Gay Erotic Stories

Hot Shower

by Kat

Legal disclaimer: this isn't meant to imply anything about the sexual preferences of actors George Clooney and Mark Wahlberg, this is fiction. If this is by any chance illegal for you to read, then don't. This will involve male/male situations, if that bothers you in any way, you have been warned. - A Hot Shower - -Hey Mark! The dark eyed man called as he entered the large, fashionable house in Boston. -Where are you, hon? -Up here! the answer came. -You're home early, George! That put a smile on the man's face. -I missed you! he answered as he went up the stairs. -So I split. -You split, Mark said as he could see George standing in the door of their bedroom. -So you basically ran off from the set. I hope they at least were finished shooting the scenes before you left, babe? He was rewarded by a big, bright grin. -Almost, George admitted, -but I'll come in earlier tomorrow. Now, come over here... Looking at his sweaty, ruffled lover, Mark crunched up his nose. -Babe, you're kinda smelly and I'm just out of the shower. If I let you hug me now, I'm going to be a mess! Before he could even finish the sentence, Mark found himself picked up by a pair of strong arms. -Then you'll need another shower, the response was purred in his ear. -I might even join you... -Promise? Mark smiled, wrapping his arms around George. -Of course, George answered. -When do we need to be at your brother's? -In half an hour, Mark said, feeling George's hand stray to his lower back. -Good, George said, -then we have time for a quick fuck before we go! –Why not combine it with the shower? Mark asked innocently, letting his own hand drift down to cup his boyfriend's groin. -Hmmm, that could be fun, George said, gently squeezing Mark's firm behind. -Let's go then! George was heading for the bathroom, peeling off the tight fitting, olive green T-shirt as he went along. Mark wasn't moving, he was enjoying the sight of his lover's well built body clad in a pair of combat-gear trousers and army boots. -Damn, you look fine! he sighed. –I knew I should have made you keep some of the wardrobe from _Three Kings_! -So that's why you keep talking me into doing all those army movies? George asked, while opening the buttons on his trousers. Giving Mark a seductive look, he said: -Care to come help me a little here? -Thought you'd never ask! Mark said. -Do I ever turn down an offer about undressing you? -Fortunately not, George answered. -And I love you for it. -So that's the only reason you love me? Mark pouted. -'Cause I'm good in bed? -Honey, I love you for everything! George told him, -also for the fact that you're incredible in bed! Smiling Mark went to work on George’s trousers. -You know, you gotta get off those boots first, or you'll never get out of those pants. The boots disappeared in an instant. -You think your brother will mind if we're a little late? George asked as he was opening the buttons in Mark's shirt. -Nah, Mark answered, pushing the trousers down George's slim hips. -They're all used to us by now. They know we can't keep our hands off each other for long. George's hand slipped inside the shirt, his fingers tracing the tattoos on Mark's chest. He kicked off the pants, leaving him only in a pair of tight, black boxers. After watching Mark struggle to get out of the shirt for a second, George decided to help. -Let me get this off, he said. –And this...he quickly opened Mark's belt. -You're wearing much too many clothes here, lover. -So are you, Mark answered, enjoying the feeling of George undressing him. -I'm only wearing my boxers! George said. -Like I said, Mark came back, cupping his face in his hands. -That's too much. Kicking off his own pants, which left them both in just their underwear, Mark leaned in to kiss his boyfriend. He felt George's lips open under his, allowing his tongue inside. Soon they were engaged in a passionate kiss, tongues lovingly dueling each other. -Bathroom, Mark mumbled against George's lips. -Shower. Now. George dragged him along into the shower stall, tugging at Mark's boxers. -Got to get this off, he said. -Yeah, Mark said, and yanked his lover's own boxers down, throwing them to the floor after getting them all off. His own soon followed suit. Reaching behind Mark, George turned on the water, making them both jump as they were hit with a stream of cool water. -Cold! Mark got out, trying to reach the faucets himself to adjust the temperature. -I've got it, George said, making the water a more pleasurable temperature. -There we go...all nice and warm. Mark pulled George back to him, grinding his groin into his. -A little impatient, aren't we? George teased him, moaning lowly over the feel of his lover's hard erection rubbing against his own. -We don't have much time! Mark said, running his fingers through George's short hair. –And you're making me so fucking horny! -Likewise, George answered with a light chuckle. -I've been waiting to do this to you all day! After giving Mark a quick peck on the lips, George dropped to his knees in front of Mark. Running his hands up and down Mark's muscular thighs, he smiled up at him. -You're so sexy, you know that? I've been lusting after you since the day we met! -Mmm...Mark answered, as one of George's hands moved around to his ass. -Why do you think I said yes to do all those movies with you? I was dying to get you into bed! He sighed in content as his lover finally let his hand lock around his aching erection. -You truly are the best, babe. The answer he got was a warm and wet mouth around him, a tongue playing over the head. Mark leaned back against the wall, George knew just where to touch him. He was caressing him with his hand, while driving Mark crazy with lust with the firm suction on his hard-on. -God! Mark got out, letting his fingers play with George's hair. -That's sooo amazing! The steam from the hot water rose around them, the glass walls of the shower stall fogged up. Lost in the intense pleasure Mark thrust forward, feeling himself be taken all the way in. Now he just barely was able to remain standing on his feet. George's other hand was still on his ass, now finding it's way into a most erogenous zone, making Mark cry out as a finger entered him. -Holy Christ! he moaned. The finger started moving, soon joined by another one. The pleasure was immense, Mark had forgotten everything about being in a hurry, and he wanted George to do this to him forever. -I'm close, he panted, -I'm not gonna last much longer, George... His words made George get to his feet again. -I want to come with you inside me, Mark said breathlessly and pulled George close again. -I want you to fuck me. -My pleasure, George answered, kissing Mark on the lips before turning him around so he was facing the wall. Steadying himself with his hands flat against the wall, Mark felt George place a lot of small kisses on the back of his neck and shoulders. His hands found his nipples, rubbing and pinching them lightly, making Mark groan at the sensations flooding through his body. George let one finger enter his lover's hole again, slowly pushing in and out. -Please, babe! Mark begged. -Don't tease me! He reached around with his hand, pulling George closer to him. -Make love to me, please! -I'll do anything for you, sweetheart, George answered, carefully biting down on Mark's earlobe. He positioned himself and slowly pushed forward. Feeling Mark's body tense up, he waited a little to let him adjust, then continued. All the way inside, George rested his head on Mark's shoulder. -You're so nice and tight, it's better every time... Mark pushed back to let George know that he was ready. He was more than ready, he needed his lover to take him hard, and so he felt every inch of him inside him. Leaving one hand on the wall to support himself, George let his other arm encircle Mark's waist. Then he started to move. By Mark's sharp intake of breath and loud moans, he was surely having a good time. So was George. Picking up the pace, he continued his deep thrusts, making Mark moan and sigh his name. The warm water poured around them. -Come on, baby, Mark encouraged him, -please take me harder! God...yes...I love you so much! –I love you too, George got out, and he felt the rush of pleasure surge through him, pushing him closer to the climax. Needing to make Mark join him, George loosened his grip on him to let his hand take hold of his erection again. He kept the pumping motion in time with his thrusts and soon they were both on the verge of release. -Oh my God! Mark groaned. -I'm gonna...oh George! The feel of Mark's climax pushed George over the edge, into his own. Pushing himself deep into his boyfriend's ass, he bit down on Mark's shoulder as the mind ripping feelings of pleasure rushed through him. Neither of them could get out another word as their bodies trembled in the state of sensuous perfection. After the sexual release had subsided some, George pulled back at bit and let the water rinse away the evidence of their lovemaking. Mark turned around and let George embrace him. -I love you, he sighed. -Love you too, Mark, George answered him. Turning off the water, George managed to grab a large towel. After draping it around them both, he looked into Mark's lighter brown eyes. They were standing closely together, Mark's arms around George's neck. George's arms were on Mark's waist, keeping the towel around them. -Think your brother will mind if we don't show up tonight? Mark planted a sweet kiss on George's nose. -Considering how late we already are... I think he'll understand. The End.


2 Gay Erotic Stories from Kat

Frat Boy Bet

I'm sure most of us have been warned about the hazards of gambling; but with college guys, gambling is a part of everyday life. Of course, there is the typical sports betting . . . on football, basketball, boxing, etc., but we also gambled on grades, test scores, and even on which one of us would "score" first on the weekend. Most of the time, we gambled for money. Nothing

Hot Shower

Legal disclaimer: this isn't meant to imply anything about the sexual preferences of actors George Clooney and Mark Wahlberg, this is fiction. If this is by any chance illegal for you to read, then don't. This will involve male/male situations, if that bothers you in any way, you have been warned. - A Hot Shower - -Hey Mark! The dark eyed man called as he entered the large,


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