Gay Erotic Stories

Incubus, Part 1

by Deland Vincent, author of Poolshark Constructive feedback welcomed "Mr. Bartlet." If the farmer had not been numbed by a long day in the fields, the shrill voice might have severely startled him. Still, he had not heard anyone approach as his head was under a stream of cold well water. His head whipped around, his shoulder length hair splattering a trail of droplets across her dress. He thought he recognized the young woman from his occasional visits to town, but he didn't know her name. He was a quiet person and not really a part of the regular social circles. But not surprisingly, most of the town seemed to be quite familiar with him. Available bachelors were apparently in short supply lately. The tiny bit of water caused her arms to fly up, and her jaw to drop as she gasped. "Excuse me, Ma’am. What brings you out to these parts today?" She seemed to pause for a moment her hands on her hips, with a quizzical look on her face, like something just didn't make sense to her. She was just looking the farmer up and down as if expecting to find something. "Mr. Bartlet, are you still living on this farm all by yourself?" "Yes Ma’am." "This is too much work for one man to handle all by himself. There are so many lovely girls that would gladly marry you and take some of these household chores off of your back." Halfway through the second sentence the farmer began filling a bucket. More of the same. He was so tired of hearing it over and over again. No doubt the strange look she gave him was a search to find what could be wrong with him; to find what it was that would drive the ladies away. He knew he was an attractive man and that made it difficult to explain being unmarried at twenty-seven years old. "Mr. Bartlet, may I speak frankly with you?" "Oh please do, Ma’am" A healthy man your age has needs," She couldn't look directly at him to say this, and her face was turning red, "Needs that only a woman can fulfill." "Oh I agree, Ma’am. But there are lots of nice ladies that stop by to help me all the time. And they're so friendly. I couldn't bare to pick just one and break their hearts." "Pardon me?! Are these girls from our town?" Her jaw dropped as if it had gotten too heavy for her to hold up. Distress broke out all over her face. "Why yes," he said, "just yesterday a sweet young lady brought me the most delicious peach pie. My father could never cook like that, and as my father was the one who taught me how to care for myself, I could never match it. No doubt about it." The poor woman had to cover her face with one white gloved hand for a moment while she regained her composure. He looked at the long-sleeved dress that went from the high collared neckline all the way to the ground. He wondered how a woman kept from melting in such clothing in this weather. Perhaps they got used to it. He looked down, wondering if his own lack of clothing was contributing to her discomfort. He was shirtless, and his pants were ripped and dirty. His hardened muscles seemed to strain against the darkly tanned skin, wrapped so tightly around the bulging cords. "Sir, I do not know why you are not taking a wife, and I do not care to speculate, but I feel it is my duty as a concerned citizen of this community to inform you that people are talking." she stopped for a moment as something seemed to catch her attention. "Why, is that the peach pie you were speaking of?" Half of a pie was sitting on his doorstep. "Yes it is, as a matter of fact. Half was for me, half is for the fairies. They love sweets. I owe them for such a wonderful crop last season, and I expect an even better one this season." "That, Mr. Bartlet, is exactly why I am here!" "I was beginning to wonder" he mumbled under his breath. "My son has told me of these fantastic stories about fairies and trolls and such. You are filling our children's heads with very immoral fantasies and it is not healthy." "These aren't fantasies Ma’am. My crops are healthy, and my house and windows are undamaged, which is more than I can say for most everyone in town. The fairies like me, and they show their appreciation by keeping me free of their mischief and perhaps even by helping my crops. I like things just the way they are, and I intend to stay on their good side." "Mr. Bartlet, your house is free of the mischief of the children, which undoubtedly do like you better than the rest of the town, because we expect them to behave responsibly. They will likely come for that pie if the squirrels and raccoons don't get to it first. The children like you because you tell them stories and you leave sweets out for them. Your stories encourage them to think ungodly thoughts, and your sweets encourage them to venture out after dark!" "Would you like a piece of pie, Ma’am?" "No thank you!" she said as she stormed off. The lonely farmer was in the purgatory of half-sleep when he clearly heard the sound of soft footsteps entering the room. Then he heard the steps coming closer to his bed, and felt someone pulling back the covers and sliding into bed with him. All through this he was terrified yet unable to move an inch. He was paralyzed. He feared he was being hagged. When he felt the hard body and silky smooth skin of a strong man lying behind him, his fear was soon replaced by a soothing lust. He felt hardened nipples against his back. Though this would normally be a very startling sensation to a man living alone on a secluded farm, he knew now that it must be another of his creative dreams and he did not want to disrupt it in any way. It was too intensely erotic to be real. The dreams were the only outlet for his desires. He knew his thoughts were sinful and he even felt a certain guilt just from the fantasy. "I didn't will this dream," he thought, "it came of its' own accord". But the farmer was quite wrong in the former, for the masculine form he felt in his stupor was real, at least in some sense truer than dream, if not so true as solid matter. However, he was quite right in the latter. It had come of its' own accord. A strong arm encircled his waste then slowly moved down to engulf his sex. The young farmer thrust into it slowly, each time feeling a very large hardened member against his buttocks. The man then turned the farmer on his back and the farmer felt the great weight of the stranger on him. It made him feel helpless but secure. The stranger took the farmer's wrists in his hands and drew them up to his chest, voicelessly commanding the farmer to feel the hard muscle and drawing the fingers along the crevices between the muscles. "Enjoy my body. Feel me now before I remove these." the stranger said. The farmer was shocked to hear the dream entity speak. Like so many dream voices, it made no sense. Remove what? "You mustn't be afraid. Nothing will harm you while I am here. I will care for you in your helpless state." The deep voice was so clear. It was bringing the farmer back to his senses. He began to question whether he was still sleeping, whether this was really a dream. His arms were still being held up by the stranger. He opened his eyes and what he saw left his mind reeling for a moment. He tried to make sense of this apparition. He saw a beautiful, heavily muscled man with skin dark, smooth, and unblemished. But what was that on his back. It looked as if there were a vulture attacking him and the man did not yet know of its' presence. Dark black wings extended to either side of the man, wreathed in light from the full moon shining through the overhead window. The farmer was about to shout a warning about the vulture when the absurdity of this thought struck home. The man let go of the farmer's wrists and moved closer, his face only an inch from the farmer's face. The farmer's hands instinctively wrapped around the man's body but were stopped by something firmly attached to his back. He felt the base of the wings embedded just outside the spine and the farmer's hands withdrew reflexively in fear. They were soft and feathery, but underneath were at least as hard as the rest of his body. This realization came at the same time he noticed the strangeness of the eyes; obsidian throughout, without whites or pupils, and glassy. He saw the terror on his own face reflected in them. He would realize later that they held an unearthly beauty. The creature's hair was straight and silky, black as the raven wings on its' back and shoulder length. It fell against the farmer's cheeks and the creature made to kiss him. The farmer began to push against its' chest with all his might, sure that it would suck out his soul. The farmers arm muscles bunched and corded, but ten hours of hard labor every day was not enough to strengthen him against this thing. It was like pushing against a stone statue that had fallen upon him. The creature smiled as if amused by the futility of the resistance. He opened his mouth to scream and three large fingers were immediately gagging him. He bit into them with no avail. There was no taste of blood, the flesh did not yield, and the creature showed no signs of pain. He fell to weeping and his hands dropped to his sides. Tears streamed down the sides of his head as he began to prepare himself for death, or something worse. Yes, possibly worse, for only one word came to mind to describe this creature: "Demon". "I told you that no harm will come to you while you are in my care, now relax. I will have to take your voice for now." With that the creature pinned the farmer's hands underneath its' knees and inserted the tips of all five fingers into the farmer's mouth and began to push. It held the farmer's head by his hair with its' other hand while it began the sorceress surgery. The farmer braced for his jaw to break, but it never happened. His mouth stretched easily to accommodate the large hand while the jaw seemed to unhinge, and all without pain. He felt the hand, then part of the muscular forearm against his tongue as it slid down his throat. His throat felt bloated and stretched beyond it's limits. There was a tingling sensation along with a spreading warmth in his throat as he felt the fingers of the large hand maneuvering within. Just as he began to realize he couldn't breath the hand was withdrawn, balled into a fist and glistening with his saliva. The creature opened it palm up such that the farmer could not see what it held. Then the creature popped whatever it was into its' mouth and swallowed it. It laughed quietly. Then spoke in a voice that sounded dramatically different. "I told you not to be afraid, little man. I will take care of you. I promise." It was speaking in his own voice! He knew, though it sounded different to him coming from someone else and not from inside his head. With that the creature lifted its' knees freeing his hands which the farmer brought immediately to his face, expecting to feel bloated and distorted from the unwelcome intrusion. He prodded all over his throat and face but felt nothing strange. It was as if his face had snapped back to its' original shape. He started to plead with the creature, but found himself unable to create even a whisper. “As you can see, you are unharmed, but I understand your fear, for you are mortal and susceptible to many dangers. I understand the human body better than any mortal alive, and I know how to care for it, so be calm. These appendages will only impair my work. They will have to go, for now." It placed the farmer's left hand under its' knee again and held his right wrist. Its' grip was so firm it was almost painful. It began to pull on the arm and with the other hand it started pinching the farmer's elbow with its' fingers. Just before the pulling started to hurt, the creature's fingernails began to continually shift colors between red, yellow, and black. There was a spreading warmth and tingling sensation as the flesh and tendons between the fingers began to collapse and the bones separated. Again the creature had manipulated flesh without pain, but terror made the farmer try to scream. He made nothing but soft gasping noises in his now muted state. The helpless farmer watched as the forearm came free from the upper arm and the creature held it up for him to see, smiling with pride from its' creative act of cruelty. There was no blood. Both points of separation were covered with skin. The creature brushed the fingers of the freed limb across the farmer's chest. He felt the caress both in his chest and in his fingers. He could feel everything though the limb was no longer attached! It was difficult for his mind to process these strange feelings. It was as if it had never been severed. He saw the fingers move and realized he was moving them. He was too shocked to properly react to the fact that he had just been maimed. It dragged the fingertips down its' own bulging chest once before tossing the limb to the foot of the bed. Disembodied nerves again transmitted the feeling of soft impact with blanket covered straw. The creature than moved on to his left arm, removing it the same way. It was almost more difficult now that he knew what to expect and he could not bear to watch the loss of his only other arm. He braced himself for the uncomfortable, though painless sensation that he was now familiar with. This time he was more aware of a disturbing wet crunching sound as the fingers pinched the tendons and skin. Again it was tossed down and it fell against the other. He knew because he felt the flesh bump against flesh in both arms. It was good that he didn't know much about the human body for he would probably have been concerned about how the limbs were getting the necessary blood flow to survive, among countless other questions The creature dug his arms under the farmer's back and embraced him while he kissed his neck and face. He grabbed the farmer's hair, which was dark sandy blonde, slightly wavy, and long enough to get a good handful, and pulled his head to one side for better access to his smooth neck, biting it gently and licking it. The tongue being dragged across his neck felt impossibly long, reinforcing the fact that his seducer was not human. Despite all approach to reason the farmer was loosing himself in the sensations of being seduced. He almost forgot the atrocities that had just been done to him. He did not fight this time when the creature kissed him. Their mouths locked together again and the long tongue snaked its' way deep into the farmer's throat. Though he gagged as it touched the back of his throat, it continued to probe all around inside. The creature withdrew for only a moment to give the farmer a chance to breath before again starting his relentless rape of the farmer's mouth. After several minutes the farmer had grown accustomed to the intruder's presence and was no longer gagging on it. That must have been the creature's goal because it finally stopped. It sat up, straddling the farmer's waist, smiling and admiring its' work for a moment. He saw for the first time the creatures frighteningly large member, as thick as his wrist. It was standing quite erect and the engorged testicles rested in a relaxed and low hanging sack against the farmer's lean and rippling belly. It then turned around and gripped the farmer's ankle and began to pull, squeezing the flesh around the knee. "I can not take any chances that you might try to escape me. We have much to do tonight." it said. There was a disturbing playfulness to the creature's tone that conflicted with the seriousness of its' actions. With that something gave inside the farmer. He began to realize how powerless he was to this thing. He shook his head violently in protest and disbelief that he could be taken apart like some marionette and with such disregard. What more would it take to satisfy this thing, he dared to wonder. It was sitting on his thighs preventing him from resisting the next dismemberment. The creature painlessly crippled him, removing both legs and placing them alongside his arms. Each time, the process seemed agonizingly slower as he felt and heard the severing of tendons and muscle. He sat up and stared agape at the pile of useless limbs at the foot of the bed. He looked down at his helpless body and was suddenly too overwhelmed to panic anymore. Perhaps this was a dream after all, a very realistic and terrifying dream. "I will wake and soon forget the entire thing." he thought. The creature sensed his feelings as it watched him staring at his limbs. "This is going to distract you, I think. I can help that." It got up and removed a blanket from the linen chest and wrapped the limbs in it and placed them inside the chest. He made a little gasp as it was picking them up and placing them on the blanket. He was reminded that every sensation from the limbs was still being transmitted to him. He felt the flesh against flesh wrapped tightly in the blanket and he got the feeling that he had been tied up securely, hand to foot. "You must be ritually cleansed next. It will be a much more thorough cleansing than you have ever had. It may be a bit unpleasant, but I will finish it as quickly as possible." With that the creature left long enough for the farmer to contemplate his situation. With a terrible sense of despair he began to examine his half arms and legs. It seemed the limbs were still there but invisible until he tried to move them. As he attempted to work his muscles, he heard a rustling sound from the chest where they had been stowed and a shiver ran down his spine. They were still reacting to all of his efforts to manipulate them. He fell back against the bed sweating and gasping. He felt his heart pounding against the inside of his chest and heard the blood rushing in his head. He could only hope that the thing would kill him rather than leave him in this state. What would the villagers do to him if they found him like this! How would he survive? Would he want to survive like this? He watched with morbid curiosity as the creature picked up a bucket from next to the door, sloshing with water, and drank it down in seconds. It then picked up another, just as full and did the same. The already large muscles all over it's body seemed to expand a bit more with the incredible amount of liquid it had just consumed and it seemed even more turgid, as if the water had already saturated its' entire body. When it was finished it approached the bed and turned the farmer on his stomach as it drew him to the edge. Supporting him under his armpits, it lifted him so his face was level with its' member and pushed it into the farmer's mouth. The farmer's face squinted up in disgust as it realized what it meant to do, but he dared not resist or upset the creature in any way. It was half-limp, and went in relatively easily, though it still made the farmer gag. Once in, the farmer felt it elongating beyond it's already incredible length. It was pushing further down his throat like a burrowing snake, and the thickness of it blocked the passage completely. The farmer then discovered the purpose for consuming so much water. It was being funneled directly into his stomach at a rate that would be impossible to swallow. Soon, he was bloated and struggling for breath. Just as his face was turning bright red, he felt the flow stop and the tube of flesh was slowly withdrawn. He gulped in air until his face returned to its' natural color He was then immediately dragged outside onto the soft grass. He was unable to even kneel on his own as his legs ended at the knees. The creature sat on a tree stump and laid the farmer on his stomach across his lap. The creature's fingers penetrated the farmer's abdominal flesh just under the rib cage and the farmer began to feel spasms building in his stomach forcing him to wretch the diluted contents of his stomach onto the ground. When the spasms induced only dry heaves, the creature repeated the dreadful process of filling the farmer's stomach to capacity and he was again forced to surrender the contents, which at this time were mostly water. By the third time the fluid was completely clear and the creature seemed satisfied. The farmer's sides and stomach ached from the exertion. The creature gave him a short while to rest before getting up and placing the farmer across the large stump which felt hard and rough against his naked chest. It pressed into him painfully, but he found there was enough length left in his legs to put some of his weight on the soft ground. The creature was now kneeling behind him and he felt the tip of its' member, moist with precum, against his hole. It was smearing it all around to prepare him for penetration. He felt on the brink of breakdown again and began to weep silently, the only way he could. He saw the grass blurring with his tears and soon felt them falling in large drops. The creature sensed this and stopped suddenly. It got up and walked around bringing its' face close to the farmer's and stroked his hair trying to comfort him. "Calm yourself," it whispered, "I am truly sorry that this is so unpleasant for you, but the cleansing process will be over soon and we can begin." "So they had not even started?" the farmer thought, "How much more could it possibly do?" He did not think he could survive much more. But after what seemed like a pure act of torture, any words spoken in a kind tone would have been comforting. Just by putting up a pretense of justification, however fraudulent it may have been, the creature had managed to stop the farmer's tears. He merely braced himself to be degraded now. He had accepted it as the inevitable, and just wanted it over with. He felt a large finger forcing apart the tightened muscles of his hole. Soon two fingers were in him and then three, and a wave of pleasure began to wash over him which made him forget the pain but only heightened his shame. He was about to be taken like a woman, and he mustn't take pleasure from it. He was being raped! This was a deplorable act. He fought to hold back the uneven breaths that were being forced out by the rapid beating of his heart. The fingers kept stimulating something, which he could only guess was the back side of his maleness, the part that was inside him, a part that had never been stimulated before, a part that God never meant to be touched. He felt the tip of his own organ rubbing against the bark on the stump and realized it was engorged. He only hoped that the creature would not notice it and tried as hard as he could to arch his back and hide it from him, to trap it between the stump and his thigh if he could. Perhaps his squirming had had the opposite effect, for the creature reached under him and gripped it, pulling back and sending a brief sharp pain through his groin. His member tended to point upward when aroused and it was pulling him the other way. Then it released some of the tension and merely held it away from the bark, relieving most of the pain, but enhancing his shame once again, for it now knew it had inflicted pleasure on its' victim. He felt truly corrupted by this evil being. The fingers were removed and replaced by the creature's thick organ. The farmer braced himself for the pain and was disturbed to find that it entered with only a little resistance. He refused to accept that his hole had yielded so easily to something so large. “I'm impressed. I'm using no magic to penetrate you, little man. The shaping is in my hands and therefore not available for this act." The hole was still squeezing the organ very tightly though and the pain was not gone completely. Again, the water began to flow freely and the farmer gained a different type of bloated feeling after a while. It was very warm and soothed his insides. The creature gently lifted the farmer and laid him on his lap again, this time facing up. It cradled him and stroked his still engorged member, ever so lightly, to remind him of his shame. "I will not be forcing this out of you. It will come naturally. Just wait until you cannot hold it in anymore and tell me." it said. After a few minutes he nodded frantically at the creature. The feeling had come upon him very suddenly. The creature supported him while the fowl liquids washed out of him and repeated the process two more times until the farmer felt thoroughly clean, then quickly and methodically washed his body all over. His stomach growled furiously from the emptiness. The creature then dried him and placed him back inside on the straw bed. The farmer was so exhausted, he nearly fell asleep, forgetting the horrible situation he was in. The creature allowed him to sleep for a short while before he was woken by the sensation of being repositioned. He was pulled to the edge of the bed until his head was just hanging off the edge and he was on his back. He looked up into the smiling face of the monster and was again struck by the sheer beauty of it. It seemed a great contrast to the awful cold and black that must dwell within. His mouth was forced wide by the creature's engorged member and it was soon thrusting in and out of his throat. He heard moans of pleasure coming from his dominator and soon forgot his predicament as he tried to wrap his arms around the muscular thighs, only to be reminded it was no longer possible with his half limbs. Though he was enraptured with pleasure, he was hoping for an end to the relentless raping of his face. The most he got was a brief pause every now and then when the creature pulled all but the tip out and gave him a moment to catch his breath. Finally, the creatures' body showed signs of orgasm. "You MUST swallow all of it!" it emphasized to him. He didn't have much choice for the member filled his mouth so completely. It was terribly bitter and quite copious. He began to feel his hunger subsiding and wondered if it could possibly be nourishing him somehow. The organ finally slid free and the farmer relaxed his aching jaw. The cock slid down his face leaving a streak of his own saliva. For the first time, the creature showed some small sign of his exertion. The act had left him quite drained for a brief moment, but he was soon right back to work as he began positioning the farmer again. This time the farmer was turned on his stomach facing away towards the wall. The creature reached under him, gripping his hardened manhood and began to squeeze the base of it very hard. Again, there was the sensation of flesh collapsing before he began to feel any pain and the organ soon separated from his body. "We will need your seed as well as mine" it told him. With that, his own member was forced into his mouth, a bit too far for him to easily remove without his hands. It was all happening too fast for him to decide how to react. The sensation of his own soft tongue and mouth around himself nearly brought him to climax immediately. The creature grabbed him by the hair on the back of his head and began pushing him up and down onto his own cock which rested against the pillow. The incredible sensations he was creating in his cock were conflicting with the gagging sensations he was creating in his throat, and his eyes began to water. He was in ecstasy throughout the torturous humiliation. It didn't last as long as his session with the creature. Soon he was climaxing and swallowing his own seed. The creature sensed when he was done and pulled his head back causing the cock to plop out wetly onto the bed. It reached under him and retrieved it, laying it against his face on the pillow. Again the farmer was exhausted, this time from the release that had been so long in the making. His dismembered organ resting against his face began to soften. He began to feel the creature's organ against his hole now as his legs were forced apart. It wasn't over. He was again going to be taken like a woman. It was quickly and painfully forced into him, wet with the creatures' precum. He let out a deep moan from the sudden sharp pain that traveled through him, and gritted his teeth as he endured the onslaught. He wasn't sure at what point the pain either subsided or was drowned in the waves of pleasure that were soon flowing through him again. He felt his own member hardening against his face and a drop of cum oozed out onto his chin. He stuck his tongue out and ran it along the length of his cock. Then he took the tip into his mouth and began sucking again. The creature shocked him by snatching the member away from him then and setting it out of his reach while it finished raping him. The bludgeoning of his insides was making him ache for another release, but he was being denied. Why? Finally the creature finished and he felt a thick stream of warm liquid spurting into him as the creature slowed his strokes. It then fell against him and wrapped its' strong arms around him, comforting him. But the farmer felt cheated of his pleasure. He had prepared himself for death now, and had ceased to care about that. Perhaps this thing had enchanted him, charmed him somehow, to turn him into this being that existed only for lust. Now he was ready to die, but he wanted relief first, more than life. As if it was reading his mind, the creature grabbed the farmer's cock and began pushing it into the farmer's hole. It slid in easily, being smaller than the creature's. "We need your seed again. You mustn’t disappoint me."


6 Gay Erotic Stories from Deland Vincent

Gender Gap

Written by Deland Vincent ( Constructive criticism welcomed. Once the pirates had us disarmed and cuffed, they started marching us rapidly through their ship. This vessel was enormous, especially for a pirate ship. It had certainly made short work of our ship. At first I assumed they wanted to hold us for ransom until I saw a number of workers that were obviously

Incubus, Part 1, author of Poolshark Constructive feedback welcomed "Mr. Bartlet." If the farmer had not been numbed by a long day in the fields, the shrill voice might have severely startled him. Still, he had not heard anyone approach as his head was under a stream of cold well water. His head whipped around, his shoulder length hair splattering a trail of

Incubus, Part 2, author of Poolshark, Constructive feedback welcomed The farmer heard that wet crunching sound as of a limb being removed and saw the creature's own disembodied organ laid on the bed in front of his face. He then felt his own organ anchored against the creature. It had replaced its' own organ with the farmer's and was fucking him with it! He still felt

Pool Shark, Part 1

POOLSHARK Part I Written: Feb 20, 1994 Written by Deland Vincent (a.k.a. This stranger was becoming more and more fascinating by the moment. It was a beautiful house. That practically goes without saying in the neighborhood we were in. I had only recently moved to Atlanta, but I knew that this was a very nice area. He had said that he

Pool Shark, Part 2

Written: April 15, 1994 Written by Deland Vincent (a.k.a. When I started reading Taven's diaries, I was sitting on the living room couch. The television was providing background noise to give me a vague feeling of company. The windows were open to let in the fresh air. It was a beautiful sunny day out. However, soon I found that I was going to need

Pool Shark, Part 3

Written: April 27, 1994 Written by: Deland Vincent (a.k.a. I finished Taven's first diary. I was excited about starting on the other one, but I felt somewhat ashamed. I felt like a voyeur, getting such pleasure from the ramblings of this boys bizarre sex-life. I couldn't stop myself though. Richard was right when he said I'd get a lot of pleasure from

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