Gay Erotic Stories

What The Hell

by Aaron

"What the hell am I doing here?" Mike thought to himself. And not for the first or last time that night. You see Mike was sitting at the bar in a very loud and crowded disco. Not his usual hang-out, as he had a bit of a "problem" with alcohol, but when his wife had announced that she was going out of town to visit her mother for a week, he couldn't very well have said no. So, bored out of his mind and horny as hell he figured "What the hell" and headed out for some company and fuel for the jack-off session he had planned for later. So here he was, dressed in his best "goin out to look for pussy" get up and sitting in The Pleasure Dome. How was he to know that tonight was the male stripper night? Like I said, it wasn't his usual hang out. Still, with the male strippers performing, there certainly were a lot of fine looking female flesh showing in the club. Especially, the woman at the other end of the bar. She wasn't what most men would consider "hot", but was just the type Mike liked. Reddish hair, nice face, and if a little on the plump side, it just made her 44D chest fit her frame well. And, most importantly, she was giving him the eye, and smiling..... "What the hell" Mike thought again, as he headed over to see if he could buy her a drink. "Hi there, my name's Dave. What's yours?" Mike said, not wanting to use his real name. "Hi Dave, I'm June" "Nice name. Can I get you a drink?" Mike asked eyeing her ample chest. "Sure, I'm having a Mudslide" June said with a smile. Mike ordered her a drink, and got himself another tonic with a twist. "Not drinking tonight?" June asked with a slight frown. "No, see once I start I can't stop. So I just stick to tonic water and enjoy the floor show." "Well, how's a girl supposed to get you drunk enough to take advantage of you if your not drinking?" "You don't need to get me drunk to have your way with me sweetie. All you need to do is ask." "Well, in that case, let's finish up and I'll show you a time your not going to forget for a looooooooong time. That is if your not adverse to being a little kinky?" June asked with a mischievous grin on her face. "I guess that would depend on what you call kinky" Mike replied. "Oh, nothing too out there. Just a little light bondage and multiple partners." "What the hell am I doing?" Mike asked himself. Group sex was one of his favorite fantasies, and his wife and he had even swung a few time with friends. "Sounds great!" Mike exclaimed, gulping his drink. "Let's go." "OK lover, just let me call my "Roommate" and get things set up for us. Meet me in front in say 5 minutes, ok?" "Great, I'll be there." Mike couldn't believe his luck as he watched June stroll her way over to the ladies room, where the phones where. Her all he had planned on was a quick jack-off, and now was on his way to a group fuck with this hot woman. He stopped in the men's room to check his hair, and pick up a condom or two. "Can't be too careful" he thought to himself. Better pick up a bunch, if her "Roommate" is as hot as she is, I'll want both, both of them more then once!" So, after stuffing his coat pockets with all that they could hold without bulging, Mike headed out the front door of The Pleasure Dome. "Great name" he thought. Perfect for the "pleasure" he was looking forward to. "Hi there lover." June said from the front seat of her cherry red Convertible. "Hop in. We'll bring you back to your car after we've had our way with you." "What the hell" Mike thought. "In for a penny, in for a pound" As June made her way, she opened her blouse to show off her lacey red bra. "Like what you see?" "Oh, yeah!!!!" Mike said eyeing her large full breasts. Keeping one hand on the wheel, June reached over and massaged Mike cock through the front of his pants. "Yes I can tell your enjoying the view. Take it out and show me how much you want to fuck me, lover." "What? Right here in the car? What if somebody sees me?" " Come on lover, I thought you like things a little kinky. So what if someone sees? It'll give them a thrill. Or maybe you’re not as hot for me as I thought?" "What the hell" Mike shrugged, opening the button of his pants and pulling down his fly. Not having on any underwear, his cock sprung into full view. He had to admit, the wind blowing against his cock did feel good and was giving him one hell of a hard on. "That's better, lover. Doesn't that feel better? I know the breeze is making my nipples hard, just begging for your mouth on them." "Well we can't have that now can we?" Mike asked as e leaned over and started to chew on the hard nipples straining through the lace of her bra. His hot breath was making June crazy with lust, and just as she got to the point of discomfort, Mike would move to the other breast, exposing her nipple to the cool night air. The contrast was maddening, and she thought about pulling over and taking him right there. But no, a more interesting time would be had once she got him home. Besides, they were almost there. "Here we are, lover boy." June said as they pulled into the driveway. Mike started to zip up for the trip inside. "Why are you hiding?" No one here to see you, and I don't want anything in the way once we're inside." "What the hell" mike thought yet again, and strolled up to the house. His cock at full hard and dripping precum. Once inside, June attacked Mike. Pulling him to her, she kissed his lips, neck, and ears. Tearing open his shirt, she gave him some of the torture that he had given her on the ride over. Slowly she worked her way down to his hard throbbing cock. Taking it in her hand, she held it up to her mouth and licked it's length, working down to his balls. Gently, she took each one into her hot moist mouth, swirling her tongue around them. "Oh God, that feels good." Mike moaned. His head swimming with lust. June, hearing this took his balls out of her mouth and said "Let's get into the bedroom. I want a good surface to work on." Getting to her feet, June grabs Mike by his cock and leads him down the hall. Even this just serves to arouse Mike all the more. As she opens the door, Mike can see a huge, King size, 4 poster bed, made up with red satin sheets, and leather straps tied to each of the posters. "Ok, lover, Strip for me. Make it slow, sexy and hot. Show me how much you want this to happen." Mike, his shirt and pants already open, did the best he could, but soon was wearing just a smile. "Very nice lover. Now lie back on the bed. I want you at my mercy." Mike laid down on the bed, as June fastened first his hands and then his feet to the bed. Then she took out a leather hood that fitted over his head, covering his eyes, but not his mouth. "Ok lover, if this get to be too much for you, just tell me what I ordered at the bar, and I'll let you loose. Once again, Mike thought to himself "What the hell am I doing here?", but there was little he could do about it now, unless he wanted to go home to the worst case of blue balls in history. So he decided to lie back and enjoy himself. June started by taking his left nipple into her mouth and sucking on it until it was hard and erect. Then she would bite it just hard enough to arouse. Mike was enjoying it so much that when he felt another mouth on his right nipple, it didn't register at first. "What the...." Mike started to say and then he remembered. "Light bondage and multiple partners". "This must be her 'Roommate"" Mike thought. The thought of someone he had never seen, in bed with him, chewing on his nipple, was a little freaky, but it felt so good to have a mouth on each of them, that he didn't want to stop. "I need some relief." He heard June say as he felt the bed shift. Soon he could smell the muskiness of her pussy as she lowered herself to his mouth. "Suck my pussy, lover. Make me scream. Eat me out real good." That was all Mike needed to hear. He reached his head up as far as could and started lapping at June's wet, wet pussy. Her clit was hard and he rubbed at it with his nose, while his tongue lapped at the flow of her juice as it ran down his face and over his chin. "Nick, he's doing a real good job. Why don't you give him some pleasure. Suck his cock while he's eating me." "Nick?" thought Mike, "Must be short for Nicole or maybe Nicholette." Suddenly he felt his cock engulfed by the hottest mouth he'd ever felt! It totally swallowed him, down to his balls! and the suction was stronger then he had ever felt. It was wild. A hot, wet pussy riding his face and one of the best blow jobs he'd ever experienced in his life. It was just to much, and soon he felt that stirring in his balls that signaled his orgasm. Twisting his head to the side, Mike shouted "Oh, my God! I'm gonna cummmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!1 Here it cums! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggggggggg!!!!!!!!" The mouth on his cock started to plunge up and down on his cock, and when he started to shoot, it swallowed his cock into the back of it's throat. As his spurts died down, the mouth backed off slightly, filling with his seed. The tongue was doing a dance on his still spewing cock head, sending him into convulsions of pleasure. June raised off his face, giving him some air and whispered into his ear, "I hope your good for more then one, lover, because I want that dick of your up in my pussy where it belongs." "Don't worry, I plan to fuck both of you until you can't walk. Just give me a minute to catch my breath. Then I want your pussy my cock and Nicole on my face." "Nicole? Who's Nicole?" Mike heard a decidedly masculine voice say. " If you mean me, the name is Nicholas, but my friends call me Nick. And after tonight, I'm sure you'll qualify. Although the 'on your face' does sound good me." "What the HELL am I doing here?" Mike asked himself( for the last time, I promise) "Um, thanks guys, but I'm not really into guys. How about you just let me go and we'll forget the whole thing, ok?" "Not bloody likely!" Nick said. "You got your jollies, now it's our turn." "Besides," June protested, "You promised to fuck both of us until we couldn't walk! You can't make a promise like that and just renege on it!" "That's right! I've got a hard on the size of New York, and your gonna have to take care of it. So what's it gonna be buddy? Hips or lips?" "Well, if that means what I think it means, I guess I'll take lips, 'cause asshole is a one way street!" "See, I knew we were going to be friends." Nick said as he climbed up to Mike face and placed his cock against Mike's lips. "Open wide" "That's more like it, "June said, as she positioned herself on Mike's still hard cock. " I just knew you were going to be a hot fuck when I spotted you in the bar." "The bar!" Mike thought. "That's it! She said she would let me go if I told her what she ordered at the bar! Oh, fuck! What the hell did she order?" As he opened his mouth to take a guess at what June had ordered, he felt Nick's cock enter him and June's hot, wet pussy slide down his cock. "Oh ummmmph," Mike's mouth was to full for him to say anything, but as he tasted Nick's precum on his tongue, a strange feeling came over him. This wasn't so bad. In fact, the newness of it was turning him on. His cock got harder then he ever remembered it being, and his mouth started to water, wanting to taste more of that salty sweetness. "I'm here, I'm doing this, and the sooner I get them both off, the sooner I can get out of here." he thought to himself. So, giving in to his animal nature, Mike started to suck Nick for all he was worth. Fucking his cock up into June with as much force as he could muster. "Damn, he's really getting into it I think! Oh, yeah man! suck that cock! Suck it real good. I s he fucking you good, honey?" Nick asked, his voice horse with lust from the expert sucking Mike was giving him. "Oh, yes, honey. He's fucking me real goooooood!!!!!!! I'm gonna cum again! Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, yeeeeeeeesssssssssssssssssssss !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" June's joy juice flooded all over Mike's cock and balls. The sensation sent shivers down his spine and sent him to another climax. He moaned on Nick's cock and the vibrations of his moan sent Nick over the edge. He started to shoot his heavy load into Mike's waiting mouth and throat. Mike started to gag on it, decided that if he didn't want to drowned, he better start swallowing. Mike drank down all of Nick's load, tasting the last few drops as they leaked out of Nick's rapidly deflating cock. And the weird thing was, He liked it! The taste was so masculine, he just knew it wouldn't be the last time he tasted it. As a matter of fact, After June and Nick untied him, He spent the night with them. Exchanging pleasures with both of them. He fucked June 3 more times and traded blowjobs with Nick. Nick even suggested Mike fucking his ass, but after all the orgasms Mike had had that night, Nick understood when Mike declined. "We'll have to save that for next time." Mike said. "Does that mean there'll be a next time? Nick and June asked in unison. "Of course there will be a next time," Mike said "Although, next time I'll bring my wife along. I'd love to see what you 2 will do to her!"


6 Gay Erotic Stories from Aaron

College Cum

It was first day at college. My girlfriend, Amy, and I were both attending the same college and we both had dorm rooms. As soon as I got to the school I went to the dorms to see my new room and roommate. I knocked on the door and a very handsome young man answered. "Hi. I guess I'm your new roommate. My name's Ken." he said. "Hi. I'm Aaron." I said as we shook hands. I picked my

Coming Out

On a TV celebrity talk show, a popular young actor was explaining how easy it was for him to fall in love with an actress during the making of a movie. "If we're intimate with each other in front of the camera, how difficult can intimacy be when we're not in front of a camera. Not difficult at all if our script already has us passed all the stumbling blocks of starting a

Getting Peyton Manning's Autograph

I knew that he would be in his dorm room playing back the game on video. That is just what he normally did after every football game. Tennessee had beat Alabama, but still, Peyton Manning wanted to learn from watching his plays so that he could always improve to be the best at quarterbacking. Peyton Manning had been my fantasy ever since he came to Tennessee to play football.

Getting Peyton Manning's Autograph, Part 2

After that weekend visiting the campus of UT during my senior year of high school, I couldn't wait for the Fall so that I could head to UT and room with my quarterback idol, Peyton Manning. I was late arriving on campus, so I missed all of the Freshman Orientation Activities. It was about midnight when I slid my new key into the lock of what was now my dorm room. As I

Just A Kid

Hey guys, This is a true story. I'm 18 years old, and I know I'm one of those that they say is "too good looking to be straight" Truth is, I'm not...straight that is. BUT one thing I DIDN'T know, or wouldn't acknowledge about my self, was that I'm also into bondage and domination. I was a college freshman......just coming to terms with admitting to myself that I was gay,

What The Hell

"What the hell am I doing here?" Mike thought to himself. And not for the first or last time that night. You see Mike was sitting at the bar in a very loud and crowded disco. Not his usual hang-out, as he had a bit of a "problem" with alcohol, but when his wife had announced that she was going out of town to visit her mother for a week, he couldn't very well have said no.

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