Gay Erotic Stories

Kevin And The Man Of Steel

by RW Murphy

My name is Kevin Miller. I'm a 25-year-old gay white male. I'm 5'10", 150 lbs, reddish-blond hair, blue eyes, decent looking but not the cutest guy on earth by any means. I work as a computer analyst, like eating out, travel, tennis, games and spending time with my lover. And this is a story of how I met him - my lover, I mean. It all started about a year ago. I had gone to one of the bars in town to see if I might meet someone interesting. Some of my friends had said they would meet me there about 10 o'clock. So I decided to go a little early to see if I might meet someone beforehand. I didn't though. I'm a little shy and it takes time for me. The bar isn't the best place for me, but I do have fun there, so I like to go once in a while. Anyway, I went and my friends showed up as promised. We had a good time and stayed about 4 hours. Around 2 AM, I decided I had had enough and said I was going home. My friends decided they would stay a while longer, so I left alone. As I left the bar, I didn't notice anything unusual. Just a normal night - a few people on the street, cars going by and some teenagers hanging out by the 7-11. I started walking home. I took my time as I went home, going down the street and then turning left to go through the parking lot on 11th. It's a rather big parking lot and there were still a number cars there even at that time of night. Just as I passed the last car in the lot, four guys came out of the shadows - skinheads with baseball bats. Shit, I was scared. They didn't look too friendly and there was nobody nearby. I wasn't quite sure what to do except--keep on going and pretend I didn't see them, say Hi, or turn around and go back to the bar. I decided to keep going and see if they would let me pass. Before I had taken 10 steps, they were right in front of me. The tallest one, who was about 6'2", muscular with several rather disturbing tattoos took a step forward. "Well, well, what've we got here? It looks like a faggot to me. Left your friends back at the bar, did you? You faggots disgust me, you know that?" "What makes you think I'm a faggot? I'm not gay", I lied. He laughed. "Yeah, right. We've been following you, faggot. Saw you come of the bar and decided to have a little fun. Didn't we, boys?" The others laughed. I was in big trouble. What could I do? If I ran right now, I might make it to some place safe. But it would have to be now or never. I ran. I ran like the wind. Unfortunately, I had had a little too much to drink and all I could do was a gentle breeze. By the time I made it out of the parking lot and to the end of the street, two of them were right behind me. Then one of them grabbed me - hard. I tried to get away but he held me fast. I couldn't get free. I couldn't even turn around. I decided I had to make some noise or I was a goner. "Let me go. Help. Help. Someone help me.", I screamed. Then I heard a voice behind me - the skinhead's voice. "Shit, man. We didn't do nothing. Honest, we didn't touch him." Then another voice. "Then why were you chasing him with baseball bats and yelling, 'Come back here, faggot?' There have been reports of some skinheads beating up gay men in this area. It would seem that you fit that description." "Oh, shit, man. We haven't beat up anyone. Honest. Swear to God." I was puzzled. What was going on here? I tried to turn around but still couldn't. But then I looked down at his feet and saw his shoes. Red shoes. And blue tights. And a red cape. A red cape? Wait a minute! Superman! It was Superman! I had been saved! No wonder I couldn't get loose. Superman had me in his grip while he talked to the skinheads. I relaxed. What a relief. No matter what happened I would live through the night without getting my head bashed in. Thank God! I was so relieved, I went into a kind of dream. I mean here I thought I was dead meat and then Superman saves me. The one and only Superman. The guy I had fantasized off and on about for like forever. He was holding me! OK, not exactly the way I had dreamed about, but he was holding me and I was safe. Then he let me go. There was some yelling and the clanking of chains and a whooshing sound. I turned around. There was Superman and the four punks. He had tied them up with some chains that had marked the car park perimeter. He turned to me and said, "Can you wait right here? Just have to drop these boys off at the police station." "Sure, Superman, I can wait." "Good, be right back." He picked the boys up and disappeared into the night. About 10 minutes later he was back with the chains but no boys. There was another whooshing sound as he put the chains back and then he stood right in front of me. "Well, they won't be bothering you anymore. Are you all right?" I looked up at him and realized that he was even better than I had imagined in my dreams. Man, was this guy built! About 6'5", shoulders 2 feet wide, huge mounds of muscle on his pecs with a cavern between them, a hard ridged stomach, arms like huge cannonballs, and massive thighs that stretched his tights like you wouldn't believe. He wasn't as well-defined as a professional bodybuilder but he sure had the mass. "Fine", I said. "Sure am glad you came when you did. I thought I was a goner." "No problem, Kevin. Let me take you home. Don't want anything else to happen to you." "Thanks, Super - Kevin!? How did you know my name?" "I'll explain when we get there. Comfy?", he said after he picked me up and held me in his arms. "Yeah, thanks," I said as I felt myself rising in the air. God, this was unreal. Superman was holding me in his arms and flying me back to my place. Man, it was cool. I could see the streets below as we went the few blocks back to my place and then it was over almost before it had even begun. But, I had been in Superman arms! "Here we are, Kevin", he said as he put me back down on the ground. "Thanks, Superman. And thanks for saving my hide back there." "No problem, Kevin. All in a day's work. Just glad I could be there when you needed me. You're a nice guy." "Thanks. But how do you know who I am?" "We went to high school together." "We did? Superman was in my high school?" "Yup. Didn't know, huh?" "No. Say, why are you telling me this? I thought your identity was supposed to be a secret. Won't telling me this help me figure out who you are?" "Probably, Kevin. But I don't care if you do or not. I know you would never tell anybody. Besides you had it figured out in high school so I'm not telling you anything you don't already know." "High School? Huh? Oh, wait a minute. I was right! Clark Kent is Superboy - I mean, Superman." "Yes, Kev. I'm Clark Kent and Superman. And you know what else?" "No, what?" "I've always liked you and I would love to make love to you." Well, you could have hit me with an A-bomb and I wouldn't have been any more blown over. "What did you say?" "You heard me, Kev." "But, I mean, fuck, you could have almost guy on the planet. Why pick me? I'm not a gorgeous stud or muscle man or nothing." "Maybe not, but you're what I want. And I do happen to think you're cute, especially when you smile. And as for brawn, compared to me, you're just as strong as any other guy on the planet. Kevin, I had a big crush on you when we were in school. I thought I would never get over it so I left town and moved to the city. But I realized a long time ago that I might have to be celibate my whole life. After all, I can't have sex like a regular guy. If I did, I'd probably kill him the first time I made love to him. But seeing you tonight, I remembered what it was like for me back in school and I decided to take a chance. Nothing may come of this but at least I'll have tried. So, Kev. What do you say?" "Geez, I don't know. I mean you're Superman, the Man of Steel." "Yes, but I'm also Clark and Clark wants to make love to you. Please, Kevin, say yes." "Uh. Oh. Oh what the hell. Yes, Clark. Yes." "Good. Let me take you some place special. I know this great deserted tropical island where we can be alone. OK?" I nodded and Clark undid his cape and wrapped me inside it, "This will protect you and keep you warm. The air is cold and thin up there." When he was satisfied that I was OK, he picked me and held me close to him. I could feel him rising again but much faster this time. I couldn't see anything. I couldn't believe it - Superman had a crush on me. Me! Not Gord Simpson, Jeffrey Meyers or any of the really cool guys in school - but me! Man, life is weird. Sometime later, I noticed that we were going down again and soon Clark was putting me down on the ground. He took off his cape and I could see where we were. "Welcome to my little paradise, Kevin. What do you think?" I looked around and saw it was really nice. Blue sky, warm air, ocean breeze, birds calling. It was like Hawaii without the people. "It's nice, really nice." "Yes, it is, just like you", he said as he leaned down and kissed me on the lips. It felt weird. Superman and Clark were kissing me. His lips were smooth and warm and hard. Not soft. I had expected soft, but then this was Superman, the Man of Steel. But he kissed me softly, a bare caress. I kissed back. Hard. As hard as I could. I wanted him to notice. He let go of me and smiled. I guess he noticed. I've never understood that. Superman was the Man of Steel. Hydrogen bombs couldn't harm him, yet he could be as gentle as a snowflake. How could he tell the difference? How could he know how much force to use? He tried to explain it once but it was a lost cause. It doesn't matter though. I know that he can and that he will never hurt me. He leaned down again and we kissed some more. Then he moved back and looked at me. "I'm not sure how this is going to go, Kevin. I would dearly love to fuck you but I can't. I'd kill you if I did. And you can't fuck me, you'll never be able to get your cock up my ass. I don't have enough control to be able to open it enough to let you in. And even if I could, I'm afraid I might lose control momentarily and your cock would be flattened. I've thought about this a long time and I think we had better go slow - a little kissing, some sucking and maybe jack each other off. But that's it. I hope you're not disappointed." "Geez, no, Superman. Just to be with you is fine. I mean when you picked me up in your arms, I almost creamed right here." Clark smiled and came over and picked me up again so I could look him right in the eye. "So you like this, do you?" "Oh, yeah", I said as I stroked his enormous chest with my hand. Like his lips, his chest was warm and smooth and very hard. I hit his chest gently. He looked down at his chest and then at me. "What was that for?" "I just wanted to see if you really are the Man of Steel. I mean, in school Clark was like one of the guys, just an average guy. I still find it hard to believe that Clark and Superman are the same person, that you are the Man of Steel. " "You do, huh? OK, Kev. How about you really hit me?", he said as he put me down. "Take your best shot." I wound up and hit him in the stomach as hard as I could and realized I had made a big mistake. I had just slammed my fist into a concrete wall and it was hurting, really hurting. Tears came to my eyes. This guy may be Clark but he definitely was the Man of Steel Superman saw my tears and an expression of dismay came to his face. Too late he realized that he had never expected me to hit him that hard. It hadn't hurt him a bit, but he had just encouraged his love-to-be to seriously injure himself. "Are you all right, Kevin? Did you seriously hurt yourself?" "No, it hurts, but I'll be OK. Man, that was stupid! Why did I hit you so hard? That really hurt." "Here, let me kiss it better." He took my hand and gently kissed it. It didn't make any difference but I felt better. After I had recovered, he lifted me up again and kissed me. "Come on, let's get naked. I want to suck you." So we did. I had seen Clark naked before but he had really matured since high school. In school, he was just tall and cute and husky. Now he was a Greek God and I was just an average guy - not tall, not muscular, not so cute. "OK, Kev. I want to do something that I bet no one has ever done for you." "What's that?" "I'll show you", he said as he lifted me up by the waist and spread my legs apart. I was starting to feel like a yo-yo - up, down, up, down. Not that I minded. I loved it whenever he picked me. I could feel his huge arms and chest and I had never made it with anyone even close to his mass and strength before. Big, handsome guys usually didn't even know I existed. They went after the hunks and the pretty boys. When I was almost as high up as I could go, he lowered me again so my legs were on his shoulders and my cock was right in his face. He was going to suck me like this? Cool! After he had put my cock in his mouth, he moved his hand behind my back so that I was supported and he wouldn't drop me. I crossed my legs and grabbed on to his hair for support. I felt more secure that way and I knew I couldn't possibly hurt him. When everything was ready, he started sucking me. He was good, he soon had me really stiff. Then he slowed down and didn't suck so hard. At first, I was disappointed but then realized he was being careful, making sure he didn't damage my cock in his mouth. I squeezed my legs around his neck and started to fuck his face. He stopped sucking me and gently closed his mouth until I asked him to stop. As I fucked his face, he gently stuck a finger up my butt and slowly fucked it. That was something. I was sitting on this guy's shoulders, my cock in his mouth and getting finger fucked. It was so hot, I was soon pumping cum down his throat. When I was done, he lifted me up and put me down on the beach. I hugged him and he hugged me back and didn't let go until I did. "Thanks, Clark. That was great." "Glad you liked it. I sure did. My cock is so stiff even I would have a hard time putting a dent in it." I looked down at his cock. It was about the same size as mine but prettier. I touched it gently then realized that this was Superman's dick. Hell, he could lift a tank with that thing and barely notice. Hell, he could defeat a whole army with his dick. Rip off the top of each tank as it came by, pull the soldiers out one by one, stick his cock up each man's butt and fuck them till they begged for mercy or died. What a way to go! "Play with it, please", said Superman. "Sure, Clark.", I said as I gripped it as hard as I could and started to stroke it. At first, he didn't even notice. But then he started to smile. He took my hand away and began stroking his dick. He started to breathe more heavily and I was getting a little worried. What if he got excited and hugged me? One tight squeeze and I'd be dead meat. I needn't have worried. When he got close, he told me to stand beside him out of harm's way. I did so. He grunted and started to cum. Unlike my cum or anyone's else I have ever seen, his didn't spurt out. It shot out like a rocket. Straight up so high I couldn't follow it. It always does. Except once when we were in a field. It was aimed down that time and it came out and shot through a tree like bullets going through cardboard and disappeared into the ground. We hugged and kissed some more and then just lazed and talked. After about half-hour we went under the trees because Clark had noticed that I was starting to burn. "So, Kevin. Do you want to try something? I'm not very horny now and I think it would be safe for me to fuck you. Interested?" At first, I wasn't sure. Before he had said we couldn't because it would kill me but I sure wanted to try. Hell, I'd be the only person who had ever been fucked by Superman! I nodded my head and he smiled. But I wasn't sure how this was going to work. "OK. I'll lie on my back and get my dick erect and you sit on it. And when you're comfortable, I'll fuck you. OK?" I nodded yes and he sped off into the air and returned a few minutes later with a bottle. Then he rubbed his dick until it was stiff again and put some lube on it and held on to the base of it with his fist. I climbed on top and lowered myself. It was like sitting on a iron rod. But I liked it. Hell, I was sitting on Superman's dick. When I was all the way down to his fist, I moved forward to rub his chest. But couldn't go very far. That steel beam inside me didn't move a millimeter. But with some maneuvering I got myself comfortable. Then I nodded and he started to masturbate. As he moved his hand up and down, I moved up and down his dick. It was wild. I wanted him to go faster but he said he couldn't, he might cum. But within 5 minutes, I was close to cumming. I moaned and tried to lean forward to kiss him, but the damn rod wouldn't move. He leaned forwards and our lips met. I gushered all over him. Afterwards I couldn't move, I was worn out and in Heaven. I had been kissed and fucked by Superman all in the same day. Who could ask for anything more? And who would believe it? A few months later after quite a few romantic encounters and serious discussions, I moved in with Clark. In many ways, we're just a normal happy couple. We have our ups and downs and a mortgage and a dog. But there are differences. I can't get any diseases from Clark (his body kills every germ the moment it gets in him), I don't have to worry about my physical safety when he's around and a couple of presents he gave me will ensure I will never be poor. I do worry sometimes when he's gone a long time. And Clark frets whenever I get sick. He hates to see me suffer. And I've only been mad at him twice. The first time I got so mad at him, I actually hit him. He was shocked and I was in pain - I had forgotten who Clark was. But we made up and I had a wonderful time that night. But we can't have sex like a normal couple. He will only fuck me after he has cum a couple of times. And it used to be that I couldn't fuck him. But on my last birthday, he gave me a very special present - a special piece of red kryptonite. It makes him vulnerable and I can actually fuck him. It isn't easy. We can only do it doggy style, any other way hurts my dick too much. Even when he's vulnerable he's still very hard. But I can fuck him. And it's great - you couldn't get a tighter ass than Superman's. No way. No how. I really am lucky. Even if Clark were just an ordinary guy, I would be one of the luckiest people on earth. The love of my life likes me and loves me. Superman or not, how can you beat that? THE END


1 Gay Erotic Stories from RW Murphy

Kevin And The Man Of Steel

My name is Kevin Miller. I'm a 25-year-old gay white male. I'm 5'10", 150 lbs, reddish-blond hair, blue eyes, decent looking but not the cutest guy on earth by any means. I work as a computer analyst, like eating out, travel, tennis, games and spending time with my lover. And this is a story of how I met him - my lover, I mean. It all started about a year ago. I had gone to


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