Gay Erotic Stories

Josh's Boy

by Abercrombie boi

Chapter 1: Josh When I first saw that I was rooming with Pete, I almost died on the spot. Pete is not exactly the most loose guy I know, he has this problem called anal retentive. Then I looked further down and saw Alex's name. A slight smile grew on my lips as I knew we were going to have fun. Alex was an awesome guy, great to hang around with and I must say, impeccable dresser and he has the looks to back it up. He stood about 6'1" and was about 165 lbs. He had short black hair, and gorgeous brown eyes, I guess he wasn't a typical beach boy since he had a mix of Asian in him, but he was devastatingly cute. He played tennis, and was awesome at that, earning a spot on varsity and he had brains, managing a 4.2 GPA. Well, the trip was going to be a blast. " Yes." I murmured to myself as visions of the trip arose. Just then, someone hit my arm. " What's up?" a deep voice inquired. As I turned around I was face to face with Alex, I felt a sinking feeling. "Oh I got to go ask Mr. Mann something" as I thought up my excuse quickly. Covering up my fast growing member. Just seeing him in his tear aways/ warm up pants. You know, the kind where they button down the sides. I took quick glance at a slight image of striped boxers which were visible through one of the gaps between the buttons , and got an immediate stiffy. I ran up to the teacher's desk and tried to be nonchalant as possible, pulling off a cool, calm attitude while I stared at the gorgeous guy towards the front of the classroom. Chapter 2: Alex: As Josh ran up the mini stairs, of the mock college classroom, I couldn't do anything but stare at the awkward behavior displayed by one of my friends. Plus, Josh made it easier by wearing baggy jeans in the band of his tighty whites popped through towards the top. Josh was a cool kid, funny, smart, and incredibly spontaneous. Not to mention nice looking. He stood about 6'0" or around my height, and was well proportioned, probably 170-175 lbs. The boy had messy brown hair, in which some strands were lighter due to his constant exposure to the beach and sun. Although it was messy he had this way of styling it that made it look good, yet casual. Down to his toes the guy was built, but two things always made me hot. First were his eyes, to complement his messy/cute hair he had piercing blue eyes. They were not only crystal but, they also had laces of yellow tint in them. Second he had these nice hairy legs, which were well built. Being a volleyball player, he needed those legs, and worked them to perfection, and when he wore his mesh shorts to practice I would always stare an extra five seconds. I stood there and looked at the rooming list for this Virginia trip and thought that it would be fun to room with Josh, although there would be two drawbacks. One would be Pete. And the second reason would be my girlfriend. The trip would be in 3 days and would last for a week, 6 nights sleeping in the same room with Josh, the thoughts filled my head as I sat down in my desk. Chapter 3: Josh As I waited to board the bus that would take us to the airport, I waited a little bit for Alex , just to make sure he made it to the bus on time. To no surprise, he was a little late, but, forgivable, since we were leaving at around 6:30 in the morning. I boarded the charter bus and took a seat by the window. As each person got on, I pleaded with them in my mind, hoping that they would not sit next to me, because this bus trip would take an hour, and sitting next to a nerd for an hour is not what I call fun. As Alex got on the bus, my heart pounded and my face turned red. I turned my head towards the window and blankly stared outside. " Mind if I sit here...." he said....To his girlfriend. My heart sunk, as I figured that he would sit by her on this entire trip, not to mention the airplane ride and everything in between. I mean, what does this girl have that I don't? Well, a pair of breasts and a vagina gave me the quick answer. As they snuggled, I kept looking towards the street, hoping that no one would sit by me. " JOSH! Can I sit by you?" Mary chimed as I began to drift off. " Sure, just don't fall asleep on me. ok?" I said jokingly. " Actually , I want he window seat, ok? Lets switch!" " Ok, go for it" i replied as we switched seats. Actually I like sitting by the aisle, I got to sit closer to Alex, since he was only like 3 feet away from me. I kinda sunk into my chair and zoned out, thinking it could be me next to Alex, instead of her, Megan. I took out my discman, plugged in headphones and listened quietly, as I drifted into sleep. Chapter 4: Alex God, I love her. Megan, the way she talked, snuggled, smelled, just about everything. As I sat down next to her, I noticed Josh , not in his carefree moments, staring out the window. As I gave Megan a quick kiss on the lips I managed to glance at Josh giving me look, which confused me. I took off my gloves, wondering what was wrong with him. Gosh, I thought to myself, I wonder why I cared so much about Josh not being himself. As the bus trip grew, I gave an occasional look to my bud who was feeling low. I wondered at the many reasons he could be feeling bad. " Damn it! We're stuck in traffic. don't worry kids, it'll only be a short delay" I heard my teacher say as the bus began to slow. LAX isn't exactly happy driving around 7:00 in the morning. Luckily we gave ourselves another two hours to spare, since our flight was not until 10:00, and boarding starts at 9:30. Well, I got comfortable and just wondered what was wrong. I couldn't get him off of my mind, him being down in the dumps made me feel like crap. I didn't know why I cared so much. Megan found that spot in my shoulder and fell asleep. I felt like the only one awake on the bus. I ran my hand through Megan's hair and then gave her a kiss on head as she dozed away. I managed to fall asleep, but not without thinking about him. I awoke to the yelling of directions to follow, by my teacher. I rubbed my eyes as the first few rays of sun kissed my eyes, and gave me a nice wake up call. I got up from my seat and started exiting the bus, holding Megan's hand. I gave josh a rub on the head, to wake him. Chapter 5: Josh Straggling to awake, I grabbed my CD player, and ran to the bus exit. Everyone was already off and all the guys were loading the luggage at the gate. " Good job Josh, look at everyone else picking up the bags. You manly man you!" Mary said sarcastically as she cracked a smile my way. I saw Alex reach for a large piece of luggage that only a girl could pack. His hooded sweatshirt was just a perfect fit on him. The gray fabric ended just below where his pants started. When he bent a really nicer view of his ass, as well as a crack of his Tommy boxers peered through the brim of his jeans. SMACK! " Josh, you aren't a woman, pick up the bags lard ass!" Sarah yelled as I got to picking up the closest available piece of luggage to cover for my staring. Besides,it was the only gentleman thing to do. I started loading the luggage to the gate, and quickly the pile of kluggage was gone. We all got comfortable as Alex and Megan drifted off. I wandered in their direction in hopes to find a Starbucks or some coffee supplement to help me stay awake. As I passed them I saw them close together. His hands holding her by the waist and his fingers inserted in her belt buckles. The kinda of PDA which made me want to puke. Well, I managed to find the Starbucks and eventually made it back to the boarding gate. Alex came with Megan close to his side and we all gave our boarding passes and made our ways to the seats. "Lucked out!" Our teacher yelled, as two tickets messed up. " Unfortunately, Megan, Mary, Pete and Sam, will not be with us on the airplane trip. They get to sit in First Class!" Acting like it was a dramatic goodbye, Alex said he'd be okay for four hours, as Megan got on the first class part of the plane. We all took random seats, and prepared for the four hour flight towards Washington, Dulles Airport. Alex took a window, and I sat in the row behind him, zoning out once again . Alex strapped on his silver framed sunglasses, they had silver rims, but the ear parts were black. They had this way of semi-tinting his eyes, barely hiding them, but enough so that you could make out his beautiful eyes. He started to come my way, and the closer he came, the harder my heart pounded. Chapter 6: Alex " Hey Josh, got room over there for me?" I asked trying to cheer up my friend. " Yea, I don't know, with my fat ass, I might take up two seats!" he replied. " So what's up, anything wrong?" I asked, knowing that no answer would come from his lips. But I tried my best to cheer the guy up. " Uhh. Nothing, what do you mean? I'm fine. Don't worry about it." Josh replied. I knew that he wouldn't let me know what was bugging him. We soared over the clouds, speechless, the deafening silence, making it awkward for the both of us. I tried to make conversation one last time. " So. How about NSYNC?" I said in a joking fashion. "Well...I think you are the one who needs his head checked if you are asking me about NSYNC!" He replied. This was the Josh I knew. It gave me a big relief that he was back to normal. Just then, another gut check hit me. Why did I care so much now? Hmmm...I got back to deep thought. Staring at the clouds, Io wondered if I really did like Josh. I couldn't put into words how I felt about the kid, but on the otherhand, I loved my girlfriend. Suddenly, I got hit on my leg, which gave me the shudders, but brought me out of the veggie state. " Dude, earth to Alex! Time for the in-flight movie, its ARMAGEDDON! Yipee! As if it wasn't old enough they make us watch it again!" Josh stammered on and on. I managed to pay attention but the thoughts kept rushing through my head. Chapter 6: Josh As Alex stared at Liv Tyler and Bruce Willis on the movie screen, I looked into his eyes and figured that something was brewing in that brain of his. It couldn't be a missing of a girlfriend, after all she'd only be gone for a couple hours. I looked around and pretty much everyone was hanging around, switching seats whenever the seatbelt light faded. It seemed forever, and with a gorgeous guy next to me, eternity on this flight was well spent. he was so kissable, right then and there, I wanted to kiss him on those soft lips, but I couldn't. He whipped out a stick of Chapstick and coated his lips with a thin film of that stuff. " Want some? Its gonna be cold there and lips don't fare well in freezing temperature." He asked. I gladly obliged, and savored each moment. It seemed like I was kissing him, through this stick of lip balm. But I didn't take it too far. Mary, sick from the first class pampering came over to visit and asked to speak with Alex for a little bit. " Al, can we talk? Josh, could you switch your seat for a minute. Thanks." " Sure." I moved from my seat and went one seat up. Chapter 7: Alex "She what?" I asked, hoping to get a different answer. Tears started to burn from my eyes and my throat felt like it had a million and a half frogs in it. " Yea, I'm sorry. We were talking and she told me. I figured you need to know. I am very sorry." Mary replied, after I had found out Megan was cheating on me. "could you just leave me alone?" I pleaded, and Mary got up and left. I sat in my chair and felt like I had so much pain within me. My heart cracked, shattering to pieces. I had been with this girl for nearly 2 years. The pain hurt like a knife, and it hurt to breathe. I sat there, thinking of the happy times, the days of love and how much I had loved her. My sweatshirt soon became my tissue and the tears I did not catch burned down to my face, and rested on my lips. As we descended to the run way, I mustered a solemn face and eventually walked off the plane. A million emotions ran through my head, building up in a culmination of anger and disappointment. I didn't speak another word about this to anyone until we got on the bus towards our hotel. From there I could manage to be alone and find dinner on my own. I just needed to be alone. There are times when its better to say nothing at all, and this was one of them. The group plans were to meet at the hotel and then split up and have a bite to eat. "Simple enough." I thought to myself, and made my way towards the charter bus which would be our means of transportation throughout the whole trip. Aside from the bus you could take the taxi or the subway, I figured to take the bus to the hotel and then unpack. Food came afterwards. As soon as I got to the hotel, unpacking in room 501 would be first on my agenda. One thing was quite odd, usually there are two beds and one rollaway, but in this room there was one king size bed and one rollaway. This means two of us would be sharing a bed. hmmmm....what a nice surprise. I started to unpack, grabbed my gloves and went off, hoping to find something quiet and serene. Chapter 8: Josh Could you believe my luck? Alex and Megan broke up? I guess upon uncovering this juicy piece of gossip I ran up to my room, and noticed Alex walk briskly by me. He had the look in his eyes of hurt and pain, but tried to cover it with a solemn face. I ran to the room , hoping to catch up to Alex as soon as he left. I dropped my bags, and found the King-size bed with a note attached to the bed. Guys: You two have to share the bed. Unfortunately, there's only room for one person on the roll-away and that's for me. If you noticed I arranged all my things in orderly patterns, according to day of wear and I used the 3 drawers available to us. You guys can use the closest. Sincerely, Pete At first, I was outraged with the note. This snobby asshole is going to have a bed all to himself for 6 nights and not even give us proper storage space. But, on the other hand Alex and I would have to share, which would be all the more better for me. Quickly I hung whatever I had in the closet and ran after Al. Weaving in and out of people, and stumbling upon Megan, I managed to find him going his own way. Except someone grabbed me by the arm and yanked me to towards the hotel lobby. "Here. Give this to Alex." Megan asked. her eyes were red, and she had a hint of remorse for her actions. I received the note, grasped it in my fingertips and ran off to find Alex. It seemed like a million years before I found him, head sunk in his hands, crying on a bench. "Got room on the bench, or is your fat ass too big?" I asked, trying to lighten the mood. Hoping to make him crack on of his gorgeous smiles. "Yea, sniff. just make sure your lard ass doesn't hog up all the space" He replied in a weak voice. "Dude, what's up? Want to talk about it?" "Not really Josh. I don't think I can talk about this type of thing." "Well here take this, Megan told me to give it to you." "Thanks" he replied receiving the note with his fingertips, and a little touch occurred. His hand brushed against mine, sending a shock up my arm and eventually to my brain. "Hey Josh, your hands are cold, put these on. They'll keep ya warm. I'll be seein' you." As he said this, he handed me the warm gloves, as he walked off holding the note in his hands. Chapter: 9 Alex Dear Alex: Please don't be mad at me. If I knew what was going to come of my actions, I wouldn't have ever done that stupid act. Please forgive me, because I love you so much, and words will never ever amount to the devotion I have for you. Please give me one more chance. Love, Megan What was I supposed to do? I decided to head back to the hotel and see if I could talk things out with her. I made it to the main lobby and no sign of anyone, it must've been around 11:30 when I finally went up to my room and found her, sobbing on my bed. " I don't know why, I just did. Stupid actions, lead to consequences" She said. I tried my best, not to let myself get carried away, but I gave her a small kiss on the cheek, and brushed her hair with my fingers, as if it were a way to say i forgive you. Then I took her back to her room, and said g'nite. " Too much stuff" I thought. Just way too much. here I am, falling in love with this girl, while all the time I am thinking of one of my friends 24/7. Could It be? What was wrong? I finally showered quicky, trying to forget the actions of the day, and picked the said closer to me on the bed. Sitting there, I waited, and waited for Josh, and all the while, trying to figure out where my relationships with both stood. Staring at the ceiling I just wondered about the day's events and wondered what a dampener it would put on my friendship with Josh If he found out about the thing I had for him. Adding Megan into the mix would just make it worse. I waited longer and longer for my two roommates to enter the room, KNOCK! "Alex, you in there?" my teacher's voiced echoed through the door. "Yea, what's up?" I opened the door to find a sick Pete, in the arms of my teacher. "Do you think we could get his stuff together, he'll be sleeping in another room." "Yea, sure no problem." I handed Pete his pj's and his toiletries, and went back to laying on the bed. I waited there for about 10-20 minutes, and then tried my best to get to sleep. Seemingly, just as I had achieved the state of sleep which I sought, Josh bolted into the door. I tried my best to do a sleeping imitation, and hoped he wouldn't be too loud. But, what was interesting to me was that he tried to tiptoe throughout the whole room, it was kind of amusing seeing him trying not to wake me. Chapter 10: Josh I stood there, in the shower, wondering if I should make my move. Soaking my face in the steaming hot water while washing the stench of the day's events off me felt great. It felt like I had been deprived of a shower for nearly a day and this was truly worth it. I got out and rubbed myself dry before entering the room where everyone was sleeping. I quickly got the bottom of my pj's on and flicked the TV on, perhaps to catch some of Jay Leno or any other late night TV show. I saw Alex there, sleeping peacefully, but I wanted him so bad. He was there in his boxer shorts, shirtless, on top of a King Size bed! Hello, what else could I ask for? I flopped there beside him, wondering what he was dreaming about, wondering if I should make my move. "Alex, I love you." I whispered into his ear, softly, and I quickly pulled the sheets over him, covering his half-naked body. I got into the bed next to him, And turned off the lights. I was so close to him, hearing his every breath and feeling the warmth exuding from his hot bod. I slowly put my hand on his leg, and worked it till the inner thigh, rubbing slowly and sensually. By now I had a hard on and it was being quite obvious. Chapter 11: Alex I awoke to faint whispers in my ear, as I felt I slow pleasure coming from my leg. If I wasn't mistaken it as Josh's hot hand on my leg, and I wanted more, I shifted to the side it was coming from, urging him to go on, but pretending I was asleep. I positioned myself on my back, spread out my legs, inviting him to explore some more. I felt extremely gay at that point, but it felt so good to be touched by a man's hand. I got a bit closer to him and faced him, feeling his breath on my face. I felt him breathing hard, as if he were questioning his actions. His hand moved up and down, wanting to touch my cock, but his fear made him evade that part of my body. His hairy hand went up and down my leg, feeling courageous he positioned one of his nicely built, hairy legs on top of mine. At that moment we were face to face, his cock touching the outside of my leg, while mine rubbed against the outer of his. Chapter 12: Josh As I got closer and closer, with each move I questioned, trying to think for an excuse that I could pull out of my ass to satisfy I why I was on top of this gorgeous guy. I decided to pull my body away from his, and play it safe. I wouldn't want to risk our friendship for a selfish act of lust. "Don't stop Josh." Alex said in a groggy tone, as soon as I pulled my body from his. "What? I didn't mean to do any of this. I swear I'm....." Just then, Alex gave me the hottest kiss in my life, possibly to shut me up. his tongue danced with mine, as I explored his mouth with my tongue and his body with my hands. " Now will you shut up? No need to explain to yourself." Alex reassured me, as I went back to work. I worked him slow and steady rubbing him up and down, feeling his hard chest, down to his ripped abs and finally to his smooth ass. I could see all the joy I was giving him, just by looking him in his eyes. "I think its time for a little retribution . I want you to be my boy. My boy for the night" "Make me your boy, Josh." Chapter 13- Alex I made my way to Josh's mouth, giving him an awesome kiss. I tried my best to pretend like I was kissing Megan , but this was sooo much better. I let him invade my mouth with his tongue, I could tell that this guy wanted me from a long time. From there, I licked and kissed my way down to his armpits, then his nipples, next his abs and eventually down his happy trail and eventually to his hairy cock and balls. " Yea that's it." He said as he guided my head down onto his hard on. Never ever doing this before I was a little hesitant of sucking on another guy's dick. I licked his thigh up and down, it was soo hairy, much hairier than Megan's but it made it all the while better. Finally, I landed on his balls, which were big and juicy, waiting to cum. I sucked on each one, while watching his reaction, his blue eyes gazing into me so lovingly and full of pleasure, his hand went behind my head, while the other arm rested behind his neck. His hair was wet from the shower and form his sweat, and the pleasure he was having must have been so great. He put his fingers in my mouth and told me to suck on them as I did so lovingly. After he pulled his fingers away from my hot mouth his other hand went behind my head and guided me to take his cock in my mouth. The first reaction was one of hesitation. I've eaten out plenty of girls, but never have I sucked on a guy's dick. He pushed my head down onto his large, fat member while I gasped for air. " That's sooo good Alex.." While saying this, he inserted his middle finger, lubed with my saliva, into my asshole, pushing in and out, seeming to have no restriction or limitations. In all my life I have never been finger banged by a guy either. But I sure as hell enjoyed it. He pushed in and out, slowly then faster as time grew on. I couldn't believe this was all happening. in an instant one finger became two, as he stretched out my ass by spreading his two fingers apart and then together. Meanwhile, I took his cock into my mouth, savoring the smell and juices permeating from his manhood. I've gotten my fair share of bj's, and I knew exactly what he wanted. I went down on him, eager to taste him, and it felt so good. His hand guiding my head where to go, while he fingered my ass to oblivion. He pushed down on my head, making me eat more of his cock, until my nose were at his pubes. I went up for a breath of air, but he instinctively pushed my head down. " That's it. Good job. I know you like it Al. Show me how much you like my cock." He said in a breathless, almost cocky voice. Chapter 14: Josh After a few minutes of intense oral sex, I decided to teach my buddy how to take it up the ass. I loved this guy so much, and now that I had him, I would make it a night to remember. I pulled him off of my cock, and positioned him on his back. His ass was pretty much stretched, and ready for some good ole' ass play. "Josh, what are you doing?" He asked in a semi- curious voice. "Hold on, you are gonna like this." I once again used my middle finger to finger his waiting hold. It was so tight, but what else would you expect from a virgin ass? His ass begged for more and I was gonna give it to him. Licking up and down his smooth crack, I enjoyed the way he wiggled and moaned at every move I made. I stuck my tongue into his awaiting hole and pushed deep with it, sending shivers into the guy I was tongue-fucking. And by the way he smiled and looked me in the eye, he wanted some more. My dick, being soaked in his spit was good enough to go in his hot tight, virgin hole. I made him lay on his stomach while I pushed my cock into his pussy. "You want my cock in your pussy don't you Alex?" "Yea, fuck me Josh" That was all I needed before I pushed my way through his ass muscles, and while watching him release in pleasure. his grunts matched with mine drove me to the point of lust from which I wanted to be in him so badly. With every stroke, I pushed into his body, often times taking his breath away. Chapter 15 Alex: As Josh pushed and pushed, I felt his hands on my hips, guiding me onto his fully erected member. Feeling almost slutty, I wanted to give Josh the best fuck of his life. I pushed hard on his cock, feeling his pubic hair tickle my ass, as his hands groped and pulled at my bodies. He bent forward breathing heavily into my ear, and with each stroke he drove deeper inside me. " Be my boy Alex. I know you want me, and I want you. Show me how much you like this." That was all the motivation I needed. I used my ass muscles to milk his cum-filled cock, and wanted to give him the sluttiest ride of his life. I could feel him, ready to burst, and he pulled away and told me to face him. " Come here Alex. I want you to swallow all of this. " Chapter 16: Josh I pulled Al closer to me, and buried his face in my cock. had I known he wanted this I would've made my move sooner. With each of his sucking motions, I grew onto the brim of bursting. Finally, I shot my load into his mouth, and he took it all, swallowing it and licking the cum off of his lips. I then gave him a hot kiss and tasted my own sweet cum. I decided to return the favor by sucking on his cock. His cock needed attention , and he needed to relax. With his eyes closed, and his head back I was in the driver's seat. I sank so I could lick up and down his abs, tasting him, and savoring the moment. I then drank up his cock and tasted the essence of him. his sweaty body exuded a musky odor which turned me on even more. The boy was about to explode. With a final grunt he shot into my mouth, giving me his precious love juice. Sweet and satisfying I couldn't get enough. The cum was hot and sticky, but it was more than I expected, it was out of this world. Virgin cum , the best kind. I got up and laid beside my boy toy. "Alex, I love you." I said, giving him a final kiss, and put my hand onto his cock. "Love you too Josh." As he turned away, positioning his ass on my dick, as he fell asleep.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Abercrombie boi

Josh's Boy

Chapter 1: Josh When I first saw that I was rooming with Pete, I almost died on the spot. Pete is not exactly the most loose guy I know, he has this problem called anal retentive. Then I looked further down and saw Alex's name. A slight smile grew on my lips as I knew we were going to have fun. Alex was an awesome guy, great to hang around with and I must say, impeccable


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