Gay Erotic Stories

Jenny Wants to be a Millionaire Ch. 6

by Capstick


With that the host sat up and gave her knee a quick squeeze. "You're doing great Jenny! Your husband is a very lucky man." He walked away and started shaking hands with the audience. Jenny felt herself being cleaned up again with the warm towel. The studio lights came up and people started to talk amongst themselves, but no one left their seats. All eyes were still glued to the monitors. Jenny was relieved to see her husband approaching the stage. As soon as he got close enough to hear, she said, "I have to get out of here! You won't believe what is happening." Before she could continue, he cut her off. "Honey, I have some really bad news. I read that release we signed, and if you don't go through with the show, they can legally take everything we own for damages! It's all on the form, our home, our cars, our bank accounts, our retirement fund, everything!" The color drained from Jenny's face as she realized what they had gotten into. Suddenly she sat bolt upright as a well-lubricated finger start circling her exposed asshole. "Are you all right dear?" he asked, seeing her sudden shift in position. The colors drained from her face as she felt the finger slowly press into her ass, and work the lubricant around. Jenny looked into her husbands’ eyes helplessly while this was happening, but couldn't bring herself to tell him. She felt like she was betraying him. "Well honey, try to make the most of it. Who knows, maybe this will all work out for the best after all!" He bent over and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. Jenny sighed as she felt the finger being replaced with a long, slim probe. It had smooth, even bumps along the shaft, so it popped up an inch at a time as it was inserted, giving her a wave of pleasure with each bump. "My kisses don't usually have this much effect! I can't wait for tonight." He turned away and left the stage before she had a chance to respond. Next she felt an egg shaped object being inserted into her vagina. Due to the position she was in and how wet she was, it went in quite easily, in and was pressed up high inside. She could feel something attached to it, which was dangling down and tickling her inner lips. Now a third object was held up against her pubic mound. It was curved to follow her contours, and had a bump, which fell right over her clitoris. She could feel it being held in place with a piece of tape that was pressed over her belly and then stretched back and stuck to the top of her butt. The lights in the studio area were dimmed again, and the applause started up as the host came back to his chair. He smiled warmly and asked, "So how are you holding up Jenny, are you getting a little stiff?" Jenny cleared her throat and said yes in a soft voice. He smiled broadly. "Well you're in luck because your chair has a massaging feature." He then stood up and moved around the table. She gasped as he reached down between her legs and pulled up a small control pad with three wire leads attached, which led back between her legs. As he moved back to his chair the wires tugged gently on the probes now inserted deep within her body! Expressions of sudden understanding and shock now moved across her face. He set the control down on the table, and turned one of the knobs till it clicked on. She felt a slow vibration start from the egg buried deep in her vagina. Another knob started a slow pulsation from the unit taped over her labia. "How does that feel? Asked the host. "Very NNNNice!" stammered Jenny. He smiled and rotated each knob ever so slightly, increasing the sensations from the devices. "Now for the next question we will switch subjects and go to American History. What President is credited with freeing the slaves, was it Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy or Harry Truman?” He started to move a small joystick on the control around in small circles, and she felt the probe in her ass duplicate the movement. A familiar tingling was stirring deep within her groin, totally against her wishes. The audience started to cry out names, which soon developed into a chant of "KENNEDY! KENNEDY! KENNEDY!" I hope they are right this time, She thought to herself. "I think it was Kennedy," she said in a husky voice. "Is that your final answer?" She whimpered softly, as he continued to increase the intensity of the vibrations. The butt plug was now circling with increasing intensity. Wave upon wave of pleasure started to build, until finally she could hold back no more. Her eyes squeezed shut and her arms and legs strained against their bindings. Her chest heaved forward, threatening to burst the seams of her dress. "Yes!" she said loudly, as she experienced the most intense orgasm of her life. Jenny could hear the roar of the audience in her ears, but she was beyond caring about whether the answer was correct or not. The intense waves of pleasure slowly subsided as the host continued scaling back on the controls, until they clicked off. "I'm very sorry Jenny, but that is not the correct answer." We will have to proceed to the penalty stage of the competition, but folks, didn't she do a great job?" To Be Continued... Contributed by Capstick. Send comments to


26 Gay Erotic Stories from Capstick

Jenny Wants to be a Millionaire Ch. 1

Let me introduce our heroine Jenny, in case you have not yet met. Jenny is a happily married middle-aged woman, with all-American good looks, and a bit of a naive view of the world. Now what self-respecting man couldn't fall in love with a gullible blond beauty with blue eyes, an outrageous hourglass figure, and a penchant for landing herself in embarrassing situations? Today was

Jenny Wants to be a Millionaire Ch. 2

Now that the guard had finally released her, Jenny found herself rushing down a narrow hallway. A brightly lit opening was straight ahead, and a line of people was slowly filing in to a large room beyond. As she caught up to the line she realized her husband was directly ahead of her! She was about to start complaining that he hadn't been searched also, when she felt more people

Jenny Wants to be a Millionaire Ch. 3

Jenny quickly yanked the back of her skirt down, and dropped into her seat. This in turn caused her breasts to bounce free of her dress. She didn't notice this however, because her attention was riveted to the clammy feeling of cum starting to soak into her beautiful dress. Her husband certainly noticed, and after enjoying her situation for a bit, leaned over and whispered in her ear

Jenny Wants to be a Millionaire Ch. 4

Jenny quickly yanked her dress back down, and was directed towards the stage by the usher. Jenny could feel him wiping his hand on the back of her dress. She remembered about the mess and looked at the closest monitor to see the back of her swaying hips with a dark splattering of splotchy stains all over well-rounded behind. The material was now very clingy, and she could feel it

Jenny Wants to be a Millionaire Ch. 5

"Jenny, your first question is: What is the scientific name for water?" Jenny herd a click underneath her chair, followed by a high pitched buzzing sound. Something was being dragged along her exposed pubic area. It dawned on her that it was an electric shaver! The host continued: "H-2-O, W-H-O, I'm sorry Jenny, did you say something?" "No, could you please repeat the choices?" she

Jenny Wants to be a Millionaire Ch. 6

With that the host sat up and gave her knee a quick squeeze. "You're doing great Jenny! Your husband is a very lucky man." He walked away and started shaking hands with the audience. Jenny felt herself being cleaned up again with the warm towel. The studio lights came up and people started to talk amongst themselves, but no one left their seats. All eyes were still glued to the

Jenny Wants to be a Millionaire Ch. 7

Jenny jumped as the tape was pulled free and the vibrator was removed, then the egg. She saw the girls approaching the stage carrying a high legged bar stool with a molded backrest. They set it down at the front of the stage, turned and walked over to her chair. Meanwhile Jenny gasped as the butt plug was slowly removed, ridge by ridge. The girls freed her arms and legs, and helped

Jenny Wants to be a Millionaire Ch. 8

"Well Jenny, you are quite a site!" The host had returned, and was now giving her a good inspection. Most of the bib had dripped off her breasts, and her whole chest was glistening under the lights. Her nipples were fully erect, and streams of saliva were slowly dripping down onto her lap. "I think it's time we removed the clamp from your tongue, and got you cleaned up!" (Many

Jenny Wants to be a Millionaire Ch. 9

I've had several requests to continue this series, so I humbly offer my latest contribution to Jenny's unfortunate plights. I hope you enjoy, and feedback is always warmly received! - Capstick * * * * * The announcement came in an official looking manila envelope delivered by FEDEX. It was addressed to her attention, signature required, return receipt requested. Puzzled, she

Jenny's Medical Adventure Ch. 01

Perhaps you have already had the pleasure of meeting my Jenny. She played a prominent role indeed, in an episode of a cable show, called "Jenny wants to be a Millionaire". Following is a further adventure, though unrelated, in the same spirit. A bit harder in nature then most, so be warned. - Capstick * * * * * Middle age is a bitch, thought Jenny, as she gazed at the mirror of

Jenny's Medical Adventure Ch. 02

Jenny's husband had called her from work later that day, and gave her the name and phone number of a Dr. Stevens. "Several of the office girls have been treated by him, and they all said he was great. This is his office number. They should still be open if you want to make an appointment." When Jenny called, the nurse was very nice. She even mentioned that they were expecting her

Jenny's Medical Adventure Ch. 03

"You can sit up on the table, and roll up you left sleeve," the nurse said, as she patted the front edge. She shook out a thermometer, and placed it in Jenny's mouth under her tongue. Then she wrapped a blood pressure cuff around her arm. After she finished, she wrote the numbers down on her chart, and handed Jenny a clear plastic container. "You can remove all of your clothes and

Jenny's Medical Adventure Ch. 04

“Well, my husband will certainly enjoy the treatment! How often will I need it?" Asked Jenny. "Now that's the spirit, good for you!" he answered (Jessica rolled her eyes in the background, and struggled to keep from laughing). "We have to give you a large and prolonged initial dose today, for the treatment to be successful. It's something that you couldn't accomplish at home. You need

Jenny's Medical Adventure Ch. 05

About five minutes later, Jessica returned to the room, carrying a stainless steel bowl and some white towels. When the door opened, Jenny noticed both boys had now moved closer to the hallway, sitting cross-legged on the floor, and were pretending to play with crayons as they peeked inside the opening. Jessica set the towels down at the foot of the table, and then pulled a razor

Jenny's Medical Adventure Ch. 06

Just then Dr. Stevens walked through the open door. "I saw maintenance leaving. Good, they finally got around to fixing the light. I see Jenny is nicely prepped!" He shut the door behind him, and sat down on the stool facing her. He slipped off both of his loafers, and started to loosen his tie. "Unfortunately, there's no dignified way to go about your treatments, Jenny. I hope you

Jenny's Medical Adventure Ch. 07

"Where are you taking me?" asked Jenny in an alarmed voice. "You're scheduled first thing in the lab. It shouldn't take long, they just need a urine specimen, and to draw some blood." answered Dr. Stevens. "Jessica, why don't you call for a wheelchair, we can't have her walking around dressed like that!" "Let's get you weighed and on your way! Come this way." As he led her out the

Jenny's Medical Adventure Ch. 08

As Jenny re-entered the hallway, low and behold, there were the two guys from the waiting room leaning against the far wall! Ernie made a right turn and started quickly down the hall. He stopped in front of a bank of elevators, and pushed the down button. One chimed to a stop next to them, and Jessica entered and held the door. Ernie swung her around and backed in. Just as the

Jenny's Medical Adventure Ch. 09

Jessica helped her back into the wheelchair, and she wheeled her back out of the room. She saw her pursuers fall into line behind them as they left. "We need to get you over to Radiology now," But as she finished the sentence, they heard a muted buzz. Jessica reached in her pocket, pulled out the beeper, and checked the screen. "Well, I guess it's time you learned about our donor

Jenny's Medical Adventure Ch. 10

She drifted along as if in a trance through more hallways and doors. She was vaguely aware of a crowded elevator at one point, and the persistent buzz of background noises. She came back to reality finally, seated in another quiet examination room. Jessica was helping her up by one arm, and a different man had a hand under the other. "Welcome back!" said Jessica, as she saw Jenny

Jenny's Medical Adventure Ch. 11

Jenny returned to her chair, and was taken back out into the hallway, next to a different door. Jessica had helped her back into the apron, which was now completely soaked down to her waist. It clung tightly to the curvature of her breasts. Her exposed cleavage was wet, and glistened with fluid. Jessica put her chart down next to the chair. "All we need now is your chest X-ray,

Volunteer Jenny Helps the Circus Ch. 1

Jenny, our beautiful blue-eyed blond from our earlier adventures, was so excited! She had always loved the circus since she was a small child, and never failed to go whenever it came to town. She was now on the Children's Hospital mailing list because of the large contribution she made from her game show nightmare. She learned early that the circus was looking for volunteers this

Volunteer Jenny Helps the Circus Ch. 2

"Quick dear, let's get you out of that costume!" said Sonya, as she took hold of Jenny's hand. Many of the performers had gathered around the backstage area to watch her performance, and gave her a nice hand as they scurried back to her changing room. Jenny felt several pats on her rump, as she passed quickly down the narrow walkway! "This is NOT what I had in mind! I want to go

Volunteer Jenny Helps the Circus Ch. 3

"They weren't very nice people!" complained Jenny, as she returned to the dressing room with Sonja. "I'm sorry dear, but they are great performers!" she answered. "You vill like the next lady, she is very friendly." Jenny turned. "I thought I was done! What do I have to do now?” Sonja started pulling clothes out of the closet. "Nothing like before dear. You vill simply vork with

Volunteer Jenny Helps the Circus Ch. 5

Sonja finally grabbed hold of Frank's shoulder, stopping their routine. She held a hand out to Jenny, and helped her up to her feet. "That vas vonderful, dear! You did very well! Such a powerful jumper you are!" Jenny smiled brightly, glad that Sonja had noticed her effort. Sonja walked over to the table, and returned carrying a squirt bottle. "You look too hot, dear! Let me help

Volunteer Jenny Helps the Circus Ch. 6

Jenny and Sonja left the stage, drawing a standing ovation. Many of the men in the stadium were holding lighters aloft, chanting for more! The ringmaster took center stage, and began to wrap up the event, thanking everyone for attending. He also urged everyone to stop at the Children's Hospital booth to make a small donation for the kids. It was a record day for the charity! The

Volunteer Jenny Helps the Circus Pt. 4

"I vant you both to concentrate on only my voice." Sonya had knelt down next to their chairs, and taken hold of each of their hands. "From this day forward, you will trust and obey everything I ask of you. You may not understand why, and it may not make sense to you, but you will have a deep desire to make me happy. The last thing you would want to do is make me sad or unhappy. Do

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