Gay Erotic Stories

Incubus, Part 2

by Deland Vincent, author of Poolshark, Constructive feedback welcomed The farmer heard that wet crunching sound as of a limb being removed and saw the creature's own disembodied organ laid on the bed in front of his face. He then felt his own organ anchored against the creature. It had replaced its' own organ with the farmer's and was fucking him with it! He still felt the sensations of his member and was delighted to discover how divine his tight hole felt around his own cock. Logically, the creature seemed to get no pleasure this time. "Was it doing this just to please me?" the farmer thought. His body was again wracked with the spasms of orgasm and he felt his own hole tighten around his own cock as he released his seed, feeling it flowing out of him and back into him at the same time. He felt himself drifting off to sleep as the creature hugged him close to its' body and lay next to him. "Please kill me," he tried to whisper, "don't leave me this way." But hardly a sound came out. The demon-man had one muscular arm wrapped around him, and with the other he was stroking the farmer's hair. The farmer felt his own member softening inside him as he drifted off to sleep. His last thoughts were to pray silently for forgiveness for the terrible sins he had been forced to commit during his final moments in this world. The farmer woke with a start as he remembered what had been happening. He reflexively tried to lift up and look at himself to see if he was truly dismembered or if it was just a dream, but something stopped him. He was restrained. He looked up to see a rope looped several times around his wrist and tied off tightly. His arm was there! He looked all around and found he was whole. Perhaps it was a dream. He was hardly concerned that he was tied spread-eagle to his bedposts. It took a few moments before he began to ponder how that had happened. Then he noticed reddish marks around his elbows and knees, a bit like something had been tied around there cutting off the circulation. The same mark was around the base of his cock. His jaw dropped. It was not possible. It couldn't have been real! Yet it seemed to be some evidence of his earlier dismemberment. He started to scream in hopes that someone would be around but he was still mute. He wondered if the creature had forgotten to restore his voice. He wondered why he had been left tied. Was it coming back for something? The farmer began to panic. He could die of thirst before someone happened by. Even if someone did come, they would not likely come in to check on him. He couldn't call out to anyone. He finally resigned himself to waiting and realized that the demon must have had some reason for this beyond leaving him to die. Otherwise, why would it bother restoring his limbs? After a few hours the reddish marks had nearly vanished. It was impossible to tell that the horrible surgery had ever taken place. He was surprised to find that he wasn't thirsty or hungry at all after many hours had passed. Actually, he was feeling quite full, like he had just eaten a large meal. Looking down, he even thought he looked... "It must be in my head" he thought. The sun was low in the sky again, and he was hoping that the darkness would be what the creature was waiting for. His life passed before his eyes as he tried to contemplate the many possible things that the demon had in mind for him. Was it going to kill him? Was it going to use him again? Was he to endure the entire process of being taken apart and raped again? is thoughts were interrupted as he thought he felt his stomach growling. He didn't feel hungry, but something... there it was again. It wasn't growling. It was a shifting feeling, like he had a muscle spasm or something. That could be it. He looked down and was suddenly gripped with fear as he saw his stomach bulge out and felt the sensation again. It did not look normal. It was like nothing he had ever seen. He froze and watched patiently to see if it would happen again, at the same time hoping it would not. The silence was numbing. The moment seemed to draw out while he waited. When one distinct bulge was quickly followed by another in a slightly different spot, he renewed his struggling with his bonds. He was sobbing as much as was possible without a voice as he pulled against the ropes and tried in vain to reach the knots with his fingertips. He had no idea what he would do if he did manage to free himself. Perhaps he would find some quick and violent way to kill himself before whatever gruesome fate in store for him could unfold. His wrists were chaffed from struggling with the ropes when he finally stopped. He stared up at the ceiling, stupefied, trying not to see his stomach visibly growing from the corner of his eye. In the span of ten minutes, it was bulging out like a pregnant woman's. He began to wonder if he would somehow give birth to the thing inside him or if it would simply rip its' way out. For the second time in a day, he resigned himself to his death, all hope again lost. The sun was setting behind him and he watched as the projection of his window slid up the opposite wall and faded. As it did, the movements inside him resumed and became more distinct. Tears were streaming from his eyes as he felt the stretched skin of his abdomen contorting to internal pressures. Finally, there was one steady pressure in the center and he saw a point developing until several tiny, glistening fingers with blackened nails popped through the skin, accompanied by a wet sound. He was enthralled and couldn't turn away from the sight. There was no pain, no blood; just one of the strangest sensations he had ever felt as his abdominal muscles and skin were slowly parted by those fingers and another set that appeared next to them. The head appeared next, and the farmer's eyes bulged wide as he imagined a demonic visage on a tiny infant, but it faced the other way as it emerged and quickly freed itself from his body. Just a tiny baby with a full head of dark blonde hair, crawling now across his crotch, between his legs, leaving a trail of some clear alchemical fluid. There were dark black nubs on it's back, the vestigial wings that would soon develop. It seemed unaware of its' creator. It crawled to the edge of the bed and waited there, holding itself up on all fours easily, its' head held high, as if looking at something on the opposite wall. It was growing as he watched. It limbs were thickening and elongating. Its' hair was even growing. It seated itself on the edge of the bed still looking away as if pointedly ignoring the farmer. There was the sound as if knuckles popping as the back elongated and broadened. It stretched its' arms up and away, drawing itself out in all directions. In a matter of minutes it was a fully developed, post-pubescent boy with shoulder length hair. At this point the wings began their own remarkably accelerated growth until he was stretching them out as well and working them. It finally turned its' head and looked directly into the eyes of the tied up farmer, smiling. He jumped at the sight of the obsidian eyes, exactly like his first unwelcome visitor. The boy got up and casually began rinsing himself with water that had been left in a basin. As he did so, he continued to mature. His muscles developed and seemed to harden and become more defined and his organ enlarged as pubic hairs grew in around it. The demon child, now a demon man, sat next to the farmer and smiled at him as it caressed his cheek. With his other hand he reached down and drew one finger from the bottom of the wound in the farmer's stomach to the top, closing it up neatly as it went. There was nothing but a red mark behind that was sure to fade like the others. It climbed on top of him and began kissing him on the cheeks and then on the mouth. As the creature's face got close to his, the farmer saw a resemblance to the other creature, but there was something else familiar about it. For a while he couldn't put his finger on it, but when the creature first spoke, he finally realized what it was. "Thank you for bringing me back into the world, Mother. I will always be grateful." With that he went down on the farmer, gradually engulfing his manhood. The farmer went reeling into an ecstasy unmatched by anything the night before. The creature seemed to be a master of seduction and giving pleasure. It brought him to the edge several times, pausing each time to let him drift back before continuing. When he finally came, the creature drank it down greedily. He was in a state of complete satisfaction and utterly drained of fear as well. All the tribulations he had been through seemed to be the sufferings of someone else. They were far behind him. The creature began looking around and seemed to find something in the top drawer of the chest. It reached in and came back to the farmer with a balled fist which it quickly shoved into his mouth. He felt fingers working deep inside his throat, but this time he simply waited patiently for him to finish. He was no longer afraid. "Thank you" was all he said once his voice was restored, his first words all day. The creature merely smiled and pinched each of the ropes binding the farmer's wrists and ankles, causing them to snap, and rushed out. He faintly heard the flapping of wings as it took off, and the sound faded away The children gathered around the farmer who, after much badgering, had finally been convinced to take a break from his chores to tell a story. The bundle of little gremlins was blustering with excitement. It was not easy to pull away from his harvesting, as he was having the most productive crops ever this season, but he could not resist the charms of the delightful young ones. Their eyes still glowed with wonder for the world and their smiles could light up the darkest of hearts. The farmer’s mind began crafting a story even as the children waited around him, but before he could finish, one of the tiniest girls there shouted out in her high pitched voice, "Tell us the story about when you were first visited by the fairies!" "Don’t you want to hear a new story?" A boy nearby answered for her. "My sister hasn’t heard that one yet. This is her first time." "Me neither! Me neither!" other voices added. "Well we mustn’t leave anyone out. I’ll tell the story again, but next time, I’ll tell a new one." "Do any of you ever feel lonely? Do you ever get afraid when you’re in the dark by yourself?" There were many nods of agreement from the smaller children. Many of the older ones, especially the boys, were defiant at the idea that they would ever be afraid of the dark, and they said so loud and clear "Not me!" The farmer just smiled. "Well sometimes, grown-ups feel lonely. They even feel afraid when they’re alone in the dark. That’s right. Even me." "Not you Mr. Bartlet! You’re bigger and stronger than any man in town. What were you scared of?" "I got scared by the fairies once. That was before I knew them very well. All I knew was to leave food out for them and not to insult them so they wouldn’t break my windows or let the hens out of their pen. Little did I know that there was a lot more to the fairies than even I had dreamed of. Some of them are very large and very strong, and they have incredible magic powers." "What kind of powers do they have?" "Why, a fairy can heal a person. Did you ever go to sleep with a scrape, and wake up to find it was completely healed?" "I did once," said a little girl. "Well the fairies probably saw you fall down or get pushed or bump into a tree, and they felt sorry for you. So they came to your house that night and fixed you. They can fix a person as easy as we fix a wagon wheel or a doorknob. But they can take a person apart just as easily too." Jaws dropped open all around. "Oh don’t worry. The fairies will always put you back together again." "Why would they take someone apart?" "Well I don’t know really. Maybe if they need to fix something that’s messed up inside you. Sometimes I think they do it just cause it’s fun for them. They don’t mean any harm. Do any of you ever play with little building blocks?" Several children nodded. "Doesn’t it hurt?" one child asked. "Oh no. They know how to do it so it don’t hurt. Did anyone ever have a tummy ache?" Nods all around. "Did it go away in the morning." More nods. "Well that’s because the fairies came to you while you were sleeping, took you apart, fixed your tummy, and put you right back together again. You didn’t feel a thing, did you?" Heads shook. Jaws dropped in amazement. "The fairies like to help people if they’re good. Fairies can always tell a good person from a bad one, and it’s even easier to tell a good child from a bad one. So you have to always be good, because the fairies know." The children all nodded their approval, but then someone got impatient. "Mr. Bartlet! Tell us about when the fairies visited you!" "OK, OK. Well, as you know, I live here all alone. I was feeling very lonely one night when I thought I saw a scary shape in the dark. See the thing about fairies, is that some of them look really scary at first, like a monster or something. But then the more I looked at it, the more beautiful it became. It whispered to me to not be afraid. It said it wouldn’t let anything hurt me. Well I didn’t believe it at first. Why it took me apart like I was just a toy. Then I found out why it did that. There was a fairy who had been hurt. It’s really hard to hurt a fairy because they’re so strong, but it can happen. You see, a fairy spirit doesn’t go to heaven when the fairy dies. It gets stuck wandering around without a body until it can get a new one. So the fairy put something inside me to make the other fairy a new body. When the fairy got better, it made a hole in my stomach and climbed right out. Then it fixed the hole like it was never there and thanked me for helping it." "And it didn’t hurt when you got took apart or when it made that hole?!" "That’s right. Didn’t hurt one bit. But I sure was scared. That’s because I didn’t believe the fairy when it said everything would be OK. I thought I was gonna die for sure, and I had already prepared myself for the hereafter. I didn’t know then that you don’t have to be afraid of a fairy as long as you’re a good person." "Ever since then, that same fairy and sometimes other ones like to come and visit me. They keep me from feeling alone at night." "Once I ran out cause I heard a wolf tryin’ to get into my hens, and that wolf was the biggest, scariest I’d ever seen. It was nearly up to my chest standing on all fours, and its’ matted fur stood out in all directions. The moon shined off of the spit drippin’ from it’s teeth. That thing growled at me and wasn’t a bit scared of me. I froze in my tracks from fear. Then I thought I heard wings fluttering, and I saw a dark shape in a tree top nearby. The wolf got scared away but I wasn’t scared anymore cause I knew it was one of the fairies watching over me. So if you ever see a dark shape in your room at night, don’t be afraid. It’s probably just a fairy. And just cause it may seem scary lookin’ at first, don’t be afraid, cause that’s just the way some of ‘em are." "You’re makin’ all this up!" an older boy proclaimed. "You don’t really believe in fairies, do ya?" "Be careful what ya say, Jimmy. The fairies might be listening to ya. And they might just pay you a visit if they think you don’t believe in ‘em. Now go off and play. I’ve got a lot of work to do." Jimmy just shook his head in disbelief. After most of the kids had scattered, the farmer called Jimmy over. "I’ve got something to show you Jimmy." the farmer said, grinning. He showed Jimmy slight red lines going around his elbows, his wrists, his knees, and his ankles. Then he showed other marks going around his waist and around his neck. Jimmy had a confused look on his face. "What are those from?" he asked. "These are the places where the fairies took me apart last night. See there was several of ‘em and I guess each one wanted different parts to play with." As the farmer said this Jimmy’s eyes got real big and he backed away a few steps before turning around and running all the way home. The farmer just laughed and got back to work.


6 Gay Erotic Stories from Deland Vincent

Gender Gap

Written by Deland Vincent ( Constructive criticism welcomed. Once the pirates had us disarmed and cuffed, they started marching us rapidly through their ship. This vessel was enormous, especially for a pirate ship. It had certainly made short work of our ship. At first I assumed they wanted to hold us for ransom until I saw a number of workers that were obviously

Incubus, Part 1, author of Poolshark Constructive feedback welcomed "Mr. Bartlet." If the farmer had not been numbed by a long day in the fields, the shrill voice might have severely startled him. Still, he had not heard anyone approach as his head was under a stream of cold well water. His head whipped around, his shoulder length hair splattering a trail of

Incubus, Part 2, author of Poolshark, Constructive feedback welcomed The farmer heard that wet crunching sound as of a limb being removed and saw the creature's own disembodied organ laid on the bed in front of his face. He then felt his own organ anchored against the creature. It had replaced its' own organ with the farmer's and was fucking him with it! He still felt

Pool Shark, Part 1

POOLSHARK Part I Written: Feb 20, 1994 Written by Deland Vincent (a.k.a. This stranger was becoming more and more fascinating by the moment. It was a beautiful house. That practically goes without saying in the neighborhood we were in. I had only recently moved to Atlanta, but I knew that this was a very nice area. He had said that he

Pool Shark, Part 2

Written: April 15, 1994 Written by Deland Vincent (a.k.a. When I started reading Taven's diaries, I was sitting on the living room couch. The television was providing background noise to give me a vague feeling of company. The windows were open to let in the fresh air. It was a beautiful sunny day out. However, soon I found that I was going to need

Pool Shark, Part 3

Written: April 27, 1994 Written by: Deland Vincent (a.k.a. I finished Taven's first diary. I was excited about starting on the other one, but I felt somewhat ashamed. I felt like a voyeur, getting such pleasure from the ramblings of this boys bizarre sex-life. I couldn't stop myself though. Richard was right when he said I'd get a lot of pleasure from


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