Gay Erotic Stories

Alan's Payback


ALAN'S PAYBACK Alan was pacing around the penthouse apartment he shared with his girlfriend, Ann. Or so he thought she was his girlfriend. Ever since they had arrived on Earth and disguised themselves as humans, Alan had been unsure as to whether or not Ann still loved him. She was always chasing after Darien, who Alan had nicknamed appropriately, "Mr. Hormone". Alan hated him. He had tried many times to get energy from him, but Ann wouldn't let him. She always wanted to get energy from girls, and one girl in particular: Serena. Alan admitted that he was in love with Serena. He loved Ann, too, and he was always wondering how he could see Serena without hurting Ann. Ann never thought about Alan's feelings... she just kept chasing Darien, day after day after day. "I don't know what she sees in him anyway!" Alan shouted, annoyed, "The only thing he is good for is energy, as far as I'm concerned." Alan went to the balcony and looked at the view of the city below him. He was trying to think of a way to suck Darien dry of energy. Take every ounce of energy from him so that he was too weak to even stand up. But that was impossible. Even the Cardians couldn't do that. Sure, they got a good supply of energy, but the people recovered shortly after. Alan didn't really want to kill anybody... even Darien, mostly because he couldn't. And deep down, he knew it wasn't right. Surely Ann would know that he did it, and then she'd go and kill Serena. Alan couldn't let that happen. He cared about Serena too much. And he knew what Ann was capable of, especially when she was jealous or angry. "I don't get it," Alan thought, "It's fine for her to go after Darien, but if I am anywhere NEAR Serena, all hell breaks loose! If Ann can date Darien, why can't I date Serena?" Alan demanded, yelling at the sky. And it had been so long since they had had an evening together, alone. Alan couldn't even remember the last time they had made love. They were getting all this energy, and Ann was wasting it by chasing Darien, when she should be conserving it for sexual needs later on. Alan changed into his alien form and sat on the railing of the balcony. He pulled out his flute, sighed and started playing the tune that Ann liked so much. Playing his flute always helped him relax. The melody filled the air, and could be heard from quite a distance. Couples walking on the sidewalk below the building stopped to listen to the beautiful tune. Alan suddenly stopped playing, when the most devilish idea planted itself in his mind. "That's it!" he exclaimed, "I'll collect from Darien the most powerful energy he can give!" * * * Alan was on his way to Darien's apartment. It was nearly midnight. He had left Ann sleeping near the Doom Tree, where they always slept, and then snuck out of the apartment. He was in human form as he walked down the street towards Darien's apartment. Once there, he changed back into his alien form. Even though he had planned to "attack" Darien in the dark, he couldn't risk the possibility that Darien might actually recognize him as "Ann's brother". Darien had obviously just crawled into bed. Alan snuck in through the window, just as Darien turned off his bedside lamp. Then he tiptoed into Darien's bedroom. It was hard to see and Darien's bedroom was pitch black. Alan tried to feel his way around the room. He had to be careful not to bump into anything. Unfortunately, he did. He bumped right into a chair that Darien had in one corner of his bedroom. It tumbled over and hit the floor with a loud BANG! Darien immediately stirred. "Who's there?" he demanded. He squinted and saw the shilouette of a tall figure at the other end of his bedroom. Darien reached for his lamp, but Alan bolted forward, knocked the lamp over and punched Darien so hard, that he blacked out. "Now you're right where I want you, pretty boy!" Alan laughed, wickedly. He stood above Darien and used his magic to remove Darien's clothes and then tie him to the bed with magical bonds around his wrists and ankles. Then Alan waited for Darien to regain conciousness. He kept the lights off. Darien finally stirred about a half hour later. It took him a moment to focus. His head hurt, and he felt like the world was spinning around him. It took him several minutes to realize that he was tied to his own bed, completely naked. "Ann?" Darien called into the darkness. His first assumption was that perhaps Ann had done this to him, since she seemed to like him so much. Or maybe... "Serena?" he asked, "Who's there?"" "They're not here." came the reply. A deep, tenor voice, filled with bitterness. Darien could tell. "What do you want?" Darien demanded, summoning up all his courage and putting on a serious face. "Just you, Darien," Alan said, "You and that wonderful energy you're wasting. I want it all. I am going to take it all, and you can't do a thing about it." Alan bent over and looked straight into Darien's eyes. Alan's eyes were red and burning. Darien knew it was a man, even though he had long blue hair. The voice was no doubt that of a male. He didn't know who it was, though. Without warning, Alan crashed his mouth against Darien's with an enormous force. Darien couldn't even move his head. He felt his lips being bruised as Alan kissed him aggressively, then slid his extremely long tongue into Darien's mouth and down his throat, causing Darien to gag. Alan could make his tongue any length, any size he wanted. Darien was horrified. A man was kissing him... FRENCH kissing him! He didn't stop for a long time, but when he did, Darien took a long gasp of air. He coughed and took in several more breaths of air. He wanted to vomit. He would NEVER do that with guy. But he was being forced to. "I am not gay." Darien told Alan. "I know that," Alan replied, "I'm not a fag, either. But tonight, we will both have to be." Darien was about to protest, but gasped when Alan grabbed his dick, which was not yet erect. He then curled his fingers around it and proceeded to rub it up and down, from base to tip, over and over and over again. He did this until Darien achieved erection. He couldn't help it. He didn't want that to happen, but he had no control over it. He fought to get loose, but Alan only tightened the bonds that held him and added an extra one across his stomach, which tied itself under the bed. Darien really couldn't move now. Alan smirked and got on the bed. He sat between Darien legs and moved his face closer and closer to Darien's hard length. He was disappointed in the size of it (9inches; three inches shorter than his own). "Mine's bigger!" he informed Darien, boastfully. "I don't care!" Darien retorted, "I don't care if it's ten friggin' feet long!" "You would if it was inside you!" Alan challenged. Darien froze. "No, no," he thought, "No, he can't do that to me. I am not gay... I am not gay!" For once, Darien's brave, courageous front crumbled around him and he, who usually kept his emotions locked up, gave a little whimper. He gasped when Alan's mouth went around his penis and sucked with such a force that Darien thought he'd lose his manhood. Alan used his tongue to lick up and down and around. At the same time, Alan was squeezing and kneading Darien's testicles. Darien moaned. It felt so good. He still wished it was a woman doing this to him, but the feeling it was giving him caused Darien to not care who was doing it... just as long as they didn't stop. Alan continued, next using his teeth to nibble at Darien's member. Darien couldn't hold back. He ejaculated into Alan's mouth, more than once. Alan swallowed his cum, at the same time, stealing the sexual energy that Darien released. Darien felt a little weak, as his body calmed down. Alan began jacking Darien off again, moving faster and faster and squeezing Darien's limp cock harder and harder. After being hard once, Darien was really sore. But that didn't concern Alan. He wanted all of Darien's energy and doing this to him would give Alan the best kind of energy and the most, every time Darien orgasmed. Darien's penis rose again. And it was pulsating in Alan's hand. Alan tightened his grip and rubbed as fast as he could. Darien almost screamed. He let out a moan. His body quaked as he reached his climax again, his maleness spewing out it's white fluid. Alan gathered more of this wonderful sexual energy that he would use to refuel with later on. He knew the Doom Tree would thrive on such a powerful energy. Alan waited for Darien's body to stop shaking, before he prepared him for the final chapter. Darien was out of breath and felt again, weaker. He didn't think he could take much more of this. He wanted to sleep. His eyes began to close, but Alan smacked Darien across the face a few times to snap him awake. Darien's cheeks were red from the force of the slaps Alan tore across his face. He tried to keep his eyes open, but felt the lids drooping. Alan used his magic to untie Darien, but then Darien was lifted into the air, turned around and fell to the bed, flat on his stomach. Alan didn't bother tying Darien up again. He was too weak to get up and run. And even if he did get up, he wouldn't get very far. Darien's arms hung loosely over each side of the bed. He wanted to get up, to run, to get away form this torture, but his legs wouldn't move. He was too tired. Too weak to move. Alan undressed himself and climbed back onto the bed behind Darien. He was already hard from having pleasured Darien before. His member was at least a foot long. Alan could make his cock any length he wanted. He had kept it at a foot long, ever since the last time he and Ann had made love, because that was the size she liked. Alan decided to keep it the same length, and grew angry at the thought of Ann chasing Darien again. He used his anger to thrust himself into Darien's ass. It was a brutal thrust that caused Darien to cry out. Alan thrust as hard as he could, with every bit of his brute strength. His anger made his pushing all the more forceful. Darien moaned as he felt the throbbing, surging pain that took over his weak body. Alan took hold of Darien's sides, and smashed Darien against himself. He pumped in and out, satisfying his anger with each thrust. Darien could do nothing but put up with the abuse. His body responded to Alan's demands and he reached orgasm once again, sticky liquid making a puddle beneath him. Alan took this, the last bit of sexual energy Darien had left. Alan continued, even though Darien was drained and was asleep. Alan had to satisfy his own needs. He pumped in and out of Darien's throbbing anus, until he came, finally. He breathed a sigh of relief and waited a moment before pulling out and dripping some of his semen onto Darien's comforter. Not that it made any difference. The bed was a mess of sperm and semen, as it was. Alan redressed and cleaned up. He couldn't leave a mess in the room or on the bed. After that, he tucked the drained Darien into bed. "Thank you, Darien," Alan laughed, smirking, "This is the only time I was glad of your presence!" Alan laughed and floated back to his own penthouse apartment. Ann was awake when he arrived there. She was mad. Hands on her hips, she frowned at Alan. "Where the hell were you?" she demanded, her eyes flashing red. Alan smiled and embraced Ann. "Come with me," he told her, as they went to the room where the Doom Tree was kept. Alan took out his flute and played his usual melody. A yellow ball appeared above them and broke, releasing Darien's sexual energy all over the doom tree and gave a drop to Alan and Ann. Immediately, all their energy was restored and the Doom Tree, as Alan had predicted, thrived on the energy. New blossoms appeared. Ann was overjoyed. "Alan!" she exclaimed, "Where did you get this energy? It's so powerful and plentiful! And look!" she pointed to the tree, "The Doom Tree LOVES it! I've never felt so energetic before! Where on earth did you get this?" she repeated. Alan embraced her once again and kissed his love. "That is my little secret." he declared. "Why didn't you tell me you were going out for energy?" Ann asked, "I could've gone with you and helped." "I wanted to surprise you, Ann." said Alan. "You are so good to me, my love." Ann sighed. After sharing a little intimacy, the couple decided to get some more sleep before morning. Ann knew she'd whiz through her math test the following day, being that she had so much of this great energy. The only thing Alan could think to say, before he fell asleep was, "Thanks, Darien." ***The End*** Send all comments to: **Thanks to Lord Vegeta for thinking of a title for me!


1 Gay Erotic Stories from CATS

Alan's Payback

ALAN'S PAYBACK Alan was pacing around the penthouse apartment he shared with his girlfriend, Ann. Or so he thought she was his girlfriend. Ever since they had arrived on Earth and disguised themselves as humans, Alan had been unsure as to whether or not Ann still loved him. She was always chasing after Darien, who Alan had nicknamed appropriately, "Mr. Hormone".


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