Gay Erotic Stories

A Boss That Blows

by Holden S.

Freida was blonde, Swedish, a massuse, and bouncing on my hard-on like crazy. Her ample tits filled my vision as I filled the rubber I was wearing, and although I could hear the door to the therapy room open I couldn't see who had just walked in on my indiscretion. "Ohhhh," squealed Freida, (She squealed a lot when we were together actually)"I forget to lock the door." I groaned,(I groaned a lot when we were together),dreading to see which of the members of my health club had gotten the free peep show. I hoped it wasn't anybody I knew or who knew my wife. Frieda hopped off my prone body onto the floor and there stood my boss, Tom. "Oh, Shit" I cursed as the Swede grabbed a towel and fled the room leaving me lying on the massage table naked, sweaty, and with a shrinking condom covered penis in front of my boss. "This is pretty embarrassing", said Tom as he shut the door behind him. "I was here for my 5 o'clock appointment. Looking forward to it actually, but...I can't believe your cheating on Kathy." Kathy was my wife, and Tom was a good friend of hers. They were on several committees together and even socialized. My mind was spinning about being caught, and how to keep it a secret from her. "Look, Tom I'm not proud of it.." I started groveling. "Hell, I would be. I am stunned. That is one awesome piece of ass that just ran out of here. I've jerked off in the shower thinking about her myself. How many times have you done her?" Now it was my turn to be stunned. I swung my legs over the edge of the table and set up still aware I was naked. "This is the 4th but it doesn't mean a thing," I answered, still trying to convince him not to tell my wife. "You really had her creaming today." my boss said as he moved closer, his eyes on my cock wet with her juices. "Have you fucked her every time?" "No...", before I could say more he was peppering me with more questions. "Have you fucked her in the ass? Does she like her tits played with? Tell me about it Holden." I kind of chuckled at his excitement. "Your not going to tell my wife I take it." "Noooo, your business is your business. Hell, I've been married 25 years and I wouldn't turn down a taste of Frieda's pussy. Have you had oral sex with her?" "Oh, yeah," I answered, "She gives great head." "Have you gone down on her?" "Yeah, I licked her off, and we 69'ed once. Those white thighs wrapped around my head really spurred me on." I was surprised to see my dick start to firm up, but then I noticed Tom's hard-on pushing out his pants and figured our sex talk was having an effect on both of us. "What's she taste like?" he asked. "Best cunt I've ever enjoyed." I answered truthfully. He cupped his cock with one hand and moaned, "Holden, old buddy, I've got to taste her." He reached out and ran a finger up the wet condom over my semi-hard, and then brought it to his mouth and licked it. I watched as he sucked it into his mouth and savored the taste with his eyes closed and head titled back. "I can't believe...." (I started to say, I can't believe this is happening, but he didn't give me a chance. It was just as well since it would have been under kill compared to what I couldn't believe would happen next.) Tom, my boss, put his hands on my thighs and bent over taking my cock is his mouth. "Holy shit," I muttered as he blew me. Tom bobbed up and down on my pole, which was quickly at full strength. He occasionally stopped and concentrated on the head and I could feel my own cum inside the rubber being spread around my dickhead by his tongue. I put my hands on his head and felt his peppered black hair thru my fingertips as he slurped me. He stroked my thighs as he sucked and than started to play with my balls. My balls were tightening fast and it wouldn't be long till I came again the way he was working me over. I groaned ( I guess the groaning thing had less to do with Frieda than I thought and more with the great sex). "Eat it, eat that dick Tom." I chuckled at the unbelievable turn of events. Tom took my cock out of his mouth and began to lick his way up my smooth chest. I leaned back on the table as he licked and sucked first one tit and then the other, massaging my pecs at the same. "Before I get back to that cock there's something I have to do", Tom said with a grin. I watched as he crossed the room and locked the door. Now it was my turn to grin as I watched him undress. "Maybe we should leave it open," I stated, "I never knew how much fun being caught can be." "No, " said Tom, "I want you all to myself." He was revealing a hairy body and dropping clothes as he approached. His cock stuck out from his groin, a thick monster that bounced as he walked. He took my hand and placed his cock on it. It was heavy, and hot, very hot. I stroked him slowly and then rolled to my side on the table. He moved closer and presented it to my lips. I ran my tongue around the head and found it very tasty. Grasping it by the base I tried taking more of it into my mouth and Tom started talking dirty to me. I'd sucked cock once in college when I was drunk at a party, but I had no excuses today. I wanted Tom's cock in my mouth. His dirty talk spurred me on and soon he was thrusting deep into my warm mouth. I reached out and grabbed the side of his ass and dove onto his pole till his black pubes tickled my nose and then he was filling me with forceful shots of hot cum. "Oh, yeah baby. You and I have a office meeting scheduled everyday after lunch from now on," Tom said. "I plan on working your ass off from now on," he added as he stroked my ass and softened in my mouth. "How about finishing what you started boss man?," I asked after releasing his dick from my mouth and rolling onto my back. "Gladly, Snyder. But first lets get rid of this. He pulled the spent rubber from my woody and began to blow me again. Pumping hard with his hand and applying suction to the top third of my enlarged organ was making me crazy. "Here it comes boss, oh shit yes, here it comes," I shouted. Just then the locked door flew open and there stood Frieda with the key in her hand. I let fly with a mind-blowing orgasm and filled Tom's mouth with spunk. I even groaned again, but this time it had less to do with the great sex, than with the fact my wife, Kathy, was looking for me and Frieda had shown her just where to find me!


7 Gay Erotic Stories from Holden S.

A Boss That Blows

Frieda was blonde, Swedish, a masseuse, and bouncing on my hard-on like crazy. Her ample tits filled my vision as I filled the rubber I was wearing, and although I could hear the door to the therapy room open I couldn't see who had just walked in on my indiscretion. "Ohhhh," squealed Frieda, (She squealed a lot when we were together actually)"I forget to lock the door." I groaned,

A Boss That Blows

Freida was blonde, Swedish, a massuse, and bouncing on my hard-on like crazy. Her ample tits filled my vision as I filled the rubber I was wearing, and although I could hear the door to the therapy room open I couldn't see who had just walked in on my indiscretion. "Ohhhh," squealed Freida, (She squealed a lot when we were together actually)"I forget to lock the door." I

Camp Fuccansucca

I knew I was going to get some action this camp the minute I met Toby. He was blonde, a hunk, and best of all a newlywed. Toby was one of the volunteer counselors at camp, I was on the paid staff as the director of the boy's cabins. For the next ten days, Toby would be part of my crew while his step-son Rick, another hottie who I'd had my eye on, attended camp. Rick was headed to

Caught ... Once Or Twice

Brennan Foster was buck-naked, pounding his thick cock into his girlfriend Kim's cunt on her queen-sized bed. She still lived with her parents although they were both college students in their 20's. Usually they fucked around at his apartment, but Mrs. Austin was out of town, and Dr. Austin never got home from the hospital this early. They had great sex together, Brennan had to

Caught On The First Try

It would never had happened if I hadn't been so horny, not just your average 18 year old's horniness, which I suffered from all the time, but the horniness of a 18 year old virgin. I had gone camping with my best friend Seth's family at a State Park. The Carson's had been like a second family to me since my parent's divorce, so they had gotten permission from my mom to join

Caught With A Blonde

I didn't get to see my daughter often. She was in Oregon at college and my wife and I lived in Boston. I certainly didn't expect to see her making out in the cardio room at my health club, but there she was. Karen was in town for a visit, and a chance for us to meet her new fiancée Tim. I stepped back into the shadows of the locker-room entrance and got my first good look at my

Caught With The College Guy

The first time I saw Ethan, he was dressed in blue jean shorts and an unbuttoned, long sleeve, plaid shirt revealing his smooth chest. The new neighbors, the Stratton's, had moved in about a month earlier and this twink was their son arriving home from college for the summer. I watched as the dishwater blonde youth unloaded his stuff from the car, and thought how nice it would be to


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