Gay Erotic Stories

Dr. K's Physical

by Myjeans


I work in television commercial sales, and my company transferred me to represent the Midwest region. Being new to Minneapolis, I figured I’d better get organized and find myself a new bar to hang out in, a new barber, and most importantly, a new doctor.

I called and made an appointment at a clinic just down the street from my house. I figured it would be a good choice, in case I was ever really messed up, it wouldn’t be far to go. Also, it was on my running path, so I felt like I had seen enough good-looking people entering the clinic to feel right at home. I should tell you a bit about myself- I’m 34, 6 foot even, sandy brown hair, and 180 pounds of backwoods brawn- I grew up chopping wood in Michigan, and so my frame grew to support a pretty tight and lean machine.

I came to the steps of the entry, and reached for the door, just as a couple of guys were walking out. One of the guys was rubbing his stomach- must have just gotten some sort of treatment- I thought- and so his sweatshirt was pulled up, revealing his six pack of abs and a neatly trimmed hair trail held in by a JOE BOXER waistband.

It just caught me the wrong way. I wasn’t expecting to see such a sight, and I started throwing some wood. As I walked in, the cotton of my shorts was rubbing right on the ridge of my growing pole, and I was doing the best I could to unsuccessfully hide my package from the group of people (thankfully mostly older women) who were seated in the waiting room.

I checked in at the desk, and fortunately the counter was high enough for me to hide my expanding rod underneath the charts that were spread over the table. The short wait that followed gave me time to sit down, toss my leg across my lap, and grab a men’s fitness magazine and learn some new bench techniques while I gave my simmering nuts a chance to cool down.

Soon my name was called, and I was off to the exam room. It was small, but decorated like a lakeshore cabin- the only thing not part of the design was the standard exam table in the corner.

“Cool digs” I said to the friendly nurse who took my blood pressure.

“Yeah. I like working here. The doctor really likes to make it a comfortable place to ease people’s nerves- I guess if it’s more like home some people aren’t so worked up when they come in for help.”

“Nice rack,” I pointed to the jackalope antlers on the wall. “Dr. K’s idea of the perfect use for roadkill.” “Is that so?”

“Your chart says you haven’t been here before, is that right?” “Yep.”

“And you’re here for a physical?”

“Unfortunately,” I said in a deadpan voice.

“Don’t worry about it- Dr. Kennedy is pretty cool about making things easy. You’ll be out before you know it- pride unscathed. Go ahead and get undressed, leave your underwear on, and jump up on the table, and the doc will be in as soon as he can.”

The nurse left me alone to do my striptease. I unrolled the sleeve of my dress shirt, pulled my tie loose and slowly unbuttoned my shirt. Then I started slipping my dress shoes off, and just as I got my socks off, there was a knock at the door.

“Danny?” Called out a nice voice as the doctor entered the room, hand outstretched.

I stood up, dress shirt unbuttoned and hanging on my shoulders, dress slacks with my belt hanging open and zipper invitingly open, and offered a free hand to be shaked.

“I’m Andy Kennedy- welcome to Minneapolis- my nurse tells me that you’re moving here on business?”

I felt great vibes from this guy. He looked like he was maybe only 6 years older than me- fit, a little shorter, but built like a wrestler- solid hand shake, and visible pumped up veins that ran up to well-proportioned pipes. “Haven’t I seen you running before? “ I said as I peeled off my dress shirt, exposing my chest to the chilly office air. At that point I knew that I might be in for some trouble.

“Yeah- I thought you looked familiar. They keep this running path outside very well maintained- it’s ideal for jogging, rollerblading, and even fast walking. Unfortunately, I can’t get as much of my staff out there as I’d like- it’s a great cardio workout.”

I felt like I was in a locker room, only this stud wasn’t stripping along with me, which was made me feel a little exposed and vulnerable. He stood there in a new pair of tailored blue jeans, a light spring sweater, and a doctor’s coat. While I was undressing, he was half-busying himself with checking his supply table, and making plenty of eye contact with me. At least I got a chance to get to know this guy a bit and get a little comfortable before he violates my personal space, but I’d let him do whatever he wanted. His eyes were a green ocean that I longed to get lost in. “Yeah, I try to get out as much as I can,” I said as I lowered my trousers to the floor. Standing there in just a pair of white 2xt fly front briefs, I thought I caught my new friend checking out my package, but I wasn’t sure. I tossed my trousers on the side chair.

“Can I leave these on?” I said, grabbing my crotch and rolling my package to the other side.

“Your choice. You can keep ‘em for a little while if you want,” he said with a smile. “Oh, great...” I said. “Hey, relax. I’ll take it easy on you. Just jump up on the table for me.” As I climbed up and sat down on the exam table I became very aware of my bulge, because the sweat rolling along my butt cheeks caused my briefs to cling to my ass, and my freshly shaved ball sac was sticking to my leg. I tried to keep cool, but then those eyes locked with mine, and I knew I was gonna be building a mighty crotch rocket again very soon.

Dr. Andy started with the typical checks on my skull: eyes, ears, nose and throat. He took his time, and in the process continued to get to know his lucky patient. His touch was consistent- and he wasn’t shy about skin contact- he held my neck and shoulder when checking my ears, and tilted my neck back with his palms. It was almost like a massage- the hand in use was almost always in contact with the patient- and I was liking it. “Well, everything looks top shelf up here- clean, bright, and clear.”

“I feel good.” Little did he know just how good I really felt.

“Go ahead and lay back on the table- and make yourself comfortable. I’m gonna start at your feet and work my way back up. Have you had any injuries that I should pay attention to?”

“Just the typical sports-related stuff. I pulled a groin playing football three years ago.” I stammered. He moved his way down to my feet, and I felt my pecker go to half-mast. Thank God for my briefs. At least I was filling out my shorts at that point- but I wasn’t sure how this scene was gonna play out, so I wasn’t thrilled about letting myself get harder. Like I had any choice in the matter. Dr. Andy nodded, and proceeded to move to the foot of the table, and began to rub my feet, and stretch my toes, looking between them for athlete’s foot or other disorders. At least, that’s what he said. My feet are very sensitive, and his activity sent chills running up my spine and sent my Goosebumps on alert. My pecs also jumped up to alert status.

He ran his hands along my legs, checking the skin tissue, bone structure and alignment. His attentive eyes spotted the scar on my left calf, and ran fingers in the impressions left behind.

“This looks like a cleat imprint.” He looked up at me, over the rise of my flat stomach our eyes met again.

“Yeah- I forgot about that one. College tackle came down on me pretty hard, and I was pinned- had no place to go. Hurt like shit.” He patted me on the leg, and his touch was electric. He skipped my waist, giving me more time to attempt to control my throbbing dick, and again came up to the head of the exam table.

“How you doing- OK?” He looked at me, noticing that I was flushed and was sweating a bit under his touch.

“Yeah- I think it’s just a little warm in here, that’s all.” “You’re right- sorry about that.” At that he turned away, leaned over to the floor and dialed down the radiator dial on the floorboard, giving me a great view of his ass. “That should help- that radiator puts out a lot of heat- most of my patients get cold pretty easy- so I guess I do keep it warm in here. Let me know if it gets too cold.”

At that he put his hands on my chest, up near my pec muscles. My nipples were already under torture from his foot job, and the varying heat in the room, and now he’s got his hands near my shaved armpits, the breath from his mouth causing excruciatingly wonderful activity on the surface of my arms and side. At that my pecker pounced in my briefs, but Andy was facing me and didn’t see it. “I’m going to palpitate your chest and check your rib cage and position of your internal organs- just lay back and relax.”

It had been almost a month since I had been with a woman, and almost 8 years since the time when in college I let my roommate give me a blowjob, suddenly those feelings of sexual relief and guilt from getting turned on by another man hit me full-tilt, and I started breathing a bit heavier.

Doc was running his fingers along my rib cage, and moved along pressing in to my chest in various places, asking me if it hurt. In the meantime, my cotton was being stretched to the extreme. He got to my navel, and kept going south, pressing down inside the boundary line drawn in elastic.

He cranked his head back around to look at me, and with a flash in his eyes said, “I’m gonna need to go further- can you please take off your underwear for me?” “Great timing, doc.” I said as I shifted my feet off the table to stand up. Doc flashed me a brilliant smile, and put me at ease. “Don’t worry about that- looks like you’re working great in that department, too.” “It’s got a mind of it’s own sometimes.” My voice kind of broke as I sheepishly revealed my fully erect cock, shaved balls and standing like a soldier with a big purple helmet. I kind of leaned against the side of the table, trying to cover my crotch by letting my chest fold over to obscure the view.

“Stand up strait, Danny.”

I shifted my weight and stood upright as I was told. “Looks like I’ve kinda got you worked up there, bud,” he said, again flashing me a smile that would cause an ear of corn to go limp. I wasn’t sure if he was kidding or not, so I kind of just stared uncomfortably- and was going to object, when he cut me off.

“Most of my male patients get a little aroused. That’s natural- especially when I’m touching you in sensitive areas. You’re more responsive to stimulus than a lot of guys.”

“Yeah- that and I haven’t been getting any lately.” I said with a sheepish grin. Again, it was like a locker room- only this time I got to talk sex with my new doctor. “You’re probably just in a batting slump. You look great- no reason you shouldn’t be shooting every night.”

“Well, that goes without saying,” I said confidently.

“Ok, hot shot, turn around and let’s get your prostate check done.

Andy grabbed some rubber gloves, and spun me around to the exam table. I put my hands down, bracing for his foreign entry of my ass. I don’t really enjoy this part of a check-up- it’s usually done by some old doctor who rams a huge cigar-length appendage in a place where it’s not meant to be. At lease that’s what it usually feels like.

Andy lubed up his finger, and slowly pressed his finger in along my crack, and the finger met its target. But this time, it didn’t hurt- it felt uncomfortable at first, then it felt really, really good. I soon found myself rocking a bit on that object.

“How does that feel?”

“Actually, it feels really... good.”

“Does that surprise you?”

“Normally it hurts like shit.” I said.

Andy spoke deliberately without embarrassment. “You’ve got a little swelling on your prostate- normally a massage is the way to ease that pressure. Does it hurt when you piss?”

“Sometimes,” I said, realizing that I’ve been sitting down in bathrooms for the last week.

“I guess I just thought it was stage fright.” “Actually, you’re just experiencing retrograde ejaculation.” “What does that mean?”

“You’ve got to get off more, pal- one way or another. Doctor’s orders.” “I didn’t know that was an actual medical issue.” I said as he pulled out his finger and peeled off the gloves.

“Jump back up on the table.” Andy pulled off his lab coat, and took his stethoscope and laid it on the chair on my pants. As he turned around, I was just sitting down, my cock still at periscope height. He came up to me, and placed one hand on my chest, guiding me in to a reclined position once again.

He looked right at me, and said, “You really need to purge your prostate, and so I’m going to ask you to masturbate, and I’ll send in a sample to check the content for normalcy.”

“You want me to bust one off, right here?”

“Yep. Don’t worry about it. I’m a doctor- and this is a fairly regular medical procedure. With as swollen as you are, you’re not going to have to work very hard to reach orgasm- even with me in the room.”

“I don’t mind- I let my roommate blow me once in college, so I guess this is no big deal.” I closed my eyes and started pulling on my tool, and the pressure on the base of my nuts was mind blowing. All of the sudden, there’s another set of hands between my thighs, moving in toward my pubes. “Let me help you out.”

I looked at Dr Andy as he took my shaved swollen rod in his expert hands. I guess I didn’t mind a man’s touch again. Something about this guy’s touch felt very normal, like a part of myself.

“How does that feel?”

“I guess it’s not too bad” I said trying to hide the true impact of my feelings. “Just relax, lie back, and enjoy this. You really need the release, and you’ll have less pressure once you come. Actually, I kind of envy you, you’ve got to be really feeling this one, huh?”

“Oh my God, yes.” My cock was on fire, deep within my bowels I felt a depth and a stirring that I’ve never felt- even in by best lay. This was awful, intense, amazing, and wonderful all at the same time.

“Go ahead and shoot- don’t hold back.” “Oh God, oh SHIT, here I CUM!!!!!” With that, I sprayed a brilliant light of cum from my dick- about twice my normal load. Dr. Andy pulled out a container and grabbed a sample, and looking at me deep in my eyes again, and said, “Feel better?”

I laughed and exhaled deeply. “Hell yeah. Thanks- I guess I needed that.” “Actually, you did.”

“Thanks for such a thorough exam, Andy.” I stammered.

“Any time, Danny. Hopefully I’ll run into you out on the running trail soon?” “Count on it!” I said with a grin, and he was out the door. I was glad to receive a clean bill of health a few days later, and grateful to have found a competent doctor who I felt comfortable with, and who would become a great jogging partner and friend.



1 Gay Erotic Stories from Myjeans

Dr. K's Physical

TRUE STORY I work in television commercial sales, and my company transferred me to represent the Midwest region. Being new to Minneapolis, I figured I’d better get organized and find myself a new bar to hang out in, a new barber, and most importantly, a new doctor. I called and made an appointment at a clinic just down the street from my house. I figured it would be a good


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