Gay Erotic Stories

Joshua 3-10

by L23m

Disclaimer Don't read this if underage or upset by teenage boys doing sex stuff, etc... This is fiction. But hopefully someday the better parts of this will be fact. Thanks to the people who write to me for this story, and to nifty for posting it, and to my bf eric you better like this or I'll kick your arse! And I hope comically gets well soon. and this is part's 3-10 if you want a more broken up version visit my web site. As always comments welcome to: Enjoy Joshua Part 3 Boy I'd been here before, the first day of a new school, y'know considering I had to leave the last one because my mum thought it was unwise for me to be around Jason. But I didn't mind, like they say new body, new life. Plus this way it would be easier to convince Jason I was somebody else, somebody he hadn't shagged yet, fresh meat. He was definitely going to pay, he was going to know what been jilted felt like, hopefully, I now know so many sexual games, positions and pleasurable things that would make his head spin. BOTH OF THEM! I stood looking out of my bedroom window, it had the most perfect view, it looked out to the sea. My auntie's house was conveniently located almost on the beach. The only difference between our house and the rest of the beach houses was the fact that we had a garden full of herbs between the beach and us, while the other houses open up straight on to the sand. There was a knock at the bedroom door, as it slowly opened with a loud creak. "Josh? Are you ready for school?" my auntie poked her head through the door, she'd always been shy about coming into my room after she saw me in the buff. "Yeah, I'll be down in a minute" I turned to give myself a quick glance in the mirror to make sure I was at least looking cool, for all I knew I could have been a geek. Y'see to be cool you have to have friends that say so, only then are you cool and currently the number of friends I have are zilch. I had a plain grey baseball cap on backwards; my brown fringe poking out of the hole there, the cap hid the rest of my blond hair only a few strands poked out. For all intensive purposes my hair appeared brown. I wore my best red T-shirt and a pair of white baggy jeans, and to top it all off my best pair of shades. I looked at my face; I swear that every time I looked at my eyes they seemed to get greener, and my lips redder and my skin whiter. I felt like a chameleon. But hell I was so HOT. Not like I want to blow my own horn or anything (which I found out I can actually do, y'know blow my own horn, err, dick) but I was stunning. I headed down the stairs and out to the waiting car. My auntie sat there waiting quietly as I strapped myself in. I always made sure I strapped my self in when my auntie was driving she's a maniac on the road, what's worse is that she talks to you while she's doing it. It's like she doesn't know how shit scared you are and totally ignores the fact that you're clinging to the seat and your squeezing your eyes so tight there streaming tears. And she was driving me to my first day at a new school, so I was going to be extra scarred stiff, which is if we made it there alive. We were traveling down a huge motor way going at speeds that I thought only the car out of back to the future could do when the conversation started. "So you ready for your first day at your new school? Josh...Josh, hello?" My auntie leaned in close to my face. "Why are you so tense? You should have really let me brew you one of my potions to relax you, you're really to tense for a kid your age" I still didn't move, my eyes were tightly closed and my fingers were hurting real bad from clinging to the seat. "Do you know Mrs Orson? Sure you do she's in my coven, you know the fat one" she waited a few seconds for an answer, receiving none she carried on. "Well she's got her grandson coming to stay for a while, I mean I don't know if he's gay or anything but maybe I could well introduce you to him, I've seen his pictures and he's quite a dish" my low point in life; having my auntie set me up. "Josh? Would you like that? Josh, josh!" I quickly shook my head from side to side. "Fine, it's you who loses out on a good shag not me. You really are too tense, I'll make you one of my potions when you get home, I gave one of them to your mother when she gave birth to you. She squeezed you out in a flash -- Josh were here." The car screeched to a stop, but my body didn't, I almost broke my bloody neck! "You have a nice day at school" I opened the car door and stepped out, my whole body shaking from the ride, I didn't have a chance to blink before the car was gone. I turned and started to walk in to the school I wondered around the halls mostly 'cause the flow of kids was taking me. I had a good chance to check out some of the boys while wondering around, there were a few good specimens of teenage meat wondering around, and I even noticed some of them checking me out too. I was so excited. Eventually I came upon the front office and asked for my timetable. A rather manly looking woman told me to wait and pointed to a couple of seats by the window looking out on to the car park. Sat in one of the seats was a boy about the same age as me and he was so cute. He had short black hair brushed forward that was spiked upwards at the front; his skin looked naturally tanned. His lips were tasty and his nose was so totally awesome, it made him look slightly italic. Every thing about him screamed sex. And boy did I want it. I went and sat down beside him. I saw his eyes for the first time, they were dark brown with bits of green in them, wow, and they were watching me. OH SHIT! He was looking at me. "Hi, my names Tom" he smiled at me showing me his perfect, hold me back before I rape him smile, my heart melted. "Hi" I smiled back. "So what you in for? Which one of the school rules did you break?" he cocked his head on one side trying to get my attention back to his face, my eyes had subconsciously wondered down to his groin. Unfortunately it was well covered, by a pair of white baggy jeans. "Err...nothing, you?" I looked him in the eyes. "Oh I was chosen to show a new kid around, I hate doing this. You just know he'll turn out to be a right geek, and I'll have to be nice to him, it always happens like that. I hate it!" his face had a disgusted look on it, at the prospect of been seen with a geek. Which I guess was me, well this relationships off to a good start. "You know he might not be a geek." I said trying to stick up for my self. "Yeah right. You see people like you and me have reputations to keep up, but been seen with a geek would drag our cool status down" he patted me on my back and gave me a smile. At least he thought I was cool. "You really think I'm cool?" my self-confidence was building as we talked. He eyed me suspiciously for a few minutes before speaking again. "Well I'm cool and were both dressed the same so, yeah I think your cool, maybe we could even be friends." He gave me an 'I know something you don't smile'; I wanted him so bad! I hadn't actually noticed before but we were dressed exactly the same, with the exception of my cap and shades. "Well I guess great minds dress alike, and I'd like to be friends" his smile did the impossible and seemed to widen even more, at that point I was secretly hoping that gay minds dressed alike. "So, dude, what do I call you?" I was just about to tell him my name when that manly secretary butted in on our conversation. "Thomas Conroy, your assignment for today" she held a small piece of paper out in front of her. We both stood up and walked towards her. Tom grabbed the piece of paper and started to read. I leaned over his shoulder to get a closer look, pausing a moment to savior the feeling of been close to him, he was looking at my timetable. He turned his head towards me; he was so close I could feel his breath on my cheek. "Hey my geek's called Joshua T. McThomas, I wonder what the T. stands for? I bet it's tosses or something" he giggled at the thought of been called Joshua Tosses McThomas. "The T. actually stands for Tyler, and I prefer to be called Josh" I extended my hand out to him. He turned to face me, a look of astonishment mixed with fear splashed across his face. He was speechless. "I don't bite y'know!" "Look, dude -- Josh -- I'm really sorry about calling you a geek an all" I just smiled, he started to get a little panicky "I really am sorry, I should have realised, I mean I'd still like to be friends, of course if you do." A strange look of desperation filled his face. "Tom it's ok and were already friends" this made him smile. "Well than friend, let's get on with the tour!" he grabbed me by the arm and dragged me out the door. We walked around the school; he showed me were all my classes where, the best places to eat, and all the usual stuff about the school. Than he wondered on to the topic of films and we chatted about that for a while. We had wondered out to the front of the school and we sat down in the sun under a tree. At this point he started to fill me in on all the gossip that was flying around. I didn't actually go to any lessons that day; I just spent my time talking to Tom. Once we had finished the gossip I felt like I'd been at the school for a very long time, I felt like I knew everyone, well, at least there gossip. In the period of a day tom and me had become inseparable friends, I don't know why but I felt like I could totally trust him. I just hoped that I wasn't setting myself up for another fall like I did with Jason. "So Josh do you have any one special? you know like a girlfriend." His voice sounded kinder nervous. I didn't answer. I just removed my cap and shades and looked him straight in the eyes. I was going to tell him my big secret; If I was going to make a new best friend I wanted him to know that I was gay, I just hoped he didn't beat the crap out of me. I sucked in a deep breath and was about to speak when I noticed a puzzled expression on his face. "What? What is it? Have I got something on my face?" my hands went straight for my nose and mouth, feeling for anything that might be out of place, much to the amusement of Tom. "Hehehe ... it's just ... hehehe ... I never knew you had blond hair, I thought it was brown. And those green eyes, wow." he stopped laughing the moment he saw I was looking away not amused. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you" he leaned in close to try and look me in he eyes, which I kept averting. "Tom, I'm gay" there I said it. The silence was almost deadly, I was seriously regretting telling him. There was a long pause before he spoke. "Oh, cool--" his voice sounded flat and emotionless, but soon returned to normal "--But we can still be friends though, can't we?" "Of course we can" I was so happy he had excepted me, I would have been even happier if he'd said so am I, but I take what I can get. We chatted for a while longer and he told me about himself and he asked how I knew I was gay. I then started to tell him what had happened to me and about Jason. He grew very quiet and just sat watching me. "That absolute asshole, you should just beat him in and forget about that plan of yours." He had a weird frown on his face; it was so cute, the wrinkles sort of looked like a five-pointed star. OH MY GOD!!!! The wrinkles looked like a star! The prediction from my aunt! Is Tom the one? Is this warm fuzzy feeling inside me love or just ingestion? My mind was in turmoil, and my bottom jaw had practically hit the floor. Tom had a confused look on his face. "Dude? You ok? You look a little weird--" I couldn't answer I was suffering from shock. "--How about I help you scope this kid, err, what's his name, err, Jason, how about I help you get revenge" he looked me squarely in the eye. "Err, y--y--yeah ok" I leaned back against the tree, I was now totally nervous around him. He smiled and scooted up next to me, I could feel his left arm brushing up against my right arm it sent shivers up and down my spine. Then he did something that totally shocked me; he put his arm around me and gave me a quick hug. I almost melted! "Josh this is going to be the start of a beautiful friendship" End of part 3. Joshua Part 4 It had been a week since the first day at school and Tom had become a real good friend, he always picked me up when I needed it the most. He loved been at my aunt's house and pestering her about magic. This pleased her, the fact that I was making friends that were into her 'voodoo' magic. My mum also liked him, actually her first words were "have you two done it yet?" and she said it right in front of Tom, thankfully he just laughed, mainly at me blushing and almost fainting. For some unknown reason my sexual desire for Tom had grown immensely; maybe he and my aunt had put a spell on me, nah that was too much, or was it? Tom had never shown any interest in my advances maybe that was why I liked him so much, the fact that he was straight. Damn! why did dating for a gay teenager have to be so god damn hard? The week actually went by without me thinking of Jason and the revenge I wanted to so badly inflict. But this weekend I planned to stalk him, find out every thing I could about him, plus Tom had promised to help me so I had someone to talk to while raking through his garbage (only joking I'm not that obsessed). I lay on my bed, letting the sun filter through the curtains and bathe my naked body in its warm glow. A single shaft of the light illuminated the tip of my erect 5-inch penis. A cold breeze rolled across my naked body, causing shivers to run through out my entire being. My love tool slowly jumped with each beat of my heart, I was so relaxed and content. My left hand started to roam around my chest to rub at my erect nipples, waves of pleasure spread forth from each touch, my body responded with a quiet moan. My right hand slowly made it down to the small patch of pubic hair, it didn't stop there it slowly made it's southerly decent to rub and play with my balls. By breathing slowed and became heavy, I needed the release, I needed it now. With visions of Tom in my mind my right hand started to rub the tip of my penis, fingering the ridges slowly, getting the maximum feeling out of my experienced fingers. My hand started to rub up and down the shaft as I thrust my hips upwards. Wave after wave of pleasure passed over my young body leaving behind a sticky coat of sweat; I was so close I could feel it building in my balls. Pre-cum leaked from the tip of my penis, causing it to become lubricated, my hand sped up to amazing speeds. I was so close my hip jerked upwards as I called out Tom's name. "I'm here for you dude!" the bedroom door crashed open and in bounded Tom. The only thoughts I could muster were, 'OH FUCK!! Not now, I was so close' I quickly grabbed my cover and wrapped my self up, I was now like a cocoon, my dick pushed down hard into the bed. "Tom what the hell do you think your doing, I was asleep!" I tried my best to sound angry and sleepy. "Asleep, oh really...?" Tom climbed on the bed and sat astride my body using my butt as a seat. "Then you must have a serious sleepwanking problem then ... hehehe" with each word Tom bounced up and down. "Hehehe. And shouting your best friends name in the process, what ARE we going to do with you" all the bouncing was just too much. My penis had been ground into the bed for the last time. The orgasm, which had been rudely interrupted before, now came in full force my entire body shook as I let out a long and satisfying moan, spurt after spurt of cum splashed between me and the bed, yuck! "Josh, dude I'm sorry I didn't mean to take it that far, sorry." Tom rolled of me and back on to the floor, I didn't care I was in post-orgasmic bliss. "Hurry up and get dressed and I'll meet you down stairs" "Tom, wait!" but it was too late he'd already gone. I lay there for a while remembering the feel of 'Tornado-Tom' bouncing up and down on me. I sometimes call him 'Tornado-Tom' (but only when I'm mad) 'cause when he embarrasses me he dose it quick and fast, and well, it just blows. I peeled my self out of bed; a loud SHLUCK noise could be heard echoing around the room. I headed for the shower, a big smile across my face, as my dick pointed the way. I was in and out of the shower in less than 10 minutes, usually I like to stay in there and soak for hours, especially baths I think a wrinkled me is just so cute: can't wait till I'm old. I quickly threw on a pair of tight shorts, I planned on using my, ahem, assets as lethal weapons aimed at both Tom and Jason, and a baggy blue T-shirt so I didn't accidentally 'shoot' an old lady. Before I left the room I grabbed my lucky shades and cap; I considered them lucky since I was wearing them when I met Tom. Bounding down the stairs I saw that the front door was open and out on the porch sat Tom, I took a place next to him. He looked over at me; his face was plastered with the goofiest grin I had ever seen, and his hair was still doing that incredibly cute spiky thing, it never seemed to change. "What? What's wrong?" damn his infectious smile, it was worse than the flu. I was now in Goofy Grin City -- great! "Oh," he paused to sigh, "-- nothing" "Liar, there's something up, now tell me what!" I was starting to get mad. "Well, nah, it wouldn't interest you" "The hell it wouldn't, tell me, please" I had started to whine I was quite good at that, I thought about pouting my lips and batting my eyelids but that would be going too far. I did it anyway. "Well, only a day or too a go you were wearing diapers (sniff) and now your masturbating. Soon you'll be heading off to college. I'll have to stop, I'm getting all misty eyed" he broke out laughing, The bastard. I dove at him knocking him onto the grass, I was that little stronger than him so it was easy to pin him, of course after we'd had a little wrestle and I got in some cheap thrills. I lay on top of him using my whole body to hold him down. His legs came up to wrap around my waist, my erect cock pushed into him with all its force. Wait a minute. Unless I have two dicks (which I don't think I do) his erect member was pushing back, cool! I looked down into his eyes, as soon as they made contact electricity flowed, he lost his smile. Almost like a magnet I drew closer, I desperately wanted a kiss; no resistance from Tom only urged me on. Our faces only inches apart I could feel his breath upon me, our stair never broke all I saw in his eyes was lust. 10 millimetres apart and counting, 9 ... 8 ... 7 ... 6 ... 5 ... 4 ... 3 ... "Josh, Tom, if you're going to do stuff like that, do it in your room, not on the front lawn where the whole world can see" both our heads jerked towards the door, just in time to see my auntie wondering back inside the house. Now I don't know about Tom but I felt like screaming FUCK!!! For the whole world to hear. I looked down at Tom whose face was bright red; he looked kinda sheepish, I tried looking for some of the lust I had seen before, but it was gone. I sighed and rolled of him to lay beside him on the grass, the sun stung my eyes I reached out go grab my shades which had been knocked of during the wrestling, with the shades on I felt cool again. "Err, Tom?" "Yeah" "... Nothing" I contemplated asking him what he thought had just nearly happened, but thought against it. I mean was he gay and did he like me? I mean what would I do if he said he loved me? Did I feel the same way? Or was it just lust. That could be a complication I could live without for the time being. " I think we should get going, Jason should be at the arcade now" "Are you sure?" "Well we used to go there practically every Saturday when I knew him, he's an arcade junkie" "No, I mean are you sure you want to do this? It might lead to more hurting" I looked over at him, he looked sort of sad, I gave him a little smile. "Yeah I'm sure, don't worry I can take anything he can throw at me" I flexed what little muscles I had to make me look tough. "Yeah, well lets just hope he isn't built like Mr T. 'cause those puny muscles aren't going to do jack" a smile came back to his face as he lent over and prodded one of my muscles. "Oww! That hurts! Anyway I have one muscle that counts--" my hand went down to grab my crotch, and in my best Mr T. voice I said, "-- I pity the fool who sucks my dick!" with that we both broke out in laughter. We both lay there a while longer gathering our thoughts before we headed off to the arcade. About 20 minutes later and a really ridiculous conversation about penis sizes having a direct relation to how dumb you were, we were crouching in front of the window of the arcade peering in, the sun was shining on our backs and was making us unusually sweaty. My eyes darted around seeing if I could spot Jason. Jackpot! He was stood all alone playing on one of the machines, it's a pain in the arse when you have to play with yourself, but hopefully I'll be playing with him soon. Jason actually had his back to me, but I could easily tell it was him, the clothes said it all. He wore tight fitting blue jeans, showing off his tight ass. I wondered for a second if it was a virgin ass 'cause god knows I didn't get a piece of it! He also wore a white 'designer' vest, almost like the one that Bruce Willis wore in 'Die Hard'; it showed off all his muscles in his back and the nice tan covering his arms. He was such a heartthrob! I pointed him out to Tom, but he was already looking, I guess now he knows why I want to risk another round with him in the name of revenge. I decided it was now or never, I had to get in there and talk to him. "Tom, I'm going in to talk to him--" I stood up and started walking towards the door, stopping when Tom didn't follow, he was still looking at Jason "--You coming? Tom?" he turned his head to me, he looked kind of worried. "I'm going home" he said it almost in a whisper, he sounded depressed what was going on? "What? Why, don't you want to see me get revenge?" hell, I sure did. "I'm going home!" he almost shouted it this time, scaring a little old lady who was passing by. He turned and started walking off "good luck! Don't bother ringing me later!" what the hell had crawled up his ass and died? I went to say something, maybe even follow him and find out what was wrong, but I had bigger fish to fry I'd deal with Tom at a later date. I walked in to the arcade, I was totally shit scared, what if he knew who I was? I made my way over to him; he was playing on the street fighter game, god I hoped he didn't recognize me. I stepped closer and coughed trying to get him to turn around; it had the desired effect. When he turned around it was all in slow motion and for a split second I hoped he had a pizza face, no such luck, he was godly! In fact he'd changed his hair, it looked really familiar where had I seen it before? He still unfortunately had that hypnotic smile; damn I was lost, it would be a great interrogation technique for the police, just get Jason to smile at them and they'd tell everything, I know I would. I smiled back, for a moment I looked into his eyes; the cold greyness stunned me. He studied me for what seemed like an eternity; he finally spoke. "Dude, have we met before?" his voice sent shivers down my spine, as the actual question made me almost pass out. "I doubt it" I played it cool. "You sound familiar too, you English?" oh god brown trousers time, had my cover been blown (before my dick -- hehehe). "Yeah I'm over here saying with my aunt for a week, you wanna game of street fighter?" I popped a couple of quarters in the machine, bending over so my arse was up in the air, god I hoped he was looking. "I guess I can beat the crap out of you, nothing else to do anyway" we preceded to play, I took pride in the fact that I won every game, HAH! "Dude! Your awesome at this, nobody's ever beaten me before, my names Jason. Maybe we can be friends?" he extended his hand out to me, I just looked at it. "Friends? We'll see--" he had a weird 'this is strange' look on his face "--and for point of reference my names not 'dude' it's T--T--Tyler." Lucky escape, I almost blew it with the name though. Then I extended my hand with a nice warm smile; he took it greedily and shook it with all his might. I started to walk off. "Tyler wait! Were you going?" he had a slightly panicked expression on his face. "For lunch ..." I started walking off again, I looked over my shoulder at him "... You coming?" his face lit up like a Christmas tree. "Yeah, I don't mind" he started to follow me. That's it! I'm just so smooth! I'm cool! Oh yeah baby! I had him following me like a little puppy I was able to bend him to my every will, It was just too cool. At one point I accidentally spilt coke on the table, all I had to do was to look at him while brushing up against his leg and he rushed to get me some napkins. When he got up from the table I noticed that he had a noticeable bulge in his pants, he was hot for it. A week passed, every day after school I'd rush to meet Jason at the arcade, during school I tried to catch up with Tom but he kept avoiding me, and he never answered my calls. What the hell was eating him? My time with Jason was going perfect I had him eating out of my hand. Occasionally he'd get hot and heavy but I'd never let him do more than kissing and I'd tell him to stop, he looked totally dejected. He knew we both wanted it, but I was in control, we weren't going to have sex until I said so. It was Thursday, and I'd just told him to stop, he was getting too randy. We were sat on his bed. "Fuck! I don't get you Tyler, I mean I know you want it" he was so frustrated. "Oh, what's a matter my poor baby's got a painful hard on?" I started laughing. "Fuck you! Asshole, if you want to wait it's your problem not mine" He folded his arms across his chest. I was still laughing. I reached over and grabbed his dick through his shorts, boy he was hard, he let out a moan. "It feels to me like you have the problem not me" I removed my hand, but very slowly making sure that my fingers brushed along it's full length. "Cock tease!" he brushed my hand away. "I know. I'm staying over on Friday night" I became very serious. "But you can't my parents don't allow people over when there out anymore" "If you want me to fuck you, you'll find a way for me to stay" I had an edge to my voice. "But--but--" "Don't `but' me boy -- unless it's on Friday night. Now get me a drink!" he quickly got up off the bed and headed towards the door, just before he got there the turned around. "8 o'clock" It was all set he would be mine. I think I might be falling for him again, scary thought I know. I laid back on the bed. I lay on my belly, just to be nosy I poked my head under the bed among the usual mess you'd find under a teenager's bed was a black folder. Hmm, I wonder. I pulled it out to take a closer look. The cover was plain black no indication to what lay inside; I opened it up. Inside were pictures of very cute looking boys stuck to the pages with names and dates written under them, their ages just below that and Jason's age just below them. The first picture was of a 15 yr. Old; Jason was only 7 yr. Old when they must have had it. Realizing that this book must contain all of Jason's lays I flicked through the many pictures to see if he had one of me. Sure enough he did, I didn't even realize I had posed for a picture for him. I was so chubby and my mum was right I did resemble Pugsley of the Adams family. My picture had my name date and age underneath it. Then I noticed the picture besides it; it sort of looked like Tom -- wait a minute it was Tom! I was shocked, Tom and Jason, ewww. No wonder he's been such a jerk. Than I realised something else Tom's picture was right after mine, he must have been the kid Jason was screwing when I went over to talk to him! I had to talk to Tom. I put the folder back were I found it and rushed out the room just as Jason was coming back. I gave him a quick kiss as I was leaving and made up a phoney excuse, he was a little pissed, but I reckon he'll be fine by tomorrow. As I sped into my room and called Tom, I managed to convince him to come over on Friday after school and before I went out. Friday came and he didn't attend school, I ran home to ring him only to find him lying on my bed looking up at the ceiling. "Tom, where have you been man?" "Around. You shag Jason yet?" he kept on looking at the ceiling. "No it's tonight, oh yeah by the way I know about you and him" he was now looking straight at me, his eyes were all red and puffy it looked like he'd been crying. "How?" the minute I saw the pain in his face I knew I made a mistake telling him I knew. "He has a book with all the lays he's had in it, were both in there" I left out the fact that we were both next to each other, and the fact that I had probably interrupted their session. "Yeah he screwed me! Just like he screwed you--!" he broke down crying. I was almost in tears myself, I walked over and sat beside him on the bed, I put my hand on his back to comfit him. "--You can't go to him. Please don't go to him" he looked at me tears steaming down his face. "I--I have to--" my anger rose by the minute, he just wanted Jason for himself! "No, I want to. I want my revenge! I deserve that! Give me one good reason why I shouldn't go!" with that he wiped away the tears and sat up on the bed. He leaned forward and gave me the sweetest kiss I had ever had! "Because (sniff) Joshua Tyler McThomas I love you!" End of part 4. Joshua part 5 "Because (sniff) Joshua Tyler McThomas, I love you" It didn't actually register, I mean I saw his mouth moving and I heard the words but my brain shut down from the shock. I don't know what shocked me more, the fact that my wildest dreams had come true and he was gay, or that he 'loved' me. Time slowed down. I never understood Einstein's theory on relativity until that moment. Y'know the closer you get to the speed of light the slower time gets, well I'm quite sure my heart was doing warp 9 at that point. Time was going so slow it was going backwards, I kept reliving the moment. I think what seemed like an eternity later, it registered and the words sunk in. SHIT, FUCK, PISS, TIT and of course not forgetting my all favourite pass time WANK!!!! He loved me; Tom loved me, OH MY GOD! What was I going to do? I mean I liked Tom, but, well, I don't know! I'm just a teenager for god sakes, I'm just happy been happy any other emotions I can't handle. I blinked for what seemed the thousandth time when I noticed Tom was looking at me. Actually he was looking expectantly at me, like a little puppy, his eyes red from the crying. His hair was actually a little scruffy for the first time ever, and he looked all, well, sad. To be honest Tom wasn't looking at his best. I actually felt a little guilty for thinking he wanted Jason, when he actually wanted me. I was shocked back in to reality again when he spoke. "Err, Josh? I said I loved you..." I could hear the fear in his voice. I didn't answer. He took a deep breath before asking the next question "Do you love me?" I was speechless (a first, well almost!), somebody loved me, but it wasn't the right person. I wanted Jason to love me. I was only lusting after Tom, wasn't I? "No" Tom held his head in his hands while he cried again, my heart was breaking but I couldn't give him something I didn't have. I moved over to sit beside him and I rested my hand on his back. I started crying I hated that! I always looked like a dork. "Tom, I'm sorry" I started to rub his back, he turned to look at me, his face was full of hatred, something I'd never seen in Tom before. I didn't like it. "Sorry!? SORRY!? You're sorry, no I'm sorry, sorry for ever liking a little shit like you." he literally spat the last few words and the each stung like a thousand bees. "Tom! You don't mean it, your just angry." I was pleading; he'd stood up in front of me and was making like he was going to hit me. I was shit scared; I'd never seen him like this, He looked mean. He headed towards the door. "You two deserve each other. You're both cock sucking assholes! Was this like a plan or something? Both of you screw around with my head see which one of you can make me crack first? Well 'whoopee fucking doo' Josh guess what you won. Consider our friendship over, Shit eater!" with that he was gone. He was gone from everything; he no longer wanted to be my friend all because I said 'no'. Boy he takes rejection bad. I was in pain I'd just lost my best friend about three minutes after he told me he loved me. It sucks been me and not in a good way! The minute I heard the front door slam a little something died inside of me. I just lay on the bed, crying, a broken emotionless shell of the man I was. The only emotion I knew was lust and revenge seemed to walk hand in hand with it all the way down the path to ruin, my ruin. I heard a knock at the door as my auntie wondered in. "Josh, my poor boy what's wrong? And what in the world is wrong with Tom? Ooh this room is so full of negative energy and look at your aura it's so dirty" she sat beside me and started waving her hands over my back 'cleansing' my aura, strangely enough I started to feel a lot better "Now come on tell me what's wrong" "No, I want my mum" I was getting really good at saying 'no' lately, the 'cleansing' must have been working I had stopped crying and started to feel sleepy, I felt so relaxed as she gazed into my eyes. "That's ok I understand, now you have a nice nap and when you wake up you'll feel totally refreshed and any answers you may need will come" she yawned which caused me to yawn, I wanted to sleep. My auntie's hand came up to close my eyes, a couple of minutes later I was in lullaby land. I proceeded to have a funky Technicolor dream about talking lions driving cars, which were usually reserved for drug users. I woke with a start I looked around trying to figure out where I was, unfortunately the business with Tom came flooding back, damn. And where were these goddamn answers that my auntie promised, lying bitch! It was pitch black, how long had I been asleep? I fumbled around in the dark looking for my clock, pressing the button illuminated the room in a ghostly green glow. SHIT! It was 7.47 p.m., if I didn't move my butt I'd be late for sex at Jason's. I mean I liked Tom but I wanted Jason and nothing could stop me from shagging him tonight. I think I had the quickest shower possible, I jumped in and then out again, FUCK! The shower was way too cold. I didn't wait for it to heat up I quickly got dressed in a pair of black jeans and a black T-shirt. I arrived at Jason's house with a whole minute to spare, I banged on the door, hopefully Jason would be banging on my 'door' soon, hehehehe. He opened it dressed in just boxers, damn don't he ever wear clothes in the house? The sight brought back memories, I half expected Tom to pop out at any moment, that would have been a riot. I looked over Tom, err, Jason's body, damn I can't get Tom off my mind why was that? Jason stood a vision of teen beauty. His body looked totally hairless (well except for the pubic hair, but I couldn't see that, yet), his body seemed to have the slight build of an athlete, he had a six-pack I would die for. I wanted sex so badly I could taste it. "Are you coming in or are you just going to look at me all day?" "Well I'll come in and then resume looking" I stepped inside as he closed the door behind me. "Why just look?" with that Jason grabbed me and kissed me deep, the feel of his tongue swirling around my mouth was amazing, I hadn't realized but Jason had almost impaled me on that piece of steel he calls a dick, it pressed into my groin. He ground into me; my own dick started to become erect. I broke the kiss. "Not here, let's go to your room" I was breathing hard. Sweat caused my T-shirt to stick to my body. "Okey dokey..." with that he raced up the stairs and into his room. "Come on Tyler!" I slowly plodded up the stairs. I was scared and for no reason. I ended up sat on his bed, Jason stood in front of me smiling from ear to ear. "What's the matter Tyler, you don't want this?" he grabbed his crotch and slowly rubbed it a couple of times. I looked to the floor. I started looking at Jason's legs the were nice and hairless the way he stood showed of some future muscles, not like Toms legs, Toms weren't as defined with muscles. My eyes moved up and over Jason's body, each time I noticed 'something' about it I liked I could think of a thousand different reasons why I liked Toms 'something' better. What was wrong with me? I looked at Jason's smile I didn't have the same wrinkles in the corners as Toms did and I always found that so cute. I looked in to Jason's grey eyes, they were cold and sterile, not like Toms, his were warm and loving. Hey that's where I've seen Jason's hairstyle before it's almost the same as Toms; it's just missing the cute spiky thing I love so much. OH MY GOD! Did I just use the word 'love' when describing something about Tom? Did I actually love Tom and just lust over Jason? The answer came almost immediately, 'YES YOU COMPLEAT MORON!' I would have to have a talk with my subconscious at a later date. There was a sound of smashing glass as my reality came crashing down, replaced with some of the fun times I had had with Tom. There was even an image of us running through some fields holding hands, now I don't remember doing that but I didn't care, I was truly in love with Tom. I must have had the biggest smile on my face as my body let out an involuntary sigh. "Oh yeah I'm going to enjoy this too" my thoughts came tumbling down to earth as Jason spoke. I had been so involved with my own thoughts that I hadn't noticed that Jason had removed his boxer shorts and was now stood in his birthday suit. And what a nice suit it had absolutely no wrinkles. I looked at the 5-inch boner that was hovering near my lips; it stood proud and erect, slightly curling up to meet his belly button. The foreskin was stretched tightly over the head of the penis; it revealed the tip that was glistening with pre-cum. My mouth watered for it ... no! I was staying true to Tom. I smacked the dick away as I quickly stood up. "Oh yeah, so were playing hard to get are we? I've been waiting for this for so long, I am actually going to miss you when you go back to England" He went to grab me but I dodged his grip, I knocked him on to the bed. "Tyler what's wrong?" "My names not Tyler it's Joshua." A puzzled look flew across his face. "Is this some kind of sex game?" "You just don't get it do you. My name is Joshua Tyler McThomas; I'm the same English kid you screwed over a couple of months ago. I wanted revenge for what you did to me; I wanted to get you back, to make you love me so I could dump you so you knew what it felt like. I also thought I loved you but I was wrong, I love some one else I only lusted after you. I also realized that no matter how much I wanted to hurt you I couldn't, even you don't deserved that." Did I say that? It doesn't sound like something I'd say; in fact it must have been the most honest thing I'd ever said it sounded so grown up, wow. I looked across to Jason the look of total disbelief splashed all over his face. He was speechless, that was a feat all in it's self, the only other time he was speechless was when he was kissing. "Err, I better go, I'm sorry" I turned and headed for the door. "Josh -- wait" oh no was that pain I heard in his voice this can not be good. I stopped but I didn't turn around. "Josh, I'm sorry for what I did to you. I really am. Please don't leave, please" Jason started to sob quietly, I had never known Jason could feel remorse, great now I was starting to feel sad too. Shit. I turned around to see tears streaming down his face. "Why shouldn't I leave, a couple of months ago you threw me out" "I know, and I'm sorry. Please don't go. I--I--I love you" deja fucking vu, did he just say he loved me? Jeez that's two in one day. I guess I got what I really wanted, Jason loved me. But now I felt really sorry for him, he was now crying like a baby. I walked slowly over to him and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead. A thousand mean things to say flooded through my head "I'm sorry, my heart belongs to another, you'll find somebody one day." I felt so grown up. This didn't stop Jason from crying though, in fact he cried even more. He was still crying and begging me to stay when I left his house and headed home to ring Tom and tell him that I loved him back. I ran in my house and up the stairs so fast that I almost knocked my aunt over. "Hey watch it, what's a matter with you?" my aunt shouted after me. "I'm in love" with that I slammed my bedroom door but I could still hear the squeals of delight from my auntie. I lay on my bed with the phone in my hand contemplating how I should tell him. Let's see, should I just go 'Tom I love you more than words can say', or 'Tom baby come over so I can show you just how much I love you'. I smiled at myself for been so gooey, I knew it would be hard to get Tom to talk to me, I mean he was so mad, but he would be so happy to know I loved him too. I was so happy in love I stunned myself. I dialed Tom's number and waited for him to pick up. "Hello?" it was his mother, good job I managed to stop myself screaming 'I love you'. I wondered for a second what she was doing picking up her sons private phone line in his bedroom, but I guess it is her house. "Err, yeah is Tom there please?" "I'm sorry he's gone to stay at his cousins" a minor set back but that's ok. "Really, do you have a number or address I can reach him at?" "Well, you can't visit him that's for sure it's in Texas..." TEXAS!! "And he said I shouldn't give the number out to any of his friends, sorry, was it important?" I was starting to get a little worried but that's ok he should be back for school on Monday. "No, that's ok I'll see him at school on Monday" I took a deep breath I sensed something was really wrong. "Oh I'm really sorry, but he won't be back for Monday he's gone for a couple of weeks I'm afraid" she sounded so cheerful, how could she? My heart had been teased from its resting-place and thrown about the room. I couldn't wait that long to see him! "A couple of weeks! (Sniff) but what about school? (Sob), please give me his number (sniff) please!" I had started to cry, and I pleaded with her to the point of whining when she put the phone down. I lay on my bed crying because of Tom, twice in one day. A New World record. What was I going to do? How was I going to get to Tom? I couldn't wait till he got back, hell he might not even come back! For some unknown reason I had this killer hard on, but I didn't even care, knowing how much pain I had caused Tom put me off wanting to bring pleasure to myself. That's how much I loved him. That's it! I'm going to tell him I love him even if it means I have to go all the way to Texas! End of part 6. Hehehehe, looking back on my life I realized nothing was as simple as it seemed. I had found someone to really love and who loved me, but the road to true love was always rocky. I didn't see it coming but I was in for some tough times, some good times and some sad times. I didn't realise it at the time but I had set myself up for a major fall. DAY 1. It had been a couple of weeks since that incident in the woods, oh boy Tom sure had a hard time explaining to his parents why we had rolled around in poison ivy naked. But we sure had a good time 'itching' each other. From that day on Tom and me became totally inseparable we were like jelly and ice cream. Every chance we got we had sex, we even did it in the school toilets, Hehehehe. I was relieved that Tom's brother had not said anything about me kissing him, but Tom had this secret about him he wasn't telling me, not to worry though I'll get it out of him during sex, he becomes surprisingly honest when he's close to orgasm. August the 25th was 3 days away, it was the most important day to me, it was my birthday. I couldn't wait I was going to be 14, yippee. I had found out that Tom (my boyfriend! I just love saying that) was planning a surprise birthday party for me, so I've been trying on my most 'oh my god, I'm so shocked' expressions. If your wondering how I found out, well, during sex, I think that's all I need to say about that! The rumour of the party could be neither confirmed of denied. I could be the next Sherlock Holmes. Today found me sat under a tree in the school grounds, waiting for Tom to come out of the bushes, and waiting for my auntie to pick us up. We had just had a hot sucking and kissing session, all he did was look at me and 'poof' I was as hard as rock, we looked around for somewhere to carry out our 'business' and saw the bushes and, well, we couldn't resist. He sure was taking his time in the bushes, I just sat waiting, waiting for the love of my life, the giver of sex and my only love, I was loosing my patience. Where the hell is he! I was about to go looking for him when I saw him coming, and what a sight. The sun was shining from behind him, and combined with that spiky hair, he just looked like an angel, so godly, so innocent. "Burp!" ewww, he burped, all innocence seemed to leave him right there and then, he parked his amazingly cute ass on the ground next to me. We just sat; looking into each other's eyes, when I noticed Toms eyes focus on something behind me, then his face did a look of shock mixed in with anger. "Hi" I turned to look behind me to see who had spoken "may I sit down?" Un fucking believable! It was non-other than Jason, looking as always perfect. I was so shocked I was speechless, what was he doing here? He also parked his cute ass down next to me, actually a little too close for comfit so I backed away a bit. Tom looked like he was getting ready to hit him; this was so turning me on. "What are you doing here Jason?" I spoke to him but he never turned to look at me, god I had moved schools to get away from him for crying out loud. Now he was turning up at my school. "I--I--I just wanted to talk with you" he still didn't look up. "Look just fuck off Jason, we don't want you here" Tom startled me a bit when he spoke up. But Jason startled me even more when he started sobbing uncontrollably. I shot Tom a 'what the hell is going on' look and he just shrugged. Jason started speaking but it was almost in a whisper. "I'm so sorry (sob), please forgive me, (sniff) I'm so, so sorry" "Jason? Are you ok? Don't cry, we'll talk" he stopped the crying and looked at me, his eyes were all red and puffy. "After you left I sat and I realized what everyone I went with went through, I didn't like it, it hurt a lot. I needed to tell someone I wanted to talk to a friend. Than I realized I didn't have any; I had used them all for sex than dumped them. I just couldn't believe what a shit I am, I'm just so sorry, please forgive me Josh, please?" he sounded so sad and hopeful "So, you came looking for forgiveness from me and Josh?" Tom was poised ready for attack, it was so turning me on. "I didn't come for just forgiveness, I also came for friendship" tears started rolling down his cheeks again. "Why should we even consider friendship with you?" Jason just kept staring into my eyes as Tom spoke. "Because, out of all the things I have all the people I know and all the things I've done, I have never needed anything. Until now. I need you, I need the friendship, the support, please don't throw me away" "Why not, you threw us away after you used us" Jason was still looking at me, I don't even think he glanced at Tom as he spoke. Jason started crying again. "Please don't be like me, please" Jason almost begged me. "Jason, I don't know what to say. You hurt Tom and me pretty bad. But all the things you have done, you seem to really regret, and you seem like you really do need a friend. But if you think that for one second that I will be leaving Tom for you, your wrong" I spoke so calmly. "Joshua's mine, lay one had on him and you will really regret it" Jason looked at Tom for the first time, I think I saw a hint of recognition in his eyes. "I won't try to take him I promise, he loves you. Friends?" Jason reached his hand out to Tom, Tom hesitated a while before shaking it. "Josh? Friends?" "Sure, why not?" he smiled for the first time and went to hug me, Tom got there first giving me a bear hug. Jason noticed the look in Tom's eyes and backed away. "I better be going, I'll call you both tonight ok?" he seemed a lot happier now. He got up to walk away. "Yeah, whatever" actually I said 'yeah' and Tom said 'whatever' it just sounded like on person speaking and with that he was gone as quickly as he came. "Tom?" "Yeah?" "You can let go of me now" when Tom realized he was still holding me and in public he quickly let go. "I don't trust him Josh, maybe he's just plotting to get you back, we should have told him to go away" "Tom, I doubt he has the brain power to make a plan like that up, and he did seem sorry" "Yeah I guess, it's just I don't want you to be taken off me, I like playing with you" he had a big sexy grin on his face, hmmm. "Tom you're the only one for me, you know that. Tom? The way you were almost ready to beat him in -- I had never seen you like that before. It turned me on big style" actually I had seen him like that before but I didn't want to bring up bad memories. "It really turned you on?" with that I reached over and took his hand and placed it on the bulge in my pants. He looked around to see if anybody was watching and then gave it a quick squeeze. "Don't worry there's no one around but just wait till I get you home" I gave him one of my sexy grins. SKREETCH! My auntie's car came to a stop. Tom threw me a 'oh shit your auntie's driving' look. I struggled to suppress a giggle. In no time flat we were at my house, Tom was visibly shaking, but I was laughing uncontrollably, we raced up to my room. "Now lets get busy". Tom started unzipping my fly and pulled out my dick, it stood proud and erect, begging for attention, his touch sending shivers up and down my spine. He was about to start working on it when the phone rang. I put it on speakerphone. "Hi, josh is that you? It's Jason" I was slightly annoyed that he had chosen this time to ring. "Yeah, let me guess you wanna talk right?" Tom started to move his fist up and down my dick; pre-cum leaked out the end, my breathing was slowing and I gasped. "Yeah, you ok?" Jason sounded worried. "Yeah, I'm fine, just keep (gasp) going, err, talking" Jason continued talking as Tom worked my cock. I kept the conversation going, which was easy 'cause Jason was rambling on. Tom started to lick the pre-cum off the head of the cock, I tried hard to suppress the moans that were building inside of me, letting only a few go, thank god Jason didn't notice them. Then Tom enveloped my dick in his hot warm mouth; it's silky smoothness covering my love tool. He started a little suction on it; I was been rapidly brought to an orgasm. Tom bobbing up and down was too much for me; the pleasure was too intense, my balls contracted into me as my legs gave away, I fell back on to the bed letting out a big moan. Glob after glob of my sweet teen cum filled my lovers mouth he ate hungrily. "Josh? Josh? Are you there? Are you ok?" Jason sounded panicked, as I slowly came down from my orgasmic high I managed to answer him. "Yeah I'm fine, I have a idea why don't you talk to Tom" "Toms there?" "Oh yeah" "Oh, ok" Tom and Jason started talking. Now Tom was going to know how embarrassing it is trying to talk on the phone while having your dick sucked by the man you love, HAH! The rest of the day went pretty much the same, we just sat talking to Jason all night long, when he did finally go Tom and me just kissed and fell asleep in each others arms. Everything was perfect. End of part 7. Joshua part 8 Day 2. "Come on hurry up" I learnt that the only way to get my auntie to do something is to badger her and whine until she gives in. Tom and I were sat at the dining room table holding hands, and getting impatient waiting for my auntie to finish lighting the candles. She was going to read our futures together using the tarot cards, at first she refused but we managed to get her to do it in the end. I swear that all these candles weren't needed and it was just my auntie showing off for Tom, and he was loving it he was in awe, you'd think the way Tom was looking at my auntie she was going to levitate, it was so cute. The curtains were drawn and the only light in the room was the candlelight that danced across our faces. My auntie finally sat down, and took a deep breath and begun. "To the power of the earth and to the moon and the stars..." "Oh come on, do you think we were born yesterday? Cut out all that mumbo jumbo crap and get on with it" she just looked at me, I felt like one of those people at a magic show who shouts 'it's up your sleeve' I can be such an anal retard. "Fine. If you want the short crap version, I was only making it look good for your boyfriend. Oh well both of you touch the deck of cards" I looked at Tom and he kinda looked a little disappointed, but we both reached out and touched the deck. She started shuffling the cards, I heard a few words muttered under her breath, she better have not been cursing me! She laid a card face up on the table. "Joshua, this card represents you" I looked at the card it had the picture of the sun on it, I guessed it represented my sunny disposition. She laid another card down sideways on top of it. "This card represents Your future love" the card had a picture of a five pointed star on it. "So that's Tom than?" "No, this card is Tom" she laid down another card, the picture on it was of a moon. She laid down another. "This card represents Tom's future love" the picture on the card chilled me right down to the bone, I gave Tom a glance and his face was white. It was a picture of a skeleton; it was the death card. "You mean I'm going to date death? I mean Josh's breath is bad in the morning but I don't think it's going to kill me" I gave Tom a smack in the arm, I don't think he noticed he was too busy looking at that damn card. "Don't be silly, I'll just draw it again" my auntie just took the death card back and re shuffled it into the pack, she laid down another card, it was the death card again, Tom's face turned another shade of white. "Oh god I'm going to die" he looked liked he'd been smacked in the face, just looking off into space. "Jeeze Tom, it doesn't mean anything, were all going to die, but think on the bright side at least you didn't die a virgin" this did not make him smile. "This was a bad idea, look these card are well, just cards honey, it doesn't mean anything it's just the luck of the draw" my auntie was packing the cards away while she was trying to soothe Toms fears. "Well it looks like I have bad luck" Tom whispered as my auntie blew out the candles plunging the room in to darkness, Toms hand found mine in the dark and squeezed it for dear life. A few seconds later the curtains were drawn and light flooded back into the room. "Thank you auntie for scaring my boyfriend, if I ever need to get rid of one in the future I'll ask you to read there tarot cards" "You asked me to do it for you -- I knew it was a bad idea" she shouted after me as I slowly lead Tom out of the dining room and up to my bedroom. He sat him self on the bed and I laid down next to him. "I'm going to die" "Don't be so stupid" "But the cards said so" he was starting to sound like he was going to cry. "Hehehehe, oh Tom, the cards don't mean a thing! There just there for pure pleasure, it's all fake" "Josh, I got the death card twice!" "Let's say this, if it is all real and death comes for you, he can't have you. I'll just say 'no he's mine' than kick him in the nuts" my little joke did not make Tom feel better. This type of sadness can only be cured by one thing, sex; I'll just have to use one of my special techniques on him. I got up and positioned my self on the floor in front of him, between his legs. The minute I looked at him he, he knew what I was going to do and tried hard to withhold a smile but failed miserably. He laid back and let me do my work. I fumbled around with his trousers and underwear but in no time they were down to his knees, releasing his aching 6-inch (cut) love tool, it's angry purple head leaking pre-cum and begging for attention. "I am really going to miss you sucking my cock when I'm dead" "Oh I don't know, when I pass the morgue I might just pop in and suck down a cold one" we both started giggling uncontrollably. "Dude your sick" "I know, anyway who said I'm going to suck your dick?" I reached over and grabbed the lube from under my bed, placing a small dollop in the palm of my hand; I gave Tom a devilish smile while he watched to see what I was doing. I took the shaft into my unlubed hand and gave it a little squeeze; he moaned and thrust his hips up and into the air. Then I placed the tip of his love monster into the lubed hand using the unlubed hand, I started to move the head around my palm in circles. Now I know this feels really good, when I've done it to myself I can never resist the temptation to just end it all and start wanking, the pleasure can get too intense. Tom was now breathing long deep and slow; his T-shirt was sticking to his body with sweat, which was also running across his forehead. The feeling of Tom's tool running circles around the palm of my hand was turning me on, my own hard on straining against the fabric of my jeans. Tom was now whimpering and letting out long high pitched whines, while trying to thrust his dick up into my hand, I wasn't having any of it! I moved my position so I was sat on his legs and continued, try as he might he couldn't move his hips. Tom had to literally sit on his hands to resist the temptation to touch his dick, which was now seriously starting to jump around in my hand, rivers of pre-cum flowed adding to the lube making it extra slimy and more enjoyable. He was biting his bottom lip so hard it was starting to bleed a bit, he was so cute to watch when he's trying to hold back from the temptation to touch his dick. "For fuck's sake Josh make me cum!" he practically screamed this as spurt after spurt of cum shot out of his dick; I quickly removed my hands as Tom continued to spurt. His whole body was racked in the most intense orgasm I had ever seen, his body was thrashing about and he was moaning like crazy, after what seemed like ages (and about 6 spurts of cum) he finally calmed down even though his breathing was still laboured. I laid on the bed next to him, licking the cum off my hand and just looked at him as he basked in the after glow of his orgasm. "Fucking hell Josh, where did you learn to do that?" "Did you like it?" "Dude, it was fucking awesome, It was so intense. I had to sit on my hands to stop my self from punching you and just jacking off. I guess I better get cleaned up" I looked at Toms T-shirt, it was covered with all the cum and was rapidly drying, he also had a few splashes on his chin. I leaned over and licked it off, I just loved the taste of it was so sweet and yet so bitter. My tongue found it's way too his lips that parted to let me gain access, my tongue entered his warm mouth and danced about with his tongue, we kissed deep and passionately, our embrace seemed to last for an eternity. I crawled on top of him while not breaking the kiss. I started to thrust myself into him, the waves of pleasure from my cock head rubbing against the fabric of my shorts brought me to a sticky climax, a few thrusts later I came in full force shooting all inside my shorts. I let out a long and satisfying moan and broke the kiss. I collapsed on to of him, I rolled off looking down at my clothes I had a big wet patch on the front of my trousers and all of Tom's spunk pressed into my T-shirt, I was a mess. "I think we need to get cleaned up, before we go to my house for dinner" I had totally forgotten that I was going to Tom's house to meet his parents for the first time. "Yeah I don't wanna turn up covered in your spunk! Even though it will probably taste better than what I'll be eating" I had never tasted his moms cooking but the comment was funny non-the less and we busted out laughing. I was sat in Tom's house, actually to be more specific I was sat on the couch in Tom's living room, nervously awaiting the arrival of his parents. I couldn't understand why I was so nervous, I mean they didn't know that him and I were in love and at every possible opportunity 'buggered' each other senseless. I just hoped they liked me and I just hoped I didn't do something to give away that I liked their son. I was sat on my own, Tom was upstairs getting ready and so were Toms parents. "Josh, come here a second I have something I want to show you" I heard Tom holler from upstairs and I knew in an instant 'what' he wanted to show me, the randy devil he's so Horney. I got an erection in the time it took me to bound up the stairs, a couple of seconds. OH SHIT! I still didn't know my way around his house; there were so many doors. What if I walked in on his parents doing stuff? Ewww. Or even worse what if I walked in on Justin, I knew he was in and was going to be at the dinner table. What am I going to say to him? Sorry I kissed you before I was going through a split second gay phase -- don't worry I'm fine now. There's something about him I just can't put my finger on. This was the big decision time, which door would it be? I singled out 4 doors one of which I knew was Toms. Now will it be 'eany meeny miny or mo' I picked out a door, it was the one closest to me, lets see what's behind door number one. I opened the door slowly, to be greeted by a steamy bathroom. Who ever was in it must have just finished getting a shower, thankfully they were not there now. I closed the door again and chose door number 3, I opened it slowly, my fear almost making me chicken out and run downstairs. JACKPOT! It was Toms room, definitely his, I recognized the desk under the window with my picture on it and all the starwars posters and of course the mess. Leaning over the dresser with his back to me was Tom, naked as a jaybird, his perfect ass staring me in the face, it was so smooth and white and perfectly round. I quietly closed the door behind me and crept up behind him. I wrapped my arms around his waist and started slowly kissing his back; he quickly stood up straight. My hands roamed across his abs and through his pubic hair, I still continued to kiss between his shoulder blades. My hand wrapped it's self around his semi-hard penis and slowly started to pull the foreskin back to reveal the head. WAIT A SEC! Tom doesn't have a foreskin and come to think of it his dick isn't this big either and he isn't this tall. Who the hell was I molesting here? My hands quickly withdrew from around the stranger's waist, and I stepped back. I closed my eyes tight hoping that I was wrong and that Tom had grown a foreskin over the period of a couple of hours. I felt a hand on my shoulder I already knew who it was I was molesting before I opened my eyes; I mean how many Tom look-a-likes do you get living in one house? I opened my eyes to see Justin looking at me. There was no emotion showing on his face, what the hell have I done? "I--I--I'm so sorry" I was crying, the tears steamed down my face, I was also finding it hard to breath. Than he did something totally out of the blue, he kissed me hard on the lips, thankfully it had no tongue. Than he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me in for a tight hug, I felt his big cock pushing against my belly and groin. He released me and headed for the door which; I guessed, lead to his bedroom. "Josh, I won't tell if you don't" he smiled back at me as his door closed, I was in shock. I staggered back to Tom's bed and sat down on the edge. Trying to figure out what the hell had happened and why did it have to happen to me? Just than the door opened, I almost shit myself I thought it was Justin coming back for more. "Dude, when I said come here I meant the bathroom, not my bedroom. You haven't been waiting long have you? But it's too late to do something now it's almost time for dinner" he sounded kinda pissed off at, I just hoped he didn't know what had happened. I shakily stood up. "Whoa dude, your really hot for it aren't you? And look at that big wet patch!" I looked down to see my penis the hardest it had ever been and pushing out making an incredible tent in my trousers. To top it all off Justin had left all his pre-cum stuck to the outside of my clothes. "I'm hard!" it was more of a realization that hit me than a comment on it's hardness. "I can see that stupid, I guess I'll have to do something about it" with that he dropped the towel which was covering him, now he stood naked with his own hard on pointing at me. I realized at that moment that him and his brother were so alike it was scary. He came over and wrapped his arms around me; thoughts of Justin came flooding back. What was I going to do? Should I tell Tom what had happened or just keep it a secret? And why do I feel like I'm betraying Tom thinking about Justin. Why did this have to happen to me! Why was life so fucking hard? End of part 8. Joshua 9 The party I awoke in my own bed; Tom was lying next to me. I watched him sleeping soundly; he looked so innocent and fragile. His chest slowly rising with each breath his eyes flickered slightly, a big smile on his face -- I wondered for a second if he was dreaming about me. I had decided not to tell Tom about my encounter with Justin just yet, I mean I didn't want to cause any trouble in his family. I snuggled up close next to him and rested my head on his chest as I thought about the dinner I had had last night at his parent's house. I met his parents. Both were very nice to me they congratulated me on my up and coming birthday (which made me blush), but I wasn't much of a conversationalist I was too shook up by the Justin thing. The meal was awesome his mom is a great cook, she served us everything our hearts desired, I had so much cutlery I didn't know what to do. Thankfully Tom helped me out, every new course he pointed out which fork to use. I tried to have a good time but I just knew Justin was looking at me all through the meal, I could feel his eyes on me. When the meal ended Tom wanted us to stay there that night but I wouldn't, not with Justin there so we headed back to my place. "Josh, what's wrong baby?" he caught me bye surprise I was busy thinking about my problem with Justin. "Nothing" "Well you were so quiet tonight I thought maybe I'd upset you" I looked at him, he looked so much like his brother, he had a look of concern on his face. "Oh no, you could never do that, I love you" "I love you too but why were you so solemn?" "Tom can I ask you a question about your brother?" "Sure" "Is he gay?" I looked to see his reaction; he had a big smile on his face. "How in the world did you guess? Wait was it your 'gaydar'. He's going to be pissed that someone other than me knows he's gay. Can't wait to tell him" he started laughing. "Yeah sure 'gaydar', err, does he know about us?" the comment caught him off guard. "Yeah, he does. You see that Texas thing was a type of plan. I planned it so that if you really did like me when I came back you would be all over me -- I didn't expect for you to come to me. I told Justin because he was the one who drove me down there and he kept on pestering me, that is when he told me he was gay too. You aren't mad at me are you?" actually I was but I couldn't think about that yet -- I'll give him hell another time about it. "He's gay" I whispered to myself. My hope that it all had been a little joke went straight out the window. Tom gave me a puzzled look but said nothing, that night in bed we just held each other. I slowly played with Tom's erect nipple; I looked up to see him smiling at me. "I thought you were asleep" "Well I thought you were too until you started to play with my nipple" I smiled and kissed him on the lips. "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you,..." he started singing between planting little kisses on my face. "Stop it you moron" I said smiling from ear to ear, he can be such a dork. "Awww come on just one more than it will be 14 kisses just like your age, hey I'm sleeping with an older man -- cool. Oh shit I left your present at my house" he had a sneaky smile on his face. "You got me a pressie?" I jumped up and sat on his chest. "Yeah, but you'll have to wait till later on at my house, if you know what I mean" he looked at me with those sexy eyes. "Awww can't I have it now?" I gave him one of my patented 'I can get what I want' looks. I leaned forward and started to kiss him. My tongue pushed it's way inside his mouth and started to play chase with his. We were both getting into it when the phone rang. "Hello?" I was totally pissed off that someone had interrupted the opening of my present. It better be someone important, like god or something. "Hey there sonny boy" oh my god could it be. This was way better than god. "DAD!" I bounced up and down on Tom's chest winding him. "How's my boy on this, umm, 14 birthday? You're almost a man" true me my mum and my dad had parted on unfriendly terms and this was the first time I had heard from him since we moved here, but I was just so thrilled to hear from him. "I'm fine, I miss u dad" I said the last part quiet, I looked at Tom and he was giving me a real sad sympathetic look, I gave a weak smile back. "I miss you too sport. Hey have you got a girlfriend yet? I bet my little boy has girls lining up around the block" I started giggling, I hadn't told him I was gay, and I wasn't going too either. But I had to say something fast. "Hehehehe, I guess." "Is that all your going to tell your old man? What's her name?" oh crap. I have to think ... err. "It's, err, Tomalena" Tom was trying hard to suppress his giggles. "My that's an unusual name for a girl. Is she pretty?" this was great I could tell him anything I wanted to and he couldn't tell if I was lying 'cause he lived in England. "Oh yeah, real pretty" Tom started to bat his eyelids and make kissy faces. I couldn't stop giggling. "Well I can't wait to meet her" excuse me! What did he just say? "What do you mean?" I was a little panicked; my heart started to beat faster. "Well I decided to come and visit and bring you your present, I'll be there in two weeks. Won't that be great? Oh look at the time, I got to go I'll see you in a week son. Love you bye" with that he was gone, oh god what was I going to do. How am I going to show him Tomalena? "Are you ok?" Tom started stroking the side of my face with his fingers. "No I'm not ok, my dad's coming here and he want's to meet Tomalena" "Oh, I can were a dress if you want me too" I smacked him in the chest as he started laughing. He leaned up and started to kiss me on the lips. "Hehehehe, Tomalena, hehehehe, we don't have time for this, hehehehe, we have to meet Jason" he stopped kissing me, laid back on the bed and folded his arms across his chest. "Do we have too?" he looked so sour, how cute. "Yes we do -- he's our friend now and I don't want to hear another word about it. Do you understand? Now the last one to the shower has to suck the other one off" I jumped out of the bed and rushed in to the bathroom, I poked my head around the corner to see were Tom had got to. He was still lying on the bed. "Well? You coming!" "I just wanted to make sure you got there first" with that he got up, and walked towards me naked. I couldn't help but look at the piece of wonderful teen meat hanging between his legs; I just couldn't wait to get my hands him. After a couple of 'sticky' mouthfuls of my cum Tom and I had finally finished in the bathroom and found ourselves sat in a burger king, waiting for Jason to turn up. I had wanted to get something to eat but Tom stopped me, I felt like such a dork sat there with no food. To pass the time we were playing 'rock, paper, scissors' I was winning 2-1. I think he was actually letting me win 'cause it was my birthday, isn't that sweet he loves me that much, I feel so special. He won twice in a row. "Aha, I'm winning, eat my cum and die, hahahaha" talk about rubbing it in my face, the bastard was winning. All the feeling of been special went straight out the window. Out the corner of my eye I saw Jason approaching, it was breath taking. If I didn't love Tom I'd want to be with Jason. He was such a stud. I caught myself stirring and thinking wicked thoughts; I quickly took the shades out of my pocket and put them on. The good old cool me was back. He sat down next to me facing Tom. "Hey guys how's it hanging? Oh and Josh, before I forget, happy birthday dude" he took a small package out of his pocket and handed it to me. It was wrapped in a purple wrapper with little naked men drawn all over it, how thoughtful, was it my imagination or did these cartoon men look like Jason. "Jason you didn't have too, but thanks" I gave him a smile and started to unwrap the present. It revealed a velvet covered box, I gave Tom a glance, as I opened it he looked away, inside was a watch. By the looks of it an expensive watch too. "Do you like it?" I was stunned it was so nice. "This has to be like the best present I have ever got, but Jason it looks expensive I can't except it" I handed him the box back, I looked across at Tom again and he was smiling, he was loving the fact that I had given Jason the present back. "Don't be stupid dude, true it was expensive but I can afford it, just take it. I know make it a symbol of our new friendship" "Ok" I didn't look at Tom but I knew he had lost his smile again. "So Tom what did you get him" Jason put an edge on the 'Tom' and 'you' and he sounded rather smug that he had got me something expensive. "I haven't given it to him yet, I was going to do it later at my house, but I'm sure he's going to like it. Hell he'll probably jump my boner right there and than for it" my attention was drawn back to the conversation. "TOM!" he sat back smiling at Jason's speechlessness. Than he noticed I was mad, now his present must be really good or he isn't getting any 'nookie' for a long, long time. "Hey, how about we go back to my place and I give you your present" he took my hand in his and lightly squeezed it. "Sure why not, come on Jason let's go" Tom looked so angry with me right than, but I didn't care I was angry with him too. "Sure" we all stood up and headed for the door. I had Tom and Jason on either side of me. When we reached the door they both dived forward to open it for me, they just stopped and glared at each other. I couldn't wait all day so I opened it my self. The walk to Toms was a nightmare they were each trying to get me into a conversation that excluded the other, both were trying to get my attention, ok maybe it wasn't a nightmare having these two hunks fight over me but what's a guy to do? "SURPRISE!!!!!!" I almost shit my pants as I walked into Toms' house. I mean I was expecting the party but I wasn't expecting them to all be right in front of the door screaming there heads off. So to say the least I was surprised. But I think my auntie and my mum were even more surprised, they were stood in the middle of a crowd of kid from our school (most of whom I didn't even know), stirring straight at Jason. I made my way through the crowd towards them; I got the occasional 'happy birthday' I even got one kid calling me 'Bob'. "What is he doing here? You didn't tell me you started hanging out with him again?" my mum said as she motioned towards Jason who was chatting away with Justin like they were old friends, interesting. "Mom I'll tell you all about it later ok? Now I gotta go and party" boy did I have a lot to tell her. "Wait a second there, Josh now your 14 your training can begin" my auntie placed her hand on my shoulder and looked deep into my eyes. "What training?" I was curious now. "Well wait till tomorrow, and I'll tell you what it is when your mum gives you your present " "I wanna know now!" I started to whine and stamp my feet, hey I'm only 14 y'know I'm still allowed to do it. "Go and enjoy your party, and don't forget to thank Tom's parents for doing it" now I thought about it, it was nice of Tom's parents to let us use there house, I wonder how much pestering from Tom it took. I was just about to grab hold of Tom when suddenly the lights went out and everybody started singing the 'happy birthday' tune. In from one door came my mum carrying a chocolate cake with 14 candles in it. She held it in front of me ready to blow out the candles. Any normal kid in this situation would wish for something stupid like money or a car. But that is trivial stuff, I'm an adult now I have to wish for important stuff so I wished for 'the death card that Tom got just to be a stupid mistake -- and a lot of money'. I lew them all out in one breath, and I turned to bask in the glory of the cheers coming from my friends. Which soon turned to laughter, I turned around to see what they were laughing at, and low and behold the candles were alight again. With another mighty breath I blew out all the candles again, to watch them re-light themselves one by one. Than I did something I will never forget. I took another deep breath ready to blow them out; Tom leaned in close and whispered into my ear. "Don't waist all your blowing power on those candles, you'll need some for later on" this made me giggle which because of the trapped air in my lungs made me cough, which made me clutch my stomach and send my head forward, into the side of the chocolate cake. Shit. I was so embarrassed every one around me was giggling uncontrollably. I stuck a finger in the remnants of the cake on my face and stuck it in my mouth. "Hmm, you should all try some it's tasty" with that about 20 fingers headed towards my face. I cleaned up and joined the party which was now in full swing, everybody was dancing even my auntie who was swinging her thing with Tom, I danced with practically everyone even Jason and Justin, who both tried to grab parts of me I don't care to mention. At around 11:00 PM everybody started leaving, only a few of us remained to help clean up, I thanked Tom's parents in the process. Than my mum and auntie left leaving me there, of course they didn't mind making a fool out of me in the process, hugging me and calling me 'the man'. Than Tom's parents retired, I thanked them again for the party and gave each of them a hug and a kiss goodnight with a promise of making them breakfast in the morning. They were only 4 of us left, me, Tom, Justin and Jason. I collapsed backward on to the couch nackerd from the days events. "Tom, thank you so very much. I love you." I slid over to where he had sat and gave him a kiss on his cheek. He just smiled. "Yeah, happy birthday kid, I just hope we can become as good as friends as you and my brother. Sorry I don't have a present for you though." Justin said as he sat down beside me. He proceeded to place an arm around me and squeeze me with a death hug, pulling me away from Tom; it was making me all too uneasy. "Hey guys do you mind if I stay here tonight? It's pretty dark and I don't have enough money for a cab" Jason had a hint of hope in his voice. "I'll give you the money." Tom said rather harshly. "Don't be an asshole Tom, he can stay" I wasn't sure but I was starting to get the feeling that Justin likes Jason. "NO!" I was also getting the feeling that Tom really didn't like Jason. Jason's face dropped the smile. "Jason don't listen to him come on you can stay in my room, I'll show you were it is" Justin got up and left the room, Jason followed close behind with a big smile on his face. "Goodnight Josh, and see you in the morning Tom" I just nodded my head and I know Jason's smile was because he had got to stay over against Toms protests. "I am going to have a serious chat with Justin in the morning, I can't believe Jason's staying the night" I rested my head on Tom's chest. "Here Josh, I got you this" he pulled out a box from his pocket and opened it. Inside were two silver rings, the words I love you engraved across them, they were so beautiful it brought me to tears. "If you don't like them I can take them back" Tom seemed kind of teary eyed himself. I just got up and hugged him as hard as I could. "Tom I love them -- and I love you" at that moment I could have never loved him more, he cared for me so much, my tears had started and still hadn't stopped, at least this time they were tears of joy. I kissed the soft flesh of his cheek. "You see you can give the other ring to the person you really love" I looked at the ring, it was so wonderful. It had all the feeling Tom felt for me inside it, I just hoped it wasn't silver-plated. "Really? I think I'll give it too that cute kid from down the road. What was his name again? Jonathan Weiss or something." Tom smacked me in the arm sending up both into fits of giggles. I reached over and took the rings out of the box, giving one to Tom; he placed it on my finger as I placed it on his. We kissed, our tongues roamed each other's mouths, he broke our passionate embrace and started planting angel kisses across my face. "Let's go upstairs and I can show you the other present I got you" he had a sexy grin on his face, we raced up the stairs, our boners leading the way. "I just need to go to the bathroom" I ducked into the bathroom and waited for my boner to subside. Standing at the toilet I pushed my trousers down to my ankles and soon after my boxers. A long steam of golden liquid made it's way out the end of my penis and into the bowl, the relief of emptying my bladder was immense, better than an orgasm, well almost. I finished peeing and started to shake the droplets off. The door to the bathroom opened behind me and the lights went out. "Tom? Is that you?" the figure moved towards me and started to kiss me on the lips, our tongues explore each other's mouths as we delved into another passionate kiss. "Oh Tom" He fell to his knees and started to stroke my now rock hard cock. Feeling the entire shaft in his hands was driving me crazy, I started to pump my hips forward, the usual feeling of pressure building in my balls was occurring, I was so close. Wave and wave of tingly feelings emanated from my love rod making my knees weak. Then he licked the shaft wetting it with his warm saliva, which heightened the sensations as his hand slid along it, than he sucked on the head, his warm soft tongue roamed around the glands of my love tool as his hand feverishly pumped away on the shaft. In no time soon my body was overcome with the intense feeling of an orgasm, my legs and body trembled as spurt after spurt of my teen cum filled his mouth, he ate it all, nursing my cock for more. I was so weak I used his shoulders to steady myself, which didn't help so I sat back onto the toilet. In my little post orgasmic high I felt him rubbing my thighs with his hands. The door to the bathroom opened and the light went on, there stood in the doorway was Tom, looking as if he had just had his heart ripped out. I gave him a little dreamy smile, wait a minute this doesn't make sense if Tom's in the doorway who is sat at my feet? "SHIT!" End of part 9 Joshua 10 The Aftermath. OH DEAR JESUS CHRIST! I squeezed my eye's shut so tight they were hurting, in hopes this was just a dream. The post orgasmic high that I had been in had quickly vanished sending me plummeting down to this crappy reality – what a bummer. I could still feel the phantom cocksucker still sat at my feet with their hands on my smooth thighs. I was scared shitless, as was the mystery man at my feet I could hear his heavy breathing; I waited for Tom to start screaming every horrible name under the sun at me. It seemed like an eternity passed with out a sound or a word; then I heard the pin drop, well that's what it sounded like. 3 distinct pings, I instantly knew what it was, Tom's ring. I knew I had to do it, I didn't want to but I had no choice, I opened my eyes. At first all I could see was the blinding light, than it started to fade and a blurry picture emerged. I blinked at least a thousand times, than it all became clear. Sat at my feet was non-other than Jason, in all his fucking glory, his head still turned to the now empty doorway. Beside him lay Toms half of the silver ring, I slowly picked it up at the same time moving Jason's hands of my thighs, he was now looking straight at me. I read the inscription on Tom's ring, than I noticed it they weren't identical like I had thought, mine had said 'I love you' while Tom's had said 'forever always'. I started to cry than, my world turned blurry once again, I always hated it when I cried 'cause I looked like a moron, but I seemed to be doing it a lot lately. All the numbness I had felt was now replaced with pain, guilt and anger. The tears flowed like rivers down my cheeks, I felt Jason pull me into his arms to comfort me, to try and make me feel better. I fell into his arms crying like a baby. WAIT WHAT WAS I DOING! Jason was the reason this is all happening. "GET AWAY FROM ME YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!" I literally screamed it at him; I pushed him away and saw him recoil in fear and pain. "But I love you" he was now starting to cry too. "YOU DON'T FUCKING LOVE ME! YOU CAN'T LOVE ME! YOUR JASON THE PLAYER! YOU ONLY CARE ABOUT ONE THING AND THAT'S YOURSELF!" I had stood up and was quickly pulling my boxers and trousers back up. "Can't you see, it's better this way. I did this for us -- for our love" he shuffled over to where I was standing and wrapped his arms around my waist. I pushed him away. "JASON THIS IS NOT BETTER! I LOVE TOM NOT YOU; I COULD NEVER LOVE AN ASSHOLE LIKE YOU. YOU USED THIS FRIENDSHIP THING JUST TO GET CLOSE TO ME; YOU DON'T DESERVE FRIENDS. I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN." He lay heaped on the floor crying. I took the watch he had given me off my wrist and threw it at him, it hit him on his back causing him to whimper in pain, I didn't care I hated his guts. I looked towards the doorway to see Tom's parents stood there with the look of shock on their faces. Oh great what now. "Look I don't know what's going on but I think you should both leave, I'll call you some cabs" Tom's dad nodded to his wife who quickly ran off to call us some cabs. He came in the bathroom and grabbed us both by our arms and escorted us out. In the hallway I saw a quick glance of Tom disappearing back into his bedroom, slamming the door behind him. I called out to him through my endless tears with no prevail. We were led down the stairs and dumped on the doorstep to wait for the cabs. The night was cold and dark, and I was still crying like a bafoon, I also heard quiet sobs coming from Jason. "I love you" he said in an almost whisper. "Don't fucking start that again, I told you I never wanted to see you again" I turned around so I didn't have to look at him, I hated him so much for what he did, he started mumbling to himself. "I didn't want to, he made me, I just wanted to be your friend, but he told me to split you both up" he had stopped crying and was seemingly in a trance, and what was he saying. I turned to face him again, my curiosity was getting the better of me, and I had even stopped crying myself. "Jason what are you talking about? Who made you?" come on you little fucking cock sucker, let's here what you have to say. "He made me, I just wanted to love you from afar, and be your friend but he said I should split you up" he was sat just in a daze, I had never seen anything like it before, it was down right creepy. "Jason, snap outta it! Who told you to split us up?" I shook him gently, I had to resist the BIG temptation to slap him across the face, I knew I wouldn't stop if I got started. What the hell, SLAP! I slapped him across the face and he looked up at me with tears in his eyes and a big red hand print on his cheek. "I love you" oh for fuck's sake! I wasn't going to get any type of useful information out of him; he seemed dazed and confused. I walked in front of the house to see if I could see Tom, for a split second I thought I saw him, but it was just a shadow. About 5 minutes had passed, all of which I had spent looking up at Toms bedroom window hoping to see him looking for me, when the cabs pulled up to take us home. I reluctantly jumped in the nearest one and left. I watched the streets go by as Tom's house drew further away, the street lamps stung my eyes like daggers, and an emptiness filled my soul. I arrived home and paid the cab fare with some birthday money I had stashed in my pocket. I wandered into the house, letting myself in with the hidden key. Luckily for me there was no one up so I didn't have to explain why I was home ... yet. I wandered up to my room, been careful not to step on any of the creaky floorboards, I kind of reminded myself of Indiana Jones. I lay on my bed and wondered what Tom was doing, I wondered if he was crying of if he was sleeping, or if he was sleeping and crying at the same time. I also wondered how in the world I was going to get my life back to normal again, and who in the world Jason was talking about. I took the two rings out of my pocket and laid them on the pillow beside me, I just looked at them and I started to cry, I drifted of to sleep taking all my worries and cares with me. I awoke sometime later in the night; I looked around to see what had woken me. Sat on the side of my bed, looking at me, was my auntie. "What are you doing here?" I said, my sleepiness showing through my voice. "I could ask you the same question, I thought you were staying at Tom's" at the mention of Tom's name I started crying again. My auntie wrapped her arms around me, and rubbed my back trying to soothe me. "(Sniff) how did you know I was here?" I looked into her eyes and she just smiled. "I know a lot of things, plus I just wondered into the room to find a pen, and I found you here" I giggled a bit through the tears. "Do you want to tell me what happened?" "Ok" I gave her a hug and started to tell her everything, including about Justin and Jason. I felt like a big weight had been lifted off my chest and I felt a little better. "Is there anything you can do? Like a make up spell or something?" "No I'm afraid not, your just going to have to sort this out your self, but maybe we can give that nasty Jason a boil or something" I started to giggle again, this time though I wasn't crying, I don't know when I had actually stopped. "Maybe you can give him leprosy, and his dick can fall off. That would teach him" we both started laughing. "Now young man you go to sleep" "But I don't want to go to sleep I'm not sleepy at all" I wasn't I was totally wide-awake now. My auntie yawned, which caused me to yawn. Than for some reason I totally felt like sleeping was the only thing I wanted to do. "Now some people say dreams are there to guide you, like a window to your subconscious, let your dreams guide you Joshua" "But I'm not slee--" I didn't even get to finish my sentence before her hand was over my eyes, a second later I was fast asleep. I walked across the cluttered room towards the bed, upon it laid Tom, curled up with his back facing me. I sat on the edge of the bed and stared at my feet, I could hear the soft shallow breathing of Tom behind me. I just so wanted to turn around and hold him, than in an instant the breathing stopped. I spun around and grabbed him by his side and started to turn him over, the entire thing started to go in slow motion, than I looked up on his face. Looking back at me was the face of the skeleton of the death card, I started to cry and I managed to whisper 'Justin I love you', suddenly the skeleton faced Tom started to speak too, it wasn't Tom's or Justin's voice -- it was Jason's -- 'I know'. I awoke in a cold sweat and sat straight up in bed, I sat for a second to try and figure our what the dream meant, why did I say I loved Justin? And why did Tom have Jason's voice? And why did Tom have the face of a skeleton? All I could remember clearly was Jason saying 'I know'. What the hell could that dream have meant? I look to my pillow for the rings, they weren't there, I searched the bed and floor for them but they were nowhere to be found. I lay back on the bed with my hands on my eyes, crying. I had lost the rings, I felt like I had let Tom down, more so. I lay there for a second to gather my thoughts; there was one goal I had. I had to get Tom back; I also had to find out what Jason was talking about. I just hoped this wasn't going to be impossible, I find it impossible to do impossible things, if that makes sense. End of part 10. As always comments welcome to, I will try and answer them all, Enjoy.


4 Gay Erotic Stories from L23m


Stuff you need to know before reading: Y'know the drill don't read if you are underage or don't like stories about two teenage boys, etc. This is my first story so be kind with comments. Joshua Hi, my name's Joshua I'm 18 now and I guess I just need it tell my story of becoming gay to someone, I must have had the worst time, it

Joshua 11-17

Disclaimer Hello again, you know the drill don't read this if you don't like gay things or if you are underage, etc... Comment's welcome to and thanx to Eric for proof reading this. Bye every one enjoy. and if you want the more broken up version of this visit my site at Joshua 11 'At first I

Joshua 3-10

Disclaimer Don't read this if underage or upset by teenage boys doing sex stuff, etc... This is fiction. But hopefully someday the better parts of this will be fact. Thanks to the people who write to me for this story, and to nifty for posting it, and to my bf eric you better like this or I'll kick your arse! And I hope comically gets well soon. and this is


Disclaimer Don't read this if underage or upset by teenage boys doing sex stuff, etc... As always comments welcome to Enjoy. Joshua Part 2 Days had passed I hadn't been out my bedroom. I just spent the time crying, going over and over what had happened at Jason's house. Why had the only one I loved turned me away, was it


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