Gay Erotic Stories

Highway Patrol, Part 8



Highway Patrol, Part VIII Mike awoke. He was still tied to the bed, spread-eagle, and his cock was roaring hard. He needed to take a piss, and called out. He knew someone somewhere was monitoring him. Sure enough, the door opened and four guards entered. He no longer cared what the guards saw or thought, all he wanted to do was get to the bathroom, take care of business, then jerk off! Carlos had really worked him up last night, only to leave him hanging, unable to achieve orgasm. The guards led him to the bathroom, making sure to keep his arms well-secured behind him. Once finished, they indicated he was to shower. They also stripped and entered the large compartment with him, all the while keeping him from touching himself. They washed him, shampooed his hair and dried him off. The only thing they let him do himself was shave. His dick had drooped to only half-staff during all this, but he was still ready to fuck anything that moved. He dressed, ordered breakfast and ate it, all in the company of the guards. He had tried some small-talk, but none acknowledged that they spoke or understood English. When finished, he decided to see what he was to be allowed to do today. He left the room, guards trailing. He finally decided to go play with the dogs again as it wasn't too hot outdoors yet. He exited the house, went through the tunnel out to the front lawn, and was soon greeted by the bounding Danes. They remembered him from yesterday, and one immediately went to find something to fetch. Soon they were running back and forth across the wide lawn. Mike worked his way toward the enclosing walls. He wanted to examine them more closely with a view to escape, and used his games with the dogs as an excuse to approach. They were at least 10' high, and although he couldn't see over, he definitely heard voices on the opposite side...low, conversational voices of men. Well, this didn't seem too promising. After about 30 minutes of playing with the dogs, he decided to go for a swim. Once again, the dogs knocked him over when it became apparent he was leaving. They weren't finished! They tried licking his face again and this time, the guards weren't quite so fast in coming to his rescue. He struggled against the slobbery faces, but couldn't get out from under them. "YYEECCHHH! NOO!" he commanded, but the dogs didn't understand English well either, even the "no". They didn't want their playmate to leave. Mike also felt his dick slip outside his shorts as the rode up during the struggle. "Shit," he thought, "just what I need now, a hard dick!" Finally, the guards relented and came and held the dogs back while Mike trotted for the tunnel, quickly tucking his cock back inside his shorts. He was glad escape from the yard. The struggle and his recent work-over by Carlos had left his dick especially sensitive to sensation, and the fabric of his shorts was been rubbing his trapped cock, and he was starting to get hard again. Even now, as he headed for the pool, it was still growing. He almost reached for it, but saw a guard up ahead waiting, and knew better than to try. He swam a while, sunned a while, and passed the morning by the pool. Around noon, Carlos came out, dressed as usual in pull-over shirt and slacks, looking casually elegant as he approached Mike. "Come on. You're needed. I have something to show you." "Yeah, like what? The last things you've shown me I haven't much cared for!" "But you will like this! I promise! I guarantee it!" "All right, let's go." Carlos led him again to the basement, and they went into yet another room which had previously been locked. There were another four guards here, and all the walls were covered in mirrors, even the ceiling. The floors were covered with mats. And once again, Mike immediately saw the hooks, pulleys, cables and cuffs. He turned to leave, but was immediately grabbed by the guards. In only moments, he was again suspended from the ceiling, legs pulled apart, just like last night, but this time, he was naked to start with. His clothes (as usual) had been removed from the pool area while he swam, and Carlos had not had him dress before arriving here. He felt his dick start rising up in anticipation of what was sure to be coming next. The guards checked his bonds, then discreetly left the room, leaving only Mike and Carlos. "I see your dick is ready to welcome me again! Look how he is reaching out to touch me! He rises up in small little bounces, each one bringing him a little higher, a little longer. Yes, I like him very much! He pleases me with his actions!" "I thought you said I was going to like this! This is the same shit as last night!" "At first, yes, but you'll see. It will be different." And thus said, Carlos reached forward and began stroking and caressing the firm meat in front of him. It was fully hard now and Mike shut his eyes, enjoying the touch on his burning flesh. Yes, he was so hot to get off that even having Carlos touching him felt good! And Carlos knew just how and where to touch him, too! He was aching to cum, and strained forward to rub his prong against Carlos' rough hand. He looked down, watching the darker hand circling his dick-head, stroking it, pulling the skin taut, felt the other hand steal below, cup his balls and begin working them, pulling the firmly lower, gripping them securely in a callused palm. "Ooooohhhhh" Mike moaned, as he felt the first surge of pre-cum well up inside his dick. "Nice!" said Carlos, as the crystal fluid leaked out. He quickly began smearing it over the flanged head of Mike's dick, eliciting further drops of liquid as he continued his stimulation. Mike had begun to thrust his hips, trying to get the fuck-motion going, but Carlos backed off enough to prevent that from creating too much sensation. He quickly squeezed the imprisoned balls, and Mike nearly blew his wad! "AAAGGHH!" he cried! Carlos continued working over the captive meat, occasionally sucking at or twisting the nipples, biting at Mike's neck, leaving off the pole when he felt Mike getting too close. Mike was really getting hot! Sweat had again formed on his body as he was continually frustrated in his efforts to cum. He'd almost get there, then Carlos would drop him like a hot potato, and work on some other part of his body. Always, always, just leaving him hanging on the edge! His balls were of the hand and from the climax denial! He was really slick with pre-cum now, Carlos had been very careful not to let any of it drop to the floor. He continued to smooth it over Mike's shaft as it developed, and Mike had lots to offer. Finally Carlos said "I think you're ready!" "Yes, you bastard, I've been ready since last night! Now do me! Let me cum!!" "No, I'm not going to do that, you will do it yourself! Momentarily, a young man will be brought into this room. He will release your bonds You will know what to do..... just remember, you can't jerk off yourself! If you try, guards will be there in a flash to restrain you. Also, the young man has a goal, too. His freedom depends on his being able to release you, then get to that small button on the wall over there, and press it for 10 seconds. If he does, he goes free. And you don't cum for another day!! Understand?" Carlos again began stroking Mike's shaft, sliding rapidly up and down until he felt the American shudder. Mike understood. "Yes," he replied. He knew that he could finally cum. And he knew what he would have to do to achieve that. Carlos left the room and returned in a few minutes, accompanied by a young man. He was introduced as Tomas, and Carlos brought him around in front of Mike. He then proceeded to talk to Tomas in Spanish, gesturing toward Mike. Finally, Tomas' grinned, looked at Mike and snickered. Carlos had been telling him how the big gringo was actually a policeman from Texas who liked to be abused and paid Carlos good money to come to his playroom. He had elaborated other untrue things, and finally succeeded in getting Tomas to laugh. He knew Mike couldn't understand what was going on, and counted on the fact of Tomas' laughter to piss him off! It worked. Mike heard the laugh, saw the condescending smile, and was able to figure out the meaning. This kid was laughing at him, thought he liked being in this position! Thought it was funny! He'd see how funny it was! Tomas looked to be about 22, medium length brown hair, dark brown eyes, a handsome face, with still a trace of boy around the mouth and eyes. Carlos had dressed him in full length pants, but they were also of the same gauze as Mike's own clothes (of which he currently wore none!) Tomas didn't have a shirt though, and Mike was checking him out to see how much effort was going to be needed. The kid was nicely developed, but didn't look to work out, just the nice muscle-tone of youth, with some definition showing as a result of sports activities. His chest was smooth, skin slightly darker than Carlos'.... but he did have rather large nipples. Mike could also make out the darker patch of pubic hair through the pants, as well as the outline of Tomas' cock. It looked to be average in length, about what he would expect on a person around 5'9" weighing probably around 160 lbs. Good enough.... he knew he outweighed his opponent, was at least 3" taller, and had the advantage of extreme determination.... and anger.. the kid had laughed at him. The whole time this had been going on, Mike's dick was still jutting out, rock hard, drooling slightly. It bobbed ever so gently up and down, in time with his heart-beat. Carlos spoke again, this time in English "Tomas understands some English. His old girlfriend used to call him 'Mas for short, which means "more" if you didn't know.... she called him that because his dick is bigger than she'd expected!" Tomas blushed at hearing these remarks. Mike smiled. "OK," he thought, "I'll see about that!" Then Carlos pulled out a large bottle of baby oil and began hosing it over Mike's chest. "Hey, what the fuck! Cut it out!!" The oil tickled as it soaked the sparse hair on his chest, then formed rivers as it ran down his body. Carlos handed the bottle to Tomas, and spoke in Spanish. Tomas grinned again, and began squirting the oil directly onto Mike's crotch. "He thinks you like this" Carlos whispered. "I told him if he helped me with you that you'd be more inclined to let him press the button and escape!" Tomas laughed again as Mike flinched away from the oil-stream. He approached and began squirting it only an inch away from Mike's dick-head, aiming the stream directly and forcefully on top of it. Mike thrashed against his bonds, and Tomas laughed again, as the big American dick edged even higher up in the air, uselessly flopping around. Carlos then took the bottle from Tomas, and aimed it at the youth's chest and began spraying him, too. Tomas let out a stream of Spanish, which sounded like cursing to Mike, as he dodged the jet of oil that was splashing over him. Carlos waved the stream all over, and soon Tomas' pants were clinging to his thighs and legs. Only then did he stop, opening the bottle and pouring the remaining oil onto the mats. He again spoke in Spanish, Tomas nodded, and Carlos left the room. A few minutes passed, while Tomas looked at Mike. He seemed to be waiting for something. Suddenly, a buzzer sounded, and Tomas approached. He first removed the cuffs from Mike's ankles, then one hand, then the other. The cables rewound into the walls, pulling the cuffs out of the way. Tomas then turned and began walking to the button. Mike lunged after him, slipped in the oil and crashed to the floor. Tomas turned at the sound, saw the big cop sprawled out, flat on his back, hard cock sticking up, and began laughing out loud. It was just too funny, this big American naked and hard and dumb as shit, laying there like a big goofus. Oh well, Americans are strange. He turned, approached the button, and pressed it. "NNNOOOOO!!!" screamed Mike, as he heard the sound start. Only 10 seconds, 9, 8... he was scrambling now, on all fours, as he heard the continuous drone of the buzzer. He gained momentum and slid into Tomas' legs, knocking him away from the button and to the floor. There had only been 2 seconds remaining! Tomas was struggling to his feet, no longer laughing. He looked rather serious now, as he again attempted to pass Mike to get to the button. Mike grabbed a leg and pulled. Tomas sat abruptly on the mat as Mike crawled forward toward him. He began sliding back as he tried to get his legs under himself to stand, but Mike was coming on too quickly. Tomas saw the big arms reaching for him and leaned away, as Mike gripped the young man's shoulders and forced him back, flat onto the mat. Mike dropped his full weight on Tomas and held him, his dick pressed firmly against Tomas' crotch. Tomas turned and was able to roll over onto his stomach and began to inch forward, out from under Mike. He felt arms wrapping around his chest, pulling him up from the mat, and felt the matted hair on Mike's chest as Mike pressed against his back. He tried to break Mike's grip, but wasn't strong enough. Mike knew he had the boy now, and hugged him more tightly, forcing breath out of him. He reached one hand down and pulled at Tomas' waist-band, trying to pull down the pants. Tomas' hands flew to the rescue and were able to prevent this. Mike attacked one of the large nipples, pinching firmly, sliding in the oil. Tomas began to defend his chest, and Mike attacked the other nipple. Both were under assault as Tomas struggled to get away and keep Mikes' fingers from their twisting. His dick was rising slightly from the struggle and rubbing the oily pants. Once Mike had Tomas' hands diverted to defense of his poor nipples, he quickly brought both hands down the youths' sides, grabbed the waist-band, and pulled. In one quick motion, Tomas felt his pants jerked to his knees, leaving his dick and balls exposed, as well as his ass! He spun quickly as he felt Mike's dick attempt to force its way into his crack, and was now face-to-face. Once again, Mike reached down, this time grabbing the front and back waist of the pants which was between Tomas' knees, and pulling them the rest of the way off. Tomas was now stripped, and totally covered in oil, as was Mike. Without losing a beat, Mike again pounced on Tomas, who by now realized that Mike was going to try and fuck him. He was able to remain on his back, keeping his virgin butt away from the big American dick, but felt it rubbing back and forth against his own nest of curly pubes as Mike humped away on him. Suddenly Mike rose up. Tomas hoped it was over, but felt his legs grabbed below the knees, then forced to his shoulders. He cried out as muscles protested the awkward position. Mike knew he had him now! Tomas' legs were locked by his arms, and as he forced them back to his shoulders, the pucker of asshole began to show itself, slowly becoming more visible as the legs were forced higher. He adjusted his position slightly, and placed his dripping, yearning cock-head against the small brown spot. Tomas felt the hot, wet head nudge against his hole, and cried out, struggling against the iron grip holding his legs up and apart, flailing his arms, trying to defend himself against his heavier, stronger opponent. He felt the pressure increase, felt himself yielding to the superior force, then a flash of pain/pleasure as penetration was achieved. Mike had felt the resistance giving way, and continued pressing forward. Finally, the hole winked twice, and opened. He enjoyed watching Tomas' face as the expression changed from anger to surprise to shock and finally to horror as he felt Mike's cock force its way into him. He slid past, held for a moment, then his cock took control. He slammed forward, the force rocking his balls painfully against Tomas' crack. "Yesssss" his dick cried as it pumped. His whole thoughts migrated to his cock, and after only three thrusts, he felt his balls jerk, and he began shooting his pent-up load into the tight ass. Tomas felt the jets arcing into his body, and was glad that it was over so quickly. He just wanted to get away! Mike finished cumming, and held tightly to the young body. Tomas began to squirm, trying to get out from under Mike's weight, thinking it was over. But Mike's dick had other ideas! It had come too quickly, and remained hard as ever in the velvety confines of Tomas' ass. The efforts to get loose served to stimulate it to life again, but this time, it wanted a slow fuck! Mike increased his grip, and pulled back on Tomas, forcing him back down the entire length of his shaft. He began to leisurely fuck the young man, taking long, deep strokes. Tomas eyes were shut tight in embarrassment and humiliation as Mike continued his fuck. Nice and slow, all the time in the world. His dick was de-sensitized enough that he was able to vary his tempo and not risk cumming. It had been so long since he'd been in control of a sexual situation that he didn't want to give it up just yet. He looked down at the form underneath him. Ripe large nipples.... soft mouth... vulnerable neck..... He clamped his teeth around one of the tits and began sucking... all the while continuing his delicious fucking of the ass. Tomas moaned at this new assault, pressing his arms against the bulk of Mike's chest, but the weight was too great and his arms were tired from their struggle. Mike continued working the nipples, then moved to the throat and began to suck at the soft skin there. He allowed his hands to rove back to the nipples and began working them again, too. Tomas was tightly held in place and unable to prevent Mike from doing anything. His dick was trapped between their bellies, and Mike's forward/backward motion, combined with the big dick hitting his prostate every stroke, caused his own adequate 6" dick to harden up. He tried to will it down, but it refused to listen. Mike was beginning to get close again, and pulled his face away from Tomas' throat. The mouth was just too inviting, lips slightly parted, white teeth barely visible. Mike placed his lips over it and began to push with his tongue. Tomas' eyes flashed open! "NO!" he thought, "Don't kiss me!" Mike felt the renewed resistance and realized that while he had taken nearly everything else from him, that Tomas considered a kiss an even further humiliation. He tightened his grip, and forced the mouth open, his invading tongue reaching deep into his captive's, probing, swirling around the tongue that was fighting to force him out. Once again, he felt resistance yield as he fucked harder. Tomas' fully erect cock was sliding back and forth under his weight, and he heard his breathing begin to increase. His own dick was riding high as it pummeled the tunnel, and finally, he felt Tomas' final surrender as his body gave up its last attempts at defense. Tomas could no longer avoid his hard dick, it wanted release. The tongue in his mouth ceased to be a man's tongue, it was just any tongue. He shut his mind to everything and let his body rule. Mike knew the surrender was now complete. He wanted to see the final result though, so withdrew and released Tomas. His legs flopped against the mat, and he lay there, gasping. Mike scooped him up, turned him around, and forced his dick back into the loosened hole. Tomas watched himself in the mirror as Mike penetrated him from behind, the larger man's hands stealing around his body, one crossing his chest, the other reaching for his dick, gripping it firmly. Mike moved them closer to the mirror. Then he began. Long, deep thrusts, as his cock again swelled to its full length, tightly enveloped in the young man's butt, balls swinging back and forth, expectantly. He stroked Tomas' cock, showing it no mercy. Tomas' eyes were again closed in defeat, as he allowed Mike to use his body. His arms gripped Mike's, more for support than anything else, and Mike felt the thrill of complete victory overtake him as he again began pumping his load into the tight chute! Wave after wave of orgasm wracked his body, as it slid up and down Tomas' back-side. His arm gripped the smooth chest and he pulled at a tit while shooting his load. He began to really flog the helpless dick held in his right hand, and suddenly he felt the boy jerk, and was rewarded with watching the sticky white load began spraying out over the mirror. He had a complete, total view of his vanquishing of the Mexican youth, and milked the cock for every last drop of cum it could make. When Tomas stopped cumming, Mike released his hold on his dick, allowing it to begin drooping toward the floor, spent. His own cock began shrinking and sliding slowly out of Tomas' ass, yet he still held him tightly, not wanting to give up his victory. He heard a door open, and in the mirror's reflection saw Carlos enter the room. He was smiling broadly. "Yes, you did that very well... even better than I expected! How did you know to bring him closer to the mirror?" "I don't understand. I didn't mean to do anything... you set me up for this!" "No, I set you both up for this. You see, these mirrors are all two-way. This room is actually inside a larger room. My camera crew has recorded everything. Poor Tomas here is the son of an influential politician and the eldest son and heir of a wealthy and powerful family. They have political connections all over. And he is to marry into another powerful family just next week. After I edit the film, I will show it to each of you individually. In his case, should the film fall into the wrong hands, it could ruin not only is marriage, but his political ambitions and standing in society as well. For you, if I were to show this film to his father, and explain how you were my house guest but had trapped and raped his son.... well, Mexican prisons are not where big gringos would like to spend time. And believe me, he would have you there forever." Mike realized now that even if he escaped, Carlos would give the film to the authorities, and he would be arrested. Tomas hadn't understood much of the conversation, but Carlos waved his hand, the lights in the room dimmed, other lights behind the mirrors came on brighter, and he then saw the several men and film cameras that had been behind the walls. And right where his cum still dripped down the mirror, was a camera facing the exact spot. He knew they had filmed his utter humiliation and defeat, and had close-up shots of his face and dick as he shot all over the mirror while being fucked by another man. He turned to Carlos and spoke. Carlos answered, Tomas nodded understanding, and left. "You see, he is a smart young man. He will go far in this country. I will help him in this. And he will help me, too. Now as for you, my friend, I'll visit you again in the near future. Just remember the rules!"


10 Gay Erotic Stories from

Highway Patrol, Part 1

Highway Patrol, Part I He had always had a nose for trouble, and was rarely wrong. This time, it involved the man sitting across the room from him at a booth near the door to the restroom. He was dark-haired, late-twenties, probably around 180#, and looked to be about 6' tall, pretty close to Mike's own dimensions. Mike topped 6' by just a fraction,

Highway Patrol, Part 2

Highway Patrol, Part II Yes, his memory all came back with a roar, and his mind forced him to re-live that experience, burning it into his memory forever. He and his partner Bill had been on routine foot patrol through an area of Dallas noted for its abandoned warehouses. It was a haven for all sorts of unsavory characters.. dealers, the homeless, the

Highway Patrol, Part 3

Highway Patrol, Part III John left the secret room, with Mike still tied. He had pulled Mike's boxers and pants back up and fastened them, but pulled his dick and balls back out through the fly to keep him vulnerable. Mike was unable to get them back in no matter how he maneuvered his hips around, the fly was just too tight against the base of his

Highway Patrol, Part 4

Highway Patrol, Part IV Before they were ready to leave, John brought in some food from a fast-food place and told Mike he'd better eat up, because there wouldn't be any more food until Mexico and it might be his last "American" meal. As John refused to release Mike's bonds, he had to feed him. Mike was hungry, and ate everything that was offered. He

Highway Patrol, Part 5

Highway Patrol, Part V After several hours of driving with only brief stops for fuel and restroom breaks, the van reached Acapulco. Mike was able to glimpse a few sights as they drove along, but wasn't able to determine anything further than that they were in a city. The van pulled up to a heavily gated driveway, the driver spoke a few words to the

Highway Patrol, Part 6

Highway Patrol, Part VI The door opened and Carlos turned away and went back to the desk, while the guards indicated that Mike was to go with them. Resigned, he left the library, and was returned to his own suite. The bed was perfect, and he was soon sleeping soundly. He awoke with sun streaming in through the windows, his cock hard as usual for

Highway Patrol, Part 7

Highway Patrol, Part VII Mike woke up with a start in a blinding light. He'd been dreaming again, the same dream he'd been having the last few nights. It was always the same. He was trapped in a fog and looking for a way out. He was naked, running, his hard cock slapping against his body as he ran, his balls rocking against his thighs, aching. But he

Highway Patrol, Part 8

Highway Patrol, Part VIII Mike awoke. He was still tied to the bed, spread-eagle, and his cock was roaring hard. He needed to take a piss, and called out. He knew someone somewhere was monitoring him. Sure enough, the door opened and four guards entered. He no longer cared what the guards saw or thought, all he wanted to do was get to the bathroom,

Highway Patrol, Part 9

Highway Patrol, Part IX Mike had been taken back to his suite after the encounter with Tomas. He was still angry, shaken and embarrassed by that whole scene. He had never intended to rape anybody, but Carlos had worked him up so hard that he'd just had to do it. He felt guilty, too, because in spite of everything, his body felt a whole lot better now.

Highway Patrol, Part 10 (The Conclusion)

Highway Patrol, Part X The Conclusion Then, sensation stopped. He felt himself being lowered to the mat. He felt Carlos come next to him, lay down beside him, and then something warm on his mouth. He opened his eyes and saw that Carlos was actually kissing him. He was too weak to respond, but his lips parted and allowed Carlos' tongue to enter. He


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