Gay Erotic Stories

Advances In Micro-Circuitry Electronics, Part 2: C

by JohnanymousDoe

Part 3 The spring day was very sunny but sudden wind gusts blew up to twenty miles per hour. An excited crowd was gathering in the beautiful, spacious garden of the new Massitanian Embassy, which was to be dedicated that morning by the Crown Prince. All hoped he would make his appearance soon. Clark knew the schedule: The dedication was first, then his interview. He waited with the press corps while the crowd began to swell. He felt trepidation. He scanned the crowd again for trouble but saw nothing. Yet, something was amiss. His costume seemed uncomfortable beneath his street clothes. Tight somehow, constricting. His mind flashed back to the image of himself in the mirror the previous afternoon. He’d been so hard, wet and excited from that jolt. His cock swelled slightly in its spandex confines as he remembered. A fleet of black limos arrived and everyone cheered and clapped as the handsome Prince emerged. The First Lady, who beamed with pride as she leant upon his arm, accompanied him. They stepped towards the makeshift podium, shaking hands and greeting other dignitaries before assuming their seats. The Prince was announced and he rose to speak. “Citizens of Metropolis, I thank you most graciously for your warm welcome. I was hoping to catch a glimpse of Superman, but since he is apparently only around when trouble is afoot, perhaps it’s better that I not see him!” The crowd laughed and cheered. Suddenly, from a group of trees across the garden, a robot similar to the one Superman had battled yesterday began to march forward. “Greetings to the Prince from the people of Metropolis, USA!” it said in a tinny, mechanical voice. It held a large bouquet of flowers. Clark moved quickly and in a flash he’d transformed himself into the Man of Steel. He positioned himself between the dignitaries and the mechanical man. “Superman!” cried the Prince with delight. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, although I don’t think this charming robot is intent on harming anyone.” “We’ll see your Highness.” Superman flew to the robot and yanked the flowers from its grip exposing the metal probe, which jutted from its groin. “Not this time!” the hero whispered and melted it with his heat vision. He then yanked the head from the body and tucked it under his massive, muscular arm. Believing he’d disabled it he turned towards the smiling Prince. “I fought with a machine similar to this one yesterday. It injured a woman and gave me a rather shocking experience.” He grinned at his play on words, such as it was. “I thought I’d better put it out of commission before anything like that could happen today, Sir.” “Yes, well, come forward so I can congratulate and thank you properly,” the comely Prince urged as he ogled the Man of Steel in his form-fitting spandex. All knew that the customs in Massitania were very relaxed regarding sexual orientation and preferences and the Prince was often photographed on the arm of beefy, beautiful men. “You can’t know how utterly exciting this is for me,” said the Prince as he outstretched his hand to shake that of the costumed hero. A gust of wind blew his honey-colored hair across his boyish face. “It’s very exciting for me too, Your Highness,” Superman said as he approached the Prince. “NOW!” came the command from the robot’s creator. A stream of 10,000 volts issued from the robot’s head and coursed through the hero’s body. The insidious filaments lying dormant throughout his body sprang to life and acted as receptors/conductors and focused the jolting juice to his nipples, penis, balls and rectum. The crowd gasped as Superman suddenly grew rigid; then he dropped the robot’s head and grabbed the heft of his burgeoning costumed cock with one hand and rubbed his engorged nipples with the other. “Is he masturbating, Mommy?” asked a young onlooker. The stimulating electricity caused an intense erotic reaction and Superman was helpless to stop it. He could feel the filaments with his super-sensitive fingertips but couldn’t get at them underneath his skin-tight costume. He moaned and writhed as his cock expanded in his briefs. His juicy balls were throbbing and his anus tingled with excitement. “Got…to…get…it…off!” he stammered as the Prince stared, wide-eyed. Just as the first jolt subsided another blast started. Superman had been about to leap into the air to escape but now he couldn’t concentrate due to the disabling pleasure. He crashed to his knees before the Prince, moaning with excitement and grabbing roughly at his nipples and his cock and ass. This was a catastrophe! Using his cape as cover, the Man of Steel reached down the front of his briefs and into the opening of his crotch hole, running his huge fingers along the rigid shaft and locating the filament at the end. “Yes, that’s it!” he cried as he yanked the wire, causing his turgid manhood to rip through the opening and out into the fresh air. A sudden gust of wind blew his cape aside revealing his phenomenal 12” crank. The crowd gasped in amazement and awe. He grabbed the blood-engorged cock to stuff it back into his briefs just as another jolt started. His ball constricted. Superman moaned and his penis erupted. Great white gobs of milky cum shot from the tip and sluiced through the air. The wind caught it and sent it splattering on the faces of the spectators, whose mouths were wide open in shock and disbelief. Superman cupped his balls and removed the filament from around his scrotum, then concentrated on his nipples. Ropes of ejaculate continued to spew from his fountain of manhood, which coated his hands and costume with thick, viscous fluid. He pulled down the neck opening of his costume, exposing his fabulous chest. His nipples were mountainous from the stimulation. He pinched the tips to find the wires. “Come on, come on!” he cried as he yanked first one then the other from around the fleshy tubes. Only one filament left. He then attempted to leap into the air, but again a terrific jolt went through him. His rock hard penis began to gush with another powerful orgasm and Superman came down heavily atop the Prince, his hips and groin thrusting involuntarily. His thick man-sauce coated the $7,000 custom-tailored suit. “Aaaaaargh,” he cried as he felt the Prince’s soft hands around his beefy shaft, caressing and encouraging the seemingly endless flow. “Ohhhh, Your Highness, please…!” The “Don’t” was stifled as his dick spasmed again, shooting another hot ribbon of cum onto the Prince’s silk tie and hand-made shirt. He rolled off onto his back. His hand reached again into his briefs and tore away the stretchy material covering his manhole. He arced his body causing his groin to jut up and out. The blue veins on his rigid shaft stood out in relief against the red glans head, the contents spurting and gushing onto the stylized “S” on his massive chest. “Just… a bit… deeper,” he said as he inserted two fingers into his passage, attempting to extract the last filament. Another stimulating jolt to the prostate and the Man of Steel wriggled and shook with pleasure. “Shocking. I’m being…ugh…shocking…me!” he cried and moaned again as he fought to find the wire. As he dug around in his ass with one hand he tried to stuff his obscenely large and still erupting cock back into his briefs. The effort was futile as his throbbing organ poked out the side through the torn fabric. The onlookers gazed in shock and curiosity at the mighty Man of Steel’s display but somehow couldn’t turn away. He lay writhing on the dais with one hand grasping his naked cock and the other moving frantically, halfway up his asshole. The First Lady slumped into her chair. A large wet cum stain was splashed across the front of her dress and in her perfectly coiffed hair. The Prince had moved to Superman’s side and had latched on to the surging, rock-hard member, his lips coated with bubbling spew. He gingerly massaged the juicy peach-sized balls. “Your Highness, no…electricity too…dangerous!” he gasped through clinched but perfect white teeth. “You bet it is, honey! I feel it too!” winked the Prince and he went back to sucking the meaty cock. “Here let me,” he said, sliding his cum-slicked hand to the Man of Steel’s anus. “What’s this?” “Great Krypton!” the hero cried as he felt the thin wet fingers slide inside of him, grabbing the filament. The next jolt blew the Prince right off the Man of Steel’s body as the 10,000 volts combined with the force of yet another orgasm. The Prince of Massitania lay very still. A wad of Krypto-kum dripped from his unmoving lips. Superman rushed to the fallen Prince to attempt CPR, his mighty cock hanging out the side of his red briefs and oozing the last of its contents. It was no use. The Man of Steel stood and stowed his spent member. He was covered in his own ejaculate. The EMT’s stepped in and went to work on the fallen royal. The First Lady’s Secret Service detail surrounded the shaken hero and advised him to give up quietly without a fuss. The next day’s headlines told the story of the day that Superman “snapped” in a sexual frenzy that ended in the death of the Crown Prince of Massitania. Papers and newscasts ran the footage and photos over and over with huge black rectangles blocking out Superman’s exposed genitalia. Full-length, uncut black market videos were on sale everywhere. The Kryptonian was imprisoned, awaiting trial for crimes against humanity. The filaments had dissolved once they were removed from the host body so there was no evidence to exonerate him. Meanwhile, the architect of Superman’s destruction was on the loose and plotting the downfall of his next super-heroic victim.


10 Gay Erotic Stories from JohnanymousDoe

Advances In Micro-Circuitry Electronics, Part 2: C

Part 3 The spring day was very sunny but sudden wind gusts blew up to twenty miles per hour. An excited crowd was gathering in the beautiful, spacious garden of the new Massitanian Embassy, which was to be dedicated that morning by the Crown Prince. All hoped he would make his appearance soon. Clark knew the schedule: The dedication was first, then his interview. He waited with the

Advances In Micro-Electronic Circuitry

Chapter One The evil robot dropped the woman as the Man of Steel pried its mechanical hands apart then knocked it off balance with a mighty blow. The robot recovered, catching Superman in a tight bear hug. The hero quickly broke loose but the large but speedy mechanical man was on him again; this time lifting him from behind by the waist and applying a vice-like chokehold. Steel

Penis Man Forever, Part 1

[Thanks to whomever it was that came up with this character. I salute you.] The planet Virilus was in deep despair having learned of yet another failure by its latest champion. The vulgar cretins of Earth had destroyed yet another Penis Man! The esteemed Council of Elders had sent the proudest and finest young men of their ancient race to Earth to act as her guardian against

Penis Man Forever, Part 2

Pro’Phallus awoke after entering the inter-dimensional portal to find himself in a strange chamber surrounded by men he’d never seen. “They must be the Guardians of Manhood!” he thought and wondered what may lie ahead. His powerful wrists had been skillfully lashed together as well as his shapely ankles. It was all he could do to keep his fabulously muscled and well-toned body from


PART ONE The last words the Dark Knight heard before the debilitating dart penetrated his gauntlet chilled his blood and caused both the hesitation and the opportunity. ”I’m baaaack!” a voice trilled in a raspy, unearthly, singsong voice. His legs buckled and he crashed heavily and helplessly to the ground. The sounds of raucous laughter rang in Batman’s ears. “Predator!” his

Superman: Red, White and Blew, Part 1

“He’s coming!” one of the men whispered, sweat stains covering his tight spandex leotard. “I hear him in the anteroom!” “I think I’m coming too!” said his similarly clad companion, barely managing to keep his pulsating cock from spilling its load as it strained at its spandex encased pouch. The anticipation was excruciating as they and their ten companions observed the large room of

Superman: Red, White And Blew, Part 2

The brawny dozen dragged their captive, led by his tightly grasped dick, to a nearby table marked “ONE”. The choking cape was removed from around his throat allowing him to breathe easier, even through the gag. The muscular men placed the Man of Steel in a seated, slightly reclining position at the center of a large cushioned table. His hands were secured to a wide bar above his head

Superman: Red, White and Blew, Part 3

Superman reluctantly opened his eyes. Jimmy laid across the room, moaning softly, his nose and mouth oozing dark red blood. A numbered form lay still beneath him. Luthor was nowhere to be seen. The rest of the men were speaking in hushed tones as they snacked or hosed off their spunky, costumed bodies at a wash station in the far corner. He heard one of the men say that Jimmy had

Superman: Red, White and Blew, Part 4

The Man of Steel had been cleansed thoroughly again with plenty of the aphrodisiac-laced soap and his glowing skin tingled gloriously from the fondling, groping caresses of his ten captors. His beautiful body pulsed with enhanced sensation, making him drunk with pleasure and full of longing for more stimulation. The desire for erotic pleasure now overpowered every other thought and

Superman: Red, White and Blew, Part 5: Conclusion

Hours later they awoke feeling slightly lightheaded and nauseous. As they untangled themselves from each other, they noticed that their skin was covered with a painful, red rash. Some had open, oozing sores on their penises and groins. They looked in horror at each other’s bodies and then noticed that the Man of Steel lay still and quiet. A deathly gray pallor had replaced the


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