Gay Erotic Stories

Jamaican Holiday

by M

The night air is stifling. I feel the trickles of sweat as they bead, then run down my flesh underneath my clothes. The white cotton gauze of my shirt clings in transparent blotches to the clammy skin beneath it. The Jamaican music drifts to my ears with waves of distant laughter. Within that room people are laughing. People are loving. People are succumbing to the passions that will later rule their night. Alcohol and sex run freely to heat the souls of those who partake in either. I am standing outside and down the block. I have heard of the orgies and wild doings that go on there. But as yet, and as now I am too afraid to join in. The door man to the 'Club Flesh' beckoned and invited me in with the call of "make your fantasies come true, come, enter, and live." I merely ducked my head and walked quickly by praying the whole time that he could not see the fever in my eyes, or the trembling of my hands. Around the corner I stopped. My soul would not let me pass by and remain trapped within the walls of the life that I had built around me. My fear had not let me turn and go back. The struggle between them was perhaps the root of the sweat that now covered my body. The white cotton pants I had selected to wear were also quickly becoming sweat soaked and transparent. I had foolishly chosen to forego underwear in order to be cooler. My moist crotch was beginning to show the tell tale signs of flesh beneath the clinging material. There was a hint of flesh tones through the pants, and more than a hint at the size and shape of my equipment. Part of me wanted to cover myself and run back to the hotel in shame at what I wanted to do. Part of me wanted to toss back my head, stick out my chest and flaunt the cock that was hardening and becoming increasingly more visible as it realized its prominence. That was the part that was winning the battle of morals. Behind me, in the alley where it is too dark to see from my port at the opening, a breathy sigh and a lilting moan betray a woman as she sinks into the grip of passion's flame. In the shadows I can barely see the Silhouette of a pair of bodies as they writhe in ecstasy. A man's muffled voice can be heard as he speaks to his paramour, his face buried in her wetness. Again I hear the laughter of the crowd. The rhythm of the music seeps ever deeper in my soul. My cock hardens fully now and is strapped tight against my leg by the tight white linen. It's outline is not enough, it pushes transparently at the cloth, fueling my mind, which in turn only fuels itself. I must make some move. Either Go in or run once again into the arms of nonexistence. I think of my home in Ohio. There I am respected. There my wife and children love me. There I have a successful life. There I am dying from the mental cancer called boredom. I long for excitement. I ache for the touch of flesh. New flesh that I have never smelled, tasted, or touched. Across the street I see a couple that I saw at the entrance of the Lounge. They walk hand in hand and laugh the secret laugh that only lovers can share. Have they been lovers long? Or is it truly the laughter of discovering someone new. I will go back to that place. In my heart I know it. I see the beautifully shaped breasts of the woman. On the darkened street, the man has slid the straps of her dress away and openly fondles them as they walk together. The bulge in his shorts betrays the generosity of his gifts. He is dark and hairy. I can see that now. They have crossed the street and are approaching on the sidewalk that I am frozen to. I push my ass back against the brick corner of the building behind me. I wish for a moment that the bricks would open up and swallow me so that I would not be seen. Then I would not interrupt this moment shared by the lovers. As they come closer, they do not stop their caresses. Instead, he lowers his head without losing a step and kisses the exposed nipples that jut proudly from her tits. My cock leaps in reaction. I know that momentarily they will see me and the magic might disappear behind the veil of shame. I step back into the alley, hoping that I won't be seen. To destroy passion would be more than I could bear. There is so little in my life that I can not be responsible for taking it from someone else. The pungent air hits my nose like a fist. It is the thick smell of rotting trash. But beneath it is the sour smell of sweat. Beyond that is the pungent smell of sex. Not just the couple behind me. Now they are panting like running dogs as they couple with abandon. I hear and smell the quickly escalating tryst as it is blossoming closely behind me. The lovers round the corner of the alley. The man catches my eye as they pass. He smiles and notes the raging hardon that is now blatantly jutting from my body. The woman pauses, reaches down and squeezes my cock. She says something to him in Jamaican and they laugh as they continue into the alley. He winks as they go into the blackness. The panting stops for just a moment as the lovers continue closer to it's source. Then after a brief moment it resumes. This time again, I hear the low moans of another woman starting passion's journey. A young boy of about 18 rounds the corner and with a quick look at my hardened cock scurries into the blackness. There is something familiar about the boy, but I shake it off as ridiculous. I am in a country that I have never visited before this morning. How could I know him? I listen closer as this time there is not even a pause to greet the intruder. My curiosity is swelling almost a quickly as my throbbing cock did. I take a hesitant step towards the interior of the alley. There is a narrow opening as the opposing building juts its corners out defensively. Beyond that I can detect only a wider space and the breathing of several people within its interiors. My heart is pounding. There are many people there. The dim light from the street reveals the buttocks of someone lying on the pavement. Where there should be a chest, there is only blackness. Where there should be knees and calves, there is again only blackness. A hand enters the light to squeeze the pale ass that is so dimly lit. The hand is that of a man. That I can tell. The ass, however, I am not so sure. It is smooth and hairless like that of a woman, but it dimples like the ass of a man. It is not a slender ass, just plump enough to not belong to either of the lovers, or the slender boy. I step beyond the corner, keeping my back to the brick wall. I must be completely in blackness now. They will not know that I have entered and am watching. The sweet smell of sex is everywhere. It burns itself into my brain as it strengthens my cock's resolve to forget my conservative life that is waiting back home. I nearly shout out loud as a hand reaches from below me and seizes my throbbing organ. It is warm. It is strong. And It is freeing my aching rod from the confines of my breeches. Instinctively, I start to stop its progress. Before my hands can stop the opening of my trousers, another hand seizes mine and directs it to the soft supple flesh of a woman's breast. The hand is a man's. I can feel the hair on the back of it as it rubs the breast along side of mine. A mouth has taken over for the hand at my loins. I can feel the hot breath as its lips nibble gently at the loosening mound. My shirt is being unbuttoned and pulled from the falling pants. The mouth engulfs my cock in one swift movement. Hands caress my chest. They are different hands. One belonging to the woman whose nipple I reach to kiss, the other to the man who put my hands upon her. The third set of hands are pulling my cock deeper into the worshipping mouth by using my ass as a handle. My eyes are adjusting as I see the woman is not one of the lovers, they are just down the alley about 6 feet. The man who has been sharing breasts with me is a stout man. The shopkeeper that I bought the outfit I am wearing from. The woman has her head tossed back as he licks the other nipple that is closest to me. From my vantage point I cannot see the face of the person on their knees in front of me.--just the shadowy body that is below it. My heart jumps a bit when I realize that the person so expertly driving my cock to orgasm, is pulling its own cock. It is the boy that passed me. His thin body is heaving for breath as he sides up and down my dick. I remember where I have seen him. He is the shopkeeper's son that fitted me with these pants. The man looks up at me from the woman's chest. He smiles, leans over and licks my nipples. My mind reels as his hot lips force past the whiskers on his face and brush my tender flesh. The woman drops to her bottom and starts sucking the shopkeeper's short thick cock. She begins to masturbate the boy. He relinquishes his hold on himself and returns to stroking my ass. My heart leaps as I see another body enter the alley blatantly. I have heard stories of foreign prisons. It is not my desire either to call home or explain just how I got put there. The body passes us slowly. I can see it is a young woman. Her eyes have not adjusted to the darkness, but boldly she enters and waits, anticipating the hands that will soon welcome her to the party. She is pulled roughly into the lovers tryst. The man drops to her pussy opening her legs and thrusting in his tongue. The women meet in a deep passionate kiss, stroking each other's breasts. The woman beside me kisses me. Her tongue searches my mouth with abandon. I feel a jolt of tingling from my thrusting tongue to the cock buried in the boy at my feet. He runs his finger beneath my balls and his spit slicked fingers probe at my quivering ass. His finger slips past my puckering hole and the bolt of electricity reverses as my brain overloads. There is nothing but physical sensation and blinding whiteness. He is beginning to fuck my ass with his fingers as his mouth sucks my balls. Another mouth covers the end of my cock in a viselike grip. The teeth scrape the sensitive head as the tongue grinds its sandy roughness against the tip. I start to shake with unexploded desire. As the world slowly comes into focus, it is the shopkeeper that is working over my increasingly sensitive cock head. The lovers and the other woman have moved over and it is a myriad of hands, lips and sensations that we are becoming lost in. The boy stands now. He puts his cock into the dripping pungent cunt of the woman with the lovers. She bleats like a baby lamb as he begins fucking her in short angry strokes. The lovers are alternating in feast at the shopkeeper's upward thrust ass. The man mounts him as the woman slides underneath and licks the dripping juices of their sweat covered coupling. I feel the man's thrusts as the shopkeeper slides further down my cock with each increasingly deep jab. The woman that I have been fondling has her fingers at my asshole. She is trying to take up where the boy left off. Her nails scrape painfully as her fingers probe my ass. I pull her hands away and put them to my mouth. I can taste the musky flavor of my ass on her fingertips as I suck them alternately. Also I taste the juices of her pussy. She has not left herself neglected. A strong hand reaches for the back of my head and pushes me forward. I try to resist. I don't know who the assailant is. They have come from deeper in the alley. I am bent over forcefully as a pair of lips surrounded by a thick mustache invades my sweaty ass crack. The tongue is like a separate living fire being as it juts in and out of my spastic ass. I can't believe the sensations. My arms are pinned by the bodies writhing before me. I cannot even reach back and feel for the identity of my ass happy friend. He is fucking me with his tongue and my nerves are ablaze with crackling energy. He stops and I feel a sharp pressure at the opening of my ass. I try to pull back, but the man suckling my cock will have none of that. He is lost in the obsessive pummeling that his ass is taking. He must concentrate on my cock to keep from losing all sense of reality and being totally lost in the fucking he is enduring. My ass stretches and a sharp pain shoots up my spine and through my nuts as the man behind me enters my ass. My knees give way, but the assailant holds me up by my hips and continues his rapport. The pain slowly gives way and I realize that deep within, from just below my balls a blinding fire is building. I am lost between the lines of agony and ecstasy as my cock is pushed deeper into the shopkeeper’s gullet and my ass is set ablaze from the friction of it's invader. I am lying on the shopkeeper's back and I look down to see the hairy man's cock sliding in and out of his ass. I look over to see the women in a daisy chain beside us on the pavement. They are licking and sucking each other's pussies and lost somewhere upon the isle of lesbos. The men continue to writhe in a ball of twisted angry flesh. The hairy lover pulls his cock from the shopkeeper with an agonizing groan. I feel the hot splat of his cum as it hits me in the forehead. Blast after blast fires onto my head and chest. The man behind me groans as I feel him push deep inside of me and start to fire his load. My own nuts have already began dumping into the shopkeeper's mouth. I see the boy licking his father's cum below us as it drips from his now flaccid cock. The man behind me pulls out. I can finally see his face. He is the doorman that invited me into the club. He pats my exhausted behind as he returns my feet to the ground. He leans up to my ear and whispers, "Perhaps next time you will come in." With that he pulls up his pants and heads for the entrance of the alley. I sink to the ground, my pants dangling from one leg. As I slide from the shopkeeper's body, he pulls up his son and kisses him hard on the mouth. It is still strange to me. The boy dresses as he leaves. The party is breaking up, but I am too exhausted to move. As the others drift away I see more people entering the alley. A woman steps up to my face and grinds her pussy on my lips, only to pull away laughing as she goes deeper into the blackness. I slip from consciousness. I awaken to the rough shaking of a hand upon my shoulder. It is a policeman. He is telling me to go from this place. He says that he is giving me a break this time, but next time I get drunk and take off my clothes, I had better be indoors. I look around the alley that is now flooded with morning sunshine. The only signs of the night before are a pair of panties that lay several feet from my hand. "She must have been some woman to roll a man like you, huh mainlander?" The cop's partner said. I felt for my wallet in my pants, it was gone. "She done you pretty good eh" "Something like that" I said noncommittally. The cop that had awakened me was helping me up! I looked into his eyes and my heart stopped. It was the male half of the lovers, the one who just hours ago came upon my face. He gave no recognition or admittance as he put my foot into the other leg of my trousers. He was truly a handsome man.--dark black eyes to compliment his chocolate skin and long black lashes that swept dramatically over those eyes. I felt his hand on my lower back as I fastened my pants. My shirt was gone. He tucked in the rear pocket of my pants and pushed me towards the entrance of the alley. "Can you find your way back to your hotel?" The partner asked me. "I think so" "You have plenty of clothes there, mon?" "If not I know where there is a good shop to get some more" "Okay then, be on your way" I left the alley. Images of the night before came back between the poundings in my head. As I walked, my sore ass muscles began to loosen and my step became lighter. I felt the empty pocket that had contained my wallet. It was going to be a hassle replacing the traveler's checks, but I had left more and all of my important papers back at the hotel. There was a piece of paper in my pocket. It was a business card with the name of the office that I had met last night and another card that said, "Free Pass" for the Club Flesh. I guess after I went to the shop for new clothes, I would need to rest up.


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Jamaican Holiday

The night air is stifling. I feel the trickles of sweat as they bead, then run down my flesh underneath my clothes. The white cotton gauze of my shirt clings in transparent blotches to the clammy skin beneath it. The Jamaican music drifts to my ears with waves of distant laughter. Within that room people are laughing. People are loving. People are succumbing to the passions that will

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Chapter 8: Teddi's Turn I woke up between Teddi and my Master. I laid there for a few minutes half asleep thinking about last night and how much fun I had in the Orgasmic chair and later in bed. I slipped my hand down over my tummy to my crotch and fingered my clit and noticed that I was still very wet. I rolled over and snuggled up to my Master and fell back to sleep. When I

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The Sex Slave

A story told by the participants R, M and T Contents Introduction Desire of a Sex Slave Chapter 1 Two Weeks with my Master Chapter 2 Gang Bang Chapter 3 The playroom, Renee and Teddi Chapter 4 After the playroom, Hans and Helmut Chapter 5 The Golden Shower Chapter 6 Teddi's Story, her night with Master's groom Teddi's Story, 2nd version Chapter 7 Renee gets in


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