Gay Erotic Stories

Nikki, Chapter 2

by Patrick

When I woke up the following day, I jumped out of bed and rushed to the mirror, staring fixedly at my body, trying to see where I’d changed now that I was no longer a virgin. I cupped my small breasts and stroked them, was it my imagination or were they a little bigger today?, did the nipples seem more swollen than normal? I rolled them between my fingers and shuddered as the heat raced through me, Mmmm, they certainly felt more sensitive! I lifted one foot onto the dresser and stared intently at my pussy, reaching down and spreading the lips apart slightly, Mmm they did look a little puffy and swollen, and still a little red, and sensitive, oh god yes, so much more sensitive! I closed my eyes a moment, lightly stroking my pussy lips and my clit, remembering how it had felt with Patrick’s cock sliding in and out yesterday, Oh God, it was such an incredible feeling, so much better than I ever imagined it would be. My fingers automatically speeded up on my clitoris, and I groaned as the heat really flared, then I stopped abruptly and grinned ... Hey, I didn’t need to do this for myself any more, I could get Patrick to do it! And if Patrick wasn’t around, maybe someone else, Mmm, now all the mystery and the fear was gone and I knew how fantastic I felt, the world was my oyster! I quickly showered and scrambled into some casual clothes and rushed out to join mom and dad for breakfast before they went off in the boat for the day. I sat opposite them at the table wondering if they could tell, wondering if they would sense that their little girl wasn’t a virgin any more, that a man’s big cock had emptied its hot juices into me ... grin...but they didn’t seem to notice at all, and I couldn’t tell them, I mean, not straight out like that, it wasn’t really the sort of thing you actually talked to your parents about ... grin ... and I had promised Patrick I wouldn’t tell anybody, although I didn’t understand why he was so insistent, guess because he was married ... grin ... but I made him promise that if I didn’t tell, we’d do it again, and again, and again, and although he mumbled a bit about his book, he eventually agreed ...but I knew I had to tell someone!!, this was so amazing, so incredible that I just couldn’t keep it totally to myself. Maybe mom did sense something, because she commented on how happy I looked and teasingly asked if I’d met a boy or something, of course I blushed and stammered a denial, but there was a curious grin on mom’s face as she gave me a hug and a kiss before following dad down to the boat. And then they were gone, and I was all alone again, and immediately I wanted to set off for the other cove and Patrick, but I knew I had to wait, had to give him some time to work on his book, or some time to think of me and wonder if I was going to turn up again, and if he’d get to fuck me again ... grin ... oh yes, I’m sure he was thinking of that, probably at this very moment, and I hugged my body tight. Suddenly, I knew who I was going to tell! my best friend Heather that lived on the next cove along! Ever since we first started thinking and talking about boys we’d both dreamed of that first time, and always promised that the other would be the first person we told, Mmmm, would Patrick really mind?, well my promise to Heather came before my promise to Patrick anyway, so maybe it was OK. I sat and thought about it for a while, but the excitement was just too much, I had to, I just had to tell her! So I raced into my room and grabbed my mobile and dialed her number, hoping against hope that she would be in and her parents wouldn’t be, so we could talk, and I was in luck, she answered straight away and confirmed that her parents had also gone out on the boat. Then I spilled the whole story of yesterday! She oohed and aaahed as I talked of stripping naked for a swim, knowing Patrick was watching, of calling him out to bring me a towel and letting him see me close up, them making him dry me off, and the effect that had on him. And then the fucking, Mmm I told her in graphic detail about the fucking, told her how big and thick Patrick’s cock was, and how it felt when it rammed into me the first time, and all the other times, and all the time I was telling her I was getting hotter and hotter and one of my hands slipped down between my legs and started to stroke my pussy, and my breathing changed and she heard it and immediately knew what I was doing, “Damn it, you’re stroking yourself aren’t you?” she gasped. “Yes” I said, laughing, “And I bet you are too” She groaned loudly, and I knew I was right, “No, no I’m not” she said in a strangled voice, “Anyway, it’s just a story, no man is going to fuck a girl he just meets on the beach without even asking her age, I mean for all he knew you could have been under age! you’re just making it up to turn yourself on and turn me on” I laughed, “So you admit it’s turning you on” I said. “Yes, damn you” she hissed, then burst out laughing herself. Suddenly a wild idea popped into my head, and I grinned, “Well, if you think I’m lying, you wont be scared to come and meet Patrick, will you?, we could walk over to his cove and go for a swim naked and see if he comes out to talk to us” I said. Her gasp was loud in the phone, followed by a long silence, “You mean, we’d both go, both take our clothes off and frolic naked knowing a middle aged man is probably watching us, seeing everything?” she finally asked. I grinned, “Not scared are you? Where’s all that big talk about teasing and arousing boys?” I asked. I could almost feel her bristle over the phone, “I’m not scared, anything you can do I can do too!” she almost growled. I giggled, “Everything?” I asked, “So if my story is the truth, you’d do it with Patrick too?” “Of course” she snapped, then quickly backtracked, “But maybe he wouldn’t want me anyway” I laughed, “Oh, he would, Patrick’s very horny and you’re very beautiful, there’s no way he wouldn’t want you” I said. “Oh, do you really think I’m beautiful?” she asked, “You’ve never told me that before” I guess I hadn’t, in fact I hadn’t really thought about it, but I did now, seeing in my mind’s eye her long blonde hair, her shapely legs, her tight ass, her high firm breasts, slightly larger than mine, even though we were almost the same age, just a month apart, and I felt a new, strange heat coursing through me ... damn ... thinking of her like this was turning me on! I quickly stopped thinking those thoughts and brusquely said, “Well yes you are beautiful, just because I don’t go round saying it all the time doesn’t mean I don’t think it” She giggled, “I’m glad, I think you’re beautiful too!” she said with more heat than before, and then there was a sudden silence between us, both perhaps realizing that something had just happened, but we didn’t quite know what. Then I said, “Well I’m going to visit Patrick again today, and I fully intend to let him fuck me again, so do you want to come or not?” She laughed, “Oh I wouldn’t miss it for the world, I want to be there to see you fall flat on your face” she said, “ I’ll be over at your place in half an hour” I returned her laugh, “We’ll see who has egg on their face” I said, “Oh, wear something light and sexy, and don’t bother with bathers or undies wont need them” I heard her sharp gasp as I hung up, and I threw my phone down on my bed and curled over with my finger working overtime on my clit until I exploded with a loud scream. Mmmmm, that felt soo good. I took another quick shower and rummaged through my rather untidy closet to find something suitable to wear, something practical for the walk, but something that would excite and arouse Patrick ... and maybe even Heather! That sudden, unexpected thought sent heat racing through me and I felt my nipples hardening. Damn, what was happening to me?, was this what losing your virginity did, turn you into a raving nymphomaniac where anybody was fair game?, Mmmm, I grinned at my naked image in the mirror, that might not be so bad! I finally decided on a pair of shorts that molded themselves around my tight ass cheeks like a second skin, and as a contrast a loose half top that left my midriff bare and gave plenty of room for a questing hand to reach under and caress my breasts, Mmmm, I shivered again at that thought, needless to say I didn’t bother with panties or bra ... grin. Heather turned up as threatened, within half an hour, and she, too, had opted for the type of shorts guaranteed to send a man’s blood pressure soaring – especially on her!, damn, I suddenly realized what a cute, sexy ass she had! On the top she had gone for a fuller T shirt, and although it was outside her shorts and flopping loose, it was clear to me that she hadn’t gone the whole hog, and was wearing either a bra or a bikini top underneath, a fact that I teased her about immediately, and continued to tease her about all the way on our walk to Patrick’s cove. I spent the whole journey elaborating ... and perhaps exaggerating ... what had happened between Patrick and I the previous day, and she spent the whole time alternating between jealousy and outright disbelief, but a couple of times when she was at a certain angle to me, I noticed even through her T shirt and bikini top (she’d admitted that’s what it was!) how hard her nipples had become! Our chatter made the journey fly by, and almost before I knew it, we were breaking through the tree line and stepping onto the private beach. I immediately glanced towards the half hidden cabin, but saw no sign of Patrick, but remembering where he was sitting to work on his book, I knew he could, or would see us soon. I suddenly felt a moment of total panic, wondering how he was going to react, and Heather seemed to sense this, as she started to tease me about how I was about to fall flat on my face and we’d probably find there was no one at the cabin at all. That assertion gave me the lever I’d been desperately searching for, and grinning widely at Heather as we strolled along the beach, I said, “Well, if you’re quite sure I’ve made it all up and there’s no Patrick, and no one in the cabin, you shouldn’t have any problems at all about stripping off completely to go for a swim!” She immediately turned a bright shade of red! Stammering out a protestation that we could never be sure that there wasn’t anyone around at all, she’d never said that! I grinned even more widely, “You’re just chicken!” I said, “All that talk about teasing and flirting at that party last year, about letting some of your dad’s friends catch a ‘glimpse’ of your breasts, and you’re scared to take off your clothes and go skinny dipping with me even though you’re convinced I’m lying about Patrick!” She stopped and stamped her feet in the sand, “I’m not scared, I can do anything you can do” she asserted. “Mmm, I think you said that before, on the phone, but now you’re trying to wriggle out of it” I said, “But I’m not, I’ll show you just what I did yesterday!” and as I spoke I lifted my half top up over my head and tossed it down in the sand. I saw her eyes widen and drop to my breasts, and I saw the movement of her throat as she swallowed the dryness away, and I realized this was the first time she had ever seem my breasts naked! Oh we’d gone swimming together before, but always in costumes. I felt a strange thrill run through me as her eyes devoured my small breasts with their hard, puffy nipples, but pretending not to notice her stare, I unbuttoned my shorts and peeled them down over my hips and dropped them to the sand and stepped out of them, and I was completely naked! This time she couldn’t contain the gasp, and her eyes swept right over me, lingering a little long between my legs, on my hairless pussy. I felt the heat flow through me, turning my skin a slightly red color, but no where near as red as her face had become. I glanced quickly over her shoulders towards the cabin, wondering if Patrick was there, if he was watching, if he was seeing me now. I ‘sensed’ that he was, ‘felt’ another pair of eyes on me, and thought I might have seen a slight movement at the window, but I couldn’t be certain. Then my attention was back on Heather, and I was grinning wickedly, “Well? You said you’d do everything I would do, or was that just ‘talk’?” I said. Her flush deepened, and her eyes darted around, lingering a moment on the cabin, “But what if? ...” she gulped. I tossed back my head and laughed, “You mean what if I wasn’t lying?, what if Patrick really exists?, what if he’s looking at us right this moment? ... Well, he’s seeing me completely naked and front on, and it doesn’t scare me, it excites me, and I hope it’s exciting him” I said, “So why don’t you take your clothes off and tease, arouse and excite him even more?” For a long, long moment she hesitated, then a shudder went through her and she reached up for the T-shirt and peeled it off. “You’re a bitch, a total bitch” she said, but laughed as she did so, “well if he’s watching I’m going to give him a sight he’ll never forget!” and with that she reached around to undo her bikini top. “No, no, wait!” I said, reaching out my hand to touch her. She grinned widely at me, “Oh, afraid of the competition, are you?” she said. I put on my sweetest smile, “Not at all, I already know how much I excite Patrick” I said, “but I thought it might be better if we swapped positions so you’re facing the cabin when you take your clothes off ... grin...give Patrick a real eyeful of your naked breasts and your naked pussy, and if he isn’t there of course there’s no harm done, but just the thought that he might be would give you a bigger thrill than any of the teasing and flashing you did last year” Again she flushed deeply, but I could see in her eyes that she’d taken up the challenge, so I moved around to put my back to the cabin, and she swiveled around with me, and immediately unhooked her bikini top and let it drop to the ground. It was my turn to stare wide eyed, Mmmm , her breasts were absolutely beautiful! high, firm, and indeed just slightly larger than mine, but she didn’t have my puffy nipples, hers were like small, hard, red buttons, and I felt my tongue come out and run over my lips as if I was imagining running my tongue over those...damn, pull yourself together, I thought. There was a slight smile of knowing on her face as she watched my eyes, and perhaps she knew I was feeling and reacting the way she had when I’d undressed. Then she unbuttoned her shorts and peeled them down, taking her bikini bottoms at the same time and stepped out of them, straightening up to stand in front of me totally naked for the first time. I couldn’t help myself, “Wow, you’re absolutely beautiful” I exclaimed, my eyes devouring her, noting that she had the faintest smudge of hair on her pussy, enough to start trimming and shaping it into a slight heart shape. Mmm I just knew that seeing this would excite Patrick beyond belief, although I still didn’t know how he was going to react to me bringing someone else along when he was expecting just me, and expecting to share again what we’d shared yesterday. But I’d deal with that later, right now I had to get into that cool water and douse this amazing fire that was burning me up as I stared at Heather, gloriously naked for the first time. “Last one in washes the dishes tonight” I yelled and sprang forward. “Cheat, cheat!” she screamed as she spun around and dashed after me towards the water, and then we were in, splashing and playing, and laughing, oblivious to any one else that might be around. The water was surprisingly cold, and once we stopped the first frantic splashing, we both felt it and hurried back to the beach, where Heather suddenly stopped and looked around, “Didn’t you bring any towels?” she asked. I grinned, “Didn’t need to, remember? I borrowed a towel from Patrick yesterday” I said. She laughed, “Oh yes, the infamous Patrick who hasn’t put in and appearance and probably only exists in your imagination!” she said. “Ok” I said, “Follow me, unless you’re too scared to” I said, and began walking up the short beach to the front of the cabin. I noticed Heather hesitate for a moment, but then she was trailing me up. When I reached the veranda I called out, “Patrick, Patrick, it’s me, Nikki, and this is my best friend Heather, can we borrow a towel please...giggle. I seem to have forgotten mine again” There was a long, painful silence, and I heard Heather start to snicker, “Hey, come on Patrick” she yelled, “Prove to me you’re not a ghost, prove to me you’re not a figment of Nikki’s horny overactive imagination” Again there was a long and painful silence, and I began to think the feeling I had of being watched earlier was wrong, maybe Patrick had gone out somewhere. Heather turned to me, an unholy grin on her face, “I knew it, I knew you were just telling tall tales, there’s no Patrick at all” she said. I felt my heart drop to the soles of my naked feet. Then there was a slight squeal and the door opened, and Patrick stood there, and Heather gasped loudly and took a half step back. A feeling of elation swept through me, but quickly disappeared when I looked at the frowning expression on Patrick’s face, I knew I had to get in quick, “Oh Patrick, I’m sorry, I couldn’t keep it to myself entirely, it was too special for me I just had to share it with someone, and Heather’s my best friend and she wont tell anyone, honest, will you Heather?” I said, turning to her. Heather was standing there open mouthed and wide eyed staring at Patrick, and at first I thought it was the shock of him actually being real, but then I noticed where her wide eyes were staring and turned around and looked myself, and gasped! I’d been so intent on getting in first and dissipating his anger I hadn’t noticed that he was completely naked ... not just naked!, but extremely aroused!! Heather was staring at Patrick’s massive cock, bobbing and throbbing in front of our eyes. Then Patrick was speaking, “Hello Nikki, it’s delightful to see you again, and to see your friend Heather too” he said, and I saw his eyes sweep over Heather’s naked body, stopping on her firm breasts and on her trimmed pussy, “Why don’t you both come in and I’ll get you a towel” and he turned and walked inside. With a grin of triumph I followed, he’d already confirmed to Heather that we had indeed met before ... I glanced back, Heather was still standing on the veranda as if in a trance, “Well, Heather, didn’t you hear Patrick, we’re invited inside” I said. My words seemed to startle her and she automatically stumbled forward into the cabin, looking around wide eyed again. Patrick emerged from the bedroom, towel in hand, and walked up to me, “Now, as I recall, you like to be dried slowly and gently, right?” he said, and immediately began to rub the towel over my naked body, making no attempt to hide the fact that he was stroking my breasts, and my ass cheeks, and finally my pussy! Needless to say, by the time he was finished I was as aroused as could be. Then he turned to Heather who had been standing there open mouthed watching him fondle my naked body, “And what about you Heather, do you prefer to dry yourself? Or would you like to be dried too?” he asked, and held back for just a moment to give her time to speak, but Heather was too stunned to say anything, so Patrick stepped forward and cupped the towel over her breasts and began to stroke them slowly. I saw the shudder jerk through her body, and her eyes turn dark, and heard the slight moan that came from her, then Patrick was speaking again, “Mmmm, I have to say that you’re an exquisitely beautiful woman, Heather” he said. I grinned as the word ‘woman’, instead of girl, or child, seemed to galvanize Heather, and I literally saw her body straighten, her breasts thrust even further forward into his hands, and a flushed smile come to her face. “Oh yes, as soon as I saw you take your clothes off out on the beach, I could see you were a rare beauty. Would it offend you if I said you excited me very much ... and still do?” he said, smiling down at her. I saw her gulp and flush, and her head shake a little, then he left her breasts and dropped to his knees in front of her and started to gently rub dry her pussy. I thought she was going to collapse as her knees dipped and her body shook. He was staring up at her, smiling, “Mmmm you really do have the most exciting breasts” he said, then dropped his eyes and moved the towel aside, staring straight between her legs, “Mmm, and the most delicious, succulent pussy too” Now her head was shaking backwards and forwards, “No!” she finally managed to squeak, “You mustn’t say that, you mustn’t ...” another shudder raced through her. He smiled up at her, then let the towel drop and cupped his hands around her naked ass cheeks and drew her forward, burying his face between her legs! I remembered how he’d done that to me, and how his tongue had snaked out and slipped into my pussy to caress my clitoris, and I knew that’s what he was doing now, and Heather’s eyes widened and widened until I thought they were about to pop out. Her hands came down to his head, I’m sure with the intention of pushing him away, but at that moment a violent explosion seemed to wrack her body, and instead she found herself hanging onto his head for dear life as her pussy bucked and heaved into his face, forcing his tongue even deeper. Her eyes had closed completely and she was moaning and writhing, “No, No, we mustn’t, we mustn’t!” she murmured, but like me the day before, her body was having totally different ideas, and her body was now firmly in control. I thought I might feel jealousy, after all, Patrick was my man! But as I stood and watched them I just got more and more turned on, and in the end couldn’t contain myself any longer, walking around behind Heather and slipping my arms around her, my hands coming to rest on her high, firm breasts. Well, I say coming to rest, but in reality they did no such thing! As soon as I was cupping them my hands were stroking and squeezing her breasts, rolling her nipples around in my fingers, pressing my hot, wet pussy against her naked ass and squirming around, “No, oh no, Nikki!” she cried, but made no effort to stop me. Patrick pulled back from her pussy and looked up to see what I was doing, and grinned when he saw my hands playing with her breasts, then he buried his face in her pussy once more, adjusting his hands so that this time they were stroking and fondling my naked ass, pressing me even more firmly into Heather. I couldn’t believe I was doing this! Touching, stroking my best friend, but it was making me soooo hot, then she was half turned, her face turned and lifted and we were kissing, a deep, deep, passionate kiss, and our tongues were going wild, dancing and wrestling, and she was shuddering and shuddering, and I knew she was cumming ... And I was almost cumming too!! Then Patrick pulled back again and got up, sliding his hands around Heather’s back and her knees and lifting her up, breaking the connection between us, but I didn’t mind because I knew he was heading for the bedroom. I followed. He lay her on the bed and started to lick and kiss one of her breasts, gesturing me to the other one, and I obeyed, and our faces close together, occasionally kissing and tongue dancing we worked on Heather together, making her squeal and buck and shudder. Then he pulled back again and motioned me to lay my body on Heather’s, which I did, writhing around, breast-to-breast, pussy-to-pussy, kissing her deeply and loving the feel and the taste of her. Then he was behind me, lifting my ass upwards, and I felt the head of his rock hard cock rubbing slowly up and down my pussy, “Oh yes, Patrick” I cried, “Oh god fill me up, fuck me Patrick, fuck me, Please, FUCK MEEEE!” I lifted up onto my hands and knees to allow him to penetrate me more easily, and at that moment Heather opened her eyes, staring down between us in time to see Patrick’s massive cock slowly disappear into my tight, juicy pussy, and she gasped! “Oh god, Yes, Patrick, that feels so good, fill me up, fuck me! ... PLEASE!! See, I told you ... I said to Heather ... oh god it feels so wonderful, Patrick’s cock filling me up” Then I was screaming and bucking and heaving through my first orgasm! And it seemed to go on and on and on as Patrick pounded his cock into me ... and the feelings ... oh god they were even more intense than the day before, and I knew why ... it was because Heather was there, Heather was seeing, Heather was sharing ... And even as I thought that, it became, Heather was participating! as for the first time her hands came up and started to play with my breasts and my incredibly sensitive, puffy nipples!! That did it!! I was screaming through another, even wilder orgasm immediately, and that set Patrick off too, and with a loud yell, he EXPLODED inside me!, shooting his hot cum deep into every part of my body, ramming and ramming his spurting cock deeper and faster. Then I felt him pull out and lift my body higher, and even in my spaced out state, I knew what he was doing, he was shooting some of his cum onto Heather’s body!! I dipped my head and looked down between us and I could see him spurting, see his cum shooting up as far as her breasts, and she was jerking and screaming too, letting go of my breasts and grabbing and pumping his massive, spurting cock, “Oh yes Patrick, cover me, give me your cum” she was screaming, and that sent me over the top into another orgasm, and out of this world!! When I came to I wasn’t quite sure straight away where I was, but then I heard a low moan and turned my head, and saw Heather lying beside me with Patrick licking and lapping his own cum off her breasts, telling her how beautiful and exciting she was, and how much he wanted to shoot his juices deep inside her, and I noticed he was rock hard again. Heather turned her head and looked at me, and I saw the fear, and the question in her eyes, and the excitement was like a bolt of lightening through me, she wanted to lose her virginity too! Lose it to the same man I’d lost mine to!!, and she was scared ... as much of what I’d think as anything else. I leaned over and brushed my lips over hers, ‘Oh yes, Heather, join me, let’s have something that will bind us together for ever” I said, and then I kissed her deeply and passionately, and as I kissed her I felt Patrick get into position, felt her tense as his cock head slowly slipped into her copiously wet pussy. Then I pulled back, giving her space, space to feel it, space to enjoy it, space to ‘know’ it was really happening to her, and I reached over and stroked her breasts as Patrick slid deeper and deeper. Then he halted, and I saw the momentary uncertainty in her eyes as he whispered, “Are you sure? Are you absolutely sure?” I saw her eyes flick towards me, then back to him, and her tongue come out to brush across her lips, and she nodded, ‘Yes, oh god yes” she whispered, and as with me the day before, the words were hardly out when Patrick lanced forward, and in one thrust was ball deep in her pussy. She arched, and screamed, and I knew the sudden sharp pain she’d experienced, but I also knew Patrick would hold still until the pain had faded and her pussy had adjusted, so I leaned forward and kissed her. Stroking her face, feeling the lines of pain slowly disappearing, feeling her body start to soften. Then I pulled back, and Patrick started to move, I groaned as the stem of his cock appeared from her pussy, glistening with her juices and small specks of blood, and I reached down and gently stroked it’s length, sending a shudder through Patrick. I drew my finger all the way down his cock, and slid it inside Heather’s pussy to brush over her clitoris, causing her to scream and jerk, then I pulled away and Patrick rammed his cock deep into Heather once more, slowly at first, but increasing speed gradually, fucking his big cock into her tight, tight pussy, and she began to respond. “Oh yes, Patrick! Oh god yes! it feels so good, oh I never knew ... mmmm. Fuck me, oh please fuck me” she cried, and her body lifted to meet his thrusts. And Patrick fucked her ... long and hard!! having cum once into me, he was able to keep going for a long time before his balls began to twitch and boil, and his cock started to swell, and swell. Heather was well into her third or fourth orgasm when Patrick finally roared out his lust and EXPLODED his juices deep into her pussy! I saw Heather’s eyes disappear into the back of her head as the first gush of hot cum shot up into her! ... then she was screaming and shuddering uncontrollably, and they were both cumming wildly ... and very loudly. Just watching it was driving me crazy, and I found my fingers digging into my pussy and strumming my clitoris frantically until I exploded too! Needless to say, just as soon as they’d finished and Patrick had recovered some of his energy, I claimed him for myself again, eagerly impaling myself on his cock as he lay on the bed, and Heather was there too, kissing me and playing with my breasts, and Patrick was saying how much it excited him to see us doing that! and I knew that was true, because I could feel the way his cock was stiffening even further inside me! and it was exciting me too, more than I could say, so I didn’t try ... I just slipped off Patrick’s cock and twisted around to bury my face between Heather’s legs and lance my tongue into her pussy, a pussy that still contained Patrick’s seed, Mmm she tasted soooo divine! I think Heather was shocked to the core for a moment, but once again her own eager body took over, and next minute I felt her tongue lancing into my pussy, and oh god I went wild!! and I came!! gushing my juices over her face and her lips and her tongue. I probably came so quickly because Patrick’s cock had warmed me up so thoroughly, but I didn’t mind, because as it faded I was able to concentrate on Heather, on bringing her the maximum pleasure possible until she too, screamed into a wild, violent orgasm!! and as she did, Patrick was there, straddling the both of us, pumping his rock hard cock, and he was cumming too, shooting his big white globules of cum all over our naked, writhing bodies, and as if we had some inner magical connection, both Heather and I reached up at the same time and grabbed his cock and pumped it furiously, directing his cum onto our breasts and our faces. God I’m sure we looked a total mess when he was finished spurting, but we didn’t seem to care, we just went straight back to devouring each other!! We did stop for a light meal and a dip in the lake ... but not for long ... we were all too hungry ... for each other!! We lay together and explored each other over and over again. At one point Heather and I were kissing madly, with Patrick’s sensitive cock head wedged between our lips, our tongues dueling around and over every part of it, driving him absolutely wild, making him shoot his load again and eagerly lapping him up as we continued deep tongue kissing each other, Mmmmmm so horny!! And when the sun finally started to dip towards the horizon and we just HAD to get back home, it was with the promise that we’d tell no one about it ... and the promise that both of us would be back for more ... very. very soon!! We made it home well before mom and dad came back, time to shower ...together ... exploring our new found delight in each other’s bodies and each other’s sexuality, comparing notes on how it felt to have Patrick’s big cock inside us, and Heather swore she’d never ever disbelieve me again ... But she’d still insist on checking things out though!! ... this time had been so much fun!! And I promised we’d always share ... And we did!!, right up to the time we heard mom and dad bump the boat against the nearby jetty! Mmmmmmmmmm, I couldn’t wait to see what tomorrow would bring! Contributed by


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Philip and I had moved into this house three years ago, just two weeks after our whirlwind marriage. It had been one of those situations that you sometimes read about, but never quite believe. Introduced by friends at a party, we took one look at each other and just knew that we were going to be together. Within six months we were married, had enjoyed a highly erotic Caribbean

Friends and Neighbors, Part 2

I can remember the day Peter and Marie arrived as if it were yesterday. I’d been hard at work on the back yard all morning and had decided to take an afternoon rest, so was upstairs lying on my bed when I heard the harsh grating of gears and the squeal of brakes and knew that something heavy had just pulled up in the street. Curious, I slid off the bed and padded over to the window

Friends and Neighbors, Part 3

When we walked back from Peter and Amelia’s that night, both Marie and I were on cloud nine. It was quite clear that we had both had some very special experiences, and I knew we would share those as soon as we were alone, that was part of the way we were, open and honest about everything and eager to share every delight that came along in either of our lives. Of course, this was

Good Neighbors

I ran my tongue slowly and sensually up the underside of his cock and was rewarded with a low moan as his cock twitched and jumped, and a thrill ran right through me! Oh I did so enjoy driving a man wild with my educated tongue. There was a beautiful sense of power in bringing a man to the brink of sexual ecstasy and holding him there. But there was also the sheer delight in having

Mary & Tom Ch. 1

Ch. 1: Two's Company, But Three's More Fun! It was just after midnight on a warm summer night and I was poised at the end of our backyard pool, about to dive in to the cool water, nothing particularly startling about that you might say, but it was a defining moment in my life - or at least in my married life! Because I was totally naked, and almost directly beneath me in the

Mary & Tom Ch. 2

Ch. 2: The Morning After After a late night party most people need a little pick me up to get them going for the day, on this particular morning my pick me up was not so little! and came in the form of Bill's gorgeous hard cock! After the fantastic, and totally unexpected threesome with Tom and Bill the night before, I woke up surprisingly early, about 9 o'clock, and slipped

Mary & Tom Ch. 3

Ch. 3: Gail Decides to Join In Almost a week had gone by since the party and the get together with Bill, but Tom and I were still feeling its influence. From time to time we'd find ourselves grinning for no apparent reason, and the sex between us was as red hot as when we first met! I'd been a little surprised that Tom had shown no signs of jealousy or of feeling threatened, even

Mary & Tom Ch. 4

Ch. 4: Gail and Mary Get It On When I reached for the nearest cock, it just happened to be Tom's, but I didn't mind, I suggested he sat on the edge of the pool and began to run my tongue up and down it's generous length ( on the previous weekend I'd jokingly measured both Tom and Bill and found they were both a little over 8 inches in length! ). Tom immediately let out a sigh of

Megan, Chapter 1

Moving house was always a hassle, but after my divorce I decided I needed a change of scenery, and when I saw this place I fell in love with it instantly. The house was set back a little from the road in a lightly wooded area, so there was plenty of privacy, in fact there was only one near neighbor and there was a hedge rather than a fence between the two properties, so the pool in

Megan, Chapter 2

The next afternoon was equally hot and sunny, and it was as if Megan was poised, waiting to hear the sound of me entering the pool, because I was only half way back on the second length when she squeezed through the hedge and walked over to the Pool. She was wearing a green bikini that barely contained her magnificent breasts, and what was little more than a triangle of material at

Megan, Chapter 3

For a number of days I saw nothing of Megan, and began to wonder if I'd upset her in some way during our last get together. Perhaps it had even run its course already, after all I was 56 and she a beautiful 23, I couldn't really expect to maintain her interest indefinitely, but I knew it wasn't over for me, every time she came into my mind my cock throbbed and stiffened and I'd

Megan, Chapter 4

After the successful, and incredibly erotic, house warming party, I allowed myself to sleep in the following day, and didn't in fact surface until just after lunch. That wasn't any great problem as it was Saturday and I'd deliberately left this weekend free, but as I strolled out into the lounge and kitchen area after having a refreshing shower, I was glad that I'd taken some time

Mein Arsch für Alle

Als schwanzhungriger nymphomanischer Kerl (26J.)gibts für mich nicht besseres, als immer wieder neue Kerle zu haben, die sich ungeniert meiner beiden Öffnungen bedienen. deßhalb meldete ich mich auch auf die Anzeige, in der ein bursch gesucht wurde, der sich gerne von mehreren Typen abficken lassenwürde - der Reihe nach! Gesagt, getan! Einige Tage später lag ich schon nackt, mit

Nikki, Chapter 1

Things seemed to be going from bad to worse, just 2 months until I had to hand the final manuscript to the publishers and I was less than halfway through. The kids seemed to be even more Hyper than usual, and there seemed to be a constant stream of visitors, I just knew I had to get away, find somewhere quiet and just concentrate on getting the work finished. I spoke to Jenny and

Nikki, Chapter 2

When I woke up the following day, I jumped out of bed and rushed to the mirror, staring fixedly at my body, trying to see where I’d changed now that I was no longer a virgin. I cupped my small breasts and stroked them, was it my imagination or were they a little bigger today?, did the nipples seem more swollen than normal? I rolled them between my fingers and shuddered as the heat

Two Into One Will Go

Jeremy and I had been married almost 12 months, 12 glorious fun filled and sex filled months! For us it had been love at first sight and we were married in a little over a month after meeting, and it seemed like we'd been on a permanent honeymoon ever since! Everyone said we were perfectly matched, both of medium height, both dark haired, both reasonably good looking - well I

Under His Spell

As long as Patrick could remember he had the power. For about eighteen years now, with no real rhyme or reason, Patrick has somehow acquired the power to put people into deep hypnotic trances. And even more extraordinary, he could have them do his bidding, and wake up totally unaware of any of the activities they may have taken part in! He instinctively knew not to let on the secret


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