Gay Erotic Stories

Cumming At 30,000 Feet

by Gary

Okay, you may not believe this story at all, but I only post TRUE stories here and I'll swear on a HUGE stack of bibles that what I'm about to tell you actually happened January, 2000. I was in Palm Springs for a week on business and wearily boarded a red-eye from Las Vegas for the journey home. The weather back east was horrible, throwing all cross-country flights off-schedule. My Palm Springs airline people got me to Vegas, but they indicated I'd likely have to spend the night there and wait for the Ohio weather to break (they were expecting the Columbus airport to be closed at any moment). Once in Vegas, I find the gate for my connection and discover that - although it's been significantly delayed - our flight is still scheduled to depart. I settle into an airport chair and wait for the cancellation announcement. It never came. After an almost two-hour wait, they announced my flight was boarding & scheduled to depart. I wearily go through the routine of boarding, locating my seat, and settling in. Now, I HATE red-eye flights. I can never properly sleep on a plane, and the entire routine throws me off physically for a few days. This was going to be NO luxury flight, either. I was in coach instead of business class, and the plane was literally PACKED. They'd diverted several other passengers flying east onto our flight, as it was one of the few getting through, and every seat was to be filled. I did get an aisle seat on the left side of the plane, however. To my left sat an African American middle-aged couple. Across the aisle, to my right, there were a few guys in their twenties. The one on the aisle just a few feet from my right elbow was a really nice-looking guy of perhaps 26 or so. Though I wasn't much interested in my fellow passengers, I did note that he was probably "family." I settle into my seat, fold open a magazine, and we go through the whole take off/serving of drinks routine. About an hour into the flight I grew tired of reading and decided to try and get at least SOME rest, so I recline my seat slightly and settle back, allowing my hands to naturally rest atop my upper/inner thighs. Only I can't sleep, of course. Occasionally my eyes open and I glance around a little bit, and I do take note that the guy across the aisle is noticing me, my hands, etc. I close my eyes again. Several minutes later I allow them to slide open ... the cute guy is still glancing in my direction occasionally. Hmmm. Close eyes, open eyes, same thing. The cabin lights lower, the movie starts. The couple to my left have rented their headsets and are laughing at whatever the hell was on the screen. Cute guy is STILL glancing at my crotch, and he doesn't seem to be noticing that I'm "catching" him at it. I glance forward & back ... most passengers are either sleeping or watching the film. I decide to have some fun. I re-settle into my seat, close my eyes and move my left hand a little closer to my crotch (I usually "dress" left, btw). I set my mind to thinking of sexual thoughts and memories, like the other stories posted here. I'm seeking to get my dick hard, and it responds admirably - performing these little boner-jumps against my jeans. My head lays facing right but my eyes are closed. I sneak them open ‘just a little’ and see that cute boy has noticed the activity in my pants. His eyes are GLUED on the jumping in my crotch, but he doesn't know that I can see this. I "sleepily" shift around to check on my seatmates ... they are oblivious to everything but the film. I continue to shift around and sort of hike up my left leg, so that my knee is pressed on the seat-back in front of me, providing a little bit of a barrier between me and them. Once again I close my eyes, only this time I allow my left hand to slip down to my three-quarters hard dick and I continue thinking horny-boy thoughts. My cock is very hard by now, and I VERY slightly begin to move my thumb up and down over the lump where my dickhead is. Of course, this makes my dick fully erect and it begins pushing against the fabric of my jeans. Cracking my eyelids open ever so slightly, I find that the boy is totally focused on what I'm doing. I close my eyes again and I use my thumb and forefinger to give my boner a little squeeze. I keep my eyes closed but I KNOW this boy is watching, so I gradually begin to squeeze my boner more and more obviously. Finally, I open my eyes and - of course - he is turned totally toward me, watching the minor "show" I'm putting on. I now allow my eyes to remain open, as his watching me is turning me WAY on. After several moments he glances toward my face and catches me watching him. Our eyes meet and lock. He breaks into a broad grin, and I smile back. His eyes returns to the area between my legs, and I enjoy spreading the denim of my jeans smooth over my boner and squeezing it, giving him a very nice, clear view of the hardness that has grown down my leg. I can feel the smallest amount of precum leak into my boxers, and I truly begin stroking and playing with myself (discreetly, of course) for this boy's benefit. I watch him as he watches me, and every so often he glances up at me. We smile and make faces at each other. Now my mind is racing ... what to do? What CAN you do in such a situation? But I was totally turned on and I really wanted to have some fun. I'm thinking HARD and I finally decide that a blanket might be called for. I feign disinterest and casually stand up in the aisle, opening the overhead bins above me in search of a "bankie." None to be found. I turn around - so that my crotch (and my hard dick) is just inches away from his face, and I open the overhead bin above his head. Bingo - a small stack of blankets. I grab one and settle back into my seat, pulling it over me. I return to "sleeping" but of course my hands are now busy under my blanket. I'm undoing my jeans button, lowering my zipper, and I've slipped my right hand inside my boxers. Cute boy has begun gazing at the movie screen and several minutes pass as I feel myself up, making my dick harder and harder. Finally I shift around a bit, again creating the "leg-barrier" between myself and the couple to my left (who were still absorbed in their comedy), and I pull my rock-hard prick from the fly of my boxers. Cute boy has been glancing my way every long once in a while, so I pump my dick up as much as I can and wait for him to look over again. Once he does, I make obvious "jerk off" motions under my blanket and he looks into my face. I give him a look and check the rows behind us ... most "aisle people" behind us seem to be sleeping. I look back at my little buddy and offer a HUGE grin as I lift the edge of my blanket closest to him to display my naked boner to him. I thought he was gonna shit himself. His eyes grew HUGE and I swear to Christ his mouth opened a bit as he hungrily gazed at my bare dick. I was very pleased and I began lightly stroking it for his viewing pleasure. That boy was fucking GLUED to the sight across the aisle, and I made sure to squeeze a little load of precum from my head and to collect it on my finger. Lowering the blanket, I produced my moistened finger and popped it into my mouth. I really did think he was going to pass out right there - his eyebrows raised as he smiled - and he began glancing around very nervously, checking out all the other passengers. Apparently they were all sleeping, because he again smiled at me and fixed his eyes on my now-covered crotch. I again raised my blanket to give him another view of my boner, which was now resting upward against my lower tummy. I used my right hand to prop up the blanket and my left hand to stroke myself, to afford him a full view of my prick. He leaned across the aisle and spoke his first words to me. They were: "I have GOT to suck that!" Hmmm. Sounded good to me! I suggested meeting in a rear bathroom, and I guess he began thinking about that possibility. I'd never done ANYTHING in a plane and I was anxious to have my first experience. After a brief across-the-aisle consultation, he suggested that it was probably too risky, and I had to agree. If the plane had been less empty, it might have been okay, but we were filled up, and such a meeting would just be too "public." There followed a good, long time of us checking out our neighbors, then me raising my blanket to let him see my dick. I pulled my nuts through my fly too, and eventually even managed to pull my jeans and the front of my boxers down ‘ever so slightly’ so that he could see all of me. I even pulled up my shirt a little. We're also occasionally sharing fun little comments by leaning across the aisle to speak directly into each other’s ears. Cute boy finally stands and dips into his overhead bin for a blanket of his own. We'd been at this for at least 45 minutes by now, and the thought of maybe seeing HIS dick was driving me nuts (I was already hornier than shit!). He throws the blanket over himself and I can detect all kinds of activity & fumbling below. I decide to settle back and close my eyes, very slightly stroking myself within the privacy of MY blanket. After a few minutes, I feel someone nudge my arm. It is - of course - cute boy, and he has something to show me. Nervously glancing around, he lifts the edge of HIS blanket to reveal that he's pulled his beautiful 6" cut - and EXTREMELY hard - cock from his pants. It arched upward and I could see what seemed to be a healthy dose of precum darkening the topside of his shirt. I gave him a tongue-out-of-the-mouth expression and he seemed pleased, stroking it and lifting it up for me to view. I leaned across the aisle and said something like "damn boy, you're precumming like crazy!" He simply smiled a HUGE grin and repeated my earlier actions - using his finger & thumb to pull the clear, sticky string away from his dickhead and finally popping some of it in his mouth. There followed a most wonderful exchange of private little "dick shows." He'd sort of glance and nod toward my crotch, silently saying he wanted to see me, and I'd oblige by lifting my blanket and playing with myself for his enjoyment. Once or twice I even slipped my middle finger between my legs to finger myself a little bit, and even though he couldn't really SEE what I was doing, he knew, and he offered silent expressions of his approval. I'd nod toward him and he'd display himself to me, and we still enjoyed the occasional comments across the aisle. At one point I whispered to him, "let me see your nuts!" and he obliged by re-covering, pulling them from his fly, then again lifting his blanket and playing with them - stretching and rolling them around for me to view. And then something rather horrific and unexpected happened - someone noticed what we were doing. The guy seated next to my little buddy was a scruffy-looking dude of maybe 30 or so. Not attractive at all - unkempt hair, scruffy beard. He wasn't the ugliest guy around, but not what one would consider attractive. He seemed mildly drunk as we boarded, and he'd had a few mini-liquor bottles very early into the flight. As all of the above happened, he appeared to be sleeping/passed out in his seat. But without our realizing it, he'd apparently awakened... Cute boy had nodded toward me and I had my blanket opened toward the aisle, jerking myself for him to see, when all of a sudden scruffy guy leaned forward and got a FULL view of what I was doing. Horrified, I quickly lowered my blanket, but this dude gave me a big ol' bad-teeth grin of apparent approval. I was pretty embarrassed, and I shot an expression toward my little buddy to let him know something was up. He looked over toward scruffy guy, whose eyes were glued on "Cute Boy's" blanketed crotch, and they shared a very quick verbal exchange. Cute boy shot me a look, and I simply shrugged. He rolled his eyes and grinned, gave me another look of some sort and settled back into his seat, then raised his blanket in scruffy guy's direction to display his hard prick. It ‘looked like’ scruffy guy had reached over and that Cute Boy had blocked his move, but I couldn't tell for sure. They shared another brief exchange and then cute boy leaned over to me. "He want's to feel me up - eew!" I simply shrugged again: "Just ignore him or tell him no, don't worry about him." Our game continued, but now we had an audience. When I displayed myself I now had TWO sets of eyes on my prick, but cute boy allowed no more scruffy-guy views of himself. We continued to masturbate publicly and to goad each other on. Finally, I leaned across the aisle and pressed my lips against cute boy's ear. "I'm gonna make myself cum." Cute boy had a look of total shock and disbelief. "No Way!" he said, out loud, for all to hear. I motioned him back into the aisle. "Dare me?" He thought for about half a second and said, "Yeah!" I settled into my seat and within the confines of my blanket I began to beat off. It was harder than HELL to do this, because I didn't want to give myself away to the lady seated next to me, so I had to confine my "motion" from the wrist-down only. I DID allow my up-strokes to hit my blanket (so my buddy could see), because that view was blocked from the passengers to my left. Cute boy was watching as I jerked my hard cock as hard as I possibly could under such circumstances, and his eyes were darting between my face and the action under my blanket. He was looking into my eyes as I began to shoot off, and I made sure he knew I was orgasming. I hadn't cum in over a week, and I could feel myself spurting ALL OVER the place beneath that blanket - all over my hand, my opened jeans & boxers, and (of course) against the underside of the blanket. That was really an intense cum, probably due to the circumstances. I'm sure my face reflected my pleasure, and my cheeks felt slightly flushed. Cute boy gave me this look that I can't even begin to describe - probably a mix of astonishment, nervousness, and total horniness. He was looking into my eyes and I darted my gaze down to my crotch. He looked down and I lifted my blanket, and we were both treated to a fairly incredible sight ... there were LONG strings of cum stuck to the underside of that blanket and stretching upward from my hand and prick and balls and pants. I REALLY had a huge mess under there and I thought that boy was gonna die (or explode right there). Scruffy guy had since settled back in his seat but he seemed to notice something going on and leaned forward in time to see my sticky mess, and he responded with an ugly grin and a thumbs-up symbol. NOW I wasn't sure what I was going to do, because my spooge was way too messy for me to somehow clean up without being noticed. I asked cute boy if he'd mind getting me some paper towels from the restroom, and he was happy to help me out. He redressed and quickly headed off to the restroom, returning with a handful of paper towels for me. I discreetly wiped my cum up from my hand and cock and pants, crumbled the towel and began to redress myself. Cute boy leaned across the aisle to speak to me. "Can I have it?" he asked. I indicated I didn't know what he was talking about, and he said "your paper towel." I kinda shrugged and slipped my hand from under the blanket and handed it to him across the aisle. Now "dressed," I carefully folded my soiled airline blanket up into a little square and, not quite knowing what to do with it, tucked it into my seat pocket. Offering another grin to my buddy, I closed my eyes and settled back into my seat... As the movie was ending, maybe twenty minutes later, I get a nudge. I was half-asleep by this time and I looked over to find that my aisle-buddy had poked me. His blanket was still over his body and he indicated that I should have a look and raised his blanket. There, insulating his hand, was my cum towel and within THAT was his prick. Sperm was oozing from it, and there was a single string stretching upward, stuck to the bottom-side of HIS blanket. He'd used my cum towel to jerk off with, and even though I was past being horny, that was SO hot! He went ahead and gave scruffy-guy a view too, then set about cleaning himself up. Our plane landed shortly after that and we all exited into the airport. Cute boy and I walked together for a short while, and he told me his name (which I now can't remember!). He offered, "I wish we could have done more back there" and indicated he had a boyfriend back home (he was connecting to some other city). I agreed and, after a mutual wink and smile, we went our separate ways. I guess this experience makes me a "Junior Member" of the Mile-High Club, though I still look forward to achieving full membership!


10 Gay Erotic Stories from Gary

A Summer Night in Wichita

A Summer Night in Wichita By Gary This is a true story of what happened one night while I was living in Wichita, KS. I had just taken a job there and knew no one. I was about 30 and had been sucking dicks since I was 13. I have always been somewhat of an exhibitionist and loved to suck cocks in public. One warm Friday night, I was sitting in my apartment, watching porno

Bob Paris vs. Rod Jackson

Bob Paris was sitting in his apartment when the doorbell rung. He opened the door and stood open mouthed at who he saw…Rod Jackson, his former boyfriend. Rod had been working out and the results were plain to see. Bob was immediately impressed by Rod’s physique. Rod smiled and asked if Bob was alone to which Bob answered yes. Bob Paris then invited Rod in for a drink and to find

Cruisy Park Encounters

I was heartbroken, then very angry. My newish boyfriend and I just had had a fight the prior day, and he didn't bother to come home that night. Upon returning home the next morning, he told me he went out for a beer, met a guy & went home with him. They made out and felt each other's hard cocks thru their pants. My boyfriend would have done more - much more - but the dude passed

Cumming At 30,000 Feet

Okay, you may not believe this story at all, but I only post TRUE stories here and I'll swear on a HUGE stack of bibles that what I'm about to tell you actually happened January, 2000. I was in Palm Springs for a week on business and wearily boarded a red-eye from Las Vegas for the journey home. The weather back east was horrible, throwing all cross-country flights off-schedule. My

Forced Facials

When I was in college, I was paired up with a guy named Steve as a roommate. He was one year older than me. and not all that great looking --he wasn't the ugliest guy in the world, but he wasn't cute, either. He was also kind of a spaz & kinda annoyed me. That year I was busy having as much sex as I possibly could, usually with other freshman & sophomores in the dorm (all of them

Group Workout At The Gym

I go to the gym often. One day, when only 1 guy and me were in a gym, some actions started. He suddenly walk towards me and started to strip me and himself, showing both our beautiful and well developed bodies. He started to suck my dick and I suck his. We continue... Someone opens the gym door. I was shocked and decided to dress up. But he pressed me down.

How I Spent Election Night 2000

Can I share this with you? This is really strange and dumb, but I have had the most incredibly cool election night, as I (finally!) got laid WHILE watching election returns! Like all the personal accounts I offer here, this one's absolutely true ... I haven't had sex in over two months. Upon becoming single a few months ago I decided I wanted to "slut-out" for a short while, to make

Jerking Off With Tim

I'll offer another of my own. It's a quickie, but maybe you'll find it as hot as it ‘was’ when it happened: Sophomore in college. Men's dorm. Guy named Tim lived down the hall in his own room. He was a freshman, bi-leaning-more-toward girls, pretty damned cute. We'd fooled around several times in the past (starting with a full-fledged, enormously passionate kiss in a public parking

My Best Doctor's Visit

I'm a married guy who hasn't made it with another guy for about 15 years. The other day, however; I went to the doctor with a pulled groin muscle, which I got while playing some weekend football with some buddies. Anyway, the doctor was middle aged, but holding up pretty well. He asked me the normal questions then asked me to drop my trousers and shorts, which I

The Boy With The Pineapple Hair

It was my sophomore year in college, and I'd just moved away from an annoying roommate (the subject of my "forced facials" story). I was supposed to move up two floors and live with a friend of mine, but I wound up being able to somehow swing my own room on the first floor, and that is where I lived for the final two terms of that year. Two freshman fellow theatre-majors lived on


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