Gay Erotic Stories

Adventures: The Spider And The Fly

by Mathias

Adventures: The Spider and The Fly By Mathias/ Note: The following fictitious account is loosely based upon characters created by and intellectual properties of DC and Marvel comics. It was written for no commercial purpose. Part One Parker had just gotten a hot lead and he wasn't about to let it go. A senator, the fair-haired scion of a mainline family, was allegedly handing government contracts to a powerful businesswoman in return for substantial interests. And to top it off, rumor had it that the very married Senator and the businesswoman were having an affair. Parker spotted the Senator slip into the businesswoman's posh apartment building from across the street. He checked his watch and thought to himself - Right about now MJ, his own wife, was getting the message he left on the machine that he wouldn't be making it to dinner. And she would be furious. But just as he was about to cross the street to the building, Parker sees another figure walk confidently through the revolving doors into the foyer. Kent! He muttered to himself. Oh no, no way was he getting scooped. He got through the door just as the guard was tipping his hat and letting Kent go on to the lobby elevators. The bastard just charmed his way through, Parker thought bitterly as he tried to walk casually up to the guard. "Where do you think you're going?" the burly guard asked. "I'm here to see...umm. Mr. Johnson," Parker stammered. "We don't have a Mr. Johnson here," the guard replied snarkily. Parker looked beyond the guard to the elevator banks where Kent stood waiting. This wasn't getting him anywhere. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a hundred-dollar bill, which he palmed. He reached for the guard's hand and passed him the C-note. "Thanks for your help, "Parker said just as an elevator door opened and Kent stepped in. Parker rushed to the open doors and ran in just as the doors closed silently. Parker relished the startled look on Kent's face. Upon recognition, Kent smiled, rows of perfect teeth gleaming even in the dim elevator light. "Well, well, Parker, what brings you here?" Kent asked. "Oh visiting a friend. You?" "Same thing," Kent replied. I bet, Parker thought. Damn, he's after the same story! "How're things at the Planet?" he inquired. "Fine, fine," Kent paused. Then added, "The Bugle?" "Great," Parker said. "How's your" "She's fine, thanks," Kent answered. "How's MJ?" "Great," replied Parker, "Great. Everything's just great." "Do I detect a note of sarcasm there Parker?" Kent asked not unkindly. "Oh I give up Kent. Why are you always so damned nice?" Parker asked exasperatedly. "Just because we work for rival papers doesn't mean we can't be civil. Hell, I think under different circumstances we could've even been friends," Kent answered, giving Parker the full benefit of one of his megawatt smiles. That was when the fight just went out of Parker. God, he thought to himself, this man's so good-looking, he could be a movie star! The square jaw, the bright blue eyes framed by a pair of wire-rimmed glasses, the wavy hair cut clean and short, the full lips...Parker mentally snapped out of it. What am I thinking? "Uh, I guess you're right." Parker conceded. "It's just that you're here to get my story!" "Calm down. It isn't your story yet," Kent shot back. "Ah, but you admit you're here for that story!" Parker exclaimed. "White would kill me if I didn't get it," Kent said. "Hey, try working for Jameson sometime," Parker said. Kent laughed. "No thanks!" Parker found himself laughing along. What the hell is it about this guy? Even his laugh us intoxicating. Parker felt as if Kent's rumbling laughter was coursing through his body like champagne bubbles. He began to size up his elevator companion. Boy even under the suit and tie, you could tell this guy had a frame on him that doesn't quit! Parker was about 6 feet and he judged Kent to be, oh, 6'2" at 205 pounds of pure muscle. Parker himself was a bit stockier but 195 pounds and no body fat, not bad either, he thought. "He's probably banging her right about now," Parker mumbled. Kent laughed loudly and agreed, "He's probably at that." Parker glanced at Kent's hands holding a folder. Big, powerful hands, he thought. And damn if those flecks of hair, climbing up a pair of huge forearms didn't look sexy. Parker then thought if that thing about the size of a guy's hand was true... "What?" Kent asked. "What? I didn't say anything," Parker retorted. "You're blushing," Kent smiled at Parker, almost accusingly so. "Am not!" Parker protested. Oh God, he can't know I was speculating on the size of his cock! "Are too," Kent, said before saying something under his breath. "What did you say?" Parker asked. "I said, you, " Kent confessed. "I look adorable?" Parker repeated, not believing his ears. But before he could sort out the compliment, he sensed something was wrong. A split second after, the elevator violently lurched to an abrupt stop, jolting Parker off balance. The elevator went dark as he pitched forward. He felt a pair of arms stop him, holding him in a vice-like grip. And his head was resting on what felt like a solid brick wall. The emergency lights came on, casting a dull glow in the elevator. Parker looked up and stared into a pair of perfect blue eyes. Kent obviously caught him when the elevator stopped. And now Parker was holding on to this man like his life depended on it. Part Two Kent looked deep into Parker's eyes and held on to him with both arms. To keep himself balanced, he slowly lowered one of his hands on Parker's back until he felt the rise of Parker's firm butt. He kept looking into Parker's eyes for any signs of protest. There weren't any. He kept his hand there, moving his fingers to slowly caress a cheek. A sigh escaped Parker's lips. And his arms weren't letting go of Kent either; his hands seemed to be groping Kent's strong back. "Uh, you can let me go now big guy," Parker whispered. Kent gingerly put Parker down. It was like an eternity, being in each other's arms, but surely it was only seconds. "You're not exactly a runt Parker. I think I hurt my back catching your fall," Kent smiled. Parker turned his head away. "You're blushing again," Kent taunted. "Geez, you can't see that in this light!" Parker protested. "I've got great eyes," Kent shot back. "God you do," Parker muttered. "What was that?" Kent asked. "I said, God you've got glasses!" Parker amended. "Oh," Kent said. There was an awkward moment of silence then Parker said, "I should call on the emergency phone." Kent answered, "Right, do that." As Parker made the call, Kent looked around. Damn, I could get out of here in a second if Parker weren't here, he thought. He looked up the ceiling and his eyes focused until he could see beyond the metal ceiling up to the cables that suspended the elevator car. Everything looked all right. Undoubtedly a... "Power failure," Parker announced. "The guard said not to panic. About twenty city blocks just went off the grid. We're trapped until the power is restored or they can send somebody to get us. Either way, it's looking like we're stuck here for a few hours." Kent nodded. After a minute, Parker took off his leather jacket along with his camera that he always kept hanging from his neck. "Perfect, now it's getting hot in here," he said by way of an explanation. Kent said, " In a few minutes this box'll feel like a steam room. We'd better take our clothes off." Jacket in hand, Parker stopped. Kent could tell Parker hadn't thought that far ahead. He decided to take the lead and pulled of his suit jacket. Parker was watching him intently, he noted. Well, let's make this fun for him then, Kent decided. Kent unbuttoned his cuffs, took off his glasses, loosened his tie and pulled his shirt off his pants. He kicked off his shoes and pulled off his socks, all the while keeping an eye on Parker, who stood stock-still watching him. Kent thought, Thank God he wasn't wearing his uniform today. Kent unbuttoned his shirt then very slowly pulled them apart to reveal a massive chest. He knew he looked good. His pecs flexed back even more defined looking after he took the shirt fully off. And his nipples jutted proudly erect. He let one hand lazily rub across his chest, just grazing a nipple, then slowly tracing his firm abs down to a trail of hair leading to his pubes. Kent was getting excited by the way Parker watched his hands slowly reach for the leather belt to unbuckle them. He slowly pulled the zipper down, tracing the bulging mound and his pants opened to a white underwear that was obviously holding a huge package. The trousers fell down, from a pair of strong, thick thighs down to Kent's ankles. He kicked them off. All this time Parker stood there watching him, Kent noticed. And even in this light, he could see a hungry look in those brown eyes. God, Parker's getting hot for me, Kent concluded. He never thought...well, how could he? Parker seemed straighter than an arrow. But with him standing there, slack jawed, like a deer caught in headlights, Kent guessed that Parker's probably never considered this before either. "Your turn," Kent said, snapping Parker out of his trance. "Oh, yeah," Parker said, turning around modestly to strip off his shirt and jeans. Kent sat down to watch Parker, saying, "No need to be bashful. Just us guys. And we're here for the duration remember?'" Parker nodded as he turned around wearing just his boxer shorts. He walked towards a wall, leaned back and slid down right beside Kent. As he settled down, his right leg brushed against Kent's left leg. He left that leg there and lifted his left knee up to rest his arms upon. Kent felt Parker's other leg pushing against his involuntarily. Kent wanted to make sure he was right about Parker so he began to lightly fondle the bulge of his straining brief pouch, acting like he was simply getting comfortable. Parker stared openly but still kept quiet. I bet he's dying to see how big this baby gets, Kent thought, and he's wondering what it tastes like. Kent suddenly caught himself - What am I thinking? We're both married men! As a way of distracting himself, Kent blurted out, "So Parker, how're you and MJ doing? You guys have been together a while now, huh?" "Uh, yeah. MJ, well, you know how it is. She's a terrific woman and all but..." Parker stopped. "But?" Kent asked. "Well, I mean...You and Lois have only been married a short time, right?" "Yeah, so?" Kent asked. "I guess what I'm getting at is, well, MJ and I, well...we can't seem to get our timing right when it comes" Kent looked confused. Parker finally just blurted out the word, "Sex!" Kent laughed, "Is that all? That's natural man." Parker looked relieved. "Is it really? I mean I realize we can't always be hot and heavy like when we firs got together. But lately, I mean, I know I haven't changed. I still want it all the time! But MJ..." Kent looked at Parker and his face turned serious. "Look, at least you don't have my problem." Parker's eyes held Kent's own steadily; almost pleading to know what Kent was driving at. "It's well, Lois has never been able to take all of my cock," Kent said. "Get out!" Parker said. "You serious man?" "Wish I wasn't," Kent sighed. "Well, how do you...I mean...what, well, you know what I mean." "We, uh, manage," Kent replied. They sat still for a few minutes not saying a word. Until Kent pulled at his encased cock through his briefs again. "Gee Kent, I hope you don't mind my asking..." Parker started. "Ask away," Kent encouraged, keeping his hand gently massaging his cock while looking at Parker and noting that his eyes were riveted on Kent's crotch. Kent smiled when he saw Parker lick his lips. "Uh, exactly how big does that baby get?" Part Three Parker couldn't believe he asked that question, but he also couldn't help it. He could have easily crawled out of this elevator if it hadn't been for super stud here. But did he even want to get out now? Each minute he spent with Kent was pushing his hormones over the edge. His eyes practically devoured this near naked god sitting beside him. He watched the steady rise and fall of Kent's beautiful chest. What's happening to me? He wanted badly to feel those nipples between his lips. "I don't know," Kent said, breaking his concentration. "Huh? You mean you've never measured?" Parker asked. "Never thought of it," Kent shrugged. Parker wasn't sure where to go from there. All he knew was he seemed to be careening dangerously into a situation he couldn't full understand. "The way you're built. I wouldn't be surprised if your, uh...cock's huge," Parker whispered huskily. Kent lowered his voice too, "You think I'm built?" "Hell yeah! You've got such a hot body..."Parker enthused and stopped, not sure if he had gone too far. "So you think I'm hot?" Kent teased. "Well you're no slouch either. From where I'm sitting everything looks tight and firm." "Yeah," Parker admitted self-consciously, "but nowhere near your mass. I mean those pecs, those biceps..." "You mean this?" Kent flexed his left arm and his biceps grew twice their size in front of Parker's face. "Yeah." Parker reached out without thinking and felt Kent's arm. "It's so warm, smooth, soft and yet it feels like steel beneath the skin." "You haven't felt anything yet," Kent smiled, lowering his arm. "Try my chest." "What?" Parker's head was spinning. "My chest, feel it," Kent urged, pulling Parker's hand to his pecs and guiding him across that expansive chest. Parker gulped. He took a chance and started caressing Kent's hairless pecs, even stopping to catch a nipple between his fingers. "Feel that chest Parker," Kent whispered right into Parker's ear. "You like that don't you?" Parker nodded. Slowly he felt his hand being guided down to a ripple of abs. His heart stopped when he felt silky hair just below Kent's navel and then the top of his briefs. Parker held his breath as the journey down continued. But Kent apparently had other ideas. Parker hand was lifted, fingers just managing to brush against Kent's very full crotch bulge. He found his hand finally resting on the right thigh. Then Kent took his hand away, nodding to Parker to go on. On his own. Even in the heat Parker shivered. He began to use both his hands up and down Kent's widespread legs. "Here, move closer," Kent encouraged. Suddenly Parker felt himself being lifted by Kent so effortlessly and placed right in front and between those fantastically muscled thighs. "You like my thighs Parker?" Kent asked. "You have no idea...Oh God..."Parker whispered. "You are incredible." Kent smiled at him and he felt like he was melting. Then Parker saw Kent's crotch bulge growing larger. He became conscious for the first time that his own cock was hard, all eight inches of it, poking through the fly of his boxers. But right now Parker was more interested in the growing monster in Kent's briefs. He ran his hands up Kent's body, clutching at those pecs, feeling the abs and down again to the thighs. He then moved forward and took one nipple in his mouth. Kent groaned and pulled Parker's head deeper into his chest. "Shit Parker eat my tits!" Kent growled into his ear. As he started chewing passionately on Kent's left nipple, he felt something big and hot prodding his gut. He pulled back and gasped. Kent's huge cock now fully hard pushed past the band of his underwear. Parker watched in awe as the cock pushed the brief out and away from Kent's crotch. He saw a bubble of precum form at that humongous head and just lost it. In one fluid motion, Parker ripped the briefs off with his bare hands and sank his mouth down Kent's gigantic cock. "Ohhhh God!" Kent groaned out loud. Parker tasted the hot cock flesh pass his tongue and push beyond his throat. Kent wasn't kidding, Parker thought, this is a monster cock! He tried to stuff more of Kent's cock down his throat. He felt Kent's fingers running through his hair and clutching his head, pushing him down. "Suck my cock Parker! Suck it!" Kent was gasping. Parker complied and he felt his lips reach the bottom of that thick hot shaft and his nose crushed against Kent's fragrant pubes. "Fuck! Lois can't even do that!" Kent moaned. Parker felt Kent thrust his cock even deeper down his throat. Before he knew it, Kent was standing up, pulling Parker up on his knees, his hungry mouth refusing to let go of that juicy dick. Parker took his opportunity to feel up Kent's ass and he wasn't disappointed. Practically hairless, they were as hard as the rest of him. He could feel their power as they pounded forward to feed him more cock. He didn't know how long he'd been holding his breath but reluctantly he let go of Kent's tube steak. Not even bothering to catch his breath, Parker lunged at Kent's balls and slobbered all over them. His outstretched tongue lapped at them ferociously while both his hands roamed wildly all over Kent's upper body. Parker could feel Kent's engorged shaft pressed against his forehead as he continued hungrily munching on those delicious balls. Above him, he could hear Kent groaning louder and louder with sheer ecstasy. Suddenly Kent was gone! Before Parker could react, a pair of strong hands grabbed him from behind and he felt Kent's hot, sweet breath next to his face. "I've got to have you Parker! Now!" Kent growled urgently. Parker didn't even hesitate. Somehow the thought of that gigantic cock entering him seemed so right. He had never been so turned on in his life. "You can take it...It's been so long..." Kent gasped as he entered Parker's butt. Parker moaned in pleasure and pain as he felt that hot poker forcing itself inside him. He arched his neck back and felt Kent licking his nape. "Oh God, Kent, yes, fuck me! Fuck me man...Fuck me!!!" Parker screamed as the pounding on his ass accelerated. "Yes baby tale me. You got it. Take my hot cock baby," Kent grunted and started biting one of Parker's earlobes. The pounding on his ass seemed to go on for hours. "Yeah Kent I want it so bad!" Parker moaned. Without even touching himself Parker felt his own cock start shooting what seemed like gallons of cum unto the floor. The next second, he felt Kent's cock spasm inside his ass. "Oh God, I'm cummmmming!!!!!" Kent hollered. The force of the initial load would've sent Parker to the wall if Kent's arms hadn't braced him. And Kent kept coming and coming and coming. After counting some twenty shots of load up his ass, Parker felt Kent's arms grow slack. He turned to face Kent, who then fell right on top of him with a low moan. Parker embraced this spent god and realized they were both bathed in sweat and cum. Kent looked up to him and moved closer. Parker felt Kent's mouth cover his. And a hot tongue sensuously began exploring his mouth. Parker moaned again and kissed Kent passionately back. They stayed right there for a good ten minutes just kissing each other hungrily. Then Kent broke off. "That was incredible!" He gasped. "Lois has never been able to take all my cock." Parker beamed with pride. "You were super! It's been so long since MJ and I...I guess I really needed this. I just never knew it could ever be this good. But..." Kent stood up and pulled Parker up to him. "But nothing. Look we're both married so let's just keep this our little secret," Kent suggested. "Oh I trust you Kent. I was just thinking..." Parker began. "Thinking what?" Kent prodded as he pulled Parker into his arms. "Well, I was just wondering..." Parker couldn't look into Kent's eyes. He held on tighter and buried his face into Kent's chest and licked a nipple. "When can together again?" Kent laughed. "Anytime you want!" Parker smiled and finally looked deep into Kent's blue eyes. "So you'll call me?" "I've got your number Parker," he whispered. "You sure do Kent," Parker shot back. "And by the way, after what just happened, I think you should start calling me Clark." And they kissed all over again.


6 Gay Erotic Stories from Mathias

Adventures V: The Long Hot Summers

Adventures V: The Long Hot Summers By Mathias/ Note: The author would like to thank all the wonderful people who emailed with their comments. This is dedicated to every one of you. A little warning to Men fans - this story borrows from the time before the death of Sen. Graydon Creed. The following fictitious account is loosely based upon characters

Adventures VI: The Dark Knight Cometh

Adventures VI: The Dark Knight Cometh By Mathias/ NOTE: The following fictitious account is loosely based upon characters created by and intellectual properties of DC and Marvel comics. It was written for no commercial purpose. Prologue Even in the dark he could effortlessly make his way around this sprawling house. He should. He was born here. He's

Adventures: Hammered

By Mathias/ Note: The following fictitious account is loosely based upon characters created by and properties of DC and Marvel comics. It was written for no commercial purpose. Richard "Dick" Grayson loved the wind on his face as he raced his '47 Harley along a deserted country road on his way to a cabin in the Catskills. He was supposed to meet a

Adventures: Thunder Only Happens When It's Rainin

By Mathias/ NOTE: The following is based upon characters created by and owned by DC and Marvel comics. This was written for no commercial purpose. "I'm sorry honey, you're just so big and it's so painful. Are you mad at me?' Lois asked as she sat up in bed and pulled up the sheets to cover her breasts. Clark let out a sigh and pulled on a white

Adventures: The Spider And The Fly

Adventures: The Spider and The Fly By Mathias/ Note: The following fictitious account is loosely based upon characters created by and intellectual properties of DC and Marvel comics. It was written for no commercial purpose. Part One Parker had just gotten a hot lead and he wasn't about to let it go. A senator, the fair-haired scion of a mainline

Adventures: Touched By An Angel

Adventures: ouched By An Angel By Mathias/ Note: The following fictitious account is loosely based upon characters created and owned by DC and Marvel comics. It was written for no commercail purpose. Prologue He remembered his costume tearing at the chest. The whip grazed one of his nipples, sending a stinging combination of pain and pleasure


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