Gay Erotic Stories

Jason Baker's Sex Ship, Part 1 - Holographic Perf

by Big D

I am Lieutenant Jason Barker on the U.S.S. Endeavor, a galaxy class starship with a mission of patrolling the Kridnar Navigation Block for about 3 years. During that time I had many sex adventures. Let me tell you of one. STORY 1: HOLOGRAPHIC PERFECTION I was feeling rather tired after a long day of scrubbing out plasma converters so that we could prepare the warp core for the long mission ahead. The Star Date was 237805.13 (May 13, 2378) and we were going to move out the next day and start our patrol along the Neutral Zone. It was to be approximately 1000 days before I could return to earth, and I was going to make sure that I had a good time. I went out and had dinner with friends, danced all night, and went to bed nearly drunk out of my mind. (Klingon Blood Wine has that effect at times) However, I was surprised to be woken up by the computer at six hundred hours the next morning only to find that I had no orders for the day. I strolled up the Chief Engineer and asked him what was going on. "Oh, well, we couldn't get the warp core on-line. Somehow the drive systems burned out when Ensign Powers dropped a tricorder into the dylithiam chamber last night. It could be another 20 hours before it is running again. The captain ordered us to kick back and enjoy our stay on Earth for another day or so, you know, to get things all straightened out. You may have noticed that no one is here today, hell I have to leave myself in a sec, and you and me are the last ones left." I looked around, and he was right. Oh well, If I chose to stay on board, I would have the run of the ship. I guess I would. "Say," I raised my eyebrow at the Chief, "is the captain on board?" He winked back, "No, I think I heard him talking about being out for at least another 3 hours." I raced down to the turbo-lift, one more thing had to be right before I was about to put my Star Fleet career on the line. The turbo-lift door opens, and I step in thinking of all the truly beautiful pictures of indulgence passing through my mind at the time." "Deck," I chuckle as I talk, "sixteen." The computer beeps and suddenly the turbo lift takes off. Within 30 seconds I am already on Deck 16. I walk into Main Engineering. No one there!!! "Computer, what is the status of the warp core?" "THE WARP CORE IS DISABLED BECAUSE OF A PRIMARY DRIVE SYSTEMS FAILURE, THE SHIP IS NOT CAPABLE OF WARP SPEED AT THIS TIME." "Computer, when was this core installed?" "THIS CORE WAS INSTALLED ZERO YEARS, ZERO MONTHS, AND THREE DAYS AGO." "Computer, how many security algorithms have been installed?" "PLEASE WAIT. NONE." "Computer, I am taking control of all primary systems. Authorization Beta Charlie Sigma twelve." "AUTORIZATION CONFIRMED." "Computer, initialize the impulse engines. Begin Space Dock disengagement sequence, and inform Star Fleet that we are testing the, umm, artificial gravity system near Jupiter today." "COMPLIANCE. MESSAGE SENT." "Set a course to Sol 5 (Jupiter) at maximum impulse. When we arrive, achieve standard orbit, and respond to all hails with a busy signal. After three hours, I want you to notify me that the time has elapsed, set a course back to space dock, and make it take at least twenty minutes to get there." "PLEASE WAIT. NAVIGATIONAL POINTS HAVE BEEN LOGGED. AWAITING EXECUTION MARK." "Mark." "IMPULSE DRIVE ACTIVATED, TIMER IS NOW AT 3 HOURS AND ZERO MINUTES." I ran to my quarters as fast as possible. I stripped down to wearing absolutely nothing, and ran around the ship completely naked for twenty minutes. It was invigorating. I then decided to rethink those thoughts about beautiful naked men in my head, and then I thought, THE HOLO-DECK!!!" I walked into the Holo-deck, the doors made a big clank as the shut behind me. I looked over at the control panel. I pressed the on button. "Computer, I would like to do a simulation today. First of all, remove all Star Fleet codes on nudity." "REMOVED." "Now, create a man." A man, about 30-ish appeared in front of me, completely silent, wearing shorts and a tee-shirt. "Make him look twenty years old." Ouch, he was starting to look hot with his younger looks. "Increase muscle tissue percentage by thirty percent." He buffed up quite a bit. "Computer, reference the 20th century film, Starship Troopers. Give my man the face of Johnny Rico." (If you don't know, Johnny Rico looks like a football player with the squared jaw, and beautiful deep blue eyes.) Make sure to make him completely anatomically correct." I went over to my new man, and he made my skin crawl. Seeing as how he was only a hologram and without programming, we wouldn't talk or even flinch. I rubbed my hand against his crotch. It was, yuk, normal. "Computer, remove his clothing." God, he was impressive, accept he had a run of the mill dick. "Computer increase the size of his penis. More so. More so god damn you!!!" That's more like it, nine inches when flaccid is pretty good. His balls did NOT match his gorgeous dick though. "Computer, increase the diameter of the testicles by three hundred percent." I was starting to get jealous of this guy. I walked around my man, looking at his god-like body, and sending the computer little commands to perfect it. (Hair color, Nose, etc.) And then I dared to touch it. DAMN, that's cold. "Computer, give the man's skin the texture of human skin, and make him have a correct body temperature." I could touch him now, but his flesh was so solid. "Computer, generate textures for all tissues, and make the flesh more realistic." The man disappeared as the comp thought and thought. Finally, he reappeared. Perfect, I could touch his body and it felt real. I played with his dick and balls, and everything I wanted. But still, something was missing. "Computer, make him respond to my commands. And make him seem to be alive." Suddenly my man gasped for air as he took his first breath. He was alive. He suddenly began to walk around embarrassed. "You will obey me, stand still." "Yes, master," he said as he covered his groin. "Computer, whip." A whip appeared near the door, and I took it. "Computer, begin auto-regeneration subroutine." I whipped him really hard, but the mark went away, but he still cowered in pain. "You will never cover a part of your body. You are my creation and I can see anything I want to. Now, remove your hands from your groin. Yes, there is that beautiful cock again." "WARNING, TWO HOURS REMAINING." "Yeah, yeah. Anyway, put your hands by your sides, no wait. "Computer, scenery, meadow with waterfall." Woooish!!! The door and surrounding room are gone, and we are in a beautiful meadow. "Lay down against the grass. Put your hands by your sides, and stay there without moving." I kneeled down and looked at his beautiful cock. "Close your eyes, and spread your legs." I laid in the grass and it tickled my cock as I climbed towards his crotch. I saw the beautiful bounty before me and thanked to lord for holo-projectors. I dove in sucking that gigantic cock. I had had cock before but this was robust and full of life. I sucked and sucked and sucked a lot. "Move your hips and fuck my mouth, slave." He started moving with me, and we both had the goal of me smelling his groin hair. I sucked and licked and played with his balls for a while, and he seemed to be just the same. And then he just came all over me. I tried to swallow as much as I could and it tasted great. "TIME HAS ELLAPSED. RETURNING TO EARTH. ETA 20 MINS." "Oh shit!!!" My man laid a hot one. "Not you, asshole!!!" "Computer, delete all the files pertaining to what has happened on the holo-deck." "CONFIRM MULTIPLE FILE DELETE." I looked at my beautiful man, and he looked down, knowing he was about to be removed from existence. "Download my character into a portable emitter, which will be replicated in my quarters." "Replicate and transfer." My man was gone. I felt bad for a sec. "ETA 5 MINUTES, ENTERING EARTH ORBIT." "Computer delete every sensor log, or data fragment created by me today." "COMPLETED." "Have some clothes ready in my quarters and beam me directly to my quarters." As I dressed in my uniform preparing to take the credit for making the last tests on the ship, and meeting the captain at the space dock, with him knowing I was good enough to stay on duty, I was quite pleased. But I was even happier as I looked over at my replicator, and within it was a small portable holo-projector. END OF STORY ONE. If you liked that I think I will have more coming out each week or so, no promises though.


5 Gay Erotic Stories from Big D

How To Fuck A Cop The Easy Way

Thanks for reading my stories people. I send out a newsletter every week with on of these stories in in and will soon have a web site. I like cops. I think cops are hot. It's like the localized military. Cops are much easier to do than military guys. You can use their pride as a weapon against them. Here's an example of how I fucked a cop once: I went to the local police

Jason Baker's Sex Ship, Part 1 - Holographic Perf

I am Lieutenant Jason Barker on the U.S.S. Endeavor, a galaxy class starship with a mission of patrolling the Kridnar Navigation Block for about 3 years. During that time I had many sex adventures. Let me tell you of one. STORY 1: HOLOGRAPHIC PERFECTION I was feeling rather tired after a long day of scrubbing out plasma converters so that we could prepare the warp core

Jason Baker's Sex Ship, Part 2 - Sleeping Gas

I am Lieutenant Jason Barker on the U.S.S. Endeavor, a galaxy class starship with a mission of patrolling the Kridnar Navigation Block for about 3 years. During that time I had many sex adventures. Let me tell you of one. STORY 2: SLEEPING GAS We were well on our way to the Ruinore Sector, along the border of the Neutral Zone. Just before we left space dock, I saw the

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