Gay Erotic Stories

Choices, Part 9

by Little Boi Blu


Jared awoke from his sexual stupor the moment his apartment door was opened and he was led out into the cool evening air. Leaving the safety of his own confines, his heart began to race nervously as he followed behind Daddy and his other two boys. They had washed him up and dressed him and now he was being led out in public to places unknown and he was in a panic. The worst thing about it was that Jared was helpless to resist what might become of him. Daddy and his boys had dressed him in a pair of dark blue, loose-fitting sweats, with no waistband, that would easily slide down to his ankles with one tug of the string at his waist. And he was given no underwear underneath to keep from being fully exposed should that string become loosened. The gray, hooded jacket he wore was a pullover that had the one large pocket in the middle that you could put your hands all the way through. It was two sizes too small for him and he had to push his hands down hard in the pocket just to cover his navel with it. But pushing downwards only resulted in tugging at the collar he was wearing, which was somehow attached to the inner lining of the jacket. And it wasn’t like his hands were free to do anything else. Both of his hands were intertwined at the fingers and tied together by a series of small ropes connected to his wristbands. “Hurry up, boy!” Daddy commanded at a leisurely stroll. He turned to watch Jared as he stumbled along at a slow, anxious shuffle. “I’m trying,” Jared whispered desperately as he glanced around the parking lot under his hood to see who might be watching. Then he quickly corrected himself as one of the other boys tugged on his leash. “I’m trying, Daddy.” He was so frightened and nervous that someone might see him or recognize him that his eyes were a bit watered. Just above his tennis shoes were his leather ankle bands, and those bands were connected together by a short, clear fish line that was hardly noticeable to the naked eye. He couldn’t pull his feet more than half a foot apart without stumbling and falling to the ground. The awkward shuffle from his apartment door to Daddy’s waiting van was a long one. Every step made him feel as if the string holding his sweats up was loosening and that he was teetering on the verge of either exposing himself in public or falling down on his face, or both. Again, the boy who was holding his leash tugged at him and almost caused Jared to lose his balance. His vision blurred by the welling tears and the cool evening air, Jared thought he felt the sweats slide down from his waist ever so slightly when this happened and quickly shuffled to keep up. When they finally reached Daddy’s long, cherry red cargo van and Daddy opened the back door, one of the boys pushed Jared up to the opening and he could see inside that this was no ordinary vehicle. There were no windows and the walls seemed to be padded and insulated for sound. You couldn’t see the front windshield or the driver’s seat, which meant that there was a solid divider between the front cab and the back. And even though it was dark, Jared could make out some sort of leather swing apparatus dangling from the ceiling and could tell that there were other devices connected to the ceiling and the side walls and still more toys carefully placed in various places. The floor was also padded and slick and he could instantly smell the scent of sex creeping into his nostrils, the hypnotic scent that briefly rubbed at his brain and flashed images of Daddy’s magnificent flesh pole glazed in saliva and drooling hot, white liquid. Momentarily entranced, Jared’s upper body was forced downward until his face pressed against the slick, inside flooring of Daddy’s van, leaving him bent over with his ass hanging out of the van. Unable to move, Jared had no choice other than to inhale the ghosts of cum stains on the floor and gasp in frustration as Daddy pulled at the string around his waist and his bare, round ass quickly became exposed to the parking lot of his apartment complex. The cool air raced between his legs as Jared squirmed in vain to get away and his two little boy balls squeezed even tighter into their nervous sac. As two hands pressed firmly into his upper back, holding him in place, Daddy grabbed Jared’s bare hips and tugged his ass out and upwards and ran his hand over Jared’s soft, supple cheeks and down between his legs. Then he tugged gently at the silver chain dangling out of Jared’s ass, the one connected to the new toy lodged deeply in his boy, and delighted in how it made his new boy’s legs quiver and tremble in expectation. “What are you doing?” Jared gasped in a panic. But there was no response save the light, playful pat on his bare ass. Moments later, he heard a slight snapping sound, which did not register in his mind as the sound of a latex glove being put on until he felt that same, large hand rubbing a creamy gel all over his tiny balls and shriveled, frightened penis. The creamy substance was suddenly cold against his already tightened, sensitive skin, but as Daddy massaged it in meticulously, Jared’s little stick began to respond. Once his little erection was firm, Jared began to feel something different tingling between his legs. He felt as if his hard little rocket was suddenly on fire. Not a hot, stinging fire, but a warmth that seemed to wrap around the entirety of his little stick and was slowly squeezing tighter and tighter. He also began to feel a numbing tightness creeping over his little sac, as if each of his testicles were being individually pinched all over. Had they been in the safety and privacy of his own apartment, Jared probably would have given in to the sensations Daddy was giving him and started moaning and groaning with pleasure – left with no other choice, he would presume. But out here in the cold, public parking lot, he just wanted it to be over. He wanted to be able to break free and run back to his apartment and close the door, lock it tight, and pretend that none of this had ever happened, that he had never met this man he had to call “Daddy,” that he had never answered the door the day Peter posed as a pizza delivery boy and tied him up for Daddy’s pleasure. He wanted to be safe and sound in his heterosexual world. He saw a pair of metal handcuffs gleaming out of the corner of his eye, tucked away on the floor of Daddy’s van, and he feared what was next for him as Daddy’s cold hand massaged the last of the cream into every nook and cranny of his little, boyish tool. As Daddy removed his hand from his boy’s crotch, Jared could feel a continued, tightening sensation racing over his erection and down through his tiny jewels as if he had microscopic worms boring into his skin. It was like the cream had soaked through completely and was eating away at him, tickling him as it went. He wanted to reach down and scratch at it desperately, but his hands were trapped, locked at his abdomen in the pocket of his jacket, just out of reach. “He has a beautiful ass,” one of the other boys commented. Jared felt a hand caressing his left cheek as he squirmed from the itching sensation he was feeling. But that hand was very cautious not to go near Jared’s crotch. “Daddy only picks the best,” Daddy replied as he gingerly removed his latex glove and tossed it on the ground. He pulled Jared’s sweats back up and tied the waist string just enough to keep them there. Then he pat Jared’s ass and told his other boys to get him inside and comfortable. Jared didn’t want to go deeper into Daddy’s van. He didn’t want to get trapped in a place that held these unknown devices and possible tortures for him. He could smell the fog of forbidden sex all around him that, up until now, had only been a distant fantasy, only an implied threat – nothing real. But he didn’t want to stay there with his bare ass hanging out for passers-by to see – possibly people he knew. And the maddening sensation of little worms crawling around under the skin of his penis and his balls was growing stronger and it got to the point where he could barely think straight enough to know what he wanted, except to get his hand free to rub at it and scratch at it and make it go away. Jared was seated on a small bench seat inside the van, strapped down between the other two boys before he knew it. The back door had been shut, only able to be opened from the outside, and there was only a dim glow of yellowish light emanating from above that gave every one of Daddy’s devices an ominous look to them. Jared continued to squirm as he sat there, his erection still pulsing and his scrotum tight like a vise on his little marbles. “What did he put on me?” Jared gasped desperately as he could feel the van pulling out of the parking lot. “Don’t worry,” the boy with the “5 ¾” tag on his collar said. He reached over and tugged at the string on Jared’s sweats and the oversized waistline easily gave way and drooped downwards, exposing the bare skin where Jared’s small patch of blond pubic hair used to be. “Daddy will explain it all to you when it’s time.” The other boy with the “5 ½” tag on his collar pulled open the waistline on Jared’s gray sweat pants, exposing Jared’s pulsing little rocket for all of them to look down at. Jared glanced down at himself in shame and embarrassment. Even though these other men were also small like he was, he felt even smaller being on display like this, and the “4 ¾” tag on his own collar was a constant reminder that he was, indeed, the smallest. Jared expected to see his little member burning red with sores and his tiny balls covered in flesh-eating maggots, but everything looked normal, pathetically normal. In fact, the tightness in his skin down there made him feel that it was worse than normal, that his little erection was constricting, getting even tighter, smaller. “Looks dry to me,” one boy said to the other. Both boys examined Jared’s embarrassing erection carefully as Jared helplessly looked on, unable to cover it back up. The soft, silky skin of Jared’s penis did look dry and free of any creamy substance, unlike what it felt. “Daddy said it would all be absorbed in a matter of minutes,” said the other. They were looking at Jared’s crotch like it was some sort of science experiment. “What the hell is it?” Jared growled, half in anger, half in frustration, but fully concerned. “What did he do to me?” He squirmed to see how well he could move in his seat – not well at all. He was securely strapped in. The only thing his squirming did was free his erection to point straight up at him, past the fabric that was holding it down slightly. “Relax,” the boy with the “5 ¾” tag told him. He put his hand on Jared’s chest and rubbed his healthy pectorals through the jacket until Jared calmed down. “Daddy’s only making things better for you. Daddy says the sensations you’re feeling will go away in the next few minutes and everything will be fine.” “But what…” Jared started. “My name is Ryan,” the boy with the “5 ¾” tag told him. “I’m 20 years old. And this is Devon.” He motioned to the other boy with the “5 ½” tag. “He’s 19. What’s your name?” Surprised by the sudden change in subject, and also by the fact that he was being given names and ages, Jared paused from his line of questioning, though he still squirmed from the sensations creeping around under his silky skin down below. “I’m uh…my name is Jared.” “How old are you?” the 19-year-old Devon asked. Jared gazed down absently at his hard little penis, pointed straight up for all to see in the middle of this odd conversation, and muttered in a bit of shame, “I’m 23.” The oldest among them, and also the smallest and most exposed. “I didn’t know we were allowed to use our names.” “Daddy permits it when he’s not around,” Ryan explained. “As long as you abide by the rule of order.” Jared turned his gaze towards Ryan, who had absently slipped his hand under Jared’s jacket and was teasing his nipples to erection as he spoke. He could just make out the number “5 ¾” on Ryan’s collar tag under the dim glow of yellow light. “What rule of order?” Jared asked him. “It’s like a chain of command,” Ryan told him as he pinched at Jared’s left nipple. “Our size determines who is in charge. Right now, for instance, with Daddy busy driving, I’m in charge back here. My penis is bigger than both of yours.” “And if we don’t obey Ryan,” Devon added, “then he reports it to Daddy. And then Daddy will punish us for being bad boys.” “Right now,” Ryan said to Jared, “you’re at the very bottom of the order. You obey everyone.” “And not just everyone who’s one of Daddy’s boys,” Devon added again. “He means anyone with a bigger dick than you. You have to respect and obey anyone you know who’s bigger.” Jared tried to shake Ryan’s probing fingers from his chest to no avail. And now Devon was beginning to rub Jared’s inner thighs through the fabric of his loosened sweats, still careful not to go too near to Jared’s exposed boy stick. “I’m not a part of any order,” Jared protested. “I’m not one of Daddy’s boys…I’m being blackmailed. I’m being forced to do this. I don’t have any choice…I’m NOT gay, dammit.” “I told you,” Ryan said. “None of Daddy’s boys are gay. We were just like you. Tiny, little, embarrassing pricks…always fantasizing about being bigger. Once you realize you can’t get any bigger than you are, your fantasies about fucking girls start to become fantasizes about other, bigger men fucking those girls for you. Then you realize that you can’t get yourself off unless there’s a guy with a big dick in all of your fantasies. First, you fantasize about him fucking the girl you like while they’re both laughing at you for being too small to do the job yourself. Then you start fantasizing about him lording it over you, wanting you to do favors for him and his big, thick monster while the girl watches you humiliate yourself. Soon, the girl disappears entirely and all you can think about is being around someone else who’s bigger, someone in control who has a big, thick, meaty penis for you to play with.” Jared’s erection had begun to ebb away as the creepy sensations inside of it dissipated, but as soon as Ryan started talking about big cocks, Jared’s little rocket again took shape and was pointing straight up. “First, you think it’s just envy,” Ryan continued. “But then you start to realize that it’s desire and you try to run from it. But you can’t. You find yourself staring at the bulges in other men’s jeans and you start going to the gym not to work out, but to see other men naked in the shower and steal glances at their superior tools. And you want to reach out and touch them all and feel them growing in your hands…and then you suddenly want to taste them on your lips and rub them between your legs and simply worship them for their undeniable beauty. You get tired of just fantasizing about it. You want it for real.” Jared’s little penis was now bobbing and pulsing to Ryan’s words even as he tried to look defiant against all that he was saying. But Ryan was also fondling his erect nipples as he spoke and the younger boy, Devon, was snaking his hand under his sweats and caressing the sides of his smooth ass. And through the hidden speakers of Daddy’s van, more of the heavy breathing and sounds of wet slurping began pulsing effortlessly through his senses. “Daddy just wants you to be happy,” Devon whispered to him. “He’s just giving you what you’ve always wanted, what you’ve always needed.” “It’s just like having a craving for your favorite foods,” Ryan said. “It’s not about being gay or not. It’s just about accepting your desires and knowing your place. We have a craving for bigger cocks because we know that bigger is better…and so we need to be respectful of those who are bigger than us and service their needs…because they’re better than us and we need them to satisfy our desires.” “Daddy knows that he has what we want,” Devon said. “He gives us everything we need, so we have to be good little boys and obey, otherwise, we’d just be stuck like you were, pretending to be bigger than we are and always jerking off in the dark over what we were afraid to reach out for.” Jared was gasping for air at this point. His nipples were both solid and Ryan only needed to touch each of them lightly to send chills down his spine. Devon was running his hand up the small of his bare back and down over his haunches in circular motions and the sounds filling the air from the van’s speakers were bringing to mind images of Daddy’s long, thick penis glazed in slimy juices. Everything Ryan and Devon were saying was ringing true, though Jared desperately wanted to believe it wasn’t. “We’re not man enough to be anything but Daddy’s little boys,” Ryan said as he slipped his hand from Jared’s jacket. He turned Jared’s face squarely towards his and smiled. “And we’re not gay,” he stated matter-of-factly. “That’s how Daddy controls us. He understands our fears and gives us what we want.” Devon snaked his arm under Jared’s jacket around his waist and drew closer. “Daddy makes us free to do what we want,” Devon explained, “by taking away our control.” “Daddy wanted us to make sure and explain all of this to you,” Ryan said as he looked Jared right in the eyes. “At some point, you will be given a choice as to whether you want to remain one of Daddy’s boys or go back to the life you were living. And if you choose to go back, then he’ll let you. And you’ll never see or hear from him again. But first, he wants to train you…test you…let you see who you really are.” “He’s going to let me go?” Jared asked blankly, lost in a fog. Images of Daddy’s fleshy snake were running through his head, now, and his own little penis was aching and stiff and desperate to be touched. “He’s going to give you a choice,” Ryan corrected, smiling at Jared’s noticeably confused state of mind. “You can control your own life and be trapped. Or you can let Daddy control your life and you’ll be free. But for now…just understand that I’m not gay…and Devon’s not gay…and Daddy wants us to kiss you until we get to our destination.” And with that, Ryan drew Jared’s face towards his and closed his eyes and slipped his tongue into Jared’s gaping mouth. At first, Jared’s eyes were wide open and he tried to pull away. But he didn’t try all that hard and soon his eyes were closed and his tongue met Ryan’s and together, they probed each other’s mouths like two wild teenagers discovering sex for the first time. After awhile, Ryan slipped out of Jared’s mouth and turned him towards Devon, who entered Jared’s mouth just as quickly, and together, they traded Jared off as if playing table tennis with him. At times, they would both get near his face and the three tongues would come together briefly. And all the while, Daddy’s pulsating, gasping music breathed louder and more intense through the stereo speakers, complete with those distant voices, and Jared was completely lost from himself and where he was or what he was doing. The thought of pleasing Daddy took hold. As the van drove on and the kissing continued, Jared became reminded of the sliver cord protruding from his sphincter and lying silently between the crack of his cheeks. He suddenly felt something new inside of him, like a long, thin snake had suddenly emerged in his bowels and had started slithering around blindly. The toy that Daddy had inserted in his ass had come alive and the larger part of it lodged in his rectum was now churning and massaging sensitive areas in his body that sent spasmodic tingles through his very being. The sliver tail moved back and forth as part of the rhythm, teasing and shocking the sphincter muscles of Jared’s tight little button. The other two boys were experiencing the same thing as they kept trading off Jared between them and they all three began to moan and groan and kiss more passionately. With his hands locked inside the pocket of his jacket, Jared wished desperately that one of the other boys would grab his exposed erection and rub it furiously. He wanted so badly to cum…to shoot his tiny little rocket straight up in the air over and over again. Yet even at the brink of orgasm, he couldn’t quite seem to get past a certain barrier that would allow him to squirt his boy juice the way his body craved. Both Ryan and Devon were going through the same dilemma, though they were used to it. Daddy had not given them permission to cum. This thought entered Jared’s mind, also, but he didn’t know how it was possible not to cum with this new toy exciting every pleasure center in his body without mercy. So the three of them sat and squirmed and kissed like puppies in heat the entire length of the ride, each gasping for air, gasping for mercy, pleasing Daddy, who could hear the whole thing through hidden microphones and see the whole thing through hidden cameras. Daddy drove on, pleased and in control, anxious to arrive at their first destination…and the first of two surprises he had in store for Jared this evening. To Be Continued... Comments and Correspondence to:


16 Gay Erotic Stories from Little Boi Blu

Choices, Part 1

Jared arrived home from his daily workout around nine o’clock at night and tossed his gym bag in the corner by the TV. He smelled of chlorine from his 40 laps in the pool and longed for a nice, warm shower to melt under. Most men would have just taken that relaxing shower right there at the gym, but not Jared. He had his reasons. Shuffling through his one-bedroom apartment, Jared

Choices, Part 2

Jared awoke slowly as if the whole night had been a dream. He had a dull aching in his jaws as he began to realize that he was seated in his recliner. Worse yet, it was quite apparent that he had been relieved of all his clothes. His discovery of what had become of him since blacking out was a rapid process that can only be described as step-by-step His mouth was wide open, as if

Choices, Part 3

Jared sat at his desk with his elbows resting near his keyboard and stared blankly at the screen. The day had been like any other. He woke up. He showered and dressed. He ate some toast and drank some orange juice and drove to work. And throughout the day, he wandered around the office smiling and chatting and doing his work as if nothing were out-of-the-ordinary. The girls at work

Choices, Part 4

When Jared arrived home from work the following day, he found a small package at his doorstep and his growing sense of security quickly evaporated. He picked it up and glanced around to see if anyone was watching him. Then he ducked inside and nervously examined it. The outside of the envelope had his name printed on it in big letters and under his name, it said: FOR PRIVATE USE

Choices, Part 5

Daddy’s list of short simple instructions for his boy was sitting on the kitchen counter the next morning. Jared had read it several times the night before, wanting so much to crumple it up like the last one and throw it away. But his denial wasn’t as strong as it had been: his mind still searched for some way out of this situation, but the ground beneath his heterosexual feet had

Choices, Part 6

Jared lost track of time sitting there in the recliner with his legs spread wide. Though still apprehensive about Peter leaving the door unlocked, he had at least settled into a mild, sexual stupor with the images flashing before him on his TV screen. Either out of curiosity or attraction, he couldn’t stop watching them. He would try to turn away at times, but it was no use. A small,

Choices, Part 7

The beat was pulsing through his mind. It consisted of heavy breathing and gasps of seeming pleasure and sounds of sticky wetness, like a salivating tongue painting the length of a large candy cane, over and over again without end. Hidden beneath it all was a voice, whispering words he couldn’t quite understand, but he knew they were there. He knew they were speaking to him and

Choices, Part 8

All the way home from work, Jared listened to the tape Daddy had provided for him on his car stereo. It gave him an instant erection, which he sported throughout the ride. At intersections, he would sit at the light and glance around nervously to see who might be watching, unaware of how his hand was stroking at the gearshift. Unable to bring himself to lower the volume, he made

Choices, Part 9

Jared awoke from his sexual stupor the moment his apartment door was opened and he was led out into the cool evening air. Leaving the safety of his own confines, his heart began to race nervously as he followed behind Daddy and his other two boys. They had washed him up and dressed him and now he was being led out in public to places unknown and he was in a panic. The worst thing

Choices, Part I

Jared arrived home from his daily workout around nine o’clock at night and tossed his gym bag in the corner by the TV. He smelled of chlorine from his 40 laps in the pool and longed for a nice, warm shower to melt under. Most men would have just taken that relaxing shower right there at the gym, but not Jared. He had his reasons. Shuffling through his one-bedroom apartment, Jared

Choices, Part10

The Kitty Hawk is an exclusive club on the outskirts of town that was originally constructed under the guise of being a small supermarket to accommodate the nearby college campus. However, once the structure’s skeleton was complete and the walls went up, the supposed investors pulled out, allowing the true owners to developed it as they originally had planned. Issues of zoning and

Choices, Part11

Jared sat in a corner booth of the Kitty Hawk club staring down at the table, averting eye contact with all of the men who had watched him being led in by a leash. There was a pulsating techno beat filling the air. Beyond the tables and chairs, young men were gyrating on a colorfully lit dance floor. Voices were buzzing with conversation and waiters in their white sailor suits were

Happy Halloweenie!

The Halloween partying had started early on campus. It seemed like every dorm had something special going on and there were colorful postings on all the bulletin boards begging students to go to this gathering or that gathering. By the time darkness settled in, Ryan and his new freshman catch, Jennifer, had hopped through five different dorm parties and Ryan was anxious to get to his final

Master Builder, Part 1

I was one of those kids in school who was always making fag jokes and calling other boys gay. I was the bully who made other lives hell. My favorite target growing up was a kid named Sydney. Sydney was a Latino with tanned colored skin and a slim build, one of those kids who was always quiet and shy and tended to have more gentle mannerisms, by nature, which made him look girlish.

Master Builder, Part 2

I didn’t realize right away that the man I was calling Master, the man whose cock I wanted to hold and suck, was Sydney, the same boy I tormented through sixth grade. I had teased him for being gay and ruined him socially. I had called him a little faggot boy and got all the other kids to do the same. Now he was standing over me, holding my balls in his hand and grinning with

Master Builder, Part 3: Conclusion

After Master finally pulled out of my quivering ass, he inserted a very wide plug that my gaping hole eventually swallowed with some effort. I squirmed and bucked as Master’s warm liquids sloshed around inside me, occasionally feeling like they were going to be expelled at any moment, but the plug sealed me up tight and I couldn’t have forced it out even if I had wanted to. Before


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