Gay Erotic Stories

Getting Scott Hot, Part 4

by Hot Jock

It's been six months now, and things are just as hot and heavy as ever. To my knowledge, Scott isn't having sex with anyone else but me, and the women that at least appeared to be a staple part of his life before are a distant memory. He speaks openly with me about gay sex and gay issues, with none of the hostility, furtiveness or confusion that touched our earliest connections. And still, so hairy, so well hung and so endlessly, boundlessly horny; his sex drive I think amazes us both. With the hours and hours we spend attending to his unending sexual need, my own drives, which I thought were pretty strong seem almost like an aside. So one Saturday he shows up at my door, carrying a door-sized piece of mirror. “What are you going to do with that?” I ask. “Aren't there enough places and ways for us to watch ourselves fuck?” He leans it carefully against the wall of my living room and says in a serous tone, “I need to talk to you. I've met someone.” My heart sank. I've never had a truly long-term relationship in my life, and I knew it was inevitable that this would come to an end just like all the others, given the difference in our ages if nothing else. I just had hoped it would go on a little longer. I started to say I understood and he waved no-no at me. "No, dude, we're totally cool. I just met this guy, well, he's like I was six months ago. He's never done it with another guy, and he's like super-desperate for it, and, well, I figured, what you did for me I could do for him!" I should interject here and say that Scott has almost completely lost all inhibition in the sack, but there are two things he absolutely refuses to do: one is to lick my anus (no matter how much he loves it when I lick his); and the other is to have sex with me in his apartment. I've never even been inside it. I guess he must have some space issue, or maybe he thinks people will see us, but if he thinks people don't see him coming over here 5 or 6 times a week he's mistaken. “So what's the issue?” I inquire, my heart thudding with relief. Well let me explain how we met, he says. He's a guard at the base. I know him on sight because he sometimes checks me in at the gate, but I don't have much to do with him otherwise. A sardonic glance, "You know, he's a guard." Another interjection - Scott's job is to maintain and repair the mobile units that provide electricity and air conditioning to parked fighter jets. In the social echelons of the air force, far below the fighter jocks, but at least as far above a security guard. "So," he continues, "I saw him at the 7-11 near the base when I stopped to buy beer, and he was at the magazine counter staring at the cover of Playgirl. What a dumb shit, anyone could have seen him. So I sidled up to him and quietly said, ‘Yeah, I like to look at guys, too’." I was shocked. "How could you?" I said. "What a risk; you could have been wrong about him and he could have pummeled you, or he could have gotten totally freaked out!" "Yeah, but he didn't," Scott said with a gleam in his eye. "We got some beer and went over to the park and talked. He's just like I was: he's never done it with another guy, and he's desperate to do it, and he doesn't know how to hook up, and when we talked he is like an enthusiastic puppy he wants to do it with me so bad!" “So why are you telling me all this?” I ask. “Well,” Scott replied, “he lives in a condo with two other guys so we can't go there. And you know how I feel about my place. I'd love to do it with both of you, but I think it would be too much for him the first time. So,” and he paused, “I was wondering if I could bring him here…” “Sure,” I said, “just give me a few days’ warning. You've got a key. Just let me know and I'll make myself scarce.” Scott's so goofy-looking and so low key that it is both surprising and kind of endearing when he gets serious. His voice got low and he picked up the piece of mirror and turned it around so that I could see it was actually a one-way glass. "I don't want you to go away. I want you to watch." I was flabbergasted. This hottie hunk who has been sharing my bed for months wants to break in some other curious tentative young guy, and by letting me watch, he is in some way repaying me for what I have done for him in bringing him out of his shell. I didn't know what to say except, “SHIT YES!” Given the work he does, Scott is exceptionally handy with anything mechanized, motorized or involving tools, so it was less than an hour later that my bedroom closet door had been opened up and the one-way mirror hung upon it. When the closet door was closed, it created interesting back-and-forth reflections of my bed with the large mirror already installed on the bedroom wall. It was all set for the following Saturday. At the appointed hour, Scott came over and I went into the closet with some lube and Kleenex and prepared to see what transpired. About five minutes later I could hear the doorbell ring and saw Scott go to answer it. In a few moments they walked into view. Scott had told me the guard's name was Ryan, and that they were the same age, 22, but had said nothing more. Ryan could not have been more different physically. Scott is about 6', and very lanky, almost skinny, with blondish/light brown hair. Ryan probably weighed the same, but was only about 5'8", so much stockier. He looked like he worked out, but was still somewhat porky. Dark brown hair cut short, and a perpetual five-o’clock shadow. I could hear the excitement in his voice even before they came into the room. Scott sat on the bed and Ryan stood in front of him. “Wow! Cool place!” he said. “Yeah, it belongs to the guy I told you about who broke me in,” Scott replied. “Where is he?” asked Ryan. Scott told him I was away at a meeting at my head office. "So he's with the suits?" asked Ryan. With a sardonic grin Scott said, “Yeah you might say that.” I chuckled quietly. Abruptly, Scott stood up and pulled off his t-shirt. He slapped himself hard on his furry belly. I could hear the crack through the closet door. Ryan staggered and held himself against the bureau. “Take off your clothes,” I could hear Scott say in a quiet low voice. Ryan practically leaped out of his baggy shorts, t-shirt, boxer briefs and in seconds he was totally nude. Scott's pretty hairy, but in only the obvious and typical places; none on his shoulders or back for example. But Ryan had coarse brown hair pretty much all over his body. He must have matured very early and been teased about it his whole life. His cock wasn't small, but in comparison to Scott's mammoth penis, all I had known these many months, it seemed almost diminutive. He was already fully erect, practically vibrating with excitement. Scott slowly took off the rest of his clothes, turning away from Ryan as he took off his pants. He was thus facing me, so I could see Ryan's eyes drawn to Scott's hairy ass and heavily furred legs, and I could also see the huge bulge in Scott's jockstrap. He took it off, and his erect penis leaped up to its massive 9" full length as he faced me. He grinned once into the mirror at me, and held his arms outward in a gesture of openness and almost supplication, and turned around to show himself to Ryan. In his first male sexual encounter, Ryan was thus face to face with a very hairy, massively aroused and extremely wellhung naked 22-year-old man, showing his big red 9" boner to him as they stood naked and alone in a bedroom. I suppose under the circumstances his reaction was understandable. Ryan fainted. I was about to come out of the closet (funny turn of phrase!) but Scott urgently waved STAY BACK behind him and approached Ryan's prone form on the floor. He kneeled on each side of Ryan's torso and bent over and slapped Ryan's face gently. Of course, the end result was when Ryan came to seconds later, Scott's engorged penis was right in front of his face. Even behind the mirror I could see the expression of lust and admiration and total awe in Ryan's eyes. Wordlessly, Scott picked up his head and lifted it up, and gently, carefully, fed his big red cock into Ryan's mouth. Ryan accepted it eagerly, and I could see Scott whispering to him explaining what he wanted him to do. Ryan sucked him greedily, and knowing Scott's sex drive, I knew this moment would be brief. Well, it turned out that Ryan must have been a kindred spirit because in just a few minutes, without Scott even touching him, Ryan's back arched and he spewed a very impressive load out of his cock that splattered all over Scott's back. Seconds later Scott's legs tensed and he came. The reaction was explosive. As experienced as I am, and knowing that it's coming, it's still difficult for me to accept Scott's monster loads. Scott's semen exploded out of Ryan's lips and he bucked upward and threw Scott off of him. He ended up on his knees choking and gagging and spitting Scott's spew out of his mouth. Scott just laid on his side laughing, his big red cock flopped across his leg. Jesus, dude, what the fuck! said Ryan. But you could quickly see that his shock and surprise and discomfort was being replaced by the excitement over this new experience. In a few minutes they went out to the kitchen and got a couple of beers and came back into the bedroom and sat and talked. I could only hear snippets of conversation, but it was mostly Ryan unburdening himself -probably to the first person ever - about his sexuality. About half an hour later, they both got erections again and grinned at each other. Scott said a few quiet words to Ryan, who took a condom out of his daypack and inexpertly rolled it onto himself. Scott rolled over onto his back on my bed and put his legs up on Ryan's shoulders. Ryan moved forward and pressed himself into Scott. Given Ryan's much smaller cock size than mine, it wasn't surprising that Scott accepted him easily. They rocked back and forth, and I could see the muscles bunching and knotting underneath all the man-fur on Ryan's back. With the horniness of youth, and also the mental excitement of a first time experience, I guess it shouldn't have been a surprise that Ryan's movements accelerated and in a matter of just a few minutes I could hear his groans and cries of orgasm as he ejaculated and fell, spent, onto the bed. After a moment, Scott literally dragged Ryan up onto his hands and knees. Standing on the floor with his hands on his knees, he bent over and began gently, almost reverently, tonguing Ryan's anus. The final taboo! I couldn't believe my eyes. The one thing he would NEVER do to me he's doing to this young guy! At one point he broke away to pull a stray hair off of his tongue and he looked over at the mirror straight at me and gave an exaggerated wink that said YOU'RE NEXT, before he went back to it. Ryan was almost shuddering with excitement at the eroticism of the moment. Then Scott stood up and grabbed a Magnum and rolled it onto his huge erection and swabbed some lube into Ryan's ass crack. Ryan looked back in fear, and I couldn't hear his words but I could hear the fearful high questioning tone. A low quiet response from Scott, who mounted Ryan like a stallion mounting a mare, and gently but insistently pushed himself deep inside his new conquest. Ryan shivered and I could hear the cry of mixed pain and pleasure as he accepted Scott's huge erection inside him. Scott impaled Ryan and then held still, letting Ryan's body get used to this unaccustomed intrusion. Then he began moving back and forth, slowly and gently thrusting himself in and out. As he did so, he slowly and gradually moved their bodies around so they were facing sideways before me. I had a grandstand view of Scott making slow, careful, passionate love to this young guy, and I also saw Ryan's thick red penis rising again with another erection. He came up off his knees and pressed himself against Scott's hairy chest. Scott's hands came down and began to manipulate and caress Ryan's swollen cock and heavy balls. With the impetuousness and horniness of youth, they both came shortly. I could see Scott's trademark hip thrusts, and hear his groans and gasps of ecstasy. Ryan's hips thrust and, with Scott's hands covering him, he spewed forth another heavy load of cum, which spilled all over Scott's hands. They collapsed on the bed laughing. In a few minutes they disappeared into the bathroom and when they came back a few minutes later it was obvious they had both showered. Ryan threw on his clothes, gave Scott a high-five, and then they spoke, apparently agreeing to meet again. Ryan went out the door and in a minute Scott came back into the bedroom and I opened the closet door and stepped naked and heavily swollen into the room - totally aroused by what I had just witnessed - and we got into the bed already totally stained with semen and lube and I fucked him for an hour. For comments or a picture of the guys who inspired either Scott or Ryan, contact


7 Gay Erotic Stories from Hot Jock

An Athletic Virgin And The Coach

One day I was doing my usual work out session in my high school weight room. My favorite coach was there also working out. Coach Fuller is a god. He is an assistant Football coach. He is around 28 and looks very young. He is six feet tall. He has a well defined body. Washboard abs, defined legs and arms. He has blonde hair and green eyes. He is married and has a kid. He always

First Time On The Mountain

I went on a Sierra Club work trip when I was 18, cleaning up airplane wrecks in the mountains. All we had to do was chop up the wreckage and drag it into cargo nets in an open area where a helicopter would come to pick it up later. Then we had every afternoon free. Because the crashes usually happen on takeoff or landing, we were right by backcountry airstrips so we got food flown

Getting Scott Hot

I live in a single unit condo that is in a neighborhood of apartment complexes that are mostly occupied by young military men and women who populate the airbase on the outskirts of town. My condo is pretty nice and has its own private mini-pool and a lounging area where I can sunbathe nude. I don't socialize much with too many of the neighbors, but there is one guy whom I've

Getting Scott Hot, Part 2

After our impromptu jackoff session in my pool house, I didn't see Scott again for almost a week. I'd been away on a business trip. Driving home from the airport the following Saturday, I pulled onto my block just as he was going the other way in his Toyota 4x4. I nodded and he gave me a grin and a wave. I decided to stay away from him. I figured if it was a one-time thing and he

Getting Scott Hot, Part 3

The summer slowly went by. Most of the residents of Scott's complex rotated out, so he was able to come over to my place frequently without anyone paying attention. He slowly got over his annoying habit of bolting as soon as he got off, and we used to spend the time between sex talking about his life, and what his plans were. One day, after I'd finished servicing his huge cock,

Getting Scott Hot, Part 4

It's been six months now, and things are just as hot and heavy as ever. To my knowledge, Scott isn't having sex with anyone else but me, and the women that at least appeared to be a staple part of his life before are a distant memory. He speaks openly with me about gay sex and gay issues, with none of the hostility, furtiveness or confusion that touched our earliest connections.

The Refinery

I'm the general manager of a small oil well and refinery complex in South Texas. Most of the crew is made up of local guys in their late 20s or early 30s, but we occasionally attract some college guys who want jobs for the summer. This summer, we got two fraternity brothers from AMU, named Bruce and Christopher. They were both 19, and working for the summer between their sophomore

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