Gay Erotic Stories

Joshua 11-17

by L23m

Disclaimer Hello again, you know the drill don't read this if you don't like gay things or if you are underage, etc... Comment's welcome to and thanx to Eric for proof reading this. Bye every one enjoy. and if you want the more broken up version of this visit my site at Joshua 11 'At first I was afraid, I was prettified I didn't know how long I'd live without you by my side' the radio was playing "I will survive" by Gloria Gainer, have you ever noticed that when your down and upset the radio only play's depressing songs? I mean I usually love the song but considering I had just lost my boyfriend because he found someone else sucking my dick (expertly), it just depressed me more. I stood in front of my mirror looking at my naked self, trying to figure out what it was about me that attracted so much trouble, was it my blond hair with the brown fringe? Or my striking green eyes? Or my nice lean attractive body? (Am I like vain or what?) I just couldn't figure out why anybody could fall in love with me, I recently found out love is just another word for trouble. Yet I still wanted Tom's love, even if I had know how much trouble I would have to go through to get it all those weeks ago, I knew I would have still pursued it. I'm just a fool, although a fool in love. "Josh could you come down here a minute?" my mum called up, my auntie must have told her I was home. I turned and headed for the door, just stopping short of opening it when I realised I was naked, I quickly turned around and threw some clothes on, than headed down stairs. "You call?" I tried my best to sound happy as I could be but you could easily tell I was faking it. "Oooooh honey, I'm so sorry" my mom stood with her arms out stretched for a hug. I ran into them crying my eyes out. "Mom, what am I going to do?" my tears were running down my cheeks like little water falls. "Well honey your going to have to go and talk to him" she was stroking the back of my hair. "Nooooooo!" I knew I had to but I really didn't want to. "I know it's hard but your going to have to see him at school on Monday anyway and I'm sure you'll both want to get this nasty business out of the way before than" "I know (sniff)" I wiped my nose on my mums shoulder. "Would you like me to take you to Tom's house?" she wiped the tears away from my eyes. "No it's ok I'll walk. I will give me some time to think of what to say" I gave my mom one last big squeeze and a peck on the cheek and headed for the door. "Wait a second young man!" I turned round to face my mum trying to remember if I had done something wrong. "Yeah?" "Don't you want your birthday present?" did she say present? Oh totally cool! For that brief second I forgot all my worries about Tom and started to be a kid again, I felt giddy. My mum handed me an envelope and I quickly opened it. Inside was a bundle of money and a little note, it read: 'May you have the best birthday, we could not decide what to get our young man so we put together and gave you money to spent on what (or whomever) you want. Happy birthday love mum and your loving auntie.' It was followed by numerous kisses, ewww. I took out the money and counted it, in my hand I held 5 $100 bills. "Holy mother of crap!" I had $500, I couldn't believe it, it was more money than I had ever seen in my entire life! "Watch your language young man!" my mother gave me a serious look. "I would but my eyes are too busy looking at the bloody cash! I love you both, thank you so much" I took one of the bills and stuffed it in my pocket while giving the rest to my mum to look after than I ran out of the door as fast as I could. To were I hadn't a clue. I stared to head to the park, it was a nice warm day and I knew I could go there and relax and think about what to say to Tom. I walked into the park and looked around, before me laid a beautiful area of green grass, a few trees were scattered across the area with some flowers. In the middle there was a lake, looking as if it was made of glass. The park was full of life, there were couples making out and kid's playing everywhere, there were some really cute guy's oller-skating too, it was a total tease for my penis (hehehehe they were sex on wheels). I saw what I though was a miracle, an empty bench in the middle of a full park. I headed towards it, walking along the paths. I had my head down and wasn't really looking were I was going when BAMN! A heavy weight slammed into me, it sent me flying backwards onto my butt. I looked to see what had ploughed into me, it was a roller-skater a really cute one too, he had long blond hair down to his shoulders and crystal blue eyes. I got up and dusted my self off. "Oh god I am like so sorry, I should have been looking were I was going" I extended my hand to help him up, he made full use of it. "Yeah you should of, moron" he had a nice voice despite he called me a moron. "Sorry" I started back on my way to the bench. I sat down with a sigh and a second later the roller-skating kid sat next to me. "No I'm sorry I shouldn't have called you a moron, my names Alex" he extended his had to me, I smiled and shook it. "I'm Joshua but people call me Josh" "I know we go to the same school" we did? I hadn't noticed him around, and why had he noticed me? "Cool" I tried acting cool. Shit! I left my shades at home, I guess that means I'm in dorks-ville. "You seem sad, what's up? Let me guess relationship trouble right?" he put his arm around my shoulder and gave me a squeeze, which I found very erotic/uncomfortable and strange at the same time, I mean I had only just met him and he was touching me like an old buddy. "How did you know?" I said while shaking myself loose from his grasp. "I can just tell these things, you want to tell me what happened?" hahahaha there was no way in hell I was going to do that, does he think I'm an idiot or something? "All you need to know is I need to get my special someone back" "I suggest buying a present, it would always work for me" he gave me a little punch in the arm almost knocking me over. "Hey thanks for the idea dude, I guess I'm going off to the mall" I got up and started walking towards the nearest mall, a second later Alex joined me. "You didn't say goodbye dude, but anyway I was heading to the mall do you mind if I come with you?" he gave me a little hopeful smile. "Sure" why the hell not, I could use the company. Now I can talk a lot sometimes but boy he could beat me. He was full of energy, always whizzing around me on his skates making me dizzy and talking a mile a minute. In the time it took me to get to the mall I learned that Alex was the same age as me. He lived only 5 blocks away from my house and he liked everything I liked, I didn't know why but I kept getting a creepy feeling from him, like he had planned it all, y'know the knocking me over stuff. We headed from shop to shop, and from item to item, nothing seemed good enough for me to buy for Tom. We ended up in Burger King, munching on some fries; I was looking out the window, while I could sense Alex was looking straight at me. "So who is he and how come you both broke up?" the question caught me totally off guard; I almost choked to death on the coke I was drinking, spluttering like crazy and spitting it out to the amusement of Alex. "What do you mean 'he' are you trying to call me gay or something?" I tried to laugh it off but you could easily tell I was nervous. "Dude it's ok, I'm gay too" he put his hand on mine, but I quickly withdrew. "Oh" I was totally in shock, I mean he was absolutely stunning and absolutely gay, and I'm not sure but I think he's making moves on me. "So you want to tell me what happened?" "Hell no, I only just met you dude, it at least takes me a day or two before I trust someone" I was about get up and go to the loo when I felt someone was watching us from the window, I turned to see Jason. The strange thing was he wasn't looking at me but he was looking at Alex and Alex was looking back. Jason gave me a quick glance before quickly running off. "Who was that?" Alex said with a big smile on his face. "Forget about him he's an asshole" Alex still didn't loose his smile but it grew even wider. We finished up in Burger King and headed around the shops again. That's when I saw it, there in the window of a tacky sci-fi shop, a little trash can in the shape of R2-D2 now I know Tom would love that he's mad about Star Wars, and I didn't see one in his bedroom. I rushed in and bought it, it was a rip off though $50! But it was for Tom so it was worth it. I gave Alex an apology for not staying, and we swapped out phone numbers. With goodbyes exchanged I ran off to Tom's house. I found myself stood in front of Tom's front door. Images of the night before came flooding back, sending chills down my spine. A great fear was growing inside of me; I really did not want to ace Tom I wished there were a way to get him back without talking to him. I was about to knock at the door when it swung open, there in the doorway stood Jason. End of part 11. Joshua 12 Jason?" I was so shocked, what the hell was Jason doing at Tom's house? Wait this is Tom's house isn't it? I leaned back and looked at the house and it's door number, yup defiantly Tom's house. But what was Jason doing here, I looked him in the eyes, I think he was as shocked to see me here as well, he seemed speechless. A seemly long uncomfortable silence of just looking at each other in shock passed when I heard a voice call out from behind him. "I thought you were fucking going?" now it was either Tom or Justin, but I'd bank on Justin. Jason spun around to meet the mystery person who was just out of sight. The door was slammed in my face; I leaned closer to the door to see if I could hear what they were saying. I could hear raised voices; it almost sounded like an argument, cool! My ears perked up when I heard my name mentioned. God I'd give anything to hear more, I started to lean my body against the door in some unknown attempt to hear what was happening, big mistake. A second later the door flew open sending me flying forwards and onto the floor in the hallway. I lay there for a second trying to comprehend what had happened, I quickly jumped up brushing myself off, my face turning a bright red as both Jason and the 'mystery man' Justin looked at me. "Umm, err, bug on the door, I was going to squish it, when the door opened" I gave them a cute smile as I tried to make out like I was squishing a bug on the door, I don't think they bought it though. Jason stepped towards me; his eyes full of tears and put his hand on my arm. "Josh, Justin he--" "JASON!" Justin cut Jason off in the middle of the sentence, damn him I wanted to know what he was going to say, I looked at Justin who seemed very pissed that Jason was trying to tell me something. I looked back to Jason to see a look of fear on his face, defeated he quickly turned and ran out of the door with tears streaming down his cheeks. Leaving me alone with Justin and a little mystery. I really didn't want to be alone with Justin; I had to find Tom fast. "What was that all about?" I pointed in the general direction of where Jason had been. "Oh nothing to worry your cute little head about" he smiled at me sending unpleasant shivers down my spine. We stood in the hallway neither of us saying anything. "Is Tom home?" please oh lord let him be home. "Nope sorry" screw you lord I'm taking up a different faith! "Oh" another long uncomfortable silence came. "Josh follow me" oh god why me? "I brought Tom a present" I quickly turned and ran to where I had left it on the doorstep. I handed it to Justin, he held it at arms length examining it, he didn't seem to impressed. "Cute, I'll be sure to give Tom it, follow me" do I have too? I looked for a quick escape, seeing non I headed up the stairs behind Justin. We headed into his bedroom, an unusually neat place, everything was just too clean, it was creepy like walking into a museum. "So, what did you want me up here for?" the minute I said it I regretted it, he turned around with a creepy smile on his face. "Sit on the bed Josh" oh boy I didn't like where this was going. I sat back and almost fell over the bed although it looked quite hard turned out to be soft and squishy. I giggled loudly. "What do you want Justin?" I said it with an innocent look on my face, but the way I was sat with my legs slightly open, and laid slightly back propped up on my elbows, it seemed a little dirty. "I'm just about to get in the shower, you don't mind do you?" nope as long as you don't ask me to go with you. "Nope" "Good, now I wanted to talk with you about Tom" he started to strip off. "Ok" his chest was bare, it looked like Toms but a little more defined. "I know you really like him and vice versa" he stripped off his jeans revealing legs that belonged on a football player, slightly hairy too. He was now just stood there in a pair of boxers. "Yeah" "And I would like to help you both get back together" he took his boxers off, his back towards me showing me his nice firm ass, it looked so much like Tom's I had an instant erection. He turned around revealing his mega hard on. It stood in a thick bush of black pubes, and was about 7 inches long. Its head was covered by a foreskin that had been pulled back to reveal the angry purple head. It was leaking pre-cum, which was dripping down the shaft and onto his big round balls. My mouth was watering. "That's nice, how" I was sweating, I was so nervous I couldn't keep my eyes off his meat. "Well you talk to me and I'll talk to him, think of me as the go between" he walked towards me, his cock was right in front of my face now, the urge to just start sucking it was immense. I could smell his manly musky smell. He gripped his shaft a couple of times and moved the foreskin over the head, with the pre-cum lubeing it; it looked nice and shiny. I liked shiny objects. "Yeah ok" I wasn't sure if that was an acceptance to his offer of help or to his penis. "Dude like your sat on my towel" he lent down and tugged on the towel, causing me to fall sideways and in turn (which I think he did on purpose) causing him to fall on top of me. My legs inadvertently went up and around his waist as he slightly ground into me. "Get of me" he just laid there on top of me looking into my eyes. "Oops" he had this big smile on his face, as his hand slid down my side towards my groin, he squeezed my stiff love tool, causing me to gasp. "I said get off me NOW!" I whispered the first part into his ear and shouted the last part causing him to jump. He started to get up. "Hey Justin can I borrow-- JOSHUA!!" I looked towards the door and my heart sank, there stood Tom. The scene before him must have been something, there laid me on the bed with my legs in the air and a naked Justin between them, how the hell was I going to explain this. "Hey bro." I couldn't believe Justin was so calm, I looked at Tom, tears were welling up in his eyes, as he was slowly backing out of the door. A second later he ran off. "TOM!!" I called after him while flinging Justin on to the floor with a thump. I raced down the hall to his room, just in time to see the door slamming, which was lucky cause I couldn't of found it otherwise. I burst into the room to see Tom laid on his bed crying into his pillow. "Leave me alone" he said through his tears, I went and sat next to him on the bed. "Tom, nothing happened, it was all a big misunderstanding" I started to let some tears fly myself. "It's just not fair, every time I walk into a room I see you with some one else, first Jason now my brother! I mean what next some blond skater kid from the park?" I would never go with Alex. "That night when you saw Jason sucking my dick, I thought it was you I mean the light's were off and everything, please Tom it wasn't my fault" "Oh yeah and what about just now? With my brother?" he lifted his head off the pillow and looked at me. "I didn't do anything, he said he wanted to help us get back together, I mean I came here to see you but you weren't in, I even brought you a present, and things just went the wrong way. I tell you Tom I think he's plotting to split us up" "Don't be so stupid, he wouldn't do that he's my brother, and I have been in all day, your lying to me" tears were still flowing down his cheeks and I could hear the pain in his voice. My own heart was aching too. "I would never lie to you, I love you" I almost broke down into a gibbering nervous wreak right than, I man what if he said he hated me? "I hate you--" my heart broke in two "--Who am I kidding I love you like crazy, but how can I trust you?" "Trust me when I say it will never happen again, please can we be boyfriends again?" I pleaded with him. "Ok but if I ever, and I mean ever find you with someone else, I will cut your balls off, do you understand?" we both giggled at the comment. "Yeah I do, I love you" "I love you too" be both leaned closer to each other, our soft lips met for a sweet kiss, his lips slightly parted as I worked my tongue past them and into his mouth. All our pent up lust was released, trust me there was a lot even though we had only been broken up for about a day. Our tongues danced faster and faster and it felt like I was floating. I broke the kiss to get some air, while Tom continued to plant angle kisses all around my face and lips. I was so goddamn horney. "Joshua make love to me now!" oh god I so wanted this but... "I can't I have stuff to do, but come by my house later on and we can have make up sex" I can't believe I just said no, but I gave him an evil sexy grin anyway. I wanted to visit Jason. "Oh ok" he placed his hand on my groin and squeezed gently. After a few more kisses at the front door, I finally left sporting a huge boner. I had to go see Jason; I wanted to know what was going on and why it involved me. I knew it was a big mistake especially after I just got Tom back, but I just had to know. I walked down to his house, passing my old house on the way. I stood at the 'o so familiar' door of Jason 'the almighty bastard' I giggled at the thought. I was about to knock on the door when it opened, again Jason stood there with a look of shock on his face and only wearing boxers (surprise surprise). "Wha--What are you doing here?" he poked his head out the door and looked around. "I'm here to see you" I walked past him and into his house. "You are?" there was a puzzled look on his face. "Don't get your hopes up, I want to know what the hell is going on" "I can't tell you, he would kill me" he started to cry again. "Who would?" "I don't want him to be mad at me he would take it out on--" he trailed off and the tears flowed steadily. "Dude, you ok? If our friendship meant anything to you, tell me" I walked forward and put my hand on his arm. He looked me in the eyes. "Follow me" he walked up to his room and I quickly followed, when we got there he reached under his bed and pulled out the little black book. The one that I had found before, the one with all the people he had slept with in it. He patted the bed beside him and I quickly took my place. "This book is a record of all the people I have slept with..." he opened the book. "I know, I have seen it before" he looked at me, with a pissed look on his face "you should hide it better dude anyone could find it" "All these are the people I have played, but what you didn't see was my very first guy, the one who made me into a player" he opened to the first page and I looked at the picture of a cute guy I had already seen before. "I have seen him before" he smiled at me, while opening a secret compartment in the front of the book to reveal a, well, secret compartment it had a picture in it. "This is the guy who made me a player" he pointed at the unfolded picture. "Oh my god, I can't believe it, tell me everything I have to know" End of part 12. Joshua 13 Jason's story I sat on the bed with Jason, between us we held the picture of the man who turned him into the guy he is today, a player. "Oh my god, I can't believe it, tell me everything I have to know" I said as I looked directly at him. With butterflies in his stomach and memories in his head he started to tell me how it happened. "Well..." (fade to black, heheheheh) It was summer I had just got out of school and was on a kiddie high playing as much as I could in the first day so I could kick back and relax for the rest of the summer. I loved my parent's but I didn't want to spend my time at camp like they wanted me too, I wanted to slob around and have fun, like any normal kid, and best of all look through my next-door neighbour's stash of porn. This had two advantages 1. I got to see naked women with big boobs and 2. I got to masturbate, my new found past time and pleasure. "Jason you are going and that's all I'm hearing out of you!" my mum said as she packed my bag. "But I don't wanna!" I whined, but to no avail. "I don't care that bus leaves for camp in 2 hours and your going to be on it, like it or not" that bitch. Two hours later I was sat at the back of the bus on the way to camp, a few kids tried to make friends with me but I just ignored them, I just couldn't believe all the masturbation I was missing out on. I will never forgive her I swear. About 3 hours later the bus pulled into the camp, I felt like I was in prison, damn hope I don't get gang banged, I don't wanna be a queer ass. We were stood out side in the boiling hot sun waiting for our cabins too be assigned, me and a couple of other kids were the last to be picked, I noticed a few eyeing me up, they looked mean too I hope I wasn't in for some trouble. We followed the guy who I assumed was the leader of our little group, he lead us to our cabin were we unpacked our things. I had finished packing and sat back on my bed to relax, I looked around too see that everybody already knew each other, great now I won't get to know anybody. I sighed heavily and lay back on the bed and closed my eyes. My eyes were closed for about 5 minutes when I felt a bucket of cold water been poured over me; I jumped up screaming as the cold water made it's way around my body. "Holy shit that's cold" I stood there dripping wet and almost in tears from the shock, just listening to the rest of the boys laughing at me. I really hated this place. I felt someone wrap a towel around me from behind and start to dry me off. "You guys are so mean, you should get a friendlier initiation" the voice said from behind me, I turned to see the boy who was helping me. "But you told us..." the guy cut the boy off in mid-sentence with an evil glare. The boy just shrugged and walked off. I guess by female standards this guy was cute, he had very dark brown almost black hair, it was hanging down to his chin and was parted in the middle, he had a cute baby face and he had an amazing tan. His eyes were a hazel colour and really nice. Whoa what did I just say? 'Really nice' damn what's happening to me this is a boy I'm talking about. "Err...thanx for helping me get dry man" I said as I looked into his eyes, they were so hypnotic. "No problem kid, my names Justin Conroy, you can call me Justy if you want" he extended his hand out to meet me, and I quickly shook it. "My names Jason" I smiled my cutest smile at him. "Don't you have a last name?" "Nope just Jason" I said causing him to laugh. I like him already, he was kind. From than on we became friends, we were always together doing stuff, I had started to look up to him like my older brother. I was sat in the cabin on my own waiting for Justin to return, every so often he would go off with a boy he had been chatting to, and not cum back for a while. And when he did come back he smelt weird and smiled way too much. I really wanted to know what he did and so I figured the only way to find out is to ask. He came back, walking through the door with a big smile on his face and sat down on the bed beside me wrapping his arms around me and giving me a quick hug, he smelt funny again. "Justin what do you do with those boys?" I had caught him by surprise but he only smiled at me. "Oh you don't want to know that Jason" "Yes I do" I demanded, making him giggle. "But it's for big boys like me and if I told you what we did you would have to do it but I know you would refuse" he rested his hand on my thigh, and I thought about what he said. "I'm a big boy, now show me" his smile widened, he knew he had got me. "Ok, follow me" he got up and made towards the cabin door, I quickly followed. We walked across the camp into the woods; we walked for what seemed like an eternity until we came to a clearing that had a fallen log in it. "Wow cool" I said as I looked around. "Take off your clothes" I turned to face him, I was shocked, why did he want me naked? "Why?" I said with an innocent look on my face. "I knew it, forget it Jason you will never know" he said as he made to leave. "WAIT! I'll do it" I said while undressing, he stopped and looked at me than he stared to undress himself. A few minutes later I was completely naked and stood looking down at my undefined body, it was completely hairless and showed small signs of muscles. I looked over at Justin and he was naked too, his body was becoming muscled and it looked so awesome, I looked at his smooth legs and nowhere could I see a sign of hair, not even around his 4 inches of uncut rock hard meat. WHOA AWESOME! He was hard, I had never seen another hard penis before, my own 3 inches sprang to attention, as I stirred in awe at his dick. "Do you like what you see?" he said as he pulled back the skin on his penis. I just nodded "are you sure you want to know what us big boys do?" my curiosity got the better of me. "Yeah that would be cool" "Come over here than" I padded over to were Justin stood, and just knelt down so I could get a better look at his penis, it was so cool, it was uncut like mine but like was way bigger, the head was a cool purple. I looked up at his face and he smiled down at me. "You can touch it if you want" WAY COOL! I let my hand find it's way to his penis, I gripped the shaft tightly, and I heard him moan in pleasure. I started moving my hand up and down his shaft, just like I had done many times before to my own love tool. His penis felt great in my hand, it was so hot and felt so soft but hard, it was almost like velvet, and it felt so right. Justin started to buck his hips into my hand as I speeded up my actions; his moans of delight filled the clearing. I gripped my own shaft with my other hand and started beating my meat to the point of pain; I just loved this whole thing. Justin's body became covered in sweat as his foreskin slid over the shiny purple head, causing amazing sensations to run throughout his body, both boys were drawing close to there orgasms. Only the moans of young lust filled the clearing as with one last push Justin had his dry orgasm, a few seconds later so did Jason. I sat panting on the rass as I watched my own penis as well as Justin's jump with the amazing feelings that flowed from it. A few seconds later I felt Justin's lips pressed against mine, in my first ever kiss (well besides my mom) it was so sweet and tender. I had started to fall for him. (Back too reality, aww so soon?) Jason was sat on the bed next to Joshua and had just finished his story about the first time that him and Justin had sex. "Anyway that was when we first had sex" Jason sighed deeply and glanced at me, I noticed e both had to 'adjust' ourselves. "Wow you were like what age?" "I was 7 and he was 11" I giggled at the thought of 7-11. "Wow, Jason you were young" "He took me to that spot loads of times, and we had sex in all different positions, I had started to fall in love with him and than I told him so." Jason bowed his head in shame as tears filled his eyes. "What happened?" I started to rub his back. "He told me no, but he said that he would still sleep with me and show me how to get other men. I was heart broken but it was the only way I could stay with him, and so I agreed" Jason pointed to the first picture in his little black book. "This was our cabin master, the very first person I seduced" "Wow, and you still keep in touch with Justin I see" I said while folding my arms. "Yeah, every so often we have sex, I still love him, or at least I did until I met his other prodigy Alex" his tears were really flowing now. "Whoa wait a minute your saying Alex is a player too? And your hurting because you think he's taking Justin away right?" he looked at me with a look of disgust on his face. "Hell no! When me and Alex met, we fell in love instantly, but Justin uses Alex like he uses me, he's keeping us apart" awww so sweet two players falling in love. "Why don't you tell Justin to leave you both alone?" I said. "He is threatening to tell Alex's parent's who are really strict about him being gay if we get together..." he became lost for words as tears stung his eyes. "That asshole! I mean it was a nice story Jason, although you could have left out that sex stuff...ahem...but what has this got to do with me?" I was into his story but I hadn't a clue what it had to do with me, I mean it has to have something to do with me right? I can't just have the knack of meeting players can I? "You see you are Justin's new project, he wants you bad. It's because you are in love with his brother, I think he's jealous. That's why I had to suck your dick that night, he made me do it by threatening Alex, and he told me to say I did it because I loved you. Than when you were broken up he planned to step in and help you, which would have lead to sex. He even got Alex to keep an eye on you today to see what you were up to" whoa that was way too freaky, I have been spied on, eww even worse the grand old player Justin has the hot's for me. "But that plan has gone to ruin now, me and Tom are back together" I said almost proud of myself at destroying Justin's plans. "Joshua he's very sneaky, he will probably have a back up plan to get you into bed, please don't tell him I told you this Josh he will tell Alex's parents" I felt so sorry for them both, god I had to find a way to get revenge on Justin. I took the little black book from Jason. "Jason can I borrow this?" I asked using my most seductive voice. "Why?" "Please?" I needed proof to show Tom. "Ok dude but bring it back" I stood up and walked towards the door. "Bye Jason and thank you" I said looking back at him. "What are you going to do?" he asked. "Get you and Alex together, while taking down Justin" I used my most cheery voice, he smiled brightly at what I said, but god I needed a plan. I ended up back in my bedroom waiting for Tom while absorbing the information Jason had given me; I was trying to think of a plan. I just couldn't believe it, I mean all this time and I never knew, just absolutely amazing, I wonder if Tom knows? I stood marveling my looks in the mirror, for the first time I had realised I was stunning. But I couldn't think about me at a time like this, I walked into the middle of my bedroom getting ready to start pacing again; I had so much to tell Tom about what had happened. And this plan just wasn't coming even that pause to look at myself in the mirror didn't help. The door to my bedroom flung open and there stood Tom, he had an evil grin on his face. "Are you ready for sex?" he screamed he dived at me knocking us both on the bed and back onto the floor in fit's of laugher. He planted kisses all over my face, while his hand found it's way down to my groin. He squeezed my hard tool through my jeans; I gasped in pleasure I SO wanted this. I glanced over at the mirror, and saw the most embarrassing reflection, there was me with my legs in the air and Tom between then getting hot and heavy. Than a plan came to me, I pushed Tom off me. "Tom I have to tell you something" End of part 13. Joshua 14 "Tom please listen to me" I pleaded with Tom, but to no avail, he was been as stubborn as a mule. I had told him exactly what Jason had told me and even shown him the black book, but thing's weren't going well, he just refused to believe it and was getting madder and madder. He was sat on my bed looking at the floor only occasionally looking up to meet my gaze, while I paced around in front of him. "No! I can't believe it, I won't believe it! You're talking about my brother, the one person who I have know for years, he even supported me and you getting together, that's why he told you were I was. Don't you see its Jason he's trying to split us up again and cause trouble" he was really getting worked up over this. "Tom you know I love you with all my heart, but I really need you to listen to me" I rested both my hands on Toms shoulders and looked deep into his eyes. He knocked them both away and tood up. "NO! You don't love me" his eyes sparkled with the inevitable tears. "Yes I do" I felt like my heart was been ripped to pieces. "Your siding with the guy who split us up, the guy who has been after you for ages and attacking my innocent brother. Today when we got back together when I wanted to express my love for quickly rushed off to meet him, your just like him Joshua you're a player" that last word stung me like a thousand bee's, but instead of crying I felt my anger rising. He got up and headed towards the door. "I'm NOT a player" I yelled. "I have been true to you Tom, I have never slept around! And fine don't believe me about your brother, I know what the truth is I believe. I was there Tommy boy, I was there the day he turned around and kissed me hard on the lips, when he was all-naked. Hell even you were there the last time when he ended on top of me, he's after me Tom. But I only want you" wow, that was like so not me, he never knew about those things and I kinda felt bad telling him, I don't know what came over me. Tom stopped at the door with his back towards me, listening to what I had to say, than he just seemed to stand there absorbing the information and trying to think what to say. "Goodbye Joshua, I guess this was never meant to be" without even looking back at me he left. I just sat there in stunned silence, goddamn why can't I just keep my mouth shut! I only just got Tom back and I had to go ruin it doing something kind for the shit which split us up. My life just has to be the most complicated there is out there. I just ruined my relationship with my oyfriend, probably forever, I have to help Jason and Alex get together and find a way to stop Justin from telling Alex's parent's about him been gay, and GODDAMN! I can't stop crying. All the pain and frustration I had felt for the last day or so came flooding back in one huge wave of emotion which seemed to travel in little drops down my face. My heart had been ripped into so many pieces over and over again it just felt like I had lost it all, I was defeated I was finished...I wanted to die. I just flung myself onto my bed and crawled into a little ball and cried myself to sleep. "Sleep came fast, sleep came quick as death jumped over the rock hard prick" I walked through a funky coloured park, listening to some little kids chant while playing. I looked around I was in the park I was when I first met Alex, the grass had become a funky blue and the sky an amazing gold while the sun had become black. It was totally empty except for a couple of kid's, that were chanting that damn line over and over again. "Hello" I shouted a cheery hello to the children but they scattered, 5 of them headed for the bench, which I had sat on before. I headed there too; I drew closer to the scene to see what the kid's on the bench looked like, hey this could still turn out to be a wet dream you know! Oh my god, sat on the bench was Tom Jason Alex Justin and me. Wow I looked good. They all looked directly at me and spoke as one voice in unison. "Ahhhh death you're here" I looked down to see I was wearing a black cape like deaths, kinda cool looking too, I felt all-powerful. Tom Jason Alex Justin and the duplicate me stood up and started drawing a pentagram (five pointed star) around me in the dirt on the floor. They each stood at one of the points of the star. Than they started speaking in unison again. "One will die" "What do you mean?" I faced myself. "What you do over the next day will kill someone, it's fate" "No you can't make me do it" "Were not making you, fate is" then they all started to chant, starting in a whisper and getting louder "Choose" I awoke in my bed covered in sweat, trying to remember what had scared me so much about my dream; in fact I couldn't remember a thing about it. My heartbeat settled down and I snuggled back under my covers. Wait a minute I don't remember getting undressed or it been light outside, the last time I remember it was night. I looked over at my clock and it was 1.35pm, OH NO! I'm late for school, oh well I guess it's a day off, cool. I just lay there on my warm bed stretched out, my morning wood pushing up the cover. I was actually surprised I didn't feel upset about me and Tom breaking up again, I guess I was all cried out. "Ahhh your awake" I looked towards the bedroom door and saw my auntie stood there. "Why didn't you wake me?" I said sleep still clouding my voice. I yawned and gave a little stretch. "You looked like you needed the sleep, but don't worry I'm going to make you learn things today, so hurry up and get dressed and come down stairs" "Awww fuge, do I have to?" I curled up into a ball and made myself look comfy. "Yes" with that she disappeared. I just lay there for a second, my hand fingering my erect nipples, sending tingly feeling through my body. My hand slowly traced it's way down my chest and stomach and rested on my small patch of pubic hair, my fingers glided through it and tugged on some of the hairs, I smiled to my self thinking Tom used to love doing that with his teeth. Than my hand travelled down to my balls, I played with each one rolling them around and squeezing and tugging on them ever so gently. I just loved doing that and sighed out loud, I just couldn't resist any longer, I had to jerk off. My hand took its tight position on my hot hard silky smooth shaft; I started to let my hand travel up and down. It just wasn't working so I turned to an old trick I knew. I coated my finger with spit and then started jacking again; I loved the feeling of the one spit covered finger sliding over the tip of my penis. Those lovely tingly feeling that I love sooooo much, started to travel through out my penis as my head became even more sensitive, I imagined my wet finger been Tom's tongue. My hips started to thrust up into my hand as my eg's started to spasm, I could feel the usual pressure building up in my balls, I was soooooo close. My hand started to get faster as I craved the release; I needed it soooo bad. "Josh stop beating the meat and get your butt down here" my auntie hollered up. DAMN! It's not fair I don't get any time to myself in this house, great now I'm going to be testy and horney all day long. I tried to finish off but she just kept on bugging me, how unfair is that. I ended up just dressed in a pair of clean boxers and a baggy white T-shirt, sat on a stool in our little garden of herbs listening to my auntie tell me about each and every one and what it can do, blah blah blah. I had other stuff to do but she just wouldn't let me go, she said this was way too important. I just sat there with my perpetual hard on just sticking up, every so often I would see my auntie glance at it and blush. "For god sakes Josh, doesn't that thing ever go down? It's been like what an hour now?" I could feel my face literally on fire as I tried to cover myself up. "Well it's your fault! You wouldn't let me play...err...with it! And now it's never going to go down until I do, I mean I am 14 you know, hormones and boner's walk hand on dick. If we don't jack than were not the same guy you know, it's like a drug...we suffer withdrawal symptoms" I felt so totally awkward and mad for some reason. "Well go quickly do it and get your butt back here so I can teach you how I make people feel sleepy" other words just talking about this crap should work hehehehe. But hey, I get to go wank, yes! You couldn't see me for dust, I rushed out of that room sooo fast, About 2 minutes later took care of that pressing business (hey I was real horney ok! I'm not usually that fast), trust me I came back my usual happy self, well as happy I as I could be considering I just lost my boyfriend. "Finished" I said as I beamed a bright smile at my auntie. "Good now let's continue..." she was about to speak when I cut here off. "Tasted great" she looked puzzled. "What did?" "The spermofoneyoungman" I burst into a fit of giggles as my auntie gave me a look of pure shock. "Well anyway (cold shiver) let's more thing, whenever I ask for a kiss on the cheek...say no ok?" I just couldn't stop giggling, I knew Tom would have just loved that, the minute I thought of Tom I lost the urge to laugh at all. "Honey you ok?" "Me and Tom broke up again" I felt something hit the back of my throat, I think it was my broken heart. My auntie cam over and wrapped her arm's around me. "Oh Joshua, baby it's ok you will get back together, you want to talk about what happened?" she whispered to me, as she pressed her fore head against mine. "No" "Ok but you know were I am if you need to talk" "I know, I love you" I kissed her on the cheek. "EWWWW! What did I tell you about kissing me?" we both burst out into giggles. "Teach me how to make people sleep" she smiled warmly at me. "Follow me" I followed her into the house, we ended up stood around a chair which had my mum sat in it. "Do I have to do this?" my mom asked my auntie. "Yes, I need to teach him, and stop been a baby, just because you couldn't do it" hehehe she put my mum in her place who started to sulk. "Fine, go-ahead do it send me to sleep, it's better than listening to this crap" my mum started to grumble. "Joshua the key is to concentrate on been sleepy and imaging it as your aura and than imagine it been transferred to your victim...err...subject, as like a sort of energy flow, do you understand?" "Yeah I think so" I said while placing my hands above my mum's face. "Than do it" I closed my eyes and started to concentrate hard, my eyes were squeezed shut so tight it hurt, and my brow was furrowed I imagined been sleepy and transferring it to my aura, and than onto my mom, I tried and tried. "I'm waiting" my mum said as I opened my eyes to see her looking wide-awake, shit. "I'm sorry I can't do it" I said looking at my auntie. "Well at the rate you're going I'm more likely to fall asleep of boredom than any type of magic" I turned and stuck my tongue out at my mom. "Joshua you will get it, you just have your mind else were that's all" my auntie said as she placed her hand on my face and turned it so she could look me directly in the eyes. I gave a meek smile. "Why is this family so weird?" my mom said stopping our little connection thing. "Joshua watch and learn" she passed my hand over my mum's face sending her to sleep instantly hehehehehe. "Cool, could come in handy" *DING DONG* The door bell rang, startling us all and waking my mum up out of the peaceful sleep she was in, I wonder who it was? End of part 14. Joshua 15. *knock knock* All our heads turned towards the door, and my mom sat up in the chair awoken from her light slumber. For a split second I hoped it was Tom back to see me to say he was sorry and that he loved me, with that in mind I flung my entire body towards the door. I yanked it open faster than lightening could strike me. "THERE'S MY SPORT" I looked at the man in the doorway, no it couldn't be could it? There was a slightly plump 40-yr old man in a white suit and a tanned wrinkled face, and a rather bad toupee. His arm's outstretched to hug me. "DAD!!!!!!!" I flew into his arms and tried to get my arms around his wide gut as he gave me a fierce bare hug. "Hold on there sport you better let go now or you will have people thinking were a couple of fudge packing queer Homo's" eek! I quickly let go as my dad had a good old jolly laugh. I stood there wondering what I should do; now I know my dad isn't all too friendly towards 'those unnatural creeps' as he calls them but I had to tell him. He loved me surely he would accept me right? I decided to put it off until it was the right time. My dad held me at arm's length and examined me. "Jesus josh my boy look at you. You have changed so much; you look so handsome just like me when I was your age. So tell me how many girls have you had than? And when do I get to meet this Tomalena?" he said while hitting me in the arm and chuckling, I just stood there with my head hung low as the mention of Tomalena brought back memories, some good some bad. I turned and ran to my mom and hugged her hard crying my eyes out. She patted my back and stoked my hair while saying soothing words to me. My dad just stood there trying to figure out what he did wrong. "What are you doing here?" my mum said, while setting me aside her on the seat and passing me a tissue. "What aren't I allowed to visit my own son? Didn't he tell you I was coming? True I'm a week or 2 early but still he should have told you" my dad asked innocently. "Did you bring the bimbo with you?" my auntie asked peering out the curtains towards my dad's flash sports car. "No she's back at the hotel, to day it's just me and my boy, were gonna go check out the chick's at the beach" he said matter of factly. My auntie just started to laugh to her self. "But Josh has stuff to do around the house" my mom said knowing I wouldn't wanna go. "Surely you wouldn't deny me my son after I came over here from England would you? I'm sure my lawyers would have something to say about that now." My mom was cornered. "I don't mind going" I said while wiping my nose, all eyes turned to look at me. "AHA! The boy has spoken come on josh get what ever you need and let's blow this joint" I quietly got up and ran upstairs to get dressed, a few minutes later I was out the door following my dad to his new car. A beauty it was to, it was red with a leather interior and chrome wheels it was a Porsh and made for (I guessed cause it only had two seats) the single man (or the married man and his mistress as in my dad's case). I jumped in the seat and off we went, I reached over and flicked on the radio, the song 'The Funky Chicken' came on, I started to giggle, which turned into a full fit of laughter. My dad quickly switched it off. "Sorry. That's Bamby's favorite song, and I try to keep her happy" he fumbled around with it until he gave up and just switched it off. We drove in silence for a few moments. "Who is Bamby? Is she the bimbo that they keep talking about?" I turned to face my dad. "Yeah she's quite a hottie only 27 and she like's your old man" the thought 'yeah for your money' flashed across my mind. "Oh" was all I could say, the car returned to a deadly silence and L.A. whizzed past us at high speed. "She's nice you will like her, just don't you go steeling her off me now you little lady killer you. Hey you never guess what. At the hotel, the bag collector was a fudge packing queer, he took my bags right and said 'like were do u want them sir'" he said in his most puffy voice, while throwing his hand in the air. "I tell you he was looking at me funny, I should have kicked the shit out of that ass licking..." he went on for like ever dissing gay's, I just sank deeper and deeper into my seat feeling worse and worse. God it's like he was never going to stop, I had to cut him off. "Dad were are we going?" I asked as he rambled on. "If a gay guy ever comes on to you son just beat the crap outta him..." he didn't even noticed my question. "Dad?" I asked trying to get his attention. "Yeah you make them bleed son, you show them who's boss..." for crying out loud. "DAD!" I shouted. "You say something Josh?" at last. "Were are we going?" "Just to the beach and maybe some shopping, and to check out the girls" he added a howl on the end of that to accentuate the 'girls' part, o happy day. We drove to the beach and parked the car and walked down to the sand. We sat there on the scalding hot sand for a few minutes in silence, before he started to talk. We chatted about this and that, stuff we have done and seem and generally caught up, of course I wasn't in it fully. I couldn't tell him I was gay now, he totally hated gay people he has said the many time over and over again. Every so often he would shout out something like 'look at that hot chick' or 'look at that fudge packer', with each comment I would feel worse and worse. "Happy birthday sport" my dad totally surprised me, he pulled out small box and handed it to me. Inside was 2 chain's with a half a heart on each, when placed together it read 'forever mine', how sweet. "Thanx dad" I said giving him a quick 'not to long to be called a Homo' hug. "What you do is you keep one and give your girlfriend the other" well duh! "Yeah dad I know" his pager beeped. "Shit sorry sport but I have to cut this short, Bamby wants me. I know, why don't you come and meet her?" o why me I asked god. "Sure why not" about 20 minutes later we pulled at the hotel and was dragged upstairs to the luxury suit, now all I could say was wow, we walked in and I swear this room was bigger than our whole house, it was huge. And like everything was either marble or gold. And look at that in the middle of the room a life size Barbie doll, how sweet. I got the scare of my life when it started to move. Who wouldn't she looked like she was made of total plastic, her boob's looked as big as 2 watermelons, and her lips looked like she had been punched in them they were so swollen. And I swear she was more like an hourglass than an hourglass. She wore a skin-tight low cut red dress revealing her...ewww...ample breasts. And a pair of stiletto heals, her curly blond hair hung down over her breasts and I swear to god that she wore way more makeup than a clown did, and how fucking long were those eyelashes? Goddamn she was a mess. My dad walked over and gave her a kiss on the lips (god knows why, he could have kissed her from the door and still have reached...hehehehe), than she looked in my direction. "Awwwwww look at him he's soooo cute and look's like my widdle hubby wubby kin's, hahahahahahaha" oh my god, that voice it sounded like nails on a chalkboard, and that laugh it sounded like a machinegun. AHHHH! I've been hit! I'm dying...hehehehehe well I was dying, dying not to laugh out loud at Bambie. This was when I thank god I was gay. She started heading in my direction, but I noticed that she could hardly walk, as the dress was so tight that it was locking her knees together. I backed up against the wall as she drew nearer, and braced for the impact. She grabbed my face and kissed me all over. Than forced me head into the neither region...her cleavage. While she hugged me my face was been squished between these two huge tits, ick! I couldn't escape either, she held me there with her hand as I tried to struggle free. "Mmmm mummy mnnnnmmm iii mmmm" I said, well actually it was supposed to be 'Get off me you stupid cow, I can't breath' but came out as a mumble. "Awwwwww did you hear that, he called me mommy, I'll be your mommy Joshy poop, hahahahahahahah" god no, that laugh again I cringed as she hugged me tighter swinging me from side to side and forcing me further into her cleavage. "Mmmmmmm mmm mmmm mmmm mmmmmmmmmmm" I said the translation was 'not on your life, and get off me I really can't breath'. I started to really struggle and started to push against her boobies, finally she let go and I flew back against the wall gasping for air, my face red and covered in sweat. "Did you like that sport?" my dad said while chuckling to himself. "Now Bambie what did you want?" Bambie looked up at the mention of her name and headed for my dad. They talked while I looked around the room; I found the little fridge they had in there and decided to ram raid it. I opened it up to find everything I could ever want, crisps and chocolate and last but not least, alcohol. I stuffed everything in to my pockets including the macadamia nuts, even though I don't like them, I left that fridge bare. I knew it would cost a fortune but HA! I had just closed the fridge door when my dad came up behind me, causing me to jump and all the bottles I was carrying to jingle, I almost shit myself. "What was that noise? Anyway I'm gonna take you home now ok? Bambie wants me to take her dancing" what? I know I didn't really want to be with him but I felt rejected at that point, it was supposed to be just him and me today, bummer. "Ok" we ended up in the car heading towards my home that weird eerie silence filled the car. I looked at the scenery, it was beautiful, the sun was setting and the sky was an amazing pink. It was truly beautiful. "Do you like her?" my dad asked. "She's ok" I lied, I totally hated her. "Good cause I'm going to marry her" what? No! "Oh" was all I could manage to say, the car went quiet again and we arrived at home in no time. I solemnly walked into the house with my dad following. It was just like how I left it, like every one was still in the same positions; I walked over to my mom and gave her a hug whispering into her ear. "She holds nothing on you mom, your way more pretty" my mom smiled and hugged me a little bit tighter. "What are you doing home this early? i thought you boys were having a 'day' of fun" my auntie asked "Well Bambie needs me, speaking of which I should be going" my dad motioned to give me a hug but I held on to my mom and just looked at him. After a few minutes he gave up and walked out the door without saying goodbye. I felt mean but he dumped me so it quickly vanished. "I wouldn't let them leave Joshua, I knew you might be late but I also new you would want to talk to them" my auntie said. "Talk to who?" I asked while looking around to see if I could see anyone. "Upstairs in your room, good luck" she yelled the good luck part to me as I bounded up the stirs to my room. I flung open the door to my bedroom too see who my auntie was talking about. "Hi" they said in unison, I was so happy and thrilled, thank you lord. End of part 15. Joshua 16 I think this was the part were god bent over so I could kiss his ass, maybe he'd let me do more...hehehe. I was just so happy I couldn't believe they were here. I just stared directly at Tom, he was a sight for sore tear filled eyes. Even through the blur of the building tears he looked amazing, I was so in need of him right at that moment I felt like licking that natural tan right off his entire body. His hair was the usual gelled short brushed forward spiky style I love so much. His green/brown eyes looking directly at me, I could literally see the love pouring out of them, and I was the cup to catch it all. It was like the rest of the world zoned out and it was just he and I, neither of us speaking a word just looking at each other. I slowly walked towards him and he gently smiled as I approached, he was so shy and bashful he could hardly look me in the eye for longer than a second. He was sat on my bed and as I approached I gently pushed him back and straddled his waist. "Josh look I have been a fool and I'm sor..." I didn't let him finish as my lips covered his. That one gentle kiss caused our passion for each other to flare up into a forest fire. That one gentle kiss turned into another and another and soon our tongues were getting the working of their life's. I started to grind myself into him. "I love you" I managed to say between the kisses. He broke our passionate kiss and looked me directly in the eyes. "I love you too" that was all he said before we started out passionate kissing again. "Umm guys?..." we were getting so worked up I just had to have him now, I had to get into his pants, my hand traced it's way down to the top of his jeans and I started to undo them. "...Hello? Guy's?" I so needed this so bad. "I'll just wait downstairs" in the back of my mind I vaguely heard some one closing the bedroom door. I had managed to get my hand inside his boxers while we continued to kiss; I could feel the silky smoothness of his penis in my hand as I started to work my gentle hand over it. The pre-cum oozing out and down the shaft, some dripping on his patch of pubic hair. I ended our amazing breath taking kiss and crawled off him so I could pull his jeans and boxers down to his ankles. There it stood in it's full glory, his 6 inches of cut meat stood proud it's head an angry shade of purple I placed my hands on his tanned thighs. I leaned forward and inhaled the manly smell of sex emanating from his groin. I started to lick and nuzzle his perfect balls, they seemed to be a darker shade than the rest of his body and it just turned me on even more. I gently sucked on each one and rolled them around in my mouth. Tom obviously liked as he was moaning and thrashing around on the bed. I just couldn't wait any more I had to taste his meat, I started to lick up his shaft, leaving a trail of shiny salvia behind. Than I circled it around the head of his penis causing a few squirts of pre-cum to shoot out. I lapped them up like a kitten...purrrrr, I slowly slid my lips down his shaft forming a tight ring, I started to apply suction and he loved it he started thrusting into my mouth. His engorged shaft stretching my pink lips to the maximum. After a few more bob's I stopped and pulled off him, a thin strand of pre-cum connected the top of his shiny slick penis to my lips; it soon broke as I moved away. I stood before him, as I quickly dropped my clothes, completely naked his eyes roamed over my milky whites pinkish body, and down to my own engorged 6 inches of meat, begging for attention. He quickly removed all the clothes he was wearing and sat on the bed looking at my body like it was the first time he had ever seen it. He scooted closer to the end of the bed were I was stood and wrapped his smooth legs around mine, the feel of his bare legs on mine caused my penis to jump and ooze pre-cum. He than started to lick my belie button, the feel of his wet cold warm tongue working it's way around my abs was electric. His hand found it's way to my shaft and with a tight grip he started to work it up and down. I rolled my head back in the ecstasy he was giving me, tingly warm feelings flowed through my body as the muscles in my legs started to spasm as they became weak under his assault on my penis. I felt the tip of his tongue brush across the head of my penis and I almost lost touch of reality, I loved him so much. I forcefully pushed him back onto the bed, and straddled his waist again but now with a new idea in mind other than kissing, I wanted him in me now. With one hand I reached behind me to make sure his slippery salvia/pre-cum coated penis found it's way to my waiting hot tight boy pussy. I could feel the angry purple head rest against my opening and my whole body shivered. With a deep breath I sat down on him, my tight hole stretching to accommodate his fat penis, I winced in pain as he entered me but soon the warm fuzzy full feeling overcome me as his pubes tickled my balls. I sat still for a moment looking into my lovers face, his eyes were tightly closed and he had a look of pure bliss on his face, he almost looked like he was gonna cry...hehehehe. Both our bodies were covered with sweat, and glistened with the last rays of pinkish light, as the sun finally set over the horizon. The room was growing cold but the heat emanating off our young bodies was enough to keep us warm. I started to move up and down on his penis, with drawing it until it was just the head left in than siting right down again, Tom started moaning loud and whimpering 'I love you' through clenched teeth. His fist's that wear clutching at the bed spread, make there way to my smooth slim waist, as he started to push himself up off the bed and into my tight ass. His penis banged my prostate gland; the amazing tingly feelings from his assault flowed through the back of my legs and through my spine. As his penis with drew it felt like my entire orgasm was going with it. He started to jack my penis off with full force as his stomach muscles clenched repeatedly; he was so close and so was I. I was bobbing like crazy and out mutual moans and whimpers and affirmations to our love filled the room. Suddenly I felt it; the pressure in my balls, forcing my love juice up through my dick and in ark's through the air, landing on Tom's chest and face. The juice just kept cumming and I bucked and clenched with the pleasure I got from the excitement of the nerve endings in my dick. Just when I thought I had run out of juice, I heard Tom whine out loud and thrust one more time into my ass, and then I felt his warm love juice flood my insides, and I came some more. We grasped each other in a tight hug and rode our orgasms to a conclusion; I felt Tom spasm occasionally and jerk into me, my very sensitive cock head rubbing on his stomach. I let Tom slide out of me and I just lay next to him on the bed, my arm draped over his chest and my leg over his, both of us breathing heavily, I always loved the closeness we had after always made me hard again...hehehe. "I love you Tom" I said while planting a sweet gentle kiss on his lips. "I love you too" he smiled at me and hugged me close. "Does this mean were boyfriend and boyfriend again?" I said twirling my finger around his nipple. "Nah it's ok" WHAT!!!! I JUST GAVE HIM THE BEST SEX OF HIS LIFE!! I was so pissed off, but I had to control myself. "What?" you could literally see the anger on my face, he burst out into a fit of giggles. "Of course we are silly...hehehehe...I love you...hehehehe...I just like to tease should of seen your face" he said clutching his stomach, I gave him one of my frowns. "Wish you wouldn't do that" he gave me a kiss on the lips and mouthed the words 'I love you' and the frown quickly turned into a smile. There was a quiet knock at the door and it opened, suddenly we realised we were both naked and I quickly dived on top of Tom covering us both with the bed sheets. Of course this led to more kissing...naturally. "Umm have you guy's finished yet?" I heard someone say from behind me, I poked my head out the side of the sheet to see Jason stood bashfully in the doorway, his face bright red knowing he had interrupted something. "Jason when did you get here?" I asked as cheerily as possible in my most 'we weren't doing anything' voice. "I came with Tom, I have been here all along, I left when you two started the monkey business and sat outside" he said looking redder. "Oh you have?" I was puzzled I don't remember seeing him, I looked down to Tom to see him trying to hold in his giggles. "Umm I'll wait outside while you get dressed" with that he shut the door behind him. "So let's get dressed" I sad while grinning at Tom. "WE could get dressed but than WE could have more sex" to emphasize each 'WE' he squeezed my ass. "Oh Tom your too horney for your own good" I said while pecking him on his perfect lips. "Sez you! You jumped me as soon as you saw me" "So...I didn't hear you complaining" I gave him one last kiss on his lip's to stop his giggling and we started to get dressed, finally we were all sat together on my bed, me ready to find out all about why Tom was with his mortal enemy Jason. We just all sat there, no one speaking, me and Tom stealing glances at each other but I was growing impatient I wanted to know so bad. "Well Tom? I'm just dyeing to hear" I said crossing my arms and laying back propped up by one of my pillows, trying to look cool. "Good get a hearing aid...heheheheheh" that was just sooo not funny...but I burst out in giggles anyway. "Ass" I smacked him on his arm almost knocking him off the bed. "Ok, ok sheesh get a grip...on my dick...hehehehehe" he just couldn't stop himself, even Jason was laughing now. "Tommie!!!" I picked up the pillow and whacked him over the head knocking him onto the floor. He was still giggling and now Jason was laughing at full force gripping his stomach, I just sat there knowing I was the only sensible grown up guy in the room. Finally after he regained his composure he started his story. "Well...when we argued I went home to sulk and cry. And I decided to wander into Justin's bedroom, that's when I saw the bin you bought for me...thank you I love it. Than I started to think of all the guys who I had seen with Justin throughout the years. And it suddenly clicked I realised you were telling the truth. Well actually it was hard at first but than I went to see Jason and he told me his story and that's when I knew it. I remember after that summer Jason kept coming around to see my brother and that's when we became friends, and a couple of month's ago he 'played' me." I noticed Tom gave Jason a mean hateful glance and I knew he was hurting still from been played. "Tom look really I didn't want to do it, but Justin used the Alex thingy against me and I had too...I really liked been your friend and I didn't want to ruin our friendship. But I love Alex and I would do anything to keep him, oh yeah sorry about the Josh thingy too...he made me do that too" Jason looked truly sorry, although I could tell Tom was still mad at him he crawled over and gave him a hug. "So I have a plan to get Jason and Alex together and take down. Justin...wanna hear it?" I said while looking at them both hugging a 'bit' too much if you get my meaning. Finally they parted. "Sure" they both said in unison. Weird. "K...well I plan to get embarrassing pictures of Justin and threaten him. Tomorrow we will go to his house taking some of my auntie's clothes and I shall send him to sleep using this thing my auntie is teaching me. Than we will dress him up and take pictures with my Polaroid camera. And if he tells Alex's parent's about him we will show those picture to the whole student body of his school" I added a little evil laugh on the end to make it sound like an ingenious plan. "That's your plan?" Jason said while giving me a 'you must be joking' look. "Can you think of a better one?" "Well no" "Than shut up and meet us tomorrow at 5'o clock at Tom's house" "Whatever" we just all sat there again in silence. "Sooo?" I asked to no one in particular, just trying to start a conversation. "Well I am gonna get gone dude's see you laterz. Oh by the way Josh should stop that goofy grin cause now whenever I see it I will know what you have been doing" Jason said as he closed my bedroom door behind him, just missing the pillow I had thrown at him. I turned back to the now giggling Tom. It's so true soooooo true you do have a goofy grin after sex...heheheheh" grrrrr how dare he! "Yeah well at least I don't whine like a dog during my orgasm" his face just dropped, and I burst out laughing. "I do not!" "Oh you do but I love you for it...can I give you this?" I pulled out the chains my dad gave me and I placed one around Tom's neck and while he looked at it in amazement I place the other around my neck. "Oh Josh I love I love you" my heart almost burst. "I love you too...are you hungry?" I said while placing a single sweet kiss on his lips. "Well if it's for you than yes but if it's for food lets go now" he jumped up and darted to the door almost knocking me over. I quickly followed catching him at the top of the stairs, I held his hand and we walked down them together looking into each others eyes, about half way down he gave me a quick kiss on my cheek, and I giggled like a little school girl. "WHAT THE FUCK" oh shit no, not him now. End of part 16. Joshua 17 "WHAT THE FUCK?" oh shit no, I leapt of Tom like he was made of fire and almost fell down the stairs, my heart beating 1000 miles an hour, the sound of my dad's words still echoing throughout my house. I looked over to were he was stood, he was leant over a table watching my auntie tell his fortune with her cards "WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT MEAN?" I finally was able to breath properly realising he hadn't seen me and Tom kiss, I glanced at Tom and I almost pissed myself with laughter, he was stood as stiff as cardboard (in both areas...hehehe) his face as white as a sheet. "I need to go to the bathroom" Tom rushed back up the stairs and I heard the bathroom door slam. I just couldn't contain my laughter any longer especially when I saw the confused looks on my parent's faces, I was laughing so hard my legs gave way and I fell down the rest of the stairs landing hard on my bum but still laughing. "Josh? You ok?" my dad asked coming to help me up. I jumped to my feet my body still wracked with laughter. "Hehehehe...yea...(sigh)" finally the laughs subsided and I was left with an aching stomach and a sore backside...but I was used to having a sore backside...hehehehehe. "What was so funny?" my dad asked innocently. "Hehehehehe...nothing" I replied trying to look as innocent as possible, he didn't buy it but he left it alone "Dad? What are you doing here I thought Barbie needed you". "Bambie and she did so I just came by to say goodnight to my one and only son" awww how sweet. "Goodnight dad" I ran back up the stairs leaving my dad waiting for a hug, and I ran into the bedroom to see Tom jacking off furiously, I just shut the door behind me and walked over and sucked him to orgasm. The rest of the night passed quickly it was basically sex, sex and more sex...but who was I to complain. The next day we both had school god I didn't want to go I kept begging Tom to ditch with me but that bookworm wouldn't. Every class just seemed to go slow and I mean slow but it wasn't to bad I guess I mean I had Tom with me in most lessons. Every so often we would meet in one of the bathrooms and have a quick suck it just me or are we too horny lately? It seems like every chance we have had since we've got back together we've had sex...what am I saying? I love it...hehehehe. We had met at the tree for our dinner...after a quick suck in the bathrooms of course...hehehehe. "So what you got for lunch?" I asked wondering what my auntie cooked him. "Just a sandwich but I have already had the spermofoneyoungman" he said a big slimy grin plastered across his face. "I didn't know you liked Chinese...hey how come she didn't give me any Chinese?" I rummaged around in my little bag, than it hit me this is the first time I have ever brought a packed lunch to school...creepy. "Josh, the sperm of one young man" he sounded each word out perfectly, I just started giggling like crazy. "I know you idiot I was just teasing" he punched me in my arm and wrestled me to the floor, both of us giggling. "Hey, both of you get in...I'm breaking you out of school" both of out heads 'cocked' up to see my dad opening the car door for us to jump in. "Last one in is a rotten egg" Tom screamed as he quickly jumped up and ran for the car leaving me behind, it was a tight fit in the end but all 3 of us were sat in the 2 seater on top of Toms lap. I could literally feel him getting horny over the situation. "I thought you didn't want to ditch today Tom" I said crossing my arms and pushing down on his tool. "I didn't but I saw this cool car and thought what the hell" he pushed up into me. "You see Joshua your friend has good taste" he slapped Tom on his back, I could literally feel Tom's pain. "Dad were are we going?" I asked just out of curiosity. "I don't know I just though I would hang with my son and his boyfriend" eek...mine and Tom's hearts stopped and our faces turned white, the erection which had been poking me in the bum had quickly vanished. "Umm? Boyfriend?" I asked nervously waiting for my dad to go berserk yelling his head off. "Yea isn't that what you American kids call your friends now? Frankly I don't see why it all sounds gay to me" I swallowed hard at the near miss but my body was still shaking. "No!" Tom piped up from behind me "We don't call each other that" "Sorry my mistake I didn't mean to call you both fags" he started laughing loudly and Tom and me just sort of chuckled and went to looking at the scenery whiz by. "So were do you boys go to look at the hot chicks around here?" umm shit I haven't a clue. "The 2nd floor on the mall opposite the underwear shop" Tom said, I turned to give him a puzzled did he know that? "Right than let's head there" my dad said while the car sped up. Tom leaned closer to me and whispered in my ear. "Don't worry I heard some of the straight boys talk about it never been there myself" I started to giggle a bit and I felt the usual stiff tool poking me in the bum. The danger of having my homophobic dad whom doesn't know about my gay relationship sat in the car while my boyfriend ground his dick into me from behind was having a stiffening affect on me...hehehehe. About 20 more minutes of this torture had passed before we ended up sat in the mall eating ice creams watching the women pass in and out of the laundry boutique. All three of us were stood leaning on the railing my dad peering at the women like a dirty old pervert occasionally making a joke about the size of there breast, me and Tom faking our laughs. Suddenly I got the urge to be evil I looked at my dad and saw the possibility to be grounded if I was evil to him, I looked at Tom and just grinned, he smiled back. Tom lifted his hand to take a lick of his ice cream and I dug him in the ribs with my fingers hard making him yell out in shock and pain. His ice cream splattered across his face, I just burst out laughing so hard that I made the whole mall just stop and look at us. Than Tom just did something I didn't expect he came over grabbed my face and rubbed all the ice cream off his face on mine and started to laugh himself, my heart stopped what would my dad say? I looked at my dad to see him chuckling and shaking his head at us. "Oh you bunch of fags" he laughed loudly at us as we cleaned up in silence. "Oh man look at the time" it was 4.47pm wow time sure fly's when your bored shitless...NOT! "Oh shit...err...sugar we have to meet Jason" Tom said trying to cover up his swear word. "I'm sorry dad but we have to go can you give us a lift to Tom's house?" I asked tugging on my dad's arm like a little kid. "Can't you just tell him you forgot? And we could hang out some more, just us guys we can catch a movie, what do you say?" god he was desperate. "Sorry dad I have to go" he looked so upset, but hell I had a life I just couldn't drop it just for him. We drove to Tom's house in silence no one saying a word, Tom's boner poking me in the bum again, I think I had hurt my dad deeply...just like he hurt me when HE broke up with mom...I am sooooo not bitter...hehehehehe. We arrived at Tom's house at 4.59 PM which was amazing considering it was like at the other side of town, he must have been going faster than my auntie "Bye dad thanks for the ride and the mall and ice cream and stuff" I got out the car leaving tom and his boner behind. "Yea thank you it was totally radical dude" radical dude? What the hell? I have never heard Tom speak like that before. Tom leaned over the car door to shake my dad's hand, in the process the other half of the chain I had given to him fell out from beneath the T-shirt in to plane view. My dad looked from the chain to me than to Tom than to Tom's boner than to me again. Tension filled the air, no one saying a word. My dad just drove off with out a word leaving us behind in the little cloud of dust. "Do you think he knows?" Tom startled me out of my little daydream. "I don't know and I don't care, I have more important things to think about today" "But Josh he's your farther" "And you point is?" Tom just looked at me in disbelief, I started walking towards his house and he soon followed, there stood on the doorstep was Jason in all his hunky glory. "At last I have been here for like 30 minutes, did you bring the stuff?" SHIT! The stuff was at my house, I guess we will just have to make do. "Josh we forgot the stuff" Tom said as he came up behind me. "Yea well we will just have to make do, you have a camera right? And your mom dose have clothes right?" I asked. "Well yea she doesn't walk around naked you know" we all started to giggle but you could tell we were all nervous, if we failed Jason and Alex would be no more and that just sucked ass. We walked in the house and Tom told Jason to go get the clothes while he got the camera, my job was to talk with Justin...yippee. I gently knocked on his bedroom door and let myself in, thankfully I had managed to find it first try. I took a deep breath as I closed the door behind me. "Josh what a pleasant surprise, always nice to see you here" I gasped in horror and tried to cover my eyes as I realised he was laid on the bed reading a book completely naked, he made no attempt to cover himself up. His flaccid uncut penis just hung there on his plump nuts, the whole thing crowned by a patch of neatly trimmed pubes. His amazing body just laying there...god what am I saying? Justin's my boyfriend...err...I meant Tom I really meant Tom. I tried to purge my brain of dirty thoughts but it just wasn't working my penis was already to full attention. But I didn't have time to mess around, I had to send him to sleep so we could get to work, I bravely walked over to him. He put down the book and watched me, I stood next to the bed and closed my eyes, suddenly Tom rushed into the bedroom and gave Justin a cup of coffee to drink...great! That's gonna make my job a whole lot harder, he rushed out again with out saying bye. Justin never broke his gaze on me, I closed my eyes again and got ready to send him to sleep using the trick my auntie taught me...I just hoped it worked or we will have to knock him over the head...hehehe. I took a deep breath and I heard him taking a sip of coffee, I waved my hands over him forcing my sleepiness on to his aura, I concentrated hard blocking everything out of my mind. "Did I ever tell you...(yawn)...I think your very sexy? Especially when...(yawn) your acting insane" I ignored his feeble comments and concentrated harder. A few minutes later I opened my eyes he was out cold. I DID IT! YIPPEE! My auntie would be so proud if she could see me now. Tom came into the room and stood by my side inspecting his sleeping brother, followed shortly by Jason with all the clothes. I was so excited I finally did it. "Tom look he's asleep, I can't believe it he's asleep" I hugged Tom hard catching him off guard. "Yea all those sleeping pills I slipped into his coffee really knocked him out" I can't believe I mastered the art of sending people to sle...WHAT? SLEEPING PILLS?! "What do you mean sleeping pills?" I asked al my hopes and excitement crushed. "Yeah I slipped them into his coffee, how else did you think we were gonna get him to sleep? Magic?" he burst out laughing at the word magic. "Yea...magic what a stupid notion" I lamely faked a laugh but Tom didn't notice, I hid my face so he couldn't see my embarrassment. "Is it just me or does seeing Justin laying there naked and unconscious turn anybody else on?" Jason asked breaking the small silence, we all turned to look at him and he turned red with embarrassment "never mind" "Well let's get going" it was just so much fun, Justin was like a life size doll we had so much fun dressing him up and putting on his make up. He ended dressed in a pair of red stilettos, a velvet purple skirt, and a orange silk blouse, with a pair of fishnet stockings. His make up was thick but not too thick to hide who he really was. We were going for the prostitute look and we achieved it. Than as a final insult we hitched down his skirt and knickers a bit and had his cock hanging out. Than with the Polaroid camera we took picture after picture of him like that, about 30 had been taken as we moved him in different positions. For our last photo we set the camera on timer and we all sat on the edge of the bed Justin propped up between us, than we took 3 pictures like this one for each of us for...umm...memorabilia. We left Justin laid on the bed in the clothes with a note pinned to him as well as one of the pictures of himself. The note explained that if he were to interfere with me Tom Jason or Alex again those pictures would be passed around school, especially if Alex's parent's found out 'somehow' he was gay. We split the rest of the photos up between us and said good bye to Jason as he went off to tell Alex the good news of their freedom. While Tom been the sweet pea that he is walked me home. "Tom are you ok with what we have done? I mean he was your brother and I know you loved him dearly" I asked him trying to force a conversation. "Yea it was fun" he didn't sound too lively, I left it for a bit and we walked in silence. "Tom I wasn't asking if you had fun, I was asking if you were ok with doing it?" he sighed heavily. "Well he is my brother Josh and I love him but I don't agree with what he is doing and so I was glad to help out today" he gave me a weak smile and I knew he wasn't ok but he would get over it...I hope. We walked up the driveway and I noticed my dad's car was parked there...great! I looked at Tom and he had the same look in his eyes, why is he here and not with Bambie? Does he know about Tom and me? I walked to the front door and was just about to go inside when Tom held me back. "Aren't you coming in?" "No I think I'll sleep at home tonight, I love you Josh" just than I saw his eyes sparkle in the light and I fell in love with him all over again. "I love you too" I looked around nervously to see if anyone was watching than I pulled Tom into a passionate kiss, our warm soft lips met and our tongues explored each other's mouths. Tom broke the kiss "On the other hand I think I will stay tonight if you don't mind" we both giggled and went back to out kiss which seemed to intensify with passion every second. I vaguely remember hearing the door opening. "I FUCKING KNEW IT!" End of part 17 As always comment's welcome to and I will try to answer them all. Also you can visit my web site at thanxs 4 reading bye.


4 Gay Erotic Stories from L23m


Stuff you need to know before reading: Y'know the drill don't read if you are underage or don't like stories about two teenage boys, etc. This is my first story so be kind with comments. Joshua Hi, my name's Joshua I'm 18 now and I guess I just need it tell my story of becoming gay to someone, I must have had the worst time, it

Joshua 11-17

Disclaimer Hello again, you know the drill don't read this if you don't like gay things or if you are underage, etc... Comment's welcome to and thanx to Eric for proof reading this. Bye every one enjoy. and if you want the more broken up version of this visit my site at Joshua 11 'At first I

Joshua 3-10

Disclaimer Don't read this if underage or upset by teenage boys doing sex stuff, etc... This is fiction. But hopefully someday the better parts of this will be fact. Thanks to the people who write to me for this story, and to nifty for posting it, and to my bf eric you better like this or I'll kick your arse! And I hope comically gets well soon. and this is


Disclaimer Don't read this if underage or upset by teenage boys doing sex stuff, etc... As always comments welcome to Enjoy. Joshua Part 2 Days had passed I hadn't been out my bedroom. I just spent the time crying, going over and over what had happened at Jason's house. Why had the only one I loved turned me away, was it


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