Gay Erotic Stories


by JTH

The demonstration was scheduled for 10 AM All the top brass were there. 10 of my best men and I were to go up against one man - a new type of super soldier designed to advance the cause of conventional warfare dramatically. BOSS: Bioenhanced Octoplasmic Super Soldier. Top secret. Very tough. This was all the information I had. We could use any weapons we chose: guns, knives, garrotes, grenades, the works. He came into the arena unarmed. When I first saw him, I was stunned. He stood around 6' 4". He had a perfectly developed upper body and very macho, serious but handsome face to match. He wore snug-fitting khaki shorts, army socks and a new kind of boot. Nothing else, not even a knife. His thighs and calves were far thicker and more muscular than average. A real lady killer.... "-not our intention to humiliate or permanently disable Captain Mulhurt or his men. I think you will see gentlemen-" this was some geek scientist who was pumping the brass "-could easily kill all ten in a matter of seconds." "Sure, rub it in asshole," Wesson rumbled under his breath. I'll see you outside Doilies." (Our local gay bar). "Captain Mulhurt has orders to kill BOSS - if he can." "After I wring your pencil neck, penis breath," Folger spoke so most of us could hear. I watched this amazing creature prepare his stance. For some young guy who was about to go up against 10 of the best trained Marines in the business, he looked unnervingly cool. He seemed to be most interested in me as my men moved into position. "Ready, Gentlemen?" MC2 wanted to know. I nodded grimly, not at all certain. The feeling was bad. "Begin." Kurt and Gory opened fire immediately but suddenly the target had disappeared. I did see a blur of activity to my right and the butts of two M1166's fly up. Kurt and Gory were on the ground unconscious. BOSS had the two M1166's in either arm. With a shit-licking leer, he began firing with both guns at once. I managed to draw my handgun but it flew out of my grasp painfully. Tracing a deadly path of bullets into an ever-tightening V, BOSS forced us closer and closer together. Bullets hit hips tearing leather belts like tissue paper. Bullets hit gun holsters and knife sheaths ripping them away like rockets. BOSS stood, legs apart in a brazen sexual display and squeezed both triggers while dirt and bullets ricochet around us like a spray of deadly cum and offal. All the while, he stared straight at me, emptying those guns orgasmically, never killing a soul. Suddenly the noise stopped. My men stood stunned. I stood straight and mad. Kowalski caught my mood. He charged like a bull. His body flew up and landed 30 feet away in a limp pile. He was unconscious at least. BOSS held the M1166's by the barrels, butts on the ground. He bent those two stocks like licorice, the bending metal wrenched in protest. Now BOSS moved forward. We retreated, but not before he caught 2 by the scruff of the neck and brought them head on into two other skulls. 4 men gone in one offhand gesture. I really didn't like this. BOSS eyed the four remaining with that same cool, almost disinterested stare. Harrison made a run for it. BOSS picked up the remains of a rifle and flung it. It caught Harrison with a sickening thud before he could get 15 feet. Boyce charged noisily. He was caught in a simple but very painful Kung Fu hold which brought him groaning to his knees. Pressure was being applied mercilessly to his wrist. Boyce's jaw dropped uncontrollably as a bellow of pain gargled obscenely. BOSS bent back a finger and the entire company winced with the snap. BOSS had worked his now-bulging crotch noticeably nearer Boyce's pain-smeared face. He watched me and grinned, his back to the audience, as he planted one foot on Boyce's crotch and the other behind Boyce's back. He straddled the agonized soldier. The message was clear. BOSS was getting blown. Carlton could stand this no longer. He attacked. A rabbit punch finished Boyce mercifully and Carlton was straight armed with BOSS's left battering ram as he landed. BOSS held him at arms length, swinging his arms and feet uselessly like a big brother might his little sister. BOSS held the 230 pound Carlton easily off the ground and stared at me. Once again, that shit-licking grin put me down. BOSS spun Carlton around and his huge muscle of a forearm was under his throat choking him mercilessly. "I'll just tear your head off and your sergeant and I can watch the blood spurt," BOSS hissed in Carlton's ear. "No." Carlton gagged. "How about this then asshole. I've got 14 thick inches for your hot ass." He made his point by dry humping Carlton. "Tell me you want it all," The bullied Carlton's face was beet red. He could get no air. His arms flailed and he went limp just as I landed. My specialty was the garrote. I landed on BOSS's back like a panther. It was rock. I pulled that glass-studded piano wire so tight my fingers bled but there was no neck. Instead, there was a leather boot and incredible pain. "Enough," I heard General Belcher cry and I blacked out. There was nothing back at the barracks. 7 of my best men were in the infirmary. The other three sat around in shock. The brass had been most congratulatory. My reputation still held as far as they were concerned. We would be well-paid for our efforts and bull shit, bullshit. It was just progress. There was always a place for real fighting men and blah blah ....This high-tech flash was just a bit of posturing. Too expensive. I was numb. I thanked the three survivors. We'd visit the others tomorrow: Lets do bed. Hand at my mouth. Knee at my back. Both arms pinned. "Now I finish what I started this afternoon." It was Him! BOSS! He's on my back. Very heavy. "How'd you get in here?" I growl. "I've been here for an hour." "The hell you have, asshole!" I would have heard him. Extreme pain. Shooting. His knee starting to crack vertebrae. "Do you want to argue about it?" he questions sadistically. I see white. Cry out. "No! Jesus. Alright. You win." He eases off. I think I may still have a spine left. "What've you been doing for an hour?" "Playing detective". My bed light goes on and I blanch. I have porno and sex toys under lock and key in the basement. Heavy stuff. It's good for a hand job on a lonely night. He's got it taped around the bedroom walls and the toys are right by my nose. "Big Jeff Stryker fan I see Sergeant," he muses. Now he's down whispering in my ear. "Quite an active fantasy life, I see Sergeant. Like to suck his huge dick, Sergeant? Take it up the ass Sergeant?" The pain is back, threatening. "No way," I lie. "Oooo Sargey, careful your nose doesn't grow longer on you... like your dick is." through clenched teeth. "Liar! You dig the pain. Big tough marine. Special Services. Killed 46 men in Nam. Award of Merit. Killing make you hard, Sergeant?" The pain teeters. Excruciating. "Ughhhhhh." "I haven't got time, Sergeant. Answer your superior! Killing get you hard?" It sure as fuck did but I wasn't about to tell him that! Until I could feel the same two vertebrae begin to groan under the pressure of his knee again. "You've got exactly five seconds before I break your back Sergeant." I wanted to call his bluff, but I wasn't all that sure he was bluffing. "All right, we'll go at it your way, Sergeant!" "Yes!" I gasped. "Good. That's the way I want you - hard." With the ease I might flip over a pillow, BOSS has me on my back, one hand at the small of my spine massaging those threatened vertebrae, the other at my crotch doing the same to my khakis. But it's more than massaging. Much more. It's more like vibrating with his fingers. I've never felt anything so good! I'm ready to shoot in an instant. I groan uncontrollably. "Don't worry. You're going to come all over the room, but not yet ." I'm gasping with ultimate pleasure. "How in the hell do you do that?" I gurgle thinking its some kind of supersonic movement of his fingers. He sits back on his haunches grinning a shit licker. "You ain't seen nothing yet." He stares steadily into my eyes. "I want you real bad, Sergeant." "Why don't you just take me then?" I wonder what he's getting at. "If it was anybody else, I would." He's hesitating. I can't figure out why. Suddenly, he grabs my hand and forces it palm forward into his crotch. There is something immense and steaming underneath the thick khaki material. He is staring straight into my eyes as he draws my hand up and up. "Holy shit!" I can think of nothing else to say. Slowly, steadily, he unbuttons just two of the buttons which are straining at the front of his khakis. Inside, a pole of throbbing muscle which must be his cock surges to get out. Frightened, I pull my hand away. He grins and plants two hams of hands around his waist. I actually hear the material begin to rip like those old Incredible Hulk movies except this is his cock! Slowly, inexorably, it emerges tearing away the khakis as it bursts free. So now I‚m staring down the barrel of a fourteen inch bazooka. I really am speechless. "You see what I mean?" he asks. "Oh, Jesus, yeah!" is all I can manage. The head, perfectly shaped is larger than a hand grenade. It is nuzzling around my head quite capable of moving like a curious python. "Mmm. I like the feel of your beard, Sergeant." For several minutes, the mighty head rasps against my five o'clock shadow and eventually comes to rest at my lips like a knob on the gateway to paradise. With one word, the sex began. "Open." I dropped my jaw and my mouth was filled. The head of his cock swam in concert with my tongue. He seemed to be enjoying it but his expression was more of clinical curiosity. "You like my cock, Sergeant?" I nodded like you do when you're at the dentist. "I could easily kill you with it, like this," and the head went down my throat cutting off my air entirely. I tried to relax knowing that struggling would be a waste of energy. He waited . "It could burst open your skull with its sheer size." This fellow definitely had a sadistic side. Still no air. I stared into his eyes. I could start to feel my pulse. "I can piss acid at will. It's a uric base. Extremely corrosive. Shall I?" This was no longer fun. What color was I? He cocked his head. Should I try and slug him. Kidney punch? If I blacked out would it end this way? Impaled by the strongest, hottest man on the planet? Why not. Something happened very fast. His mouth was over mine and my lungs were inflating, up and down very fast. And my head was spinning and I started to spasm and suddenly I shot cum all over the bed and everywhere. What in the hell was going on? He took his mouth off of mine, smiling. "What'd I tell you?" "Jesus Fucki-" but he stopped me and just wagged his finger in my face. "Tsk. Tsk." and I simmered down. "You are my Stradavarius and I play you very well. Always trust me, Sergeant." I nodded. "Good. Do you want to play me?" I nodded again. "Tell me how to begin." I told him to sit up straight. "Get out of that shirt, but don't use your hands." He hesitated, then laughed out loud. I watched his amazing pecs undulate. His shoulders rose like towering mountains. "Now the lats," I coached him. No material on earth could withstand that flare. Buttons shot out, the seams all gave way to ripped slabs of iron hard - what?, his arms raised into a double bicep pose, his sleeves turned into rags and I got another hard on. "Incredible!" was all I could muster. "How big are these guns?" "As big as you'd like 'em, Sergeant. 28? 30? Say when." God I had a lot to learn about this guy. But now I changed my mood as fast as he had. I locked eyes with him and at the same time reached for a jar of lubricant which I knew was on the table by my bed unless he'd moved it when I was sleeping. Never taking my eyes off his, I opened the lid and reached in with four fingers. As much as I wanted to admire the thick ointment going on his huge pole I did it all by touch, never blinking once. By the time I'd done his balls as large as oranges, his hips began to undulate in rhythm with my stroking and gradually I found signs of where the best sensation was by the expression on his face. He moved like the littlest of male dancers now, his brows furled in ecstasy, his jaw went slack, every muscle in his upper body peaked and he finally lost it. We broke eye contact as he left the planet and the first jettison of cum spattered the headboard. I lost count of how often he shot, but the taste of the warm creamy ooze was arousing. He came crashing down over top of me. "You bugger," he swore, "Who can resist the simple pleasures.." I twisted his arm around behind him and wrapped his hand around my rod. "Not me," I pointed out. "O.K. hotshot," he responded, "You are getting the blow job of the Millenium." "Non - life threatening, I hope." "Wuss," he came back. "Oh, but first.." and I reached under the bed and grabbed the phone book. It weighed a ton. I handed it to him. He stared at it and then grabbed it and tore it in two like it was Kleenex and threw it across the room "Fuck off. Next you'll have me blowing up hot water bottles!" "There's one under the bed," I quipped. "Wrong. We both know what's under the bed, Mulhurt," and he plunged his fist right through the mattress. "What is it? What is it?" he teased. I drew a blank then heard the chain. "Oh, fuck me!" "Handcuffs!" we chimed in together. Those went back a few years ... "Sorry. No key. And take it easy on my bed, will you?" "Didn't I tell you? We're getting a new bed." "When?" "Soon. And that key won't be necessary.." he chuckled simply pulling the metal apart. "Care to fuck, Captain?"


4 Gay Erotic Stories from JTH


The demonstration was scheduled for 10 AM All the top brass were there. 10 of my best men and I were to go up against one man - a new type of super soldier designed to advance the cause of conventional warfare dramatically. BOSS: Bioenhanced Octoplasmic Super Soldier. Top secret. Very tough. This was all the information I had. We could use any weapons we chose: guns, knives,


Worshipful Master shifted His great weight unto his left elbow. His huge muscles seemed to rumble as He moved. His intense inscrutable expression never wavered as his deep resonant voice sounded to the Prefect alone. "How many more, Prefect?" "Thirty, Worshipful Master." "No to 1 and 4. 5 to the labs. 3 for next phase." A pause.


The Gods had smiled on Eric Of Norlen and his men this day. How his great loins stirred in anticipation of the celebration tonight. Six young Brit warriors were among the plunder and Eric would begin their training when Mars rose to witness the act. For two cycles of the moon Eric had been without someone to pump his seed into. Ordan who had grown so quickly under Eric's guidance,

The Bodyguard

Jamie entered Uncle Llewellyn"s office. The attorney wasn't used to receiving family at his office, unless private matters which needed his legal expertise were involved. He was mildly amused when his young nephew entered the room. The boy, although most people would call him a man - he was 23 after all - had called him, voice trembling. Llewellyn was not a true uncle of Jamie


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