Gay Erotic Stories

Choices, Part10

by Little Boi Blu


The Kitty Hawk is an exclusive club on the outskirts of town that was originally constructed under the guise of being a small supermarket to accommodate the nearby college campus. However, once the structure’s skeleton was complete and the walls went up, the supposed investors pulled out, allowing the true owners to developed it as they originally had planned. Issues of zoning and other public relations nightmares were easily done away with by members of the city council, who had prior commitments to their public images and their families and didn’t want their deepest and darkest secrets revealed.

Named after the aircraft carrier, the Kitty Hawk is a three-tiered building that caters to the dungeon desires of men. But unlike most gay clubs specializing in bondage, the Kitty Hawk is unique in that most of its chattel consists of straight men, controlled by men of other persuasions. The Kitty Hawk is a place devoted to the subjugation of the professed straight, without apology.

The first level of the building takes up half a city block and is decked out with bright blue, white, purple and red neon lights that help its outer façade take the form of a navy ship. Being in a college community, several little shops and bookstores had sprouted up around it, making it look more like the college hot spot for hanging out rather than a gay bondage Mecca.

And inside the first level, to the naked eye, it appeared to be just that – a college hangout. It has a restaurant atmosphere, with booths and tables and a dance floor and music. But if you take a closer look, you can see that most of the patrons are young men, some sitting with older men who seemed to be taking care of them in many ways. The waiters who serve the tables are always young and taut, dressed in old-fashioned, white sailor suits with the button-flapped fronts that look so inviting. They walk straight and pleasant and welcome the occasional grabbing of their soft, rounded buns that cling to their uniforms with their tantalizing curves. And there are a few waitresses present who have voluptuous curves and wear tight-fitting nurses uniforms with skirts that can barely hide the fact that they wear nothing underneath. They’re there to tease the invited straight boys who visit on a whim, to keep them from leaving too soon, before they have the chance to discover their hidden desires.

The restroom area on the first level is almost as large and open as the dining area, entered through a small walkway portal just to the right of the kitchen doors. It’s one spacious room with unique urinals and open stalls and other devices that cater to purging and displaying the male body. There is no separate restroom for women in the Kitty Hawk. It’s just the one, open to all. Women are a rarity, anyway, and the ones who go there generally know what to expect and enjoy watching.

There is one enclosed stall in the restroom, however, that serves as a gateway to the second level. But like the front door of the first level of the Kitty Hawk, access is restricted to members only. You have to be a member – or have a pass from a member – to get in. And men who are given a pass to the front door don’t always wind up down at the second level on purpose. Sometimes, it’s simply their curiosity that gets the better of them. But either way, once they get into the second level, they don’t emerge the same person.

The second level of the Kitty Hawk is even more spacious than the first, and much darker, more complex, designed after the upper level was built. Gaining admittance to the second level requires you to give up your right to return to the surface until given permission to do so. It also requires sacrificing any personal artifacts you may have, including your clothes.

In many ways, the second level of the Kitty Hawk is just a weigh station – a pause in preparation for a descent to the third level, a deep, expansive underground maze where most straight boys are taken to truly discover the pleasures that they had since been denying themselves. It’s where straight boys go to “get bent,” some like to say, bent down to their knees in a new respect.

Entrance to the third level of the Kitty Hawk, referred to as “Shaft Alley,” can only be gained via the second level. There is no outside way to reach it. But the second level has two entrances. One is the enclosed stall in the restroom of the first level, already mentioned. The second was the one Daddy was taking with his boys.

With the van parked in a secluded underground parking lot one block away, Daddy led all three of his boys by their leashes through an underground tunnel that ended at a large, black wooden door labeled “Bilge.” Jared’s loosely fitting sweats were again up around his waist and his hood was up over his head and all he could see was what was up in front of him – a few dim lights overhead, the back of Daddy’s leather jacket and tight blue jeans, and this big, heavy door they were slowly approaching. The tunnel was wet and cold and the metal planks under their feet clanked as they walked.

“I don’t want to do this,” Jared whispered nervously to the boy walking next to him. He was again wishing he were safe and sound in the comfort of his warm, private apartment. Daddy tugged on his leash when he spoke and Jared stutter-stepped to keep up, barely able to move his feet, still tied close together at the ankles by the fishing line.

“We do what Daddy wants,” Ryan whispered back. “We want to please him.”

Taking little gasps of air, visibly nervous about this unknown place he was being led into, Jared glanced down as he stumbled and noticed that Ryan’s 5-¾-inch erection was poking at the fabric of his sweats as he walked. He turned his head and saw that Devon’s 5-½-inch erection also seemed to be poking around. They didn’t seem to be under the effect of the toys lodged up their asses, either. Jared then felt his own little member growing against his fear and his penis felt tight enough to be fully erect, even though it wasn’t, as if his penis had run out of skin before it could finish growing.

With a final tug of Jared’s leash, they all reached the big, wooden door and Jared was surprised to see a very modern piece of scanning equipment nestled nearby. Daddy pulled a card out of his jacket and swiped it through the scanner and then gave the door a push.

Jared felt as though he were walking into the locker room at the gym. The floor was clean and tiled and there were rows upon rows of lockers shadowing the benches in front of them. But in this locker room, there appeared to be no showers or sinks or mirrors or urinals, just benches to sit down on and a row of cold, shiny metal tables near a wall that reminded him of the veterinarian’s office he used to take his dog to when he was a kid.

“This way, boys,” Daddy told them as he pulled them over to a row of lockers. Once the three of them had lined up properly in front of one of the benches, Daddy told Jared to sit down and be a good little boy.

Unsure what awaited him next, Jared sat down slowly, careful not to fall over and cautious of the silver tail protruding from his tender hole. Daddy then reached over and removed Jared’s hood and told him to be still and watch.

Daddy opened a locker door and told the other two boys to remove their shoes and socks and place them in the locker. Next, Daddy pulled off each of the two jackets and stuffed them in the open locker. Finally, he pulled at the strings on each of their waists and watched as the sweats they were wearing slid down effortlessly to their ankles.

“Look at these two boys,” Daddy told Jared. Daddy pinched Ryan’s erection with one hand and pinched Devon’s erection with the other as the two boys stood motionless, watching their members pulse at Daddy’s demeaning touch. “Two little straight boys who can’t wait to do the bidding of big, Gay cocks – can’t wait to get on their knees and beg for it.”

Daddy playfully slapped at the two erections he was pinching and chuckled as he watched them bob up and down before shuddering back to full salutes. The two boys obediently stepped out of their sweats and watched as Daddy tucked the remainder of their clothing into the locker and shut the door. They both stood there naked, wearing nothing but their wristbands, their ankle bands and their collars with their tags on them, leather leashes still attached. Their tiny silver tails dangled silently between the cracks of their plump cheeks and they seemed like two submissive puppies waiting to be punished.

Jared watched all of this, fully aware that his own little erection was now firm and feeling tighter than it had ever felt before, and he knew Daddy could tell. Even though his hard-on was pointing straight up under his sweats and making only the slightest dent in the fabric, he knew Daddy could see his hidden excitement. He knew Daddy was making him excited, controlling him this way. And with the two firm, hard, muscular bodies before him, each with curves to rival most women, Jared couldn’t stop stealing glances of Daddy’s bulging crotch, stretching the limits of its buttoned fly.

Daddy pulled his two disrobed boys aside and tugged Jared to his feet. Slapping alternately at each bare ass before him, Daddy prodded Ryan and Devon forward to a small booth at the far end of the room, furthest from the entrance. Jared stutter-stepped behind them, pulled again by his leash, silent in his fear of the unknown.

“Early, tonight, sir?” a respectful voice said from inside the booth.

“Other plans,” Daddy told him. “Awfully quiet around here.”

“Not for long,” said the voice. “Master Parker gave passes to a whole sorority of jocks after last night’s game. Rumor has it that they’re actually gonna come in tonight.”

“He’ll be lucky if he gets one down this way,” Daddy laughed.

“Mostly football players,” the voice added anxiously. “Gonna come in here all tough and show us how straight they are. Some of the others have put their weekend plans on hold to help out…just in case.”

“Tell them to go for the small ones,” Daddy said with a smile. He slapped Ryan loudly on the butt and asked, “Isn’t that right, boy? Small like you?”

Ryan stared down at his erection and humbly replied, “Yes, Daddy.”

Daddy slapped Devon on the ass, as well, and Devon replied automatically, “Yes, Daddy,” in the same manner.

Jared saw the man in the booth lean out a bit to look over the two naked men in front of him. The man in the booth looked to be in his mid-thirties, with slicked back hair and round spectacles and a wry, teasing grin that seemed to indicate that he delighted in his job there.

“Your boys are always the most well behaved, sir,” the man in the booth commented as he took in the beauty of the male flesh on display for his study. “And the most pleasant to look at and touch.”

“You already have these two on register,” Daddy told him.

“Yes, yes…” the man replied as he slunk back into his booth and rummaged through his files. “They’re clean. What about that third one, there?”

“He’s clean,” Daddy said matter-of-factly, “but he’s not ready yet.” Jared stared down at his feet nervously as Daddy looked him over like a piece of prized property. “When he is ready, though…” Daddy placed his hand on Jared’s face and lifted his chin up. Jared’s eyes shot up to Daddy’s for a moment and then shied away. “He’ll be the prize of my collection.”

“So just these two?” the man asked.

“I’m loaning them to Master Grace for the weekend,” Daddy informed him. And then more quietly, as he continued to stroke Jared’s face and delighted at how his new boy couldn’t seem to make eye contact with him, Daddy whispered to Jared, “Master Grace is a good friend of mine – a tall, muscular black man with a long, thick black hose between his legs and a penchant for putting poor little white boys in their place.”

Jared’s eyes flickered upwards for a brief moment at this, hidden behind the blond strands of hair that fell over his brow, unable to remove his hands from his jacket to push Daddy away from coddling his face. And his erection pulsed at the thought of the big, black hose of this Master Grace.

“Master Grace isn’t here yet,” the man in the booth said. “But I’ll take them down to the briefing room and get them strapped in.”

Daddy let Jared’s face slide from his hand as he glanced downwards to grin at the tiny bump in his boy’s oversized sweats, the bump that told him his little boy toy was responding perfectly. “Here,” Daddy said as he rummaged through his pocket. He pulled out two key rings with small devices on them, what looked like keyless entry systems for cars, and pushed a red button on each of them.

Instantly, Ryan and Devon began to gasp and moan and Jared could see that the silver tails that were once silently dangling out of their cracks were now slithering back and forth and up and down, teasing the sphincter muscles of their sensitive holes. Jared knew that they must also have been feeling the constant massaging of critical areas within their rectums and that they could feel the slithering snake creeping around deep inside of them. Their two erections bobbed wildly and each of them began to shudder and cry out, “Oh, Daddy! Daddy, please!”

“Not now, boys,” Daddy smiled. “You’ll need to wait until Master Grace tells you.”

Jared’s eyes widened as he watched them, somewhat grateful that Daddy hadn’t pushed his button, as well. The insides of his sweats were already smeared with the wet frustrations of pre-cum, a reminder of the painful inability to cum when his body had begged him without mercy back in the van. And here were these two men…these two, straight men, begging another man to let them cum right there in front of them like that.

As Daddy handed the two key chains to the man in the booth, Ryan and Devon squirmed desperately until each fell to his knees and their hands slapped flat against the tiled floor. Each boy began to raise his ass higher in the air as those silvery tails wagged about in any direction they pleased and Jared could see their backs arching and their legs shuddering and their taut muscles flexing like bitch dogs in heat, desperately waiting for some big stud to tube their jutting rears.

“Now thank your Daddy for making you wait,” Daddy ordered.

Ryan was the first to gasp, “Thank you, Daddy. Thank you for making us wait like good little boys.” His face was nearly to the ground and he could barely think straight, but he wanted to please Daddy. He desired to please him, longed for the time when he could again hold and touch and taste and worship his Daddy’s thick, silky pole.

“Thank you SO much, Daddy,” Devon moaned in sincerity. “I want to cum SO bad, but thank you for making us wait.”

As they both squirmed and flexed down on the floor, down on their hands and knees with their asses bucking up towards their Daddy, silver tails wagging, the doorway to the inner chambers of the second level of the Kitty Hawk opened and the man who had been in the booth stepped out and grabbed the two leather leashes.

All at once, the scent hit Jared as if that inner door had been Daddy’s pee slit and it had just started gushing hot, white liquid all over his face. The inner chambers let out the strong, aromatic scent of male sex, as if the very air had been awash in the salty, creamy spunk of young men. He breathed it in and squinted into the darkness beyond, piqued with curiosity, despite his fear. He suddenly wanted to be down on the floor with the other two boys, waving his bare ass in the air and wondering about the big, black hose of Master Grace. And then there was Daddy’s bulge, just out of reach…and Peter’s long, curved beauty…and the outline of Colby’s flaccid member…his mind grew numb with the scent of it all and the two boys squirming naked on the floor thanking their Daddy.

“Tell Master Grace he can remove those things at his leisure,” Daddy instructed the man at the door. “And he can page me on Sunday when he’s through with them.”

“Yes sir,” the man replied. He tugged at the two leashes in his hand as he glanced down at the helpless, squirming boy flesh beneath him. Ryan and Devon began crawling on their hands and knees, asses still waving and bucking in the air, and they followed the man all the way inside like that and Jared watched as the door shut behind them.

Jared’s mind was still lost in the foggy aroma of warm semen and sweating youth and those round, swaying boy butts when Daddy tugged at his leash and ordered him back towards the big, wooden door. Jared turned and lost his balance and fell down on his side. Daddy watched his boy wiggle like a worm on a hook for a few minutes before lifting him back up on his feet. When he did this, Jared felt the air over his naked lower half and realized his sweats and come down to his ankles during his time on the floor.

“Please,” Jared pleaded softly as Daddy tugged his leash again, causing him to shuffle towards the door. “Please, Daddy. Please pull my pants up.”

“I could just take them off you for the rest of the night,” Daddy replied blankly, not bothering to look back to see his boy’s bobbing little rocket slapping from one leg to the other as he shuffled along behind. “Aren’t you glad I haven’t done that?”

Jared continued to shuffle along, his tiny penis slapping at his legs and the silvery tail slapping at his ass cheeks, and he knew enough not to push his luck. “Yes, Daddy,” he sighed. “I’m glad.”

Out past the wooden door and back into the dimly lit tunnel that led to the underground parking lot, Daddy paused and checked his watch. “Come to think of it…” he mumbled to himself. Then Daddy turned around and hooked the end of Jared’s leash to a metal pipe that ran above them at the top of the tunnel.

“What are you doing?” Jared gasped suddenly, not liking the thought of his leash strung up like that.

Daddy ignored his question and pulled out another latex glove from his jacket and slowly fitted it onto his right hand. Then he knelt down in front of Jared and began poking and prodding and pinching his boy’s penis and his balls like some doctor in examination, but only with the gloved hand.

“I mean…” Jared started again, this time more carefully, more politely. “I mean, Daddy, please…could you tell me what you’re doing? Please…sir?”

Still not responding, Daddy pulled another key chain from his pocket. Before Jared could catch his breath, he felt the snake slithering up inside of him again. That, along with the churning in his rectum and the silver cord poking around his sphincter muscles sent fiery tingles throughout his whole body. His erection tensed as tightly as it could, almost as if it was going to pop out of its silky skin, and his whole body squirmed and Jared strained to control himself, to not fall to the ground the way the other two boys had done, not with his leash laced to the roof of the tunnel the way it was. But he did find himself jutting his ass out behind him as much as he could, as if somehow it could make the tickling sensation lessen, somewhat, but instead, it only made it worse and he was dying to be able to reach behind and scratch at it, rub at it…and he ached to cum, regardless of the circumstances.

Daddy was all business-like, though, despite the way his boy squirmed about. He pinched at Jared’s erection again with his gloved hand and voiced his approval. “There, that’s better.”

“Daddy…” Jared gasped, his eyes rolling in his head as he spoke. “Daddy…” But he couldn’t get any of the words out.

Daddy took a small jar of clear cream out of his pocket, undid the top, and carefully scooped out a mound of it into his gloved hand. Jared was unaware of all this until he felt the cold, creamy substance being rubbed into his pulsing erection. He glanced down to see Daddy massaging it in meticulously, stroking it into his boy’s silky pink skin, making sure he covered every little bit with generous portions.

“Daddy,” Jared wheezed, barely able to compose himself to speak with all the erotic sensations he was going through. “Daddy, what is it? What are you doing to me?”

Jared could feel the cream again soaking deep into his skin, invading every porous fiber of his poor little penis like a hoard of angry, devouring worms. And then Daddy covered his bare little scrotum with still more cream and massaged his balls in the gooey substance until they, too, felt under attack by hungry little maggots boring into his glands. In an odd reflex, Jared began bending his knees outward, away from each other, as if trying to air out the sudden burning sensations in his crotch.

Once Daddy had succeeded in applying the cream thoroughly to his boy, he put the cap back on the jar, carefully removed the glove and tossed it aside, and then knelt down again for a few moments to watch the glaze on Jared’s genitals soak in. After he was satisfied that it was all completely absorbed, Daddy pulled out the key chain and shut off the toy, leaving Jared gasping for breath with tears of frustration running down his cheeks.

“Here,” Daddy said. He reached down and pulled the sweats back up to Jared’s waist and tied the string a bit tighter. “I’ll put these back on you now. Is that better?”

Jared sniffed and his eyes fluttered and his knees wobbled as he tried to regain a straight posture, though the burning, itching, tightening sensations continued to crawl around inside his groin area. “Yes,” he said, nearly crying. “Yes,” he sniffed. “Thank you, Daddy.”

He didn’t know what it was, or what it was doing to him, and it was clear that asking about it wasn’t going to get him any closer to an answer. He didn’t know why he was here or what Daddy had planned for him. All he knew was that his hands and legs were bound and that he was at the mercy of this man’s whims. The only thing he could do was follow…follow and obey. He at least didn’t fall victim to the second level of the Kitty Hawk, therefore avoiding the third level, of which he had no knowledge anyway.

He absently wondered if, perhaps, that was all for him that evening. Maybe Daddy was just giving him a glimpse of this other world, that he would now just put him back in the van and drive him back to his apartment and make him suck his monstrous dick. Yes, Jared wished it would be like that. Maybe Daddy would even let him hold it in his hands, grip it for the first time and really feel it, play with it. Wouldn’t that please Daddy?

And as they reached the parking lot, Jared also thought about what Ryan had said, that at some point Daddy would actually give him the choice of getting out, maybe return all of those videos, allow him to be completely free of all of this. And he thought that if he could just hang on, just play along and endure whatever came his way then maybe he’d survive it and get his normal life back. Maybe he could someday look back on this as merely a fling…an experimental time in his life, something that only a handful of strangers would know about, secrets that he would take to his grave.

That notion buoyed him momentarily, reminded him of what he kept professing over and over again, despite his hidden desires: that he was not gay; that what he was doing, he was being forced to do, tricked into liking.

But then Daddy led him past his cherry red van and up a flight of stairs to the bustle of the main street, out into the open public of the weekend college crowd and into the front door of the Kitty Hawk.

To Be Continued...

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16 Gay Erotic Stories from Little Boi Blu

Choices, Part 1

Jared arrived home from his daily workout around nine o’clock at night and tossed his gym bag in the corner by the TV. He smelled of chlorine from his 40 laps in the pool and longed for a nice, warm shower to melt under. Most men would have just taken that relaxing shower right there at the gym, but not Jared. He had his reasons. Shuffling through his one-bedroom apartment, Jared

Choices, Part 2

Jared awoke slowly as if the whole night had been a dream. He had a dull aching in his jaws as he began to realize that he was seated in his recliner. Worse yet, it was quite apparent that he had been relieved of all his clothes. His discovery of what had become of him since blacking out was a rapid process that can only be described as step-by-step His mouth was wide open, as if

Choices, Part 3

Jared sat at his desk with his elbows resting near his keyboard and stared blankly at the screen. The day had been like any other. He woke up. He showered and dressed. He ate some toast and drank some orange juice and drove to work. And throughout the day, he wandered around the office smiling and chatting and doing his work as if nothing were out-of-the-ordinary. The girls at work

Choices, Part 4

When Jared arrived home from work the following day, he found a small package at his doorstep and his growing sense of security quickly evaporated. He picked it up and glanced around to see if anyone was watching him. Then he ducked inside and nervously examined it. The outside of the envelope had his name printed on it in big letters and under his name, it said: FOR PRIVATE USE

Choices, Part 5

Daddy’s list of short simple instructions for his boy was sitting on the kitchen counter the next morning. Jared had read it several times the night before, wanting so much to crumple it up like the last one and throw it away. But his denial wasn’t as strong as it had been: his mind still searched for some way out of this situation, but the ground beneath his heterosexual feet had

Choices, Part 6

Jared lost track of time sitting there in the recliner with his legs spread wide. Though still apprehensive about Peter leaving the door unlocked, he had at least settled into a mild, sexual stupor with the images flashing before him on his TV screen. Either out of curiosity or attraction, he couldn’t stop watching them. He would try to turn away at times, but it was no use. A small,

Choices, Part 7

The beat was pulsing through his mind. It consisted of heavy breathing and gasps of seeming pleasure and sounds of sticky wetness, like a salivating tongue painting the length of a large candy cane, over and over again without end. Hidden beneath it all was a voice, whispering words he couldn’t quite understand, but he knew they were there. He knew they were speaking to him and

Choices, Part 8

All the way home from work, Jared listened to the tape Daddy had provided for him on his car stereo. It gave him an instant erection, which he sported throughout the ride. At intersections, he would sit at the light and glance around nervously to see who might be watching, unaware of how his hand was stroking at the gearshift. Unable to bring himself to lower the volume, he made

Choices, Part 9

Jared awoke from his sexual stupor the moment his apartment door was opened and he was led out into the cool evening air. Leaving the safety of his own confines, his heart began to race nervously as he followed behind Daddy and his other two boys. They had washed him up and dressed him and now he was being led out in public to places unknown and he was in a panic. The worst thing

Choices, Part I

Jared arrived home from his daily workout around nine o’clock at night and tossed his gym bag in the corner by the TV. He smelled of chlorine from his 40 laps in the pool and longed for a nice, warm shower to melt under. Most men would have just taken that relaxing shower right there at the gym, but not Jared. He had his reasons. Shuffling through his one-bedroom apartment, Jared

Choices, Part10

The Kitty Hawk is an exclusive club on the outskirts of town that was originally constructed under the guise of being a small supermarket to accommodate the nearby college campus. However, once the structure’s skeleton was complete and the walls went up, the supposed investors pulled out, allowing the true owners to developed it as they originally had planned. Issues of zoning and

Choices, Part11

Jared sat in a corner booth of the Kitty Hawk club staring down at the table, averting eye contact with all of the men who had watched him being led in by a leash. There was a pulsating techno beat filling the air. Beyond the tables and chairs, young men were gyrating on a colorfully lit dance floor. Voices were buzzing with conversation and waiters in their white sailor suits were

Happy Halloweenie!

The Halloween partying had started early on campus. It seemed like every dorm had something special going on and there were colorful postings on all the bulletin boards begging students to go to this gathering or that gathering. By the time darkness settled in, Ryan and his new freshman catch, Jennifer, had hopped through five different dorm parties and Ryan was anxious to get to his final

Master Builder, Part 1

I was one of those kids in school who was always making fag jokes and calling other boys gay. I was the bully who made other lives hell. My favorite target growing up was a kid named Sydney. Sydney was a Latino with tanned colored skin and a slim build, one of those kids who was always quiet and shy and tended to have more gentle mannerisms, by nature, which made him look girlish.

Master Builder, Part 2

I didn’t realize right away that the man I was calling Master, the man whose cock I wanted to hold and suck, was Sydney, the same boy I tormented through sixth grade. I had teased him for being gay and ruined him socially. I had called him a little faggot boy and got all the other kids to do the same. Now he was standing over me, holding my balls in his hand and grinning with

Master Builder, Part 3: Conclusion

After Master finally pulled out of my quivering ass, he inserted a very wide plug that my gaping hole eventually swallowed with some effort. I squirmed and bucked as Master’s warm liquids sloshed around inside me, occasionally feeling like they were going to be expelled at any moment, but the plug sealed me up tight and I couldn’t have forced it out even if I had wanted to. Before


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