Gay Erotic Stories

Emma, Part 4

by Bradlwy Stoke

XXXVII Amna was sitting on the sofa in the living room, when Salim entered after her long day at work. As always, she was naked apart from the curiously ornate ebony dildo she had strapped around her waist. It was Amna’s current favourite, and one she hardly ever took off. Salim had examined it at length and was impressed by the subtle markings, which formed the bodies of women writhing about, their hair and limbs making up the shape of the massive glans and the heavy round balls. It must have cost Amna quite a lot. Salim herself dressed as seductively as she could in an attempt to stimulate her niece’s interest in her. She wore a bra which supported her round apple breasts but didn’t hide her nipples, and knickers which had a very wide slit which slightly opened as she walked to reveal the short trimmed hair of her vagina. She greeted Amna, who was distractedly watching a soap opera on the television where the main character, a young girl was passionately kissing another woman, who was nearly totally naked. She sat on the sofa next to her niece, put an arm around her and kissed her on the cheek. Amna turned her head and kissed her aunt in return on the lips. She then turned her gaze back to the television where a young man was removing his leather jacket but keeping on his dark sunglasses. Salim gently stroked her niece’s long hair, and studied her beautiful naked body. Her breasts had been further enhanced on Fatima’s advice, and her nipples stood up even prouder on the firm mountains of her chest. Her thighs were slightly fuller, giving her a more Negroid body than anyone with her genes would ever normally have. The crotch, which had once been such an irrepressible tangle of dark hair, was even smoother as the result of some hormonal treatment that Fatima had organised for her. What had happened to all that hair? Salim wondered. Distasteful as these ‘enhancements’ were to Salim, they didn’t disturb or upset her as much as the small tattoo that Amna had done on her shoulder, which portrayed an erect penis spurting realistic globules of semen and had the ornate letters Fluff written on them. What had that slut done to her niece? Her parents would be horrified if they knew the depravities her ward had descended to!. Not only was she a professional sex actress, but also her lover was the most repulsive slut anyone could ever hope to meet. Not that Salim loved her any the less. She knew that it was as much to do with her jealous passion as her disapproval of Fluff, which made her so unhappy with how things had changed. She and Amna still shared the bed together, and still made love. And Salim still insisted that Amna should never use any of her sexual aids on her. But she felt that her niece was becoming more distant, as she so often made her passionate proclamations of love for her sluttish friend. If only they’d never met! Salim wished. If only their love could return to where it had been! The only compensation was that now she had Fatima as a lover too, although she was unhappy to discover that she shared her best friend not only with her niece (which was bad enough!) but also with Susan and many of Susan’s friends. She agreed though to collaborate with Fatima in keeping Amna unaware of this relationship, believing as did Fatima, that Susan was best loved from afar. It still seemed ironic to her that Susan had slept with both her and Fatty, but not with the one who was arguably her greatest admirer, even now. Amna’s room was still adorned by pictures of the oriental girl, and there could be few films in which she’d performed which Amna didn’t now possess in her extensive if also obsessive library of videodiscs. Salim persuaded Amna to stroke her bared nipples and gasped appreciatively as her niece’s fingers traced their aureate edges, while her own fingers gently massaged the length of Amna’s dildo, enjoying the curves and contours of the carved naked figures. Perhaps she could bring Amna’s mouth to hers, and feel again the hot moistness of her tongue against her teeth. Perhaps she could enjoy again Amna’s tongue pressing against her hard erect clitoris. Perhaps Amna could remove her gaze from the lovemaking on the screen and indulge in more real lovemaking. But as Salim’s mind focused more on her fantasies she heard the front door draw shut. Who could it be? Her heart jumped. Could it be Fatty back from a day of promotion and selling? That would be welcome. Or could it be the only other person besides herself and Amna who had a key to the flat? It was nothing but disappointment that Salim felt, as she saw the utterly naked figure of Fluff (She never felt the need to wear a dildo all the time!) standing by the door with that disgusting tattoo dominating her face. Amna jumped up off the sofa, at last taking her eyes off the television, and ran towards her lover. Salim sighed as she saw the extent of her niece’s delight in Fluff’s unexpected arrival. “Oh! It’s wonderful to see you! What have you been doing?” Fluff laughed. “Fucking! What do you think? I’ve just had two of them. They had the biggest cocks you’ve ever seen!” She took the lips of her cunt in her fingers and pulled them wide open to reveal her cavernous well worn interior. “They fucked me so hard! Both of them together! It was fucking magic! Look! There’s still a bit of come. It’s real sticky! Have a taste!” Salim watched in horror as Amna did precisely that, resting on her knees, her large buttocks sticking out far behind, her larger breasts as much in front, her dildo in a position of permanent excitement, and her tongue licking and loving the taste of semen as it dribbled down Fluff’s slender unenhanced thighs. “It’s still pretty warm!” She exclaimed. “I came here as fast as I could!” Fluff replied. “I just had to see you! A perfect fuck is nothing without the one I love!” “Oh! Fluff! You’re so romantic!” swooned Amna, taking the obscene face into her hands and pressing her lips against the mouth that seemed so incongruous underneath the long shaft of the tattooed penis. Salim sat, ignored and hurt, as the two girls caressed and kissed each other, and then went off together to Amna’s bedroom. Within seconds, Amna’s stereo was switched on, and Salim sat alone on the sofa as the insistent thump of her music intermingled with a slower equally rhythmic thump on the bed as Amna drove her favourite dildo deep inside her favourite cunt. Salim stared into space. She barely noticed the action on the television as several people indulged in exactly the same activity, as her niece was currently involved in, and her face reddening with humiliation, frustration and desire. She almost felt like leaping out of her seat, and kicking that slut out of the door. But she knew in doing so, that her niece would probably also go. And then there would be no more nights of pleasure together. Her life would become empty and no longer worth living. She sat, feeling the tears well up in her eyes and ease themselves out of the corner and down her cheek. “Aaahh! Aaahh!” Salim heard from Amna’s room. Oh God! They were! They were! She let loose an unexpected choke of pain and misery, and buried her tear strewn face in her hands, small tears falling hot and moist onto her bare breasts and her mouth feeling as ugly and raw as she envisaged Fluff’s cunt which she could yet again see so vividly in her mind’s eye. Why couldn’t it be her that Amna loved so passionately? What did that slut have to offer that she didn’t? It was then that Salim heard the door close again. Was it Fluff leaving? Salim wondered with hope. But no the passionate cries continued as before. It must be Fatty! She raised her head to see Fatima in her stockings, tight dress and makeup, standing by the door and gazing at Salim sympathetically. “I see they’re at it again!” She said, nodding towards the source of the commotion. Salim gazed at Fatima through the salt in her eyes and nodded silently. “They’re terrors, aren’t they?” Salim nodded again, and then suddenly gave vent to another choked cry and let herself weep more openly. Fatima regarded her with affection. “Oh, Sally! You don’t like it do you?” Fatima said, running up to her friend and putting her arms around Salim’s shoulders. “You feel jealous, don’t you?” Salim nodded. “That slut!” She gasped. “Why her? Why not me?” “Don’t think about it, Sally!” Said Fatima, peppering Salim’s face with kisses. “Amna’s a young girl. She needs friends her own age. Friends who know about what she does for a living and totally approve of it. I’m sure she still loves you.” Salim tried to nod again, but her misery overcame her. She burst into tears again and buried her face on Fatima’s breasts. “Oh! Fatty! I’m so unhappy. I wish I’d never ...” Fatima kissed her friend and gradually eased off her clothes. “Don’t regret anything, Sally! Whatever your niece does, you’ll always have me. I’ll never stop loving you. Whatever else, You’re still my closest and dearest friend!” XXXVIII Susan was enjoying her time off from work: wandering about the shops and looking for things to buy. She also enjoyed looking at other people, especially those who were most physically attractive: men or women, it didn’t bother her. She didn’t mind the stares that followed her, attracted by the large dildo protruding through the flies of her culottes, and perhaps unsure whether or not it was real as there was so little evidence of her breasts under the baggy white tee shirt she wore. There were other women like her wearing such dildos: it had become such a common sight these days. Almost too common, Susan reflected, but the affectation still had the potency to shock. One such woman she could see sporting a dildo was very dark skinned. Susan guessed she was African from the way her arse stuck out, restrained only by the leather strap tucked in between the slit of her round buttocks, but which supported a proud twelve inch ebony dildo. Susan felt aroused by the sight, and paused in her steps to examine the woman in more detail. The woman was walking with another girl who Susan recognised as one of the fluffers she’d often worked with who wore very scanty clothes, nearly reduced to the dimensions of a bikini, but who attracted rather more attention than most because of the striking tattoo of an erect penis she sported over her face, which even detracted attention from her shaved head and shorn eyebrows. She wondered if she should approach her (Fluff, as she remembered she was known) as an excuse to get to know her black friend the better. Her resolve to do so was increased when the girl turned about slightly to reveal some monstrous breasts which her specially designed slip only just managed to hold. It was then that she recognised her as Amna, the Asian shop girl she’d introduced to fuck films, who looked somewhat different from the last time she’d met. What had happened to her breasts? And her face? Were her lips always so full? And her cheekbones so high? Had this something to do with the efforts of her agent, Fatima, who visited rather less frequently these days? Emboldened by her connections and driven by lust, she ran over to the girls and attracted their attention. “Amna!” She cried. “I’ve not seen you for a long time! And with Fluff! How are you? How’s your career progressing?” Amna looked rather startled, and made only a very garbled incoherent response. Susan belatedly remembered Amna’s strange obsession with her that Fatima’s friend, Salim, had told her about. That was a complication she didn’t really welcome, although she reflected it would be somehow rather useful to her present aspirations. It was Fluff who answered. “I’ve not seen you for a long time either. Not since Oriental Fuckers. When I had to stand in for you in the shit-eating shot...” Susan grimaced. She remembered that scene. It was one she’d insisted that a stand-in would have to do. She hoped Fluff wouldn’t hold it against her. However, there seemed to be no recrimination, and it took very little persuasion on her part to get the two girls to come back with her to the flat she shared with Charlotte and Josephine, knowing that neither of them were at all likely to be there when she got there. Amna was still very reserved, but Susan admired her body and learnt from Fluff just how much and how expensively it had been resculptured. She wasn’t sure that she saw much need to do so much body remodelling; but then it was something she’d never needed at all in her career as her very lack of feminine attributes was what had most contributed towards the success of her career. She thought though that the extremes of depilation and breast enhancement that Amna had endured probably pushed her rather too far towards rather specialist taste and potentially limited her repertoire. Susan still preferred to be watched and admired while making love, although she’d more often succeeded in enjoying unobserved sex than she’d once been able to. But with such new lovers as Amna and Fluff, she preferred to be watched by one while she indulged in sex with the other. Her affection for Amna was greatly increased when she volunteered to watch she and Fluff make love, once Susan had explained to them her preferences. So selfless! And she understood Fluff’s own irrepressible sex drive so well. Although it was Amna’s body she most coveted, it was by Amna she most wished to be admired, and so her own desires were to be the most satisfied. She knew that as Fluff licked, probed, fingered and kissed her, it would be Amna’s eyes, which were following the action, and it was Amna at whom she could gaze while her cunt was being caressed, sucked and prodded. It was easy to guess Fluff’s own preferences from the penises she had tattooed on her face, her arms and the one on her back with Amna’s name ornately composed by the semen spurting from the massive tattooed penis between her shoulder blades. With Fluff’s prompting, she put her dildo on and thrust it deep inside Fluff’s cunt who arched back, slightly whining with pleasure as Susan thrust again and again, the images of Charlotte’s male lovers flashing joyfully across her mind as her buttocks trembled and shimmered. She smiled deliriously at Amna who was watching naked with her enormous breasts and the full aureate glow of her sizeable artificially firm nipples. She grinned and Amna grinned back, but quite clearly with rather less enthusiasm. It flashed across Susan’s mind that the girl probably wanted to be fucked herself. She eased the dildo out from Fluff’s cunt, moist with the girl’s juices and with the sweat of their bodies shining in the light cast by the standard lamp. She whispered briefly to Fluff, and crawled over her prostrate body to Amna, followed by the equally predatory Fluff. Her passion for Amna could no longer be sublimated. She threw herself on Amna’s body taking an enormous nipple in her teeth, and plunging her fingers into the smooth and warm and ready gash of her cunt, and then her dildo plunged straight in, under the shop girl’s own dildo which pushed hard against her slim waist. And then she pushed and pushed, watching Amna’s body tremble with delight, drawing gasps of pleasure as it eased itself into the well-practised interior. And finally, they slumped together, exhausted, Fluff, Amna and herself, their bodies pouring perspiration and a strong smell of vaginal juices permeating the air, and pubic hair tangled in the teeth and a sour taste on all the tongues. Fluff lay back, a smile just discernible on the dense tattoo on her face: her small breasts and long nipples hard and excited. Susan leaned over Amna, and stroked her shoulder and breasts, while a finger probed idly around the entrance to her cunt. “You’ve certainly come a long way since your first screen test, Amna,” she remarked admiringly. “You really didn’t have anything like the passion and abandon you have now.” Amna smiled sadly. She stroked Fluff’s arm around the tattoo of an ejaculating penis. “It’s all thanks to Fluff. Thanks to her I’ve learnt to enjoy sex.” “But surely Fatima’s help and assistance must have contributed something as well?” “Fatima?” “Yes. Your agent. She’s given you so much coaching. And she’s paid so much attention to your body. You’re so slim where it should be slim and so full where it should be so. Fatima’s surely done her bit towards improving your sexual...” “How do you know about Fatima?” Susan smiled. “What don’t I know about Fatima! She’s always here. She’s got more energy than most porn stars. And she likes it long and hard. Men or women it’s much the same to her. Though I think it might be the men she likes best. The ones that Charlotte and Josephine bring her anyway. She’s been the nearest to a girlfriend I’ve ever really had...” “Fatima comes here?” “Of course, she does. Didn’t you know? Not so much recently, but still often enough. She’s a good agent, I’m sure. She certainly does her homework...” “With you? She makes love to you?” “Well, what do you expect her to do?” “How long’s this been going on for?” “Oh, months! Ever since she started being your agent. She talks about you ever so much. She really cares about your career. She’s always...” “Fatima comes here. To your flat. And she makes love to you. All this time and...” Amna suddenly burst into tears, pushed herself off Susan and Fluff and stood slightly apart. Susan became aware that perhaps there was something about this discovery that especially disturbed her. Was it do with all those films, videos and posters of her in Amna’s room. “Don’t worry, Amna dear. It’s not...” “Fatima! The bastard! The cunt! The traitor!” Suddenly cried Amna, jumping up, picking up her few clothes and running off. Both Susan and Fluff were taken by surprise as she disappeared, the flat door slamming behind her. “What’s the matter? What have I said?” Susan wondered. Fluff snuggled up to her, grasping Susan’s dildo in her hand. “Nothing that shouldn’t have been said a long time ago!” She said with a smile, steering the dildo back towards her cunt. Fatima’s friend Khadija was a tall, statuesque woman with light brown skin, long black hair and dressed at the moment in silky lingerie as she relaxed in Fatima’s flat and no longer needed the protection of her scarf and long dress. Fatima dressed much less modestly: her brassiere was cut so low that her nipples couldn’t possibly be covered by their lace and her panties split across the crotch so that her crotch was revealed whenever she uncrossed her legs. She also wore the black silk stockings she so rarely removed, but had discarded her shoes. Khadija had become accustomed to her friend’s new boldness: one which had become so much more pronounced since the day she’d first enticed her into bed, and introduced her to a mode of pleasure-making she enjoyed so much more than the five minute fucks her divorced husband had been content with. It took some effort for her to accept the terms of their relationship, aware that her friend shared her body with other women and sometimes with men, but it scarcely lessened her appetite for Fatima’s body. The doorbell rang--loud and insistently. It then rang again, this time for even longer. “Who could that be?” Wondered Fatima angrily. “Do you want to answer the door for me, Khaddie dearest, and find out who it is?” Khadija nodded. It would be unrealistic to expect Fatima to answer, dressed as she was, but it was only as she opened the door she reflected that she too was rather immodestly dressed. She hoped the visitor wasn’t a man. She was therefore initially quite pleased to find that it was a girl: but what a girl! She was dark-skinned, but still unmistakably Asian, with very large breasts under a strangely designed slip and, most grotesquely, a huge dildo strapped around her crotch, obscuring her pubic region. “Where is she? Where’s Fatima?” The girl demanded, pushing straight past Khadija and charging into the living room. Khadija was taken aback, but she recalled it was Amna, Salim’s niece, whom she’d met at her house. The girl had changed, she was sure. Where had those breasts come from? And the lips and cheeks seemed different somehow, not to mention the round buttocks and the slim waist. Khadija wandered into the living room where a tearful Amna was railing at an impassive Fatima. “So all these months, while I’ve been doing whatever you told me to ... while I’ve had my tits and arse pumped up and lost all my pubic hair ... you’ve been fucking Susan who you know I’ve always ... who you knew was the one...” “I really don’t know what business it is of yours to dictate who I should...” “It’s not just anyone. It’s Susan. You’ve been deceiving me. While I’ve been idolising her, you’ve been fucking her. While I’ve...” “I’ve not been deceiving you, Amna. I’ve simply not been informing you. Do you tell me about everyone you make love with? Did you ask my permission to hang around with your prick faced fluffer girlfriend? I’m your agent, not your fucking...” “It’s different. It’s not the same thing at all! Susan’s not anyone. It’s because of her that I ...” “And haven’t I helped you in your career ambitions? Haven’t I helped you in every way possible? The workouts to keep you slim and fit. The diets I’ve persuaded you to take. All the care I’ve taken on your appearance...” “You’ve just made me into a fucking freak. Look at me! Look at these!” Amna impulsively pulled off her slip, revealing the breasts that she had hidden so ineptly underneath. Khadija was impressed and slightly aroused by the size of them. So round and full and the nipples so well formed and precise. “I’m just a freak!” “Of course you’re not a freak!” Smiled Fatima. “You’re beautiful. Desirable. And it’s thanks to me you are. What do you think, Khadija? What do you think of Amna’s body? Don’t you think she’s beautiful? Doesn’t the mere sight of her make you feel hot?” Khadija was certainly aroused by Amna’s body, but she felt no less guilty for it. However, it was obvious that there her body was a little unnatural. The breasts were almost too perfect; the contours were almost too exaggerated. Was this all the result of cosmetic surgery? she wondered. “Yes,” she agreed breathlessly. “She’s very attractive!” “Don’t you just want to touch those breasts? Take them in your hands. Caress them with your tongue? Don’t they arouse you?” Khadija nodded. “You can of course. You don’t mind, do you Amna? Khadija can feel the firmness of your bosoms. See what a woman you’ve become.” Amna nodded expressionlessly. “Go ahead then, Khadija. Don’t feel embarrassed.” Khadija was embarrassed of course. The only woman she’d ever touched before was Fatima, and that was after a lot of persuasion and coaxing. But Khadija approached Amna, her hands stretched out in front of her, and felt the weight of the warm fleshy mounds in her palms. “Put your tongue on them. Feel the nipples with your lips.” Khadija abruptly removed her hands. “Oh! I couldn’t do that!” “Why not? Amna wouldn’t mind. She makes love every day. If not with Fluff or Salim or me, then with someone on the set of her fuck films. It’s nothing to her. In fact, what she enjoys most is fucking with that giant dildo of hers. That’s what she and her slut girlfriend are always doing. You’d like to fuck Khadija, wouldn’t you? Push your expensive ebony thing up her cunt. Or not even Khadija. How about me?” Fatima leaned back on the armchair and spread her legs. She parted the crotch of her panties to reveal the whole beauty of her vagina. “Look at this, Amna. It’s all yours! It’s hot and moist and ready. Go ahead! Fuck me! Get that dildo inside me. Pump away! You know it’s what you like to do most!” It was then that an abashed Khadija witnessed Amna approach Fatima, her dildo erect in front of her, and then with very little ceremony, plunge it straight into Fatima’s vagina, which easily accepted it, and then pump her monstrous buttocks back and forth as she rhythmically fucked her friend. Khadija sank into another armchair and watched as the buttocks pulsed back and forth. Fatima grasped Amna close to her body, pushing her tongue into Amna’s mouth, her angular knees spread apart. Part of her was aroused, but more of her was disgusted and rather jealous at her friend’s explicit and wanton display of lewd lasciviousness. “Don’t just watch, Khadija!” Fatima suddenly ordered, clearly not so lost in her carnal activities as to forget her friend. “Join in too!” “I couldn’t! I can’t!” “Of course you can! Amna’s not a girl to object. Look at her tattoo.” She indicated Amna’s arm on which there was a small tattoo of an erect penis with the word Fluff written along the length of it. “Amna enjoys it! She wants it!” Still wearing her lingerie, and smiling foolishly, Khadija approached the two women. She placed her palms on Amna’s warm sweating back and laid her head on the space between her shoulder blades. She felt the thrust of Amna’s buttocks against her waist, and closed her eyes. She then felt the attention of hands on her body, easing off her slip and knickers, caressing her vagina, stroking her proud pointed breasts. She kept her eyes closed. She didn’t care who it was. The caresses were so warm, seductive and comforting. And then, as she’d half-hoped and half-dreaded, she felt the long dildo ease into a vagina which since her husband’s last drunken fuck before they’d divorced was the first time it had been penetrated by anything so large or phallic. She surrendered herself to the caresses and tongues, feeling more satisfied and aroused than ever before. She slightly opened her eyes, frightened to see the reality of what was happening to her, to find that it was indeed Fatima’s familiar tasting mouth glued to her own and witnessing Amna fucking ecstatically above her, the large breasts scarcely moving with each thrust high above her face, and Fatima’s hands roaming about her nipples. She gasped and gasped and then shrieked, surprising herself by the intensity of the orgasm that racked her body. XXXIX Emma took her role as Maisie’s guardian at least as seriously as she took her role as her lover. She knew the importance of the child’s education, and arranged a place for her in the city’s premier Naturist Secondary School. It was, of course, a private school (the fees for which Emma could now easily afford) and was attended by the children of the wealthy and well to do who wished their children to have as fully as possible a naturist upbringing. Not a few were workers in the sex industry like Emma herself, and several other children made a living in sex entertainment themselves, so Emma was sure that Maisie was in an appropriate environment. This was an opportunity, which Emma rather envied of Maisie. No such option had been made available to her when she was younger. Her parents wouldn’t have been able to afford it, even if they’d had the slightest intention of encouraging what they considered to be their daughter’s unhealthy obsession. On those days when Maisie was not required to work at the television station, Emma would drive her to the school along with all the other parents and guardians. She would kiss her child lover affectionately, while Maisie’s reaction was somewhat less predictable. Sometimes, she took Emma’s kisses almost on sufferance in the way Emma had always considered her own mother’s acts of affection. Sometimes, she was very passionate, even sometimes taking the time to kneel down in front of her and tongue her vagina, even in full gaze of her fellow pupils. Emma was very embarrassed about this, though she came to realise that this was to counter the similar attention one of the boys was making to his father’s erect penis in an adjacent car. This might not be the excuse for lovemaking that Emma was most enthusiastic about, but she loved Maisie so much that she couldn’t refuse even the smallest act of love. She felt quite helpless as the child’s tongue licked around the slightly thickened mound of her clitoris and the gush of vaginal fluids joined the saliva from Maisie’s mouth. One of Emma’s early worries related to Maisie’s teachers. She feared that they might take advantage of Maisie or the other pupils. The school had an atmosphere slightly charged with sensuality with so many naked men, women and children. But she was reassured by the school’s ethical policies. The school had a very uncompromising attitude towards sexual liaisons between staff and pupil; however lax it was with regards to sexual relationships between staff, which, although not exactly encouraged, was nearly expected and certainly very common. However genuine or mutual the affection there might be between a teacher and pupil, any sexual relationship resulted in instant dismissal, a sanction, which the headmaster regretted, had had to be enforced on occasion. It was not thought appropriate for staff to have anything other than professional relationships with their wards, although the school had no expressed opinion regarding the ethics or otherwise of adult-child relationships in general. What a child did with adults outside its province of concern was neither one thing nor another. Although the staff may very well have suspected that Emma’s relationship with Maisie might have a sexual element (and knowing Maisie’s tendency to boast, such suspicions may very easily have been confirmed) there was no evidence of it when she attended the Parents Evenings, along with all the other naked parents and guardians. Maisie certainly had sexual relations with other pupils. Emma might regret the extent of Maisie’s boasting and the details in which she divulged them, but she felt unable to do anything about it. Censoriousness was not a role she could play without too much hypocrisy. Much of this sexual activity took place at school, though how the teachers could remain oblivious to its occurrence was beyond Emma. It took place in the playing field, in the gym, in the playground, in the toilets and sometimes in the classroom. On occasion, Maisie invited school friends back with her to their home, where no pretence at all was made of their sexual activity. Emma would sit in the living room, listening to the gasps of sexual passion emitting from Maisie’s room, coming either from her lover or from her school friends. Although, she regretted this lack of exclusivity in her love life, it seemed somehow more appropriate that a girl as young as Maisie, whose breasts were still no more than the merest mounds, and who had but the barest suggestion of pubic hair should enjoy herself with those much the same as herself. She refused all of Maisie’s suggestions that she participate in her sex games, particularly vehemently when they involved the boys. However tiny and unthreatening their tiny hairl


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1 Gay Erotic Stories from Bradlwy Stoke

Emma, Part 4

XXXVII Amna was sitting on the sofa in the living room, when Salim entered after her long day at work. As always, she was naked apart from the curiously ornate ebony dildo she had strapped around her waist. It was Amna’s current favourite, and one she hardly ever took off. Salim had examined it at length and was impressed by the subtle markings, which formed the bodies of women


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