Gay Erotic Stories

Highway Patrol, Part 5



Highway Patrol, Part V After several hours of driving with only brief stops for fuel and restroom breaks, the van reached Acapulco. Mike was able to glimpse a few sights as they drove along, but wasn't able to determine anything further than that they were in a city. The van pulled up to a heavily gated driveway, the driver spoke a few words to the guards, and the iron gates slowly swung open on their electric motors. The van wound along a narrow driveway, around to the rear of an imposing villa constructed in a Spanish/Mediterranean style. One of 10 garage doors stood open and they drove in, shut off the engine, and opened the doors, indicating that Mike should get out. Reluctantly, he left the van, a tight knot forming in his stomach as he now felt that rescue/escape were beyond possibility. The compound had appeared to be surrounded by walls at least 10-12' high and there also appeared to be a large contingent of Great Dane dogs roaming the property, as well as several "security-types" at intervals across the lawns and walls. He was led through a doorway and down a series of hallways. The house was immense. He knew he'd be lost in a second without a guide, corridors branched off here and there, occasionally they'd pass a larger room, one with a bowling alley, one with an indoor swimming pool, and similar trappings of the very rich. Finally, they ascended a staircase to the main floor, and up another to the second story. Down more hallways past a series of closed doors, until they finally reached what appeared to be their destination. His captors opened a doorway and pushed him into a room and shut the door. He was left in blackness, only a small amount of light came in through what appeared to be a large series of windows on the opposite wall. He felt around the door, found the light switch and pressed it. Soft lights bathed the room and he was astonished to find himself in a well appointed suite of rooms. This appeared to be a sitting area, to the left was an open archway leading into a bedroom. The wall with the windows also contained a set of French doors leading to a small, narrow balcony. He opened these and looked out. He was facing an interior courtyard of the house, which completely surrounded the swimming pool, jacuzzi, and gardens below. The landscape lighting also revealed the presence of the ever-vigilant guards, one of whom looked up at him, just to make sure Mike knew he was seen, then went back to his idle state. Mike decided to check out the rest of his rooms. Besides, even though it was night, it was still hot outside and his long pants and shirt were stifling in the heat. The bedroom contained a large king-size bed, and was appointed in tasteful (if tropical) furniture and fabrics. Another open archway led to the bathroom. It was nearly as large as his old apartment, was full of mirrors and marble. There was a whirlpool tub large enough for two, a walk-in shower surrounded by glass walls, a commode, and a large vanity/sink combination with cabinets galore. Everything was fully stocked with shampoo, soaps and luxuriously thick towels. Virtually everything he could think of was there, except for a bathrobe. He was also surprised to note that all the brands were exactly the same as what he had at home, right down to the disposable Bic razors in the medicine cabinet. He checked out the rest of the closets and drawers, but they were all empty. So, here he was, in a palatial suite of rooms, with nothing but the uniform on his back and an uncertain future. His stomach began to knot again, as nothing was free, and he now had a pretty good idea of what was likely to be happening to him here. Sounds in the hallway. The door opened swiftly, and a young man entered with a large tray. He placed it on a table near one of the sitting chairs, removed the cover, and indicated that Mike was to eat. Mike was ravenous and immediately sat down and began to eat. The other man left the room, and Mike finished everything. He remembered his last meal of drugged fast-food, but hadn't realized how hungry he was until he saw this tray, and at this point, didn't care if it was drugged or not. It was some type of fish/seafood combination, very well prepared, accompanied by rice, steamed vegetables and iced tea. Everything was perfectly done, as if cooked by a gourmet chef. After eating, he was pleasantly full, not stuffed, and again decided to look outdoors. The same guards were still down there, watching, waiting. Shadows fell across the balcony from behind him, and he turned to see two more guards in his room, waiting for him to re-enter. "Well, here goes!" he thought, as he went back in. They motioned for him to proceed to the bathroom, and indicated that he should take a shower. He hesitated, waiting for them to leave, but they again motioned to proceed, this time smiling. He'd been in this scene before, too, remembering how John had fucked him in the shower while he was tied. Apparently, he waited too long, because now the guards were approaching him, their intent obvious. He began to unbutton his shirt, and they stopped and waited. Slowly, he removed his shirt, his lightly hairy chest rising softly up and down with his breathing. Next came the shoes and socks, followed by his pants. He looked up hesitantly, and the guards indicated to continue, so he shucked his boxers and entered the shower. The guards made no movements as if they were going to join him, so he turned on the water and washed. The shower had all sorts of different settings and heads/jets in the wall, and he played with them, experimenting with the water flow. He could pretty much arrange water to hit himself anywhere, at any strength. In other circumstances, he would have been thrilled at so much luxury. But now, he was just self-conscious as he finished washing his hair, knowing that the guards had watched his every move through the clear glass of the shower stall. When finished, they handed him two towels to dry off with. He looked around for his uniform, but it was gone. He turned to the guards and gestured "what do I wear", and they handed him a small bundle. It contained a pair of off-white shorts and a tank-top type of T-shirt made of a gauze-like material. He pulled on the pants and was chagrined at the fact that they were so short that they barely covered his dick and balls. They were also rather baggy, and as he looked in the mirror, he realized that although not transparent, you could definitely see through them well enough to make out the size, shape and position of his genitals, even though they were fully covered. He could see the darker area of his pubic patch, and just below that, his limp shaft hanging down its normal soft 4 inches. The head was only about an inch from the bottom of his shorts. He pulled on the T-shirt thing, and it, too, was made of the same material. However, he felt he might as well not even wear it! The front was cut so low and wide that it only covered his stomach. The straps were very narrow, so his entire upper chest was left exposed, both nipples completely uncovered by anything. The sides under the arms dipped even lower, so that only about 6 inches of fabric were between the bottom of the shirt and the top. The back was only a little larger than the front. And you could practically see through this thing, too! He turned to the guards, who indicated he should finish by drying his hair, etc... and showed him where the hair-dryer was. He also shaved, and after another 10 minutes or so, was done. The guards motioned for him to follow. They led him out of the room and down the hallway. Mike felt his dick and balls swinging back and forth loosely against the flimsy material of the shorts, and tried to think of anything but that, as he felt his dick begin to stir to life. "Shit, the last thing I need now is a hard-on.... down boy, Down!" he commanded. They walked for what seemed like minutes, and Mike felt sure they must be on the opposite side of the house by now, when they finally reached their destination. The guards knocked crisply, the door opened from inside the room, and he was led in. This room was a large library, with a couple of sofas, several chairs, and three desks accompanying the stacks and stacks of books. Mike saw a man sitting at the largest desk with several open books spread out in front of him. The door had been opened by another young man. The guards left, leaving Mike alone with the man at the desk and the kid. The man looked up at Mike, stood and began to approach. Mike saw that he was olive-skinned, about 30-35 years old, mustached, wavy black hair, dark brown eyes, about Mike's own height and weight (maybe slightly heavier), and appeared to be well-muscled beneath his perfectly fitting white pull-over and khaki slacks. His face was smooth, and Mike thought that he could have been a Latino movie star for all his good looks, but the eyes were hard and calculating. With only the briefest of glances, Mike saw the young man scurry from the room, leaving them alone. "So, you're my gringo cop! I'm glad you finally got here. John told me about you over the phone, but seeing you in person is better than the images I had conjured up. Stand back, I want a better look in the light." Mike started, "Come on, man! This isn't what it seems. I'm really sorry all this has happened. I'd really like to just forget all about this and get back home. I'll sign or do whatever you want, just let me out of here." "I said stand back! There is to be no discussion of anything now. When I'm ready to talk to you about ending your vacation, I'll let you know. Now let me see what my time and money have brought me." Mike turned to the door, which was immediately opened, and the two guards glared menacingly. Mike shrugged his shoulders, and turned to the other man again. "OK, look all you want." The door closed and Mike felt the other man's gaze burn into him. He approached, reached out and touched the fabric of the shirt, following the strap from Mike's shoulder, down to where it began to stretch across his stomach, brushing lightly against the exposed nipple, tracing across to the other, brushing it, then running his hand lightly across Mike's chest hair, feeling the cleft between his pectorals, then both hands to the nipples, rubbing them gently. Mike struggled mentally to remain still while this stranger caressed his body. The other man then stood back and looked down. "Shit, here it comes" thought Mike, as he felt fingers touch the bottoms of both legs of his shorts, moving softly toward the center. He felt a hand brush against his dick-head about the same time as the other hand gently touched his balls. He flinched involuntarily. The hands then pushed further under the loose-fitting shorts, finding their way into everything. His balls were gripped, while the other hand explored his cock. He was struggling to maintain his flaccid state, and was actually succeeding. The hands abruptly withdrew. "Very nice! I believe you'll work out quite well. I am Carlos, and that is how you will address me. You have complete run of this house, and all its grounds. I am quite busy now, and I'm sure you're tired. Get some rest. If you need anything, pick up the phone in your room. There will be an English-speaking person to take care of your request. You may ask for anything you like. The staff has my instructions, and if your request is within the bounds of my limits for you, it will be granted. If not, you will be told so immediately. No one on the staff will speak to you or acknowledge you in English. If you can learn Spanish, they will then talk to you. The staff also knows that you are not allowed outside the compound, and any necessary steps to prevent your leaving will be taken. Any steps! Please do not test them on this. They fear me more than they would fear hurting you, and I don't want you injured... or worse. The dogs are all trained to attack and subdue on command, but they don't always know when to stop. So please, I beg of you, do not test me. Do you understand all this?" "Yes, but why?? Why am I here? How long am I going to have to stay? Can't you just send me off somewhere in the U.S.? I promise not to say anything. You will know where I am and if I fuck up on this, you can just send people to take care of me!" "Enjoy your evening."


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