Gay Erotic Stories

Emma, Part 1

by Bradley Stoke

I It is Breakfast Time and Television Screens throughout the country are tuned to Arouse Yourself on the Cable Television Station Harlot TV, just one of the many Sex TV Stations available. Harlot TV is a Three X classified station, which means that it is considered responsible enough to broadcast Hard Core Porn, but hasn’t yet got a Four X classification allowing it to go to the very edge of Sex Broadcasting. For years, Harlot TV has struggled to attain this status broadcasting serious Sex Documentaries, serious Sex Discussion programs and commissioning drama programs where sex, although the obvious raison d’être, is supported by reasonable storylines and scripted dialogue. In the Arouse Yourself studio, there are three naked people. One is Frank, the show’s host, and another is one of today’s guests, a top magazine model Samantha. Frank has his prick firmly up Samantha’s cunt (not her arse, as this is Breakfast Television and rules have to obeyed) and the Television cameras are alternating between shots of the penetration and Samantha’s ecstatic facial expressions (which are probably as much faked as on the cover of the magazines in which Samantha appears). The hostess of the show, Anna, has put on a bathrobe and is wiping her cunt dry with a tissue. A few items ago, she had had sex with another guest on a Sexual Exercises Item. She is seven months pregnant and part of the theme of her continued appearance is that sex is still compatible with pregnancy. The third naked person is Emma. She is not having sex, has not had sex today and has no intention of doing so. In fact Emma has only once in her life had sex and she enjoyed it so little she hasn’t done so since. However, Emma is a Strict Naturist, as well as a Strict Vegetarian and a Strict Teetotaler. She works as a Research Assistant for Arouse Yourself which involves finding guests for the program, assessing the amount of sexual activity they are willing to undertake (which varies by choice and fee the more sex the bigger the fee) and drawing up a schedule of questions and chat up lines for the presenters. The reason she works on Harlot TV is not because she is a great supporter of pornographic television. Indeed, she finds the theme of sex rather monotonous with its limited range of permutations constantly paraded on the screen. The reason is that there are not very many employers who are willing to employ a Strict Naturist ne who wears clothes for the smallest possible period of time. In fact, the stricter a Naturist one is the less time one wears clothes and the fewer clothes one owns. Emma owns only one item of clothing a bikini bottom she wears to work in the Summer. The others she borrows from her flat mates. She wouldn’t own the bikini either if she wasn’t frightened of germs. She washes the bikini bottom every day after wearing it. It isn’t Summer now, but a quite cool day in Spring but Emma came to work wearing only a coat she borrowed from her flat mate, Charlotte, which comes halfway down her thighs. It was very early in the morning when Emma arrived and there weren’t that many people about, so she was able to discard even this coat when she got a seat on the underground train until she got near enough to the City Centre. Nudism is still illegal in most places, although toplessness was rarely frowned on except at particular places like the Opera or the workplace. It was a relief when Emma got to work and was able to hang the coat up. It was an old coat that made her look a bit like a tramp, but Emma made a point of never evaluating clothes except on the basis of how much flesh they covered up. She wasn’t the strictest Naturist imaginable. She occasionally trimmed her thick mousy brown hair, which only grew to halfway down her back, and she regularly washed it. She also took care to wear something on her feet but strictly of a utilitarian nature. Because it was Spring, these were currently little flat soled booties with fur lining as Emma didn’t wear socks. However, she never wore makeup and she never shaved any of the hair on her body, particularly not around her cunt, which had a rich thick body of hair slightly darker than the hair on her head. After the program finished, there was the usual discussion on how the program went and then there would normally have been the briefing where staff would discuss which items would be scheduled for future presentation. Unexpectedly however, Emma was summoned to the Managing Director’s office. What could this mean? Emma wondered. Perhaps this was another employer, like her last, Sun TV, a holiday TV station, who were tightening up on the license they allowed their staff. The Managing Director was a small man with a penchant for cigars, which Emma found thoroughly disgusting but she restrained the temptation to comment. His office resembled the office of most Managing Directors except for the scattered pictures of Harlot TV presenters in different degrees of undress. “This is going to be a very confidential meeting between just you and me, Emma,” the Managing Director announced. “The main point is that I’m taking you off Arouse Yourself.” This hit Emma as the least welcome news she could imagine. She’d enjoyed working for the program and had got the distinct impression that the rest of the program staff got on with her and had a high regard for her abilities. Sure, there had been difficulties at the beginning with all the male staff trying to seduce her on the misapprehension she was like those other Naturists who equated freedom from the tyranny of clothes as the freedom to fuck whoever you wanted all the time. “Is that because of my Naturist views?” Emma ventured to ask. “No, not at all!” reassured the Managing Director. “Some 20% of my staff are Naturists of one kind or another most being men of course. No, the only odd thing is that you’re in the minority of Naturists here who aren’t presenters or stand-ins! I’m taking you off because I want to give you a more responsible job.” “Thank you, sir. That’s a great relief.” “As you know, Harlot TV has wanted to get Four X rating for a long time. You must know how limiting it is for us when we have to skirt round such things as underage sex, sadomasochism, bestiality, and so on. It takes great skill to work within the limits that are bound for us as a Three X station. Well, and this is highly confidential, we will be getting Four X status soon. The Minister for the Arts and Entertainment has personally assured me that the quality of our programming is now of a high enough and responsible level for us to get that extra X. This will do wonders for our prestige, increase our audience figures, boost advertising revenue and improve the value of the Company’s shares!” “That’s wonderful news!” exclaimed Emma. Perhaps she was going to get more pay. But she wouldn’t do any sex and certainly not on television. “You are a very presentable and responsible young lady, Emma. I’ve heard very good reports about you from all at Arouse Yourself. Perhaps at some future stage we might find a job for you as a presenter on a program not one I hasten to add involving sex, as I gather that’s not to your taste, but on Naturist issues. No, I want you to do some confidential research for me.” “Research?” “Yes. A job requiring discretion and dedication, but most of all--secrecy. Which is why you are perfect. Not even staff of Harlot TV, let alone our competitors must know of the fact that we will be getting that extra X. It could ruin everything!” The Managing Director then went on to explain that the Research would be to scour around for material from the video companies, foreign countries or wherever that would be suitable for Four X program scheduling policy, so that when the extra X was officially awarded all would be in place for rapid installation. She would not need to come to the office except to use office facilities when necessary, her expenses would be automatically paid by the company and her official role was General Programming Research Assistant. II Emma left for home nearly forgetting to put Charlotte’s coat on. The new responsibility would transform her life, she was sure of it. At the very least, she wouldn’t have to leave for work so very early in the morning from now on. It did mean that she would have to be just that little bit more careful about how few clothes she wore to work, just as she had to be coming home. Her home was a three bedroom flat she shared with two other girls. Her closest friend, Charlotte, was in the room adjacent to hers, with a connecting door, which was usually left open. Charlotte wasn’t a naturist but she wore no clothes round the home, apparently from respect for Emma. Indeed, Charlotte had quite good dress sense, which was useful for Emma whenever she needed to borrow a dress or a coat to go shopping or to work. Charlotte also claimed to be a lesbian, which was strange because she never once brought a woman friend back home with her. She did, however, come home with male friends on a not too regular basis and judging by the very noisy reception she gave them, Emma felt no reason to doubt Charlotte’s passion. Nevertheless, it was a little embarrassing how on the more regular occasions Charlotte got a little tipsy; she would declare her love for Emma. Charlotte worked for the Civil Service, but envied the glamour of Emma’s job. She would put her head on Emma’s lap to have her hair stroked and entice Emma to tell her once again about the famous guests on her programs and the more sexy television encounters. Emma had a mostly professional pride in this as in almost all cases the most successful interviews were those she had most meticulously planned. The other flat mate was Harriett who was a presenter on a rival station to Harlot TV, called Semen South West, (which did not reflect any regional bias). SSW was a Three X station that had only recently obtained its third X, so Harriett had needed some retraining. It was no longer sufficient for her merely to stimulate penises: she now also had to bring them to ejaculation. It was more important for her to maintain her composure when she might have to make love with several people in a single half-hour program. The show she presented was called Swimming Pool Sex, which generally featured her in the various athletic positions she could adopt in a swimming pool. This meant that she had to be a very good swimmer as well as a sexual athlete. The extra X meant it was more important than ever to heave the penis out of the water at the moment of ejaculation so that all could be shown to the cameras. Harriett was obsessed by the art and technique of her trade. She often watched sex television to learn from other presenters and her conversations frequently drifted towards what she had done in a recent program or what she was practising for her next program. She undoubtedly practised: barely a night went by with Harriett not bringing home a man, often the night before they were due to perform together on television. Harriett had one professional worry which was that the extra X might oblige her to make love to a woman. It was not the professional aspect that bothered her, but her worries about doing something that as a heterosexual she wouldn’t really enjoy. “Perhaps,” she would ask Charlotte as sweetly as she could, “I could lose some of my fear if I practised with you.” Curiously, for a lesbian with little compunction for sex with men, Charlotte appeared to have very little interest in accepting this offer. Emma would be seeing much more of her flat mates, now that her work would be mostly done at home. The first batch of videos Emma identified as worth exploring were known as Naturist Classics, produced by a small European production company. At present, they were not broadcast on any national television stations but were nonetheless selling quite respectably in video rentals. As a naturist, this rather intrigued Emma and she thought that her exploration should start somewhere where it might coincide with her own interests. The practise of Naturist Classics was to take a piece of well﷓ known literature or drama and present it in the nude. This meant naked Wuthering Heights, naked David Copperfield and naked Passage To India. As Emma soon found out these were virtually unchanged from the original text, apart from that the cast wore no clothes, however apparently inappropriate this might seem even to Emma. The appeal of these videos at first eluded Emma, and she could see no objection to screening these films on daytime national television. In the case of Lady Chatterly’s Lover, Nana and Tom Jones she wasn’t too surprised that the sex scenes were considerably more explicit, more prominent in the plot and more frequent than in the original novels, so perhaps that was why they were destined for specialist tastes. However, Emma couldn’t really recall that there had been sex scenes in the originals of Jane Eyre, Moby Dick and Anna Karenin, but she accepted the licence for them to be in the naturist versions. From a technical perspective, the films were very curiously filmed, but it took Emma a while to determine why. “It’s all in medium to long shot,” explained Harriett, who had a professional interest in how much was required to be shown in a shot. Indeed, unlike most television drama, the scenes were set up so that as much of the main characters torso and genitalia would be on screen in any frame. Furthermore, it soon became clear that however innocent the content of the scene the characters always seemed to be sexually aroused. Mouths pouted unnaturally, the vulva and nipples were unusually bright and either the men were always half aroused or had been stimulated to be so. In any case, their penises never resembled the shrivelled little things that Emma more often associated with naturist men, but more like Harlot TV male presenters as they were readying themselves. More investigation revealed more of the appeal of Naturist Classics. Although less than a half of its listing consisted of children’s classics, more than 80% of its sales were of these videos. It seemed unlikely to Emma that there were that many naturist children, so she took an especial interest in these films. Like the adult canon, the children’s classics featured all their cast of mostly children in the nude. Again, the content was ostensibly quite innocent, if a bit bizarre. A naturist Swallows and Amazons featured the two gangs of children running around naked, with rather young and well developed parents who often seemed more fond of their children than seemed normal, but not obscenely so. A naturist Famous Five again featured naked children, who if anything were younger than those in Enid Blyton’s books. A naturist Alice in Wonderland featured a naked six year old girl who seemed overawed by the nearly tumescent penises and swelling nipples of the not very well disguised actors playing the menagerie of fantastic characters. Emma came to the conclusion that, sadly, the role of Naturist Classics was ostensibly to provide titillating images of naked children in absurd situations for those who liked that sort of thing. The lack of overt sex, at least with children, and the plots, which conformed to a certain extent to their source material, didn’t detract at all from the titillation this was no doubt meant to provide. Emma could see a role for Naturist Classics on Harlot TV, and certainly the content fell well within the bounds of what was permitted for a Four X station. The question would be its scheduling. Mid-afternoon, she decided. The titillatory value was best served by keeping up the pretence that it was educational entertainment, but it was necessary to keep an eye on the content to ensure it never got emboldened to the extent of actually showing child sex, which was totally illegal. A more difficult question which Emma fortunately didn’t need to worry about with Naturist Classics was where to draw the line on what constitutes child sex. The affection that a lot of the children seemed unabashed about expressing to each other, especially in The Railway Children, which hinted obliquely at incest, kept sufficiently clear of the genitals or the anus not to be considered sex, but would that have been so true if adults were equally as affectionate with the children? “Would you perform in a film like this?” Emma asked Harriett who was languidly watching Oliver Twist. The scene showed the children in Fagin’s den holding each other tight against the cold, including some little girls, while a naked Artful Dodger was striding up and down with a half tumescent sub teen penis. “Why not,” Harriett yawned. “At least if you get something wrong on a film, it can be rerecorded. When you slip up on live television, then everyone can see!” Albania had taken a very strange turn in its pornographic industry. From a period when it would let virtually anything go, Albanian hard-core porn now prohibited the sexual act. However, excretion hadn’t been proscribed and although there wasn’t much of a demand for coprophilia, urination was now used as an acceptable metaphor for sex. Consequently, Albanian pornography was now known as Piss TV, because that is precisely what there was a lot of. Although Emma couldn’t imagine the appeal herself, she sat herself in front of a pile of videos from Albania with Charlotte for a second opinion. Charlotte didn’t enjoy pornography at the best of times, but she felt lonely and needed some attention, which Emma indulgently provided. Indeed, Charlotte scarcely watched the videos at all. She simply rested her head on Emma’s naked lap and purred into her warm crotch. When she got restive she’d take a hair from Emma’s crotch in her teeth and stretch it out until Emma had to stop her. Emma couldn’t speak a word of Albanian and the videos were neither subtitled nor dubbed. They had fairly conventional storylines, neither better nor worse than those which dominated national pornography. They were essentially variations on the theme of sexually attracted individuals coming together and consummating their passion on often the most arbitrary of excuses and with sufficient aspects of kinkiness to maintain some level of interest. However, the crucial difference was that, whereas in most pornographic films the sexual encounters would involve some kind of stimulation of the genitals and penetration of an orifice, in Albanian films one or the other would start peeing all over the partner or partners. There were scenes of women pissing on men’s faces, clothes, genitals and hair, and men doing much the same to women. Sexual perversions by use of this metaphor were actually more commonly shown of children pissing on each other, parents pissing on children, animals being pissed on and so on. In only a minority of films was the urine licked or ingested by one of the protagonists, but this was clearly a growing trend as demonstrated in the more recent films. “Uhh! How awful!” groaned Charlotte in one scene as one man pissed straight into the mouths of two apparently enthusiastic women who then proceeded to lick the urine off each other. “I’m sure it’s not real piss,” said Emma reassuringly. This wasn’t her real opinion, as she knew too well from working at Harlot TV, the viewers wanted to be sure that what they were seeing had at one time actually happened. She wasn’t sure what market there could be for Piss Television on Harlot TV, but perhaps repackaged as a “Golden Showers” feature with some studio participation it could become the basis for something of interest to viewers. “Is there anything about these films you like?” Emma solicited of Charlotte. “I like the language,” Charlotte giggled. “But besides that. I mean could you imagine wanting to watch someone piss on TV?” “I can’t. But ask Harriett. I’m sure her guests are always pissing in her swimming pool.” Harriett didn’t much like the films either. “There’s no physical element. They just stand apart and piss on each other. And its unhygienic.” So, Emma thought, a health warning would need to be included, and it might be difficult getting the ingestion and licking episodes past the censors for hygienic reasons alone. However, her instinct told her that if people in Albania were happy to see films about people pissing on each other, they probably would be at home. Her concept of “Golden Showers” was developing. “Perhaps we could get guests to show how far they can piss. Have sort of pissing games you know for accuracy and volume. Have a compére who would always have urine stains on her dress. Show people pissing in public places. And show snippets of these films in the program.” “Well, I wouldn’t want to watch it,” asserted Charlotte. “And I wouldn’t dream of appearing on it,” said Harriett. “The only reason you’re interested in this, Emma, is that there’s no sex in pissing and you don’t like sex.” “Yes, sweetness,” laughed Charlotte. “You could do the show and still be a virgin!” Emma blushed. “I’m sure you know well ...” Charlotte smothered Emma’s face with affectionate kisses. “Oh, you’re such a sweetie! I love you! I really love you! Please, please let me make love to you.” “No!” said Emma firmly, pleased to be in a position of power again. III Emma was at home more often than she used to be, so she met Harriett much more frequently than before. Harriett’s hours of work were determined by the demands of her job which varied considerably from both week to week and from day to day. Generally, Harriett was as likely to be at home during the day as in the evening or weekend. Emma returned from visiting a video company she’d been investigating. This company made sex cartoon films, which concentrated on a set of standard characters with rather exaggerated sexual characteristics. This included a woman with 80 inch breasts, a man with a twenty-four inch prick, a woman with buttocks she could bounce on and so on. Sex cartoons were able to deal with subjects which a Four X station would be able to screen with less worry than if they contained real people, but Emma was worried about the suitability of bestiality and child sex displayed in some of them. Her biggest concern was with the rape cartoons, where violent rape was somehow disguised as comedy. When she got home, she was surprised to find Harriett in the living room sitting on the sofa with her head in her hands and to hear small sobs come from her. Harriett was normally so cheerful, so this was especially strange. Emma threw off Charlottes’s overcoat, ran over to Harriett and put her arm round her shoulder. “What’s wrong?” she asked, studying Harriett’s tear-streaked face. “Nothing,” sniffed Harriett. “Nothing.” “Don’t be silly!” Emma said. “There must be something.” “It’s work,” Harriett admitted. “Yes?” “You know that we’ve got this Three X rating and my work would have to change...” “...Yes.” “...and I’ve got to make love with a woman, and ... and now I’ve been told that I’m going to have to do it soon ... and I’ve been trying to say I can’t ... but it’s my job and I don’t want to lose it ... but I don’t know if I can ...” “But you can make love with a woman can’t you?” wondered Emma who’d watched so much lesbian sex on research videos recently and of course had also helped to organise such activities for breakfast television. “Well no!” said Harriett. “I’ve never done so ... and I don’t think I could ... especially with cameras on me ... I’m just not like that.” “Neither am I,” sniffed Emma. “But I’m sure you can make love with a woman without it meaning very much.” “But it’s different when it’s with men. You don’t know. You don’t do it, but if you enjoy making love you can at least concentrate on that and not the cameras or anything ... and I’m going to do that soon.” “But Harriett ... I’m sure you can do it,” said Emma reassuringly, hugging Harriett’s shoulders. Harriett sniffed, but started weeping again. “I don’t think I can,” she sobbed. “I can’t! I can’t!” “Can I help in any way?” wondered Emma with a surge of affection for Harriett. “In what way? You’re not a lesbian!” “Isn’t that better? Perhaps if I were not a lesbian, it’d be better. Perhaps we could pretend and perhaps it will be better for you.” “Do you mean make love with you?” “Of course not!” said Emma, genuinely shocked. “But we could sort of masturbate together and feel each other. That’s not sex. And I certainly don’t want sex. But perhaps it’ll make it easier for you when you have to do it at work.” “Are you serious, Emma?” said Harriett who had stopped crying. “You don’t mind?” “Well, it won’t be sex, will it?” “Shall I take my clothes off?” “Of course,” smiled Emma, who of course wasn’t wearing anything anyway. Harriett quickly pulled off the nylon shorts and jersey she always wore. As Harriett removed them, Emma thought with a sudden jump in her breast that this was in fact the first time after all these months of living in the same flat that she’d ever seen Harriett naked. Even when she had a bath, she wore a towel around her. It was curious that Harriett must have got very used to seeing Emma and Charlotte without clothes. Emma had seen Harriett on television with no clothes making love, but somehow that was not the same as being in the same room as her. Harriett had a very athletic body, with medium to small breasts, a taut stomach, and slim buttocks and thighs. “What do we do?” asked Emma uneasily. “Touch ourselves,” said Harriett. “Nothing more.” At first this was very awkward, as the two girls touched and stroked each other’s bodies and occasionally kissed each other on the cheek or the shoulder. Emma put her head on Harriett’s stomach and put her tongue into Harriett’s navel. “That’s nice,” said Harriett appreciatively. More emboldened, Emma started licking Harriett’s skin and Harriett reciprocated. They continued like this for ever such a long time. “It’s not making love, is it?” wondered Emma. “We’re not lesbians. How can it be?” “Should we masturbate?” “Only if it feels right.” “Maybe it does,” answered Emma who placed her fingers on her clitoris and stroked and worried it while kissing and stroking Harriett, who smiled and watched Emma’s fingers moving in and out, up and down. “I’ve never seen a woman do that before.” “I’ve only seen Charlotte do it, but I try not to watch.” Emma and Harriett were playing together for several hours of masturbating and stroking each other, kissing themselves, but nothing sexual, no tongue kissing, nothing like that. They were still experimenting when Charlotte came home. She stood at the door of the living room, still in her clothes which she’d not taken off and watched in growing horror as she established first what was going on and who the two naked girls were. She then released a cry of pain and sobbed uncontrollably. Emma and Harriett hadn’t noticed Charlotte arrive and were totally startled. They stopped what they were doing, and Emma ran over to comfort Charlotte. “What’s wrong?” she asked trying to put her arm round Charlotte’s shoulders. “You know exactly what’s wrong. It’s me who loves you. I’m the one that loves you. I want to make love with you. I love you so much it hurts. But you make love with Harriett who can make love to as many people as she likes. I love you so much it hurts.” “But it’s not what you think...” Emma tried to explain. “Harriett’s just practising for her television program. Neither of us are lesbian, so it’s not the real thing.” “So, if you’re not lesbian it’s all right is it?” sobbed Charlotte. “So if you love someone you are made to feel so frustrated that your heart aches with a hurt you can’t describe. You think about that person every day, and your mood changes with every smile and rebuke of that person. You feel a pain that won’t go away. But if you don’t love someone, you can have sex with that person all the time.” “Don’t be silly, Charlotte,” rejoined Harriett. “We’re not lovers and we haven’t been making love.” “You’re my best friend Charlotte,” reassured Emma. “Our friendship isn’t to do with sex. Nor is my friendship with Harriett to do with sex.” “It looks like sex to me!” sobbed Charlotte who ran into her room. She threw herself on the bed, and fully clothed she stayed there crying and sobbing all night. Harriett, who tactfully put her clothes back on, and Emma tried to console her but to no avail. “I’m the one who loves you,” repeated Charlotte. “Why don’t you return my love.” “But Charlotte, I’m not a lesbian. How could I love you except as a friend?” A few days later, Emma was again at home wading through a pile of videos in the series of Hollywood Sex Classics. These were essentially old classic films such as Casablanca, Gone With the Wind, The Wizard of Oz and Citizen Kane which had extra scenes added to them to gain a Four X certification. This was achieved mostly by computer graphics and it worked by taking a scene in the film where there was any love interest and considerably extending it. So in a film such as Gone With The Wind in any scene where the two main characters might be kissing, the faces and other features would then be, by computer emulation, superimposed on footage of some porn actors and actresses indulging in full sex so that it would seem that Cary Grant, Greta Garbo or Lauren Bacall were the characters doing so. In Wizard of Oz this produced a scene where Dorothy had full carnal knowledge of the Scarecrow and of the Wicked Witch of the North. Emma found all this faintly amusing. It was strange to imagine ET having such a massive sexual organ and even more strange to see such a young child apparently enjoying it. It was strange to see Humphrey Bogart having sex with so many different women. It was perhaps a little shocking to see the Seven Dwarfs take turns with Snow White or to see Luke Skywalker have anal intercourse with Princess Leia. However, for practical purposes the issue was really whether or not the films infringed any copyright laws ﷓ though in most cases the copyrights had expired many years before. Emma had just got to the part in a Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers film where the two pulled off their clothes and fucked in front of some delighted onlookers when she became aware that Harriett had come in. “Hello,” she greeted, “How’s your day been?” “Nothing special,” Harriett answered coming over to Emma and putting her arms around Emma’s shoulders in a friendly way. “What are you watching now. Not more Tap Dancing with dicks?” “I’m afraid so,” laughed Emma turning her head round. She was a little surprised to see that Harriett wasn’t wearing any clothes, but she supposed


5 Gay Erotic Stories from Bradley Stoke

Emma, Part 1

I It is Breakfast Time and Television Screens throughout the country are tuned to Arouse Yourself on the Cable Television Station Harlot TV, just one of the many Sex TV Stations available. Harlot TV is a Three X classified station, which means that it is considered responsible enough to broadcast Hard Core Porn, but hasn’t yet got a Four X classification allowing it to go to the very

Emma, Part 2

XVII It wasn’t often that Emma ever went out shopping. Normally she ordered her groceries or whatever by television: selecting items displayed on the screen and getting her account automatically debited. But it wasn’t always possible to get everything you wanted that way, and so, despite her reluctance to wear any kind of clothing, she set off during her lunch time to visit the

Emma, Part 3

XXV Amna wasn’t sure how she felt when she received her letter from Sextasy Stars telling her that she’d been successful in the audition and asking her when she could start coming in for rehearsals and script for the film. When she learnt that Susan had also been accepted for a rôle in the film, however, she decided, perhaps recklessly, that it was a well-paid job which she’d be

Emma, The Conclusion

XLVII The shock of losing Maisie hit Emma harder than she could have ever imagined. She lost the will to get up in the morning, to care for herself, and even to go to work. Every venture into the world beyond her house was a struggle. She hated the looks she got from other people, and imagined that everyone was aware of her loss, whereas, of course, most people were simply trying

People Are Strange

People are strange, thought Moss as he watched Laura and Sylvia on the divan, kissing each other’s naked bodies, wearing only their high stiletto heels. All around them were other people, mostly men, two with video cameras, one carrying the lighting rig, and the producer who was gesturing meaningfully at his colleagues as the filming went on. Only moments before, after ad-libbed


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