Gay Erotic Stories

Butt Busters: Chapter 5-New Meat For Their Stable

by Bad Boy


Victor started awake, his gym-perfected body dripping off rivers of sweat. He had been racing through a hauntingly surreal dreamscape, pursued by giant, disembodied penises of many and varied shapes and sizes. Somehow he had known that the terrifying male organs intended to rape him brutally into submission, and he had ran desperately for his life. After a wild and frenzied race, the grotesque illusions had overtaken him and, just when they were on the brink of breaching his ass, relieved, he had returned to consciousness. Awake now, he slowly regained his senses enough to recall where he was and the horrors of his abduction flooded back upon him. As his vision focused, he stared into an iron bar and the memory of having been cuffed and flogged returned. Every inch of his being was aching from the nightmare that had been his experience since he had unwittingly accepted a ride from those three brutes. Not daring to move lest his captors discover he was conscious once more, he listened intently but all was silence, save for the distant twittering of birds somewhere beyond the confines of the cabin. After several minutes of quiet concentration, he concluded that his kidnappers were not with him in the cabin at present. Had his three sadistic tormentors abandoned him? “Not likely,” he thought to himself as he began to stir, recalling their words, as they had burned his clothes and personal affects, that he was to begin a new life with them. Glancing upwards, he noted that his tingling hands were still cuffed over his head to the bars of the cage. Who knew how long he had been restrained like this, but long enough that his circulation was impaired. The entire backside of his body stung bitterly from the viscous beating he had taken at the hands of the big blonde men in whose charge he had been left. He noticed that his ass felt grotesquely bloated and, clenching his buttcheeks slightly, he flushed crimson as he realized that some foreign object was lodged obscenely up inside his throbbing rectum, stretching it wide and packing it tight. As he hung there, helpless and bordering on despair, he heard the distant approach of a motor vehicle, no two vehicles, and for a moment he half-heartedly allowed himself to hope that someone was coming to his rescue. The vehicles pulled up and killed their engines, all the while providing Victor with the consolation of envisioning his freedom. Police officers would enter the cabin, unchain him and lead him away from this nightmare. Then his assailants would be arrested, tried and locked away for life. As he reveled in his fantasy, the door of the cabin was flung open. Sounds of scuffling feet shattered Victor’s reverie and he heard a desperate and unfamiliar voice shouting, “What the fuck do you think you’re doing? Let me go you asshole!” Then the voice of Tim, the brutish leader of his gang of kidnappers, snapped, “Shut the fuck up, boy!” More shuffling of feet against the wooden floor of the cabin floor and accompanied by the grunts and groans of a struggle, followed by a sudden, violent thud and a sharp click that Victor knew to be the sound his abductor’s pistol being cocked. The voice that Victor didn’t recognized could then be heard fearfully exclaiming, “Hey, man. Be cool. Don’t shoot me. Oh, please God, don’t shoot me!” Tim stood intimidatingly above the slim, blonde college boy with his Ivy-league countenance. The lad was clad in chinos and a white tee-shirt, his slender, golden feet bare. He was kneeling at Tim’s feet, his arms raised and his hands splayed between the drawn pistol and his pretty head, his eyes wide with panic, as he pleaded for his young life. Through the door sailed Randy and Todd, dragging another young college boy, this one’s straight, blonde hair hanging down to the middle of his back. His small, smooth feet were bare also and he was slender, like his friend, but not as tall, wearing ripped jeans and a Rugby shirt. The two thugs hauled the frightened, pleading youth over and tossed him to the floor alongside his companion. The two boys crouched, cowed, the first rather more defiantly, at the three men’s feet. Victor was unable to witness the scene, being tethered to the cage with his back to the room, but he could decipher from what he heard that two additional victims must have been brought here by his captors. Conflicted with feelings of terror, pity and relief, he hung in still and silent. He was sickened when he considered the horrors he imagined were in store for the two new boys and he pitied them, but he also felt pangs of relief that perhaps his ass would be spared from further assault. Yanking hold of the second youth’s long, blonde tresses, Tim pressed the pistol to the pretty, panicked boy’s temple and subdued him, charging his buddies to strip the taller kid. Pouncing on the defiant college dude, Todd held him to the floor. He kicked and protested wildly as Randy ripped his tee shirt from his slender young body and jerked off his chinos. Then, standing the kid on his feet, Todd held him firm as Randy tore off the boy’s briefs. Dragging the now denuded kid over to one of the beds, they forced him down upon it on his belly, and Todd sat on the boy, pinioning him, while Randy gathered some lengths of rope from the chest and tied the lad’s wrists and ankles securely, restraining him. Abandoning the bound boy to his struggles, they returned to the second youth and, as the kid fought futilely, the pulled off his jeans and shirt and yanked his bikinis down and over his pretty little feet. As Todd and Randy held the terrified youth, Tim retrieved rope from the chest and knotted it securely around the kid’s wrists. Then the three men forcewalked the boy over to one wall and, turning him to face them, they hoisted the kid into the air, slipping his bound wrists over a strategically placed hook and stringing him up like a side of beef. The kid dangled a foot or so off the ground, the weight of his own body holding him firmly in place. With both new boy toys stripped and tethered, the three brutes turned their attentions to the taller youth strapped to the bed. All three men stripped, their engorged cocks eager for release, and Tim climbed aboard the desperate youth. The kid’s ankles were strapped securely to the corners of the bed, his legs spread wide, splaying open his quivering white buttcheeks, in sharp contrast to the rest of his golden tanned flesh, and exposing his bright red rosebud of a virgin quim. The kid struggled madly against his restraints, all the while hollering, “What the fuck are you doing, you sick faggot! Get off me! Let me go! Stop it! Hurt me, scumbag, and my daddy’ll have your balls for it!” Tim brought his dickhead to rest at the entrance to the boy’s tight shitchute and unceremoniously, he pressed it, unlubricated, past the kid’s firmly clenched sphincter. An inhuman howl of surprised agony flew from the boy’s lips as he was ripped open by this savage attack. He bucked against Tim in a frantic attempt to dislodge his assailant. Tim persisted, slowly and painfully inching his iron boner into the horrified lad’s never before breached hole, inspired by the kid’s fevered resistance. It took several minutes of effort, but he finally succeeded in burying all nine inches of his manhood inside the punk’s tight, dry pud. Lying still atop the squealing youth, he savored the feel of the kid’s taunt sphincter as it clenched his massive organ in its firm grip. Then he wrenched himself out of the kid and, spitting into his palm and slicking his cock, he rammed his rock-hard member once more inside the horrified youth and settled into a fierce smashing of the boy’s cherry ass. Torquing in and out of the kid with ferocious abandon, he relished taking this privileged punk’s manhood from him. As the panicked youth flopped beneath him like a fish out of water, pleading frantically for mercy, he pounded away. This little prick with his fancy car and his college education embodied everyone that had looked down on Tim all his life and here was his chance to assert his revenge. As he fucked furiously in and out of the little college bitch’s twat, he told himself he was doing the world a favor in removing this little prince from circulation. He and his buddies would make a perfect little pussy boy out of the punk and train him to serve as he had been served all his prissy little life. Peter dangled from the wall and watched in disbelief as his best friend, Rob, was raped. Rob the heartthrob, who always got the girl. Rob the golden boy, his hero, was pressed tight to the bed beneath this viscous blond man and being fucked up his ass. It was almost too much for him to process and his stomach turned as his buddy’s haunting cries reverberated off the walls of the simple cabin. His mind was overflowing with fears of what these brutes would do to him once they tired of his friend. If only they had passed up the almost deserted rest stop, but Rob had insisted he needed to take a leak and Peter had acquiesced, pulling the car off into the abandoned lot. He had taken casual note of the green van that sat silent on the other side of the rest stop, thinking nothing more of it until its three savage occupants had shoved a gun into his face and dragged him from his car and forced him inside it. After they had restrained him, they left him alone for several minutes, finally returning with his protesting friend, Rob, in tow. No doubt the brutes had overtaken Rob in the men’s room and, surprising his buddy, they had wrestled him into submission and hauled him back to the van. The whole incident was over in less than twenty minutes and now he and his buddy were naked and restrained, completely at the mercy of their fiendish abductors. As Tim pounded away, his young victim’s resistance was slowly worn down. The kid was now pressed tightly to the bed, wailing like a banshee, but forgoing the rigors of his original struggle. Tears of pain and shame coursed down his pretty boy face as he begged for Tim to stop hurting him. Tim slid in and out of the boy’s gradually loosening hole, driving himself to release. Soon he was pouring what seemed like gallons of sticky, wet spunk into his young boy toy’s bowels. Horrified and humiliated beyond reason, Rob lay on the creaking bed and clenched his eyes shut tight as he felt rivers of his rapist’s sperm coursing into him. Overcome with incredulous waves of agony, he could scarce believe that this was happening to him. His ass was on fire from the assault and he prayed for it to be over soon. Tim pulled out of the kid’s tender, stretched shitchute and exclaimed lewdly, “That’s a hot piece of ass you got there, boy!” Turning to his buddies he sneered, “Come on in, guys, the waters fine!” “My turn!” Randy demanded as he crawled on top of the boy. Rob pleaded, “No more. Please, no more!” and Randy smirked, “A lot more you little bitch! We’re just getting warmed up!” Then he plowed into the kid’s cum slicked quim and settled into a fast, no frills fucking of the college punk’s no longer virgin pud. Within minutes, he too was filling the young college kid’s ass with his warm jism. Once he was spent, he pulled out and turned the boy over to Todd. Rob’s young mind was aghast being subjected to the lustful machinations of these men who had abducted him and brought him to this horrible place. A third man was now on top of him and a strange cock once more breached his tender asshole, this one seeming to go on forever before he finally felt the man’s balls slapping against his butt. Clenching his jaw tightly, he wheezed out little monosyllabic grunts of agony through his barred teeth. It hurt like nothing he had ever known and he prayed for his attacker to tire of abusing him and pull out. He had ceased to plead for mercy, it being clear to him that his cries were not to be heeded. At long last, he felt the bitter humiliation of his assailant’s cum spewing inside him and he hoped his ordeal was almost over. Inspired by this tight, young boy’s sloppy cunt, Todd rammed in and out with gusto. This kid was hot and his squeaks of pain drove Todd to the brink of ecstasy. It was clear the punk knew he had no choice but to lie still and take this abuse and Todd found that acceptance incredibly sexy. With Tim, he had raped many drunk young men, but this one was sober and bitterly aware of every thrust of Todd's cock. That really made it fun. Soon he blew in a massive burst and held himself inside his young victim until he had spilled forth every last drop he could muster. Yanking his dick out of the kid, he smiled in sinister pride as the boy’s wet, sticky ass lips shut with a loud pop. Abandoning the boy, still and whimpering into his pillow, they now turned their lustful attentions to his buddy. Their cocks now momentarily at half-mast, they decided on another course of action for the second youth. Crossing to the longhaired lad, they gripped him by the ankles and forced his feet up over his head, tying them off tightly to his wrists so that the punk was bent-doubled on the wall. Tim brought his finger to the distressed lad’s guim and scratched it lightly and, staring into the kid’s wild and fearful eyes, he inquired lewdly, “Ever had a man’s arm shoved up your ass, punk?” Sniveling in terror, the kid whimpered over and over, “Please don’t!” While Tim taunted the trussed up youth, Randy and Todd retrieved a tube of K-Y jelly from the chest and joined their partner in crime. Taking the tube from his buddies, Tim squeezed forth a generous dibble of lube and, raising his hand so that the horrified boy could watch, he began to slowly massage it over his long, thick fingers. The poor kid, peering out between his upstretched legs, continued his impassioned simpers for leniency. Smiling a fuck you smile, Tim once more placed his finger at the entrance to the boy’s shitchute and slowly began to work it inside the lad. The terrified youth was now reduced to blubbering and salty tears began to stream down his smooth, pretty face. Tim torqued his finger about inside the boy for a couple of minutes before abruptly ramming a second in alongside the first. The kid sucked his breath in sharply and increased his blithering. Barely giving the punk a moment to adjust, Tim jabbed in a third finger and began to pump all three in and out of the youth’s now widely stretched young pud. As a fourth finger breached the kid’s tight sphincter, the boy began to buck grotesquing off the wall in a frenzied attempt to evade Tim’s hand. Tim laughed and said, “That’s nothing, punk! Wait’ll you feel my whole hand!” And without further ado, he brought his thumb in close and pushed, smiling as his hand slipped from sight and the kid’s sphincter snapped closed over his wrist. The punk was howling and thrashing about like a trapped animal now as Tim continued shoving until half his forearm was buried inside the kid. Pausing for a moment to savor his control over this punk, Tim clowned “Punk on a stick!” His buddies roared with laughter as he twisted his arm out of the kid and immediately rammed it back inside the boy’s obscenely distended hole. For the next several minutes, Tim repeated this operation several times, punching in and out of the now insane youth’s ass. Finally he tired of the sport and withdrew, bursting into an uncontrollable fit of hysterics at the kid’s red and swollen quim throbbing in angry uncontrollable spasms. Tim then stepped aside and allowed Todd and Randy their turns to punch fuck the helpless boy. Soon they too grew bored and abandoned the game, leaving the stunned punk dangling limply on the wall, his head lying on his chest and his tangled golden hair falling over his body and hanging almost to his crotch, where a thick mat of blonde hair almost concealed his tiny, pink prick. The three brutes then dressed themselves and withdrew to the table to share a joint and quench their thirst. As they conferred, it was concluded that Tim and Randy would go and dispose of the college boys’ car. Gathering their keys and smokes, they took off, leaving Todd in charge of the livestock with a warning to “Be cool!”


8 Gay Erotic Stories from Bad Boy

Butt Busters: Chapter 1-The Adventure Begins

The following story is violent erotic fantasy involving non-consensual sex. The author wishes to state that in no way does he condone non-consensual sex or violence outside the realm of fantasy. If you enjoy it, you may email the author at More will be forthcoming, if response is positive. Victor had been forced to admit his mistake as the deserted highway

Butt Busters: Chapter 2-Stowing Their Cargo

Anxious to forge ahead with their diabolical inquisition, the three irrepressible thugs moved in on their strapping prisoner and, while Todd hugged the big hunk's waist and held him aloft, Tim and Randy unloosed their captive's now rope-burned and bleeding wrists. Once the debased hunk was disengaged from the tree, Todd released his hold and the big man slid down his assailant's body

Butt Busters: Chapter 3-A Chance for Escape

For a several minutes, Todd stood savoring the succulent vision of his distressed charge. The haggard hunk squirmed nervously before him, obviously desperate to avoid further harassment. Todd's lustful stare moved slowly from the weary and battered studs smudged face down to his large, grimy hands, forced firmly to his scraped pecs, and over his tight abs, smeared with muck and grim.

Butt Busters: Chapter 4-How It All Began

Tim and Todd met first in a bar. After several cocktails, they went back to Tim’s place and, after smoking a fat joint, they shared a vigorous fuck. This was fourteen years ago and they were very young. Todd had only had sex with two men before Tim and he was still experimenting. He allowed Tim to take him up the ass. It hurt like hell, but he thought he would get used to it. They

Butt Busters: Chapter 5-New Meat For Their Stable

Victor started awake, his gym-perfected body dripping off rivers of sweat. He had been racing through a hauntingly surreal dreamscape, pursued by giant, disembodied penises of many and varied shapes and sizes. Somehow he had known that the terrifying male organs intended to rape him brutally into submission, and he had ran desperately for his life. After a wild and frenzied race, the

Butt Busters: Chapter 6-Learn 'Em Good

Left alone with his three beautiful charges, Todd felt a bit like a kid in a candy store. He lit a cigarette and stood in the center of the cabin, surveying the straight punks, each one bound tight, naked and at his disposal. It would be at least an hour before his buddies returned and he planned to have some fun while they were away. Besides, he rationalized, these fuckers had to

Butt Busters: Chapter 7-Black Beauty

Tim was driving the college boys' steel blue jaguar and Randy was following him in the van. The day had flown by and, although the cabin was only a few minutes drive from the lake's shore, it was still late in the afternoon when they arrived. Tim pulled their captives' car right up to the edge of the lake and jumped out. Randy climbed down from the van and, joining him, the two

My First Big Screw Up With Master

I can remember being really fatigued one night upon arriving home. I had had a really busy day at school was just dying to take a nap. Unfortunately, my daily routine does not allow for naps. Every morning I am up at 5 AM, I release the clip attached to my collar, which is attached to the cage, then crawl to the bathroom, flush the toilet and have my morning water. Once


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