Gay Erotic Stories

My "Niece" Eva

by JEdwins

I When I was almost 6 years old, I was adopted by two people who already had two sons who were 17 and 19. I’m not sure if they felt at the time that “having” another child would save their marriage or not, but it didn’t. Anyway, of my two “brothers”, one cared about me then and we are still very close today as older adults. The other . . . When my older “brother's” wife suddenly passed away, I contacted my “niece” Eva by e-mail. That's not quite as cold as it sounds. I wasn't told until well after the funeral, her father and I only tolerate each other (I've always been referred derisively by him as The Kid because he's 13 years older than me), and of his three kids (boy from #1 and girl/girl from Tina who just died) Eva is the only one of his kids who ever acted as if I was really a member of the family. Added to all of that is the fact that they are all back east and I'm in LA. So, anyway, I contacted Eva and she wrote back. And I wrote again and so did she, a number of times over 4 months. Mostly it was old times that she might not remember when I was periodically back in Toledo at some family reunion or other and she and her sister were maybe too little to remember. From Eva it was mostly her problems with her 14 year old daughter, trying to get money from her ex, problems raising Patty, trying to get her degree, and working full time. Not an uncommon story. One day, with summer coming up and Patty probably going to Grandpa's for a week or more at sometime, I asked Eva if she ever wanted to visit So.Cal. If so, I could stay with my lady friend and she could use my house as a base, saving a lot of money. I didn't hear back from her for some weeks and then she e-mailed and asked if the offer was still open. IT WAS! Eva is the next youngest of my brother's children, at 33. She's about 5'6" and maybe 115. Medium bust and brunette pageboy cut hair. My brother, to give the devil his due, was a really handsome man when he was younger (upper 60's now) and Tina was a knockout. They produced a fine pair of girls but Eva (when I last saw her 3 years ago) is gorgeous; like, almost model type beautiful. Just the thought of her sleeping in my bed made me want to get the sheets before she could wash them when she left. I'd love to be able to say that the word incest never entered my tiny little brain until just recently, but the truth is that when she was 15 or 16 I wanted to eat her up, same when I saw her when she graduated from Ohio State, and three years ago at my Mother's funeral, she looked like a goddess. So. She was coming to use my house for 6 days while Patty was visiting my brother. My brain was doing tailspins trying out different cockamamy ideas. Cameras hidden in the bedroom, the bathroom, drilling holes in the walls of my house so I could sneak over at night and watch her undress and shower, and some even crazier. When the day came for her arrival I had only done one thing in preparation. I rented her a car from Enterprise as a Welcome To California surprise. She came in on American Airlines at LAX and I was there to greet her with my Lady, Stacy. Even after a five hour flight she looked good enough to eat; so young and so sensuous. II The three of us talked all the way home. Eva and I sat in front and Stacy sat in the back. She was meeting Eva for the first time. We even talked about the animosity between her Father and me, which is partly why his kids and I were so remote. She was very realistic about him, although she loved him, of course. But from her own growing up with him and from comments of others she knew how insufferable he could be. For the first 3 days of her visit, while Stacy was at work, Eva and I went to most of the places tourists want to see. Saturday and Sunday we all went to the Getty Museum and the new Aquarium down by the Queen Mary in Long Beach. On her last full day here I arrived at our agreed upon time at my house to go with her to the Gene Autry Museum, but she wasn't ready. In fact she was sitting on the couch in a robe looking glum. I went to use the bathroom and while there checked the shower. Yup! She'd showered and the towel smelled like soap and (in my imagination, at least) nubile young woman. Back in the front room I asked her if she would like an omelet and some potatoes and OJ. She said that would be nice and I went to fix them figuring that maybe she didn't sleep well. That wasn't it. She came out in the kitchen and sat at the table quietly for a while, watching me cook. Then she started to talk. I won't bore you with the details. Suffice it to say that she was unhappy, lonely, frustrated, far over-stressed, upset with her life in general and (again) frustrated. But while she was talking she did what many women do when they are distracted and talking and sitting on a kitchen chair. She put one foot on the seat of the chair and sort of hugged her knee. No, I didn't burn the omelets. But it was close. There, on the seat of my very chair, was her panty clad pussy, pouting between her creamy thighs, and I hadn't eaten yet! I tried very hard to make my side of the conversation include more than my staring and drooling. All of the conversations filtered down to the main one of the day, frustration. Sexual frustration. Since her husband split she only seemed to find guys who wanted to get in her pants (her actual words) but didn't care about her. She wasn't looking for commitment. She was looking for a release from her frustration with someone who cared about her. As we finished eating and I was carrying our plates to the sink she said, "I know you care about me and I know you like looking at me. Would you make love to me?" Crash! Yes. I tipped my load and one of the glasses slid off a plate and hit the floor. Could you have done better? I think not. "Eva, do you know what you're suggesting? I'm your Uncle. I'm 25 years older than you. We've seen each other 8 or 9 times in your entire life. Tomorrow morning you're outa here and we may not see each other again for years. Jesus, child, I'd give almost anything to be able to make love to you, and I could live with it next week and next year because I'm a dirty old man. But what about you?" "After you asked me if I wanted to visit here I went back and reread all of our e-mails to each other. Yes. I want it and I can live with it. I need it. And I know you'll be caring and fulfilling. I'm just sorry I waited all week." She got up off of the chair and walked over to me, took the remaining dishes out of my hand, put them on the counter and added, "We can clean up the glass later." Then she led me by the hand into my own bedroom. III "What kinds of things do you like?" That question wasn't from me, it was from her. A member in good standing of today's women, taking charge. "Well, Eva, I'm sort of at odds in trying to answer that because what I think is normal and nice might revolt you, but you would be hard pressed to revolt me if that helps any." "Hmmm. Okay. Do you like oral sex?" "Absolutely yes positively you bet, girl." "Both ways?" she asked sort of challengingly. "Honey, I got hungry as soon as you propped your foot up on the kitchen chair," I replied with as much sincerity as I could muster. "Okay, do you like anal sex?" Color me Blown Away. "Well, now, I've always believed that the lady had 100% say in that particular matter, and I've never been a participant in my whole life. And because I had a vasectomy in '75 I certainly don't have any rubbers here. But I have KY and Slippery Stuff." Would it surprise you to know I was already so hard it was painful. But all of this direct, time saving talk was great. I loved it. "Well I took a little enema this morning just in case, and I douched with lilac rinse, and I want to get naked and get started." With that, she started taking off her robe revealing the panties I'd seen before but no bra. My eyes were riveted to her nipples. I've read all about these "pencil eraser sized" nipples and "silver dollar sized" aureoles and I've seen pics on the net of some really awesome nipples. Her aureoles and nipples were very dark considering her fair skin. But with her nipples sort of puckered already, and improving as I watched. I'd guess 3/8 of an inch in diameter, and that or a little longer. Good God Almighty! "You like my nipples?" she asked, while cupping her medium-sized breasts with each hand. Then continued by saying, "Nips. And Tits. And pussy or cunt. Let's don't mince words, okay Tim?" "Honey girl, not mincing words is me." "And does 'Honey Girl' mean that you're going to lick all of the honey I can produce?" "Yes! Before, during, and after. And then, again. Eating pussy is my favoratist thing in the whole wide world." I began yanking my clothes off as fast as I could. Eva sat down on the bed and watched my haste with an 'I Am Woman' smile. "Tim? Do you want me to take my panties off or will you do it for me? I picked these out especially for you last night. I went over to Victoria's Secret in the mall right after you left." They were iridescent blue, high cut, lace fringes and very thin material. I could see little ripples where her pubic hair lay under the material and the certain indention of her lip folds. I bent closer to see while I took off my socks, with one hand on the bed for support. "Here, look at the back side of them," and she turned over on the bed and looked back at me. Now I was definitely drooling. Then she spread her legs and made my condition worse. The material covering her pussy all but disappeared and only a little thin band went up the valley of her ass to the waistband. It sort of vanished at about where her ass hole would be and reappeared a couple of inches above where her luscious globes began to separate. "Too bad they're not edible, huh?" she said with a smoky look. "What makes you think that they aren't? When I'm as hot as I am for you I can digest anything," I told her, and now I was naked and rampant. I climbed on the bed between her legs and buried my face in between her ass cheeks, my nose right over her ass hole. She giggled and wiggled most invitingly. Then she did that marvelous thing women can do with their hips; she bent her ass up at such an angle to her back that my face easily slid right down over her pussy. "Smell good?" she asked looking back at me. "Mmmmm, yes you smell good," and did she ever. This gal knew how to get ready for some sex action and I was the privileged recipient. Just when my nose was pushing her panties about as deep into her cleft as possible she made movements to turn over and I had to spring upright or risk losing my nose (damn shame, that). She spun around and put both of her small hands around my cock like a baseball bat. "Oh, my, Tim. Two hands and the head is still sticking all the way out. Is this the lethal weapon with which you're going to assault and ravage my poor defenseless body?" she said with mischievous batting of her eyelids. Damn but her hands felt good on me. And such nice compliments did an old man's heart/hard good. "I sure as hell will do my best, Eva. Your nipples seem to be calling to me, and if not, please be willing to fake it." "My nipples love to be sucked and teethed. I used to get so hot when Patty was nursing on me that if my ex wasn't around I had to get my vibrators out, or 'in me' to be more accurate." Putting her left hand under her right breast and twisting a bit toward me she said, "Why don't you try this one for a bit while I moan and get creamier?" No more words were needed for a while as I sucked her precious nipple and she continued to stroke me and mold my balls in her right hand. Switching both her hands and twisting the other way a bit she said, "Now this one. And by the way, my panties are getting messy." She moved her left hand from my adoring cock for a moment and the next thing I knew was moving a finger under my nose as I sucked her nipple. It was literally coated with her amber colored nectar. Letting go of her nipple for a moment I captured the proffered finger as quickly as I could and moaned at her sweet taste in my mouth, and the aphrodisiac woman scent in my nose. Letting go of her finger, but before I returned to nursing on her nipple I asked her for some more of her cream. Soon she presented me with two fingers fully coated. She must have a manufacturing plant down there, or more correctly, a full honey comb. It was obviously time to take a break from nipple sucking and look into cunt sucking. "Man want to suck pussy!" I declared in my best imitation of Og, the caveman. "Well, big guy, I just don't know what I could possibly do to stop you if that's what you want. Why don't you sit down more on the bed and I'll try to help you as much as I can." What that turned out to be was that Eva laid back, scooched toward me, put a leg over each of my shoulders, bent them at the knee, raised up her hips, and shifted her weight in cute little movements until she had placed her upraised crotch right smack dab on my chin as I sat there. I put my hands under her ass to help support her weight, then put my face into the source of her intense heat. She started moving her cunt up and down over my face as soon as she felt my nose touch her. And she was right that her panties were very wet with her pussy juice. Moving one of my hands from under her I used it to catch the edge of her panties just by her cunt opening and held it so that I could grind the little sewn edge between my teeth. When it separated enough I started doing the same with the exact other side which was only an inch or so away. Eva tried to look at what I was doing, but with only her shoulders and head on the bed she couldn't. "What the hell are you doing to me?" she asked plaintively. "I don't have to tell you," I replied petulantly and continued chewing. Then I grasped her panties above and below the munched edges and ripped them apart exposing her beautiful pussy in all of it's damp glory. "You disgusting animal!" she exclaimed. "Now I suppose you're going to plunge your tongue in me and make ludicrous sucking sounds." Fast on the up-take, wasn't she? "You Fucking A I am, and that's not all." And I did. And I did. And I did. My hands were under her ass again, the torn top section of her panties were sort of draped above her clit and the remainder was still held between her cheeks and dangling just below my mouth. Said mouth was sucking and nibbling on the lips of her hot, young pussy and my tongue periodically went as far up her cunt as I could reach. At times like that I always wished I had a tongue like a giraffe (6 or 8 inches long and sort of prehensile). "Jesus, but that feels good, Tim. Suck my clit, too. Please?" Sure, why not. I can be accommodating, right? Her hips were doing a real dance and her crotch was as much fucking my face as I was tongue fucking her snatch. Two or three days of this and I'd be wiped out! Her cunt was starting to make little sucking sounds. That's nice. I put my tongue back in there so I could feel her contractions. I returned to her clit just in time to get a good lip grip on it when she started coming. This was not a quiet girl. I love appreciative noise and she was satisfying that need quite well. And she had strong thighs. Her death grip on my head was really nice and the muscle tremors were a new experience for me. It was like an ear massage. Knowing her clit would be overly sensitive soon I let go of it just as her orgasm seemed to slow down and went back to just licking her lips, gently, and poking her cunt opening with my tongue. Lot's of nice nectar for Timmie’s tongue to capture. She was looking up at me now, eyes focusing again. "That was so good. And I needed it so bad." "Honey girl, you make it sound like it's all over," I said with mock worry in my voice, followed by a little sob for added drama. "Oh, I doubt that it's over yet. You'll probably want to lick my delicately scented ass with that horny tongue of yours and then fuck my pussy before you take out your sexual rage on my poor defenseless ass hole." "What kind of man do you think I am, anyway?" I was, to be sure, hurt by such dastardly accusations as she had made. "Well, Pilgrim, if you're not that kind of man then you better change into one as quickly as you can because my ass needs licking, now." By simply moving my hands apart a bit, and both of us raising her butt a bit, her little brown flower was within easy reach. When I spread her globes enough for that, the material remains of her panties fell away enhancing the view. Before I made teensy, tiny contact between the tip of my tongue and the wrinkled brown flesh of her rectum I said, with all due temerity (after all, she had just put me in my place, hadn't she?), "You never warned me you were going to have an attitude." Anything she might have been ready to flip back at me was lost to feeling when my tongue made contact. First little touches all around the edges, with a dry tongue. Then around again with a wet tongue. Then around again but in constant contact with her now slick skin. Waiting a bit, knowing she was waiting for contact right in the center, letting her anticipation build, finally feeling her hunch her ass toward me to force contact a few times, I let my very wet tongue push right into the center of her flower. Nice sounds, followed by, "You do that real well, for a Pilgrim. Do it again." Orders is orders, but only after teasing her around the edges again, first. "Christ! I think I could come again just from that." Didst me detect a hint? Moving my left hand out from under her I wet my thumb in her hot cunt hole and moved it up to her clit while continuing to tease her ass hole with little probings. She was right. She came again. Nothing like the first one but how could there be a bad orgasm? What was surprising, and sort of neat (I guess) was that during her few moments of shivering and shuddering, her ass hole relaxed enough that a prod from me and a convulsive push from her hips and my tongue actually went in her ass a ways. I'm still not quite sure how I feel about that, but knowing how fastidious Eva was in preparation for this joust, I guess I'd do it again. IV I let Eva's legs down from my shoulders. I needed respite from that position and I'm sure she did, too. "Lay down here and let me rest a minute," she directed. I lay down. She reversed her position to mine, positioned my legs into a figure four, lay her head on my left thigh and put my cock in her mouth. Didn't even ask my permission. "You didn't ask my permission to do that!" I told her, rightfully indignant. Or as indignant as I could be considering what she was doing to my cock with her lips and tongue. She paused in her ministrations long enough to say, "It isn't necessary for me to ask your permission, considering the way you've treated my poor innocent body so far." "Bitch!" That was my manly retort. Stopping sucking on me again, she said, "You'll think bitch when you see me with my ass high in the air, my shoulders on the bed, my pussy totally open, my ass waiting for you to fuck it, and my finger transferring pussy cream to my ass hole to be ready for your lascivious assault on me." This girl could talk some shit. Maybe her ex had left her so that he could get some rest. She could give a corpse a hard on After about 10 minutes she sat up and said, "How long can you last if you started fucking me now?" Taking advantage of the hiatus I spun around toward her nipples again and said, "I've been blessed with staying power, sometimes too much, and then I can't come." "I'll make you come. More than once." I believed her. Never in my life have I encountered this much sexual energy and voluptuousness. The situation didn't have to be heightened by the fact that she was my niece. Eva was s-e-x. She was every man's dream of rampant sexuality. Her hunger for satisfaction was palpable. Almost an assault on my own emotions. An honest man can only hope he can keep up with and satisfy this woman's needs. But he can't loose. V Eva moved around on the bed, lying back with legs spread wide, and said, "Put that in here." With no doubt at all I knew what "that' and "here" referred to. I moved to a kneeling position between her succulent legs. The view of her open and very wet pussy was like a magnet to both my eyes and my cock. Bending over her young body I put just the head of my dick into the entrance of her cunt. She apparently wasn't having any games just then because she thrust her hips upward and buried me to the max in her heat. This sudden movement from her caused me to drop on top of her and just hold still while she "chewed" on my cock with her pussy. When it felt like she was slowing down her swiveling and humping action I asked her if I could drive for a while. Her eyes were closed and she only nodded her head. Sliding up her body some to increase my contact with her clit, I began moving in and out of her cunt. Her legs moved over mine and she locked herself down to free up her hip movement. My ins and outs were matched by her hunches and swivels. I bowed my back enough to suck on her right nipple some. She liked that, but so did I. Although not sure how close she might be to another orgasm, I moved my right arm so that I could reach back and touch her ass just above my cock. This forced my shoulder to the bed and sort of crushed her on that side, but the contact was worth it. "Oh, yeah." My fingers gathered enough slickness to touch her ass hole like my tongue had earlier. "Oh, yeah," again. I couldn't push much of my finger into her ass in that position, but it didn't take that much. My middle finger was in her ass up to the first knuckle. I frigged it in and out a couple of times and she came, hard. She was moaning loudly in my ear and thrashing her hips around with more strength than she could probably have mustered on purpose. It lasted quite a while, and between her legs and her arms, she had me in a death grip. She was sweating, I was sweating, and I was still fucking her fairly forcefully. I'd had to bring my right hand back up to help support my weight and figured I'd try to see if she could come again, and I'd come with her. "Honey girl, put your legs together." Any one who has gone from male superior, her legs spread and wrapped around yours, to a position where her legs are together under you and yours are outside of and alongside hers, knows all of the maneuvering it takes to accomplish this movement without falling out of the nest. I know how this is going to sound to some folks, but if a guy is long enough to stay imbedded in his woman while he lays fully on top of her with her legs closed tightly, he can fuck her with incredible pressure on her clit from every movement of his cock. Once we were set I started going at her with real zeal. I wanted to fill her cunt with my come and hopefully she could have another orgasm. "She must have realized I was dashing toward glory because she started encouraging me, saying sexy things like "yeah, Tim, fuck my hot cunt" and "dump your load in my hot box" and "yes, yes, yes." I was close. It was going to be agonizing/ecstatic. Yes. I held dead still, as deep in her as I could get in this position, and she started milking me with her love muscles. Then her orgasm struck her. Four to one, so far. She thrashed and moaned and cried out. And then seemed to collapse. VI We eventually rolled over on our sides and lay still and exhausted for quite a while. As my cock shriveled up in abject satisfaction her pussy pushed me out into the cold air outside her body. How sad. Cruel, even. I was running my hands all over her body as she lay beside me when she said, "Why can't younger guys make love like that?" "Eva, you know exactly how to make an old man feel like a king." "'Old man' my ass!" "Bless you, my child." "What say we take a shower and have a snack before you begin doing unmentionable things to me again." Okay, so say she kills me! Do I look like I care? She washed me, I washed her. She dried me, I dried her with a lot of licking of critical areas. I was fascinated by her bush. Most pubic hair is sparse, even when it's long and "appears" bushy. But Eva had hair as tightly spaced as that on her head. So she really had a bush. She must have taken great pains to keep it trimmed both to shape and length. It was a nice looking, natural seeming triangle that went down both outer labia to her perineum. How she accomplished a hairless ass hole was beyond me, but she did. Maybe laser removal. In any event, it was such a nice pussy to nuzzle and from which to drink. Lunch was peanut butter and jelly sandwiches; always one of my favorites and she said it sounded good to her. We ate slowly and talked. Some of the talk was about sex and some about life. Looking past my shoulder at the microwave clock she said, "We only have about two hours before Stacy gets off of work. We have to be done, cleaned up, the house aired out, and us gone by then." It was starting again. The ride of my life. For those of you who will know what I mean, my lovely niece was an "F" ticket ride. No "E" ticket ride was sufficient to describe sex with her. She moved the plates and glasses out of her way on the table, moved so that she was sitting on the edge of the table in front of me, opened her robe, lay back on the table and asked me, "What would you like for desert, Tim?" Duh! While I was feasting on her proffered cunt cake, which I truly enjoyed, and massaging her breasts and nipples, which I really enjoyed, Eva asked me if I remembered what we had left to do, the remembering of which I really enjoyed. I wasn't sure at all that I could get it up again, but she had promised me she would get it up. I'd already found out that I didn't want to argue with this little lady. Especially since she was profusely lubricating again right on my very face. "If you're going to invade my poor pucker with your pulsating prick, let's please get this totally indecent act of sodomy against my person on the road, Jack!" I backed away from the table and my pleasing feast as Eva sat up and slid off of the table. Looking back at the table, it was plain for both of us to see the smear of her cunt juice at the edge where she slid off. Eva turned back and rubbed her right breast in the smear. Turning back to me she said, "Any takers?" I raised my hand and said, "Me, me." Then I licked her breast and sucked her nipple while she reached into my robe and began jacking on my cock. There wasn't much to jack on at the moment, but I felt an increasing level of interest as I thought of butt-fucking her. VII When we got back to the bedroom Eva shed her robe demurely, while facing me, and ran her hand between her legs. She spread her knees enough that I could watch her slip her middle finger up into her cunt. Pulling it out again she raised it to her mouth and sucked it all the way in. I was enrapt, again, by this lustful creature. Then she turned toward the bed. Bending her right knee and placing it on the bed she slowly moved onto the bed on her hands and that one knee. With a delicious undulation her ass swiveled as she brought her left knee up on to the bed. She was doing this very slowly, almost hypnotically as far as its effect on me. With her weight, shoulders, hips and ass shifting from side to side Eva oozed to the center of the bed. What a sight! Once Eva was in the center of the king-sized bed, watching my reaction to her show over her shoulder, she said, "Is there any way I can talk you out of pushing your prick into my ass?" I shook my head, no. "Do you really need to pump your cock in and out of my ass hole, over and over again, until you dump your come in me?" I nodded affirmatively. "And you fully intend to hold my ass cheeks and bury your prick to the balls in my ass while my poor little tits swing back and forth under me?" I nodded more enthusiastically as I crawled up on the bed behind her. "Well, is it your intention to make matters even worse for me by bending down and sucking my cunt lips and licking my ass before you bang it?" Yeah, yeah, I nodded briskly as I placed my hands on her ass. Eva lowered her shoulders down to the bed, still trying to watch me looking at her displayed charms, and added, " Well, I guess I'm helpless to stop you, then." Bending even lower I tongued her pussy, from above her clit (below it in her present position) to her ass hole. Over and over. Her little sounds were encouraging. Sometimes I had to deal with her fingers as she had reached back to finger herself. It was a vicious fight, between her fingers and my tongue, but I was determined to be victorious. Eventually I had her ass hole about as wet as anyone could desire, but I wanted to see her prepare herself as she had described to me earlier. I was, amazingly, pretty hard by now, and knew I would have no trouble plumbing her depths after this last part of her show. Eva had raised up enough that she could look back between her widely spread legs and watch me slowly stroking my cock. She reached back again and worked two of her fingers into her cunt passage. Then removed them and wiped the juice from them all around her ass hole. Then returned her fingers to her cunt, but this time when she went back to her ass she worked one finger into her ass hole and then the other. Repeated the trip and pushed each finger in its turn deeper into her ass than the previous time. It seemed that her fingers were having no trouble at all sliding in and out past her muscle ring. On the fourth trip she pushed two fingers into her ass at the same time. Her moaning at the pleasure she must have been giving herself communicated itself to me in increased hardness and lengthening of my erection. I spit on my hand and worked the moisture all over the front half of my cock in readiness. With my left hand on her left butt cheek and my right pointing my cock at its target I said, sort of hoarsely, yet as authoritatively as I could manage under the circumstances (after all, she owned me lock, cock and balls right then), "I'm going to stick my prick in your ass now." She 'Oh, no'ed' me with great feeling. "Don't bother trying to fight me," I continued dramatically, "because I'm doing this for my pleasure, not yours." Another really heartrending protestation from her as she wiggled her ass. "Yes, I'll be wantonly stroking in and out of your sweet behind, watching the action from my vantage point back here, and loving every second of it." Boy, I was really getting into this role playing (or was it semi-comedic hamming?) She responded to my last pronouncement with a damn fine drawn out 'Ohhhhhhhh noooooooo'. When I touched her ass hole with the tip of my cock she stopped wiggling her hips. We both pretty much held still for a few seconds and then she slowly began pushing back against me. All that happened at first was that the area around her anus depressed from the pressure of my cock. But then, almost unbelievably, the head of my prick disappeared inside her. She squeezed down on the head of my prick for a moment and it hurt. Damn she was strong. But then she relaxed again and started pushing back again. "Pleeeease don't force your monstrous prick into my tiny ass any more," Eva said as her movements gobbled up more of my disappearing manhood. "You don't need to fuck me until my bowels are filled with your spunk." "Yes I do. Yes I do! I need to do that!" I was really emoting, now. "Okay," she said, simply. Using my hands on her butt to control some of her movement I backed out of her about two inches and then pushed back in. And again, but deeper. After two more withdrawals and slow thrusts I bottomed out (so to speak) and paused. "Are you okay, honey?" "If you only knew how good you're making me feel you wouldn't ask." I started moving in and out of her rhythmically, now that I knew she was okay. "How long do I need to last?" "Not long, Tim. I'm rubbing my clit and feeling you fill me up. I could come almost any time." I picked up the speed of my stroking. She touched my balls a couple of times, which felt really good. This whole thing was so special. "If I had a clone he could lie under you and suck your clit while I fuck your ass." Moaning she said, "God, that would feel so good. A warm tongue on my hot, sensitive clit." "And you could be sucking on his cock until he filled your mouth with his come." "Oh, Jesus. I'm coming. I'm coming! Keep fucking me. Pound me. Ahhhhhhh." I kept stroking, feeling like I could come, but not quite there yet. Eva was quieting down verbally, some, but was still in the throes of her orgasm. I could maybe make it. I was watching my cock and her ass hole like there was nothing else in the world. Well, there wasn't just then. "After I spew my come in your hot, sweet, fuckable ass I'm going to flip you over and suck your pussy until I pass out." "I'm coming again! It won't stop! I don't want it to stop. You're going to suck on my pussy again. Ahhhhhhhh. Now you're going to come in my slut ass. Ohhhhh. Violating me like an animal. Ohhhhh, I'm going to faint. Sucking my clit. Arghhhhhhhh." All of that did it for me. There couldn't have been much content but the pumping and ecstasy was the strongest of my life. As soon as I stopped moving in her Eva looked back at me with eyes that couldn't have been working too well, she was still ending a tremendous orgasm of her own, and sobbed, "DO IT! I can feel you pumping in my ass. She was energetically squeezing her ass ring, milking me almost painfully. I collapsed, taking her over on her side with me. I forced my left arm under her head as a pillow and put that hand on her left breast and my right hand on her right breast, me tight up against her back, my hips pushed hard against her rear end to maintain contact, and panted. "You whupped me, you little vixen," I gasped at the back of her neck. "I wish five days hadn't been wasted. I loved every moment of this; every look, every word, every action. The way you treated me, looked at me, loved me. I'll remember this day for the rest of my life." "Had we started 5 days ago I'd be dead. Blessed, but dead." After about 15 minutes I rolled Eva on her back and licked her satiated pussy as I had promised both of us. Such a sweet pussy. Such a sweet lover. Such a sweet “niece”. Please watch for other stories from me; The Handyman and The Handyman, Again and My Precious Neighbor and At Risk With Lena (three installments so far). If you have comments about my writing, let me know at I promise to respect your e-mail privacy. My stories may not be used for any commercial purposes without my express permission.


5 Gay Erotic Stories from JEdwins

Lois Wins

Lois Wins 07/24/99 Chapter: I Lois sat reading at her desk, taking advantage of the fact that it was quiet in the house. Nick wasn't at home and the kids were still at school. At least once a week she tried to have at least two hours with nothing scheduled so that she could read. What most people would have been surprised at, especially her family, is what she

My "Niece" Eva

I When I was almost 6 years old, I was adopted by two people who already had two sons who were 17 and 19. I’m not sure if they felt at the time that “having” another child would save their marriage or not, but it didn’t. Anyway, of my two “brothers”, one cared about me then and we are still very close today as older adults. The other . . . When my older “brother's” wife suddenly

My Precious Neighbor

Nancy was a little older than I, and my next door neighbor of almost 5 years. She and her husband, Pete, had had a marriage with some real obstacles since each had remarried some years before. A few of the problems were self-evident to anyone who observed the two of them for a while, but some were not so easy to discern. Like the fact that Nancy generally took the low

The Handyman

I was one of those young guys who always dropped pencils in class, dreamed about hiding in the girls locker room at the pool, and thought about sex 25 hours a day. Did I do anything about it? Never! I had no line, no guts, and was incredibly shy. Even in the Air Force, I ran from sure things, twice. Once in a girl's apartment in Minnesota, my arriving to take her

The Handyman Part 2

It's been a while since last I wrote. Now I'm retired from my regular labors in the world of business and depend full time on my Handyman business. Although there have been very few opportunities like the one that occurred with Pam (the occasion of my first writing) I've had some chances to be alone with some really foxy ladies while I earth quake proofed their water

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