you ring the detective unit at Salford when you get to your home and give the details to them please sir?” “Why?” “This is emergency only sir, your son’s situation is different, so could you do as I ask sir?” Carlyle hung up and stumbled home. He rang Salford and passed his complaint on, then he fell asleep on the sofa. There was no point in going upstairs to Chrissie. The next morning the phone rang and woke him. It was the station at Salford verifying his call from the previous evening. In his groggy state, Carlyle reiterated his feeling that his son was being held against his will. The police arrived at Brian’s flat that evening. Luckily, Byron was napping in the guest room when they arrived. Brian was sitting talking to Andrew in the kitchen when the knock came to the door. Without suspecting what was outside, Brian opened the door, he was visibly shocked by the presence of the boys in blue. “Are you Brian Harrison?” the policeman asked sternly. Brian’s mouth went instantly dry, he began to stammer – “eh yes, yeah, I, I’m B, Brian Harrison!” “Mister Harrison, we have a warrant to search your home sir, may we come in?” Brian stood aside, he knew what this was about, “if you’re looking for George Lord, he’s asleep in the back bedroom!” he volunteered. Two younger policeman entered the room and woke Byron. Byron was naked in the bed and he asked the constables to leave the room as he dressed. When he came out of his room, the police were questioning Brian and Andrew. Byron overheard what they were telling the policeman and knew how to play along. Brian and Andrew were boyfriends and were involved in a relationship, the album of photographic evidence was produced. Thankfully the Collected Works of Lord Byron were in Byron’s room and the police never saw them. The police were satisfied but disgusted with the story that Brian and Andrew were lovers – they turned their attentions to Byron. “Now George,” the senior policeman began softly, “we have been told you are here living in a sexual relationship with Brian Harrison, is that true?” “No sir!” Byron answered, “he’s just been a good friend and support to me!” “And why then did he lie to your parents on the telephone when he said that you weren’t here?” “I asked him to tell them I wasn’t here, I’m over eighteen and I have no desire to speak to them at the moment, Brian was only doing as I asked him!” Byron looked over at one of the younger constables, he was shifting uneasily and blushing. Byron wondered if the fine young copper might be bent! “You may be eighteen but you do know that you have not reached the age of consent for homosexuals yet?” the senior continued. “Yes I know that sir!” Byron answered, “I am not involved in any sick three-way with Brian and Andrew if that’s what you’re implying!” He was still eyeing up the young policeman, he made a mental note of the number on his epaulette, D53. “Where do you sleep here? Could you show me your room and demonstrate to me that it is your room?” Byron now understood why Brian had insisted on him using the guest room as his room – clever bastard, it was no wonder he was an assistant manager in the bank – he led the policeman to his room and showed him all the drawers which were full of his clothes, his books were on the desk and his personal stuff at the hand basin, there was no doubt about it, this was his room. The policeman was content with what he saw. “Listen son, I don’t know what people are saying, but take my advice, make friends with your family and go home. It’s not safe for a young lad like you to be living with the likes of them outside!” “Officer, these two wouldn’t touch me or harm me, you can send over a doctor to examine me if you want, neither of them have ever done anything to me, I swear!” “I don’t think that would be necessary, but what would you like me to tell your parents?” “Simply, to fuck off and leave me alone!” “I can’t tell them that!” “Then tell them, I’m okay and safe where I am and I’ll contact them when and if I feel like doing that!” “That’s a bit better than your first suggestion!” the copper said, patting Byron on the head, “play safe lad, and keep out of trouble!” As the police left Byron watched D53’s bum as he walled away – “I wouldn’t mind flaying that arse!” he mused. Andrew watched through the blinds as the squad car drove off. “That was a close shave!” he remarked. “Sick three-ways? That’s fucking rich!” Brian sneered at Byron. “What’s with you?” Byron asked. “Sick?” “Well, what should I have said? Should I have told them that I pork you and all your mates and show them the Collected Works? Maybe they’d have enjoyed a copy of James’ photo-shoots?” “That’s not what I’m talking about,” Brian continued, “it’s just you described our sex life as sick, that’s all!” “Is the coast clear?” Byron asked. “Yep!” Andrew replied coming away from the window. “Okay girls!” Byron continued, “drop the panties, get your arses in the air and let’s have a sick old time!” Byron first turned his attentions to Andrew. “So Andrew?” Byron asked, “do you want me to fuck you now? Andrew nodded. Byron stripped and they sat on the edge of the bed. Brian got up and sat in an armchair to watch. “I’ll get the video camera!” he said and the others nodded their agreement. "Fuck me," Andrew murmured when Brian returned with the camera. "I'm going to," Byron reached down and hoisted Andrew’s legs onto his shoulders. "I'm going to fuck the hell out of you, boy! I'm going to fuck you like the cheap fucking slut you are! You want to be fucked? "Yes please!" With that response Byron buried the entire length up to the balls in Andrew’s arse. Andrew screamed and tightened his hole. Byron pulled his engorged member all the way out and slammed it back in with brutal force, that provoked another howl. "Take it Andrew, I'll give you something to scream about!" Byron pulled back out again and slammed back in. "Come on, scream for my dick!" and he pulled back out and slammed it back in. "Yeah Andrew I want to fuck the shit out of you!" moaned Byron as his fat, black dick ploughed Andrew’s arse. Byron was excited and continued to slam relentlessly. Andrew was alternating between screaming and moaning. Byron was fairly pounding by now. Byron slammed his prick in and out, getting faster with each lunge. He spread Andrew’s legs wide and fucked, and fucked, and fucked. Every time Andrew screamed "FUCK ME!" Byron slammed his prick home, grinding his pelvis into Andrew’s arse. "Yeah Byron!" he panted. "FUCK ME! FUCK ME! FUCK ME!" Byron was fucking furiously, impaling Andrew’s arse on every inch of his big black prick. He lunged into his boyfriend’s buddy with one final thrust and his cum flooded Andrew’s arse. Andrew could feel the throb as Byron’ prick filled him. He watched his face as he came. Almost immediately he yanked his throbbing dick out, flipped Andrew onto his stomach, pulling his cum-drenched arse into the air he raised his hand to spank him. "No Byron, please! I promise to be good! I swear!" "I nearly got into trouble with the law over you!" "NO, Byron, please it wasn’t my fault!" Byron pulled Andrew across his lap and made sure his white arse was sticking up and exposed. "Now, begin counting!" SMACK, Byron took a swing at Andrew’s arse, smacking it hard enough to leave a hand print. "Ow! One sir!" SMACK! "Two sir!" SMACK! "Will you ever try to get me nabbed by the fuzz again?" "No, Byron! I promise I won’t." SMACK! Byron chuckled softly. "You’ve stopped counting, we’ll have to start over again!" SMACK! “One sir!” Andrew shouted. SMACK! “Two sir!” SMACK! “Three sir!” “Don’t forget to thank me!” snapped Byron. SMACK! “Four sir, thank you sir!” “Call me Uncle Byron!” SMACK! “Five sir, thank you Uncle Byron!” SMACK! “Six sir, thank you Uncle Byron!” he cried through gritted teeth. SMACK! “Apologise to me as well!” “Seven sir, thank you Uncle Byron and I’m sorry for getting you into trouble with the law!” Andrew said with his voice breaking a little. Byron smiled. SMACK! “Eight sir, thank you Uncle Byron!” SMACK! “Nine sir, thank you Uncle Byron!” SMACK! “Ten sir, thank you sir!” Byron let Andrew stand. As always, Andrew had enjoyed the spanking. Byron looked over at Brian and beckoned him to come across the room and face his punishment. Andrew took the camera to record scene two. “Over my knee boy!” SMACK! “One daddy, thank you,” SMACK! ‘Ouch!’ “Don’t bother counting, I haven’t decided how many you’re going to get!” SMACK! ‘Ouch!’ SMACK! ‘Ouch!’ SMACK! ‘Ow!’ SMACK! ‘Ouch!’ SMACK! ‘Ooh!’ “Have you been putting SMACK! ‘Ow!’ me in danger SMACK! ‘Ouch!’ with the law?” SMACK! “No daddy! SMACK! ‘Ouch!” it was your father that sent them here to find you. SMACK! ‘Ouch!’ I rang him from work today. SMACK! ‘Ouch!” “You did what?” Byron shrieked, SMACK! are you totally fucking SMACK! stupid? SMACK! ‘Ouch!” Who asked you SMACK! to ring that SMACK! bastard? SMACK! ‘Ow!” SMACK! ‘Ooh!” “I’m sorry Byron SMACK! but he is!” SMACK! ‘Ow!’ your father! SMACK! And he was worried about” SMACK! ‘Ow!’ you!” “Mind SMACK! your own SMACK! fucking business!” SMACK! SMACK! Byron stopped suddenly, there was a tear in his eye. He was upset that his father had sent the police, he knew then that he would never be going home. “How long is it since you’ve got paddled?” Brian looked up in shock – “You haven’t used the paddle on me in a long time, maybe three months…” “Well, I think it’s time we used it again!” “But Byron, please, you know I don’t like being paddled,” Brian pleaded. “Get the camera ready Andrew, this is going to hurt – a lot!” Brian obediently lay across Byron’s knees and then the paddling started. Byron pulled Brian over his thigh quite roughly and caressed his arse and said; "Lift your arse up high for me!" Brian complied, raising his arse as high as he could. Brian thrust his hips back and offered his arse thoroughly to his domineering partner. Byron smiled and then, WHACK! Brian hollered as the paddle made sharp contact with his naked butt. WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! "Stop, Byron. Please stop!" WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! "No way! You’re only getting what you deserve!" WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! Brian gritted his teeth as the pounding continued. WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! He could feel his dick leaking onto Byron's thigh, WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! Then, WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! Brian shot a load of sticky cum over Byron’s thigh. His dick shuddered and just as the last WHACK hit his arse he shot all over Byron's thigh! "Oh Byron. I'm so sorry, Sir!" Byron wiped the cum off his thigh with the bedspread; “Did you get that on film?” he asked Andrew. Andrew nodded. “Do you think that the young Bobby is a homo like us?” Byron asked. “What?” Brian shrieked, “don’t go there Byron, it would mean trouble for us all!” “Which one are you talking about?” Andrew asked. “D53!” Byron replied, “the cute one that was embarrassed!” “Byron!” Brian said very firmly, “I know you don’t realize what danger you’re getting yourself into, if you think he was queer he could be acting a sting!” “Like the way your butt stings?” Byron asked smiling. “Please be serious for a minute Byron,” Brian continued, “a sting is a set-up. The police send a copper along who looks queer, you invite him back and bang! They’ve got you! Promise me now Byron that you won’t bring him home here ever!” Byron was unconvinced but he agreed not to invite D53 over. Next on the menu was Brian’s post-spanking fuck – but just as Byron was lining up for entry there was a loud pounding on the door. “Fuck it!” Andrew snapped, “it’s the police back!” Byron quickly gathered his clothes and sneaked into his room to sit at the desk. Brian pulled a bathrobe about himself and left to open the door, Andrew stashed the camera and hopped into Brian’s bed, he put the paddle under the mattress and pulled the covers over his naked form. Their panic was for no reason in the end. Brian walked back into the bedroom leading his very emaciated nephew behind him. “It’s only Johnny!” he said to Andrew who was quite relieved to hear that. Andrew looked in shock at Johnny, he had never seen him look so bad. He was very thin, probably under nine stone, (125 pounds) and his face was sunken. Brian led him over to the bed and he collapsed on it. Brian immediately vacated the bed. “He’s bad isn’t he?” Brian asked nervously. Andrew nodded. “Just put him to bed, I’ll explain the situation to Byron and I’ll go home!” “No stay, if Byron doesn’t let you stay in his room, you can take the sofa.” “my own bed would be more comfortable!” “I’ll ask Byron,” Brian moved to leave the room which is exactly what Andrew wanted him to do. As soon as they were outside the bedroom door, Andrew took his friend’s elbow and looked at him with concern written all over his face. “Do you think he’s got AIDS?” he asked Brian cautiously. “What makes you think that?” Brian replied, “that’s only a problem in Haiti and in the States!” “It’s here as well, except it’s the drug addicts that have it here and not the gay men!” “Why are you saying this?” Brian asked with a perplexed tone to his voice. “Because if you let him bugger you, you could be at risk!” Andrew stated, “I’ll run down to the late night pharmacy and get condoms!” “What the fuck are you on about?” “If Johnny has the virus he could give it to you – condoms stop it spreading, at least that’s what the signs in the gay clubs say!” “We won’t be having sex! Did you see the state he’s in?” “He’ll be fine in a few hours and then you’ll find yourself bent over for him like you always do – by then the pharmacy will be closed, please Brian, just trust me, he might be your nephew but he’s carrying something!” “What makes you so sure?” “Trust me – he looks awful, I’ve never seen him this bad!” “It’s the drugs!” “I wouldn’t be too sure of that!” Andrew left and returned after half an hour with a box of Durex. “When the Virgin Superstore opens in the morning you should get some Mates, they’re stronger, but these are better than nothing, please Brian, if he’s going to fuck you, make sure he wears one of these!” Whilst Andrew was at the pharmacy Brian explained to Byron that Johnny was there. Byron was anxious to meet him, but Brian asked him to leave it until morning. Byron went to bed unhappy, he wondered was there anything he could do to avoid the possibility of panicking about police raids every time they had sex. Andrew returned and, at Brian’s suggestion, he went to spend the night with Byron in the visitor’s room. "Do I get to fuck you now?" Byron asked as Brian came into his room. "Ready when you are!" "Get ready to be fucked big boy!" Byron shouted as he tackled his intended victim and the two of them began to wrestle. Andrew fought back with all he had but Byron was stronger. Every hold that Andrew was somehow able to get out of, was met by a newer, more powerful hold. They wrestled for about five minutes. Byron's big, black dick was getting stiffer. Andrew moaned as Byron overpowered him. Andrew knew that he was a good match for Byron but he also knew that he had to allow Byron to win this bout, that was part of the game. Before long, Byron had Andrew face down on the floor and he was kneeling between his legs. The Black Cobra stood straight up against his stomach. Byron spread Andrew’s legs with his knees. Andrew’s arse stuck high into the air. Byron took his time inserting his dick into Andrew’s butt. Slowly, painfully, the big dick made its way inside. Andrew clenched his arse to resist, this was also part of the game. "No! NO!" Andrew yelled unconvincingly. Byron penetrated his arse with force. He paid no attention to Andrew’s side of the game anymore, he was in now and was staying in. With a long thrust Byron's dick was all the way inside. He gently lowered himself onto Andrew’s back and then stopped. After a few minutes of just lying still, Byron began to hump Andrew’s butt, slowly sliding in and out. After a few minutes he quickened his rhythm, pounding his lower torso against Andrew’s arse, pulverizing it with every inward stroke. Byron pushed and panted, as he ploughed into Andrew’s arse. It was hard, rough and painful. He pounded Andrew’s arse over and over again with his Black-rod. His pace intensified. Byron was dripping sweat as he worked Andrew’s arse over. It seemed to Andrew that Byron’s dick was getting bigger when he pulled out and only left the tip of the knob inside Andrew’s butt. Byron rammed all the way back in. Andrew’s arse swallowed the mighty dick as his mouth opened in a pain/pleasure roar. Over and over Byron slammed in and out. Byron was having the best fuck of his life Andrew was better on the bottom than Brian was – although Byron would never tell Brian that he thought this. Then Byron gave one last shove. He held it inside, holding still as his body tensed. He raised his upper body up slightly as he pushed. His dick was nearly ready to explode. Byron grimaced. His eyes closed tightly. Then he began to shudder, almost violently. "Fuck! Fuck it! I’m fucking you Andrew!" He called through his clenched teeth as his orgasm began. He began to rock his hips back and forth again as he offloaded his milk in Andrew’s arse. Andrew grimaced as the hot liquid flooded his arse. It hurt - but it hurt in a nice kind of way. Byron's dick kept spurting inside his hole. Andrew was exhausted when it stopped. Byron pulled his still stiff dick out. It was still hard as a rock. Byron stood all the way up, and his erect dick slapped against his tummy, splashing cum and sweat all over his lower torso. Andrew smiled, “come back to bed!” he pleaded. Byron didn’t reply, he left the room and walked naked to the bathroom, Andrew heard his pissing. When he returned he asked Andrew about Johnny. “You’ll meet him in the morning, a nice lad, he’s in a bad way at the moment, I Think it better that you wait until he feels a bit better and up to meeting you formally!” Andrew turned and presented his arse for penetration again. “It’s only a single bed!” he remarked, “and I need the Black Cobra up there to make sure I don’t roll off during the night!” Byron grinned and jumped on top of Andrew, they wrestled, laughed and struggled for a while. “I love you Andrew!” Byron admitted as they landed in a sweaty heap on the bed. Then he realized what he had said. Andrew sensed his discomfort, “what you love is this!” and he pointed his arse to the young black stud. Byron smiled. “I suppose so!” he said as he slid old Black Cobra back inside for the night, “good night Andrew!” and he kissed him on the shoulder. “Good night sir!” Andrew said clenching his sphincter in welcome of the nocturnal visitor at his back door. The next morning… Byron didn’t sleep at all well that night. He wasn’t all that excited about being buried inside Andrew, it was simply that he was distressed by the police raid. He decided that he had to do something about it, fast! About four in the morning he drifted off to sleep, his dick slid out of Andrew’s arse and they slept side by side in the narrow confines of the single bed. Andrew woke early and got up for work. His movements in the morning woke a very groggy Byron. “You weren’t yourself at all last night!” Andrew remarked as Byron shuffled in half sleep towards the edge of the bed, “what’s the matter?” “There’s a lot of shit going on at the moment!” Byron answered as Andrew buttoned his shirt, “I’m out of home, I’m being followed by the police, I was expelled from school, my boyfriend is minding his nephew – all in two weeks – shit Andrew! Life is a bitch at this very moment!” “Your boyfriend might be taking care of his nephew but you are taking care of me!” Andrew said in a consoling voice. “If that’s the way to phrase it then his nephew is taking care of my boyfriend!” “You’re getting jealous!” “No I’m not!” “Are so too!” Andrew left the house without saying a word a few minutes later. Byron went back to sleep but couldn’t. He tossed and turned until about ten and then got up. He went to Brian’s room and gingerly opened the door. Brian was gone to work and his nephew was lying sleeping on his stomach in Brian’s bed. There were blankets on the floor where Brian had obviously spent the night. Byron was relieved that nothing had happened between Brian and Johnny – Andrew was right – he was jealous! He returned to the sitting room and put on some music, he took up a copy of the previous day’s Guardian, but he couldn’t concentrate. He looked at the clock, it was almost eleven. He went into the kitchen and made himself something to eat, then he returned and flicked on the TV, he watched some Open University crap on BBC2 about physics. His mind was racing with thoughts of the day before, the police raid would have upset him more if D53 hadn’t been there. D53 was cute and Byron wanted to see him again. He remembered the promise he had made to Brian and cursed himself for it. D53 was so cute that Byron was getting hard just remembering him, he wanted that man – but he knew he couldn’t have him. He decided he would get a medical report on the state of his arse and give it to the police, at least then he could have his romps with Brian without fear of a police raid. Just after half past one, Byron walked to the surgery at the corner of the High Street and went in to see the doctor. In the half hour he was sitting in the waiting room he leafed through old copies of Shoot! (a soccer magazine) and fantasized about spanking the various hot men in football shorts and then fucking them. The shorts were quite short and often outlined the hard muscular butts of the famous players. When the time came for his call the Black Cobra was leaking inside the silk boxers that Byron was wearing. The doctor was surprised by what Byron told him next. He explained the situation; about how he was queer, living with a queer couple but not involved with them – exactly the way the police had been told the night before. “How old are you Mr. Lord?” the doctor asked. “Eighteen!” “Do you not think that you’re a bit young to be deciding your life sexuality at eighteen?” the doctor asked gently. “Listen doctor!” Byron retorted firmly, “I am homosexual, I do not have a problem with that and I am quite happy with my choice. What I need from you is a rectal examination that will establish that the men I am sharing a house with have not done anything to me and some kind of a note from you to say that I am not being buggered by them. Could you do that for me please?” The doctor was a bit hesitant at first, but Byron prevailed and eventually he agreed to the examination but not to the note. Byron stood, dropped his trousers and bent over the desk to allow the doctor access to his hole. The doctor knelt behind and spread Byron’s arse wide, the winking black hole came into view. The doctor looked at it; “seems fine!” he muttered, then he poked gently with his finger, Byron smiled, he hoped to himself that he wouldn’t fart. Byron felt the doctor smear some gel on his arse and then a small tube entering his rectum. It didn’t hurt and the doctor shone a torch into his lower bowel. “No residues there!” the doctor muttered and Byron smiled. “Okay then Mr. Lord!” the doctor quipped, “there’s no sign of any penetration there!” He began to rise from his kneeling position and place one hand on Byron’s buttock to lever himself up. Byron smiled to himself – he guessed the doctor was bent as well! – he had left his hand too long on Byron’s arse and copped a quick feel of Byron’s hard black arse when he was pulling himself up. “And the note?” Byron asked as the doctor moved behind his desk. “You can pull up your trousers now!” the doctor replied. “And the note?” Byron repeated. “Please pull up your trousers Mr. Lord,” the doctor said firmly. “Do you really want me to do that?” Byron asked cheekily. The doctor blushed, Byron knew that he was right, the doctor was queer! “I will give you a letter if you pull up your trousers now!” Byron bent and began to slowly pull his trousers up and the doctor began to write. “I have examined the patient and I can find no sign of any physical penetration of the anal-sphincter or evidence of any damage in the patient’s anus…” As the doctor finished writing he looked up. Byron had pulled his trousers up but he hadn’t closed his flies and the Black Cobra was slumped across the doctor’s desk. “Please put that away?” the doctor said quietly as he blushed and faced down to sign the note. Byron could sense the doctor’s growing embarrassment and confusion. He smiled inwardly and complimented himself on his growing ability to spot a fellow homo. This doctor chap looked quite good – mid-thirties, athletic and behind his glasses he had a pair of sparkling blue eyes. This feature alone dominated the man’s appearance. “I’ve asked you already Mr. Lord to put that away!” the doctor said quite sharply. “To put what away?” Byron replied with a quizzical look. “You penis!” the doctor said firmly. “Oh!” Byron said taking the Black Cobra in his right hand and waving it about a bit, “do you really want me to do that Raymond!” The doctor was quite shocked, Byron had just used his first name. “I’m not interested Mr. Lord and I would ask you to kindly leave!” Doctor Raymond Peterson said quite firmly as he held the note up for Byron. Byron took the note in his left hand and smiled at the doctor. “That’s the nice thing about white men!” Byron thought to himself, “their colour gives their innermost thoughts away immediately!” Dr. Peterson remained seated, Byron suspected this was to cover an erection. “Would you like to give us a quick suck?” he asked. “I have patients waiting,” he replied with his throat going dry as he realised he hadn’t refused the offer. “If you have patients waiting then they are supposed to be patient!” Byron said with a wicked smile crossing his handsome black face. Peterson blushed as he stood and moved around the desk, he was unable to take his eye of the large piece of stiffening meat in Byron’s right hand. He bend forward and kissed the tip. “There you go Raymond baby!” Byron cooed, “I knew you wanted to do this!” "You sure have a big dick," Raymond said, staring at Byron’s swinging member. "Let's see if I can do something for you now." He dropped to one knee in front of Byron and quickly took Byron’s tool into his mouth and began working up and down the shaft. "That feels great doctor," said Byron, Raymond moved Byron toward the edge of the desk. Byron sat down and Raymond quickly knelt between his legs and sucked the top of the Black Cobra into his mouth. "Boy that feels good," moaned Byron, "oh yeah, suck my dick." Raymond sucked willingly, moving up and down on the huge dick, taking more and more of it into his mouth. Raymond shifted his position, continuing to pull Byron’s growing dick into his mouth. Finally the head of the giant organ passed into his throat, and the very stiff prick filled his whole mouth. "Oh, shit," whispered Byron, "that feels great. Do it doctor! Suck my dick!" Raymond grasped Byron’s balls in his hand and massaged them as he continued his steady assault on Byron’s tool. As he felt Byron’s balls begin to draw up in their sack and heard his moaning from above, he knew Byron was getting close. "So fucking good! Oh yeah, suck my dick! Play with my balls! I'm going to fill your throat with my medicine for perverts," cried Byron. He moved closer to the edge of the desk which let Raymond suck his dick in deeper. Byron cried out as his dick erupted and he shot his jip deep into Raymond's mouth. Raymond moaned as his mouth filled with the salty fluid. He held it in his mouth, but the dick continued to erupt and he swallowed to keep from either choking or losing any of it. He continued to bathe the enormous dick with his tongue as the spasms subsided. "Oh God. That was great," sighed Byron, as Raymond finally relinquished the dick from his mouth. "I'm glad I was able to do something that made you feel better," said Raymond with a grin, “I am a doctor you know!”. He stood up, revealing his own erection, which was straining the crotch of his trousers, and went into the bathroom and rinsed his mouth. He returned to find Byron dressed and ready to leave. "Thanks," said Byron as he stuffed the note into his back pocket. "My pleasure," said Raymond simply, "you should come back for a regular check up!" “Do you do house calls?” Byron asked. Raymond smiled, “maybe!” “You have my address on your files, drop in some evening for cocktails!” “Cocktails?” “Yes – my cock in your tail!” Byron beamed as he walked to the door. “How about tomorrow at three?” Raymond asked with a lump in his throat. Byron turned and walked back to the doctor, he reached back and grabbed his left arse-cheek in his strong black hand, “if you’re late I’ll whack that lily white arse until you scream!” he said. The doctor smiled nervously and then, Byron caught him by surprise with a sharp slap to his arse. He looked at Byron, visible shocked by what had just happened. Byron stared back in silence. “I’ll be there at three!” the doctor said, “on the button!” On the way home from the doctor’s, Byron stopped off at Salford police station. He explained to the desk sergeant that he was looking for the policeman that called to his home the previous evening. “He didn’t give his name but his partner’s number was D53!” Byron offered. “How can you remember that?” the desk sergeant asked with mild surprise. Byron smiled, “he was standing in front of me and I saw the number on his shoulder!” “What address were you visited at?” the sergeant asked as he looked through the incident book. Byron gave Brian’s address. “Mr. Harrison?” the sergeant asked. “No!” Byron replied, “my name is Lord, George Lord!” “Well Mr. Lord, Sergeant Wilkins was the officer who visited you last evening and he is off for a few days, but Constable Smith, D53 as you call him, is on duty this afternoon.” “Excellent!” Byron said with a smile from ear to ear, “could you ask Constable Smith to contact me at the same address at his earliest convenience please?” “What will I tell him it is connection with?” “You can tell him that George Lord has medical documentation that will verify what we told him yesterday!” “I’ll tell him that!” “Thank you!” and Byron left the station with a spring in his step and a song in his heart. A doctor and a copper into his net in a single day. That was a good day’s hunting! Brian’s nephew reveals a surprise! When Byron got back to Brian’s flat it was almost twenty to three, he walked straight to the bedroom where Johnny was still lying asleep on his stomach. Byron looked at the boney mess of a lad on the bed, his ribs were clearly visible and his round rump protruded from his flat body. Johnny was wearing a pair of Brian’s silk boxers which were swimming on his narrow hips. He didn’t find the lad at all attractive, he was a bit sickly, but nevertheless, there was a white rump there to punish and Byron was not going to let the opportunity slip by. He walked over to the bed and shook Johnny’s shoulder gently. Johnny woke with a start and glared up at Byron with his wild glassy eyes. “What the fuck do you want?” Johnny snapped. “Do you want something to eat?” “Fuck off! I’m not hungry!” “You have to eat something!” “I’m in no mood for eating!” Johnny snapped as he placed his face back into the pillow. “I’ll tell you a joke to cheer you up then,” Byron lisped. He sat on the edge of the bed and caressed Johnny’s flank as he began his story: - there was this man who went camping for the first time. He went into the camping shop and bought a tent – the man in the shop asked him where he was going and when he said he was camping in Romania the shop assistant went quiet. “Is something the matter?” the man asked. “Well,” said the shop assistant, “there’s bears in those woods, so you’d better bring a gun!” The man chose a rifle and brought it to the assistant. “Some of those bears are very big!” the assistant said. So the man brought over an AK47 as well! “When I said big, I meant BIG!” the assistant said so the man fetched an RPG and set off with his tent and his guns. The first night the man was asleep in his tent when he heard a grunt outside. He got up, grabbed the rifle and ran outside the tent. He shot and heard something fall. “Gotcha!” he cried. Suddenly he felt a tap on his shoulder. He looked around, it was the bear! “Well,” said the bear, “I can either kill you now or spank you and then roger you! Which will it be?” The man didn’t want to be killed so he dropped his shorts and bent over. The bear landed his heavy paw on the man’s arse ten times and then moved behind him and shagged him with his big black bear-dick. The next night the man was lying in his tent and still rubbing his arse after the previous evening’s encounter when he heard the grunt again. He got up, grabbed the AK47 and ran outside the tent. He sprayed the forest with bullets and heard something fall. “Gotcha this time!” he cried. Then he felt the tap on his shoulder. He looked around, it was the bear! “Well,” said the bear, “you know the routine!” The man bent over and the bear took a branch from the ground and whipped the man’s arse ten times and then moved behind him again and shagged him again. The third night the man was asleep in his tent when he heard a grunt outside. He got up, grabbed the RPG and ran outside the tent. He fired and cleared half the forest with the shot. He heard something fall. “Gotcha!” he cried. Suddenly he felt a tap on his shoulder. He looked around, it was the bear! “Well,” said the bear, “You’re not really here for the camping are you?” Johnny grunted a ‘fuck off!’ as Byron fell over with hysterical laughter at his own joke. “Did you like that joke?” he asked. “It was shite!” Johnny muttered into his pillow, “Fuck off and leave me alone you’re not fucking funny black boy!” “Well then!” said Byron as he seductively traced his finger along the lower hem of Johnny’s boxers, “would you like to tell me a better one or will we simply re-enact the joke together?” “What the fuck do you mean by that?” Johnny snapped as he shot up from where he was lying. “I mean,” said Byron, “I’ll pretend to be the bear and you pretend to be the camper and we’ll act out the joke together!” “And we’ll pretend that we’re in a forest in Romania?” “Yes we’ll pretend that we’re in a forest in Romania!” “And will you pretend to spank me and pretend to roger me as well?” “NO!” Byron cried with a laugh, “you are such a silly boy Johnny Harrison! We’ll do those parts for real!” “Great!” said Johnny echoing Byron’s gleeful cries, “and I’ll use a real gun to shoot your bollocks off for real first!” Byron froze. He looked at Johnny quizzically and Johnny smiled back cheekily. “Maybe I’ll tell you a fucking joke!” Johnny suggested. “Is that a ‘no’?” “Do you want to hear the fucking joke or not?” “Nobody says ‘no’ to me!” Byron howled. “I just fucking did!” Johnny chimed back, “now do you want to hear my joke or not?” Byron sat up straight, turned away from Johnny, folded his arms and began to sulk. “That arse of yours is too nice to let slip away so easily!” “That arse of mine is for export only!” “Well before it can export anything the raw materials have to be loaded up into it!” Byron added. “This boat gets filled from the other end!” Johnny said pointing at his own mouth. “Fine!” said Byron as he stood and released his stiffening dick from the confines of his jeans, “I haven’t had a decent blowjob in a long time!” “Put it away! I’ll bite the fucking thing off if you even try to go near my mouth!” Byron glared at the arrogant young man. This was the first time he had ever been refused by one of his tricks. “Your joke better make me laugh or else…” “Or else what?” Johnny replied cockily. “Or else I’ll fuck you out of this house!” Johnny rolled over and lay on his back with his knees in the air and began to tell his joke. “There was this bloke driving down a main road and he saw two hitchhikers. He was on his own so he said – ‘aw what the fuck! I’ll give this pair a ride!” – so he pulled in and the two boys hopped into the back seat together. It was only then that the bloke realised that these were two faggots that he had picked up. The first faggot, Cecil, raised his arse off the back seat and the bloke heard this hissing sound as Cecil farted! Ssssssss! And the two faggots giggled. Then the second faggot, Chris, raised his arse off the back seat and the bloke heard this gentle hissing sound as he farted! Ssssssss! And the two faggots giggled again. Now by this point the driver felt sick, he thought to himself – ‘I’ll teach this pair of faggots how to fart like real men!’ – so he lifted off his seat and let out a loud rasping fart that really stank out the car! And the two faggots started chanting; Virgin! Virgin!” Byron looked at Johnny and curled his lip, “and the punch line?” With that Johnny pulled his knees to his chest and let out a loud ripping fart that filled the room with a smell like burnt sulphur. “There’s your fucking punch line!” Johnny said as Byron fled the room with his hand covering his mouth, the smell was so bad that he felt sick. A minute later he strode back into the room. “You’re a disgusting …. “ he couldn’t find the word he wanted to use to insult Johnny. “Virgin?” Johnny said chirpily, “is that the word you’re looking for?” Byron glared at him, “didn’t anybody ever teach you that it’s rude to fart in company?” “They certainly did,” said Johnny, “but farts are natural!” “So is testicular cancer!” Byron snapped, “but it doesn’t mean that I want to experience it!” “Farts can be wonderful, they’re a bit like children!” “What the fuck are you talking about?” “You can just about stand your own!” Johnny said and Byron laughed this time. Byron was relieved that Johnny wasn’t being as hostile as he was a few minutes earlier. He took a good look at the skinny youth sitting on the bed. Byron was still sure that he had met this guy before but he had no idea where. The doorbell rang but Byron didn’t hear it, he was engrossed in trying to remember where he had met Johnny Harrison before. The doorbell rang again and Byron went to answer it. Constable Smith, D53, was standing there looking a bit nervous. “Sorry it took so long to open the door,” Byron began, “I had something on my mind!” “That’s no problem mate!” Constable Smith replied, it was the first time Byron has heard the constable speak. Smith was a Scouser! Byron just loved the Liverpool accent! “You’re a Scouser?” Byron asked as he shepherded the constable into the living area. “Yeah!” Smith replied, “well not exactly a Scouser, I’m from near Bootle!” He removed his helmet and a shock of black hair fell over his forehead. Byron gasped – Constable Smith was fucking gorgeous! And, to top it all, without his helmet he looked very young – too young to be a member of the Greater Manchester Police Force. Byron smiled at the constable, “you look very young to be part of the police force!” he remarked. “I’m not that young!” Smith replied. “How old are you then? 20?” “In a few weeks!” Smith replied, “anyway, what is it that you wanted me for?” “I had myself examined this morning by a doctor…” “And why should I be interested in that?” the young policeman asked. “I had a full rectal examination,” Byron replied holding the doctor’s note out to the policeman, “he states there that there is no damage done or any sign of penetration!” The policeman took the note and read it, “what do you want me to do with it?” he asked. “Take it to your leader!” Byron said, “I think it might put his mind at rest!” “My usual partner is off for a few days, If I take this I won’t have it back before the weekend.” “That’s fine by me, after all I got it for him!” The policeman’s radio crackled, it was his partner in the car below. “Excuse me!” said constable Smith as he answered the call. “There’s somebody on the fire escape up there Robbie, what floor are you on?” Robbie Smith, D53, turned to Byron, what floor are we on?” “Fourth!” “Were on the fourth Alan!” “Look out the window he’s below you!” Robbie moved to the window and opened it, as he leaned out Byron nearly passed out at the sight of the young policeman’s arse straining the navy-black fabric of his uniform trousers. “Boy!” he thought, “that young copper’s got a fucking fine arse! I wouldn’t mind getting into his trousers!” Unconsciously he let out a low whistle, Robbie heard it. “It’s okay!” the policeman on the ground shouted up, “it’s Johnny Keegan, I have him!” “I’d better go down!” Smith said to Byron, “we’ve just arrested one of the most notorious housebreakers in this city!” “John Keegan?” Byron asked shocked, he had heard the name as the policeman below called it out. “Do you know him?” “I was in school with him!” “Well,” D53 began in an official sounding voice, “unlike yourself that boy is up to no good!” As soon as the constable closed the door Byron rushed into Brian’s room again. His fears were realised, Johnny was gone. Johnny had seen the policeman in the other room and, thinking he was there to arrest him, had tried to escape on the fire stairs. Byron flunked onto the bed in shock. His old adversary, the person he hated most in the world was his lover’s nephew! He felt sick, he wanted to cry but he was too angry. It was close to half past three now and Byron went to his own room. He was going to pack and leave. He took his holdall and began to stuff his clothing into it. He was muttering angrily to himself when the phone rang. “Yes!” Byron snapped picking it up. “No need to be like that!” it was Brian, “what’s up with you?” “You never told me that John Keegan was your nephew!” “You never asked what my nephew’s full name was!” “Fuck that …” Byron stopped mid-sentence, he knew that Brian was right. “Where is he now?” Brian asked. “In the police station I suppose!” Byron replied simply. “What?” “He’s been arrested,” Byron replied, “the copper that was here yesterday called by to collect a letter I got from the doctor, Johnny saw him and climbed out the fire escape, the copper waiting below arrested Johnny!” “Slow down, slow down! What copper was in the house?” “The one that was here yesterday!” “D53?” “The very one!” Byron replied snugly. “You promised you wouldn’t bring him to the house,” Brian pleaded nervously. “It was only to collect a letter, I didn’t fuck him or anything!” “What letter was he collecting?” “I got a letter from the doctor on High Street this afternoon saying that there was no rectal damage!” “What the fuck did you do that for?” “Because it proves you and Andrew aren’t fucking me and it keeps the filth of our tails!” “Wait in the house, I’m coming home!” An evening with the boys in blue. When Brian got home he had a serious chat with Byron about the dangers of messing around with the police. He explained the idea of the sting to Byron again and asked Byron not to have any more contact with the policeman that was the object of Byron’s latest fantasies. When he had finally persuaded Byron to stop he called the station. He explained that he was John Keegan’s uncle and that he would like to drop in. The desk sergeant agreed and Brian left the house. It was just gone twenty to five as he left. Brian had no sooner left the apartment when Byron heard a faint rapping on the door. He jumped up thinking that Brian must have fallen or something and nearly dropped when he saw Constable Robbie Smith standing in front of him. “Are you alone?” Robbie asked in a hushed voice. “Yes!” Byron answered cautiously. “May I come in please?” Byron stood aside and let the constable enter. He quickly closed the door. As he turned to face the young policeman, he noticed that Robbie was wearing his uniform still, but he had removed the tie and was wearing a denim jacket over his regulation shirt. He handed a Xerox of the doctor’s note to Byron. “The desk sergeant said you should have this, it has the stations stamp on it and the original is on your file…” “My file?” Byron shrieked. “Yeah, your file! It’s no problem having a file, there’s just details of the visit yesterday to prove that we acted on the complaint.” “Thank you!” Byron said as he opened the door again to show the constable out, “I hope this is the last we will be seeing of each other!” Robbie made no move to leave. “Do you mind if I have a word or two with you?” he asked Byron meekly, “you see … well, I don’t know how to say this … I waited outside until your friend left because I wanted …” “… to set me up!” Byron said folding his arms. “No way!” Robbie replied indignantly, “what would I want to set you up for?” “because you’re in the fucking vice-squad and you’re trying to get a few fucking stripes on your arm!” Byron replied curtly, “now thank you for the visit but I do not wish to be the victim of your ‘sting’ constable Smith! Now please leave!” “I thought you liked me!” Smith muttered with his head hanging. Byron glared at the young policeman and noticed that there was a tear welling in the corner of the young man’s eye. Robbie started walking to the door; “sorry to waste your time!” he apologised meekly as he walked out. Just as Robbie cleared the door something possessed Byron and he grabbed the young policeman back inside, he closed the door and looked at the shocked face of the young man. “What did you just say?” Byron demanded. “I said that I was sorry to waste your time!” Robbie replied trying to mute a sniffle. “No I mean before that!” Byron said. “I can’t remember, now let me go and I’ll leave!” “You said that you thought I liked you!” Byron said matter-of-fact. “Maybe I did! But I was obviously wrong! Now please just let me go!” “No!” said Byron, “you aren’t wrong – I do like you, more than that I think you’re fucking gorgeous! I just think this is a sting and Brian says he doesn’t want me to have any more dealings with you!” “I’d best be going!” the policeman said and tried to leave. “Hold on there constable,” Byron said with a smile, “we could go to the pub and have a chat if that’s what you want!” Robbie smiled, his bright eyes shone with joy, “if you would I’d love it!” “I’ll meet you in the Shoulder of Mutton off High Street in an hour – and lose the uniform first!” Robbie Smith beamed with joy as he left the apartment and went home, at last he had met a fellow homosexual, his own age, somebody he might be able to talk to. When Brian returned with Johnny a few minutes later, Byron and Johnny would not exchange pleasantries. The air was tense and Brian could do nothing to diffuse the bad vibes the two lads had towards each other. “I’m going for a walk,” said Byron as he grabbed his coat. “What time will you be home at?” Brian asked. “Whenever! I’ll call you!” And Byron was gone. When Byron entered the Shoulder of Mutton, Robbie the Bobby was already there reading the Daily Mail. Byron bought two pints of bitter and sat with the young policeman. Robbie looked less well in his civvies than he did in his uniform, but he was still gorgeous. Robbie explained his situation to Byron. He was from Bootle near Liverpool. His father was the son of a Belfast Presbyterian and was very narrow minded. When he found an old copy of Vulcan magazine in his son’s room just over a year ago, Harvey Smith had beaten the lad so much that he ran from home. Byron felt sorry for the young man. “That’s why I’m in Manchester and not home in Liverpool,” Robbie explained sadly, “all me mates is in Liverpool and I know nobody here!” Byron loved the twangs of Robbie’s accent. “Anyway!” Robbie continued, “I ran off and joined the police because it got me away from home in a safe job that could pay the rent. I was going to go to London, but it’s too big and scary for me down there!” “Why did you come to Manchester then?” Byron asked. “Simple!” Robbie said, “I thought I would meet some other queers here who would teach me a thing or two. There’s no queers in Liverpool! Everybody there is either Orange or Catholic and Manchester is just more open like!” Byron was intelligent enough to know that Robbie was telling him the truth. He felt sorry for the lad who was jabbering on excitedly about his awful life. After about three more pints Robbie was still talking about everything. Byron decided it was safe to act. “Have you ever been with another bloke Robbie?” Robbie blushed and shook his head sadly. “How come?” “Well,” Robbie started again in his excited fashion, “I thought that I would meet plenty of blokes like me when I joined the force, but the Greater Manchester Constabulary is full of freemasons and bigots. We sting a lot of queers, they’re mostly old blokes though, you know, forty to fifty, hanging around public loos and like. You were the first bust I’ve ever had to do where the queer was my age!” Byron laughed, “keep your fucking voice down you daft twat! Do you want everybody to hear?” Robbie giggled, “sorry!” he said. “I’ll make you fucking sorry!” Byron replied, “I’ll beat that daft copper arse of yours and fuck it to kingdom come if you don’t keep your fucking voice down!” Brian giggled again; “the I’ll think I’d better shout!” he said with a smile. “Finish your drink, it’s time to go!” “My place or yours!” “You’re fucking saucy!” Byron replied, “I mean you go home and I go back to my place!” Robbie was crestfallen, “could we not go together mate?” “Brian doesn’t want me near you!” Byron replied simply. “Please George!” Robbie pleaded. “Byron!” “Sorry mate?” “My friends call me Byron!” “Am I your friend then?” Robbie asked with a big beaming smile. Byron smiled back, this Robbie fellow was sweet, innocent, gullible but sweet. “Come on then,” said Byron, “I’ll walk you home!” “So is there a sting in this?” Byron asked as they left the pub. “What do you mean?” “There’s always a sting in the tail in these adventures isn’t there?” “The only sting in this will be the one in my tail tomorrow I hope!” Robbie replied in a semi-drunken chuckle. “It’s just …” Byron began but Robbie cut him short. “Listen mate! I know what I do for a living and I’ve told you my story about how I got here. Me man and dad don’t want me, I’m on my own in a big city and nobody knows what I’m going through. I got so fucking lonely here and each time I pick up the courage to do something about it I back down. I know everybody mistrusts me because I’m a copper – but I’m queer as well mate and I need to meet other queer blokes. Why is it that everybody thinks that every fucking copper is out to sting the fucking queers? I’m a copper, yeah, I’m a fucking copper Byron and I’m queer – as queer as you fucking are! I don’t want to be a fucking copper forever, I just want to be me!” “I’m sorry D53!” Byron said, “I know it’s tough fighting your way out of the closet, I’ll stay with you tonight – but no funny stuff okay?” Robbie nodded. They stopped off at a phone booth and Byron rang Brian. “Where are you?” Brian asked. “In a phone booth!” Byron replied. “What time will you be home?” “I’ll see you in the morning!” “Where are you staying?” “With friends!” Brian sniggered as Byron made masturbating gestures down the phone. “Okay Brian, I’ll see you when you get home tomorrow! … Yes Brian, I am okay … yes Brian, now good night! I will see you tomorrow, goodnight!” Back in the squalid small house that Robbie was renting, in spite of what they had agreed to on the way there, Byron and Robbie were soon naked and lying beside each other on Robbie’s bed. Robbie lay on his stomach with Byron beside him looking at the ceiling. As they lay there, the tip of Byron’s middle finger was tapping lightly against the rim of Robbie’s hole. “Do you know something Robbie?” asked Byron. “What?” Robbie asked. “I have been looking for a decent job for a while now and I hear that there’s an opening in the police force that I could fill!” said Byron with a laugh. “I thought you said there would be no funny stuff!” “I lied!” Robbie laughed and moved over onto one side. His own dick was beginning to stretch. He reached over and nervously took a hold of Black Cobra in his right fist, “I suppose I had better begin by giving you a suck then!” he said as he moved towards the long black shaft with his mouth. Byron relaxed and placed his hands behind his head as he eagerly awaited a blowjob. Robbie was now kneeling beside the sexy young officer. Byron closed his eyes. Byron’s eyes opened immediately as Robbie pulled the foreskin back with a painful jerk. He sat up. “What the fuck are you at?” he snapped, “that hurt!” “Sorry but I am new at this game! This is the first time I’ve ever held another bloke’s dick in me life mate” Robbie replied innocently Byron grabbed him and the two began to wrestle on the bed, their now hard shafts bobbing as each tried to get the upper hand. Eventually Byron’s height advantage paid off and he managed to pin the strong breathless Robbie beneath him. He lay on top of the gorgeous young policeman and looked down at Robbie’s smiling face. “What makes you think that I’m going to let you fuck me on a first date?” Robbie asked. “Well,” Byron began, “you wouldn’t have bent over the window so seductively earlier if you didn’t want to let me in there later!” Robbie laughed, “boy you’re fast!” he lisped as he lifted his legs into a V. “Fuck me then!” he screamed, “make me scream!” Robbie may have been taking the piss with this act but his invitation was too much for Byron to resist. He lined Black Cobra up at Robbie’s hole and began to jab at the resisting sphincter. “Do you really want me to make you scream?” he asked. “Yes!” Robbie hissed. With that Byron forced his dry dick into Robbie with one thrust. Robbie closed his eyes tightly and screamed! “Fuck you Byron, you bastard, that hurts! Now pull out of me!” Robbie ordered. “Relax officer,” Byron replied, “you’ll really get to like this if I just rock gently, you’ll soon love the feeling of old Black Cobra up Robbie the Bobby’s bum again!” Robbie lay back and relaxed, “okay Byron, I’ll give it a go but is it hurts you must promise me that you will stop!” Byron promised he would. For five whole minutes Byron continued to poke gently into Robbie’s tight virginal hole, “I’m really looking forward to doing this on a regular basis,” he said. Robbie smiled, “So am I – I think I’m ready now,” he said, “Let her rip!” Byron needed no further encouragement and Black Cobra took to the task with his usual vigour. In and out of Robbie’s willing hole he slid and poked as Robbie moaned in ecstasy. Robbie’s own sizeable dick was now growing to its full hardness over his belly. Byron looked down at the policeman’s monster and said, “you know Robbie, with a dong that size you could make a lot of fairy-boys happy?” Robbie laughed, “With you as my teacher I know I will!” he said, “I might have agreed to let you fuck me tonight, but that doesn’t mean that I am going to let a dick like mine go to waste! I want a real taste of the action” With that, Robbie clamped his butt muscles on that hard shaft as Byron leaned over him and began to fuck him again. Robbie moaned in pleasure and began to work his arse back, working his arse in circles and back and forth as Byron plunged into him again and again. "Oh Byron, oh yeah, give me that big dick! Do it to me, fuck my arse, fuck me, fill me!" Robbie moaned "Yes, I love it! Use me Byron, yeah, use me, and make me know what I am here to serve you as my queen and Black Cobra as my country!" Byron chuckled and his thrusts began to be longer and harder. “I’m no fucking queen!” Robbie stretched out his arms, wallowing in the throes of the wild hot fuck he was receiving. Just then, Byron pulled out completely and then drove back in, Robbie gasped, "Wow Byron! Yes, yes, fuck me, for the fucking queen and the fucking country! fuck me! Give me that big hard dick, fuck my arse Byron, fuck me!" Robbie was not thinking about anything else but hot hard Black Cobra being shoved into him over and over. Byron leaned over him and said, "Yeah, take my dick you fucking little slut! Take it police-boy, take it deep!" Robbie groaned in pleasure as Byron’s hard shaft slid into him time and again. He would shove in all the way a few times and just grind it inside, as Robbie worked his arse muscles to please Black Cobra. As Robbie began to respond with his arse Byron shouted, "Take it Robbie! Yeah, take it you hot, tight little police-boy! Yeah, drink my spunk Constable Queer, drink it all!" Robbie screamed out in pleasure as he felt Black Cobra explode inside him. He squeezed down and released, doing this again and again until Black Cobra stopped erupting. They lay together until Black Cobra began to soften and he plopped out of Robbie’s arse. Byron rolled off and lay on his side next to Robbie. Robbie moved into the same position with Byron behind him as Byron guided the half-hard Black Cobra back inside Robbie’s sloppy hole. "How was Robbie the Bobby’s first arse shafting for him?" Byron asked. Robbie smiled and said, "Never knew it would feel that fucking good Byron! I loved having you inside me!" As he spoke, Robbie pushed his arse back into Byron’s groin. Black Cobra was firmly embedded in his arse. Byron put his arms around Robbie’s chest and pulled his new lover closer. "Do you like black men?" Byron asked. "Very much," Robbie answered. "although you are the first one that ever fucked me." "Are you willing to learn how to play rough yet?" "Very willing," Robbie answered innocently. "Good!" he laughed. "Are you going to suck my big dick for me?" Robbie nodded and Byron pulled him backwards so the two of them were lying on the bed in a heap. "Are you going to let me fuck your arse again?" Robbie nodded again. "So is Robbie the Bobby going to be my little white bitch?" "Yes." "Say it!" "I'm going to be your little white bitch!" Byron raised himself to a kneeling position and grabbed Robbie’s legs and pushed him back until his arse was in the air. Then he lowered his face to Robbie’s arse and gave it a gentle kiss. Byron began licking the hole. First of all he licked at the edges then pressed against the opening. Letting out a low moan, he worked his tongue in deeper. "Little white bitch has a lovely hole!" he murmured as he pulled back. Byron sat on Robbie’s chest and rubbed his dick against his lips "Would you like to kiss the Black Cobra?" he asked. "Yes please!" Robbie answered eagerly "Are you willing to serve the Black Cobra diligently?" "Yes sir!" "Tell your Master what you want." "I want to serve your dick, Master!" "And so you shall!" Byron said with a wicked grin, and slid his dick into Robbie’s mouth. Robbie began sucking and he opened his mouth wider as the Black Cobra slid down the back of his throat. Byron began swaying his hips back and forth with little thrusts, gradually gaining speed as he became more confident that Robbie could take it. His dick swelled as he pounded ever more aggressively. The he rammed his dick hard against the back of Robbie’s throat and held it there. He smiled another wicked grin. "Stop!” he cried, “I'm not ready to cum just yet. I want to cum in your arse but there’s a problem there." “What problem sir?” Robbie asked. “Your arse is too white and I like red arses better, so, I’ll redden it with a good spanking!” Byron shuffled off the bed and stood beside Robbie’s prone form. He ordered Robbie to turn over and then he raised his hand and, WHACK! He landed a sharp blow to the upturned arse. WHACK! "Ouch!" Robbie screamed. WHACK! He hadn’t quite thought the spanking proposition through. “Shut up WHACK! and take it like a man!” He landed another blow to Robbie’s reddening arse. WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! Byron let fly with full force WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! Robbie sobbed quietly into the pillow. WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! He hadn’t quite expected sex to involve this, it felt strange, it hurt a bit, but if this was what was expected, then this is what he would do!. Byron stepped back to admire his handiwork. Robbie’s arse was glowing bright red now. Byron reached over to the nightstand where a jar of Vaseline waited. He stuck his knob into the jar and then plastered it over his dick. Then, stroking his greased dick with one hand, he lay on the bed and motioned to Robbie to sit on his dick. Straddling his hips, Robbie lowered himself onto the big black dick in one smooth motion. "Shit that feels good! I could just stay here like this for hours with my dick up your hot little arse. But I've got other plans." Then he sat up with Robbie still impaled on his dick and rolled over until Robbie was on his back and Byron was on top of him. "Are you ready for some more fucking?" "Yes master!" "You’re a good little bitch Robbie. Do you think you can take it all again?" He began to slide the greasy shaft in and out of Robbie’s hole with long, slow strokes. Robbie found the feeling incredible as Byron pounded him with powerful, steady strokes. Byron’s assault on Robbie’s freshly-spanked arse continued for several minutes. Byron let out a yell and his dick rammed hard into Robbie’s arse, Robbie could feel it pulsing as he filled his sore arse with his thick juice for the second time. Pulling his dick out of the dripping arse, Byron wiped it on the bed sheets and went to the bathroom to have a piss. "Thank you sir!" Robbie said when he returned. “Any day!” Byron replied as he sat beside the exhausted form on the bed. Robbie and Byron crawled under the covers together. Byron lay behind him and slid his rigid pole up Robbie’s still greasy hole. Robbie had no difficulty accommodating him now, besides he knew it would be there for the night so there was no point to him objecting. The young policeman closed his eyes to sleep – at last his urges had been satisfied. No longer a virgin, Robbie Smith had just fulfilled half his fantasy. Next day. Robbie woke early the next morning. He pulled forward reluctantly on the bed and Byron’s bloated shaft slid from his arse like a giant crap. As the tip passed his muscle, Robbie felt sort of sad that his lodger was no longer inside him. He was glowing with happiness as he looked at Byron’s naked form on the bed. His rising hadn’t woken the sleeping black youth and it crossed Robbie’s mind (for a moment) that he might be in love! He dressed in his uniform and while he dressed he kept looking back at the sprawled form on the bed. “Black Beauty!” he muttered to himself as he stared at the long black slab of flesh draped over Byron’s thigh. He began to hum the theme tune from the television programme quietly as he turned from the bed and put his left foot on a chair to tie his shoes, as he did he felt Byron’s hand cup one of his arse-cheeks. He looked back and smiled. “Sorry! I didn’t mean to wake you mate!” “You didn’t,” Byron replied, “I’m still asleep!” “Thanks for last night!” “Any day officer, any day at all!” “Will you be here when I come home?” Robbie asked hopefully. “I have an appointment later this afternoon,” Byron replied remembering his appointment with the doctor for three o’clock, “why?” “I’d just like to return the compliment and shaft ‘you’ this evening!” Robbie smiled hopefully. Byron’s reaction took Robbie by surprise. The black youth screamed, hopped up, and grabbing Robbie roughly by the arm yanked him across his knee. The speed took Robbie by complete surprise as he landed splat across Byron’s lap. Robbie howled as Byron landed a sharp SMACK to his uniform trousers. “Stop it mate, I’ll miss me shift!” SMACK, “Hey leave it out!” SMACK, he could feel Byron’s dick hardening beneath his own, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK. “There you go!” Byron chirped, “six of the best for cheeky little Robbie the Bobby!” “What was that for?” Robbie asked as he got up and rubbed his smarting arse. “I don’t take it up the arse Constable, never have, never will!” Robbie was just about to speak when Byron pointed to the young policeman’s groin; “Look at the mess of your trousers!” Robbie looked down, there was along stain made by the residues on Byron’s dick across the front of his pants. “Fuck!” Robbie exclaimed as he opened the trousers, “I’ll have to wear the other pair.” Byron smiled as the young policeman undressed again. “Nice underpants!” he whistled as the black tanga-thong that Robbie was wearing came into view. Robbie blushed. “Take it off and give it to me!” Byron ordered and the young policeman obeyed. He pulled the thong off and handed it to the black teenager. Byron wrapped it around his dick and began to wank himself off into the smooth black cotton. “C’mon mate!” Robbie pleaded, “I’ll be late!” “Nearly there!” Byron panted as he jacked his lad furiously. It only took a few more minutes before he shot his heavy globs into the material. He wiped his dick and handed the soaked thong back to its owner. “Put it on again!” Byron commanded. Robbie balked as he slid the sticky garment up over his arse. “Good boy!” Byron said as he slapped Robbie’s half-exposed arse and then massaged the goo over his buttocks, “this will remind you that you’re mine! Now get your trousers on and fuck off to work! We don’t want you to be late do we?” Robbie went to work feeling quite proud of himself, he had lost his virginity at last! All that day he thought about Byron, and his mind wandered subconsciously to his tanga-thong quite a lot that day. Byron rose a few hours later. As he got out of bed he noticed that Robbie had left a key of the house with a note inviting him to visit whenever he wanted. “naïve! Byron thought to himself, “cute, empty-headed fucking idiot, no wonder he’s a policeman!” He got dressed and headed back to Brian’s place. He smiled when he thought about Robbie humming the theme from Black Beauty – he began to think that it might be a better name for his dick! “Yes!” he hissed as he walked, “Black Beauty it is! After all I am black and I am a beauty and I am hung like a horse!” The doctor calls, When he got there Johnny was sleeping in Brian’s room – this made him quite unhappy! It was almost eleven so he had four hours to wait. He went into his own room to study. He opened his books but he couldn’t stop his mind wandering back, again and again, to Robbie – Robbie the Bobby, as far as Byron was concerned the young policeman was just fucking gorgeous and he wanted to keep him forever! Byron couldn’t concentrate so he lay on his bed and pulled out his whanger. “Black Beauty!” he muttered as he began to run his hand up and down the shaft. He threw a pillow over his face and fantasised about this police chum with his lovely bum. He began to pull his lad furiously – he was thinking about licking the crevice between Robbie’s muscular cheeks – he pulled and pulled – he was thinking about kissing the heavy sack between D53’s legs – he was pounding his shaft, running his hand up and down the long black pole – he was now thinking of licking Robbie’s own impressive shaft – his hips were arced off the bed as he pulled and pulled again – he was bent over with Robbie behind him doggie-style – his balls pulled up in their sack and a small tingle spread through the length of his dick as his body relaxed in a gentle orgasm. Byron collapsed on the bed and noticed – he had absent-mindedly stuck a finger up his own hole! Byron got up form the bed disgusted with himself. This had been the first time he had ever really fantasised about taking it up the arse – D53 was having a powerful effect on him and he wasn’t too sure if it was for the better. He walked out of the room and moved towards the kitchen. He boiled a kettle and sat at the table with his cup of tea. There was a lot going on in the young man’s mind, he was falling in love and he wasn’t sure if it was for the right reasons. “Well!” he thought to himself, “if Robbie wants to be a giver rather than a taker I can let him use Andrew!” With his problem solved, he took his cup and headed back to his room to study. As he passed Brian’s door he could hear Johnny breathing in wheezes – he glared at the room and went back into his own. As he sat at his desk he couldn’t keep his mind focussed on his books at all. First and foremost, thoughts of Robbie were occupying his mind, secondly he was beginning to feel concerned for Johnny’s overall health. It wasn’t long before he notices that it was nearly three o’clock. The doctor would be here soon and Byron wasn’t in a mood for that – maybe he wouldn’t arrive! – Byron hoped he wouldn’t. He did arrive! It was five past three and there was a knock on the door. Byron opened it and dragged the doctor inside. “You’re late!” he snapped as the doctor stumbled past him. The doctor tried to reply but Byron cut him dead. He took him by the elbow and led him to the room where Johnny was still sleeping and wheezing. “That boy needs to go to a hospital!” the doctor remarked immediately. “What do you think he has?” “By the sound of him he has emphysema and by the look of him either malnutrition or Hepatitis!” “Are you sure?” “Reasonably, I don’t have my stuff with me, but he should be in a hospital!” Byron rang Brian and Brian agreed to come home and bring his nephew to casualty. He arrived twenty minutes later and met Byron and the doctor. After getting briefed by the doctor on Johnny’s possible condition, Brian ordered a taxi (parking at the Royal Infirmary was impossible) and Raymond explained the situation a bit more as they waited. “Thanks for briefing me on the situation!” Brian said in his bank-official voice as he left with his nephew. “No problem!” Raymond answered. They were no sooner out the door when Byron spoke. “Thanks for briefing my boyfriend!” he said in a posh accent. Raymond looked at him quizzically. “Now it’s time to debrief the doctor!” Byron added. “What do you mean by that?” “I mean get your fucking kit off and don’t ask stupid questions!” he snapped as he began to strip. Raymond smiled and followed suit. When they were both naked they faced each other across Brian’s double bed. Byron took his dick in his hand and waved it at Raymond. Raymond looked him in the eye as Byron's fingers slipped inside the doctor’s underpants, gently sliding them down the sides of Raymond's hips to expose the tip of his hard pole. Byron gently moved the dick, so that it popped above his elastic exposing the pulsing head. Then he pulled the white underpants down completely and began to massage Raymond's dick with his open hand. Raymond closed his eyes as Byron moved down on him. He opened his mouth and jabbed his tongue toward Raymond's knob. Raymond shook as Byron licked this most intimate part of his body. He teased Raymond, kissing and licking, but not sucking --just yet. Then Byron moved his tongue off Raymond's dick and paused. Raymond gave no visible response, other than to lie his head back and close his eyes. Byron bent back down and gently took the wet tool back into his mouth. He rolled it around his mouth and massaged it with his tongue then he swallowed the whole thing. Raymond moaned at the pleasure Byron was able to give him. But Byron withdrew his mouth from Raymond's stiff rod and changed tactic. He pushed the doctor onto the bed and turned him roughly so his arse was in the air – then suddenly; SMACK! Byron landed a sharp slap to the doctor’s quivering buttocks. “You hurt my arse yesterday Doctor!” Byron snarled, “now you’re going to fucking pay for it! Call me Daddy! This is going to hurt!” "Ah, daddy. Yes, oh yes. God, this is what I've been wanting for so long. More please daddy. Give me some more, please daddy." Byron was happy to oblige, "okay, let's begin!” SMACK, one, Raymond's arse flexed and twitched. SMACK two, the doctor’s feet danced in the air as he struggled to stay in place. SMACK three. He pumped his dick hard into Byron' thighs. SMACK four! "Stay still. I didn’t flinch when you were examining me did I? Hold steady." SMACK five! SMACK six! Raymond tried to comply, but he was too excited to be able to hold still. SMACK seven! SMACK eight! SMACK nine! "Ah, daddy. Please! Oh, yes. Spank me, daddy. Oh, God!" Byron kept a steady pace. SMACK ten! SMACK eleven! SMACK twelve! Raymond's bottom was beginning to show some nice colour, the pink area spreading out gradually as more and more swats covered his arse. SMACK thirteen! SMACK fourteen! SMACK fifteen! SMACK sixteen! "Steady. That's the way. Here we go, son." SMACK seventeen! SMACK eighteen! SMACK nineteen! Raymond's breathing came in short gasps. His legs flailed into the air, and his arse flexed and struggled under the steady swats. SMACK twenty! SMACK twenty-one! "That's the way, son. Take your punishments like a man." SMACK twenty-two! SMACK twenty-three! SMACK twenty-four! "Got to show you who is boss." SMACK twenty-five! When he had spanked the doctor twenty-five times, Byron straddled him. His huge dick swung into the air at full erection. It dripped. Slowly he spread Raymond's legs apart with his own and, without further ado, he began to force his dick up the doctor’s hole. He took his time, not wanting to inflict more pain than was inevitable. Soon, in spite of Raymond's protests, Byron was inside. His body hovered over Raymond’s, his body tightened in anticipation of filling Raymond’s arse with cum. Byron rocked his hips gently, sending waves of pleasure through Raymond's body. Slowly Byron continued his rocking, gently fucking the older man beneath him. He felt more powerful with Raymond than he had ever felt with Brian; his chest rose with each thrust of his huge, hard dick. Byron began to increase the speed of his thrusts as he rammed his rod between the hard mounds of Raymond’s arse. After five minutes he felt his dick beginning to spew so he pulled out immediately and grabbed his shorts from where they lay by the bed. Byron panted and moaned as he shot his juices into the boxer shorts. He cleaned his dick on the material and then threw the shorts across the room. Raymond grabbed Byron's shoulder and immediately pulled him towards his as he said "Thank you, Byron!" Byron grinned. “Okay Raymond, get dressed we’re going to meet somebody else now!” He took the keys of Robbie’s house and headed off with the doctor in tow for an exciting evening with the sexy, athletic, cute but submissive doctor! TO BE CONTINUED Comments, suggestions to please.


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