Gay Erotic Stories

Forgotten Sailors

by Aussie Slick

Hans had always had a deep love for Erik. And working with him in the Engine Room, where it was hot, didn't help him control those passions very well. Erik would parade the steel cathedral, surrounded by all the mechanics and machinery, wearing only a pair of shorts, sailor's cap, heavy work boots and socks - maybe a navy blue singlet, when it was cooler. Hans was an Able Seaman First Class but Erik was his superior, so things had to be kept very low key. Hans was forever getting into strife because he was too busy watching his Olympian hero prancing around the Engine Room, gliding up or down the metal ladders, with the agility of a trained athlete, that he failed to perform as well as expected. Erik's powerful, muscular body always glistening with a fine sheen of sweat, from the heat, and splattered with oil slicks from casual brushing against the machinery. He looked divine to Hans. That angelic face. Blond, close cut hair jutting out in sprigs, under his cap. The little button nose. Cheek smile - cranking upward to the left, making his eyes sparkle and chill Hans to the core. The smooth, rounded shoulders. Strong, thick neck sprouting from those shoulders, cradling his perfect face and head. Those gorgeous puffed up breasts, forcing the singlet out in a pleading - grab me ! A sparse coating of blond hairs were scattered across the upper portion of his chest but when he had no singlet, then Hans could melt as he scanned the hairs lightly travel down from the chest, over his very hard abdomen, in a track, which escaped the eye, as they trailed into his waist band. Then, there were those thighs. Like two shanks from a thoroughbred stallion, also coated lightly with blond hairs. Erik could pick up his heavy tool kit with only a few fingers and slung it up onto his shoulders. His arms were threatening in their stamina and ballooning proportions. "Hans ! Keep your mind on the job !" Erik called out to him, as he stood staring at Erik and let the oil spill from the valve in front of him. He quickly swung his attention back to his work and shut the valve down. Both men looked around the room and were thankful no one else was nearby to see Hans, yet again, fail to do his job properly. He'd been warned. Even the Admiral had given him a personal warning, when passing through the Engine Room on an inspection tour and had found Hans daydreaming. "Well put some fucking clothes on !" Erik knew Hans' problem. After all, they had been lovers since before the war. They had joined up at the same time, not wanting to be parted from one another. But Erik moved ahead quickly, mainly because of his degree in mechanics. In the 3 short years, he become a Petty Officer. But still worked with the men like one of the boys. He didn't want special treatment and enjoyed getting his hands dirty, doing the actual work himself. Erik shook his head, irritated with Hans. He knew he distracted the boy but shit - it was hot down there and after all, they had a job to do. Being a Petty Officer, he now had a cabin to share with only one other guy, who was one duty when he was off. So they always had a place to go and quietly enjoy time together. They had their outlet every day without fail. Surely Hans could control himself better than this ! Besides, things were rough at the moment. They were under pressure to get the damaged propeller shaft in order. The ship was almost dead in the water until they got the blasted thing fixed and the Admiral was on their backs. If it wasn't fixed by dawn, they might find themselves in deep shit or at least - deep water. Erik went over to the oil trough underneath the shaft. He knew he had no choice. He took off his boots and socks. As he considered his options, he glanced up to see Hans standing by him with that silly grin starting to work its way across his lips. Hans loved licking Erik's toes, working up the strong calves and along the muscular thighs until he reached his main objective - Erik's fat dick. But someone had to do this. Erik undid the buttons on his shorts and rolled them down over his thighs. He felt his prick surge, as he knew Hans was now heating up all the more - the sex-crazy kid he was ! A few of the other engineers and boiler makers were now standing by Erik as he tossed his cap to Hans. Standing there naked, he stepped down into the oily mess. Glancing back, he saw Hans screw up his face, as he watched his favourite body part, slowly slip below the surface of the oil. Erik was going to taste of oil - down there - for a month - no matter how much he washed it with water or mouth. But even Hans knew, there was no other choice in this. Erik completely dived into the messy water and the oil moved aside slowly, as his powerful body swum along the trough, under the screw shaft and went to work. His face emerged, completely black now. Spitting out some oil in his mouth, he asked for a wrench. It was handed to him and down he went again, completely out of sight. Hans feared for him down there. Sure, it was only 4' deep in the trough but that stuff getting in the lungs or guts was deadly, in such proportions. An elbow came out of the oily water, then disappeared again. Then he came out, took another breath and plunged back into the black water again. Everyone hoped Erik could unfasten the bolts as quickly as possible. None wanted to do that job. If they were tied up in port, then they would be able to pump this trough dry and work in much better conditions. But here, at sea - and a rough sea at that - under wartime conditions, they had no such luxury. They had only a few hours to get this repaired - even if only a temporary repair, so that by dawn, the ship could get the hell out of here and head for home. "Oh Fuck !" Erik's face appeared - he coughed out the words and tossed a couple of very large bolts, the size of a horse's cock, onto the deck. Both were bent badly out of shape. Then, after taking a deep breath again, he swum back into that ebony pool. Another mechanic took up the oil coated bolts and measured them against new ones he already had, ready to go. He could see much of the thread had been stripped from the bolts as well as about 2" torn completely off the end. How Erik even extracted them from the thrust plate, God only knew. And if this was a sign how badly out of plumb the thrust plate was now, it was wondered if Erik could ever replace them with new bolts. This was going to take hours. There were 10 bolts to be removed and replaced. At this rate, the few hours grace would be quickly eaten up. But Erik had often beaten the most difficult time restraints in the past. "The Admiral wants to know how it is progressing ?" A man called from the telephone link, direct from the bridge. "Tell him to come and do it himself if he's in such a hurry !" Hans snapped. The man on the phone quickly covered the mouth piece. "How the hell do we know ?" "It should be ready in a couple of hours sir." The man lied to his Fleet Commander, then hung up the phone. "You idiot. You'll get us all shot one day Hans." The couple of hours passed quickly for no one. Not the Admiral, Hans, Erik or even the ship's cat. Erik did indeed extract all the bolts and replaced most of them by the time their shift had ended and the next crew wandered onto the Engine Room decks. With only a couple of bolts remain, Erik agreed to carry on. No use another man having to get this dirty now. On a few occasions, he came out of the unpleasantness, to rest a while. His beautiful form was now hardly recognisable. Not even to Hans. His lovely blond locks and hairy body was now either invisible or covered black. One muscular knot blended into another, as the oil made his body appear without shape. "Who'll help me clean up later ?" Erik asked, knowing who would answer first. "I will. But its going to cost you, PO." A few of the men knew what was going on between the two men and one couldn't hold back from hinting his knowledge to the rest. "You make sure you get that shit out of every hole now Hans." Hans ignored the comments and Erik replied by jumping back into the trough. It took him another 20 minutes, as the last couple of bolts refused to go in easily, because the thrust plate was too badly bent. It needed to be replaced as well, but they had no spares. A hose was at the ready to wash Erik down as he stepped out of the trough. The worst removed from his body, he and his crew left the fresh crew to finish the job and test the engines. He got many strange looks, as he walked the corridors of the battleship, up to the main shower block near his cabin. Hans went to Erik's cabin and brought him his towel and fresh shorts, then met him in the showers. Being after 4 a.m. there was no one else around, besides, it was the Non Comm's showers and if they weren't already on duty then they were sleeping. "What a fucking mess !" Hans stood at the shower booth and watched Erik trying to scrub himself free of the oily slime, adding liberal amounts of soap and hot water. Hans stripped down and stepped in beside Erik. "You're not going to get all this off Ek." He took the bar of soap from Erik and started to massage it into the broad back. His hands worked into the deep groove down the spine, rubbing vigorously into every rounded package of muscle. When his hands came closer to Erik's buttocks, the man stepped wider and spread his legs apart, giving Hans an easier access to the base of his V-shaped torso at the rear. Rubbing hard into the deep hollow of the arse cheeks, Hans began to see the blond turfs coming through again. Erik's tanned skinned still had a darker hue to it, however. It took a good half hour of scrubbing, rubbing and soaping up many times, to bring his youthful skin back to something similar to its normal tones and glow. But eventually, both were reasonable happy with the results and too tired to care any more. Despite the cold of the North Atlantic, they went up on deck for some fresh air, wearing only their shorts and singlets, to stand and watch the rise and fall of an angry sea, attempting to lift and drop the bulk of their battleship. But despite its slight damage, it rode the waves very well. "Do you think they'll find us tomorrow ?" Hans showed some worry in his voice. "The Admiral told us we are close to home now and should be alright. I hope those men working on the rudder have done as good a job on it as we've done on the prop shaft. But I don't think we'll make full steam." "But we should come under air cover by dawn." "So he says." Erik tossed his finished cigarette butt over the side. He looked up to the bridge, towering high above them. "He's got the best naval brain in the fleet, so we should be alright Hans." "Come on Ek. Lets get some sleep." Hans secretively took Erik's hand and led him toward the hatch, which led down to their quarters. The cabin was silent. No engines running, so not even the slightest vibration. The strong seas only slightly moved the deck below their feet, as they dropped their shorts and stood by the bunk in the dim light. Hans snuggled in closer to Erik, pushing his nose into the socket of the throat between Erik's shoulder blades. He licked up the throat, over the chin and slipped his tongue between the parting lips. Their lips crushed firmly together and teeth mashed noisily, clattering, clinking. Throats opened wide as tongues speared toward the back of the mouths, sizing up the warmth of the oral cavity and the tongue obstructing a deeper insertion. Arms enwrapped bodies, hands swimming across backs, napes, heads and back down to roll across the rounded, young butts. Fingers squeezed the cheeks, parting them, driving inside and tickled the winking, warm entrances into their bowels. Their cocks grew hard and pressed into one another, meshing into the crotch fur. Erik's ample dick slipped between parting thighs and frigged about Hans' nuts and fought to drive right out the back, resting underneath the squirming arsecheeks. Like an orchestra following its Maestro, they slowly swum toward the bunk and rolled onto it, still wrapped in one another's arms. Thighs coiled and enveloped. Cocks rutted at bellies and hands tried to bring the body of the other man closer in manly bear hugs. Hans broke free of Erik's mouth and traced a licking, kissing pathway, back down the bullish throat and onto the heavy muscled chest. Each nipple chewed, licked and teased, he moved onto the rolling hard plates on Erik's belly. Discovering the line of blond shoots, following them to the navel, licking inside and around, before following it further down, until it reached the wider furry patch of blond and light brown hairs surrounding the engorged dick, springing up from Erik's crotch. His massive balls slipping side to side, on one thigh, then the next, as he screwed his hips about in a dance of love. Hans could indeed smell the oil on Erik's body, as he suspected he would but he ignored it and travelled lower, wetting all the hairs there, before taking one ball at a time into his mouth and sucking them like lollies. He sniffed and licked the creases joining the thighs to the hips before continuing onto those massive, solid thighs. Licking them inside, across and down to the knees. Trailing down further, he eventually reached those toes. One by one, he sucked them, then suck many at a time. Erik forced his foot into the mouth, trying to fuck it as if his toes and foot were an extension of his dick. Below them, they felt the surge of the engines coming to life once more. The steel plates shuddered and they felt a forward movement. Like a giant vibrator, it made Hans all the more horny. He slowly climbed back up Erik's body, licking, chewing and lapping all the way. He rediscovered the crotch and drove his mouth over the pulsing dick, which was urgently in need of attention by now. "Yeah, take that cock. Eat it. Suck it." Erik urged him on and thrust up into the spluttering lips. He watched Hans slave over his dick and fell into a steady rooting tempo in and out of those gripping lips. But the moment Hans felt it was nicely hard and wet, he took his mouth off the dick, lifted his body up and walked on his knees until his buttocks were hovering over the tower of hot, pulsating meat. It was a nightly pleasure for Hans and he no longer needed priming or preparing. He rested his relaxed hole onto the spongy head while parting his cheeks wide. Erik took a firm hold on his own cock and aimed it at the inviting target. Then, Hans slowly lowered his arse down onto the rigid pole of flesh. It belonged. It always belonged there. Without the slightest effort, it slipped by the ring and channeled its way deep inside. Hans slowly rode down over it, eating it up inch by hard inch. The veins stood out on Erik's dick as it was pressed and squeezed. It bent slightly but never altered its course inside. Erik removed his hand as he felt the arse swallow him completely inside. He spread his thighs wider, so that Hans fell into the hollow and then he commenced to pump his hips up into Hans in a steady thrust. Hard, sharp, jerking jabs. Pound, thump, churn. His pole of obstinate man-metal pulverised the hole. Overhead, they heard the battleship's turrets now moving as well. The grinding of the gears were positioning their mighty 18" guns. Then they could hear the sounds of shells being loaded into the breaches. They new they might be called to battle stations at any tick of the clock, and without a word spoken, both men increased their own actions, to a double quick pace. Hans grabbed his own dick and worked on it feverishly, while bouncing up and down on the turgid stick. The horn for battle stations sounded, ringing in their ears. "Hurry up Ek. Fill my arse with your spunk !" Hans popped his cork and spat his cum over Erik's chest and belly. "Its cuming - its cuming !" He pumped all the harder and Hans felt the dick swell all the more - somehow. "Making babies !" Erik always loved the idea that he might one day pump just the right sperm parcel inside Hans' arse and produce a baby - a joke they always had. And with that, he tried his best. His dick burst and flooded spunk into the bowel in shots of hot, boiling eruptions. Normally, they would fall into the arms of the other and lay quietly, kissing, hugging and whispering obscene but beautiful words. But they couldn't this time. The horn was still sounding loudly, as they bounced out of the bunk and dragged their shorts on. From under the bunks, they took life jackets, helping one another into them. But bare footed, they tore out the door and into the crowded corridor. Their stations during battle were also side by side, feeding shells to the forward turret, if not in the engine room. Fortunately, the station was only one deck down and a short dash along the lower passage way. They were there within moments and hardly missed by the men already there, busily handling the shells, wadding and counting down their action in sequence. Above, they heard the scream of an incoming shell and the whole ship shuddered as it found its target. Their own guns commenced to retort. "Come on men. Faster. Load." The Gunnery Commander for their turret cried out. They had it reloaded and ready to fire in under 15 seconds - then away it went. They knew they were in the most advanced battleship afloat. Nothing could harm them. They were invincible. They covered their ears as another round was fired, possibly as far as 12 miles, but not knowing where their target was, or what distance, they didn't know. The screech of another inbound shell whistled over head and slammed very close. Number Two Turret behind them must have been hit. Heat pressed up the passage way, announcing a raging fire must be already underway at their rear. "Fight men ! For the Fatherland. For the Fuehrer. They will never defeat us ! The Bismark is the greatest ship afloat !" Erik urged everyone on, as another whistle was heard over head, then all stopped - and waited. The Prince of Wales had found its mark.


8 Gay Erotic Stories from Aussie Slick

Bodyguards, Part 1

Bodyguards Part I As Corporal Groves brought his heels together, they clicked loudly. He stood erect and unmoving in his US Marine - Old Guard uniform. He was proud to be one of the White House Guards and took great pride in himself, his duty and his attitude toward performing with precision and style. His powerfully developed thighs locked together making him stand

Family Prophet

Family Prophet by Aussie Slick I’d heard so much about Grant from letters back home, that I was more than intrigued to finally see this guy, at his wedding. My young sister had met him at a wrestling tournament and had fallen head over heels for this - "muscular, handsome, gorgeous hunk of flesh". Not only were her letters to me always filled with what

Forgotten Sailors

Hans had always had a deep love for Erik. And working with him in the Engine Room, where it was hot, didn't help him control those passions very well. Erik would parade the steel cathedral, surrounded by all the mechanics and machinery, wearing only a pair of shorts, sailor's cap, heavy work boots and socks - maybe a navy blue singlet, when it was cooler. Hans was an Able Seaman

Major Buck's Odyssey Part 1

Major Buck's Odyssey Part I Chapter One Major Buckley Wright climbed out of his jeep, saluting the Corporal who drove him up to the base. He'd been posted many times to secret and top secret establishments, working directly under Generals often, so this new posting - which he was told would be - exciting to say the least - held no great expectations. He'd come

Major Buck's Odyssey Part 2

Major Buck's Odyssey Part II Chapter Two Buck held the cylinders in his arms, shaking with fear, as he watched the Professor twist the knobs and adjust the various dials. He prayed the man made no mistakes and it all worked out, just like that test run he witnessed a few minutes ago. The Professor turned at the hips and gave Buck a wave, before throwing that

Major Buck's Odyssey Part 3

Major Buck's Odyssey Part III Chapter Three Buck watched the Professor walk quickly to his operating panels and turn all the necessary dials. The room once again become dimly lit but then, faded completely away. Within a matter of seconds, he found himself standing in a busy plaza. Well honed stones under foot, blue sky above and lush greenery and trees all around

Major Buck's Odyssey Part 4

Chapter Four Buck was told by Professor Peterson to rest up for a whole day and return the following morning, relaxed and ready for his new adventure. Buck tried to extract where he was going next time, but Peterson wasn't too forthcoming with information. He would only repeat his same line over and over again. He said that Buck would cease testing the equipment and start to

Tasmanian Tiger

The birthing sun was hardly visible. Simply golden and pink tinges across the rim of the ocean, far from shore. Scattered amid the early sunrise were drifting clouds, now discernible, as they become emphasised by the morning rays. The warm night began to take upon itself the cooler breeze that always sweeps in with dawn. A chill that can be embracing to some; annoying to others. It


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