Gay Erotic Stories

Consultant to the Board

by Drewf82

Consultant to the Board Part 1 I first met Costa and Savvas at a marketing meeting. They leased one of the stores belonging to the parent company which employed me on a contractual basis to advise them on general and refined public purchasing trends. My name is David Morton. I am in my mid-thirties; am 5’11”; have straight black hair usually brushed back from my forehead with a left path. My eyes are blue; I have a triangular-shaped face, well-defined cheekbones and lips, and am smooth-shaven. Due to my spending my spare time fly-fishing [preferably in the nude – but that is another story!], I am fairly well-tanned all over. My body is not too hairy and is nicely shaped without being too muscular. So there we all were at this meeting – us office boys smartly dressed in dark suits with white shirts and polished black shoes; while Costa, Savvas and the other lessees were in their casual working clothes. At least the two brothers had taken the time to brush their hair and shave. I was seated near the head of an oval-shaped table in the boardroom. I had a clear view of Costa and Savvas and was able to look at them without seeming to be too obvious. These two guys were gorgeous! They looked nothing alike – Savvas was about my age or a little older; tall and slim, with dark hair. But Costa; well, Costa I judged to be in his late twenties. He had shaggy light brown hair, an earring and a face that, while it was not handsome, along with his body was so sexy I won’t ruin it by trying to describe him to you. Use your favourite fantasy and you may come close! Although Costa was also slim, he had a better-defined upper body than his brother, although he was shorter than Savvas at about 5’10”. The meeting progressed with a lot of hot air and babble. I gave my presentation, trying as I always do to achieve and hold eye contact with every participant in the room at least three times during the speech. Each time I reached Costa, he would meet my gaze for a second or two, then divert his eyes to the whiteboard or projection screen. After an hour, we broke for tea. Most of the room headed for the john, but I strolled over to the beverage station and poured myself a cup of coffee. Moving to the window, I stared out at the view. A voice broke into my thoughts. “I’m sorry, may I join you?” It was Savvas, also with coffee. “Sure,” I replied, and moved over. “That was a great presentation you gave back there.” Savvas said. “You really worked the room and got things going again.” “Thanks,” I replied, with a laugh. “The truth is, I’ve done this so often it’s child’s play, now.” Savvas went on, “So you are used to standing in front of groups of strangers and giving speeches?” “I suppose I must be,” I answered. “That’s not something I really think about. Usually I am more concerned about the lap-top working, or hoping the video-projector won’t break down!” We both laughed. “No, you are really good,” said Savvas. “Costa and I usually get bogged down in all the numbers thrown at us, and I can never make any sense of the charts and graphs, but this morning it was different – I have a much clearer vision of what I think we must do with the business next.” “That’s great,” I responded, finishing my coffee. “Thank you again. But please excuse me - I must get to the cloakroom before we are called to restart.” Savvas reached into his pocket and pulled out a business card. “Please – here are my details. I would very much like to continue discussing some matters with you later this week?” “It would be a pleasure,” I replied honestly. “Enjoy the rest of the presentation.” I quickly walked out through the room to the cloakroom. I knew it ought to be empty now, as most of the people at the meeting were either enjoying their coffee or standing on the balcony having a smoke. I hadn’t seen Costa anywhere yet, and wondered if he had already left. I was correct – the cloakroom was empty. I had just unzipped in front of a urinal when the door opened and Costa walked in. He was holding a cell-phone to his ear and was busy haranguing someone in Portuguese. Without acknowledging me, he went to a stall on the far side of the room and unzipped with difficulty. Saying something abrupt, the call ended and he used both hands to fetch his prick from his pants. I had finished by now and, zipping my fly, went to the basins to wash my hands. I could see Costa reflected in the mirror – the way the room was built and the mirrors positioned, I had a side view of the urinals, and a very pleasant view it was too! Costa had pulled out a thick penis sheathed in a full, unblemished skin, the top of which he had rolled back to expose the fat head of his dick. Slowly, I washed my hands, watching as he let a stream of urine play over the back of the urinal. Taking my time, I dried my hands on a paper towel and reached into my suit pocket for my comb. Wetting it under the tap, I casually drew it back through my hair, smoothing my hair down with my other hand. Costa was still standing at the urinal, apparently having difficulty in pissing. I was not surprised – his dick was almost fully erect! Judging from what I could see from where I was standing, it must have been about 15 centimeters long and as thick as three of my fingers! The shiny, deep purple head was releasing piss in short, sharp bursts. I grinned to myself and sauntered back to the boardroom. The meeting droned on as meetings do, but Costa never returned. Eventually the proceedings came to an end. I packed my notes away, after reassuring the chairman I would be available for a similar meeting in a couple of weeks’ time. A few days later I needed groceries. It was a ‘free day’ for me; I keep one of these each week to allow me space to review newspaper articles and press releases, as well as do a bit of hands-on market research myself. Collecting my wallet from next to my bed I saw the card Savvas had given me. Nothing like killing two birds with one stone, I decided, as I glanced at the address. The shop was only a 10 minute drive away. I parked my car in the parking lot, got out and locked the door. My glasses automatically darkened in the full glare of the sun. Walking towards the shop entrance, I glanced at my reflection in the plate-glass windows. Not bad, I thought – my hair, although normally combed and gelled back, was flopping lazily in a fringe over my right eye, and the jeans and boots I was wearing gave my legs a good showing. My shirt was light cotton and flapping loose in the breeze. Grabbing a basket I walked slowly down the aisles, selecting items as I went. I had just added milk to the rest of my basket when I heard Savvas’ voice from the back area. Remembering that I had purposely come to this store to follow up on his request at the meeting earlier in the week, I started to the doorway marked “Staff Only’. Savvas was arguing with someone – judging by the one-sided conversation, he was using a telephone. Savvas was talking English, and I could hear what he was saying: “Stop being stupid, Costa, you need to think of the future. We can’t go on working for someone else forever – we need to branch out on our own. …But I’m telling you, if we ask him nicely, I am sure he will help. …So what if he asks for a large fee – it is an investment. … Brother, you need to start thinking big… Okay – I see you now.” “Hello,” I called. “I’m looking for Savvas?” “Yeah, yeah, that’s me, what can I help you with?” Savvas replied, appearing around a pile of tomato crates piled high. “Savvas, hi – David Morton – we met at the Produce presentation earlier this week. You asked me to come and see you?” I walked towards him, my free hand outstretched. “You?” exclaimed Savvas. “No, can’t be!” I laughed. “Yes, it can be. I’m not at work today, Savvas. No suit; no tie; glasses instead.” “Of course, of course,” Savvas exclaimed, sheepishly. “You fooled me by looking so different. Apologies for my rudeness, so sorry.” He ushered me out into the shop. “Come, we go to my office. My brother is there – we were just talking about you. You remember Costa, don’t you?” Of course, I thought to myself. How could I forget? “Here, put your basket on the check-out. Dolly will see to it for you. This is my office. Come in.” Savvas led the way into the office – it was cramped and untidy, filled with box-files and papers lying loose all over. Behind the scarred old desk sat Costa, staring at down at a paper filled with rows of figures. “Savvas,” he started, without looking up, “I tell you, I like to meet that man again. I think you right about this.” “Costa,” said Savvas, “look who is here.” “Good day,” said Costa formally, standing up to shake my hand. “I am Costa, Savvas’ brother and partner. Er,” glancing questioningly at Savvas, “have we seen each other before?” You bet, I thought. I’ve seen far more of you than you think! “Costa, come now – this is Mr. Morton from the presentation – we just been talking about him.” Costa stared at me, his eyes narrowing as he tried to place me. Then he blushed. “Mr. Morton. Yes, that is right – the one who made the figures talk to us. I am sorry, I didn’t recognize you.” “My name is David, please,” I said. “I should have called ahead, but I found it was lunch time and I needed to do some shopping so I came down here. Then I remembered Savvas’ request that I stop by and chat with you. So here I am. I can come back if it is inconvenient?” “No, no,” said Savvas quickly. “I have to go out, but Costa is the one who is looking through the figures. Maybe Costa, you can talk to Mr. David?” “Savvas – I need more time. You give this to me now,” Costa said reproachfully to his brother. “Guys, obviously I should have called ahead,” I said. “Let me leave you with my card, and you give me a shout when you are ready.” “Well,” hesitated Savvas, “I have a meeting tomorrow with people who could be our initial backers if we decide to go alone, and tonight I have already another appointment. Costa – you spend the rest of the afternoon going through all these papers, and tonight you meet early with David, hey?” To me he said, “Is that alright with you?” “Perfect,” I replied, “if Costa is happy with the arrangement?” Costa shuffled some papers on the desk, and then looked at me, his sexy square face flushed. “No, that is fine. You must tell me how to find your place and what time to be there.” I quickly fixed a time with Costa and explained how to get to my house. Then I excused myself and did a lot more shopping. The rest of the afternoon was spent cleaning my flat, chilling beers and wine in the fridge and preparing snack food in case the talking between Costa and myself went on longer than planned. Then I had a long, cold shower. I had dried off and was toweling water out of my ears, walking naked through to my bedroom to get dressed, when the doorbell rang. Who could that be, I wondered. It was too early to be Costa, surely? Wrapping the towel around my waist, I opened the front door. It was Costa, holding a large file under his arm! “I am sorry,” he exclaimed in distress, seeing me standing tousle-haired and bare-foot in the doorway, the calf-length, fluffy white towel my only covering. “I came straight from the shop – I am much too early. I will come back.” “No, no,” I said. “You are here; come in, please.” I showed Costa through to the living area. “Please, make yourself at home. There is beer or fruit juice, coffee…” “I will wait for you”, he decided. “This is a very nice place here.” “Have a look around,” I invited. “If you will excuse me, I am just going to dress.” I felt Costa’s eyes follow me as I walked to the bedroom. Standing in front of the open cupboard, reaching to pull a shirt off a hanger, I thought I heard him strolling elsewhere through the house, so when I turned around I almost dropped the hanger in surprise, for Costa was sitting on the end of the bed, leaning back on his elbows, staring at me! “What the …?” I exclaimed, suddenly speechless. “Now it is my turn”, Costa smiled cheekily, “to see what you look like. At least,” he chuckled, “ you are not trying to take a leak!” “I’m sorry,” I said, walking slowly over to stand in front of him. “I don’t know what you are talking about.” “At the meeting – in the washroom – you were watching me trying to have a piss.” “And if I was,” I said, “what do you plan to do about it?” “This, to begin with”, he said, sitting upright and tugging at my towel. It fell easily to the floor, revealing my hefty dick. “Hmm, very, very nice,” said Costa, staring at my thick bush of black pubes from which dangled my heavy balls and out of which my cut penis was stirring and lengthening in anticipation. He reached out and placed his hands on my naked hips, pulling me in towards him. I could feel his hot breath on the rapidly hardening length of my shaft. “Not fair,” I protested. “ You have me at an advantage here. You burst into my house, start making wild, unsubstantiated accusations and then you try to accost me whilst I am naked in my bedroom!” “Come, Mr. Executive,” grinned Costa, dropping his hands from my hips, lying flat on the bed and staring up at me with a hungry look, “so smart at the meeting in his suit and tie and with his fancy words. But also not so bad in casual clothes, or in the bedroom in no clothes at all!” The memory of his half-erect member as he strained to take a leak at the meeting came rushing back. My penis sprang fully hard, and Costa gave a quiet moan. His hands went to undo his jeans, and as he pulled down the zip a glistening pearl of pre-cum appeared at the tip of my dick, for Costa was wearing nothing under his jeans and his chunky column erupted forcefully through the gap. The fat, round purple-red head of his dick was staring at me from the top of his full foreskin. As it was the first time I had seen it, his penis was again half-erect. “Before you hear my sales pitch and look at the figures I have brought with me,” Costa slyly smirked, “what chance do you think I have of getting you to work for my brother and me?” I stood between his jean-clad legs, watching his fat, fleshy meat rise powerfully from his crotch before I answered, “Without having heard your pitch, I’m not sure we could make a plan.” Costa’s grin widened. He lifted his arms open and said, “Then come and listen to what I have to say.” END OF PART 1 Ódrewf82, 250201 If you enjoyed this story, contact me at and let me know. I welcome all ideas for story lines and am always open to positive suggestions.


4 Gay Erotic Stories from Drewf82

Call to Go, Part 1

Call to Go Part 1. It was my first year of teaching third year college students. My course centered around food preparation and although the majority of the students on the program were girls there were, thankfully, a few guys as well. Most of the class were in their early twenties, with a couple of them older than me, surprisingly enough. I had worked for a number of years

Call to Go, Part 2

Call to Go, Part 2 A couple of weeks went by, and each time I had seen Cliff in class he seemed to be happy and relaxed. His written work was improving in leaps and bounds, and his practical skills, never more than average, suddenly blossomed. The bitchy female students that sat in the front row of the class were hard-pressed to explain away Cliff’s improvement, and I often had a

Consultant to the Board

Consultant to the Board Part 1 I first met Costa and Savvas at a marketing meeting. They leased one of the stores belonging to the parent company which employed me on a contractual basis to advise them on general and refined public purchasing trends. My name is David Morton. I am in my mid-thirties; am 5’11”; have straight black hair usually brushed back from my forehead with a

Consultant to the Board, Part 2

Consultant to the Board Part 2 It was just over a month since I had met Costa and Savvas. Since my first meeting with Costa one evening at my house, I had accepted the brothers’ offer to assist them in breaking away from the company they worked for, and setting up business for themselves. My own work was taking me out of town more and more often of late, and besides communicating


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