Gay Erotic Stories

Andrew In Charge, Round 2

by Joe

After our “workout” in the shower, Andrew told me to get dressed and get back to the apartment. I heard him tell Jack the same thing. I realized Andrew “owned” Jack the same way he owned me. Surprisingly, I was jealous. I didn’t know Jack, never really talked to him, but I quickly disliked him. On the short walk back to the apartment, Jack was bitching about the gym. After a while, I snapped at him: told him he wasn’t a good enough boxer to be complaining about anything. He snapped back, calling me an asshole and a few other choice words. Andrew, a couple steps ahead of us, said nothing. As we came through the apartment door, Andrew spun around and pinned us both against the wall with his huge hands. “Both of you, shut the fuck up,” he said. “Understand this: it’s not you against him, and him against you. It’s both of you for me. If I’m not around you can kill each other. But when I’m here, I don’t want this bullshit. Got it?” We both nodded and mumbled like school kids. “Good,” he said, “now you two go strip down to your boxers. I’ll be watching SportsCenter.” He gave Jack a look that I couldn’t figure out, and we both headed toward the lone bedroom. I began to undress with my back to Jack. After a long silence, Jack spoke up. “Listen, Joe, we got off on the wrong foot. I don’t want to be the enemy. And when we’re with Andrew, we’re going to have to get along. What do you say?” I was taken by the sincerity in Jack’s voice. I turned to speak and stopped dead when I saw Jack. He was stripped naked, and he looked incredible. He didn’t have great muscle definition, but he had a toned body with thick shoulders and arms. He had a flat stomach and an unusually thick piece of meat between his legs. As he stepped closer, I looked into hypnotizing green eyes. He was incredibly handsome and incredibly sexy. He reached out and touched my arm. The smirk on his face revealed that he knew he captivated me. He rubbed my arm and ran his hand through my hair. “We have to work something out between us. We know Andrew’s in charge, but we need a pecking order here. We have to know who’s number 2. Let’s play a little here. Whoever begs to suck or be fucked has to concede No. 2 to the other guy for good. OK?” I nodded my head in agreement. Five hours ago, I never had been with a man. And now, I was about to submit to the second man that day. Jack tilted his head and unleashed the deepest, most passionate kiss I had ever received. As his tongue explored my mouth, my hands caressed his thick back. His hands clutched my ass, and he pulled me closer to him. I felt his thick cock swelling. My hands ran down his sides, feeling the tight muscles in his stomach. I cupped his balls, heavy in my hand. With both hands, I grabbed his cock. Its thickness was overwhelming. It pulsated and grew as I stroked it. He ended the kiss and put his hand behind my neck. He pulled my head down so I could see the beautiful tool between his legs. He gently slid his hand under my chin and directed my face toward his eyes. He said nothing, but he simply captured me with his eyes as I drank in his stunning beauty. He moved in closer once again, backing me up to the bed. He kissed me again, then kissed my neck, my cheeks, my shoulders. I could feel the precum, which I used to lube his cock. He reached down and grabbed my fully erect dick. As he ran his hand up and down the shaft, the excitement grew even more fast and furious. As we tugged on each other’s cocks, he once again locked eyes with mine. His eyes were searching for my submission. I could not hold back any longer, and I begged him to fuck me. He smiled, kissed me one more time, and gently pushed me back on the bed. He raised my legs onto his shoulders and his dick slowly entered me. Unlike with Andrew, I felt pain. His cock was so thick it was hard to accommodate him. He worked slowly and smoothly. He told me to focus on his eyes and his body, and as I did, the pain subsided. Soon he was fully in me, rhythmically pumping in and out. The excitement began to overtake me. I yelled his name, I begged him to fuck me more. Jack pumped harder and faster. His thick cock threatened to split me in half. His dazzling eyes never left mine, and the slight smile stayed on his face. Suddenly, Jack pushed in and grimaced in pain. I looked to see two long, sinewy arms wrap around his chest. Andrew’s wide shoulders eclipsed Jack’s. His dick slid effortlessly into Jack’s rear. Andrew smiled at me, but said nothing. He drove his cock into Jack, and each time he did, Jack drove deeper into me. Andrew’s hip rocked feverishly, and Jack began to yell in pleasure. A split second later, I would yell as Jack thrust into me. Jack barely touched my cock, and I began spurting loads of cum. As I did, I felt Jack’s cock swell even further. Andrew whispered for him not to cum yet, and somehow he held off. Andrew played with Jack’s nipples as he slowed his thrusts. Andrew’s long dick slowly rode in and out of Jack. Jack moaned and begged to be allowed to cum. Andrew continued the long, slow tease, then I saw his own body tense and tighten. Andrew whispered to Jack and, simultaneously, Jack pumped volumes of cum into me as Andrew emptied himself into Jack. Without a touch, my cock shot off another load as I watched these two stallions with sweat glistening and muscles pumping. They collapsed in a heap next to me on the bed. And the three of us were soon fast asleep.


12 Gay Erotic Stories from Joe

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As an Aussie going to see the US Open, I was pleased when Pat Rafter made the final. Little die I know what it was going to lead too. After his triumphant win at the Open, Pat made his way like any Aussie male to the pub. Having been invited to join in the celebration, I deciding it was an opportunity to meet him face to face. As the night grew late, and the drinks poured, it

Andrew In Charge

Andrew and I were amateur boxers fighting out of the same gym and using the same manager, Nick. Andrew showed up on the scene about 3 months ago. Nick thought it would be a good idea for Andrew to stay at my apartment. Problem was, it was a small one-bedroom apartment. Andrew - all 6’3” of him - had to sleep on a 6’ couch or stretch out on an old blanket and quilt spread out on the

Andrew In Charge, Round 2

After our “workout” in the shower, Andrew told me to get dressed and get back to the apartment. I heard him tell Jack the same thing. I realized Andrew “owned” Jack the same way he owned me. Surprisingly, I was jealous. I didn’t know Jack, never really talked to him, but I quickly disliked him. On the short walk back to the apartment, Jack was bitching about the gym. After a

Cumming Clean

I had always had a fantasy about going to a bathhouse. I know, I know, some of them are pretty grungy. But I'd heard of a place in town here that was supposed to be pretty decent; lots of hot, well-hung jock-type guys having total sex. Well, my curiosity got the better of me and, on Friday night, I headed downtown. After I checked in, I found my room. I noticed lots of

Encounter With The Swimmer

I go to the locker room at the gym and I'm going to go for a swim. I go to the locker room and just one guy is there. He's around thirty, and he's got a hot body. We both begin to take off our clothes. I soon find out that he is tan all over, which makes my cock start to stir. His chest has just enough hair on it, not too much, not too little. He takes off his shoes and socks.

First Timer

It had been coming a long time. I knew I wanted to have hot man-to-man sex, but had never acted on it. Well, two weeks ago I decided I'd had enough of the fantasy and wanted the real thing. I knew my first time had to be hot, hot and I also knew that the bathhouse was my best bet! I checked the phonebook in Toronto and found several to choose from. I had heard of one, so I picked

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I'm sure we all remember how it was in high school having one hard-on after another, perhaps rushing to beat off between classes because something or someone got us horny. It didn't have to a girl or a boy, we were young and got hard for the hell of it. Well, it just so happen that I was going to an all boys school and had no particular attration to my friends but my cock still got

Male Man

Firstly, it must be understood. My wife and I are extremely happy and have what has to be the greatest sex life in the world. Maybe that's why we can be so open to each other. Maybe that's why what happened, happened. I remember being home with Lana one day when the mail was delivered. Our new carrier was an undeniably handsome man, about 30, dark hair, 6'3", and very fit. Lana

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We have recently moved into a newly developed home. I was at home in bed, naked, with a bit of a cold, when the doorbell went. My wife answered the door and I heard a man ask did we need our back gate shifted. My wife said no, it was our neighbour who needed a gate shifted. The man tried the next door, but the lady had gone to work. I put on my dressing gown and leaned out the

The Package

The Package It was a beautiful crisp winter day. Outside looked like a winter wonderland from the snow that fell the night before. I decided to call in sick from work so I can enjoy what this winter treat. I never do anything on impulse like this, but I guess the mystical wonder of my white surrounding have taken a hold on me and I decided to open myself to what the day will

The Shower Room

Joe had been a janitor at Wickman College For Girls for about three years, and while the pay wasn’t the greatest, but being a young single guy he didn’t have many needs. Besides, the scenery at the school was nothing short of spectacular! The little bitches who attended the exclusive private school never even gave him a second glance. As far as they were concerned he didn’t even


One night when I was sleeping over my friend Pete's house, we decided that we were both hot, and wanted to go for a swim in his pool. Pete is younger than me, but I've always thought he was cute. I hadn't brought my suit, so I just took off my shorts and went swimming in my Joe Boxers. While we were swimming, I had gotten a hard-on, and by the time we got out, I knew I


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