Gay Erotic Stories

Highway Patrol, Part 10 (The Conclusion)



Highway Patrol, Part X The Conclusion Then, sensation stopped. He felt himself being lowered to the mat. He felt Carlos come next to him, lay down beside him, and then something warm on his mouth. He opened his eyes and saw that Carlos was actually kissing him. He was too weak to respond, but his lips parted and allowed Carlos' tongue to enter. He could only lay there and accept it. All muscles failed to respond now. He shut his eyes and let his mind drift. No amnesia this time, though. He would remember this. Minutes seemed to pass, the kiss had stopped some time ago. He heard a slight commotion behind him, then felt a slight sting in his left buttock. His mind wandered into a dream-like state. Guards came, picked him up, and took him to a shower. They stripped what little part of his uniform he still had on and then themselves, and came into the shower and washed the cum and sweat away. He seemed to be receding further from what was happening. They dried him and led him back to his room and placed him in bed. He slept.... Mike's eyes fluttered open. "What the fuck time was it?" he wondered. He looked over to the clock. It was a different clock, but the time said 10:30. But it must be morning. Light was everywhere. Only then did he notice that the room was different. It was nice, but not his suite. He got up and went to the window. The pool was was still there, but the yard was completely filled by it. He could also see many other houses. Obviously, he was not at the villa. He picked up the phone.... regular dial tone. Quickly, he went to the dresser and opened it. Real clothes! He pulled on a pair of shorts and opened the door. A quick exploration found him to be in a tasteful 5-bedroom home--alone. No one else. No guards, nothing. Just him and the house. When he opened the refrigerator, he found the envelope. It contained only a few pages of text. It was from Carlos. "You have given me a great deal of pleasure, and I thank you for it. As I have perhaps disturbed your life, I offer amends. You are now in Los Angeles. Several days have passed since our little encounter. I unfortunately had to keep you sedated during this time period. I trust your magnificent body will recover with no ill effects! Enclosed you will find certificate of title to the house you are in. You own it free and clear. You also own the automobile in the garage, and all the contents of the house. There is a bank account opened in your name at the institution listed below. I trust you will find the funds sufficient. You also own a small private security firm (in view of your police background) that specializes in arranging the security needs of wealthy and famous people. Your client base is small, but they like your firms' work. You are the sole proprietor. Unfortunately, I couldn't do this in your real name. All papers are in the name of Mark Johnson. You have a passport, social security card, birth certificate and all other necessary documents to maintain this identity. Other information you might need is included in this envelope. Read it. Decide. The choice is yours. You can have this new life, or try to go back to your old one. I will not intrude again on you... you will make it on your own from here on. I doubt you will attempt to contact me, either. Good bye and thank you again for the pleasure you brought me. C" It only took Mike a moment to decide!(End)


10 Gay Erotic Stories from

Highway Patrol, Part 1

Highway Patrol, Part I He had always had a nose for trouble, and was rarely wrong. This time, it involved the man sitting across the room from him at a booth near the door to the restroom. He was dark-haired, late-twenties, probably around 180#, and looked to be about 6' tall, pretty close to Mike's own dimensions. Mike topped 6' by just a fraction,

Highway Patrol, Part 2

Highway Patrol, Part II Yes, his memory all came back with a roar, and his mind forced him to re-live that experience, burning it into his memory forever. He and his partner Bill had been on routine foot patrol through an area of Dallas noted for its abandoned warehouses. It was a haven for all sorts of unsavory characters.. dealers, the homeless, the

Highway Patrol, Part 3

Highway Patrol, Part III John left the secret room, with Mike still tied. He had pulled Mike's boxers and pants back up and fastened them, but pulled his dick and balls back out through the fly to keep him vulnerable. Mike was unable to get them back in no matter how he maneuvered his hips around, the fly was just too tight against the base of his

Highway Patrol, Part 4

Highway Patrol, Part IV Before they were ready to leave, John brought in some food from a fast-food place and told Mike he'd better eat up, because there wouldn't be any more food until Mexico and it might be his last "American" meal. As John refused to release Mike's bonds, he had to feed him. Mike was hungry, and ate everything that was offered. He

Highway Patrol, Part 5

Highway Patrol, Part V After several hours of driving with only brief stops for fuel and restroom breaks, the van reached Acapulco. Mike was able to glimpse a few sights as they drove along, but wasn't able to determine anything further than that they were in a city. The van pulled up to a heavily gated driveway, the driver spoke a few words to the

Highway Patrol, Part 6

Highway Patrol, Part VI The door opened and Carlos turned away and went back to the desk, while the guards indicated that Mike was to go with them. Resigned, he left the library, and was returned to his own suite. The bed was perfect, and he was soon sleeping soundly. He awoke with sun streaming in through the windows, his cock hard as usual for

Highway Patrol, Part 7

Highway Patrol, Part VII Mike woke up with a start in a blinding light. He'd been dreaming again, the same dream he'd been having the last few nights. It was always the same. He was trapped in a fog and looking for a way out. He was naked, running, his hard cock slapping against his body as he ran, his balls rocking against his thighs, aching. But he

Highway Patrol, Part 8

Highway Patrol, Part VIII Mike awoke. He was still tied to the bed, spread-eagle, and his cock was roaring hard. He needed to take a piss, and called out. He knew someone somewhere was monitoring him. Sure enough, the door opened and four guards entered. He no longer cared what the guards saw or thought, all he wanted to do was get to the bathroom,

Highway Patrol, Part 9

Highway Patrol, Part IX Mike had been taken back to his suite after the encounter with Tomas. He was still angry, shaken and embarrassed by that whole scene. He had never intended to rape anybody, but Carlos had worked him up so hard that he'd just had to do it. He felt guilty, too, because in spite of everything, his body felt a whole lot better now.

Highway Patrol, Part 10 (The Conclusion)

Highway Patrol, Part X The Conclusion Then, sensation stopped. He felt himself being lowered to the mat. He felt Carlos come next to him, lay down beside him, and then something warm on his mouth. He opened his eyes and saw that Carlos was actually kissing him. He was too weak to respond, but his lips parted and allowed Carlos' tongue to enter. He


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