Gay Erotic Stories


by L23m

Disclaimer Don't read this if underage or upset by teenage boys doing sex stuff, etc... As always comments welcome to Enjoy. Joshua Part 2 Days had passed I hadn't been out my bedroom. I just spent the time crying, going over and over what had happened at Jason's house. Why had the only one I loved turned me away, was it something I did or said? It was the morning after; I had woken up still wrapped in Jason's arms, the feel of his morning erection resting in the crack of my arse. I slowly pushed back into him; a moan escaped his lips. I felt his hand move down my back sending chills down my spine, his finger rested on the opening to my love tunnel. A quite moan escaped my lips as I drew in a breath of air. "Ah josh, dude you're awake. Cool. I want you to get dressed, go down stairs and wait for me. Oh and don't forget to take all of the stuff you brought with you." I couldn't believe it all the passion had gone, in the blink of an eye! I tried to put on my best seductive voice "but don't you wanna, well y'know have a little more hanky panky?" "No" I guess the seductive voice didn't work, damn! I was so hard it hurt. I didn't take long to get dressed and get downstairs. I sat waiting patently wondering what my lover was up to. It didn't take long to find out. He came down the stairs wearing a pair of boxer shorts, showing off his beautiful chest and the quite impressive tent in his boxers from his morning woody. A huge smile on his face showing his perfect teeth. "Dude, get out of my house and never come back" I laughed nervously hoping, no praying that the only boy I love didn't just tell me to basically fuck off. "What are you laughing at? I'm not joking. GET OUT!" he was so calm. How could he be so calm? My heart felt like it was just tossed into the fiery pits of hell. I couldn't see Jason anymore he was just a blur, tears filled my eyes, some escaped making a trail down my face. "Oh god! We've got a cry baby, no even worse a FAT cry baby!" if that wasn't low down and dirty I don't know what was. "(Sniff!) But I thought, well, (sniff!). I thought--" I tried to get out the words that were caught in my throat, but he cut me off. "What? You thought what? That I loved you? HAH! I don't love you, look kid you were just sex on legs." Did he just call me kid? He's only two months older than me! "But, (sniff!)" again the bastard cut me off! "Don't "but" kid, just get out. I mean you weren't even that good of a shag." Did he just slap me? Did he just walk over here and slap me across my face? No he hadn't, in fact he hadn't moved from the stairs, it's just his last statement had hit me so hard it felt like a slap. I was stunned. In fact I felt numb. I waited for a wave of anger, like the one you're supposed to get after been dumped so I could beat the crap out of him. It didn't come the only feelings I got were the feeling of been cheep and dirty. I don't remember anything after that; his house just seemed to fade away replaced by my own bed. Hours I'd spend crying into my pillow; it had become so wet that I could've squeezed it out into a bucket. I thought the pain would have gone away but it only intensified. Why was this happening to me? My mom occasionally visited my side, but I didn't care. She was worried, she wanted to know what was wrong and why I hadn't eaten and where Jason had got. I could usually tell my mum everything, but how was I to tell her that Jason had seduced her only son. And that he also no longer wanted anything to do with him? Even worse than that but her son was gay. God definitely hated me. Day three I contemplated suicide but quickly shook the thought "If I was to die it might hurt him" out of my head. He wouldn't care. I didn't realize it at the time but this would not be the last brush with death I was to have. Ding-Dong! The doorbell sounded so happy and cheerful, especially considering this was the house of Jason the "almighty" bastard. I was angry so, so angry I was going to give him what for! I was going to show him that us English men are not cry-babies! The door flew open. There stood Jason exactly like he was the day he told me to fuck off, naked from the waist up. Looking down his boxers had the "tent" caused by the morning stiffy. Tears filled my eyes as pain filled my heart. "Please! Please!! Don't do this to me!" I was down on my knees and pleading, tears streaming down my face. I looked like a waterfall. Looking up into his eyes I thought I saw a hint of compassion, but no I was just a smirk of disgust. "Dude you look like shit! I'm not taking you back, so go away, shoo!" he waved his hands at me. "At least tell me why (sniff!)" with that I grabbed his dick, I could feel the hard softness of his tool. I moved my hand slowly up and down. A moan escaped his throat as I took the fabric-covered tip in my mouth; the taste of the sweet yet salty pre-cum brought back painful memory's. "Jason, who is it?" I heard a boy's voice call from upstairs, the realization hit me, he had someone else up there. I stopped sucking his dick. "It's no-one, don't worry I'll be back in a minute I've just got to take care of some things" Jason turned back to face me. He roughly grabbed me by the shoulders and picked me up. "You want to know why? Its simple I've had you, once I've had you I have no need for you again. If you don't mind I'm busy goodbye." With that said he slammed the door in my face, and I left his porch and went home to cry some more. I sat on my bed my mother by my side; she was stunned by what I had just told her. I had told her everything. At least she wasn't angry. "Oh, Josh, are you sure your gay?" I nodded my head meekly. The tears showing in my mums eyes. "And that little bastard, Jason--" she became lost for words, unusual for my mother. "We always fall for the wrong people" she cried, I cried, we cried together. My mum holding me all the time so tight sometimes I couldn't breath. "What's a player?" I looked up into her eyes. "Well a players someone who uses you just for sex and then moves on to the next person, never looking back, why?" I proceeded to tell her about the notes and the whispering at school. "But he's only 13, I mean how many other people has this kid had?" frankly that was a question I didn't want to answer. I was only 13 and I'd been played, how depressing! We sat up for the rest of the night talking, it was decided I couldn't live this close to Jason or even go to the same school, I was to move across town to live with my auntie. L.A. was a big place there was a chance I'd never see him again, when the summer was over I'd even go to a new school. All the time my mum made plans, so did I. Revenge would be mine. I was dropped of at my auntie's; she was one strange woman. She was in to all that magic crap and dressed in robes covered in flowers and herbs. But she was great she spoilt me rotten. The summer seemed to pass by quickly; I spent most of it working out, jogging, exercising and doing anything that would get me fit! My mum would come down and take me out places, she'd never mention as my auntie put it "the sperm of the devil" (or sometimes "the ejaculate of hell" this always made me laugh). I even spent some days visiting libraries and bookstores to read up on all the dirty books. I read the karma sutra at least 5 times, I'd occasionally get dirty looks from people for reading such filth, but I didn't care. I wanted to learn everything there was to know about sex. Occasionally friends from my old school would call but after a while they stopped, I had no time for friends. By the end of the summer I was a totally different person. I stood in front of the mirror looking at my body; I had totally changed. I was no longer chubby; the muscles that belonged to an athlete had replaced the fat. I actually had a six-pack! Well the beginning of one. My body was lean and slender now I was a god. My hair had grown down to ear length it now looked like a golden waterfall, except for my fringe which I had coloured dark brown. The darkness of the fringe seemed to enhance the greenness of my eyes. I'd even grown taller, and my voice had changed as I'd gone into puberty. It was now a bit lower and kept cracking and squeaking. With my English accent it sounded so sensual. I'd even got a slight tan; you could even see a tan line from where my Speedo's had been. I even had a bit of pubic hair growing above my dick and I swear that my dick had grown, I grabbed a ruler and measured. "YEAH!!" I screamed a bit louder than I should have. "Did you call?" the door opened behind me. My aunt stood in the doorway. I quickly leaped for my bed covering my self up with the blankets. My face felt like it was on fire! "Boy Josh, you've grown. And he way you changed so many colours of red while leaping through the air made you look like a rainbow. Get dressed and come downstairs I'll read your fortune." She left the room, as soon as the door closed she burst out laughing. I quickly dressed and made my way downstairs, I didn't want her thinking I was playing with my self. "Ah, there's my little narcissus" she smiled as I sat down at the table. "Look auntie I wasn't doing anything I swear!" my face was still red. "You don't have to explain anything to me josh, I was young once too you know. I understand if you are your own best friend, but you should go out and find some real friends, I'm not sure but I don't think your right hand can give you any intelligent conversation." A smile crossed her face. Wait a minute is she trying to say I'm constantly masturbating? Great, that's all I need. I wasn't going to carry this conversation on anymore it was futile, nothing I could say or do would make me look any less of a wanker. She spread some cards out in front of me, turning each one over she would tell me about what it's meaning was. She gasped. "Look, this card represents your future love, you'll recognize him by the symbol of the five pointed star" this was getting interesting. "Really, when do I meet him?" I was so eager to know more. This made her happy. "Maybe the next card might tell us more" she turned the next card over. It was the card of death. She quickly packed the cards away. "Auntie what did that card mean?" "Oh it's nothing Josh, I swear. Now you go play with yourself, err, computer." With that she got up and left the table. Just before she left she looked at me, with that I raised my right hand and started to pretend it was talking to me. This caused her to laugh. I sat silently at the table wondering what my dream man looked like. A five pointed star. But what of the death card? Anyway it didn't matter. I was ready to go up against Joshua I was putting my plan for revenge in motion, I was going to play him like he played me. End of part 2. Comments welcome to


4 Gay Erotic Stories from L23m


Stuff you need to know before reading: Y'know the drill don't read if you are underage or don't like stories about two teenage boys, etc. This is my first story so be kind with comments. Joshua Hi, my name's Joshua I'm 18 now and I guess I just need it tell my story of becoming gay to someone, I must have had the worst time, it

Joshua 11-17

Disclaimer Hello again, you know the drill don't read this if you don't like gay things or if you are underage, etc... Comment's welcome to and thanx to Eric for proof reading this. Bye every one enjoy. and if you want the more broken up version of this visit my site at Joshua 11 'At first I

Joshua 3-10

Disclaimer Don't read this if underage or upset by teenage boys doing sex stuff, etc... This is fiction. But hopefully someday the better parts of this will be fact. Thanks to the people who write to me for this story, and to nifty for posting it, and to my bf eric you better like this or I'll kick your arse! And I hope comically gets well soon. and this is


Disclaimer Don't read this if underage or upset by teenage boys doing sex stuff, etc... As always comments welcome to Enjoy. Joshua Part 2 Days had passed I hadn't been out my bedroom. I just spent the time crying, going over and over what had happened at Jason's house. Why had the only one I loved turned me away, was it


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