Gay Erotic Stories

Hard Exercise Part II

by 4-Paw

Hard Exercise Part 2 NOTE: Here is part 2 of my first porn-story. This story contains frank and explicit depictions of gay sex, and is not for readers under the age of 21. If you are not of legal age in your area, or descriptions such as these are offensive to you, DO NOT READ THIS STORY! There, now that that's over, enjoy. 4-Paw The two men walked side by side across the thickly carpeted floor, hands brushing as they went. The time it took for them to reach the Jacuzzi gave them each a chance to calm down, and when they arrived at the steaming pool, their dicks had begun to shrink back to their normal sizes. As they stepped down into the heated water, Eric reached over and gave Roger's softening cock a gentle squeeze which started it growing all over again. Roger turned to face him, and as Eric continued to massage Roger's cock back to full erection, he opened his mouth slightly and drew Roger toward his invitingly open lips. Roger's whole body quivered with the strength of his need. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back slightly, baring the sensitive underside of his neck. He could feel Eric's hot breath tickling his chin, and suddenly, Roger felt the gentle probing of Eric's firm, soft tongue against his lips, pushing gently. He allowed his lips to part slightly, and Eric deftly slid his tongue between his teeth. Roger sucked the questing tip deep into his mouth, and he felt Eric tenderly exploring the depths of his throat. Slowly, Eric withdrew his tongue which left Roger feeling slightly empty so he extended his own and it slid right into Eric's waiting kiss with no resistance whatsoever. For several long minutes, the pair stood there and traded a series of long, passionate kisses which left them both gasping for breath. "Oh, man," Eric sighed when they finally pulled apart, "I've been wanting to do that ever since I first laid eyes on you." He smiled gently and led Roger into the pool's heated depths. As they immersed themselves, a contented sigh escaped Roger's lips and he sank up to his neck beneath the liquid. Eric slid gracefully in beside him, and they lay there for several long minutes, just enjoying the warmth which quickly began to permeate their bodies. After a short time, he slid his hand across Roger's muscular thigh and gently started to fondle his flaccid cock beneath the surface. Roger moaned slightly and spread his legs, giving his partner easy access to his full, firm balls. As Eric kneaded the soft, fleshy pouch, Roger leaned back against the deck and sighed with delight. "Ummm," he said as Eric's questing fingers made their way to his puckered opening and gently started to tickle his responsive asshole. "Yes," he sighed, "Oh, yes." He raised his hips to allow the muscular blonde greater access and slowly ground his ass cheeks together around Eric's teasing hand. Eric carefully slid his index finger into Roger's hot depths, bringing another moan of ecstasy to his lips, and he bucked with surprise when Eric's finger reached his sensitive prostate gland. Seconds later, he felt the blonde insert a second finger alongside the first, and together, the two fingers began to roll the walnut-sized organ around. Immediately, Roger's cock rose to full erection as little tingles of pleasure erupted from the contact and spread themselves throughout his body. His rapture increased even more when Eric's other hand reached down and began to stroke his rigid organ, bringing little mewling noises of ecstasy from his throat. "Oh God," he panted breathlessly, "I think I'm in heaven!" "Like it?" Eric asked with a mischievous grin. Roger didn't answer, but instead, reached out and drew Eric deep into his arms, passionately nibbling at the side of his neck as the man continued his ministrations. Roger's hands roamed freely over Eric's warm, wet body, and he pulled the blonde tightly to his chest and reached around to fondle Eric's muscular ass cheeks with his hands. Eric removed his fingers from Roger's clutching asshole and slid between his partner's legs where he pressed his body hard against Roger's heaving chest. He squatted slightly to allow Roger to explore the inner surface of his ass, and when Roger's fingers found the tiny opening, it was Eric's turn to shiver with pleasure. All through this, Roger continued to lick and suckle Eric's neck. Finally, Roger drew his lips back, leaving a series of tiny hickeys which showed dark against the pale pink of the handsome blonde man's skin, and Eric said softly, "I can't take much more of this. Let's get out of here and use the steam room. Ok?" "Anything you're the trainer." As the two stood up, the steaming water ran down their bodies, and both of them had turned pink from the heat. Eric's throbbing cock stood at almost a right angle to his abdomen, and the heat made it seem to swell to almost twice its size. Roger reached down and gently massaged the thick shaft, bringing gasps of pleasure to the blonde man's lips. "Come on," he said as he gently pulled Eric's hard cock, leading him into the locker area and toward the thickly glassed steam room. As they entered, billows of steam poured out through the open door, bathing them in a wispy cloud of heat. They walked in quickly, so as not to lose any of the thick vapor and closed the door tightly behind them. "Good God," Roger said, releasing Eric's cock, "You can hardly see in here." "That's the whole point," Eric replied as he moved cautiously over to a tiled bench, "It's almost as if you're floating inside a warm cloud." Roger followed slowly and sat down beside him on the heated surface. The two men turned toward each other and tenderly embraced, gently at first, then with increasing passion as their bodies slid against each other, bringing their cocks back to the bursting point. "Why don't you finish what you started?" Roger asked, laying back on the seat and spreading his legs. "My pleasure," Eric replied, moving between the massive, muscular thighs and giving the erect cock a loving lick. Slowly, he climbed up on the seat as well and moved his whole body over Roger's. Kneeling down between the aroused man's muscular legs, he gently raised the firm ass and spread the cheeks, aiming his rigid dick at the waiting opening. "Come on, stud," Roger quoted softly, "Pump some iron for me." Eric leaned forward and kissed Roger on the lips. He slowly brought his hips forward, and as the engorged head of his cock made its first tentative contact with Roger's eager asshole, a low growl escaped his throat. Roger reached up and gripped the blonde's hips and carefully drew him closer until his swollen head was pressed tightly against the puckered opening. "Now," he breathed huskily, "Fuck me now," and he thrust his hips toward Eric, driving the rigid cock deep into his hot asshole. Neither of them moved for a few seconds while Roger's ass relaxed to allow Eric's probing cock to penetrate its smooth depths to its limits. Finally, the blonde man began to thrust his dick in and out, slowly at first, then faster and deeper as the throes of his lust took over. Roger, too, was held fast by the bonds of his excitement, and he ground his hips back toward Eric's pistoning pole, taking it all into his eager tunnel while he gripped his own cock firmly and began to masturbate himself in time with the frantic rythm of the muscular trainer's rapid thrusts. Before they knew it, their long denied orgasms made themselves felt in a rush of sensations racing upward from their balls. It swept over them so quickly that they barely had time to prepare before Eric yelled, "Oh, God! I'm coming! Jesus...I'm going to cum in your hot ass!" "Oh, yeah," Roger responded breathlessly, "Cum in me! I want your hot juice to fill me up to my eyeballs! Fuck me, stud...fuck me hard!" The rhythmic sounds of their bodies slapping together echoed from the walls of the small room, almost drowning out the sounds of their heavy breathing as they both neared an explosive climax. Too far gone for words, the two men became engines of lust, driving each other to heights of sensations that neither had ever experienced before. Suddenly, Eric's balls contracted and an intense wave of pleasure swept up his legs and into his groin. With a loud cry of ecstasy, his throbbing cock erupted in a cascading flood of thick, creamy white which filled Roger's willing asshole completely. At the same time, Eric's orgasm triggered Roger's, and with an answering yell of his own, great gobs of thick, gooey cum gushed out of his rapidly spasming cock-slit, covering his hand and spreading itself across Eric's hard, muscular stomach. Their bodies slapped together frantically for several more heartbeats, and finally, with a long, drawn-out sigh, Eric collapsed in a heap on Roger's quivering belly. They lay together for a long time, kissing tenderly while Eric's still-rigid cock started to shrink. As he gently pulled it out of Roger's clutching asshole, a fresh spasm of pleasure swept over him, and he drove his semi- erect organ back in for a few more, last-minute strokes to drain his swollen balls completely. "Oh, man," he sighed, "That was absolutely the best fuck I've had in years." He looked down into Roger's eyes, and saw the gentle, almost wistful look in them. "You know something? I could get to like this." "Me too," Roger replied gently, "I've never seen a more tender look on anybody's face than on yours right now. What do you say we go get cleaned up." The blonde body-builder nodded and gently pulled his rapidly shrinking cock out of the other man's tight asshole. Sliding out from between the his partner's legs, Eric reached down to take Roger's hand and helped him up. They traded several more deep, passionate kisses, then turned and walked out of the steam room and into the showers. The pair stood under the forceful sprays of water, each basking in the afterglow of their intense sexual encounter. As they soaped themselves up, Eric turned to face Roger and said, "Turn around and I'll soap your back." "With pleasure," he replied. As his hands moved to spread out the slippery foam, Eric moved down lower and lower on Roger's body. The feel of the slick soap stimulated them both again, and as Eric pressed himself to the other man, he reached around to soap Roger's cock and his hand encountered the man's once more straining erection. "I guess you didn't get enough," he chuckled, "We'll have to do something about that, won't we." Roger turned slowly in Eric's firm embrace and faced his partner. "And just what did you have in mind?" he asked with a smile. "This," Eric replied as he reached down and lovingly gripped Roger's stiff cock and balls with his hands. He massaged them up and down, and as he did, Roger began to squirm with suppressed urges. Eric backed him away from the wall and dropped to his knees in front of the aroused Roger and rinsed all traces of soap from his throbbing cock. Quickly, he filled his mouth with hot water and engulfed the entire length of Roger's solid shaft of meat. The other man gasped in shock as the hot liquid surrounded the tip of his rigid hard-on, and his hips bucked against Eric's cheeks, driving his straining cock deep into the embrace of the blonde's clutching lips. His tongue tenderly explored every inch of Roger's throbbing dick, tracing the paths of the pulsing veins as he slid the thick piece of meat in and out of his hot mouth, and he massaged the man's loosely hanging balls with one hand while he ran his other up and down the back of Roger's thighs. Eric expertly sucked and tickled with his tongue until Roger was wriggling with delight, then abruptly, he stopped and stood up. "Come with me," he said, grabbing the other man by his dick and leading him out of the shower and into the thickly carpeted locker area. Removing a towel from his locker, the blonde proceeded to dry the other man off from head to toe, taking special care to work on the area of his cock and balls. "There," he said as he finished wiping the last of the liquid from his partner's body, "That's better. Now, it's your turn. Sit down." With that, Eric gently pushed Roger down onto the bench. Sitting down beside him, Eric slowly lowered Roger down on his back, but this time, he raised himself up and straddled the other man's rigid, straining cock. Carefully, he sat down and slowly took Roger's dick deep into his own asshole. Roger moaned with pleasure, "Oh, man," he said as his rigid cock slid into Eric's warm ass, "That feels so good! Ride that stiff cock," he said, "Ride me like a horse, you stud." Eric began to gently raise and lower himself on Roger's rigid pole, each time, burying more and more of the stiff dick in his hot, clutching tunnel of lust. Because of Roger's already aroused state, it didn't take long for Eric's tight asshole to drive him almost to the brink of another soul- shattering orgasm, and he thrust his hips up to meet Eric's downward plunges, his thighs slapping against the cheeks of the blonde man's ass with a vengeance. As he bounced up and down, Eric reached behind him and began to massage Roger's straining nuts with his left hand and masturbated himself with his other, driving them both even closer to a mutual explosion. "Oh, man," Roger gasped as he felt the waves of intense pleasure building in his churning balls, "Here it comes." He began to thrust more frantically, driving his iron-hard cock deep into Eric's warm, smooth tunnel. Suddenly, almost without warning, Roger cried out and clutched the blonde man's hips, shoving his cock into Eric's ass as far as he could. A stream of thick, warm liquid jetted out as spasm after spasm wracked Roger's swollen nuts until they emptied themselves completely in the other man's deep hole. At the same time, Eric climaxed once more himself and his hot cum spurted out onto Roger's chest, covering both of them with thick, creamy juice. With guttural, animal cries, the two fucked frantically for several more minutes until they were both completely drained and satisfied. Slowly, as the throes of their mutual orgasms declined and they separated, Eric slid over onto his side and wrapped his arms around Roger's neck. His partner turned slightly and looked deep into his eyes as their lips drew together, and they shared another soul-searing kiss, tongues entwining around each other as they darted in and out of each other's mouths. Slowly, they drew apart and gazed lovingly at each other's faces. "Well," Eric asked finally, "What did you think of your first training session?" "I think I'm going to become a permanent member," Roger replied, "But only if you'll be my full- time workout partner." Eric smiled lazily and said, "I'm sure that can be arranged." Roger winked and grinned widely. "God, I love hard exercise," he said, and kissed the man again.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from 4-Paw

Hard Exercise Part II

Hard Exercise Part 2 NOTE: Here is part 2 of my first porn-story. This story contains frank and explicit depictions of gay sex, and is not for readers under the age of 21. If you are not of legal age in your area, or descriptions such as these are offensive to you, DO NOT READ THIS STORY! There, now that that's over, enjoy. 4-Paw The two men walked side by side

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