Gay Erotic Stories

Highway Patrol, Part 4



Highway Patrol, Part IV Before they were ready to leave, John brought in some food from a fast-food place and told Mike he'd better eat up, because there wouldn't be any more food until Mexico and it might be his last "American" meal. As John refused to release Mike's bonds, he had to feed him. Mike was hungry, and ate everything that was offered. He figured that he'd be able to make enough noise when they crossed the border that no matter where or how he was tied, he'd be able to attract attention from Customs on either side. Finally, John indicated that they were to leave, and dragged Mike out of the room up to the patrol car. He put him in the passenger side of the car and tightened the seat and shoulder belt across him. Mike thought that it would be fairly easy to kick up a fuss at the border, sufficient to cause even the most inept border guard to take notice that something was wrong. Pleased with his plan, he adjusted his body to a more comfortable position and proceeded to wait. Shortly thereafter, he felt very, very sleepy. His mind began to wander as he mentally prepared his explanation of the events to Customs. He would be sure to leave out certain incidents, but that started him thinking about sex. He began daydreaming and fantasizing about various activities he planned on a certain young lady once he was free and let his mind drift freely. Suddenly he realized that he no longer had control of his mind as thought associations began swirling through his brain and he felt as if he was starting a slow spiraling spin downward. He blinked rapidly although he could see nothing in the total darkness as he thought it would help clear his head, but it didn't. As his mind raced in panic at facing this unknown situation, he finally realized what had happened. John had drugged the food and he was beginning to lose consciousness. He felt the darkness in his mind creeping in from the edges at first, slowly growing as his thoughts became a distant point of light. Then, finally, total darkness. Nothing. John chuckled quietly and pinched Mike on the arm hard enough to make him wince if he were still conscious. Nothing happened, so he untied him and adjusted him to look as though he were just asleep in the passenger seat. They drove the patrol car to the Mexican border and John said they were headed for Juarez to bring back a bail jumper the Mexicans were turning over to them. He joked with the Border Guards about the tough night Mike had had. The all laughed and said "Let him sleep. You're just driving for awhile." The cleared the border with no other incident and headed for the rendezvous point. Mike woke with a start, eyes popping open. It was light again. He was in a room somewhere with an exposed bare bulb in a ceiling fixture. He heard muffled voices and turned his head, seeing a doorway into another room. The voices were speaking Spanish. He had very limited knowledge of that language in spite of living in Texas, so didn't know what they were saying. He was only sure that he was no longer in the patrol car or the United States, and that it appeared that his best hope for escape was past. Mike recognized his duffel bag and a piece of his own luggage in the corner of the room. He decided to find out what would happen next, and called out. John heard the sound from the back room of the shack where he was to transfer custody of the prisoner over to Carlos' men. Well, they weren't really men, more like young men... between 19-22 years of age, half-way decent looking, and all trying to get noticed by the boss so as to enhance their own prospects for financial gain. John went in to see how Mike was coming out of his drug induced sleep. "Well, asshole. You're in Mexico now. The border crossing was a piece of cake. As a cop, I didn't have any problems at all. That car and this uniform will make my next several days a breeze! And since you were a good boy and kept quiet, everything went just like it was supposed to. I'm going to be leaving you now, but you'll be in good hands with Carlos' men here. They speak very little English. Hope you speak Spanish. If you don't, you'd better start learning. Well, you've been fun and since I know I won't be seeing you again, here's a little farewell present from me to you." That said, he reached down and roughly grabbed Mike's crotch and began squeezing his balls. At the same time, he reached over and kissed Mike squarely on the mouth. Mike's mouth had already popped open in surprise so John's tongue went in to explore. Their hats pushed each other back as the two mouths were locked in a forced, wet kiss. "AARrrghh!" Mike yelled. The new escorts quickly came into the room and laughed at the sight of the big gringo policeman being gripped and kissed. They had all had run-ins at one time or another with American police, and it amused them to see the tables turned as they had never been treated particularly politely. "That was just to show them that you aren't breakable. They might decide they want to play, but knowing you're bound for Carlos, they might have been afraid to touch you. But if I do it, they'll see it's OK. So, hope you and they have a good time! Hasta la vista, baby!" Then John straightened his stolen Stetson, saluted Mike and walked out. Mike looked up at the four faces staring down at him. They were unreadable. The boys were looking at the cop lying there. They knew they needed to get him up and on the way to Acapulco. They were expected on Monday, but they had a few extra minutes. They released his hands from the handcuffs and untied his feet. There were four of them, just one of him, but he figured he could easily take out two of them. But four might be a bit much. There might be another opportunity later, and he didn't know where he was right now. As far as he knew, he might be 50 miles from the nearest phone or person other than the present company. He rubbed his wrists and stretched his muscles which were tired from their long period of bondage, and they ached as he stretched them. While in mid-stretch, one of the boys punched him suddenly in the stomach. He gasped in surprise at the attack, and turned toward the offender as another blow landed on his back. He spun again, and found himself being assaulted on all sides as the four Mexicans attacked together. They began pulling at his clothes, and he felt his shirt being unbuttoned swiftly, while hands fumbled at his belt and fly. He began to struggle furiously, trying to prevent the hands on his pants from succeeding in their efforts, but losing his shirt in the process. He felt arms begin to pull his own arms back, attempting to immobilize them as other hands worked his belt loose. He felt the top button on his pants being opened as another hand zipped down the zipper. He broke free with his left hand and was able to prevent further efforts at the strip momentarily, but again, more arms pinned him again and he felt his pants sag to his knees. Now his struggles increased, he tried keeping his legs apart to prevent his pants from falling further, but then felt a hand probing into the fly of his boxers. His legs slammed back together as he tried to bend forward, and his trousers fell to his ankles. Someone was removing his shoes and socks, while other hands still tried to pry their way into his underwear. He surrendered the shoes and socks, but it was a hollow victory. Once they were gone, two pairs of hands grabbed the waistband of his boxers and pulled them straight to the floor and over his feet. He was now totally stripped, and felt the hands immediately pounce upon his unprotected genitals. He quickly doubled over to protect himself, and was able to curl tightly enough to allow himself to prevent any hands grabbing him. But he was being pummeled over his back and shoulders as they attempted to get him to open up. Then he felt a hand slap between his ass-cheeks, and it carried a load of some slippery lotion or something. He felt the hand begin smearing it up and down his crack, probing at his ass-hole as it passed over. He reached back with one hand to slap it away, and provided the rest of the kids with an opening to his crotch. One hand penetrated his defenses and was working its way toward his cock. He curled even tighter into his fetal position, all the while fending off the hand working at his crack. That assault became two hands, prying his cheeks apart, rubbing at his sphincter. Another hand slipped past his right arm and it too began worming its way into his crotch. A third hand reached down past his neck and grabbed hold of his left nipple and began pinching and twisting savagely. He abandoned his ass for a moment and pulled the hand off his nipple, but felt dismayed as a finger penetrated his hole. He clamped his ass tightly and heard laughter. The finger worked even deeper into his ass, finally finding his prostate. It began prodding at it, eliciting a further response in his cock as it began to lengthen involuntarily. His ass conquered, he abandoned it to defend his crotch. But with 4 or 5 hands coming from different directions all at once, it was only a matter of time before he finally felt one hand slip from underneath him and grab his ball sack. The hand closed tighter and tighter, while his dick grew harder and harder. Another hand found his cock head and firmly gripped it and began tugging. His whole body was revolting against the assault, but he was unable to defend against so many attackers. His nuts were now completely controlled by the hand that was crushing them, and he felt other hands pulling his shoulders back away from his tightly balled position. He finally surrendered, and let the hands pull him back, as the rest of them grabbed any unprotected part of his crotch. Two or three hands gripped his shaft and began riding it up and down, forcing his dick to leak pre-cum in excitement. His nuts were being manipulated by another pair of hands, each alternating in grabbing, pulling, yanking, squeezing. Other hands began working his exposed nipples, twisting them and pulling them up and away from his chest as the final hand continued its attack on his prostate. He was sweating profusely, beads building up and running down his chest, as the hands continued working him over. His dick was rigid as rock, and the boys were laughing as they jerked it back and forth, causing strings of pre-cum to fly around in stringy trails as his dick yielded to superior efforts. His nuts were churning up a load to shoot as they were pressed and massaged, and his prostate felt as if it were swelling up large under the pressure being exerted against it. His breathing became rapid an irregular as he felt a climax drawing near, and felt his balls struggle to tighten up against the base of his cock for ejaculation. However, they were held firmly in place away from his body and tightly squeezed. His dick began jerking involuntarily as the various hands slid over his cock head. It was then that he noticed his prostate was free of sensation. The hand had left! But it was quickly replaced by something bigger. He felt it press against his anus and quickly slip past his last effort at defense. A cock was now sliding deep into his asshole. He felt it nudge his prostate again, and felt his dick twitch in response. More laughter from his attackers as they realized what their friend was doing. They quickly began working Mike over even faster, as they heard their friend say he was getting close. Mike felt the cock in his butt swell slightly, and then reeled as his tormentors thrusts became rapid and deep. He felt rather than heard the orgasm of his attacker, and his prostate was hit repeatedly by the invading dick. His own balls finally exploded their load, in spite of the pressure being exerted on them, and his cum began spewing up and out of his cock. The kids laughed and dodged the streams of jizz as he shot all over them, while mercilessly squeezing and milking every last shot out of him. Finally, exhausted and spent, he collapsed against them. They continued to play with his body for a few minutes, finally pulling out their own dicks and jerking off, cumming all over Mike's chest and crotch. He no longer cared. He was defeated and too tired to fight any more. Let them cum on him. What did it matter? He was tired from the exertion, totally drained emotionally, and just wanted to rest now. After everyone had cum, they quickly cleaned up the mess, and got Mike dressed in his uniform again. They then cuffed his hands and hobbled his feet, and led him to a waiting van. He was put in the back compartment with three of the boys, and the fourth started the engine. They left. Next stop, Acapulco.


10 Gay Erotic Stories from

Highway Patrol, Part 1

Highway Patrol, Part I He had always had a nose for trouble, and was rarely wrong. This time, it involved the man sitting across the room from him at a booth near the door to the restroom. He was dark-haired, late-twenties, probably around 180#, and looked to be about 6' tall, pretty close to Mike's own dimensions. Mike topped 6' by just a fraction,

Highway Patrol, Part 2

Highway Patrol, Part II Yes, his memory all came back with a roar, and his mind forced him to re-live that experience, burning it into his memory forever. He and his partner Bill had been on routine foot patrol through an area of Dallas noted for its abandoned warehouses. It was a haven for all sorts of unsavory characters.. dealers, the homeless, the

Highway Patrol, Part 3

Highway Patrol, Part III John left the secret room, with Mike still tied. He had pulled Mike's boxers and pants back up and fastened them, but pulled his dick and balls back out through the fly to keep him vulnerable. Mike was unable to get them back in no matter how he maneuvered his hips around, the fly was just too tight against the base of his

Highway Patrol, Part 4

Highway Patrol, Part IV Before they were ready to leave, John brought in some food from a fast-food place and told Mike he'd better eat up, because there wouldn't be any more food until Mexico and it might be his last "American" meal. As John refused to release Mike's bonds, he had to feed him. Mike was hungry, and ate everything that was offered. He

Highway Patrol, Part 5

Highway Patrol, Part V After several hours of driving with only brief stops for fuel and restroom breaks, the van reached Acapulco. Mike was able to glimpse a few sights as they drove along, but wasn't able to determine anything further than that they were in a city. The van pulled up to a heavily gated driveway, the driver spoke a few words to the

Highway Patrol, Part 6

Highway Patrol, Part VI The door opened and Carlos turned away and went back to the desk, while the guards indicated that Mike was to go with them. Resigned, he left the library, and was returned to his own suite. The bed was perfect, and he was soon sleeping soundly. He awoke with sun streaming in through the windows, his cock hard as usual for

Highway Patrol, Part 7

Highway Patrol, Part VII Mike woke up with a start in a blinding light. He'd been dreaming again, the same dream he'd been having the last few nights. It was always the same. He was trapped in a fog and looking for a way out. He was naked, running, his hard cock slapping against his body as he ran, his balls rocking against his thighs, aching. But he

Highway Patrol, Part 8

Highway Patrol, Part VIII Mike awoke. He was still tied to the bed, spread-eagle, and his cock was roaring hard. He needed to take a piss, and called out. He knew someone somewhere was monitoring him. Sure enough, the door opened and four guards entered. He no longer cared what the guards saw or thought, all he wanted to do was get to the bathroom,

Highway Patrol, Part 9

Highway Patrol, Part IX Mike had been taken back to his suite after the encounter with Tomas. He was still angry, shaken and embarrassed by that whole scene. He had never intended to rape anybody, but Carlos had worked him up so hard that he'd just had to do it. He felt guilty, too, because in spite of everything, his body felt a whole lot better now.

Highway Patrol, Part 10 (The Conclusion)

Highway Patrol, Part X The Conclusion Then, sensation stopped. He felt himself being lowered to the mat. He felt Carlos come next to him, lay down beside him, and then something warm on his mouth. He opened his eyes and saw that Carlos was actually kissing him. He was too weak to respond, but his lips parted and allowed Carlos' tongue to enter. He


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