Gay Erotic Stories

Brad in Florence


This story is the property of - Please do not post to the net without my e-mail reference. For Sinbad Adventures, why not also visit - "Sinbad's House" (it's a free site with something new every month. Brad in Florence comes from the March 98 edition. /index.html Chapter One It was a warm autumn afternoon, as I sat in the street café watching the parade of people pass by. Sipping my strong expresso coffee, I enjoyed the last remaining days of my holiday. A lone athletic guy walked in off the street and sat at the table near by. He had strong Latin features and a dark olive tan. The white T-shirt he wore accentuated his dark colour and strained to contain his massive chest. He made my heart beat a little faster and my cock stir within my trousers. He seemed familiar, even though I was certain that we had never met. I put it down to his simply being my type ...well muscled, tanned and oh so very hot. A waiter soon came to take his order and immediately, I realised that he was a tourist. He muttered a few broken words of Italian and ordered a café a latte. As he sat waiting for the coffee to arrive, he leaned back and enjoyed the sights, the sounds and odours that are Florence. Occasionally, our eyes would meet and linger slightly longer upon each other's bodies than would be considered normal ... what the heck, I wasn't going to object to his admire my body, wasn't I doing the same thing. He obviously saw something he liked, I certainly did. The waiter soon returned and placed his order before him. On his way back inside the waiter stopped to ask if I'd like another coffee, I said yes. I also asked him bring me a carafe of cold water with a couple of empty glasses. He soon returned and deposited the items before me. I filled both glasses with water and then lent over and placed one on the table before the muscular stranger. "You probably could do with this." I said. He hesitated a few moments and then said, "Thanks." I asked him what part of America he was from and he said, "San Francisco." I told him that he came from a great city. "I love San Francisco." "The people are friendly, the lifestyle easy going and every time I've been there I've had a good time." He stared at me for a few moments and then asked if I was also a tourist. I said, "sort of. Although born in Florence I now live far away in Australia." "I come back every year or so, to see family, friends and to recharge my Italian batteries." He laughed and asked if he could sit and talk with me. I gave him no objection and he moved to the empty chair at my table. He told me that his name was Brad and that he worked as a fashion model. He had just finished shooting a fashion spread in Milan and wanted to see a little of Italy before he went home. I told him that I was happy to hear that he wanted to see a little of Italy. "This is a beautiful country with a rich history and a varied culture." "Its pleasures always excite me even though I grew up here. "When I asked him where he had been thus far, he replied, "Milan, Venice and Florence." "I'm also hoping to get to Rome in a few days." As we talked away the afternoon I couldn't help feeling very comfortable in Brad's company, we had similar temperaments and interests. The longer we talked the more I liked him and the harder it became to part from his company but it was getting late and I had to leave. I had another appointment that I simply couldn't get out of. "Brad, unfortunately I have to leave, I'm expected for dinner at a friend's house." "If I don't leave soon, I'll never get there on time." Brad said that he understood but I could see that he was disappointed. I wanted to say that we could get together tomorrow but inside I knew this wouldn't happen. If we parted company now, we wouldn't see each other again. 'What should I do', I thought, then an idea came to me. "Brad, how about coming with me to my friend's villa!" "I'm sure they won't mind and there's certain to be enough food to feed an army." "Oh I couldn't," he said. "I'm a total stranger and your friends wouldn't want a foreigner in their house." I said, "nonsense!" "They'll love having you there, it will give them a chance to show off their country villa as well as practice their English." Brad continued to act concerned and hesitant. "What if I phone them first and got their permission, would that make you feel any easier." I asked. "Only a little," he said. "I still think it's wrong." "It isn't," I said. "This is Italy, let's go make a phone call." Brad reluctantly got to his feet and I proceeded to steer him in the direction of my apartment building, which was in a small street near Il Duomo. As we walked, I kept telling Brad not to worry, my friend Roberto and Lucia, would welcome him with open arms. We soon arrived and the large wrought iron gates marking the entrance to my apartment block and as I fumbled with the latch key, Brad asked if this is where I lived. "Yes, I have the top apartment on the other side of the building." "It's a memento from my University days when I lived in Florence." "I keep it so that whenever I get home sick, I always know I have somewhere to come and stay." I lead Brad up the old wooden staircase to the top floor and opened the front door. Once inside, I told him to take a seat whilst I got him a drink and phoned Roberto and Lucia. As expected they had no objections and said I should have known that I didn't need to ask. Lucia had said, any friend of mine was a friend of theirs. When I returned to the living room I could see that Brad had removed the sunglasses which had permanently been fixed to his face. For the first time since meeting him, I could see his entire face and was slightly taken aback, as I suddenly realised why he had appeared so familiar to me during the afternoon. Sitting in my living room was Brad Stone, American tourist, male model and more importantly, gay porn star. Chapter Two Brad sensed the change in my face and realised that his identity was no longer a secret. He stared into my eyes for a few moments and then got up and proceeded to walk towards the front door. I quickly put the drinks I was holding down and moved to follow him. "What are you doing, where are you going," I stammered. "I'm leaving," he said. "BUT WHY!" "You know why," he sulked. "Neither you, nor your friends will want to have dinner with an ex-porn actor, will you!" As he reached for the door I gripped his arm and pulled him towards me. "What are you talking about." "Your past has nothing to do with me or my friends." "I invited you to dinner because I wanted to spend more time with Brad the tourist not Brad Stone the male porn star. You seemed genuinely interested in Italy and I thought you might like to experience some real Italian culture." "I'm sorry I acted surprised, I simply hadn't realised who you were until I saw your entire face." "Please stay, I truly want us to have dinner together." Brad's arms fell to his side and he stared at the floor. In a soft voice he sobbed. "But you know who I am and what I've done." "You won't be able to look at me without thinking about what I've done in my past." I pulled Brad closer to me and wrapped my arms around his body. "What's so bad about having seen you naked on film." "I like what I've seen and any problem I may have about your past is my problem, not yours." I placed my lips upon Brad's mouth and gently kissed him. "I want you to come to dinner and I want you to enjoy yourself." "Roberto and Lucia won't know anything about your past and if they do, they won't judge you." Once again our mouths met and we kissed. Brad thanked me and said that I would never know how hard it is to lead a normal life once you've had his type of past." I wiped away the few teardrops that sat upon his cheeks and lead him to the bathroom. Whilst he washed his face, I went to my bedroom to change. No sooner had I removed my trousers than I saw Brad standing at the door watching me. He was naked from the waist up and held his T-shirt in his hand, he looked great. The thought of him watching me was getting me hard so I quickly retrieved a pair of jeans and pulled them up to my waist. As I walked to the bathroom, I asked Brad whether I past the inspection. He said "of course, why else would I have talked to you for most of the afternoon." As I stood at the wash basin throwing cold water onto my face, I found that Brad had followed me. He stood behind me and rested his muscular chest against my back. His left arm wrapped itself around my chest whilst his right hand dropped to my crotch. Brad began to slowly kiss the back of my neck whilst also stroking my ever hardening cock through the fabric of my jeans. I turned towards him and moved my body close to his. Our tongues probed each other's mouths and our rock hard cocks pushed into each other's crotch. I wanted very much to continue the foreplay but knew that it had to stop. With my hands upon his face, I gave Brad's mouth one last probe with my tongue and pushed him away, telling him that we had to stop. "Okay stud, enough foreplay for now." "We have a long drive to make." "You can continue your fun when we return home later." Chapter Three As expected both Roberto and Lucia were perfect hosts. The food was good, the wine plentiful and the conversation very entertaining. They made Brad feel very welcome and took pleasure in seeing him smile. When it was time to eventually get going, Lucia didn't want us to leave. She kept saying that she could fix the guest bedroom and we needn't drive back Florence until morning. I had to tell her a little white lie otherwise we would never have gotten away. As we drove through the Tuscan countryside back to Florence, Brad said very little. "What are you thinking of." I asked. He remained silent for a few moments and then said, "I'm worried that your expectations of me are too high." "I'm not the person you've seen in the video movies." "I can't keep my cock hard for hours at a time, nor do I cum repeatedly over and over again." "Brad Stone the porn star is a myth created by a movie producer." I placed my hand on his thigh and began to massage the flesh between my fingers. "Brad, do you really think I believe what I see on the video screen." "Everyone knows its fantasy, that's why they enjoy watch them." He turned towards me and said, "You'd be surprised at how many people think they're real." I merely sighed and shook my head. "Well, all I can tell you is that I'm not one of them." "Although I like watching Brad Stone the porn star on film, I don't think I'd like him as a real life sexual partner." "He pounds his co-stars too violently for my tastes. Brad laughed and said "What makes you think I don't fuck the same way in real life." I responded with, "I know you don't because if you did, you wouldn't care about how or what I feel." Chapter Four We eventually arrived on the outskirts of Florence City. I turned to Brad and asked him what he wanted to do. "Are you going to spend the night or do you want me to take you to your hotel." He turned towards me and said, "If you'll have me, then I want to spend the night." Once inside my apartment, Brad removed the jacket I had lent him earlier and then sat on the couch to remove his shoes. When I returned with drinks I found lying down with his eyes closed. "I hope scotch is okay." Brad nodded his approval and dropped his left leg to the floor, making room so that I could sit beside him. "Here's to friendship." he said and struck his glass against mine. As he lay on the couch beside me I couldn't resist running my hands over his muscular chest, he purred at the attention and soon pulled me towards so that my body lay upon his. Our mouths meet and opened widely. We allow each other total freedom to probe each other's oral cavity without reservation. As we continued to kiss Brad's hands roam over my own muscular torso. He massaged the hard flesh and pulled at my T-shirt to release it from my. I gave no resistance and soon Brad had me semi naked above him. His mouth moved across my smooth chest and he drank in my manly scent. I could feel Brad's hardening cock against my abdomen and I wanted desperately to release it from its fabric confinements. I put my hands to his crotch and squeezed the large mound between my open fingers. I could see Brad's elongated cock straining against his jeans and I moved my mouth to the large cock head. I genteelly blew warm air into the fabric and watched as Brad's cock responded to my touch. Over and over again I pumped heat into the area, making a small circle of wetness in Brad's jeans. Brad began to squirm and begged me to stop but I wouldn't. I merely pushed my mouth harder into his groin increasing my attack. When he couldn't handle it any longer he put his hands around my shoulders and pulled me towards his face. Our mouths meet once more and Brad hungrily drank my salty saliva as his hands wedged themselves between the fabric of my jeans and my flesh. He pummeled the flesh repeatedly, making my arse hole contract and relax over and over again. Eventually when he had had enough he removed his hands and pushed my body into an upright position. He removed his T-shirt and sat on the coffee table in front of me. "Stand Up," he shouted. I did as I was told. He pulled my hips towards him and immediately buried his head into my groin. I half expected him to be given some of my own medicine but instead began to undo the buttons of my fly. He placed his hand upon my cock and stroked it through the fabric of my underwear. Every stroke made me more and more excited; I could feel pre-cum oozing from head. "I think it's time you showed me this horse dick," he said. He gave my hard cock one final squeeze and then proceeded to remove my underwear. I stood naked before him, my cock pointing straight at Brad's face. With his left hand around the shaft of my cock, he pulled me towards him. He licked the few droplets of pre-cum from the head and said, "this is one might fine specimen of manhood you have here, lets see what it can do." Brad placed the crown within his moist mouth and began to play with the head. His tongue repeatedly stroked the underside of my cock urging more pre-cum to rise up the shaft. Once he'd made the head very wet he began to slide the shaft further and further into his mouth. It was amazing watching him at work; he didn't hesitate for a moment. He repeatedly rose and fell upon the shaft, making sure it's full length went deep into his throat. I felt as though I had died and was in heaven. As he continued deep throating me, Brad's hands went to my arse and he used his hands to push me further into his mouth. Brad indicated that he wanted me to take control and fuck his mouth deep and hard. At first I was reluctant, having seven and a half inches of solid cock rammed repeatedly into your throat can be dangerous but Brad continued to urge me to fuck his mouth. Eventually, the excitement became too much and I gave in to his request. For a predominantly TOP MAN, Brad was amazing; he couldn't seem to get enough of my cock. Soon the heavy action was making me ready to blow my load. I tried to get Brad to slow down but he wouldn't. In and out my cock slid, getting hotter and hotter until eventually I couldn't hold off any longer. I erupted inside Brad's mouth filling him with my hot, sticky load. He pushed the head of my cock deep into his throat and allowed me to empty most of my load directly into his stomach. I felt both exhausted and invigorated. Once the climax had ended he allowed me to slip from his mouth. I pulled him to his feet and kissed him deeply. I could taste my own saltiness upon his breath and I hungrily lapped at his saliva. As I held Brad in my arms, I couldn't resist commenting on his skills. "Where on earth did you learn to suck cock." "I've never seen anything like it, aren't you a top." Brad smiled and said, "just because I don't suck dick for the camera doesn't mean I don't suck dick in real life." 'It's my hobby, so I make sure I get lots of practice." Brad placed his hand on my cock and led me to my bedroom. Chapter Five Brad pushed me towards the bed and stood just outside my reach. As I watched he slowly undid his fly and allowed his jeans to fall to the floor. I could clearly see the form of his large cock straining against the fabric of his underwear. Brad stroked the fabric covering his cock and taunted me with words. "This is what you want, isn't it muscle man." "You want Brad to feed you his big, fat dick, don't you." I said yes and reached out to touch the monster but Brad moved further away. "No!" "Tell me how much you want my dick." He shouted. "I want it more than anything else in this world." "I want to feel you slide in and out of my mouth." "I want you to explode deep within my throat." As Brad ran his hand up and down his shaft, his cock became even larger. The cock head was covered in pre cum and I yearned to lap at the nectar. He watched me as he jerked himself off, sensing the hunger in my eyes. Slowly he stepped towards the bed and offered me his steel rod. "Eat me." He demanded and I did. I surrounded the large crown with my soft lips and proceeded to clean its surface with my tongue. Over and over again I stroked the head whilst my hand played with Brad's low hanging balls. As I became more accustomed to the monster shaft I urged it to inch further and further into me. The deeper the shaft penetrated, the tighter the fit became. My mouth rose and fell repeatedly upon the huge rod, incasing it in a thin film of warm saliva. Sensing I was ready, Brad placed his hands upon the back of my head and began to pound his shaft deep into my throat. Over and over again he pounded the thick shaft into me, making his huge cum filled balls slap into my chin. He was the master and knew exactly how to treat his slave. The longer Brad fucked my throat the more I yearned to hold the monster within me indefinitely. I began to sense a change in Brad, his thrusts became more forceful and the shaft began to pulse. Like myself, Brad had worked himself into a state of over excitement and was ready to explode. I could have stopped my attack and allowed him an opportunity to recover but I desperately needed to taste his load. His legs began to quiver and soon it was too late, a flood of sweet nectar filled my mouth and ran down my throat. I hungrily drank the salty white liquid urging him to provide me with more. Up and down the shaft I rose until Brad had been spent fully. He then collapsed on top of me and forced me flat upon the bed. We embraced each other in our muscular arms and kissed endlessly. Chapter Six "Was it worth it" Brad asked. I said, "Hell yes." "How often does one gets a chance to have sex with a well hung muscular dude." Brad just laughed and said, "look who's talking." I drew Brad's mouth to my own and began to probe the wet interior. Slowly the sexual excitement between us began to grow once more. Our hardening cocks pressed against each other indicated that it was time to move onto stage two. Brad rolled off of me and lay on the patch of empty bed beside me. My hand moved across the large chest and stroked his hardened nipples before moving on to his ripped abdomen. I gripped at the muscular channels causing them to harden in my touch. Watching the area twitch made me so excited, I simply had to replace my hand with my mouth and tongue. I stroked the area over and over again taking in the smell and taste that was Brad. By now Brad was fully erect once more and I included his cock in my tongue bath activities. As I sucked on his cock my hands reached for the area between Brad's legs. Whilst I massaged his balls, thighs and arse cheeks Brad did the same to me. He ran his fingers up and down the crevasse of my cheeks getting me hotter and hotter. Occasionally his fingers would come to rest upon my hole and he would tease the outer surface making me yearn for his fingers to enter inside but he wouldn't. Only when Brad was certain that I was in pain did he begin to please me. He dragged his body from underneath me and brought his tongue to my hole. He licked at the surface wetting it completely both inside and out. It felt wonderful and I wanted him to fuck me there and then but Brad insisted that the moment wasn't yet ripe. As he continued to probe me with his tongue making me wetter and wetter he brought his fingers into the action. Between licking my hole he finger fucked me, making me squirm and beg for more. Over and over he probed making me slippery and loose until finally he was ready to enter me. He knelt behind me and brought his fat cock head to my hole. He ran the shaft up and down my crack covering it in a mixture of his own saliva and my arse juices. "Anthony, take it slow," he said. "I don't want to hurt you buddy." I told him not to worry and immediately began to push against the fat cock head. Brad had really worked my hole well because the first 4 inches of his cock sank directly into me without any resistance. Brad waited a few moments before he began to feed me the rest of his huge cock. Only when he was fully inside me did I appreciate the mass of his huge cock. Slowly he began to rock in and out of me making me relax and enjoy the pounding he was going to give me. When he had worked me over good and proper, I told him to go for it. Brad needed no further encouragement, the tempo of his strokes increased and soon he was pounding me deeply over and over again. "Fuck me big boy," I said. "You know I want your horse dick inside me." This seemed to make Brad more excite because he tried to increase the tempo even more. "Yeah, that's it, pound me deep." Over and over the shaft plunged into me, getting me harder and hotter. I began to play with my own shaft but Brad soon replaced my hand with his own. He wanked me in time to his own strokes and I realised that I'd soon be shooting my load. I raised myself upright and rested my back against Brad's chest. With each inward stroke I thrust my arse back to meet Brad's cock. I told Brad that I was about to shoot my load and he said not to worry because he wasn't far behind. We began to cum almost simultaneously, me spraying my load all over the bedspread whilst Brad pumped his load deep into my arse. We remained upright for several minutes kissing whilst the climax subsided and then fell to the beds surface with Brad still wedged within me. With Brad on top of me, we slowly drifted off to sleep. Chapter Seven When I awoke the next morning, I found Brad lying beside me watching me and stroking the muscles of my abdominals. "Good morning stud," he said. "Thank you for last night." I pulled him towards me and kissed him deeply. Removing my tongue from his mouth I said, "and thank you!" "Since your still here I know it's not a dream, so what am I going to do with you?" Brad looked deep into my eyes and said, "well first you can fuck me, then I want breakfast and finally you can show me the real Florence." I smiled and told him "that's easy to arrange." Sinbad PS - Brad and I spent the next 4 days together exploring Florence and each other's bodies. It was one of the best times in my life. I wish he could be part of my everyday life after day, week after week and year after year. This story is the property of - Please do not post this story to the net without my e-mail reference.


9 Gay Erotic Stories from

Brad in Florence

This story is the property of - Please do not post to the net without my e-mail reference. For Sinbad Adventures, why not also visit - "Sinbad's House" (it's a free site with something new every month. Brad in Florence comes from the March 98 edition. /index.html Chapter One It was a warm autumn

Ken - The Ken Ryker Story

Ken - The Ken Ryker Story This story is the property of Please do not re-distribute this story without my e-mail reference and website address. This story comes from the October 1998 edition of Sinbad's House my free site at (Why not visit me on the web). Chapter One Ken was the new kid in town.

Mr. 10-1/2 Inches

Mr 10 1/2 Inches This story is the property of - Please do not post to the net without my e-mail reference. For Sinbad Adventures, why not also visit - "Sinbad's House" (it's a free site with something new every month). Mr 10 1/2 Inches comes from the April 98 edition. /index.html Chapter One

The Stallion Club, Part 1 'The New Recruit'

THE STALLION CLUB Part One - The New Recruit This story is the property of Please do not post to the net without my e-mail reference. 'The Stallion Club' comes from the June 98 edition of "Sinbad's House" (My free site with something new every month). CHAPTER ONE Tom had been successful in

The Stallion Club, Part 2 'The Welcome'

Part Two - The Welcome This story is the property of Please do not post to the net without my e-mail and web site reference. 'The Welcome' comes from the August 98 edition of "Sinbad's House" (My free site with something new every month). Chapter Seven Upon returning to their room, Robert helped

The Stallion Club, Part 3 'Basic Training'

Part Three - 'Basic Training' This story is the property of Please do not post to the net without my e-mail and web site reference. 'Basic Training' comes from the September 98 edition of "Sinbad's House" (My free site dedicated to hard muscular men, with something new every month). Chapter Ten

The Stallion Club, Part 4 'Basic Training Contin

This story is the property of Please do not post to the net without my e-mail and web site reference. 'Basic Training Continues' comes from the September 98 edition of "Sinbad's House" (My free site dedicated to hard muscular men, with something new every month). Chapter Thirteen The gym was a

The Stallion Club, Part 5a

This story is the property of Please do not redistribute this story without my e-mail reference and website address. SINBAD'S HOUSE - Tom had just finished his morning workout with Doctor Menzies and been told that his progress had been better than expected. Each passing day had morphed his body, larger and

The Stallion Club, Part 6

This story is the property of Please do not redistribute this story without my e-mail reference and website address. SINBAD'S HOUSE - Chapter Twenty-Four Tom awoke the next morning to find himself sandwiched between Cory on his left and Robert on his right. His head was filled with images of last night and


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