Gay Erotic Stories

Prey For Me Ch. 17

by Dvora Sosan


Sal, Kim and Caitlin rode their Harleys up I-95 from Las Vegas toward Reno for hours. At Stonewall Flat, Caitlin pulled ahead and motioned the others to turn off on Rt. 266. They headed north along the California-Nevada border. When they entered the small town of Dyer, Nevada, Caitlin pulled into the small parking lot of a tavern next to the post office. Kim and Sal followed her lead. As they got off the Harleys, Caitlin explained, "Jack wants us to do a little research before we get to Reno." Kim and Sal looked puzzled. The three sat in a booth in the back. Caitlin continued her explanation. "I spoke to Jack before we left Vegas. He is investigating three members of a motorcycle gang called the Scorpions. He believes they are connected to our group of ‘locusts’ who seduced beautiful women into mysteriously disappearing. "The names of these three bikers Jack is pursuing are Araqiel, Kakabel and Penemue. Do the names sound familiar? As familiar as say, Daniel, Ezekiel, Sariel, Baraqijal, Rameel and Turel? You will recall those are the names of our 'locusts' who found their true loves and absconded with them. All these names are from the Book of Enoch. Araqiel supposedly taught the signs of the earth, Kakabel taught the science of the constellations and Penemue taught the art of writing, particularly erotica. "Jack believes that Araqiel, Kakebel and Penemue are doing a little big-game hunting. What do you think he says they are hunting?" "Pussy," Sal guessed with a smirk. "Well, that, too," Caitlin laughed. "That’s why we are here, right? We are the bait; the hunted. Jack suggested that Araqiel, Kakabel and Penemue are hunting Sasquatch. You know, Bigfoot." "Say what?" Kim asked in disbelief. "Hear me out," Caitlin continued, "Jack verified Araqiel, Kakabel and Penemue purchased rifles and are spending a lot of time in the woods around here, hunting something. The rifles were Winchester Classic Safari Express Model 70’s; big game rifles. Now, just what big game is around here?" "Sasquatch," Kim replied, "obviously that is what you want me to say." "Yes, Kim, Sasquatch. Let’s go over what we know about Sasquatch with respect to the murderous Lilith and the seducers, the ‘locusts.’ Lilith and her first victim, Dr. Joseph Masterson, discussed Sasquatch. We know that from the person reported to be likely the last one to speak much to Dr. Masterson before his death, other than Lilith. That person was Abraham, the waiter at the casino-hotel where the murder occurred. Abraham confirmed Dr. Masterson and Lilith were talking about Sasquatch. Masterson had done considerable research on the matter so we later discovered." Caitlin continued, "Nathaniel, my Native American friend and best friend of Joshua Marshall, the first person to talk to our Lilith and one of the ‘locusts,’ has some wild and crazy theories about the Sasquatch. He says they are descendents of the Nephilim, something others, including my hero Leonard Nimoy have alluded. I’ll get to Leonard later. "We discovered the late Dr. Masterson had e-mail conversations with some of the other murder victims regarding Sasquatch. What’s up with that?" At that moment an elderly distinguished looking gentleman walked into the tavern and approached the table of the three women. "Girls," Caitlin explained in introduction, "this is Sean Flannery. He is the local Sasquatch expert and has a few things to tell us about Sasquatch happenings in this area." "Hello, ladies," Sean greeted, "I’ll make this as brief and concise as possible. Yes indeed, there have been numerous reported Sasquatch sightings in this vicinity. "First, as Caitlin knows only too well, Native American people hold Sasquatch in great reverence. He is considered to be a special kind of being, his nature is thought to consist of both animal-like and human-like consciousness, which gives him unique power. In Native American cultures animals are not regarded as inferior to humans but rather teachers of humans. Many Indians of old refused to eat bear meat because of the bear’s seemingly similarity to humans. Sasquatch obviously is thought to be much more similar to humans than the bear. Sasquatch is thought to be some sort of supernatural being whose appearance to humans usually is to convey some sort of message. "The Lakota, known better as the western Sioux, call Sasquatch ‘chiha-tonka’ which means ‘great brother.’ Peter Mathiessen, in his book In the Spirit of Crazy Horse documented several Native American legends regarding Sasquatch. That book in part was the inspiration for the movie Thunderheart, a veiled attempt to portray historical incidents of A.I.M., the American Indian Movement. The movie dispels some of the stereotypes associated with Native Americans. It also focuses on spiritual mysticism of Native Americans to some extent. "But back to the book In the Spirit of Crazy Horse, here are some excerpts, these are the words of the author Peter Mathiessen … ‘My travels with Indians began some years ago with the discovery that most traditional communities in North America know of a messenger who appears in evil times as a warning from the Creator that man’s disrespect for His sacred instructions has upset the harmony and balance of existence; some say that the messenger comes in sign of a great destroying fire that will purify the world of the disruption and pollution of earth, air, water, and all living things. He has strong spirit powers and sometimes takes the form of a huge hairy man; in recent years this primordial being has appeared near Indian communities from the northern Plains states to far northern Alberta and throughout the Pacific Northwest. ‘In 1976, an Indian in spiritual training took me to Hopi, where traditional leaders told us more about this being. Over several years, we visited the elders in many remote canyons of the West, and eventually I traveled on my own … (a long list of places). Along the way I learned a little of the Indians’ identity with land and life (very different from our environmental understanding) and shared a little of their long sadness about the theft and ruin of ancestral lands – one reason, they felt, why That-One-You-Are-Speaking-About had reappeared. "I’m skipping one paragraph here," Sean commented, "because it has no relevance to Sasquatch." ‘Turtle Mountain was among the many Indian communities that had been visited in recent years by the Rugaru, as the Ojibwa call the hairy man who appears in symptom of danger or psychic disruption in the community.’ "Again," Sean paused, "I’ll skip some of the dialogue but this is most interesting, Mathiessen reported the Indians associated Rugaru with a kind of big reptile from ancient times. These Turtle Mountain Objiwa identify Sasquatch with Windago, their evil cannibal giant of the legends." "Isn’t it funny," Caitlin interrupted, "how Native American legends reflect biblical themes, when they had no knowledge of the bible? Isaiah 27:1, ‘In that day, the LORD with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan the piercing serpent, even leviathan that crooked serpent; and slay the dragon that is in the sea’ obviously is speaking of giant reptiles." "Get out, Caitlin," Kim challenged. "Explain that." "My interpretation of this verse is that it is speaking of three satanic creatures. I read an interesting biblical exposition by one noted scholar who, in summary, stated that the ‘piercing serpent’ is the Prince of Tyrus. The Hebrew ‘bariyach’ is translated to ‘piercing’ and also means a fugitive, as in the ‘fugitive and a vagabond thou shalt be …’ of Genesis 4:12. The ‘crooked serpent’ is the King of Tyrus. The Hebrew ‘aquallathrown’ is translated to ‘crooked’ which also means going the wrong way. One might say rebelling against God is going the wrong way. The ‘dragon that is in the sea’ is the antichrist. This particular female scholar insisted we must be very careful in distinguishing between the Prince of Tyrus, the King of Tyrus and the antichrist. All three of these bad actors are interchangeably symbolized in scripture by serpents, beasts, dragons, horses and more. Go figure that one out." "Caitlin, I see where this is headed!" Kim practically shouted. "The Nephilim, the giants, the mutants, the Sasquatch, and cannibals too? Funny how all this is starting to connect." "I might add," Sean offered, Rugaru is not an Ojibwa word; more like French, the French word for werewolf ‘loup-garou.’ French trappers and missionaries were the first whites the Ojibwa encountered." "Let me interrupt here," Caitlin insisted, "that’s enough about Sasquatch of Native American lore, the cannibalistic monster who feasted on human flesh, particularly women. We’ll talk more about that later. I have a personal story to tell. Sean, let’s get to the Sasquatch sightings around here." "Sure Caitlin," Sean agreed. "Let’s see, where to begin, there are just too many stories. "First, let’s talk about Boundary Peak, the highest point in Nevada at 13,140 feet. It’s right down the road. The trees in the valley surrounding Boundary Peak are Bristle Cone Pine, some of which are more than 5,000 years old, older than Sequoia." "What else is more than 5,000 years old?" Caitlin interjected, "the ancestors of the Sasquatch? The Nephilim? Numerous Sasquatch sightings have been reported in and around Boundary Peak." Sean ignored her comment. "Other Sasquatch sightings have occurred in nearby Sierra County, California. Some of the most interesting reports are more than a decade old. Sheriff’s Deputy Joe Mosley, a tough mountain cop, became the focus of attention for much of the Sasquatch hoopla. Sierra County is the center of many Sasquatch practical jokes and tall tales. Deputy Mosley sifted through the bullshit and documented the evidence and separated the fiction from the non-fiction. Here is a copy of his findings. I’m sure you will find this quite extraordinary. "In the Inyo National Forest, about due west not many miles, on August 4, 1996, at 10:00 in the morning, three women campers on East Lake reported a Sasquatch sighting. The women were UCLA students on summer break just exploring wilderness. The young ladies reported that the Sasquatch appeared to be stalking them, until they frightened it off with Christian crosses. I have spoken to all three women, who, five years later all engaged in professional occupations. One is a lawyer, one is a physician and the other is an editor for a rather infamous women’s magazine. I talked to each independently and they vehemently stick to their story. Why? Probably because it’s true. "And then we have the …" "Thank you so much, Sean," Caitlin interrupted abruptly. "We get the picture and we will contact you if we have any questions, which we probably will." Sean left. "And now for my personal Sasquatch story," Caitlin began, "and it is quite the story indeed. I first became fascinated with cryptozoology when I took several graduate courses at a major university in Ohio. Bigfoot, or Sasquatch, the common Native American terminology, was my peculiar fetish. "The erotic dreams woke me every night. I fantasized I was seduced by a Sasquatch. "Were the tabloid headlines like ‘Beautiful Women Help to Lure Bigfoot’ and ‘Sasquatch Likes to Study the Ladies true? I could never get back to sleep after the nightmares until I masturbated and changed my panties. "Soon after my arrival at the university, I began a love affair with a certain professor of religious studies. Pillow talk has its rewards. "This nutty professor had all sorts of intriguing unconventional religious theories and even kinkier sexual desires. He told me I was a descendent of Lilith, the original demon of the dark. He ignored me when I said, ‘Oh shit, not again, a chick who wears leather and carries a whip always gets stereotyped.’ "So Doc, that's what I called him, tells me all this jive about Lilith and how she was the first vampire and invented fellatio. Her goal in life was to suck the life force out of a man, his blood and his semen. "Doc even quoted the bible to me and pointed out passages where Lilith appeared. And he also had copies of Dead Sea Scroll fragments that he said clinched it. "I felt like saying, ‘Geez mawn, will you just stick it in me and shut up?’ But the more Doc talked about this stuff the more intrigued I became. I could suck his cock slowly and softly for hours listening to him babble on and on about demons, vampires, fallen angels and bigfoot creatures. "According to Doc, Lilith was a parasitical predator who used her greatest weapons, her incredible beauty, her aura of sensuality and the skills taught her by supernatural beings to lure men into her snare. ‘Who, who, me?’ I stammered. "Doc exclaimed, ‘Yes, you! Who, who is right. Lilith, the screech owl, whose color changes from red to gray and back to red, depending on the results of the night's hunting.’ "And then he would beg me to feed. He would beg me to take a razor blade, cut a cross shape on his chest and lick and suck the blood. He never would let me cut his penis but the licking and sucking always finished up there. When he finally came in my mouth, he would change the subject from Lilith to Bigfoot. "Doc would ask questions like ‘Is the Bigfoot a man, beast or an aberration that resulted from the sexual perversions of the fallen angels thousands of years ago? Why do Native American legends abound regarding bigfoot like creatures? The Sasquatch of our country, the Yeti of Asia, the Mapinguari of the Amazon region, the Yowie of Australia, the Abominable Snowman of the Himalayas are all what?’ "And then he would answer his own questions. ‘Bigfoot are mutants. Their ancestors are Nephilim, fallen angels; the fallen angels who came to earth and copulated with women. A dormant recessive supernatural gene has caused significant genetic damage over the past 6,000 years. They remain, however, incredibly intelligent despite their outward appearance. There are numerous photographs and footprints of Bigfoot in evidence. Sightings are increasing but they are extremely elusive and dispose of the remains of the dearly departed.’ "When I told Doc about my latest Sasquatch erotic nightmare he would spank me. I love being a bad girl and I love being spanked for my misbehavior even more. He was brutal! Talk about a sore red ass. "Doc liked to spank me with my panties on. When he was done smacking the shit out of me he would remove my panties with his teeth and keep them for who knows what. He never told me and I didn't ask because he would always give me his credit card and tell me to go buy more. I made quite an impression at K-Mart charging $500 worth of panties. "As it turned out, my lifetime supply of panties came in quite handy for Sasquatch hunting. I had so many panties that my new friend Gloria helped herself although it took her some getting used to because that squaw had gone without most of her life. I bought some ‘Barely There Underwear’ just for her. It's a psychological thing. "Then Doc would put on this stupid gorilla suit, lick my pussy with the utmost enthusiasm and change the subject again. "Doc was an ‘expert’ on just about everything, particularly cervical-puboccygeal orgasm. Right, vaginal orgasm. I described my orgasms and he insisted they were clitoral and not vaginal. He wasn't impressed by my scholarly attitude when I said, ‘What the fuck difference does it make? I'm not interested in what name you give it, just how it feels.’ "I guess it was some sort of private lesson when he taught me about Kegal exercises. I soon found myself practicing every time I took a piss. Sitting on the can I kept hearing his words, ‘Tighten for a count of ten and work up to a count of thirty.’ "I'd also get bored in just about every class and start practicing and wonder how many other coeds were doing it. Maybe this was just my erotic imagination but there seemed to be a whole lot of squirming going on. I'd pick out either the professor or the cutest guy in the class and pretend I was squeezing his dick. You know, with no hands. "Doc suggested I take a class in molecular genetics so I did. The professor of that course obtained a hair sample from an alleged Sasquatch and attempted to isolate a sequenced mitochrondial gene fragment to determine the phylogenetic affiliation of the creature. "I jumped his bones too. Only way he would tell me a secret. Actually, I don't mind humping gray-beards that much. At least they have something interesting to say. This professor finally admitted to me that his research had determined Sasquatch was far more human than ape. He was afraid to publish his research lest he be subject to great public ridicule. I gave him a real special blowjob for that revelation. "And in his class one girl really got my attention. She would do it so slyly but I noticed. I could tell she was doing the same thing I was doing and then she would slip her hand under her desk to you know where. She was so expressionless who but me could tell? What gave her away, at least to me, were her feet. She always wore sandals instead of moccasins and when she starting wiggling her toes like crazy I knew she was about to give herself one great orgasm. "The sandal clad one's name was Gloria Little Beaver. Obviously a Native American and extraordinarily beautiful and exotic looking. "I learned so much from her and I'm not talking just all about Sasquatch. We became lovers. "Gloria is an Ohio Seneca; much different than a New York Seneca like myself. The Ohio Seneca also spoke the Iroquois language, but they joined with the Algonquin tribes of the Ohio country in their wars against the Iroquois. Many Ohio Seneca joined with various Mingo and other tribes in the Ohio country to avoid being conquered by the New York Iroquois. I suspect they were afraid of being eaten, in that my ancestors were cannibalistic. Well, I did eat Gloria, quite often as a matter of fact. "Gloria also had been in the Doc's bed and she was likewise enamored of the Sasquatch. Although as she told me, ‘To the Ohio Seneca, he is Ge no'squa, the Stone Giant.’ "Gloria continued, ‘The Seneca legends passed down by my people for many centuries portray the one you call Sasquatch as a supernatural recluse and spirit being brought out into the presence of humans by only the scent of a beautiful seductress and succubus, a bitch in heat.’ "I responded, ‘Well, that's us so let's go find one and get rich and famous.’ "Gloria cautioned, ‘Not just yet, we have to make preparations and take precautions. Sasquatch is a sexual predator.’ "I joked, ‘Hey cool, Sasquatch gets a Little Beaver?’ "Gloria scolded, ‘Don't be so smug silly girl. Part of the Sasquatch legend is that he has an enormous member with which he first attracts and then punishes those like us. Those like us, who worship asherah.’ "I queried, ‘Asherah, who or what is that? That's a new one on me.’ "Gloria cooed, ‘No, in you. Didn't Doc tell you that story? The Hebrew word asherah appears in the bible about forty times. The word means sacred poles; big wooden dildos that became the object of worship. Phallic symbols. Every good little Jewish princess had a smaller version for her own personal devotions. Tantrikas say you should pray at the time of orgasm. An asherah just makes it a little easier. Sure beats the hell out of rosary beads.’ "I asked, ‘What about splinters?’ in a blonde moment. "Gloria brought out her toys and exclaimed, "Not to worry!’ They looked like small totem poles to me. ‘Here, feel how smooth the wood is polished,’ she suggested and I did. "Strapping on an unusually large one, Gloria surprised me when she pushed me down and tried to force it in me. She said, ‘Caitlin, you need a little stretching if you are going to be fooling around with Sasquatch. You are too damn tight.’ "I'm tall but Gloria is taller and has powerful legs and muscular arms. I hadn't met the girl yet who could kick my ass but I thought she just might be the first. "I fought her off and once I got out from under her, the advantage went slightly to me. We wrestled and sparred for at least fifteen minutes and we were both drenched in sweat and pumped with adrenaline. "Finally I got off several good kicks to her ribs and she doubled over in pain. I lifted up her head and I was going to punch her right in the face. But when I looked into those big brown bedroom eyes that were crying in pain at the moment, and I looked at those luscious quivering lips, I kissed her hard right on the mouth. Well I couldn't help it! "I then conceded, ‘OK, now you can do me with your big wooden Injun dildo. Not because you can force me, but because I want you to. Remember, you're not a man who presumes he can just take what he wants without asking. If you were a man, I would have given you two black eyes and a busted jaw. You are not a man, you are a stupid squaw with a stick.’ "After that little speech I laughed so hard I cried and so did Gloria. She made love to me slowly, softly and sensually and the stick was only a small part of it. But I could tell we were both thinking, ‘If only women really had real ones.’ "What convinced us finally to go Sasquatch hunting was the program on A&E entitled The Search for the Abominable Snowman. Leonard made reference to the hair covered giants of Genesis 6:4 and Bigfoot in the same sentence. "I said to Gloria, ‘See even Dr. Spock thinks there is something to this supernatural stuff and I personally don't think he is just off in space again.’ "All she said in response was ‘I love his ears. Can you just imagine getting a firm grip on those? He'd be eating pussy for days at a time.’ "We told Doc about our plans for the big hunt and he made sure we had the necessary equipment. He gave us Hydrocal Gypsum Cement to make casts of tracks and ZipLoc baggies to collect hair and dry ice and containers to store tissue samples. He emphasized over and over the need to get DNA evidence. "Doc suggested we talk to a famous Bigfoot hunter and authority on gorillas and the like. She was known in the press, particularly in the tabloids, as Sasquatch Sally. Sally wrote the real Gorillas in the Mist" story. She also has appeared in numerous tabloid accounts of strange encounters with bigfoots, gorillas and other monkey business. "The most famous episode, Sasquatch Sally Scared Shitless by Huge Gorilla Dick made most of the tabloids and got her on the Jerry Springer show. She turned down Jenny Jones because she was apprehensive they might bring out the gorilla and she would have to prove she did indeed swallow instead of spit. "Sally told us Sasquatch are attracted by and lust after every fluid that comes out of a woman's body. According to her, ‘That is the only reason Sasquatch comes anywhere near humans. He can't help himself when it comes to the scent of a woman and her every secretion and excretion, and he has a very keen sense of smell. My advice to you girls, if you really want to find Sasquatch, is to use panties as bait. Make sure you wear them for days. Dirty is good.’ "We got the bait ready. We wore our panties for days and wouldn't take them off, not even for sex. No, we didn't abstain from sex. We just worked around them. Then, once properly stained, we refrigerated our panties to keep the aroma fresh. "One more task remained before we went off on the hunt. Gloria admitted to me she had very little cock-sucking experience. I took her to some biker bars. By personal observation, I am convinced that biker dudes have the biggest dicks, relatively speaking. "You got to keep those squaws away from the firewater! As soon as she got trashed, she would offer to suck the biggest cock in the place. And she would much to the delight of the most endowed one and the watchers. Then she'd feel sorry for the runner-up and do him too. "We felt we were as ready as we'd ever be so we decided to head for the southern Ohio-Pennsylvania border. There had been numerous Sasquatch sightings reported in that area. "Gloria’s 4wd truck was our primary mode of transportation. I also borrowed my brother's .50 caliber sniper rifle and put it in the back of the truck. It was five feet long and weighed about a hundred pounds. I thought it could stop just about anything except a tank should the need arise. "We camped overnight at various spots near Berlin Lake. Gloria would have nothing to do with campgrounds. Our two-woman tent was pitched in the woods in the vicinity of the latest Sasquatch sightings. "And then we found tracks. They were close to twenty inches long and much wider than a man's foot. They definitely looked like the examples of other Sasquatch tracks Doc had shown us. "The tracks ran into a very dense wooded area where no vehicle could go. We didn't see any evidence that hikers and campers had braved this desolate area. "We strategically placed panties about every one hundred yards apart along the path of the tracks. Gloria whined, ‘I'm scared shitless and I just wet my panties.’ "I snarled. ‘Take the fucking things off and toss them on the ground. We need some fresh stuff.’ I took mine off too, and they were not exactly moisture free. I threw them about fifty feet from where Gloria tossed hers. "Nearby was what seemed to be a good spot to camp for the night. A flat bare spot kind of surrounded by trees and brush. "One of us kept watch while the other slept. It was my turn and I heard ‘him’ approaching and woke Gloria. "The creature walked right up to us. It was a full moonlit night and we could see him rather clearly. "Almost eight feet tall he was. ‘Kinda cute!’ I whispered to Gloria although I was quaking with fear and apprehension. "He reached out with both hands and touched my right breast and Gloria’s left breast. "Stupid me blurts out, ‘Back off you big hairy motherfucker. Or is this how you introduce yourself in your world?’ "Gloria grabbed my arm and screamed, ‘Shut up you stupid bitch! You may be able to kick my ass but this dude is way out of your league. Remember you left that big rifle on the truck. I doubt that pistol you got would cause more than a mosquito bite to this monkey monster.’ "I grumbled, ‘OK, OK, let's do the same thing to him, feel him up. Maybe this is some sort of non-verbal friendly communication.’ "So we felt his body all over and he let us. Actually, he felt much like a man, but of course much hairier and larger. It didn't take long for him to get an enormous erection. He stared down at it and grunted what sounded like a word, but in a language we didn't understand. "Gloria pointed at his huge erect penis and shouted ‘Roger!’ She responded to my puzzled look with ‘Roger is a Seneca word. 'One eyed evil serpent' is what it means and it is spoken of in Sasquatch legends passed down from generation to generation by our people.’ "Gloria kept chanting, ‘Roger, Roger!’ and pointing right at it. ‘You know how guys like their dicks to have names,’ she rationalized. "The man or monkey monster grabbed Gloria by the hair and forced her down to her knees in front of him. She stroked his massive member with her hands. "I cried, ‘Bite the damn thing off! Then we'll have our Sasquatch evidence.’ "Gloria whined, ‘This isn't an Almond Joy, six inches long with two nuts, that you can just chomp off in one bite. Look at that fucking thing! Roger is at least three times the size of your usual pleaser and teaser.’ "The beast seemed somewhat content at the moment with just her stroking. She looked at me and whispered, ‘We'll just do what Monica did. Make sure we don't swallow it all. Get some on our clothes and we'll have the DNA evidence we need to prove to the world we met Sasquatch.’ "We thought we should give the big dude a name before we sucked him off and kind of liked Snatchquatch but that was too much of a tongue twister. So we called him Roger. "The double-team seemed quite appropriate for the task at hand. With both of our mouths and four hands we could cover most of his cock. The first time Roger came was just incredible. "It was like a gusher! We got a lot more than a few drops on our shirts. Talk about a wet tee-shirt contest. "This monkey didn't have much interest in foreplay and Gloria and I didn't think to bring our Vagisal Intimate Moisturizer or some other lubricant. We had to keep each juiced up with our tongues and fingers in anticipation of that big Roger being slipped inside us. "This turned Roger on even more. Apparently he liked to watch girls play with girls. "Gradually Roger understood more and more words we spoke. We soon began to understand some of his words. When he got an erection, which seemed like about every hour, he would point to it and grunt ‘Roger, Roger.’ "It didn't take Roger long to progress linguistically to ‘Suck Roger’ and Roger screw’ and he would grab one of us and get right to it. The Kegel exercises didn't work real well with this dude. There wasn't a whole lot of room to contract and squeeze if you get my drift. "On the second day Gloria and I taught Roger spanking. Just the feel of a big hairy paw on your bare ass is electrifying. He was very gentle at first; too gentle. "We slapped his face until he spanked harder. I bit his neck and raked my nails along his hairy chest, drawing blood, until Roger whacked me real good. You simply can not imagine the feel of a hand that can squeeze your entire ass. "And Roger had six fingers! Just like Doc said he would; a genetic mutant. Just like the giants in the bible Doc told us about. "On the third day we taught Roger cunnilingus. Not only couldn't he say the word, he couldn't do it very well either; not much different than most men. Not that he didn't like doing it, because he loved it. He just had trouble finding the right spot. "On the third day Roger began to speak somewhat fluently with our coaching. And he had a Scottish accent! He was mumbling something like ‘Steal softly thru moonlight, steal softly thru snow.’ "Gloria joked, ‘Roger must be a Scotsquatch. I wonder how he look in a little pink plaid skirt, or kilt, or whatever you call those cute little dresses. He is saying something about your legs and wants to know if you wax them. He even said he would wax his if it would help you feel more free sexually. "I suggested, ‘Please go get my athame and the Magic, Gloria. We are gonna give Roger a beauty treatment. If he wants me smooth, I want him smooth.’ "Several hours later Roger looked like a plucked chicken. My athame was not dull like most; I used it for more than casting spells." "Gloria said with a smile, ‘Big improvement, though, except for the hair we left on his head. Talk about a bad hair day! Hey, what did you do to my strap-on ding dong wooden dildo? That looks like your face you carved on it.’ "I laughed and admitted, ‘It is my face. And it’s going right up Roger’s ass. Now, you blow him while I sneak up behind him.’ "Roger seemed to like anal but he didn’t squeal like a pig or call out for his mama. I was a little disappointed. "I snarled, ‘Shit, Gloria, I should have brought the whip and the cuffs. I’d turn this big gorilla into a cry-baby. "Roger was lapping Gloria right up when I, remembering what Sally had said about his intense obsession with a woman's fluids said, ‘Try pissing in his mouth.’ He loved it! "Then I posed the question to Gloria, ‘I wonder if he likes to eat shit and boogers too?’ She soon found out. "Gloria joked, ‘No more Kleenex and digging six inch holes in the ground for us!’ She mooned me with a ‘And look, he cleans you right up. Don't need toilet paper either.’ "I responded, ‘Yeah, and if you had a Roger as a pet at home think of all the water you'd save. No more flushing the toilet.’ "We were getting carried away with the joke and laughed until we cried, to the point of almost wetting our panties. ‘Here Roger, Roger, want a drink?’ we chanted at him. One thirsty dude, that Roger. "This orgy went on for five days because Roger didn't sleep for five days straight. Gloria and I took turns taking catnaps while the other one kept him amused. "Finally Roger crashed. I mean he really crashed. It was more like hibernation. "We took that opportunity to slip away back to the real world. Neither one of us could take much more of Roger at the moment. And we were a little leery of what Roger might get around to wanting to do with Roger next. Being butt bumped by a big fat twenty- inch gorilla Roger was not something we looked forward to with fond anticipation. "Our DNA evidence is locked away in a safety deposit box. Those tee-shirts had so much Sasquatch cum on them they got really stiff. It was like folding cardboard to get them into the box. "We did not kiss and tell (yet). We are going back for more Roger soon." "What a bullshit story, Caitlin," Kim blurted. "Total bullshit, just like your story about you sucking off the two dudes you met at the pizza shop." "Is it, Kim? Maybe it is, but what if …? What if these Sasquatch are some sort of mutant descendents of the Nephilim? What if these ‘locusts’ are somehow also descendents of these Nephilim? Why then would these ‘locusts’ be out to kill the Sasquatch. To destroy evidence? And isn’t it just so coincidental that the Objiwa term for Sasquatch, namely ‘Rugaru’ sound so much like Roger?" "Questions, questions, questions," Kim muttered. "Answers, answers, answers," Caitlin retorted. "Do you know the story of Antiochus? He symbolizes the antichrist to many and others actually thought him to be the antichrist. In 168 BC, Antiochus, a Seleucid successor to Alexander the Great, entered the inner sanctuary of the Temple at Jerusalem. There he found a sculpture that he paraded all over Jerusalem as an example of the idols that the Jews worshipped. That sculpture was of an angel engaged in sexual intercourse with a woman. Now just who do you suppose the Jews got to model for this sculpture?" "OK, I’ll bite," Kim responded, "One of the fallen angels, the Nephilim." "Let me offer one other theory," Caitlin continued, "who invented sodomy? Perhaps Lilith and the Nephilim? According to the legends, Lilith was in total control while performing fellatio, a man’s ‘life’ was in her mouth, and some men never survived the experience, at least not with all members intact. Scattered reports of amputated members over the last 6,000 years are usually attributable to a Lilith gone berserk. A Lilith, a female predator, uses fellatio as the means not only to control a man’s orgasm, but to control his emotional and psychological state as well. "Due to subversive activity by the Nephilim, fellatio and anal intercourse became prevalent amongst men in places like Sodom and Gomorrha. Nephilim who survived the Flood, descendents of the original fallen angels and Lilith and her sisters, in particular the Rephaim, developed an obsessive compulsion for sodomy. I might add, it will happen again; the sodomy and supernatural beings fornicating with human women. That is exactly what Matthew 24:37, ‘But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be" means. Luke is similar. Luke 17:26, ‘And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of Man.’ Verse 27, ‘They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all.’ The ‘all’ of course, in my opinion, is limited by other scripture. The Greek word ‘appollumi’ was translated to ‘destroyed’ in this verse and it means to destroy, or lose or separate. Some Nephilim were destroyed; others were restrained. Those restrained are the ‘locusts’ of Revelation 9, led by the destroyer Apollyon, and they are to be freed in the last days, to seduce and fornicate once again." To Be Continued... contributed by


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17 Gay Erotic Stories from Dvora Sosan

Prey For Me Ch. 01

Like locusts, they came swarming out of the Badwater Basin of Death Valley. They rode smoking Harleys in groups of ten. Each day another group of ten wove their way through each other's dust clouds on the road from the abyss to their assignations. The names of the leaders of the locusts, Samazaz, Araklba, Rameel, Kobablel, Tamlel, Ramel, Danel, Ezequeel, Baraqijal, Asael, Armaros,

Prey For Me Ch. 02

Danel continued to drive toward Death Valley Junction. Laurie asked him to stop at the next gas station so she could use the bathroom. They bought soft drinks out of the machine and sat on the hood of a junked car. "Where are we going from here, Danel? C'mon, give me a hint." "In your dreams; your fantasies. Where would you like to go, Laurie?" "With you, Danel. Wherever you

Prey For Me Ch. 04

Pt. IV: CirCUMstantial Evidence On the drive up Interstate 15 to Salt Lake City that took all night and part of the morning, Jack thought about how it was not one of his favorite places. He had been there twice before. Getting information was often like pulling teeth. One of the strangest places he had ever been; like a totally different planet. His past experiences, however, did

Prey For Me Ch. 06

During the short ride to the scene of the crime, or at least where the victim was discovered, Caitlin did all the talking. "Do you know Las Vegas is by far the fastest growing city and has grown 55% in the past eight years? Do you know over 150 people move to Las Vegas every day? Do you know Las Vegas has four churches for every casino?" On and on she went. Jack was getting

Prey For Me Ch. 07

Pt. VII: Cowgirls & Indians Brett and Caitlin chatted incessantly on the return flight to Cleveland where they left their cars. Mostly he wanted to talk about the case and she wanted to talk about Jack Davis. "Brett, please tell me more about Jack. I know some of the story. Forty-something. Navy Seal and then the C.I.A. One of the most respected P.I.'s in the business. That's

Prey For Me Ch. 08

Pt. VIII: The Scoop Kim Wright appeared next on Jack's short list of appointments to make. He called the private number Sam Hanson wrote on the back of her business card. Jack knew it was an old card because Sam had told him Kim was no longer an investigative reporter with the Las Vegas Review-Journal, the largest paper in Nevada. The two agreed to meet for an early dinner at a

Prey For Me Ch. 10

Kim and Jack rode to the scene of the fourth Lilith murder in Sam Hanson's Cadillac. It was a brand new Catera Sport. Ebony on the outside; and charcoal soft leather on the inside. Jack sat in the back and rather liked the way it handled. Sam rambled about all the features and specifications and Jack wondered why he did not get to the more pressing business at hand. He soon got an

Prey For Me Ch. 11

Pt. XI: The Queen of Hearts Hours later when Jack, Kim and Sam arrived back in Las Vegas, Jack wanted to meet with Thomas Peterson immediately if not sooner. He did. But Peterson wasn't talking. He was dead. The three left immediately for the police impound garage where Peterson's vehicle had been taken. Detective Jimmy DeDad of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department met

Prey For Me Ch. 12

Pt. XII: The Yakuza Jack began to stir about noon. Something under the covers made him quite alert. Kim encouraged him to rise in more ways than one with her warm and wet lips. When she finished she stuck her head out from under the covers and said coyly, as cum dripped from her chin, "Thanks for breakfast." Over coffee Jack and Kim discussed their strategy for questioning the

Prey For Me Ch. 13

Pt. XIII: The Yellow Rose of Texas "So what's the scoop, Jorge?" asked Jack. "Ah, Senor Davis, it is a long story, 'er I mean scoop. Let me get you two dinner, and then I will tell all. What would you like?" Kim and Jack perused the menu. "I'll try something different, Jorge, not my usual. Love your orange roughy but let me have the Camarones Abuelito Timo." "What's that?"

Prey For Me Ch. 14

Jack persuaded Kim to pick up Caitlin at McCarran International Airport. "It will give you a chance to get to know one another. I'm going to meet with the governor's daughter, Sal Bridge." "Sure Jack, I'll go get her. I feel like I already know her quite well. Do you think Caitlin made reservations at a hotel?" "I doubt it, why do you ask, Kim? Caitlin most likely assumes I

Prey For Me Ch. 15

Pt. XV: Biker Babes The bait rode to see Spike in Sal's Land Cruiser. Obviously the three women would not fit very well in Kim's Miata. Caitlin mentioned the time she sat on Brett's lap in Jack's Mercedes SLK convertible. "I'm looking forward to getting on a bike again," Caitlin reminisced. "It has been awhile. There is something about riding a motorcycle that makes me real

Prey For Me Ch. 16

Kim and Caitlin sat in the kitchen drinking coffee and munching on bagels and reading. Sal strolled in from just showering. "What written word are you girls so engrossed in this morning?" Sal inquired pleasantly. "Look at my bum, Caitlin, it's still red! You are a brute." "What the hell did you two do to each other last night after I fell asleep?" Kim snapped, a tinge of jealousy

Prey For Me Ch. 17

Sal, Kim and Caitlin rode their Harleys up I-95 from Las Vegas toward Reno for hours. At Stonewall Flat, Caitlin pulled ahead and motioned the others to turn off on Rt. 266. They headed north along the California-Nevada border. When they entered the small town of Dyer, Nevada, Caitlin pulled into the small parking lot of a tavern next to the post office. Kim and Sal followed her

Prey For Me Ch. 18

Pt. XVIII: Safari Snatch Caitlin, Kim and Sal rode their Harleys from Dyer, Nevada, across the border and into California, heading north. They crossed back into Nevada at Topaz Lake and headed up I-395 to Reno. Right up to the casino-hotel where Thomas Peterson had been murdered they rode. Jack had reserved the other super suite for them. Peterson lost his penis and his life in

Prey For Me Ch. 19

Pt. XIX: Matches Made in Heaven (or Hell?) Jack explained to Caitlin, Kim and Sal his activities regarding the 'locusts.' Araqiel, Kakabel and Penemue have been frequenting a certain establishment, The Horny Devil. One of the real hotspots in Reno, even the casino crowd likes to show their faces. "I have been unable to follow the three to wherever they call home. They seem to

Prey For Me, Chapter 3

Several weeks after her strange encounters of the sexual kind with Danel, Laurie had some unusual but familiar feelings. She went to the local drug store and purchased an ANSWER PLUS home pregnancy test. Purple haze. On the way to the store she sang ... "Purple Haze all in my brain; Many things just don't seem the same. Acting funny but I don't know why. 'Scuze me while I


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