Gay Erotic Stories

Daddie, Lie Near Me

by Anthony Samhain

Compliments, complaints, criticism? You know what to do: And, as always: IF YOU ARE UNDERAGE AND/OR MALE-MALE SEX IS OFFENSIVE TO YOU -- DON'T READ THIS!!! Thanks. "Long have we parted been, laddie my dearie, now we have met again, laddie lie near me." -- "Laddie Lie Near Me," 18th century Scots ballad Thank God for the Internet! It had taken me years to find my father and now I had located him and sent him a message. He responded quickly, saying that he was glad to hear from me and that he wanted me to come out to Seattle and visit him. I replied to his message, letting him know that I would like that. He wired me a ticket that would allow us to be reunited in two days. I deleted his messages after I had responded to them, in case my mother might have been snooping in my room. The bitch would have my head on a silver platter if she knew that I had found my father. Why? Well, my mother and father divorced when I was five. Actually, my biological father died in a car accident just a week after I was conceived. The father I am referring to here is actually my stepfather, but he's the only father I've ever known. He's a very handsome, kind, and wealthy man, and I think that my mother married him for his wealth. I guess he felt sorry for her and married her mostly so that her child would have a father. But she filed for divorce when I was four and it went through when I was five. My mother is such a cold, sterile person that I often find it hard to believe that I came out of her womb. Whenever the subject of my father would come up, she would quickly change it, or speak badly about him, saying that he was an evil, worthless pig. That directly contradicted all of my memories of my father. I remember when he'd pick me up and hold me. He was so warm and he always held me close and made me feel safe. I used to love it when he picked me up from pre-school and we'd go for dinner at McDonald's or some place like that. Just Daddie and me. How I missed those times. I vowed that one day I would locate my father again, despite my mother's efforts to try and stop me. I pretended to give up my quest to find him on my fifteenth birthday, much to my mother's delight. She never knew that my birthday wish that year was to be able to find him before I turned twenty-five. Well, here I am at twenty-two and I had found him, thanks to the Internet. I'd been trying to find him ever since my aunt had given me a PC last year, and each search engine I tried failed when I'd type in the name "Nicholas Ivanov" (yes, my father is of Russian descent). But the other day, it finally occurred to me that I was overlooking the most obvious place to find him on the net: his company's webpage!! I searched frantically for "Ivanov Industries" and after Yahoo, Lycos, and Alta Vista had failed me miserably, turned up the URL. I typed my "message in a bottle" as quickly as I could and sent it. He responded the very next day and invited me to come stay with him on the other side of the country. The only problem was, I would have to leave while my mother was asleep. Nearly every other floorboard in our house rang out like a shot when stepped upon. I had moved much of my important belongings out of the house little by little since I was nineteen, secretly storing them at a friend's house. I knew that Steve would send me my stuff once I had established a new address. I packed a suitcase and hid it in the garage on the night of my escape. Everything was in place. Dinner seemed to take forever, and my mother's cooking leaves much to be desired. She truly belongs on Betty Crocker's Ten Most-Wanted List!! After dinner, I turned in early and did some web-surfing while I waited for my mother to retire for the evening. Once her light was out, I waited for an hour to pass, then I grabbed my knapsack and opened my window. But then I got another idea. I had deleted everything I'd accumulated on my PC except for the screen saver, which I modified to read, "Bye Bye, Bitch!" in large, white block lettering against a black background. With that, I made for the roof, shimmied down the drain pipe, got my suitcase out of the garage, and ran towards town. I arrived in Seattle and took a taxi to my father's house. I paid the driver and bolted out of the vehicle, running up to the door with my suitcase in hand. When the door opened, I was in awe. He was much more beautiful than I had remembered him to be. He was at least 6'3", had dark brown hair, and impressive, piercing blue eyes. He was well-built, clean shaven, and was just plain gorgeous. I hadn't remembered him being so attractive. He stared at me for a moment or two, and then smiled. It was warm and welcoming. "Hi, Will," he said in a deep, but smooth and comforting tone. "Daddie," I managed, and then fell into him, no longer able to hold back my tears. He held me and caressed my hair as I let the rivers flow from my eyes. "Hey, it's okay. You made it here all right and everything's fine." "Daddie, I tried and tried to find you since I was little, but she ... she stopped me every time and --" More tears cut off my words. He hugged me tighter and placed his head onto mine. "I know, Will, I know. She kept us apart, that ungrateful b--" I looked up at him. "You can say it, Daddie. She's a BITCH! He breathed a sigh of relief and let out a small laugh. "Glad we feel the same way." "I never want to see her again! EVER!!" "And you don't have to, Will. And I can hardly say that I BLAME you." I laughed a little and we went inside. After getting my stuff put away, we went down to the living room and chatted for a while. I just couldn't stop looking him over. He had one of the most beautiful faces I'd ever seen. And not a bad frame, either! He actually reminded me of Daniel Baldwin, one of the four Baldwin brothers who were film actors. However, my father's face had a gentleness to it that Daniel's somehow lacked. I had to wonder if Daddie was as hairy as Daniel. I couldn't believe that I was actually wondering what he looked like shirtless, not to mention all together naked! Those thoughts were quickly getting me aroused and I had to focus on what he was saying to reverse the effect. "So, have you eaten? I take it they fed you on the plane." "Yeah, but that was hours ago. The food wasn't too bad, though. I felt my stomach growl. He got up and stood. "Well, how about I make some supper?" I nodded emphatically. "Cool!" My mother and father were EXACT opposites when it came to cooking. My mother's food was potentially lethal (not to mention tasteless), whereas my father's food could practically cure any disease! (At least, it made you feel so good that it would seem that way). I longed for anything he would prepare. He even made TOAST seem like gourmet food! "Would you like some help, Daddie?" "That's all right. You've had a long flight, Will. You just relax in here and watch TV or go rest in your room. I'll let you know when it's ready." "Okay. I think I'll go have a nap." I went up to my room and lay down on the king-sized bed. Everything about the room was so cozy. One wall had empty bookshelves which I knew that I would be filling with my books when they arrived. My mind wandered to thoughts of my father undressing. I imagined what his chest and abdomen would look like, and what he'd smell like after a workout. What kind of undies did he wear? What color? What brand? I've got to stop this, I thought. He's my father, for God's sake! I can't have sexual fantasies about him. Can I? I just couldn't stop thinking about him. I imagined him kissing me, and that I was brave enough to stick my tongue in his mouth. How would he react? What would he do? Would he even possibly ENJOY it? My thoughts returned to his underwear. I HAD to know what he wore! I slipped out of my bedroom and looked for Daddie's room. When I found it, I searched his dresser for underpants. When I found them, I pulled out a pair and looked them over. White, Fruit of the Loom, size 38. I threw my jeans off onto the bed and tossed my own underwear to the floor. I put on my father's underpants. I was a size 32 myself, but the pants fit fine. I ran my hand over the cotton cloth, imagining what they must look like on Daddie. My cock was hard in seconds! I then wondered if he had any dirty undies, so I dove into the hamper and pulled out a pair that was only slightly dirty. When I placed it to my nose, the scent of man-sweat made me shiver. I lay down on his bed and placed the dirty pair over my face. I began to beat off, fantasizing about Daddie's hard cock in my mouth. I took it slowly and must have lost track of time. I was getting close when I heard Daddie call, "Dinner's ready! "That was what sent me over the edge. "Coming!" I yelled back, and I wasn't kidding. I tucked my cock back into Daddie's undies while I unloaded my stuff. I shuddered a few times and then relaxed. I got up and stood, looking down at the cum-soaked undies I wore. I slipped them off and threw my jeans on. Without thinking, I tossed Daddie's dirty pair AND my own into the hamper. I ran to my room with the wet pair and hid them under my bed. I fixed my hair and ran downstairs. The heavenly scent of food hit me as I descended the staircase. I recognized it at once. I darted into the kitchen in time to see Daddie putting two plates of food onto the bar. "Western omelets and bacon!!" I cried as I sat. I looked up at him and he gave me a warm smile. "Just like when I was a kid! You remembered!" "That you like having 'breakfast for dinner,' Will? I could never forget that." "Well, that, and that Western omelets are among my favorite dishes!" He placed a dish of hot, buttered grits in front of each of our plates as well as a tall glass of orange juice. "Dig in, Will." I did. The taste brought back pleasant memories of Daddie serving dinner. For a moment, I was a kid again, only this time my mother wasn't there. Thank God!! After dinner, Daddie and I retired to the couch for some sitcoms. We used to watch them all the time when I was little. I moved a little closer to him and leaned in. He placed his arm around me and gave me a gentle squeeze. "So, will you stay with me? Make this your home?" "Only if you want me to, and in that case, yes." "I do." "Thanks." "You're welcome." "I love you, Daddie." "I love you, too, Will." That night I could barely get to sleep at first. I kept thinking of what I'd done earlier in the day. Why was I so horny for him?! If I didn't figure out a solution, like getting a boyfriend, I knew I would go mad. I turned over in my bed and tried to think of something else. Nothing was able to replace my lustful thoughts of him. I heard my doorknob turn and I pretended to be asleep. "Will?" I ignored my father's voice, fighting the urge to ask for a "kiss goodnight." My door closed gently and I sat up in bed. I was getting up to go and beat off in an attempt to prime my body into a precursory sleep mode when I got an idea. The only way to deal with my fantasies was to make them at least partially real. I put my bathrobe on and sneaked down the hallway and peered through Daddie's open bedroom door. The bed was empty, so he had to be in the bathroom. I tiptoed into his closet, which had wooden jalousie slats that I could watch him through. I waited until I heard the toilet flush and then made my breathing as quiet as I could. Daddie came into the room and sat on the bed, still fully clothed. Please don't turn the lamp off before you undress, I thought at him. He unbuttoned his shirt and removed it. His chest and abdomen were both covered with hair, and that gave me an instant hard-on. He MUST be a lost Baldwin brother, I thought. He removed his pants and his legs had a nice coating of hair on them as well. I threw off my robe and reached into the hamper for any pair of undies I could get my hands on. I stroked my cock as I watched him and it didn't take long for me to come. I came harder than I did before, as I imagined deep-throating the bulge in his Fruit of the Loom's. I tossed the wet undies back into the hamper and waited for Daddie to crawl into bed and turn off the light. I soon heard him snore softly and that was when I grabbed my robe and made my quick exit. I had the first good night's sleep that I'd had in a long time. I awoke to the scent of burgers and fries, and looked at my clock. It was nearly noon! After I dressed, I ran downstairs and was delighted to see that Daddie had gone and gotten McDonald's for us for lunch! Without saying a word, I ran to him and nearly smothered him in a hug. He reciprocated, and then drew back, smiling. "I have pleasant memories of those nights, too, Will," he said. "I haven't had McDonald's in ages!" I was enthusiastic. We sat down and ate, just chit-chatting like we used to do. We managed to learn quite a bit about one another. Daddie's company had grown steadily since he had founded it, which had been when I was about three. The inheritance he had received had increased many, many times over by now, due to his business' growth. "But enough about business," he said. "On to pleasure." He asked me to tell him what my likes and dislikes were. I told him that I read mostly sci-fi, fantasy, and horror novels, listened to rock as well as New Age music, and that my favorite season was Winter. I told him I hated Summer, eating fish of ANY kind, bowling, and pushy people. I told him that I liked traveling (though I rarely got to do any), that chili and pizza where my two top favorite foods, and that I liked swimming. I wanted so badly to tell him that I liked good-looking, hairy-chested men like himself. I just didn't have the balls to do so. Later that evening, we went to one of the malls just to wander and chat. We stopped by the food court and grabbed some dinner, and after having a large Coke each, we needed to make a restroom stop before leaving. We got up to the stalls and "unsheathed our swords," as it were. When I heard Daddie begin to piss, I casually glanced over at him. Nice cock. Not even hard, it was at least six inches long. It took everything in me to resist reaching out and grabbing it. I leaned slightly closer to get a better look. "Been a long time since you last took a piss with your old man, eh?" he said, startling me so that I went back to my original stance. "Sure has," I offered. We finished and left the mall. All the way home, I kept thinking about Daddie's cock and how much I wanted it in my ass. Once we got in, Daddie went down to the basement to do a load of laundry. He didn't come back up for nearly half an hour, so he must've had a lot of sorting to do. Good thing I had hid the pair of undies I'd swiped under my bed! He came back upstairs and made some popcorn to eat while we watched "Mission Impossible" on HBO. All through the movie, I kept glancing over at him, wanting desperately for him to put his arm around me. Or better yet, kiss me. Yeah, right! After the movie was over, we each said "good night" and went to bed. Once again, I had trouble sleeping. I paced for a few moments, then peeked down the hall. Light was coming out from under Daddie's door, so he was probably reading. Or maybe jerking off! That was an opportunity I could NOT miss! I sneaked down the hall and found the door to be ajar. I secretly peered in and saw to my chagrin that he was reading, not masturbating. Damn! I peered in a little further and saw that he was shirtless. I stared at his beautiful chest and felt my cock begin to harden. I peered in even more and then he looked up at me. "Will?" "Hi, Daddie," I said, pushing the door all the way open. He removed his glasses and smiled at me. Think fast, Will! "I ... I just wanted to thank you for letting me live here." "Hey, it's no problem. We're family, aren't we?" "Yes," I agreed, then boldly stepped forward to sit on the edge of the bed. He put his glasses and the book he was reading aside on the nightstand. "Was there something else?" So many ways I could've answered THAT question! "Well, I ..." Feeling bolder, I moved over to him and hugged him. He hugged me also, patting my back. The feel of his furry body against my smooth body sent my cock into overdrive. It was fully hard, and there'd be no way to hide it when I stood up to leave. We released each other and I stared into his eyes. I leaned forward, feeling boldest now, and placed my lips to his. I gently opened my mouth and let my tongue touch his lips. To my surprise, his mouth opened and our tongues touched. We began to fully kiss and I closer to him to hold my balance better. Was he enjoying this as much as I was?! We broke the kiss and stared at each other for a few moments. The silence was absolutely deafening. So, I said the first thing that came to mind. "Boy, Daddie, you've sure got a hairy chest!" I know -- it sounded dumb to me, too. He looked down at it and nodded. "I sure do." "Can I rub it?" I dared ask. He smiled. "Sure." I ran my hand over the soft fur a few times, then gently raked my fingers through it. "Mmmm. Daddie likes that. You like rubbing Daddie's hairy chest, don't you, Son?" I nodded and then leaned in to kiss him again. This time, he pulled me to him and moved me so that I was straddling his crotch. His cock was rock solid, and for a second, I thought I was sitting on a Yule log! He hugged me while we kissed and placed a hand to the back of my head, cradling it. I rubbed his hard cock with my ass a few times. He motioned for me to move, and he pulled the sheets off of him. What I saw was a good eight inches, if not more! His underpants concealed everything but his cock head, which peeked out, dark purple and all wet with pre-cum. Without even asking, I turned and pulled it out, shoving the entire thing into my mouth. I devoured it, and I could feel it scraping the back of my throat. I had to shift my position to avoid gagging on it, and when I did so, my ass was in Daddie's face, but his cock now fit comfortably in my mouth and throat. His pre-cum was sweeter than I had imagined it would be, and its mere taste was making me hotter for him. I moved back and forth rapidly, making Daddie "ooh" and "ahh" many times. He began to caress my ass with one hand and then with both. His touch was always comforting, and it was now, as well as a little arousing! Daddie pulled my underpants down, but not off, and the friction of the cotton on my cock sent a pre-orgasmic shiver through me. Daddie gently pulled my ass cheeks apart and then leaned forward. What the hell was he going to do? Then I knew. I felt his warm, wet tongue licking my outer sphincter. Ooh, the pleasure! I'd never been rimmed before, and I was loving it! I reached a free hand back and rubbed Daddie's chest again, loving how the hair felt against my fingers. He must've been getting close to coming, because he started to thrust his hips faster and faster. A few moments later, he said, "Oh, yeah! Oh, yes! Oh, Baby! Oh! Daddie's gonna cum!! Daddie's gonna cum!! Oh yeah!! Daddie's coming!!" I felt hot, savory liquid enter my mouth and throat, and there was quite a bit of it! I swallowed, gulping to keep up with each spurt. He seemed to have an endless supply. Finally, he rested and gently kissed each ass cheek. "Oh, Son!" he said, breathing heavily. "Oh, Son! You really know how to please your Daddie! Come here and kiss your old man, Boy." I turned around and straddled him, as I had before and we kissed. His tongue probed my mouth, as if searching for any remaining fluid I'd been swallowing. He broke the kiss and leaned back a little. "Hot for Daddie, aren't you?" I nodded. "You like Daddie's 'nine-inch nail,' don't you?" I nodded again. "And you like Daddie's sauce, don't you? You like how it tastes, don't you?" I nodded yet again. "I want more, Daddie!" He grinned and nodded. "Oh, there's more. LOTS more! You can have as much as you want, Son. But Daddie wants something, too." "Anything, Daddie, Oh, anything! Just name it." He leaned in a little. "Daddie wants to fuck your hot little ass!" I hadn't lost my hard-on, and I reached over and gave Daddie's still-hard cock a squeeze. "I want that, too, Daddie. I want you to fuck my ass until I bleed!" "I'll try not to do THAT. I wouldn't want to ever hurt you." "That's okay, Daddie. Fuck my ass and fuck it HARD!" "You got it!" He opened the nightstand drawer and pulled out a small bottle of lube. He put some on his middle finger and stuck it up my ass. He wiggled it a few times, quickly finding my prostate. He rubbed it a few more times and smiled. "Tight little ass. Ever been fucked there before?" "No." A sly grin crossed his face. "Then Daddie's going to pop your cherry but good!" He began to lube up his cock with the gel, and put some of it onto mine. I moved into position and let him slide in. I could swear that every nerve ending was overloading as it moved into place. Pain like I'd never felt before in my life shot through me. "Unnngh ...," I grimaced. Daddie stopped and put his hand to my face. "We can take as long as we need to," he said. "Let me know when you're ready to go on." "I'm ready. If you go all the way, I think I'll adjust faster." He nodded and slowly buried himself inside me, all the way to the root. I felt more pain, but it was less intense than before. His cock seemed to penetrate deep beyond my lower insides. If you looked down my throat at that point, you'd probably have seen his cock head easily. The pain subsided and I moved up and down a few times to get used to it. Then, Daddie began to move back and forth, slowly at first, then a little faster. I touched my cock and it tingled a bit. Having Daddie's tool in my ass had turned me on much more than I thought it would. I ran my dry hand over his chest and he closed his eyes, smiling. "Oh, that feels so good ...," he whispered. He moved his hips faster, which instantly brought on my orgasm. "I can't hold it, Daddie! I'm gonna cum!!" He moved his cock in and out at the fastest pace he could. "Oh ... oh ... oh yeah!! Oh, Daddie's gonna cum, too!!" Just as I went over the edge, I felt his cum gushing into me like water from a geyser. I coated his hairy chest and belly with cum and he wiped it all over himself. He and I shuddered a few times from aftershocks, the we were silent for several moments. I leaned down. We kissed, doing so for a good ten minutes. "What's say we get cleaned up?" he suggested. I nodded. "Sounds good to me."


7 Gay Erotic Stories from Anthony Samhain

Daddie, Lie Near Me

Compliments, complaints, criticism? You know what to do: And, as always: IF YOU ARE UNDERAGE AND/OR MALE-MALE SEX IS OFFENSIVE TO YOU -- DON'T READ THIS!!! Thanks. "Long have we parted been, laddie my dearie, now we have met again, laddie lie near me." -- "Laddie Lie Near Me," 18th century Scots ballad Thank God for the Internet! It had taken me

Tales Of Sherwood, Part 1

This is a re-telling of Robin Hood (no particular version). I hope that you enjoy my view of what I think should've happened in Sherwood Forest ;) Any feedback would be greatly appreciated ( DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE UNDERAGE OR OFFENDED BY MALE-MALE SEX. "So love's not a simple thing; nor are truths unwavering. Like the moon's pull and the tide, our fingers

Tales Of Sherwood, Part 2

Another installment in my "Robin Hood" series. There's more to come (so to speak). Comments? Complaints? Criticism? You know the drill: And, as always, IF YOU'RE TOO YOUNG TO BE READING THIS, THEN DON'T, AND IF MALE-MALE SEX OFFENDS YOU, DO NOT READ IT. Thank you. "A blacksmith courted me; he fairly won my heart; with his hammer in his hand, he looked

Tales Of Sherwood, Part 3

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated ( DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE UNDERAGE OR OFFENDED BY MALE-MALE SEX. "Look into my eyes, and you will see what you mean to me. Search your heart, search your soul. And when you find me there, you'll search no more." -- Bryan Adams, "Everything I Do (I Do It for You)" Will Scarlet hid in the underbrush of the path

Tales Of Sherwood, Part 4: Sed Diabolus

"Sed Diabolus" [Only the Devil Laughed] by Anthony Samhain You know the drill -- like it, hate it, comments, criticism, etc: DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE UNDERAGE OR OFFENDED BY MALE-MALE SEX. "Sed diabolus in invidia sua istud irrisit, qua nullum opus Dei intactum dimisit" [Only the devil laughed honor to scorn; in his envy he left no work of God

The Underground, Part 1

The Ungerground, Part I Author's note: I thought it might be interesting if a club like the one depicted in this story existed. It's certainly plausible. I can't mention the name of the theme park where this scenario takes place, for they certainly wouldn't be pleased ... so, I'm hoping that from subtle clues, you'll know the place I'm talking about (wink, wink,

The Underground, Part 2

The Underground, Part II All of them advanced and got into various positions on the bed. Steven got onto his knees at the foot of the bed, ready to stick his cock back into me, Eric straddled my crotch and got ready for me to stick my cock back into him, and Steven straddled my chest, aiming his cock at my mouth. Eric and Steven shared the lube, readying themselves.


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