Gay Erotic Stories

A Road Trip, Part 1

by Zzooty

It was Sunday night, and we where just getting back from a road trip. I was with my two roommates and our friend Ryan. Casey's 21, with shoulder length Dirty blond hair, that curls under at the tips. He's about six foot even, and very muscular, Drew's 23 with short clean-cut hair, that's also bleach blonde. He's 5'11 and very tone with a surfer's body. Ryan 25, Has black hair, that's Buzzed around with a slight beard and mustache (very sexy), and he's about 5'5. We where half way home from a 11-hour drive. And we were starting to hungry, so we decided to get something to eat. We pulled into a small bar in a really small town. It was pretty run down, and smoky. We all sat at the bar, and got our chips, and start to munch when, all the sudden, Ryan whispers in my ear "Hey sexy stud, those two guys across the bar are starrin' at ya" with a slight sexy southern accent, as he placed his hand on my inner thigh. And I lied when I said, "Oh really, hadn't noticed." And we joked about them playing footsie under the table, and being Homo, when they both got up and passed us to go to the bathroom. Ryan and I had to bite our tongues to keep from busting up laughing right there in the restaurant. When the other guys asked us what we where laughing about. All we could manage to squeeze out from laughing was "We'll tell ya later." After we at we bot back in the van and took off. Ryan started to drive so that left Casey, Drew, and me in the back bed area. We had been laying down for about 10 minutes and we couldn't get to sleep, so I decided to tell them what Ryan and I were saying about the guys across the bar and how they got up and went to the bathroom. After that the guys laughed and we all went to sleep again. I woke up about a half-hour later and could hear Drew and Casey whispering across the bed. I could barely make out what they where saying. I could hear Casey saying how he wondered what they did in the bathroom together, and how he wishes that he could get Ryan to 'go to the bathroom' with him. As they where talking I could feel my manhood growing beneath the sheet. "Well you'll have to settle for me!" Drew whispered as he kissed Casey. By now my cock was at a full 7 inches, and had to get some relief. I started to rub it, when Drew rolled over to stretch, and hit my erection. I squirmed with the touch. As he whispers "Looks like our friend is enjoying our little conversation!" I grabbed his cock as I smiled back at him. Suddenly I found myself on top of him sucking on his chest. Starting at his neck I liked toward his right nipple. I gently sucked above the nipple long enough for it to turn pink then firmly bit down on the throbbing nipple. He gasped with the aspiration. We rolled over till I was stuck between Drew and Casey. The both started on each nipple with Casey to my left and drew to might right. Sucking licking champing and biting almost at the exact same time. As Casey moved his head lower, Drew came up to give me a kiss. We kissed to what seemed to be an eternity. "I have and idea!" Casey exclaimed. He moved Drew off the top of me, and started to remove our clothes. After he was finished he moved us around to a 69 position. With Drew in my mouth and Casey at my feet there was two sets of hot lips on my hot cock at once. I was being praised with sensations of electricity running threw my blood, and especially threw my dick. And with this sweet/sour taste of Drew's cock running between my teeth messaging my throat and vocal chords. Pretty soon Ryan discovered what we where doing in the back of the van and pulled into a rest area. He came in the back to join us. He and Casey started going at it pretty strong, when it all came to a stop with a bang on the door... TO BE CONTINUED Comments suggestions and remarks please right to:


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Zzooty

A Road Trip, Part 1

It was Sunday night, and we where just getting back from a road trip. I was with my two roommates and our friend Ryan. Casey's 21, with shoulder length Dirty blond hair, that curls under at the tips. He's about six foot even, and very muscular, Drew's 23 with short clean-cut hair, that's also bleach blonde. He's 5'11 and very tone with a surfer's body. Ryan 25, Has black hair,

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