Gay Erotic Stories

Dawson's Creek

by Kris Stevens

Discmaimer: This story depicts characters from the television Series "Dawson's Creek". The names and places involved in this story are the property of the show's creator, Kevin Williamson. This story does not reflect the attitudes of the writers, actors, and staff. They are not my creations, I am just having my way with them. Warning: This story contains two young men having sex. If you do not want to read this sort of thing, don't. BOYS NIGHT IN PART 1 "Dawson?" Mrs. Leary called up the stairs in a loud voice. " We're ready to leave. Are you sure that you're OK with all of this? I can have grandma come and stay here if you feel uncomfortable about being alone". Mr. and Mrs. Leary were both going on a marriage retreat for the weekend, hoping that it would give them the extra help they needed to fix their marriage after her affair. She could not help but be a little worried about leaving her only son all alone for an entire weekend. Dawson quickly approached the top of the stairs to reply. "NO....don't call Grandma! I mean....I'll be fine mom. I'm fifteen years old. I think that fifteen is quite old enough for a person to take care of themselves. I'll be fine. You and dad go have a great time." "Oh...I know you'll be fine dear", she replied, "it's just my pesky motherly instincts kicking in. I hope that you will forgive me." Dawson smiled. "You're forgiven ", he said. " Don't do anything I wouldn't do son, " Mr. Leary smirkily added. "Yes dad....I'll be fine." "Well.... we love you sweetheart" said Mrs. Leary, " and we'll see you Sunday night. I know you won't get into any trouble. The money is on the counter if you need anything, and the number to where we'll be is..." "...on the fridge", finished Dawson. "You got it!", smiled Mrs. Leary ."Well goodbye sweetie!" "Have a great time!" Dawson yelled as at last his parents left the house, closing the door behind them. Dawson now had the entire house to himself for the full weekend. He could not help but be excited. The thought of complete privacy for a few days was very appealing. It would be a time to sleep in as late as he wanted, eat whatever he wanted, and most of all, have some fun. As entertaining as it sounded, Dawson had decided not to risk hosting a party in celebration of the occasion. He knew from a countless number of sitcoms that parties always ended with the parents coming home early, and grounding the kid for eternity. While Dawson did not base his life on television, he did not want to make that risk. He instead had talked to Pacey about having a "Guy's Night" at the Leary home. In the past few months, Jen ( his first love and first girlfriend ) had broken up with Dawson, telling him that she "didn't want a relationship right now". Pacey had also been left without a relationship, his English teacher moving away after a sex scandal rocked the entire school. This had left them both sick of women for the time being, and tonight Would be an evening without them. They would get a couple of free videos From work, and open the ol' liquor cabinet. Dawson had never really Drunk alcohol freely before, and decided that this weekend was the chance To put and end to that. Glancing at the clock, Dawson saw that it was 5:00pm. Pacey said he would be coming over at 7:00. He would have plenty of time to make a trip to his room and "walk the dog" as Joey had so eloquently put it. He would not have a chance to masturbate when Pacey was here, it would be way to risky to chance getting caught. Dawson entered his room and locked the door behind him out of habit. After turning on his computer, Dawson was soon on-line, and visiting a new site he had discovered only last night. The internet was a wonderful tool to Dawson, because it had allowed him to release all his sexual frustration. While Dawson was attracted to women ( his relationship with Jen had proved that ), he had found over time that he was much more attracted to men. After visiting a hot sites with pictures of women many times , Dawson had months ago accidently stumbled onto a site with pictures of men having sex. The images had excited Dawson, confirming the thoughts he had been having about men for a long time, that his mind told him to try to forget. However, over time, Dawson had accepted that he was attracted to men even more than women, and had often spent many late nights alone in his room searching for pictures to arouse him. The latest site contained several great pictures of men giving blow jobs to each other that soon gave him a rock hard erection. The thought of having a hot guy like Pacey over at his house alone made Dawson horny, and his body was demanding the Dawson treat his arousal properly. Dawson rose from his computer and walked over to the mirror and began to remove his clothes. He liked to watch himself undress, first pulling of his shirt to reveal his chest. He knew that he was by no means a built as Pacey, but loved his slender and toned body. His nipples had begun to show small wisps of hair, that formed a thin trail down to his flat stomach. Dawson then removed his shorts and pulled away his underwear to finally let his manhood free. Unbeknownst to Dawson, Joey had commented that Dawson was "above average" to Jen one night, and this was true. Dawson knew that he had a big cock, and had no reservations about taking pride in it. It was not fully erect at 7 inches, sticking it's way out of his thick pubes. He liked to hold it in his hand in front of the mirror. While he knew that this was a very vain action, it made him feel very sexy. Reaching into his dresser and digging through pairs of underwear and socks, Dawson removed a small jar of Vaseline, and spread some over his hard cock. He then laid down on his bed and began to pump away, giving into his body's strong demands that he go further with his arousal. Shutting his eyes he began to let his mind seek out it's fantasies. Pacey.....Dawson thought. He wanted Pacey. He knew it was wrong, and that Pacey was certainly not gay, but he could be in his fantasy. He wanted Pacey to blow him and fuck him and do all the wonderful things that he had seen in those pictures. Pacey was so hot, and so built. Dawson's pumping became faster and faster, his breathing increasing it's speed as well. Taking some more of the Vaseline, Dawson now spread some onto his left fingers. As his right hand continued to pump away, Dawson inserted one of his left fingers into his asshole, and began to buck back and forth, sending wild sensations throughout his body. Soon, Dawson was no longer able to hold back the amazing feelings inside him. His body seem to explode in a orgasm, sending cum flying all over his chest. Waves of pleasure pulsed wildly through his body, forcing Dawson to grunt in response to the sensations. As the orgasm came to an end, Dawson let his body rest and catch his breath after the amazing experience. Finally Dawson's thoughts traced back to this evening. What time was it? Dawson tilted his head to look at the clock, which now read 6:30. Damn! How long had he been looking at those pictures? Dawson raced to remove the signs of his deed from his body, and quickly dressed himself. Shutting the Vaseline back into his drawer, Dawson hopped downstairs and grabbed something to eat. He could not wait for Pacey to come over. He knew that he had no chance with him, but the feeling that Pacey gave Dawson was wonderful. He would be spending the night, so that left a lot of time for Dawson to candidly ogle at his friend. Perhaps he would take his shirt off for some reason, giving Dawson another chance to take in his great body. Even better, what if Dawson got to see even more of Pacey? Perhaps he would "accidentally" enter the bathroom when Pacey took his shower in the morning. There possibilities were endless! Walking around the house, Dawson checked to make sure that his house was at least presentable. He was not the most organized person in the world, but did not want Pacey to think that he lived in a family of pigs. Suddenly, a great smile spread over his face. A wonderful thought had some to him. In a moment of inspiration, Dawson walked over to the air conditioner and turned it off. It was nearing summer, and record temperatures and humidity for the time had been taking it's toll on the residents of Capeside. If things worked out the way he planned, he was willing to be hot and uncomfortable. PART II At exactly 7:03 there was a knock at Dawson's door, which Dawson promptly opened to reveal Pacey. "Hey, Dawson! " he said, " I just had the worst day at work in quite a long time. I don't know about you, but I am ready for a low stress, enjoyable evening! Are you? ". "As ready as I'll ever be...I guess". he replied. "What went wrong at work?" "Well, it was pretty busy at work today, so Bob "The Worst Manager in the World" started getting really antsy and hovering over me....just waiting for me to make a mistake. It made me very nervous of course, so then I really did start making mistakes: giving people too much change, not enough change. Anyway, after a while, I just snapped and yelled at him to leave me alone. Well, he did, but was grumpy the rest of the night." "Man....I know Bob can be a little anal at times, especially when it's busy," said Dawson. " I don't think that I'm going to get fired. I'm just going to have to do some major butt-kissing for the next few shifts. He knows that you and I are his best workers." "So what did you get?" questioned Dawson. "Well, as I said, it was really busy, so there were slim pickings. I had a real hard time getting Bob to give me free movies after yelling at him. He took forever in the back room. There wasn't anything new left, so I decided to play it safe and go for a yet again a Speilburg theme." Pacey held up a stack of three videos. Lost World, Jurassic Park, and Amistad. "They're not exactly what I'd call my choices, but it was either this, or "Barney Goes to School" ". "I must say that you have excellent taste my friend" Dawson smiled. He had seen each of these films a countless number of times. True, he was probably the biggest Speilburg fan that he knew of, but Jurassic Park and Lost World were not his best. Nor was Amistad. So....the movies would not make the evening. Just having Pacey in his house alone was good enough for him. "" Pacey realized as he walked around the house, "Your house is steaming! Why don't you have the air conditioning on? Do you know how hot it is?" "Oh...Pacey", Dawson said while trying to restrain a smile, " I forgot to tell you that the air conditioning is broken. The repair man won't be coming until tomorrow. I'm sorry. It won't be that bad." Before they would watch the movies, they decided push forward in the plans, and open the liquor cabinet. Dawson had no idea what he should drink, but Pacey said that Vodka would be the best bet. I n only a short time, they started to feel the effects of the alcohol. Taking the bottle up to Dawson's room, the two seated themselves on Dawson's bed to prepare themselves for the night's films. As Dawson had hoped, Pacey shed his outer tee shirt and shorts to cool down, leaving him in a wife beater and boxers. Pacey's strong arms were clearly displayed, and the wife beater clinging closely to his firm chest, matted with sweat from the hot temperature. Dawson could see the outline of his nipples through the thin wet shirt, the sweat trickling down his almost hairless chest. Dawson's eyes then scanned down to Pacey's legs, the thick curly hairs that climbed them, seeming to point out where the most hair would be found. It was almost too much for him to take in. Dawson felt his cock straining against his shorts, feared that Pacey might notice his erection. He excused himself into the bathroom and changed into a large tee-shirt That would cover his problem, and took off his shorts as well, leaving His boxers. He was sweating too, and the manly smell that filled his room was turning him on even more. "Dawson my boy, " he said to himself, " you are going to have to control yourself tonight. " "This is great Pacey," Dawson said commenting on the effects of the drink. " I've never felt so free. I can't believe that I haven't done this before. It's all very relaxing." "I know.", said Pacey, " I've been sneaking drinks for a long time, and my parents have never noticed. Maybe it's time that we turn the movies on." "Good idea," said Dawson. "What should we watch first?" "Uhhhh...I'm really not up for something with a plot right now." Smiled Pacey. "Why don't we stick in "Lost World"?". ""Lost World" it is", said Dawson, shoving in the tape from the video box into the VCR. As the tape began to play on the tv, Dawson and Pacey were quickly able to see that it was not "Lost World". Dawson knew how the "Lost World" video started, and this was not it. "What is this Pacey?" The credits come and went very quickly on the screen, almost too fast for them to see, a movie entitled "Cumming Together". "Pacey....", said Dawson. " What the hell is this?" PART III "I don't know!", said Pacey. "It must be Bob. He was ticked off at me, and must have switched tapes with something else. The asshole! I don't know what the fuck this is." As the movie continued to play, the question of what the film was became very clear. As the credits ended, the screen was replaced by a very hard core scene of two young men having anal sex. "Oh my God!" Pacey yelped. "Oh man.....I'm sorry Dawson....I didn't know that....". Pacey leaned forward to try to take in what he was seeing. Dawson found himself leaning in too, his eyes peeled to the screen, The hot images once again giving him an erection. The film was cut short as Pacey jumped to press the stop button on the VCR. " I am so sorry Dawson. I can't believe that Bob did that. I know he's a jerk, but I had no idea he would do something like this." Dawson tried to listen to what Pacey was saying, but his attention became diverted as he noticed the bulge that was in Pacey's boxers. Pacey realized where Dawson's attention now was, and quickly sat back down on the floor to try to hide his hard on. " I wonder if he did that to the other tapes too." Pacey said. Opening the other two tapes, Pacey found that Bob had indeed switched all the tapes. Inside the boxes were videos called "Anal Action", and "Blow Me". "What an asshole!" Pacey yelled. " How does he think he can get away with this? I mean, giving us These homo-videos." Pacey looked and noticed Dawson flinch at this remark, and Dawson saw for a moment that Pacey was thinking deeply about something. His mind had fully gone to another place. Dawson began to blush, which snapped Pacey back to reality. "I'm so sorry Dawson," he said. "I didn't mean for this to happen. Now we have nothing to watch." "Pacey, " Dawson croaked, trying to once again gain the ability to speak, " it's not your fault that Bob switched the videos. We can do something else." "O.K Dawson. Good idea. Let's just do something else". Pacey's eyes scanned the room, then stopped on Dawson's computer. The screen saver was on. "Why don't we play the new computer game you got for your birthday? I know that sounds lame, but I can't think of anything else to do." "Sure", said Dawson. Pacey walked over to the computer and moved the mouse. The computer jumped back to life, and the screen saver was replaced by a picture of a man giving a blow job to another man. Dawson gasped and jumped to turn off the computer. He had forgotten to get off-line, and had left the computer on at the sex site. Dawson turned his head to get Pacey's reaction. Pacey seemed to be in shock, trying to take everything in that he had just seen. Then, suddenly plainly and quietly, Pacey made direct eye contact with Dawson and said. " You like men. " "Pacey....look.." Dawson choked on his words, unable to think of what to say. He had gotten caught by Pacey. He knew that he liked men. Pacey's mind again seemed to be grinding in too much information, his head tilted down in deep concentration, searching for the words that he needed. " Dawson...." he said. " Do you want me?" "What??" gasped Dawson. "You heard what I said. Do you want me?" Before Dawson could analyze what he was about to say, his mouth spat out the words. "Yes..." Pacey stepped back and began to laugh at himself, a reaction which confused Dawson. Pacey's face began to flush, his body starting to tremble. Then, again looking up at Dawson, he spoke the words that Dawson had only heard in his dreams. " I want you too Dawson. " "You do? " Dawson yelled. "Dawson....this is all so weird. I'm so attracted to you. I know that's wrong, and it's been so hard dealing with it. There are so many times that I've wanted to be with you. I've dreamt about crawling into your bed at night, and doing to you all the things that I did know. Now that I know you want me to, I don't know what to say." "Do you want to make love?" Dawson asked, unable to believe the words that were coming out of his mouth. All his desire, held back by his mind for so long, was now suddenly gushing out. "Yes....", said Pacey. " I want you so bad. ". Pacey stepped in closer to Dawson, only inches from his face. Then, before they knew it, they were both kissing. Their lips touched, sending electricity through them. Pacey's eager tongue pushed and beckoned for him to open, which Dawson was only happy to oblige Their tongues thrusted and wrestled in each other's mouths, with such a passion that could only be created by strong desire held back for too long. Dawson's hand wrapped around Pacey's back, reaching behind his shirt, touching his sweaty skin, sliding up to his neck, and then down to his firm ass. Following Dawson, Pacey wrapped his arms around Dawson, the two leaning and pressing into each other. Their cocks were rock hard, straining in their boxers. The friction of pressing so close shot wild sensations through them. Pacey pulled away from the kiss and grabbed at his wife beater, struggling to get it over his head. With little patience, he ripped the thin shirt from his chest, revealing to Dawson the sight that made him jerk off all those nights. Dawson removed his shirt, and then his boxers, finally letting free his cock, which sprang to it's full mast at 7 inches. "My God Dawson, " Pacey said. "You have such a big cock!". This remark caused Dawson to blush. Pacey then hesitantly removed his boxers, revealing his rock hard 5 1/2 inch cock. He seemed to be a little embarrassed at this, but Dawson knew how to fix that. Leaning down, Dawson took the tool in his hands, making Pacey gasp at the touch. Then, Dawson took the cock in his mouth, and begin to suck the throbbing head with his eager mouth, and mad tongue. Pacey grunted and moaned, giving in to the amazing feeling. Dawson began to take in more and more of the cock, sucking away like a madman. Pacey began to buck, forming a rhythm with the mouth, and took his hands and reached for the back of Dawson's head, the giver of the pleasure. "Oh my God..." Pacey moaned. "This feels so good....I've wanted this for so long!" Pacey looked to his chest, the blood flushing, telling him that he would not be able to hold it much longer. In one final thrust, Pacey screamed and shot load after load of cum into Dawson's mouth, which never let do. The orgasm ripped and pulsed all over his whole body, every inch of His absorbing the pleasure. As the orgasm finally came to an end, Pacey sat down on the bed to catch his breath. "My God Dawson," Pacey spoke between his gasps for breath, "That was so amazing. Do want me to do that to you?" "Not right now," Dawson answered. "I think that we're both pretty new at this stuff. I want us to know the right way to do everything, so this is the best experience that we can have. Perhaps we should consult our films for the night". Pacey grinned and reached down to the stack of videos. "Great idea," he said. For the next few hours, the two of them sat on Dawson's bed and watched the hot videos, trying to take everything that looked good. Dawson had brought out the Vaseline, so they could jerk off in front of each other when they got hard. After the movies were over, Pacey stood up and placed his hand on Dawson. "Dawson," he said. "It's my turn to do something good to you, and I want you to fuck me up the ass." "Won't it hurt?" asked Dawson. "I've heard that it hurts at first, but those guys in the video did not look like they were hurting if you know what I mean. I want you to do it Dawson." With that, Pacey climbed back onto Dawson's bed and laid on his stomach, lifting his firm ass, inviting Dawson to enter. Dawson took some of the Vaseline and spread it onto his finger, and began to move it around Pacey's asshole, trying to prepare him for his manhood. Pacey began to moan as Dawson pushed his finger in deeper, probing his opening. Pacey had never felt this sensation before, but it was wonderful. Then, Dawson spread a generous amount of Vaseline onto his rock hard Eager tool, and firmly placed his left hand on Pacey's hip and thrust forward. Pacey let go a small grunt, but plead for Dawson to continue, which he did. Dawson was patient, taking his time to penetrate Pacey's opening. The feeling was more amazing than anything Dawson had experienced, forcing him to moan and grunt like he never had before, and Pacey's grunts of discomfort were soon replaced by primal moans of equal pleasure. Slowly, Dawson was able to thrust deeper and deeper, increasing The pleasure with each push. Pacey began to move accordingly to the thrust, working a rhythm. Sweat trickled down Dawson's chest, his hair beginning to mat on his forehead. The two were panting and moaning, unable to control their urges to vocalize the amazing feelings that were taking over their bodies. The thrusting became faster and faster, and Dawson could feel the orgasm surging in his body, and it would not be held any longer. As Dawson sensed that the moment had come, Dawson withdrew his cock from Pacey, and grabbed onto it as the pleasure exploded. A scream erupted from his mouth as he felt the orgasm rip through his body, sending cum all over Pacey's ass. The waves of pleasure shook his entire body, sending him to another world. After the orgasm was over, Dawson climbed into his bed with Pacey, And the two of them slept there, holding each other's hot bodies in Their arms. When the morning came, the two of them showered together, Once again trying out the new things that the wonderful tapes had taught them. When Pacey returned to work that day, he had a chance to check out the adult section of the videos, and found that there were enough tapes to plan a lot more guy's night in. Comments are very much wanted! Kris Stevens


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6 Gay Erotic Stories from Kris Stevens

Dawson's Creek

Discmaimer: This story depicts characters from the television Series "Dawson's Creek". The names and places involved in this story are the property of the show's creator, Kevin Williamson. This story does not reflect the attitudes of the writers, actors, and staff. They are not my creations, I am just having my way with them. Warning: This story contains two young men having

Dawson's Creek, Boys Night In, Part 3

MALE BLACKMAIL PART III OF "BOYS NIGHT IN" WARNING: Disclaimer: This is a fictional story is based upon characters from the television series "Dawson's Creek", created by Kevin Williamson This story in no way reflects the feelings or attitudes of the cast and crew. They are not my characters, I am only having my way with them. ---This story is written as if the

Dawson's Creek, Jay Walking, Boy's Night In, Part

WARNING: Disclaimer: This is a fictional story is based upon characters from the television series "Dawson's Creek", created by Kevin Williamson. This story in no way reflects the feelings or attitudes of the cast and crew. They are not my characters, I am only having my way with them. ---This story is written as if the characters are of adult age. The actors that play these

Full Moon

M/M/F oral sex, M/F sex, anal sex Oz, Willow, and Xander. This story depicts characters from "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" created by Joss. It contains boy/boy sex, and boy/girl sex, containig oral and anal sex. If you do not want to read such material, then DON'T FULL MOON 1 Oz peered out his window, once again taking in the terror associated with the setting sun.

Shelving, Parts 1 & 2

Shelving, Part I & II This is a story based upon characters from the "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" program. Characters:Mainly Xander and Oz. disclaimer: Everyone in this story is the intellectual property of Joss, WB and the Grr Argh Mutant Enemy. Note: if boy/boy is not your thing, do not read! This story depicts sexual acts between two men. SHELVING PART 1

Shelving, Parts 3 & 4

Shelving, Part III-V PART 3: Oz found himself kissing back, despite the fact that he was closer to being in shock than he ever had before. The kiss was a long one, involved and deep, certainly more sensual that Oz had ever experienced. Cordelia was one lucky girl. Suddenly, Xander pulled back. "Oh my God," said Xander, " I have no idea what I'm doing. I'm so


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