Gay Erotic Stories

The Shoe Salesman

by DutchBoy

I knew I was in trouble. I should have been home six hours ago. It was already 11:00, and I knew Patrick would be worried. I started to think of a good excuse, a story I could tell him that he would believe. Car trouble came to mind, but he'd ask why I hadn't called him on the car phone. I looked in my purse. Damn! He'd paged me three times. I didn't have my beeper with me most of the evening. I left it in the car. Now what could I tell my husband? He was a very understanding man, but there are limits to anyone's patience and I knew I was pushing his. It really wasn't my fault that I wasn't home yet. I recalled the events of the evening, the events that lead up to my being twenty miles from home, driving in the middle of the night, and in deep trouble with my husband. I had been shopping for a new dress. Patrick was going to take me to an important dinner Saturday, and he told me to buy a nice outfit, conservative, yet sexy. That's the way he is. He wants me to be nice and cool, yet bad and hot. I don't mind, but he usually wants it at the same time. I couldn't decide which dress to buy. I'd narrowed the field down to three, one was very nice, you know the type, almost a Sunday-go-to-meeting frock. The second was a bit flashier and I knew Patrick would like it, but I wasn't crazy about it myself. It was red, cut low in the back, but I felt it was a tad too long for my tastes. Now, the third dress was my favorite. It was black, (always a good color to bring out my auburn red hair) and was cut tight across the waist, accenting my 38DD bust and literally hugging my hips. It wrapped around me and fastened with a single button on the side. As I walked in it, my legs were flashed, first one and then the other. It was a traffic stopper, and I really liked the way it felt! But I could never wear it to a dinner where my husband was the guest speaker. It was more of a "fuck me" type dress. I knew Patrick would like it, but it didn't fill the bill I was looking for. After spending almost two hours trying to make up my mind, I figured, what the hell, and took all three. Of course, I had to have some new accessories, and that meant shoes and purses to match. That's where the trouble started. To begin with, I ran my hose. Not a little run, either. No, this was the mother of all runs. My panty hose were ruined! This wasn't a real problem because I figured I'd just pick up a couple pair of shoes, leave the mall and head home. I took off the ruined pair of hose in the dressing room where I was trying on the three dresses, (remember them?) and left them in the trash. Wouldn't you know it, of all the days not to have panties on, this would be it! Anyway, back to the story. I charged my new clothes and left the store. I figured I'd come back tomorrow for the shoes. But fate was against me. As I passed La Temps, a very nice and very expensive shoe store, I saw the sign, the sign that caused all my problems. "50% off Selected Stock" And then I saw them! The perfect pair of pumps to match the black dress. I knew what size I wear, so I figured I'd just run in and get a pair and run out. I didn't even need to try them on after all, shoes are shoes. Aren't they? "May I help you?" I turned to find the most gorgeous man I'd seen in weeks standing next to me. I quickly recovered my composure, but there was no denying the fact that he'd affected me! "Ah, yes. I'd like a pair of those pumps. Size 7 1/2, please." Yes, this was alright. I put aside my momentary surge of lust, and reminded myself that my husband was waiting for me at home, and that his equipment was more than adequate to handle any emergency developing in my over-heated pussy. "Of course. I'll be glad to get them. Please have a seat. I shan't be long." I hadn't intended to sit, but there was something about this man that made me feel his suggestion was an order. So I sat. I glanced at my watch. 5:00. Perfect! I'd be out of here and back home in about 30 minutes. In time for a little playful fucking before dinner. Patrick loves to play "poke the pussy" before dinner. I was thinking about his lovely hard cock, how well it fit in my mouth, my cunt, when the man returned. I must admit, I was getting a bit bothered by my thoughts about Patrick. "Here we are," he said as he sat on the little stool in front of where I was sitting. "Oh, I don't need to try them on. I'm in a bit of a hurry." "Nonsense," he replied, "It'll only take a second to make sure they fit right. Now, give me your right foot." I was mortified! I didn't have any hose on, and I knew most stores wouldn’t let you try on shoes without hosiery. But I put my foot out anyway. He took my shoe off, and suddenly, he stopped all motion, almost as if he were transfixed by the naked foot he held in his hand. I'm still not sure, but I think he was actually rubbing my little foot. It felt so queer to have a strange man touching my bare foot. "I ran my hose. I wasn't planning on trying on shoes, so I threw them away." I felt like a schoolgirl, explaining to the head mistress why she'd spit on the ground. "That's quite alright, ma'am. We're prepared for all contingencies." With that, he reached inside his jacket and withdrew what I thought were anklets. I quickly realized they were full-length stockings! Without saying a thing to me, he slowly, but firmly, started to cover my foot with the silk stocking. At first, I thought he intended to unroll the whole nylon, running it right up my bare legs. But he didn't. He stopped at mid calf. "Now, then, let's try on that shoe." He said this as he was reaching into the box, (the shoe box, silly!) and firmly fitted the pump over my foot. Then he did the left one. First the stocking, then the shoe. But this time, after he put the stocking on my left leg, he ran it up somewhat higher than he had the right one. This one went a few inches past my knee. Now I was getting hot. My pussy was starting to feel moist, and I was worried that with him sitting just inches away from my naked cunt, although it was covered by my sun dress, I was worried that he might be able to sniff, to smell my pussy juices! How embarrassing! But what could I do? It wasn't my fault I didn't have panties on, I mean, it could have happened to anyone! I heard him say something. My mind was a bit clouded, what with the embarrassment I was feeling over my naked cunt, coupled with the thoughts I'd been having about sucking Patrick's cock, and now, this stranger had actually put nylon stocking on my feet, my calves, and half-way up my thighs... Well, I determined to hurry this up and get out to the car before I had an involuntary orgasm. I knew the salesman would get the wrong idea about me if he witnessed me coming, even if it were an accident! "Would you like to stand up and walk in them?" I heard him say again. "What? Oh, yeah, yeah, that would be nice." I got up and walked a few steps, and the hose fell down around my ankles. I did what seemed to be a natural thing at the time. I reached down and pulled them straight up, up over my calves, past my knees, and up to my thighs. Only after I did the second leg did I realize how much bare skin I must have shown this poor man. How terribly unfair of me. I was worried about the stocking, when I should have been concerned about this poor man's feelings, I mean, I have never been a cock teaser, and I know that this nice man must have thought I was baring my legs for his benefit! I may have even lifted my skirt high enough for him to notice I wasn't wearing panties! Well, not to worry, I thought. I would be out and gone in just a few minutes. Then he spoke again. "That seems like a tight fit. Maybe you'd wear a slightly larger size. This particular brand runs a bit small." Before I could object, he was on the floor, feeling my feet through the soft leather of the pumps, all the while I was aware that his head wasn't more than six inches from my pussy. I didn't want to move any closer, but somehow, my balance seemed to be off just a tad, before I knew what happened, I realized I'd closed the gap between his head and my cunt to less than an inch. When he looked up at me, I swear, my pussy hairs could feel his breath. I felt a bit shaky. "I need to sit down." I said. "Of course," he replied. Are you alright?" "Yes, I'm just feeling a bit faint." This was such a nice man. He could have just rushed me out of his store, but instead he asked me, "Would you like to lie down for a moment?" Now, ordinarily, I would have declined his offer, but I was feeling a little woozy, and I knew it would pass soon. It was just a combination of embarrassment and lust. I knew I'd be okay in a few minutes. So I accepted his offer to lie down. "That would be very nice of you. I don't know what's come over me." He helped me to the back of the store. I don't know what I expected, but I'd never been in the back of a shoe store, and I figured they'd have a couch or something in a break area, and that was where I'd lay down. Well, like I say, I'd never been in the back room of a shoe store, and I let him just sort of lead me to a door behind the shelves. He reached into his pocket and retrieved a chain of keys, and inserted one into the lock. It offered no resistance, and the next thing I knew, we were in a private office. "You lay right here until you feel better." With this me lowered me to an oversized leather couch. "I'll be right back." I laid there for a few minutes, my eyes closed, and let my mind drift. I never intended to fall asleep, but the couch was so comfortable. I felt a bit naughty. I was alone in the office, the door was closed, and one thing led to another. I felt my hand reach down to my legs, and slowly inched the hem of my sundress higher up my legs. I intended to adjust my skirt so the stranger would get a rush seeing a little of my thighs when he returned. You know, just a little tease. Nothing serious. I was still thinking of the fucking I had waiting for me at home. My thoughts were on Patrick's hard cock, how good it would feel when he let me have it, have it in my mouth, in my pussy, maybe even in my ass! I should tell you something about Patrick. He's a very smart man, and very aggressive. He takes what he wants, when he wants it, and that includes me! Many a time, he's fucked me in a parking lot outside a restaurant, just after dinner, or if he's in a particularly aggressive mood, sometimes he'll make me suck him in a semi-private place. He doesn't care who may see us. After all, he's told me plenty of times, I belong to him, and he'll take me and use me whenever he wants and he means it! I've sucked him off in elevators, in rest rooms, in movies and even in the reception room of a church during my sister's wedding. He is very proud of my firm body, and takes special pride in showing off my breasts to men he doesn't know. For that matter, he sometimes orders me to fuck or suck a stranger just so he can watch me do it. I am a good wife, however, and when he orders me to do something sexual with a man we've just met, I do it immediately, most of the time. Once, when we were shooting pool in a very fancy club in Vegas, he bet a man $500 against a blow job from me that I could beat the guy in a game of pool. I didn't like the idea of him using my mouth for a bet, and when the game was over, and I lost, I told him if he wanted the guy sucked, to suck him himself! Big mistake. Before the night was over, I had not only sucked off the winning pool player, but had been fucked on the pool table by at least ten guys who were also there. They raped me, of course, but what could I do? I mean, there were so many of them, and my husband had given them permission! All I could do was lay back and take in all the hard cocks in the room. They used me like a whore, fucking my pussy while others fucked my mouth. One of them slipped out of my cunt, and into my ass hole. You can imagine how unhappy I was to be ass fucked in a bar, on a pool table, and by men whose name I didn't even know! But that was what I got for talking back to my husband. These days, if he told me to suck off the Pope, I'd do it without question! But back to the problem at hand. While I was thinking about all the ways Patrick would use me that night when I got home, I started to get hotter and wetter. As I lay in the semi- darkness of the shoe store's back room, my hands finally found my naked cunt. I gasped involuntarily as I inserted two fingers into my twat. What I really needed was a hard dick, but since I was alone, I made do with what I had at hand. My fingers ran in and out of my cunt like they had a sacred mission. I needed to come, and the more I rubbed my clit, the more my fingers sank into my secret love hole, the more desperate I became. After a few moments of this, I abandoned any hope of a discrete orgasm. I didn't care who knew what I was doing, besides, I was certain I was far enough back of the store not to be overheard by any customers in the front of the shop. My hand was operating on its own now. I stopped holding back the moans of pleasure that were waving over me. I wanted to come, and I would! I felt that magic feeling start to flow over me. It started in the secret place of my cunt, and spread to my pussy lips, and across my stomach, up to my breasts! My nipples were hard pebbles now! Taking my left hand, I opened my dress from the top. First one button and then the next and another and another. Finally, it was open enough to get my hand inside, to touch my braless breasts, to feel the passion of my aching nipple. My cunt controlled me now! I must have made quite a sight laying on that couch, my dress pulled up, my pussy glistening with my own hot juices, my other hand massaging my hard, hot nips. I'd pulled my legs up, and had them spread wide open. I wanted a dick. My hand wasn't enough. I felt it begin, the orgasm I'd stroked my own pussy to find! Now! Yes, NOW. I WAS CUMING, AND NOTHING COULD HOLD ME BACK. I DIDN'T CARE WHO HEARD ME, WHO SAW ME!!!!!! I didn't stop my frenzied actions, even when I heard the office door open. I continued to finger fuck myself, laying on that couch, legs splayed wide open, my gaping pussy sucking at my hand, my head tossing back and forth, my eyes closed tightly. I was hotter than I could ever remember being! And I knew I was putting on a show, a show for someone I couldn't see, didn't want to see! If he wanted to watch, that was fine with me. It made me even hotter to think that a man, a man whose name I didn't even know was standing there, over me, watching me fuck myself like a cheap whore in a two dollar side show! I remember hearing the zipper of his pants. YES! I can remember feeling the weight of his body as he put his knees against the couch, and I remember the pungent odor of his hard cock as I felt it brush against my cheeks, against my lips! YES!!!! This was more like it. A hard dick in my mouth. My fingers continued their job, rubbing my clit to higher and higher levels. My mouth was full of man cock, and I didn't need to be told what to do with it. I sucked his dick deep into my throat. It was MINE!!! I would have swallowed a gallon of hot cum right then, a fucking bucket if I could have gotten it! I didn't hear the other man come in the room. I didn't hear his zipper, or even feel his body as it sank down on the couch. I wasn't aware of him until I felt his cock sliding into my pussy, my wide-open pussy. It was almost an automatic reaction. His cock pushed against the lips of my pussy, and I moved my hands out of the way, up to the first cock pushing its way into my mouth. I wanted to feel his dick meat as it pressed against me. I scratched his ball sack as it smacked soundly against my cheek. YES!!! Two cocks!!! One fucking my cunt, the other my face. As my body moved against the dick in my mouth, it pulled away from the one in my cunt. As it moved back to swallow the cock in my pussy, it moved away from the prick in my mouth. I was a seesaw of fucking. Each movement of my body brought two different men closer to shooting their jism into me, deep into me. I was thinking about Patrick. He would be so hot if he could see this. His pretty young wife, his hot-to-trot young bitch who he had married and bedded, and then turned loose on the world, would have made him so hot to watch. I was a whore and I was acting like one. This was not lovemaking, this was raw fucking, raw lust! I knew I wouldn't last much longer. The orgasm I'd experienced while finger fucking my own pussy was nothing like the one building in my cunt now. As I came closer and closer to a climax, I knew it would be one of strong enough force to black me out for a few seconds. Patrick was the first man to make me come like that. Since him, there have been a handful of occasions when I would totally lose control, totally pass over from consciousness to the world of dark space and animal passions. And this would be one of those times. The cock in my pussy started to contract first. It was more closely in line with my own orgasm. As I felt the stranger's dick starting to throb and spurt into my already wet pussy, I started the first tremors of my own come. It was magnificent! My husband tells me that when I am coming with a cock in my pussy, it causes me to go wild with the cock in my mouth. Whenever I am "double-teamed" as he calls it, he likes to be on the head side. Tonight was no exception. As my body gave over to the passions and pleasures of a soul retching orgasm, my mouth started sucking the second man's cock with an urgency he'd probably never felt before. I had to have his cream in my mouth. It was almost as if I couldn't finish my orgasm until he'd started his. I had the second cock as deep in my throat as it would go. My lips nibbled the pubic hairs surrounding the base of his dick, and my fingers dug into the soft flesh of his ass and pushed themselves into his ass hole. I meant to make this bastard give up his jism, and I wanted it now. My efforts were rewarded. I felt his dick recoil and blast its love juice down my throat. He tried to pull back, but my head followed his dick. I wanted it all. Blast after hot sticky blast of come cream shot down my throat, until it backed up, and started coming out the sides of my mouth. I swallowed as fast as I could, but between the cock in my pussy making me spasm uncontrollably, and the constant motion of this dick in my mouth, shooting load after load of hot cream, some of the cum escaped. I caught what I could in my hand and the rest just fell to the floor. What a waste! Then it happened. What I knew would happen if the orgasm I was expecting was as forceful as it promised to be. I felt myself starting to black out, to pass from reality to ultimate sexual abandon. I tried to hold back. After all, I didn't know these men, I didn't have the first idea what their names were or for that matter, what they looked like. It was dark in the office, and that darkness, coupled with my sluttish behavior, made me come with even greater force. It seemed like I had been unconscious for an hour, but in reality, only a few seconds had passed. Both my fuckers were still in position, although both had drained cocks. For the first time since the orgy began, I wondered which one was the man who'd held my foot, had tried the shoes on me. Not that it mattered now, but I was curious. Then a voice spoke in the darkness. It was him! That same commanding voice that had lulled me into the state I was in, the same voice that had ordered me to sit, ordered me to lie down, came out of the darkness, and what he said riveted me. "Now, its my turn, gentlemen." I was about to be fucked again, this time by a third cock, a cock I'd not yet felt. My first reaction was to get up, to gather myself and leave the room. What did they think I was? Did they think I was some kind of whore that would fuck anybody who stood in line? Then I felt his body heat as he put his hands on me. He had already taken off his clothes and his cock was rock hard. Yes, I could fuck one more time. I could take one more cock into my mouth, into my pussy. I was a whore. He gently helped me off the couch. I didn't know what he was doing, but whatever he wanted, it was alright with me. Once off the couch, I was standing in front of him. He was naked, but I still had my sundress on. It was totally open in the front, and my breasts were standing out, my nipples still raging with heat and hardness. He put his hands on my shoulders and firmly pressed down. I knew what he wanted, as I sank to my knees in front of this demanding stranger. When I assumed the kneeling position in front of him, he made no effort to move closer. If I wanted his cock, I would have to move toward it, I would have to be the one to start. And I was aware that the other two men, the two men who had already fucked my pussy and my mouth were still in the room, still watching me. I felt like such a whore! Only a slut would do this. My head moved toward the stranger's cock. I heard the office door open. Someone else was coming or going, someone else was seeing me, or ignoring me, I didn't know which. But it didn't matter. I took his dick into my mouth, and started sucking it. I wanted his hard meat in my mouth. My pussy was dripping over with a combination of the stranger's come and my passion juices. Within seconds I had his entire length in my throat, and was fucking his cock with my mouth! He pushed my head away. I couldn't believe it! I was sucking his dick like a Singapore whore, and he pushed me away. I didn't have long to dwell on why he'd done it. He put his hands on my shoulders again, this time making me stand again in front of him. He turned me around, my back against his chest. He guided me to the foot of the couch, and turned me so I was facing the couch, but separated by the large rolling padded arm of the imposing piece of furniture. Then his hands were on my shoulders, but from the back. He was pushing me downward, over the couch arms. I complied. If he wanted me to stand on my head, I would have done it. Cum was rolling down my legs. I was mortified to be in this position, playing the role of a whore. But this man was not to be denied. He'd seen me service his two friends, and now he wanted a piece of me also. My body bent over the armrests, my face on the couch, my feet on the floor, my ass high in the air. He touched me between my legs. Without his telling me, I knew to part them. His hand reached down between my legs and ran firm against my pussy. I wiggled my ass in the air, waiting for his cock to pierce my cunt. I wasn't prepared for his next move. He took his hand, coated with my pussy juices, and ran it up my ass, over my crack, and smeared my ass hole with the gooey substance. The next thing I felt was his hard cock pushing against my ass, pushing into me, fucking my ass hole without any warning. Before I could stop him, he'd already sunk half his hard dick into me. I stifled a scream. It was alright. He was treating me like a whore, and I was a whore. I relaxed my ass muscles. Patrick had fucked my ass hole on a number of occasions. I wasn't a virgin, and this guy didn't have as big a cock as my husband. I could take it. I wanted to take it. I wanted him to fuck me there. As I relaxed myself, his hard cock pushed further in. His hands reached around and under me, grabbing my breasts, squeezing the nipples. He squeezed them until he hurt me. I cried out. He didn't care. He pulled, and twisted and pinched them harder, all the time fucking me with deeper and harder strokes. He released one tit and reached up, to the wall and turned on the light switch. The room flooded with light, and for the first time since this began, I was able to see everything in the room. I saw the two other men who had already fucked me. They were sitting, one on the desk and the other in a chair, both still naked, both pulling on their cocks. I looked each man in the eye. They were transfixed watching their friend fuck my ass hole, finger my nipples. I know I should have been embarrassed, I should have felt shame. But all I felt was hot lust. I motioned to the man sitting on the desk. He didn't need a second invitation. As he stood and walked toward me, I licked my lips. I wanted a cock in my mouth. I didn't know if he was the one who fucked my pussy or mouth before. It didn't matter. I was ready for some mouth dick, and his was the nearest. As his hard cock slid into my warm, wet mouth, I could taste my pussy on him. Yes, he had been the cunt fuck, and now he would know my mouth. That was alright. I only wished there was some way to get the third cock into the action. The man in my ass was speeding up now. I knew he couldn't last long. My pussy is tight, but my ass hole is much tighter! I met his jabs, thrust for thrust, as he continued the abuse of my ass hole. All the while, I sucked on the other cock as if it were the last one in the world. This went on for another three minutes or so, and I felt the man behind me start to pump his cum into my ass. Balancing myself on one arm, I reached up and began pulling on the cock in my mouth. He went over the edge with this additional stimulation. Soon cum was shooting into both ends of me. And soon it was running down my chin, and down my legs! I was exhausted! Both men pulled away from me at the same time. I fell over the armrests, and into the couch. No more! I could take no more! My dress was a mess. My hair was disheveled, my makeup gone. Any lipstick I once had on was now coating the dicks of the three men who had treated me like a common slut! I don't remember much more about the next few hours. I do remember that each man fucked me once more. And then they left, all three of them. The man who had brought me to the back room told me to get fixed up, that it was after 10:00 and the store was closing. I had to get out now, he said. He spoke to me like I was just an easy piece of ass! Get moving, now, we're through with you, was his tone of voice. I pulled myself together, left the store, (without the shoes) and made my way to my car. I stopped at a coffee shop and used their rest room to clean myself up, fix my hair and makeup. But my cunt is so sore! And my ass hole! Which brings us to now, as I head home to face my husband. He will want to know where I've been, and what I've been doing. He probably will want to know where my underwear is, where my panty hose are, and why I stink of cum. Oh, well, if he asks, I guess I'll tell him. But I know what that'll mean. I'll be up all night, fucking him too! Write to me at


16 Gay Erotic Stories from DutchBoy

A Birthday Story

Yesterday was Rachael's birthday. She turned thirty-five, and I swear, she looks younger than when I met her nine years ago. Her firm body is just as firm, her proud breasts are still high and taunt, her bullet nipples still become likes little stones when she's excited, and these days she gets very excited, very often. I want to tell you how we celebrated her "coming" of age into

The Basketball Player

We had been up late the night before, Patrick, my husband, had brought home company. I wasn't really expecting any visitors...but when I saw whom he'd brought, well, let's just say I'm the forgiving type. He'd met this individual on a plane, and I was very excited to meet him. My husband knows a lot of important people, but very few of those people are in sports. This new friend,

The Bellman

Last weekend, Patrick and I decided we'd seen enough of Dallas, and took off for Houston. It was a great trip down, with me giving my loving husband many opportunities to watch as I flirted outrageously with every male we encountered over the two hundred mile trip. I wore my white sundress, nothing underneath. Whenever we stopped, and I got out of the car, everyone could plainly make

The Chess Player Ch.1

Patrick, my husband, and I had spent a long day in Dallas, and instead of going home (we lived about a hundred miles away) we decided to spend the night there. That's not an unusual thing for us to do. We often went to Dallas just to party, and since we were already there, we figured we might as well have some fun. Patrick is always ready to have a good time, and we hadn't really

The Comparison

My wife, Rachael, and I tell each other everything. Thursday, we were on our way to a club for a few drinks and perhaps some dancing, when the subject of my new friend from England came up. I was telling her that he, like myself, enjoyed sharing his wife's adventures with other like-minded men. I told her I'd read several of his stories, and that I noticed a particular fetish of

The Deal Ch. 1

My husband, Patrick, and I have a very active and wide ranging interest in sexual affairs. Ours is a marriage bonded on mutual love, respect and lust! I am a shameless exhibitionist. Patrick is an avid voyeur. Together we have had hundreds of exciting and in many cases, breathtaking experiences. Last week, however, I think we crossed over the last barrier to total freedom of exercise

The Deal Ch. 2

Patrick waited nervously. When he got home Friday night he expected to find me, but instead found only my note. Patrick, Sorry I couldn't be home when you got there. I've had a very hectic day getting ready for the weekend, and decided I needed a few more things. I want you to take a bath. After you finish, go to my jewelry box and you will find another note. Do not open it

The Deal Ch. 3

Phillip did as I'd instructed him. He didn't hesitate when I told him to clean Kyle's cock, sucking it clean from the remnants of our fuck session. I stood outside the car, having slipped my dress back on, with nothing else underneath, and watched as my husband sucked my lover's cock with an expertise I didn't know he possessed. Kyle's hard dick responded to Phillip's mouth, and was

The Deal Ch. 4

I told Patrick to clean himself up as I started to dress. It was already past eleven, and I still needed a hard dick in my pussy. Patrick could have serviced me, and for a brief moment, I considered letting him hammer his ten inch cock into me, but the whole point of this weekend was to drive him crazy with desire, and besides, I could fuck him any time I wanted. After eight years

The Englishman

Last night I wanted to surprise my husband with a special homecoming. He'd been to Scotland for a seminar and I was picking him up at our local airport. Patrick and I enjoy a rather exciting sex life, and there are no taboos or restrictions on our activities. Getting back to last night, I was very anxious to see my husband. He'd been gone five days (and five long, long nights!) I

The Gardener

Rachael was waiting for me when the plane landed. I'd called her that morning and told her what time I'd and, and she said she'd be there with a special present for me. I was sure I knew what that would be. Rachael loved to fuck as much as I did, and she'd been without my cock for almost two weeks. Knowing her as I do, I didn't for a minute think she'd been without any cock all

The Police Officer

Author's Note: This is really part two of "The Chess Player", as it took place immediately after the incident in the motel with the chess game. Thought you'd like to know that in case you're keeping score. * * * * * As I got into the front seat of our BMW, I made no effort to cover my legs with my dress. It had settled comfortably about two-thirds up my thighs. I knew Patrick

The Pool Player

For everything there is a first time. This story is about the first time my husband, Patrick, and I ever partied with another man. Patrick and I talked about opening our marriage, but until that night, it was just talk. But we knew it was only a matter of time before we went all the way, before we invited another man into our bed, into my pussy! It happened kind of suddenly. We

The Shoe Salesman

I knew I was in trouble. I should have been home six hours ago. It was already 11:00, and I knew Patrick would be worried. I started to think of a good excuse, a story I could tell him that he would believe. Car trouble came to mind, but he'd ask why I hadn't called him on the car phone. I looked in my purse. Damn! He'd paged me three times. I didn't have my beeper with me most of

The Traveling Woman

This is a continuation of the story "The Trucker" Hope you enjoy this as much as we did. If you'd like to write to either Rachael or me... * * * * * I lay there for a few moments before I spoke to my husband. It wasn't even ten in the morning and I'd already had my first orgasm of the weekend, and what an orgasm it had been! Patrick had finger fucked me in the front seat of our

The Trucker, Part 1

Patrick and I decided to travel by car on a mini-vacation. Because of time constraints, we usually fly wherever we go, but this time we wanted to relax, so we figured if we vacationed closer to home, we'd have more time, but still enjoy ourselves. Besides, wherever we go, we enjoy ourselves (and others!) Since we live in the eastern part of Texas, we decided New Orleans might be nice.


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