Gay Erotic Stories

Best Fag, Part 2

by Man Lover

Best Fag, Part II This story is for adults (you know who you are) who like to read about gay love and sex. ================================================== Best Fag (Part 2) By Man Loving ( It was 10:30 PM on Saturday night when Shy heard the phone ring. He was watching a nature show on the Nature Channel. It had been over a week since he and Lex had their encounter. He hadn't seen or heard from the guy since. It had been Lex who suggested that they get together this very weekend, but he hadn't called. Shy, starting to rationalize, wasn't sure if he would want to meet up with him now anyway. If Lex was really interested, it seemed that Lex's interest lasted as far as what conveniently suited his schedule. "Ah, it was just a one time fling," Shy had thought. "He's not going to call, and he has my number. Why did I even give him my phone number? He's probably just like all the others, doesn't really want black guy after all." Shy seemed to attract this particular type of white guy - the one who's curious about sex with a black man, but once they explore, they submit to the social bindings and expectations of the majority white culture. Such things were to be expected by now, or so Shy thought, but he was always hurt each time. "I don't let my culture pressure me to not be with a white guy, why can't they do the same?" It was an unanswerable question, at least until he met the guy who could answer it. His thoughts were interrupted with the ring of the telephone. The phone rang a second time, and Shy lifted the headset off of the hook, "Hello?" "Ah, hi. Is Shy there?" came the manly voice from the other end of the line. "Yes, this is he." answered Shy. "Oh, Shy? This is Lex. I don't know if you remember me...." "Like how in the hell am I not supposed to remember you!" Shy thought to himself. What he had done with guy just days before, and he was supposed to have forgotten?" It had been an intense trip of the mind and body that Lex had led him on. "Yea, sure. I remember you. What's up?" Shy asked trying to sound as casual as he could. He still didn't know what to make of Lex, a good-looking professional white man interested in a younger black brother like him. He'd play it safe and let Lex lead the way - to whatever it was he was interested in. "Hey, I'm real sorry man. I would have called earlier but something came up" was Lex's reasoning. "Oh, and what might that have been?" replied Shy. He really wanted to say, "Well you can just keep on being caught up in whatever came up in your schedule. I don't need this shit." Shy hated having expectations, hoping that something good would work out with a guy, but never could bring himself to handle those "no strings attached" kind of flings. He'd tried them, that's for sure, but they just didn't work for him. He and the other guy would get their rocks off, and that was that. He'd probably never see the guy again - and it all seemed so empty. It didn't make sense to him. True, he wasn't ready to be "married" to a guy like some people are. But he thought that there had to be more kinds of strings than "chains" or facemasks where the other guy felt trapped and suffocated. In fact that was a situation he thought might work for him - perhaps just a good friend respectful friendship where he and the other guy took care of each other's sexual needs. "Well I was wondering if you wanted to get together? If so, I could tell you about it." "That can work. What time is good for you?" Shy didn't want to get his hopes up, or to seem as though he was really in need of Lex. He'd just as soon scratch out the whole experience than to be played like the fool. And again, for all Shy knew, Lex could have been married - a married white man sneaking around and trying to have a little chocolate boy-fun on the side. "What are you doing tonight?" There was a short pause. Then Lex continued, "I know it's short notice and you might already have things planned..." he seemed to say almost apologetically. "Well I didn't really have plans set, just hanging around here and possibly going out with some friends later." Shy lied. He had no plans at all, and was more than likely going to spend the night home alone. "Do you mind us getting together then?" Lex asked. Shy tried to imagine this strong and beautiful white man on the other end of the telephone trying to ask him out for a date. It excited Shy in a strange way. "What do you have in mind?" Shy asked. Lex's explanation stumbled along, "I don't know... just, maybe... I don't know, just... I just wanted to see you again, you know?" Shy felt like he and Lex were school kids, who had a crush on each other. If so, why did Lex wait so long to call him? He'd wanted to be with Lex all the rest of that week and through the weekend. He could almost smell Lex's cologne, and feel his strong muscles covered with ivory skin. Shy loved the contrast of his dark skin and Lex's light skin. He wanted to see Lex again, but didn't necessarily want to invite him over to his house. "Yea, I know. I was hoping to see you again too." He could give that much away since Lex too had said that he had wanted to see Shy. He was playing it safe, but he didn't want to be a heel about it either. "You hungry?" Lex asked. "No, actually I've already eaten dinner." Shy responded. "Well, you want to get a drink or something?" Lex returned. "Sure, that's fine. Where did you have in mind?" Shy inquired. Lex rattled off a couple of names of places he knew, some of them Shy didn't know of. They agreed upon a place and decided to meet in an hour. Shy got up and went to the bathroom to get ready. He had to catch the bus as the place was not quite within walking distance, especially since it was raining pretty heavily outside. Shy stepped off the bus and walked briskly down 9th Avenue between the tall buildings of downtown. "The Bristol" was on the corner. He looked around but didn't see Lex. He waited a few seconds at the door before he was seated. About five minutes later, he noticed Lex coming out of a hallway that must have led to the restrooms. Lex saw him after looking around a second or two, and came over to his table. "Hey, buddy!" Lex greeted warmly, giving Shy a strong handshake. "Hey, man." Shy said, a bit more subdued. He just naturally took second seat to Lex in the aggression department. He was shorter, smaller and younger and Lex just seemed like an older, bigger brother even though they were of different races. And that was mutually exciting to both Shy and Lex. Lex had wondered what had gotten into him--that he had even approached Shy the way he did that previous week. Had he gone silent and not called him because he was afraid? He realized now that there were things one might do and say in the heat of passion that could come back to haunt one, once one has satisfied their desires. Yes he was afraid, of the racial divide between them. He was concerned about what others might think in public if he and shy were together and there were no girls around. But even worse, he felt ashamed for being afraid of those things. What, you're not man enough to handle it Lex? That jock façade is just that. You're just fucking scared pansy. He thought to himself. No Lex, you're not even a pansy, you're a coward. He repeatedly beat himself over the head with his fears and then in his disgust of his own fears. Fortunately, it was the big brother feeling in him that eventually led him to get over it. Sure, he was lonely as well. Living single just didn't have the spark of excitement and freedom for him as it once had. It was his desire for Shy--even if discrete--that led him to call just an hour ago. He looked across at the younger black male. Shy's dark chestnut colored eyes glowed in the indirect light. They seemed to be filled with a sea of swirling chocolate surrounded by ivory shores. Lex's own green eyes made Shy's heart beat faster - they were so beautiful. First Shy, then Lex broke out in to childish grins. "What? What are you laughing at?" asked Lex, almost in a whisper, but still smiling broadly. "You." answered Shy. "What? What did I do?" asked Lex. It was unspoken, but they were now in a game with each other. It was their secret, they were in public enjoying each other's company just like sweethearts. This fact turned them both on even more. They enjoyed this time together, it was romantic and it was right. Both Shy and Lex breathed in the aromas of coffee, tea, and sandwiches. They knew that straight couples and heterosexual families were there enjoying themselves all around them. And they knew too, that they, interracially connected gay men, were there enjoying themselves together - just as "right" for being as anyone else. They ordered hot drinks and some desert. After some beating around the bush and testing the waters, Lex emptied his heart out to Shy, he just knew that he could. If was a relief to share his fear with Shy, and receive strength from his little black 'brother'. It made him want to take his little 'brother' back to his condo and screw the living daylights out of him. That is, after stripping him naked and kissing his smaller body from head to toe. Lex's giant stick began to throb in anticipation. He knew that pre-cum was working its way up his ivory shaft and out of the swollen head. Oh how he longed to have it inside of Shy's brown body. He could just feel it. Lex shook his head to return to reality. Shy was saying something, that he'd missed most of. "I'm sorry, man. What were you saying?" he asked. "You missed it dude." said Shy with a sly grin on his face. "What were you thinking about?" Lex blushed, and said, "Are you sure you want to know?" "Sure." said Shy. Then, Lex burst out laughing. He almost just came flat out with what he had been thinking. Sure, he had gotten into Shy's butt on their little adventure inside his office, but he didn't know for sure if Shy was agreeable to the full effect of what he desired. Again, there was the belief that black guys never want to be fucked. And on the rare chance that they did reluctantly let someone do it, it was another black guy who got that privilege and hardly ever a white guy. Lex couldn't remember where he got that idea from, maybe they were just cultural myths and perceptions--unspoken as they were. "No, I don't think you want to know." Lex said, still chuckling over his thoughts. When they were finished eating, they paid the check and headed out into the rain. Lex hadn't brought an umbrella, but Shy had a large golf-umbrella. The both of them fit under it quite nicely. Nearby was a downtown park and Shy suggested that they walk to it. It was slightly darker there than the busy sidewalks and streets so they didn't go in too far. They talked and looked at a few sculptures in the poor lighting, before heading to the street again. "Lex, I'm glad you told me the truth, man." Shy said. "I really was pretty pissed at you earlier this evening for not having called me by then." "I'm sorry, man." said Lex. He really did feel sorry for almost running away from Shy. "Let's go babe. I can drive you home, okay?" "Sure." said Shy, somewhat disappointed. Had he wanted to go to Lex's place? He was hesitant at letting Lex know where he lived, but why? Would they only meet in public places and avoid bringing each other to their own homes? How was that for intimacy, or even trusting a friend? Lex pulled up in front of the Shy's apartment building. "Well here it is. Thanks for the drink and desert," said Shy. "No problem," answered Lex. "Well, I'll see you at work or something?" asked Shy. "Sure, you know where my office is, and I can find yours," replied Lex. "Okay, good night." "Good night" answered Lex. Shy was about to close the door, then paused for an instant. He didn't know why, but it was just enough time for Lex to ask, "Aren't you going to invite me in?" Shy thought, and even though it was true, he was sort of embarrassed to say it. "Lex, this has been a wonderful date. It's freaky man, but I don't want to mess it up. I don't want this just to be a sex thing between us." Lex thought for a minute and then replied. If I have sex with you tonight, but am here in the morning, then is it just a sex thing? What if we have sex tonight and we do things together tomorrow? Is that just a sex thing?" "No it isn't," he said, answering his own questions. He really wanted to be with Shy. "Okay, come in, you horny bastard." Shy said wryly, with a grin. It was true, Lex was horny, very horny for Shy (and he wasn't?) Lex parked the car and followed Shy down the sidewalk of the apartment complex to his front door. Lex kept walking close, bumping into Shy's backside. Shy began to laugh, but said nothing. "What?" laughed Lex. Shy laughed even louder, then whispered, "You act like you're a tom-cat that's after a pussy in heat." "What? I can't help it, man!" shot back Lex. Shy let them both into the apartment. "Can I...." He began to say just before turning around and bumping into Lex standing right in front of him. Lex enveloped Shy in his arms and pulled him tight onto his body. Shy looked up into Lex's face and especially the green eyes. Here he was with a white man holding him, giving him so much pleasure. And here Lex was, with a black dude in his arms--something he'd dreamt about for some time, and had experienced only once before--and that was with Shy. "Mmmm. You feel so good, baby." Lex said. "I love holding you." Shy reached his arms around Lex and squeezed. He enjoyed having his face rest on Lex's chest and feeling like a little boy in his strong arms. Yes, he was Lex's 'little brother' and he enjoyed it very much. Lex's shaft was hardening between them. Shy's shaft was hard too, but too low between them to be squished between their crotch and belly as Lex's was. Shy squeezed Lex tighter to himself, knowing that he was bringing pleasure the white guy and his cock. Lex bent his left arm up, and held the back of Shy's head in the palm of his hand. He then made Shy tilt his head back and kissed Shy's forehead. This was going to be better than the encounter they'd had in his office. He felt it. Tonight, they were going to make love. And they did, after leaving a trail of clothes from the front door all the way to the Shy's bed. Lex told Shy what he wanted to do, that he wanted to fuck Shy. Shy was hesitant at first, but after Lex had smothered him with kisses along his body, and sucked his cock dry, he was willing to do what Lex wanted. He'd also been sucking Lex while getting sucked. His black cock was actually smaller than Lex's white one. How in the hell was he going to take that thing in the ass? They had only played around in Lex's office, this was the real thing. "Let me eat that pussy again," said Lex. "Let me do that thing right, like I did in the office." Lex licked and sucked Shy's chocolate anus till the lips went puffy and began to stretch open. Shy's round brown ass-cakes were in the palms of Lex's white hands. Lex held them apart, feasting like a man gone mad. "Mmm, yea, give me that pussy baby. Come on little brother, big boy needs your male-cunt." This talk made Shy shiver with excitement. His head and chest were resting on the bed and his ass was hiked up high in the air. He wriggled it around, making Lex lose contact with the opening but for a moment. Lex slapped Shy's ass playfully, grunted and again began to chow down. Lex happened to raise up on his haunches for a bit, and catch a view of he and Shy in the bedroom mirror. The site was beautiful. Both of them were covered with a sheen of sweat, one body glistening the color of tasty coffee beans, and the other a cool shade of cream. Lex bent over again slowly, now watching himself in the mirror. He saw a white guy naked in bed with a black guy. He saw the black guy bent over at the waist, ass high, and a white man leaning into it with his face. He saw his nose disappear from view, in the cleft of Shy's ass. He saw himself back up, stick his tongue out and then aim it for the ass. He saw Shy wriggle his ass as the tongue made contact with then penetrated the opening. He saw himself reach up and push Shy's back down with his hand as Shy had raised his upper torso in ecstasy. He then deeply tongue-probed Shy's ass and slapped his cheeks again. "Oh please fuck me, Lex" Shy cried. "I got some lube in the bathroom." Lex got off the bed in a flash, his rigid board of a cock leading the way. Yes, his white cock was on hard for this black dude named Shy. He found the KY gel and returned to the bed. Shy was now on his back. He handed Lex a wrapped condom. Lex kind of winced, he'd wanted to do it naturally, truly 'naked' but he didn't want to spoil the mood, the mood of a willing Shy ready to open the gates of paradise for his pleasure. "Thanks babe," he said. Opening it and dressing his large dong. Maybe someday he would enjoy completely naked sex with Shy. "You want it face up or from the back?" Lex asked. "Let's try it face up. If it doesn't work, we'll do something else," answered Shy. Lex lifted Shy's legs and rested the ankles on his shoulders. He then leaned into Shy trying to aim his cock-head with the lips of Shy's anus. They made a few attempts but Lex would miss the target, or Shy would move it. Eventually Lex and Shy were at the right place at the same time and Lex's head poked into the opening. "Augh!" groaned Shy, reaching back to push Lex away. The cock was going in to quickly. Lex felt bad, he'd only put one finger inside of Shy as preparation and should have given the opening more attention to opening Shy's rectum. He wanted to bread his black buddy's ass, but didn't want to hurt him before getting the goods. "Sorry baby, I don't want to hurt you. I'll go slow from now on, okay?" he said. This wasn't a one-time thing. He needed to be careful if Shy was ever going to let Lex dick his "cock-pit" again. He rested on his heels and poked a finger into Shy's hole. In and out it went, and Shy was feeling fine. Lex then moved another finger along side it and slipped it in to Shy. The space was indeed tight. A couple of minutes of two-finger probing and Lex slid the third finger in. Shy was getting loose now. The sight was beautiful--Shy on his back, his knees bent and his feet flat on the bed out at his sides. Lex had open access and Shy was all pussy--a black male with 'male-pussy' for an asshole. "You ready?" Lex asked Shy. "Yea, it's okay now," answered Shy. Lex got them back in position and aimed again. They both held their breath as they experienced connecting like a hot knife sliding into butter. Shy's walls just parted and enveloped Lex as his cock sank deep into hot bowels. Shy's innards expanded and contracted involuntarily on Lex's pipe. It all was almost unbearable for him, the sensations of the insides of another man's body were paradise. Lex cried out in pleasure, as he registered that it wasn't just another man who's body surrounded his penis. It was Shy, a willing party in this ritual of male love. It was Shy's chocolate body underneath him. It was Shy's brown legs that were draped over his ivory shoulders. And it was Shy's hands that now reached around him to caress his ass and back, and pull him down to rest on Shy's prone body. It was Shy's lips that now kissed at his neck and whispered in his white ear. "Oh, god. Oh fuck. You're in me! It feels so good! I feel like I need to shit. I'm sorry." Shy said. "Please don't ask me to take it out." Lex pleaded. They tried to be still to see if it was just the sensations in Shy's rectum. Shy insisted on checking in the bathroom. After a slow withdrawal of Lex's cock, Shy sort of waddled over to the restroom. Trying to hold in what he felt was coming out. After sitting on the john and farting a couple of times, he realized that it was just been the sensations in his rectum that made him feel funny, like he was out of control down there. "Sorry Lex," he said upon entering the bedroom again. Lex was on his back, watching Shy approach the bed. He reached out his arms and welcomed Shy back home. "That's okay baby," he said. "I'm still here and I still want you." They lay there together, Shy by Lex's side, their arms around each other--black holding white and white holding black. Shy squeezed Lex and then offered, "You want to try it again big buddy?" He sensed himself think it, then heard himself say it out loud. He was asking a guy to fuck him in the ass. He was totally queer now, but he didn't give a fuck. He was still 'Shy', he was still a young man, just a young man who was fortunate enough to have a bull of an older man, a big brother with a big dick. He'd be his 'brother's' whore, and thank God for his 'brother's' love--to hell with what anyone else thought. "Let me see you ride me," said Lex. Shy got up on his feet, straddled Lex and lowered himself till they both were in line once again. It felt stranger still, to actively lower himself onto Lex's upright shaft, but somehow it just happened. Once he felt the head at the opening, he just made like he was shitting. It must have been instinct or just quick learning from Lex's finger job, and earlier entrance in his ass. "Oh yea, that's it dude. Let me feel the hole slide down my big dick. Mmm, that's good baby. Do it real nasty-like. Yea, lift up and sit back down. Oh yea, do it again. Oh sweet!" Lex cooed. "Spread you legs wide, I want to see you ride me like a whore on a stud," he continued. "Augh, augh! Oh that hurts Lex. Oh, my asshole hurts. Oh..." Shy moaned. "You want to stop?" asked Lex. "No!" Shy quickly replied, as he sank down onto the white man's crotch, the white man's dick deep inside his black male rectum. He bottomed all the way down and ground himself down on Lex's pubic bush. He knew that his body was open and full, many inches deep, with a part of Lex. He was enjoying himself so much that he relaxed temporarily and let out a fart. He was totally embarrassed. "I'm sorry," he said. Lex reached up and pulled him down so that they rested on each other, chest to chest (almost). "Oh baby, don't be sorry, that just means that you like me in there. I could feel you open up deeper in there when you did that. It could be my fault for fucking that air up into your guts." His admission eased Shy's embarrassment. There was no need to be afraid or embarrassed of things that happened while getting fucked. They could just be together and enjoy themselves. If they were that afraid or embarrassed about anal sex, then it was better for them to not do it at all. They continued on, Shy riding atop Lex, then Lex behind Shy now on hands, elbows and knees. They did this for some time. Lex couldn't jack off Shy's cock as well in this position as he had when Shy was squatting down onto him. Still, he managed to pump Shy's black cock. "Take it from behind bitch. Yea, you're the bitch I need--a man-bitch," rattled Lex. He was picking up steam and starting to slam into Shy. Shy's chest was pressed to the bed and he was getting close. "Wait!" said Lex. "I want you on your back again. I want to watch you while I fuck the cum out of you. I'm gonna plow you so good that your cock spits, man." They adjusted their positions and Lex rode Shy for another ten minutes, completely long-dicking his tunnel, all the way in and all the way out. He didn't even leave the head inside. He just aimed for the opening again once he had slipped all the way out, and Shy's spasming hole was soon dilated open and leaking gooey juice. "Yea, baby! Hot damn, look at that thing dude!" Lex exclaimed. Of course Shy couldn't see the brown mouth of his own anus, as it remained open once Lex's thick white shaft was pulled out. Lex plowed back inside a few more times. "Come on baby, let me see you come. I want you to shoot that load while I'm fucking you. Come on, you can do it. Do it for me baby, do it for your 'brother'." Lex enticed. Shy began to whimper. The fucking was just going to continue till he got his cock fully hard again and shot a load. At least that's what he thought he had to do. He didn't yet know the workings of the anus, the penis or the prostate. As Lex continued to dive in and out of his guts, the prostate was being continually caressed and teased. Even Shy was surprised when it happened. "Augh, oh fuck, I'm cumming! I'm cumming!" Shy shouted. When he did, Lex threw his head back and shouted with him as he dropped his penis completely inside of Shy's guts. Thick copious ropes of sperm ejected from his ball sacks, up his shaft and into the rubber blocking his piss hole from Shy's waiting intestines. Millions of whip-tailed critters were unable to swim up the pike of their intended destination. Sorry buddies, Lex thought to his sperm as he fell onto Shy. They looked into each other's eyes as Lex moved his mouth onto Shy's. They both began to suck some serious face. What a night, what a fucking awesome night--if only it could last forever. And it would--sort of, even after the sunrise. (Hey horny guys, I hope you liked this one.


8 Gay Erotic Stories from Man Lover

Best Fag, Part 1

Best Fag (This is intended for the viewing and reading pleasure of adults NOT offended by romantic, sensual and sexual involvement between men. Let me know what you think: ====================== It's Friday, and I'm horny, sitting in front of a computer screen, and my breathing deep and labored. My pulse is quick, and I'm hot. I've been

Best Fag, Part 2

Best Fag, Part II This story is for adults (you know who you are) who like to read about gay love and sex. ================================================== Best Fag (Part 2) By Man Loving ( It was 10:30 PM on Saturday night when Shy heard the phone ring. He was watching a nature show on the Nature Channel. It had been

Black Bottom Gets His

"Black Bottom Gets His" By Man Lover ( I was turning the corner from the racquetball court to the locker room when I accidentally bumped into them. They were a couple of white guys who were campus jocks. I'd seen them around and they looked pretty menacing. I'm not a jock and in fact I'm kind of terrified of them. They're always

Brothers In Arms

When I was in high school I thought I was the ugliest shit on earth. True, I wasn't interested in girls, but I thought that cause I was so dark-skinned, I was too ugly to attract a guy. Everybody was always interested in the white boys first, then the Latinos, and maybe some other guys. The black girls were all into the light-skinned brothas and well, it seemed logical that if I

Campus Cruise

It was Thursday afternoon. I had had a long day of classes and was horny. I don't do a lot of casual sex but I was in-between boyfriends and had the urge to satisfy another guys sexual needs and satisfy myself in the process. It’s lonely being single and not having anyone regular to fuck with. I went to a very cruisy head at the large university I was attending. In

Roommate Rico

Roommate Rico (M/M, oral, beginnings, interracial) By Man Lover I'm now a graduating senior History major at Portland State University. I'm from The Dalles, a tiny town on the Columbia Gorge. Hadn't really been anywhere much growing up, maybe to Portland a couple times a year max and Seattle was like a world away. My folks are farmers. I had to major in Natural

Salsa And Soul

The dorms gym opened up around 5 PM, I usually did homework before or after working out, depending on the day. All my classes were over by early afternoon and I could work a few hours, then have the evening to workout and study whenever. I had been working out with Fred for the past few weeks of school. Actually, he was just showing me some good lifting routines. He was a


Tail-Tale By Man Lover ( [This story is for those interested in male-male sex and who are above the legal age limit for viewing such material. Let me know what you think] I love male pussies. That's what I call male assholes when they're puffed up, wrinkled and hungry. I'm crazy about ass--male ass. I can lick ass all day. Wish I could


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